// stdafx.h : Includedatei für Standardsystem-Includedateien // oder häufig verwendete projektspezifische Includedateien, // die nur in unregelmäßigen Abständen geändert werden. // #pragma once #include "targetver.h" #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Selten verwendete Teile der Windows-Header nicht einbinden. // Windows-Headerdateien: #include #include #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define DEBUGOUTA(x) OutputDebugStringA(x); #define DEBUGOUT(x) OutputDebugString(x); #define DEBUGOUT_T(x) OutputDebugString(__T(x)); #else #define DEBUGOUTA(x); #define DEBUGOUT(x) #define DEBUGOUT_T(x) #endif #define MIRANDA_VER 0x0800 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include } #include "dllmain.h" #include "language.h" #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" #include "svcs_menu.h" #include "svcs_proto.h" #include "svcs_srmm.h" #include "resource.h" #include "otr.h" #include "icons.h" #include "dialogs.h" // modified manual policy - so that users set to 'opportunistic' will automatically start OTR with users set to 'manual' #define OTRL_POLICY_MANUAL_MOD (OTRL_POLICY_MANUAL | OTRL_POLICY_WHITESPACE_START_AKE | OTRL_POLICY_ERROR_START_AKE) // {030F37D6-DD32-434d-BC64-5B6541EB9299} static const MUUID MIID_OTR = { 0x30f37d6, 0xdd32, 0x434d, { 0xbc, 0x64, 0x5b, 0x65, 0x41, 0xeb, 0x92, 0x99 } }; #ifdef _UNICODE // {12D8FAAD-78AB-4e3c-9854-320E9EA5CC9F} static const MUUID MIID_OTRPLUGIN = { 0x12d8faad, 0x78ab, 0x4e3c, { 0x98, 0x54, 0x32, 0xe, 0x9e, 0xa5, 0xcc, 0x9f } }; #else // {16E2E7B0-D398-4ea8-A5CC-A0F3689C7608} static const MUUID MIID_OTRPLUGIN = { 0x16e2e7b0, 0xd398, 0x4ea8, { 0xa5, 0xcc, 0xa0, 0xf3, 0x68, 0x9c, 0x76, 0x8 } }; #endif #define MODULENAME "MirOTR" #define MS_OTR_MENUSTART MODULENAME"/Start" #define MS_OTR_MENUSTOP MODULENAME"/Stop" #define PREF_BYPASS_OTR 0x8000 #define PREF_NO_HISTORY 0x10000 #define SIZEOF(X) (sizeof(X)/sizeof(X[0])) // TODO: Hier auf zusätzliche Header, die das Programm erfordert, verweisen.