path: root/include
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2015-05-12 21:28:06 +0000
committerGeorge Hazan <>2015-05-12 21:28:06 +0000
commita4f715971c8c0f5be8f8fcc8678c7dd57cab0f8e (patch)
tree4bca82393f90685c3c9b3a0420745cf24bd84e28 /include
parentb3742e87f4003a80c13ece74264397b6c137096b (diff)
- CCtrlData::OnChange moved to CCtrlBase, because almost all controls can send change notifications;
- checkbox manager for CCtrlTreeView moved into the core, to remove Windows-dependent code from plugins; - MTREE_CHECKBOX & MTREE_DND flags introduced to turn on predefined behaviors of a tree control - typo fixed git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/include/m_gui.h b/include/m_gui.h
index 5b52c95840..c850d8c18b 100644
--- a/include/m_gui.h
+++ b/include/m_gui.h
@@ -338,11 +338,14 @@ public:
__forceinline HWND GetHwnd() const { return m_hwnd; }
__forceinline int GetCtrlId() const { return m_idCtrl; }
__forceinline CDlgBase *GetParent() { return m_parentWnd; }
+ __forceinline bool IsChanged() const { return m_bChanged; }
void Enable(int bIsEnable = true);
__forceinline void Disable() { Enable(false); }
BOOL Enabled(void) const;
+ void NotifyChange();
LRESULT SendMsg(UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void SetText(const TCHAR *text);
@@ -367,8 +370,10 @@ public:
virtual void OnInit();
virtual void OnDestroy();
- virtual void OnApply() {}
- virtual void OnReset() {}
+ virtual void OnApply();
+ virtual void OnReset();
+ CCallback<CCtrlBase> OnChange;
static int cmp(const CCtrlBase *c1, const CCtrlBase *c2)
@@ -382,6 +387,7 @@ protected:
int m_idCtrl;
CCtrlBase* m_next;
CDlgBase* m_parentWnd;
+ bool m_bChanged;
virtual LRESULT CustomWndProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void Subclass();
@@ -447,52 +453,52 @@ class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlClc : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlClc(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId);
- void AddContact(MCONTACT hContact);
- void AddGroup(HANDLE hGroup);
- void AutoRebuild();
- void DeleteItem(HANDLE hItem);
- void EditLabel(HANDLE hItem);
- void EndEditLabel(bool save);
- void EnsureVisible(HANDLE hItem, bool partialOk);
- void Expand(HANDLE hItem, DWORD flags);
- HANDLE FindContact(MCONTACT hContact);
- HANDLE FindGroup(HANDLE hGroup);
- COLORREF GetBkColor();
- bool GetCheck(HANDLE hItem);
- int GetCount();
- HWND GetEditControl();
- DWORD GetExpand(HANDLE hItem);
- int GetExtraColumns();
- BYTE GetExtraImage(HANDLE hItem, int iColumn);
+ void AddContact(MCONTACT hContact);
+ void AddGroup(HANDLE hGroup);
+ void AutoRebuild();
+ void DeleteItem(HANDLE hItem);
+ void EditLabel(HANDLE hItem);
+ void EndEditLabel(bool save);
+ void EnsureVisible(HANDLE hItem, bool partialOk);
+ void Expand(HANDLE hItem, DWORD flags);
+ HANDLE FindContact(MCONTACT hContact);
+ HANDLE FindGroup(HANDLE hGroup);
+ COLORREF GetBkColor();
+ bool GetCheck(HANDLE hItem);
+ int GetCount();
+ HWND GetEditControl();
+ DWORD GetExpand(HANDLE hItem);
+ int GetExtraColumns();
+ BYTE GetExtraImage(HANDLE hItem, int iColumn);
HIMAGELIST GetExtraImageList();
- HFONT GetFont(int iFontId);
- HANDLE GetSelection();
- HANDLE HitTest(int x, int y, DWORD *hitTest);
- void SelectItem(HANDLE hItem);
- void SetBkBitmap(DWORD mode, HBITMAP hBitmap);
- void SetBkColor(COLORREF clBack);
- void SetCheck(HANDLE hItem, bool check);
- void SetExtraColumns(int iColumns);
- void SetExtraImage(HANDLE hItem, int iColumn, int iImage);
- void SetExtraImageList(HIMAGELIST hImgList);
- void SetFont(int iFontId, HANDLE hFont, bool bRedraw);
- void SetIndent(int iIndent);
- void SetItemText(HANDLE hItem, char *szText);
- void SetHideEmptyGroups(bool state);
- void SetGreyoutFlags(DWORD flags);
- bool GetHideOfflineRoot();
- void SetHideOfflineRoot(bool state);
- void SetUseGroups(bool state);
- void SetOfflineModes(DWORD modes);
- DWORD GetExStyle();
- void SetExStyle(DWORD exStyle);
- int GetLefrMargin();
- void SetLeftMargin(int iMargin);
- int GetItemType(HANDLE hItem);
- HANDLE GetNextItem(HANDLE hItem, DWORD flags);
- COLORREF GetTextColot(int iFontId);
- void SetTextColor(int iFontId, COLORREF clText);
+ HFONT GetFont(int iFontId);
+ HANDLE GetSelection();
+ HANDLE HitTest(int x, int y, DWORD *hitTest);
+ void SelectItem(HANDLE hItem);
+ void SetBkBitmap(DWORD mode, HBITMAP hBitmap);
+ void SetBkColor(COLORREF clBack);
+ void SetCheck(HANDLE hItem, bool check);
+ void SetExtraColumns(int iColumns);
+ void SetExtraImage(HANDLE hItem, int iColumn, int iImage);
+ void SetExtraImageList(HIMAGELIST hImgList);
+ void SetFont(int iFontId, HANDLE hFont, bool bRedraw);
+ void SetIndent(int iIndent);
+ void SetItemText(HANDLE hItem, char *szText);
+ void SetHideEmptyGroups(bool state);
+ void SetGreyoutFlags(DWORD flags);
+ bool GetHideOfflineRoot();
+ void SetHideOfflineRoot(bool state);
+ void SetUseGroups(bool state);
+ void SetOfflineModes(DWORD modes);
+ DWORD GetExStyle();
+ void SetExStyle(DWORD exStyle);
+ int GetLefrMargin();
+ void SetLeftMargin(int iMargin);
+ int GetItemType(HANDLE hItem);
+ HANDLE GetNextItem(HANDLE hItem, DWORD flags);
+ COLORREF GetTextColor(int iFontId);
+ void SetTextColor(int iFontId, COLORREF clText);
struct TEventInfo
@@ -514,7 +520,7 @@ public:
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnClick;
- BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
+ virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
@@ -526,13 +532,7 @@ class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlData : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlData(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId);
- virtual ~CCtrlData()
- {
- if (m_dbLink) delete m_dbLink;
- }
- __inline bool IsChanged() const { return m_changed; }
+ virtual ~CCtrlData();
void CreateDbLink(const char* szModuleName, const char* szSetting, BYTE type, DWORD iValue);
void CreateDbLink(const char* szModuleName, const char* szSetting, TCHAR* szValue);
@@ -540,14 +540,8 @@ public:
virtual void OnInit();
- // Events
- CCallback<CCtrlData> OnChange;
CDataLink *m_dbLink;
- bool m_changed;
- void NotifyChange();
__inline BYTE GetDataType() { return m_dbLink ? m_dbLink->GetDataType() : DBVT_DELETED; }
__inline DWORD LoadInt() { return m_dbLink ? m_dbLink->LoadInt() : 0; }
@@ -565,20 +559,10 @@ class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlCheck : public CCtrlData
CCtrlCheck(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId);
- virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD /*idCode*/) { NotifyChange(); return TRUE; }
- virtual void OnInit()
- {
- CSuper::OnInit();
- OnReset();
- }
- virtual void OnApply()
- {
- SaveInt(GetState());
- }
- virtual void OnReset()
- {
- SetState(LoadInt());
- }
+ virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD /*idCode*/);
+ virtual void OnApply();
+ virtual void OnReset();
int GetState();
void SetState(int state);
@@ -593,38 +577,10 @@ class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlEdit : public CCtrlData
CCtrlEdit(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId);
- virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD idCode)
- {
- if (idCode == EN_CHANGE)
- NotifyChange();
- return TRUE;
- }
- virtual void OnInit()
- {
- CSuper::OnInit();
- OnReset();
- }
- virtual void OnApply()
- {
- if (GetDataType() == DBVT_TCHAR)
- {
- int len = GetWindowTextLength(m_hwnd) + 1;
- TCHAR *buf = (TCHAR *)_alloca(sizeof(TCHAR) * len);
- GetWindowText(m_hwnd, buf, len);
- SaveText(buf);
- }
- else if (GetDataType() != DBVT_DELETED)
- {
- SaveInt(GetInt());
- }
- }
- virtual void OnReset()
- {
- if (GetDataType() == DBVT_TCHAR)
- SetText(LoadText());
- else if (GetDataType() != DBVT_DELETED)
- SetInt(LoadInt());
- }
+ virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD idCode);
+ virtual void OnApply();
+ virtual void OnReset();
@@ -675,49 +631,10 @@ class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlCombo : public CCtrlData
CCtrlCombo(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId);
- virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD idCode)
- {
- switch (idCode)
- {
- case CBN_CLOSEUP: OnCloseup(this); break;
- case CBN_DROPDOWN: OnDropdown(this); break;
- NotifyChange();
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- virtual void OnInit()
- {
- CSuper::OnInit();
- OnReset();
- }
- virtual void OnApply()
- {
- if (GetDataType() == DBVT_TCHAR)
- {
- int len = GetWindowTextLength(m_hwnd) + 1;
- TCHAR *buf = (TCHAR *)_alloca(sizeof(TCHAR) * len);
- GetWindowText(m_hwnd, buf, len);
- SaveText(buf);
- }
- else if (GetDataType() != DBVT_DELETED)
- {
- SaveInt(GetInt());
- }
- }
- virtual void OnReset()
- {
- if (GetDataType() == DBVT_TCHAR)
- SetText(LoadText());
- else if (GetDataType() != DBVT_DELETED)
- SetInt(LoadInt());
- }
+ virtual BOOL OnCommand(HWND /*hwndCtrl*/, WORD /*idCtrl*/, WORD idCode);
+ virtual void OnInit();
+ virtual void OnApply();
+ virtual void OnReset();
// Control interface
int AddString(const TCHAR *text, LPARAM data = 0);
@@ -754,147 +671,136 @@ public:
CCtrlListView(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId);
// Classic LV interface
- DWORD ApproximateViewRect(int cx, int cy, int iCount);
- void Arrange(UINT code);
- void CancelEditLabel();
+ DWORD ApproximateViewRect(int cx, int cy, int iCount);
+ void Arrange(UINT code);
+ void CancelEditLabel();
HIMAGELIST CreateDragImage(int iItem, LPPOINT lpptUpLeft);
- void DeleteAllItems();
- void DeleteColumn(int iCol);
- void DeleteItem(int iItem);
- HWND EditLabel(int iItem);
- int EnableGroupView(BOOL fEnable);
- BOOL EnsureVisible(int i, BOOL fPartialOK);
- int FindItem(int iStart, const LVFINDINFO *plvfi);
- COLORREF GetBkColor();
- void GetBkImage(LPLVBKIMAGE plvbki);
- UINT GetCallbackMask();
- BOOL GetCheckState(UINT iIndex);
- void GetColumn(int iCol, LPLVCOLUMN pcol);
- void GetColumnOrderArray(int iCount, int *lpiArray);
- int GetColumnWidth(int iCol);
- int GetCountPerPage();
- HWND GetEditControl();
- //void GetEmptyText(PWSTR pszText, UINT cchText);
- DWORD GetExtendedListViewStyle();
- INT GetFocusedGroup();
- //void GetFooterInfo(LVFOOTERINFO *plvfi);
- //void GetFooterItem(UINT iItem, LVFOOTERITEM *pfi);
- //void GetFooterItemRect(UINT iItem, RECT *prc);
- //void GetFooterRect(RECT *prc);
- int GetGroupCount();
- //HIMAGELIST GetGroupHeaderImageList();
- void GetGroupInfo(int iGroupId, PLVGROUP pgrp);
- void GetGroupInfoByIndex(int iIndex, PLVGROUP pgrp);
- void GetGroupMetrics(LVGROUPMETRICS *pGroupMetrics);
- //BOOL GetGroupRect(int iGroupId, RECT *prc);
- UINT GetGroupState(UINT dwGroupId, UINT dwMask);
- HWND GetHeader();
- HCURSOR GetHotCursor();
- INT GetHotItem();
- DWORD GetHoverTime();
+ void DeleteAllItems();
+ void DeleteColumn(int iCol);
+ void DeleteItem(int iItem);
+ HWND EditLabel(int iItem);
+ int EnableGroupView(BOOL fEnable);
+ BOOL EnsureVisible(int i, BOOL fPartialOK);
+ int FindItem(int iStart, const LVFINDINFO *plvfi);
+ COLORREF GetBkColor();
+ void GetBkImage(LPLVBKIMAGE plvbki);
+ UINT GetCallbackMask();
+ BOOL GetCheckState(UINT iIndex);
+ void GetColumn(int iCol, LPLVCOLUMN pcol);
+ void GetColumnOrderArray(int iCount, int *lpiArray);
+ int GetColumnWidth(int iCol);
+ int GetCountPerPage();
+ HWND GetEditControl();
+ DWORD GetExtendedListViewStyle();
+ INT GetFocusedGroup();
+ int GetGroupCount();
+ void GetGroupInfo(int iGroupId, PLVGROUP pgrp);
+ void GetGroupInfoByIndex(int iIndex, PLVGROUP pgrp);
+ void GetGroupMetrics(LVGROUPMETRICS *pGroupMetrics);
+ UINT GetGroupState(UINT dwGroupId, UINT dwMask);
+ HWND GetHeader();
+ HCURSOR GetHotCursor();
+ INT GetHotItem();
+ DWORD GetHoverTime();
HIMAGELIST GetImageList(int iImageList);
- BOOL GetInsertMark(LVINSERTMARK *plvim);
- COLORREF GetInsertMarkColor();
- int GetInsertMarkRect(LPRECT prc);
- BOOL GetISearchString(LPSTR lpsz);
- void GetItem(LPLVITEM pitem);
- int GetItemCount();
- //void GetItemIndexRect(LVITEMINDEX *plvii, LONG iSubItem, LONG code, LPRECT prc);
- void GetItemPosition(int i, POINT *ppt);
- void GetItemRect(int i, RECT *prc, int code);
- DWORD GetItemSpacing(BOOL fSmall);
- UINT GetItemState(int i, UINT mask);
- void GetItemText(int iItem, int iSubItem, LPTSTR pszText, int cchTextMax);
- int GetNextItem(int iStart, UINT flags);
- //BOOL GetNextItemIndex(LVITEMINDEX *plvii, LPARAM flags);
- BOOL GetNumberOfWorkAreas(LPUINT lpuWorkAreas);
- BOOL GetOrigin(LPPOINT lpptOrg);
- COLORREF GetOutlineColor();
- UINT GetSelectedColumn();
- UINT GetSelectedCount();
- INT GetSelectionMark();
- int GetStringWidth(LPCSTR psz);
- BOOL GetSubItemRect(int iItem, int iSubItem, int code, LPRECT lpRect);
- COLORREF GetTextBkColor();
- COLORREF GetTextColor();
- void GetTileInfo(PLVTILEINFO plvtinfo);
- void GetTileViewInfo(PLVTILEVIEWINFO plvtvinfo);
- HWND GetToolTips();
- int GetTopIndex();
- BOOL GetUnicodeFormat();
- DWORD GetView();
- BOOL GetViewRect(RECT *prc);
- void GetWorkAreas(INT nWorkAreas, LPRECT lprc);
- BOOL HasGroup(int dwGroupId);
- int HitTest(LPLVHITTESTINFO pinfo);
- int HitTestEx(LPLVHITTESTINFO pinfo);
- int InsertColumn(int iCol, const LPLVCOLUMN pcol);
- int InsertGroup(int index, PLVGROUP pgrp);
- void InsertGroupSorted(PLVINSERTGROUPSORTED structInsert);
- int InsertItem(const LPLVITEM pitem);
- BOOL InsertMarkHitTest(LPPOINT point, LVINSERTMARK *plvim);
- BOOL IsGroupViewEnabled();
- UINT IsItemVisible(UINT index);
- UINT MapIDToIndex(UINT id);
- UINT MapIndexToID(UINT index);
- BOOL RedrawItems(int iFirst, int iLast);
- void RemoveAllGroups();
- int RemoveGroup(int iGroupId);
- BOOL Scroll(int dx, int dy);
- BOOL SetBkColor(COLORREF clrBk);
- BOOL SetBkImage(LPLVBKIMAGE plvbki);
- BOOL SetCallbackMask(UINT mask);
- void SetCheckState(UINT iIndex, BOOL fCheck);
- BOOL SetColumn(int iCol, LPLVCOLUMN pcol);
- BOOL SetColumnOrderArray(int iCount, int *lpiArray);
- BOOL SetColumnWidth(int iCol, int cx);
- void SetExtendedListViewStyle(DWORD dwExStyle);
- void SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(DWORD dwExMask, DWORD dwExStyle);
- //HIMAGELIST SetGroupHeaderImageList(HIMAGELIST himl);
- int SetGroupInfo(int iGroupId, PLVGROUP pgrp);
- void SetGroupMetrics(PLVGROUPMETRICS pGroupMetrics);
- void SetGroupState(UINT dwGroupId, UINT dwMask, UINT dwState);
- HCURSOR SetHotCursor(HCURSOR hCursor);
- INT SetHotItem(INT iIndex);
- void SetHoverTime(DWORD dwHoverTime);
- DWORD SetIconSpacing(int cx, int cy);
+ BOOL GetInsertMark(LVINSERTMARK *plvim);
+ COLORREF GetInsertMarkColor();
+ int GetInsertMarkRect(LPRECT prc);
+ BOOL GetISearchString(LPSTR lpsz);
+ void GetItem(LPLVITEM pitem);
+ int GetItemCount();
+ void GetItemPosition(int i, POINT *ppt);
+ void GetItemRect(int i, RECT *prc, int code);
+ DWORD GetItemSpacing(BOOL fSmall);
+ UINT GetItemState(int i, UINT mask);
+ void GetItemText(int iItem, int iSubItem, LPTSTR pszText, int cchTextMax);
+ int GetNextItem(int iStart, UINT flags);
+ BOOL GetNumberOfWorkAreas(LPUINT lpuWorkAreas);
+ BOOL GetOrigin(LPPOINT lpptOrg);
+ COLORREF GetOutlineColor();
+ UINT GetSelectedColumn();
+ UINT GetSelectedCount();
+ INT GetSelectionMark();
+ int GetStringWidth(LPCSTR psz);
+ BOOL GetSubItemRect(int iItem, int iSubItem, int code, LPRECT lpRect);
+ COLORREF GetTextBkColor();
+ COLORREF GetTextColor();
+ void GetTileInfo(PLVTILEINFO plvtinfo);
+ void GetTileViewInfo(PLVTILEVIEWINFO plvtvinfo);
+ HWND GetToolTips();
+ int GetTopIndex();
+ BOOL GetUnicodeFormat();
+ DWORD GetView();
+ BOOL GetViewRect(RECT *prc);
+ void GetWorkAreas(INT nWorkAreas, LPRECT lprc);
+ BOOL HasGroup(int dwGroupId);
+ int HitTest(LPLVHITTESTINFO pinfo);
+ int HitTestEx(LPLVHITTESTINFO pinfo);
+ int InsertColumn(int iCol, const LPLVCOLUMN pcol);
+ int InsertGroup(int index, PLVGROUP pgrp);
+ void InsertGroupSorted(PLVINSERTGROUPSORTED structInsert);
+ int InsertItem(const LPLVITEM pitem);
+ BOOL InsertMarkHitTest(LPPOINT point, LVINSERTMARK *plvim);
+ BOOL IsGroupViewEnabled();
+ UINT IsItemVisible(UINT index);
+ UINT MapIDToIndex(UINT id);
+ UINT MapIndexToID(UINT index);
+ BOOL RedrawItems(int iFirst, int iLast);
+ void RemoveAllGroups();
+ int RemoveGroup(int iGroupId);
+ BOOL Scroll(int dx, int dy);
+ BOOL SetBkColor(COLORREF clrBk);
+ BOOL SetBkImage(LPLVBKIMAGE plvbki);
+ BOOL SetCallbackMask(UINT mask);
+ void SetCheckState(UINT iIndex, BOOL fCheck);
+ BOOL SetColumn(int iCol, LPLVCOLUMN pcol);
+ BOOL SetColumnOrderArray(int iCount, int *lpiArray);
+ BOOL SetColumnWidth(int iCol, int cx);
+ void SetExtendedListViewStyle(DWORD dwExStyle);
+ void SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(DWORD dwExMask, DWORD dwExStyle);
+ int SetGroupInfo(int iGroupId, PLVGROUP pgrp);
+ void SetGroupMetrics(PLVGROUPMETRICS pGroupMetrics);
+ void SetGroupState(UINT dwGroupId, UINT dwMask, UINT dwState);
+ HCURSOR SetHotCursor(HCURSOR hCursor);
+ INT SetHotItem(INT iIndex);
+ void SetHoverTime(DWORD dwHoverTime);
+ DWORD SetIconSpacing(int cx, int cy);
HIMAGELIST SetImageList(HIMAGELIST himl, int iImageList);
- BOOL SetInfoTip(PLVSETINFOTIP plvSetInfoTip);
- BOOL SetInsertMark(LVINSERTMARK *plvim);
- COLORREF SetInsertMarkColor(COLORREF color);
- BOOL SetItem(const LPLVITEM pitem);
- void SetItemCount(int cItems);
- void SetItemCountEx(int cItems, DWORD dwFlags);
- //HRESULT SetItemIndexState(LVITEMINDEX *plvii, UINT data, UINT mask);
- BOOL SetItemPosition(int i, int x, int y);
- void SetItemPosition32(int iItem, int x, int y);
- void SetItemState(int i, UINT state, UINT mask);
- void SetItemText(int i, int iSubItem, TCHAR *pszText);
- COLORREF SetOutlineColor(COLORREF color);
- void SetSelectedColumn(int iCol);
- INT SetSelectionMark(INT iIndex);
- BOOL SetTextBkColor(COLORREF clrText);
- BOOL SetTextColor(COLORREF clrText);
- BOOL SetTileInfo(PLVTILEINFO plvtinfo);
- BOOL SetTileViewInfo(PLVTILEVIEWINFO plvtvinfo);
- HWND SetToolTips(HWND ToolTip);
- BOOL SetUnicodeFormat(BOOL fUnicode);
- int SetView(DWORD iView);
- void SetWorkAreas(INT nWorkAreas, LPRECT lprc);
- int SortGroups(PFNLVGROUPCOMPARE pfnGroupCompare, LPVOID plv);
- BOOL SortItems(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParamSort);
- BOOL SortItemsEx(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParamSort);
- INT SubItemHitTestEx(LPLVHITTESTINFO plvhti);
- BOOL Update(int iItem);
+ BOOL SetInfoTip(PLVSETINFOTIP plvSetInfoTip);
+ BOOL SetInsertMark(LVINSERTMARK *plvim);
+ COLORREF SetInsertMarkColor(COLORREF color);
+ BOOL SetItem(const LPLVITEM pitem);
+ void SetItemCount(int cItems);
+ void SetItemCountEx(int cItems, DWORD dwFlags);
+ BOOL SetItemPosition(int i, int x, int y);
+ void SetItemPosition32(int iItem, int x, int y);
+ void SetItemState(int i, UINT state, UINT mask);
+ void SetItemText(int i, int iSubItem, TCHAR *pszText);
+ COLORREF SetOutlineColor(COLORREF color);
+ void SetSelectedColumn(int iCol);
+ INT SetSelectionMark(INT iIndex);
+ BOOL SetTextBkColor(COLORREF clrText);
+ BOOL SetTextColor(COLORREF clrText);
+ BOOL SetTileInfo(PLVTILEINFO plvtinfo);
+ BOOL SetTileViewInfo(PLVTILEVIEWINFO plvtvinfo);
+ HWND SetToolTips(HWND ToolTip);
+ BOOL SetUnicodeFormat(BOOL fUnicode);
+ int SetView(DWORD iView);
+ void SetWorkAreas(INT nWorkAreas, LPRECT lprc);
+ int SortGroups(PFNLVGROUPCOMPARE pfnGroupCompare, LPVOID plv);
+ BOOL SortItems(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParamSort);
+ BOOL SortItemsEx(PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParamSort);
+ INT SubItemHitTestEx(LPLVHITTESTINFO plvhti);
+ BOOL Update(int iItem);
// Additional APIs
HIMAGELIST CreateImageList(int iImageList);
- void AddColumn(int iSubItem, TCHAR *name, int cx);
- void AddGroup(int iGroupId, TCHAR *name);
- int AddItem(TCHAR *text, int iIcon, LPARAM lParam = 0, int iGroupId = -1);
- void SetItem(int iItem, int iSubItem, TCHAR *text, int iIcon = -1);
- LPARAM GetItemData(int iItem);
+ void AddColumn(int iSubItem, TCHAR *name, int cx);
+ void AddGroup(int iGroupId, TCHAR *name);
+ int AddItem(TCHAR *text, int iIcon, LPARAM lParam = 0, int iGroupId = -1);
+ void SetItem(int iItem, int iSubItem, TCHAR *text, int iIcon = -1);
+ LPARAM GetItemData(int iItem);
// Events
struct TEventInfo {
@@ -916,15 +822,12 @@ public:
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnBeginRDrag;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnBeginScroll;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnColumnClick;
- //CCallback<TEventInfo> OnColumnDropdown;
- //CCallback<TEventInfo> OnColumnOverflowClick;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnDeleteAllItems;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnDeleteItem;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnDoubleClick;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnEndLabelEdit;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnEndScroll;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnGetDispInfo;
- //CCallback<TEventInfo> OnGetEmptyMarkup;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnGetInfoTip;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnHotTrack;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnIncrementalSearch;
@@ -933,12 +836,11 @@ public:
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnItemChanged;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnItemChanging;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnKeyDown;
- //CCallback<TEventInfo> OnLinkClick;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnMarqueeBegin;
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnSetDispInfo;
- BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
+ virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
@@ -947,6 +849,9 @@ protected:
#undef GetNextSibling
#undef GetPrevSibling
+#define MTREE_CHECKBOX 0x0001
+#define MTREE_DND 0x0002
class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlTreeView : public CCtrlBase
typedef CCtrlBase CSuper;
@@ -954,6 +859,8 @@ class MIR_CORE_EXPORT CCtrlTreeView : public CCtrlBase
CCtrlTreeView(CDlgBase *dlg, int ctrlId);
+ void SetFlags(uint32_t dwFlags); // MTREE_* combination
// Classic TV interface
void DeleteAllItems();
@@ -1020,16 +927,17 @@ public:
HTREEITEM FindNamedItem(HTREEITEM hItem, const TCHAR *name);
void GetItem(HTREEITEM hItem, TVITEMEX *tvi);
void GetItem(HTREEITEM hItem, TVITEMEX *tvi, TCHAR *szText, int iTextLength);
+ void InvertCheck(HTREEITEM hItem);
// Events
struct TEventInfo {
CCtrlTreeView *treeviewctrl;
union {
- NMHDR *nmhdr;
- NMTVKEYDOWN *nmtvkey;
+ NMHDR *nmhdr;
+ NMTVKEYDOWN *nmtvkey;
@@ -1049,7 +957,17 @@ public:
CCallback<TEventInfo> OnSingleExpand;
- BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
+ virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
+ union {
+ uint32_t m_dwFlags;
+ struct {
+ bool m_bDndEnabled : 1;
+ bool m_bDragging : 1;
+ bool m_bCheckBox : 1;
+ };
+ };
+ HTREEITEM m_hDragItem; // valid if m_bDragging == true
@@ -1069,7 +987,7 @@ public:
- BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
+ virtual BOOL OnNotify(int idCtrl, NMHDR *pnmh);
void OnInit();
void OnDestroy();