path: root/libs/hunspell/src/affixmgr.cxx
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2016-01-31 16:14:52 +0000
committerGeorge Hazan <>2016-01-31 16:14:52 +0000
commit5707c6b2b1eafbf38ee7c14f39e42c2280d294ea (patch)
treecefc6ec223a91562809b3a885cbde5b44f4fc798 /libs/hunspell/src/affixmgr.cxx
parent62767bfaf7f7fb988b826da797463545db14b3b5 (diff)
smaller unifired project for hunspell
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/hunspell/src/affixmgr.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 5128 deletions
diff --git a/libs/hunspell/src/affixmgr.cxx b/libs/hunspell/src/affixmgr.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index d21ff49573..0000000000
--- a/libs/hunspell/src/affixmgr.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5128 +0,0 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Hunspell, based on MySpell.
- *
- * The Initial Developers of the Original Code are
- * Kevin Hendricks (MySpell) and Németh László (Hunspell).
- * Portions created by the Initial Developers are Copyright (C) 2002-2005
- * the Initial Developers. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s): David Einstein, Davide Prina, Giuseppe Modugno,
- * Gianluca Turconi, Simon Brouwer, Noll János, Bíró Árpád,
- * Goldman Eleonóra, Sarlós Tamás, Bencsáth Boldizsár, Halácsy Péter,
- * Dvornik László, Gefferth András, Nagy Viktor, Varga Dániel, Chris Halls,
- * Rene Engelhard, Bram Moolenaar, Dafydd Jones, Harri Pitkänen
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- * Copyright 2002 Kevin B. Hendricks, Stratford, Ontario, Canada
- * And Contributors. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * 3. All modifications to the source code must be clearly marked as
- * such. Binary redistributions based on modified source code
- * must be clearly marked as modified versions in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits>
-#include <vector>
-#include "affixmgr.hxx"
-#include "affentry.hxx"
-#include "langnum.hxx"
-#include "csutil.hxx"
-AffixMgr::AffixMgr(const char* affpath,
- HashMgr** ptr,
- int* md,
- const char* key) {
- // register hash manager and load affix data from aff file
- pHMgr = ptr[0];
- alldic = ptr;
- maxdic = md;
- keystring = NULL;
- trystring = NULL;
- encoding = NULL;
- csconv = NULL;
- utf8 = 0;
- complexprefixes = 0;
- maptable = NULL;
- nummap = 0;
- breaktable = NULL;
- numbreak = -1;
- reptable = NULL;
- numrep = 0;
- iconvtable = NULL;
- oconvtable = NULL;
- checkcpdtable = NULL;
- // allow simplified compound forms (see 3rd field of CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN)
- simplifiedcpd = 0;
- numcheckcpd = 0;
- defcpdtable = NULL;
- numdefcpd = 0;
- phone = NULL;
- compoundflag = FLAG_NULL; // permits word in compound forms
- compoundbegin = FLAG_NULL; // may be first word in compound forms
- compoundmiddle = FLAG_NULL; // may be middle word in compound forms
- compoundend = FLAG_NULL; // may be last word in compound forms
- compoundroot = FLAG_NULL; // compound word signing flag
- compoundpermitflag = FLAG_NULL; // compound permitting flag for suffixed word
- compoundforbidflag = FLAG_NULL; // compound fordidden flag for suffixed word
- compoundmoresuffixes = 0; // allow more suffixes within compound words
- checkcompounddup = 0; // forbid double words in compounds
- checkcompoundrep = 0; // forbid bad compounds (may be non compound word with
- // a REP substitution)
- checkcompoundcase =
- 0; // forbid upper and lowercase combinations at word bounds
- checkcompoundtriple = 0; // forbid compounds with triple letters
- simplifiedtriple = 0; // allow simplified triple letters in compounds
- // (Schiff+fahrt -> Schiffahrt)
- forbiddenword = FORBIDDENWORD; // forbidden word signing flag
- nosuggest = FLAG_NULL; // don't suggest words signed with NOSUGGEST flag
- nongramsuggest = FLAG_NULL;
- lang = NULL; // language
- langnum = 0; // language code (see
- needaffix = FLAG_NULL; // forbidden root, allowed only with suffixes
- cpdwordmax = -1; // default: unlimited wordcount in compound words
- cpdmin = -1; // undefined
- cpdmaxsyllable = 0; // default: unlimited syllablecount in compound words
- cpdvowels = NULL; // vowels (for calculating of Hungarian compounding limit,
- // O(n) search! XXX)
- cpdvowels_utf16 =
- NULL; // vowels for UTF-8 encoding (bsearch instead of O(n) search)
- cpdvowels_utf16_len = 0; // vowels
- pfxappnd = NULL; // previous prefix for counting syllables of the prefix BUG
- sfxappnd = NULL; // previous suffix for counting syllables of the suffix BUG
- sfxextra = 0; // modifier for syllable count of sfxappnd BUG
- cpdsyllablenum = NULL; // syllable count incrementing flag
- checknum = 0; // checking numbers, and word with numbers
- wordchars = NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
- wordchars_utf16 = NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
- wordchars_utf16_len = 0; // letters + spec. word characters
- ignorechars = NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
- ignorechars_utf16 = NULL; // letters + spec. word characters
- ignorechars_utf16_len = 0; // letters + spec. word characters
- version = NULL; // affix and dictionary file version string
- havecontclass = 0; // flags of possible continuing classes (double affix)
- // LEMMA_PRESENT: not put root into the morphological output. Lemma presents
- // in morhological description in dictionary file. It's often combined with
- lemma_present = FLAG_NULL;
- circumfix = FLAG_NULL;
- onlyincompound = FLAG_NULL;
- maxngramsugs = -1; // undefined
- maxdiff = -1; // undefined
- onlymaxdiff = 0;
- maxcpdsugs = -1; // undefined
- nosplitsugs = 0;
- sugswithdots = 0;
- keepcase = 0;
- forceucase = 0;
- warn = 0;
- forbidwarn = 0;
- checksharps = 0;
- substandard = FLAG_NULL;
- fullstrip = 0;
- sfx = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- for (int i = 0; i < SETSIZE; i++) {
- pStart[i] = NULL;
- sStart[i] = NULL;
- pFlag[i] = NULL;
- sFlag[i] = NULL;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < CONTSIZE; j++) {
- contclasses[j] = 0;
- }
- if (parse_file(affpath, key)) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "Failure loading aff file %s\n", affpath);
- }
- if (cpdmin == -1)
- cpdmin = MINCPDLEN;
-AffixMgr::~AffixMgr() {
- // pass through linked prefix entries and clean up
- for (int i = 0; i < SETSIZE; i++) {
- pFlag[i] = NULL;
- PfxEntry* ptr = pStart[i];
- PfxEntry* nptr = NULL;
- while (ptr) {
- nptr = ptr->getNext();
- delete (ptr);
- ptr = nptr;
- nptr = NULL;
- }
- }
- // pass through linked suffix entries and clean up
- for (int j = 0; j < SETSIZE; j++) {
- sFlag[j] = NULL;
- SfxEntry* ptr = sStart[j];
- SfxEntry* nptr = NULL;
- while (ptr) {
- nptr = ptr->getNext();
- delete (ptr);
- ptr = nptr;
- nptr = NULL;
- }
- sStart[j] = NULL;
- }
- if (keystring)
- free(keystring);
- keystring = NULL;
- if (trystring)
- free(trystring);
- trystring = NULL;
- if (encoding)
- free(encoding);
- encoding = NULL;
- if (maptable) {
- for (int j = 0; j < nummap; j++) {
- for (int k = 0; k < maptable[j].len; k++) {
- if (maptable[j].set[k])
- free(maptable[j].set[k]);
- }
- free(maptable[j].set);
- maptable[j].set = NULL;
- maptable[j].len = 0;
- }
- free(maptable);
- maptable = NULL;
- }
- nummap = 0;
- if (breaktable) {
- for (int j = 0; j < numbreak; j++) {
- if (breaktable[j])
- free(breaktable[j]);
- breaktable[j] = NULL;
- }
- free(breaktable);
- breaktable = NULL;
- }
- numbreak = 0;
- if (reptable) {
- for (int j = 0; j < numrep; j++) {
- free(reptable[j].pattern);
- free(reptable[j].pattern2);
- }
- free(reptable);
- reptable = NULL;
- }
- if (iconvtable)
- delete iconvtable;
- if (oconvtable)
- delete oconvtable;
- if (phone && phone->rules) {
- for (int j = 0; j < phone->num + 1; j++) {
- free(phone->rules[j * 2]);
- free(phone->rules[j * 2 + 1]);
- }
- free(phone->rules);
- free(phone);
- phone = NULL;
- }
- if (defcpdtable) {
- for (int j = 0; j < numdefcpd; j++) {
- free(defcpdtable[j].def);
- defcpdtable[j].def = NULL;
- }
- free(defcpdtable);
- defcpdtable = NULL;
- }
- numrep = 0;
- if (checkcpdtable) {
- for (int j = 0; j < numcheckcpd; j++) {
- free(checkcpdtable[j].pattern);
- free(checkcpdtable[j].pattern2);
- free(checkcpdtable[j].pattern3);
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern = NULL;
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern2 = NULL;
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern3 = NULL;
- }
- free(checkcpdtable);
- checkcpdtable = NULL;
- }
- numcheckcpd = 0;
- FREE_FLAG(compoundflag);
- FREE_FLAG(compoundbegin);
- FREE_FLAG(compoundmiddle);
- FREE_FLAG(compoundend);
- FREE_FLAG(compoundpermitflag);
- FREE_FLAG(compoundforbidflag);
- FREE_FLAG(compoundroot);
- FREE_FLAG(forbiddenword);
- FREE_FLAG(nosuggest);
- FREE_FLAG(nongramsuggest);
- FREE_FLAG(needaffix);
- FREE_FLAG(lemma_present);
- FREE_FLAG(circumfix);
- FREE_FLAG(onlyincompound);
- cpdwordmax = 0;
- pHMgr = NULL;
- cpdmin = 0;
- cpdmaxsyllable = 0;
- if (cpdvowels)
- free(cpdvowels);
- if (cpdvowels_utf16)
- free(cpdvowels_utf16);
- if (cpdsyllablenum)
- free(cpdsyllablenum);
- free_utf_tbl();
- if (lang)
- free(lang);
- if (wordchars)
- free(wordchars);
- if (wordchars_utf16)
- free(wordchars_utf16);
- if (ignorechars)
- free(ignorechars);
- if (ignorechars_utf16)
- free(ignorechars_utf16);
- if (version)
- free(version);
- checknum = 0;
- delete[] csconv;
-void AffixMgr::finishFileMgr(FileMgr* afflst) {
- delete afflst;
- // convert affix trees to sorted list
- process_pfx_tree_to_list();
- process_sfx_tree_to_list();
-// read in aff file and build up prefix and suffix entry objects
-int AffixMgr::parse_file(const char* affpath, const char* key) {
- char* line; // io buffers
- char ft; // affix type
- // checking flag duplication
- char dupflags[CONTSIZE];
- char dupflags_ini = 1;
- // first line indicator for removing byte order mark
- int firstline = 1;
- // open the affix file
- FileMgr* afflst = new FileMgr(affpath, key);
- if (!afflst) {
- stderr, "error: could not open affix description file %s\n", affpath);
- return 1;
- }
- // step one is to parse the affix file building up the internal
- // affix data structures
- // read in each line ignoring any that do not
- // start with a known line type indicator
- while ((line = afflst->getline()) != NULL) {
- mychomp(line);
- /* remove byte order mark */
- if (firstline) {
- firstline = 0;
- // Affix file begins with byte order mark: possible incompatibility with
- // old Hunspell versions
- if (strncmp(line, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) == 0) {
- memmove(line, line + 3, strlen(line + 3) + 1);
- }
- }
- /* parse in the keyboard string */
- if (strncmp(line, "KEY", 3) == 0) {
- if (parse_string(line, &keystring, afflst->getlinenum())) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the try string */
- if (strncmp(line, "TRY", 3) == 0) {
- if (parse_string(line, &trystring, afflst->getlinenum())) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the name of the character set used by the .dict and .aff */
- if (strncmp(line, "SET", 3) == 0) {
- if (parse_string(line, &encoding, afflst->getlinenum())) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- if (strcmp(encoding, "UTF-8") == 0) {
- utf8 = 1;
- if (initialize_utf_tbl()) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* parse COMPLEXPREFIXES for agglutinative languages with right-to-left
- * writing system */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPLEXPREFIXES", 15) == 0)
- complexprefixes = 1;
- /* parse in the flag used by the controlled compound words */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDFLAG", 12) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundflag, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by compound words */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDBEGIN", 13) == 0) {
- if (complexprefixes) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundend, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundbegin, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by compound words */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDMIDDLE", 14) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundmiddle, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by compound words */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDEND", 11) == 0) {
- if (complexprefixes) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundbegin, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundend, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* parse in the data used by compound_check() method */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDWORDMAX", 15) == 0) {
- if (parse_num(line, &cpdwordmax, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag sign compounds in dictionary */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDROOT", 12) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundroot, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by compound_check() method */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG", 18) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundpermitflag, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by compound_check() method */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG", 18) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &compoundforbidflag, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDMORESUFFIXES", 20) == 0) {
- compoundmoresuffixes = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "CHECKCOMPOUNDDUP", 16) == 0) {
- checkcompounddup = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "CHECKCOMPOUNDREP", 16) == 0) {
- checkcompoundrep = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "CHECKCOMPOUNDTRIPLE", 19) == 0) {
- checkcompoundtriple = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "SIMPLIFIEDTRIPLE", 16) == 0) {
- simplifiedtriple = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "CHECKCOMPOUNDCASE", 17) == 0) {
- checkcompoundcase = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "NOSUGGEST", 9) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &nosuggest, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "NONGRAMSUGGEST", 14) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &nongramsuggest, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by forbidden words */
- if (strncmp(line, "FORBIDDENWORD", 13) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &forbiddenword, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by forbidden words */
- if (strncmp(line, "LEMMA_PRESENT", 13) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &lemma_present, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by circumfixes */
- if (strncmp(line, "CIRCUMFIX", 9) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &circumfix, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by fogemorphemes */
- if (strncmp(line, "ONLYINCOMPOUND", 14) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &onlyincompound, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by `needaffixs' */
- if (strncmp(line, "PSEUDOROOT", 10) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &needaffix, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by `needaffixs' */
- if (strncmp(line, "NEEDAFFIX", 9) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &needaffix, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the minimal length for words in compounds */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDMIN", 11) == 0) {
- if (parse_num(line, &cpdmin, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- if (cpdmin < 1)
- cpdmin = 1;
- }
- /* parse in the max. words and syllables in compounds */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDSYLLABLE", 16) == 0) {
- if (parse_cpdsyllable(line, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by compound_check() method */
- if (strncmp(line, "SYLLABLENUM", 11) == 0) {
- if (parse_string(line, &cpdsyllablenum, afflst->getlinenum())) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by the controlled compound words */
- if (strncmp(line, "CHECKNUM", 8) == 0) {
- checknum = 1;
- }
- /* parse in the extra word characters */
- if (strncmp(line, "WORDCHARS", 9) == 0) {
- if (parse_array(line, &wordchars, &wordchars_utf16, &wordchars_utf16_len,
- utf8, afflst->getlinenum())) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the ignored characters (for example, Arabic optional diacretics
- * charachters */
- if (strncmp(line, "IGNORE", 6) == 0) {
- if (parse_array(line, &ignorechars, &ignorechars_utf16,
- &ignorechars_utf16_len, utf8, afflst->getlinenum())) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the typical fault correcting table */
- if (strncmp(line, "REP", 3) == 0) {
- if (parse_reptable(line, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the input conversion table */
- if (strncmp(line, "ICONV", 5) == 0) {
- if (parse_convtable(line, afflst, &iconvtable, "ICONV")) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the input conversion table */
- if (strncmp(line, "OCONV", 5) == 0) {
- if (parse_convtable(line, afflst, &oconvtable, "OCONV")) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the phonetic translation table */
- if (strncmp(line, "PHONE", 5) == 0) {
- if (parse_phonetable(line, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the checkcompoundpattern table */
- if (strncmp(line, "CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN", 20) == 0) {
- if (parse_checkcpdtable(line, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the defcompound table */
- if (strncmp(line, "COMPOUNDRULE", 12) == 0) {
- if (parse_defcpdtable(line, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the related character map table */
- if (strncmp(line, "MAP", 3) == 0) {
- if (parse_maptable(line, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the word breakpoints table */
- if (strncmp(line, "BREAK", 5) == 0) {
- if (parse_breaktable(line, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the language for language specific codes */
- if (strncmp(line, "LANG", 4) == 0) {
- if (parse_string(line, &lang, afflst->getlinenum())) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- langnum = get_lang_num(lang);
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "VERSION", 7) == 0) {
- for (line = line + 7; *line == ' ' || *line == '\t'; line++)
- ;
- version = mystrdup(line);
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "MAXNGRAMSUGS", 12) == 0) {
- if (parse_num(line, &maxngramsugs, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "ONLYMAXDIFF", 11) == 0)
- onlymaxdiff = 1;
- if (strncmp(line, "MAXDIFF", 7) == 0) {
- if (parse_num(line, &maxdiff, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "MAXCPDSUGS", 10) == 0) {
- if (parse_num(line, &maxcpdsugs, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "NOSPLITSUGS", 11) == 0) {
- nosplitsugs = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "FULLSTRIP", 9) == 0) {
- fullstrip = 1;
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "SUGSWITHDOTS", 12) == 0) {
- sugswithdots = 1;
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by forbidden words */
- if (strncmp(line, "KEEPCASE", 8) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &keepcase, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by `forceucase' */
- if (strncmp(line, "FORCEUCASE", 10) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &forceucase, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by `warn' */
- if (strncmp(line, "WARN", 4) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &warn, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "FORBIDWARN", 10) == 0) {
- forbidwarn = 1;
- }
- /* parse in the flag used by the affix generator */
- if (strncmp(line, "SUBSTANDARD", 11) == 0) {
- if (parse_flag(line, &substandard, afflst)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- if (strncmp(line, "CHECKSHARPS", 11) == 0) {
- checksharps = 1;
- }
- /* parse this affix: P - prefix, S - suffix */
- ft = ' ';
- if (strncmp(line, "PFX", 3) == 0)
- ft = complexprefixes ? 'S' : 'P';
- if (strncmp(line, "SFX", 3) == 0)
- ft = complexprefixes ? 'P' : 'S';
- if (ft != ' ') {
- if (dupflags_ini) {
- memset(dupflags, 0, sizeof(dupflags));
- dupflags_ini = 0;
- }
- if (parse_affix(line, ft, afflst, dupflags)) {
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- finishFileMgr(afflst);
- // affix trees are sorted now
- // now we can speed up performance greatly taking advantage of the
- // relationship between the affixes and the idea of "subsets".
- // View each prefix as a potential leading subset of another and view
- // each suffix (reversed) as a potential trailing subset of another.
- // To illustrate this relationship if we know the prefix "ab" is found in the
- // word to examine, only prefixes that "ab" is a leading subset of need be
- // examined.
- // Furthermore is "ab" is not present then none of the prefixes that "ab" is
- // is a subset need be examined.
- // The same argument goes for suffix string that are reversed.
- // Then to top this off why not examine the first char of the word to quickly
- // limit the set of prefixes to examine (i.e. the prefixes to examine must
- // be leading supersets of the first character of the word (if they exist)
- // To take advantage of this "subset" relationship, we need to add two links
- // from entry. One to take next if the current prefix is found (call it
- // nexteq)
- // and one to take next if the current prefix is not found (call it nextne).
- // Since we have built ordered lists, all that remains is to properly
- // initialize
- // the nextne and nexteq pointers that relate them
- process_pfx_order();
- process_sfx_order();
- /* get encoding for CHECKCOMPOUNDCASE */
- if (!utf8) {
- char* enc = get_encoding();
- csconv = get_current_cs(enc);
- free(enc);
- enc = NULL;
- std::string expw;
- if (wordchars) {
- expw.assign(wordchars);
- free(wordchars);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++) {
- if ((csconv[i].cupper != csconv[i].clower) &&
- (expw.find((char)i) == std::string::npos)) {
- expw.push_back((char)i);
- }
- }
- wordchars = mystrdup(expw.c_str());
- }
- // default BREAK definition
- if (numbreak == -1) {
- breaktable = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 3);
- if (!breaktable)
- return 1;
- breaktable[0] = mystrdup("-");
- breaktable[1] = mystrdup("^-");
- breaktable[2] = mystrdup("-$");
- if (breaktable[0] && breaktable[1] && breaktable[2])
- numbreak = 3;
- }
- return 0;
-// we want to be able to quickly access prefix information
-// both by prefix flag, and sorted by prefix string itself
-// so we need to set up two indexes
-int AffixMgr::build_pfxtree(PfxEntry* pfxptr) {
- PfxEntry* ptr;
- PfxEntry* pptr;
- PfxEntry* ep = pfxptr;
- // get the right starting points
- const char* key = ep->getKey();
- const unsigned char flg = (unsigned char)(ep->getFlag() & 0x00FF);
- // first index by flag which must exist
- ptr = pFlag[flg];
- ep->setFlgNxt(ptr);
- pFlag[flg] = ep;
- // handle the special case of null affix string
- if (strlen(key) == 0) {
- // always inset them at head of list at element 0
- ptr = pStart[0];
- ep->setNext(ptr);
- pStart[0] = ep;
- return 0;
- }
- // now handle the normal case
- ep->setNextEQ(NULL);
- ep->setNextNE(NULL);
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)key);
- ptr = pStart[sp];
- // handle the first insert
- if (!ptr) {
- pStart[sp] = ep;
- return 0;
- }
- // otherwise use binary tree insertion so that a sorted
- // list can easily be generated later
- pptr = NULL;
- for (;;) {
- pptr = ptr;
- if (strcmp(ep->getKey(), ptr->getKey()) <= 0) {
- ptr = ptr->getNextEQ();
- if (!ptr) {
- pptr->setNextEQ(ep);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- ptr = ptr->getNextNE();
- if (!ptr) {
- pptr->setNextNE(ep);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// we want to be able to quickly access suffix information
-// both by suffix flag, and sorted by the reverse of the
-// suffix string itself; so we need to set up two indexes
-int AffixMgr::build_sfxtree(SfxEntry* sfxptr) {
- SfxEntry* ptr;
- SfxEntry* pptr;
- SfxEntry* ep = sfxptr;
- /* get the right starting point */
- const char* key = ep->getKey();
- const unsigned char flg = (unsigned char)(ep->getFlag() & 0x00FF);
- // first index by flag which must exist
- ptr = sFlag[flg];
- ep->setFlgNxt(ptr);
- sFlag[flg] = ep;
- // next index by affix string
- // handle the special case of null affix string
- if (strlen(key) == 0) {
- // always inset them at head of list at element 0
- ptr = sStart[0];
- ep->setNext(ptr);
- sStart[0] = ep;
- return 0;
- }
- // now handle the normal case
- ep->setNextEQ(NULL);
- ep->setNextNE(NULL);
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)key);
- ptr = sStart[sp];
- // handle the first insert
- if (!ptr) {
- sStart[sp] = ep;
- return 0;
- }
- // otherwise use binary tree insertion so that a sorted
- // list can easily be generated later
- pptr = NULL;
- for (;;) {
- pptr = ptr;
- if (strcmp(ep->getKey(), ptr->getKey()) <= 0) {
- ptr = ptr->getNextEQ();
- if (!ptr) {
- pptr->setNextEQ(ep);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- ptr = ptr->getNextNE();
- if (!ptr) {
- pptr->setNextNE(ep);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// convert from binary tree to sorted list
-int AffixMgr::process_pfx_tree_to_list() {
- for (int i = 1; i < SETSIZE; i++) {
- pStart[i] = process_pfx_in_order(pStart[i], NULL);
- }
- return 0;
-PfxEntry* AffixMgr::process_pfx_in_order(PfxEntry* ptr, PfxEntry* nptr) {
- if (ptr) {
- nptr = process_pfx_in_order(ptr->getNextNE(), nptr);
- ptr->setNext(nptr);
- nptr = process_pfx_in_order(ptr->getNextEQ(), ptr);
- }
- return nptr;
-// convert from binary tree to sorted list
-int AffixMgr::process_sfx_tree_to_list() {
- for (int i = 1; i < SETSIZE; i++) {
- sStart[i] = process_sfx_in_order(sStart[i], NULL);
- }
- return 0;
-SfxEntry* AffixMgr::process_sfx_in_order(SfxEntry* ptr, SfxEntry* nptr) {
- if (ptr) {
- nptr = process_sfx_in_order(ptr->getNextNE(), nptr);
- ptr->setNext(nptr);
- nptr = process_sfx_in_order(ptr->getNextEQ(), ptr);
- }
- return nptr;
-// reinitialize the PfxEntry links NextEQ and NextNE to speed searching
-// using the idea of leading subsets this time
-int AffixMgr::process_pfx_order() {
- PfxEntry* ptr;
- // loop through each prefix list starting point
- for (int i = 1; i < SETSIZE; i++) {
- ptr = pStart[i];
- // look through the remainder of the list
- // and find next entry with affix that
- // the current one is not a subset of
- // mark that as destination for NextNE
- // use next in list that you are a subset
- // of as NextEQ
- for (; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->getNext()) {
- PfxEntry* nptr = ptr->getNext();
- for (; nptr != NULL; nptr = nptr->getNext()) {
- if (!isSubset(ptr->getKey(), nptr->getKey()))
- break;
- }
- ptr->setNextNE(nptr);
- ptr->setNextEQ(NULL);
- if ((ptr->getNext()) &&
- isSubset(ptr->getKey(), (ptr->getNext())->getKey()))
- ptr->setNextEQ(ptr->getNext());
- }
- // now clean up by adding smart search termination strings:
- // if you are already a superset of the previous prefix
- // but not a subset of the next, search can end here
- // so set NextNE properly
- ptr = pStart[i];
- for (; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->getNext()) {
- PfxEntry* nptr = ptr->getNext();
- PfxEntry* mptr = NULL;
- for (; nptr != NULL; nptr = nptr->getNext()) {
- if (!isSubset(ptr->getKey(), nptr->getKey()))
- break;
- mptr = nptr;
- }
- if (mptr)
- mptr->setNextNE(NULL);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// initialize the SfxEntry links NextEQ and NextNE to speed searching
-// using the idea of leading subsets this time
-int AffixMgr::process_sfx_order() {
- SfxEntry* ptr;
- // loop through each prefix list starting point
- for (int i = 1; i < SETSIZE; i++) {
- ptr = sStart[i];
- // look through the remainder of the list
- // and find next entry with affix that
- // the current one is not a subset of
- // mark that as destination for NextNE
- // use next in list that you are a subset
- // of as NextEQ
- for (; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->getNext()) {
- SfxEntry* nptr = ptr->getNext();
- for (; nptr != NULL; nptr = nptr->getNext()) {
- if (!isSubset(ptr->getKey(), nptr->getKey()))
- break;
- }
- ptr->setNextNE(nptr);
- ptr->setNextEQ(NULL);
- if ((ptr->getNext()) &&
- isSubset(ptr->getKey(), (ptr->getNext())->getKey()))
- ptr->setNextEQ(ptr->getNext());
- }
- // now clean up by adding smart search termination strings:
- // if you are already a superset of the previous suffix
- // but not a subset of the next, search can end here
- // so set NextNE properly
- ptr = sStart[i];
- for (; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->getNext()) {
- SfxEntry* nptr = ptr->getNext();
- SfxEntry* mptr = NULL;
- for (; nptr != NULL; nptr = nptr->getNext()) {
- if (!isSubset(ptr->getKey(), nptr->getKey()))
- break;
- mptr = nptr;
- }
- if (mptr)
- mptr->setNextNE(NULL);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// add flags to the result for dictionary debugging
-void AffixMgr::debugflag(char* result, unsigned short flag) {
- char* st = encode_flag(flag);
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, MORPH_FLAG, MAXLNLEN);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- }
-// add flags to the result for dictionary debugging
-std::string& AffixMgr::debugflag(std::string& result, unsigned short flag) {
- char* st = encode_flag(flag);
- result.append(" ");
- result.append(MORPH_FLAG);
- if (st) {
- result.append(st);
- free(st);
- }
- return result;
-// calculate the character length of the condition
-int AffixMgr::condlen(char* st) {
- int l = 0;
- bool group = false;
- for (; *st; st++) {
- if (*st == '[') {
- group = true;
- l++;
- } else if (*st == ']')
- group = false;
- else if (!group && (!utf8 || (!(*st & 0x80) || ((*st & 0xc0) == 0x80))))
- l++;
- }
- return l;
-int AffixMgr::encodeit(affentry& entry, char* cs) {
- if (strcmp(cs, ".") != 0) {
- entry.numconds = (char)condlen(cs);
- // coverity[buffer_size_warning] - deliberate use of lack of end of conds
- // padded by strncpy as long condition flag
- strncpy(entry.c.conds, cs, MAXCONDLEN);
- if (entry.c.conds[MAXCONDLEN - 1] && cs[MAXCONDLEN]) {
- entry.opts += aeLONGCOND;
- entry.c.l.conds2 = mystrdup(cs + MAXCONDLEN_1);
- if (!entry.c.l.conds2)
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- entry.numconds = 0;
- entry.c.conds[0] = '\0';
- }
- return 0;
-// return 1 if s1 is a leading subset of s2 (dots are for infixes)
-inline int AffixMgr::isSubset(const char* s1, const char* s2) {
- while (((*s1 == *s2) || (*s1 == '.')) && (*s1 != '\0')) {
- s1++;
- s2++;
- }
- return (*s1 == '\0');
-// check word for prefixes
-struct hentry* AffixMgr::prefix_check(const char* word,
- int len,
- char in_compound,
- const FLAG needflag) {
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- pfxappnd = NULL;
- sfxappnd = NULL;
- sfxextra = 0;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
- PfxEntry* pe = pStart[0];
- while (pe) {
- if (
- // fogemorpheme
- ((in_compound != IN_CPD_NOT) ||
- !(pe->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(pe->getCont(), onlyincompound, pe->getContLen())))) &&
- // permit prefixes in compounds
- ((in_compound != IN_CPD_END) ||
- (pe->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(pe->getCont(), compoundpermitflag, pe->getContLen()))))) {
- // check prefix
- rv = pe->checkword(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (rv) {
- pfx = pe; // BUG: pfx not stateless
- return rv;
- }
- }
- pe = pe->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)word);
- PfxEntry* pptr = pStart[sp];
- while (pptr) {
- if (isSubset(pptr->getKey(), word)) {
- if (
- // fogemorpheme
- ((in_compound != IN_CPD_NOT) ||
- !(pptr->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(pptr->getCont(), onlyincompound, pptr->getContLen())))) &&
- // permit prefixes in compounds
- ((in_compound != IN_CPD_END) ||
- (pptr->getCont() && (TESTAFF(pptr->getCont(), compoundpermitflag,
- pptr->getContLen()))))) {
- // check prefix
- rv = pptr->checkword(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (rv) {
- pfx = pptr; // BUG: pfx not stateless
- return rv;
- }
- }
- pptr = pptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- pptr = pptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-// check word for prefixes
-struct hentry* AffixMgr::prefix_check_twosfx(const char* word,
- int len,
- char in_compound,
- const FLAG needflag) {
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- sfxappnd = NULL;
- sfxextra = 0;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
- PfxEntry* pe = pStart[0];
- while (pe) {
- rv = pe->check_twosfx(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (rv)
- return rv;
- pe = pe->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)word);
- PfxEntry* pptr = pStart[sp];
- while (pptr) {
- if (isSubset(pptr->getKey(), word)) {
- rv = pptr->check_twosfx(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (rv) {
- pfx = pptr;
- return rv;
- }
- pptr = pptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- pptr = pptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-// check word for prefixes
-char* AffixMgr::prefix_check_morph(const char* word,
- int len,
- char in_compound,
- const FLAG needflag) {
- char* st;
- char result[MAXLNLEN];
- result[0] = '\0';
- pfx = NULL;
- sfxappnd = NULL;
- sfxextra = 0;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
- PfxEntry* pe = pStart[0];
- while (pe) {
- st = pe->check_morph(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- }
- // if (rv) return rv;
- pe = pe->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)word);
- PfxEntry* pptr = pStart[sp];
- while (pptr) {
- if (isSubset(pptr->getKey(), word)) {
- st = pptr->check_morph(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (st) {
- // fogemorpheme
- if ((in_compound != IN_CPD_NOT) ||
- !((pptr->getCont() && (TESTAFF(pptr->getCont(), onlyincompound,
- pptr->getContLen()))))) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- pfx = pptr;
- }
- free(st);
- }
- pptr = pptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- pptr = pptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- if (*result)
- return mystrdup(result);
- return NULL;
-// check word for prefixes
-char* AffixMgr::prefix_check_twosfx_morph(const char* word,
- int len,
- char in_compound,
- const FLAG needflag) {
- char* st;
- char result[MAXLNLEN];
- result[0] = '\0';
- pfx = NULL;
- sfxappnd = NULL;
- sfxextra = 0;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length prefixes
- PfxEntry* pe = pStart[0];
- while (pe) {
- st = pe->check_twosfx_morph(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- }
- pe = pe->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)word);
- PfxEntry* pptr = pStart[sp];
- while (pptr) {
- if (isSubset(pptr->getKey(), word)) {
- st = pptr->check_twosfx_morph(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- pfx = pptr;
- }
- pptr = pptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- pptr = pptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- if (*result)
- return mystrdup(result);
- return NULL;
-// Is word a non compound with a REP substitution (see checkcompoundrep)?
-int AffixMgr::cpdrep_check(const char* word, int wl) {
- const char* r;
- if ((wl < 2) || !numrep)
- return 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < numrep; i++) {
- r = word;
- int lenp = strlen(reptable[i].pattern);
- // search every occurence of the pattern in the word
- while ((r = strstr(r, reptable[i].pattern)) != NULL) {
- std::string candidate(word);
- candidate.replace(r - word, lenp, reptable[i].pattern2);
- if (candidate_check(candidate.c_str(), candidate.size()))
- return 1;
- r++; // search for the next letter
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// forbid compoundings when there are special patterns at word bound
-int AffixMgr::cpdpat_check(const char* word,
- int pos,
- hentry* r1,
- hentry* r2,
- const char /*affixed*/) {
- int len;
- for (int i = 0; i < numcheckcpd; i++) {
- if (isSubset(checkcpdtable[i].pattern2, word + pos) &&
- (!r1 || !checkcpdtable[i].cond ||
- (r1->astr && TESTAFF(r1->astr, checkcpdtable[i].cond, r1->alen))) &&
- (!r2 || !checkcpdtable[i].cond2 ||
- (r2->astr && TESTAFF(r2->astr, checkcpdtable[i].cond2, r2->alen))) &&
- // zero length pattern => only TESTAFF
- // zero pattern (0/flag) => unmodified stem (zero affixes allowed)
- (!*(checkcpdtable[i].pattern) ||
- ((*(checkcpdtable[i].pattern) == '0' && r1->blen <= pos &&
- strncmp(word + pos - r1->blen, r1->word, r1->blen) == 0) ||
- (*(checkcpdtable[i].pattern) != '0' &&
- ((len = strlen(checkcpdtable[i].pattern)) != 0) &&
- strncmp(word + pos - len, checkcpdtable[i].pattern, len) == 0)))) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-// forbid compounding with neighbouring upper and lower case characters at word
-// bounds
-int AffixMgr::cpdcase_check(const char* word, int pos) {
- if (utf8) {
- w_char u, w;
- const char* p;
- u8_u16(&u, 1, word + pos);
- for (p = word + pos - 1; (*p & 0xc0) == 0x80; p--)
- ;
- u8_u16(&w, 1, p);
- unsigned short a = (u.h << 8) + u.l;
- unsigned short b = (w.h << 8) + w.l;
- if (((unicodetoupper(a, langnum) == a) ||
- (unicodetoupper(b, langnum) == b)) &&
- (a != '-') && (b != '-'))
- return 1;
- } else {
- unsigned char a = *(word + pos - 1);
- unsigned char b = *(word + pos);
- if ((csconv[a].ccase || csconv[b].ccase) && (a != '-') && (b != '-'))
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-// check compound patterns
-int AffixMgr::defcpd_check(hentry*** words,
- short wnum,
- hentry* rv,
- hentry** def,
- char all) {
- signed short
- btpp[MAXWORDLEN]; // metacharacter (*, ?) positions for backtracking
- signed short btwp[MAXWORDLEN]; // word positions for metacharacters
- int btnum[MAXWORDLEN]; // number of matched characters in metacharacter
- // positions
- short bt = 0;
- int i, j;
- int ok;
- int w = 0;
- if (!*words) {
- w = 1;
- *words = def;
- }
- if (!*words) {
- return 0;
- }
- (*words)[wnum] = rv;
- // has the last word COMPOUNDRULE flag?
- if (rv->alen == 0) {
- (*words)[wnum] = NULL;
- if (w)
- *words = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- ok = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numdefcpd; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < defcpdtable[i].len; j++) {
- if (defcpdtable[i].def[j] != '*' && defcpdtable[i].def[j] != '?' &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, defcpdtable[i].def[j], rv->alen)) {
- ok = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ok == 0) {
- (*words)[wnum] = NULL;
- if (w)
- *words = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < numdefcpd; i++) {
- signed short pp = 0; // pattern position
- signed short wp = 0; // "words" position
- int ok2;
- ok = 1;
- ok2 = 1;
- do {
- while ((pp < defcpdtable[i].len) && (wp <= wnum)) {
- if (((pp + 1) < defcpdtable[i].len) &&
- ((defcpdtable[i].def[pp + 1] == '*') ||
- (defcpdtable[i].def[pp + 1] == '?'))) {
- int wend = (defcpdtable[i].def[pp + 1] == '?') ? wp : wnum;
- ok2 = 1;
- pp += 2;
- btpp[bt] = pp;
- btwp[bt] = wp;
- while (wp <= wend) {
- if (!(*words)[wp]->alen ||
- !TESTAFF((*words)[wp]->astr, defcpdtable[i].def[pp - 2],
- (*words)[wp]->alen)) {
- ok2 = 0;
- break;
- }
- wp++;
- }
- if (wp <= wnum)
- ok2 = 0;
- btnum[bt] = wp - btwp[bt];
- if (btnum[bt] > 0)
- bt++;
- if (ok2)
- break;
- } else {
- ok2 = 1;
- if (!(*words)[wp] || !(*words)[wp]->alen ||
- !TESTAFF((*words)[wp]->astr, defcpdtable[i].def[pp],
- (*words)[wp]->alen)) {
- ok = 0;
- break;
- }
- pp++;
- wp++;
- if ((defcpdtable[i].len == pp) && !(wp > wnum))
- ok = 0;
- }
- }
- if (ok && ok2) {
- int r = pp;
- while ((defcpdtable[i].len > r) && ((r + 1) < defcpdtable[i].len) &&
- ((defcpdtable[i].def[r + 1] == '*') ||
- (defcpdtable[i].def[r + 1] == '?')))
- r += 2;
- if (defcpdtable[i].len <= r)
- return 1;
- }
- // backtrack
- if (bt)
- do {
- ok = 1;
- btnum[bt - 1]--;
- pp = btpp[bt - 1];
- wp = btwp[bt - 1] + (signed short)btnum[bt - 1];
- } while ((btnum[bt - 1] < 0) && --bt);
- } while (bt);
- if (ok && ok2 && (!all || (defcpdtable[i].len <= pp)))
- return 1;
- // check zero ending
- while (ok && ok2 && (defcpdtable[i].len > pp) &&
- ((pp + 1) < defcpdtable[i].len) &&
- ((defcpdtable[i].def[pp + 1] == '*') ||
- (defcpdtable[i].def[pp + 1] == '?')))
- pp += 2;
- if (ok && ok2 && (defcpdtable[i].len <= pp))
- return 1;
- }
- (*words)[wnum] = NULL;
- if (w)
- *words = NULL;
- return 0;
-inline int AffixMgr::candidate_check(const char* word, int len) {
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- rv = lookup(word);
- if (rv)
- return 1;
- // rv = prefix_check(word,len,1);
- // if (rv) return 1;
- rv = affix_check(word, len);
- if (rv)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-// calculate number of syllable for compound-checking
-short AffixMgr::get_syllable(const char* word, int wlen) {
- if (cpdmaxsyllable == 0)
- return 0;
- short num = 0;
- if (!utf8) {
- for (int i = 0; i < wlen; i++) {
- if (strchr(cpdvowels, word[i]))
- num++;
- }
- } else if (cpdvowels_utf16) {
- w_char w[MAXWORDUTF8LEN];
- int i = u8_u16(w, MAXWORDUTF8LEN, word);
- for (; i > 0; i--) {
- if (flag_bsearch((unsigned short*)cpdvowels_utf16,
- ((unsigned short*)w)[i - 1], cpdvowels_utf16_len))
- num++;
- }
- }
- return num;
-void AffixMgr::setcminmax(int* cmin, int* cmax, const char* word, int len) {
- if (utf8) {
- int i;
- for (*cmin = 0, i = 0; (i < cpdmin) && word[*cmin]; i++) {
- for ((*cmin)++; (word[*cmin] & 0xc0) == 0x80; (*cmin)++)
- ;
- }
- for (*cmax = len, i = 0; (i < (cpdmin - 1)) && *cmax; i++) {
- for ((*cmax)--; (word[*cmax] & 0xc0) == 0x80; (*cmax)--)
- ;
- }
- } else {
- *cmin = cpdmin;
- *cmax = len - cpdmin + 1;
- }
-// check if compound word is correctly spelled
-// hu_mov_rule = spec. Hungarian rule (XXX)
-struct hentry* AffixMgr::compound_check(const char* word,
- int len,
- short wordnum,
- short numsyllable,
- short maxwordnum,
- short wnum,
- hentry** words = NULL,
- char hu_mov_rule = 0,
- char is_sug = 0,
- int* info = NULL) {
- int i;
- short oldnumsyllable, oldnumsyllable2, oldwordnum, oldwordnum2;
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- struct hentry* rv_first;
- struct hentry* rwords[MAXWORDLEN]; // buffer for COMPOUND pattern checking
- char st[MAXWORDUTF8LEN + 4];
- char ch = '\0';
- int cmin;
- int cmax;
- int striple = 0;
- int scpd = 0;
- int soldi = 0;
- int oldcmin = 0;
- int oldcmax = 0;
- int oldlen = 0;
- int checkedstriple = 0;
- int onlycpdrule;
- char affixed = 0;
- hentry** oldwords = words;
- int checked_prefix;
- setcminmax(&cmin, &cmax, word, len);
- strcpy(st, word);
- for (i = cmin; i < cmax; i++) {
- // go to end of the UTF-8 character
- if (utf8) {
- for (; (st[i] & 0xc0) == 0x80; i++)
- ;
- if (i >= cmax)
- return NULL;
- }
- words = oldwords;
- onlycpdrule = (words) ? 1 : 0;
- do { // onlycpdrule loop
- oldnumsyllable = numsyllable;
- oldwordnum = wordnum;
- checked_prefix = 0;
- do { // simplified checkcompoundpattern loop
- if (scpd > 0) {
- for (; scpd <= numcheckcpd &&
- (!checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern3 ||
- strncmp(word + i, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern3,
- strlen(checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern3)) != 0);
- scpd++)
- ;
- if (scpd > numcheckcpd)
- break; // break simplified checkcompoundpattern loop
- strcpy(st + i, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern);
- soldi = i;
- i += strlen(checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern);
- strcpy(st + i, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern2);
- strcpy(st + i + strlen(checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern2),
- word + soldi + strlen(checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern3));
- oldlen = len;
- len += strlen(checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern) +
- strlen(checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern2) -
- strlen(checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].pattern3);
- oldcmin = cmin;
- oldcmax = cmax;
- setcminmax(&cmin, &cmax, st, len);
- cmax = len - cpdmin + 1;
- }
- ch = st[i];
- st[i] = '\0';
- sfx = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- affixed = 1;
- rv = lookup(st); // perhaps without prefix
- // search homonym with compound flag
- while ((rv) && !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((needaffix && TESTAFF(rv->astr, needaffix, rv->alen)) ||
- !((compoundflag && !words && !onlycpdrule &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundbegin && !wordnum && !onlycpdrule &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundbegin, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundmiddle && wordnum && !words && !onlycpdrule &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundmiddle, rv->alen)) ||
- (numdefcpd && onlycpdrule &&
- ((!words && !wordnum &&
- defcpd_check(&words, wnum, rv, (hentry**)&rwords, 0)) ||
- (words &&
- defcpd_check(&words, wnum, rv, (hentry**)&rwords, 0))))) ||
- (scpd != 0 && checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond != FLAG_NULL &&
- !TESTAFF(rv->astr, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond, rv->alen)))) {
- rv = rv->next_homonym;
- }
- if (rv)
- affixed = 0;
- if (!rv) {
- if (onlycpdrule)
- break;
- if (compoundflag &&
- !(rv = prefix_check(st, i,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN,
- compoundflag))) {
- if (((rv = suffix_check(
- st, i, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, FLAG_NULL, compoundflag,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN)) ||
- (compoundmoresuffixes &&
- (rv = suffix_check_twosfx(st, i, 0, NULL, compoundflag)))) &&
- !hu_mov_rule && sfx->getCont() &&
- ((compoundforbidflag &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag,
- sfx->getContLen())) ||
- (compoundend &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundend, sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (rv ||
- (((wordnum == 0) && compoundbegin &&
- ((rv = suffix_check(
- st, i, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, FLAG_NULL, compoundbegin,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN)) ||
- (compoundmoresuffixes &&
- (rv = suffix_check_twosfx(
- st, i, 0, NULL,
- compoundbegin))) || // twofold suffixes + compound
- (rv = prefix_check(st, i,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN,
- compoundbegin)))) ||
- ((wordnum > 0) && compoundmiddle &&
- ((rv = suffix_check(
- st, i, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, FLAG_NULL, compoundmiddle,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN)) ||
- (compoundmoresuffixes &&
- (rv = suffix_check_twosfx(
- st, i, 0, NULL,
- compoundmiddle))) || // twofold suffixes + compound
- (rv = prefix_check(st, i,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN,
- compoundmiddle))))))
- checked_prefix = 1;
- // else check forbiddenwords and needaffix
- } else if (rv->astr && (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, needaffix, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen) ||
- (is_sug && nosuggest &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, nosuggest, rv->alen)))) {
- st[i] = ch;
- // continue;
- break;
- }
- // check non_compound flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) && !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag, pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag,
- sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- // check compoundend flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) && !checked_prefix && compoundend && !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundend, pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundend, sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- // check compoundmiddle flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) && !checked_prefix && (wordnum == 0) && compoundmiddle &&
- !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundmiddle, pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundmiddle, sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- // check forbiddenwords
- if ((rv) && (rv->astr) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen) ||
- (is_sug && nosuggest && TESTAFF(rv->astr, nosuggest, rv->alen)))) {
- return NULL;
- }
- // increment word number, if the second root has a compoundroot flag
- if ((rv) && compoundroot &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundroot, rv->alen))) {
- wordnum++;
- }
- // first word is acceptable in compound words?
- if (((rv) &&
- (checked_prefix || (words && words[wnum]) ||
- (compoundflag && TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- ((oldwordnum == 0) && compoundbegin &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundbegin, rv->alen)) ||
- ((oldwordnum > 0) && compoundmiddle &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundmiddle, rv->alen)) // ||
- // (numdefcpd && )
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- || ((langnum == LANG_hu) && hu_mov_rule &&
- rv->astr, 'F',
- rv->alen) || // XXX hardwired Hungarian dictionary codes
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'G', rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'H', rv->alen)))
- // END of LANG_hu section
- ) &&
- (
- // test CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN conditions
- scpd == 0 || checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond == FLAG_NULL ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond, rv->alen)) &&
- !((checkcompoundtriple && scpd == 0 &&
- !words && // test triple letters
- (word[i - 1] == word[i]) &&
- (((i > 1) && (word[i - 1] == word[i - 2])) ||
- ((word[i - 1] == word[i + 1])) // may be word[i+1] == '\0'
- )) ||
- (checkcompoundcase && scpd == 0 && !words &&
- cpdcase_check(word, i))))
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- || ((!rv) && (langnum == LANG_hu) && hu_mov_rule &&
- (rv = affix_check(st, i)) &&
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- ( // XXX hardwired Hungarian dic. codes
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), (unsigned short)'x',
- sfx->getContLen()) ||
- sfx->getCont(), (unsigned short)'%',
- sfx->getContLen()))))) { // first word is ok condition
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- if (langnum == LANG_hu) {
- // calculate syllable number of the word
- numsyllable += get_syllable(st, i);
- // + 1 word, if syllable number of the prefix > 1 (hungarian
- // convention)
- if (pfx && (get_syllable(pfx->getKey(), strlen(pfx->getKey())) > 1))
- wordnum++;
- }
- // END of LANG_hu section
- rv_first = rv;
- st[i] = ch;
- do { // striple loop
- // check simplifiedtriple
- if (simplifiedtriple) {
- if (striple) {
- checkedstriple = 1;
- i--; // check "fahrt" instead of "ahrt" in "Schiffahrt"
- } else if (i > 2 && *(word + i - 1) == *(word + i - 2))
- striple = 1;
- }
- rv = lookup((st + i)); // perhaps without prefix
- // search homonym with compound flag
- while ((rv) &&
- ((needaffix && TESTAFF(rv->astr, needaffix, rv->alen)) ||
- !((compoundflag && !words &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundend && !words &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundend, rv->alen)) ||
- (numdefcpd && words &&
- defcpd_check(&words, wnum + 1, rv, NULL, 1))) ||
- (scpd != 0 && checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond2 != FLAG_NULL &&
- !TESTAFF(rv->astr, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond2,
- rv->alen)))) {
- rv = rv->next_homonym;
- }
- // check FORCEUCASE
- if (rv && forceucase && (rv) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forceucase, rv->alen)) &&
- !(info && *info & SPELL_ORIGCAP))
- rv = NULL;
- if (rv && words && words[wnum + 1])
- return rv_first;
- oldnumsyllable2 = numsyllable;
- oldwordnum2 = wordnum;
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule, XXX hardwired dictionary
- // code
- if ((rv) && (langnum == LANG_hu) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'I', rv->alen)) &&
- !(TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'J', rv->alen))) {
- numsyllable--;
- }
- // END of LANG_hu section
- // increment word number, if the second root has a compoundroot flag
- if ((rv) && (compoundroot) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundroot, rv->alen))) {
- wordnum++;
- }
- // check forbiddenwords
- if ((rv) && (rv->astr) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen) ||
- (is_sug && nosuggest &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, nosuggest, rv->alen))))
- return NULL;
- // second word is acceptable, as a root?
- // hungarian conventions: compounding is acceptable,
- // when compound forms consist of 2 words, or if more,
- // then the syllable number of root words must be 6, or lesser.
- if ((rv) &&
- ((compoundflag && TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundend && TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundend, rv->alen))) &&
- (((cpdwordmax == -1) || (wordnum + 1 < cpdwordmax)) ||
- ((cpdmaxsyllable != 0) &&
- (numsyllable + get_syllable(HENTRY_WORD(rv), rv->clen) <=
- cpdmaxsyllable))) &&
- (
- !numcheckcpd || scpd != 0 ||
- !cpdpat_check(word, i, rv_first, rv, 0)) &&
- ((!checkcompounddup || (rv != rv_first)))
- // test CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN conditions
- &&
- (scpd == 0 || checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond2 == FLAG_NULL ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond2, rv->alen))) {
- // forbid compound word, if it is a non compound word with typical
- // fault
- if (checkcompoundrep && cpdrep_check(word, len))
- return NULL;
- return rv_first;
- }
- numsyllable = oldnumsyllable2;
- wordnum = oldwordnum2;
- // perhaps second word has prefix or/and suffix
- sfx = NULL;
- sfxflag = FLAG_NULL;
- rv = (compoundflag && !onlycpdrule)
- ? affix_check((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundflag,
- : NULL;
- if (!rv && compoundend && !onlycpdrule) {
- sfx = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- rv = affix_check((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundend,
- }
- if (!rv && numdefcpd && words) {
- rv = affix_check((word + i), strlen(word + i), 0, IN_CPD_END);
- if (rv && defcpd_check(&words, wnum + 1, rv, NULL, 1))
- return rv_first;
- rv = NULL;
- }
- // test CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN conditions (allowed forms)
- if (rv &&
- !(scpd == 0 || checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond2 == FLAG_NULL ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, checkcpdtable[scpd - 1].cond2, rv->alen)))
- rv = NULL;
- // test CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN conditions (forbidden compounds)
- if (rv && numcheckcpd && scpd == 0 &&
- cpdpat_check(word, i, rv_first, rv, affixed))
- rv = NULL;
- // check non_compound flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) && ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag,
- pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag,
- sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- // check FORCEUCASE
- if (rv && forceucase && (rv) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forceucase, rv->alen)) &&
- !(info && *info & SPELL_ORIGCAP))
- rv = NULL;
- // check forbiddenwords
- if ((rv) && (rv->astr) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen) ||
- (is_sug && nosuggest &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, nosuggest, rv->alen))))
- return NULL;
- // pfxappnd = prefix of word+i, or NULL
- // calculate syllable number of prefix.
- // hungarian convention: when syllable number of prefix is more,
- // than 1, the prefix+word counts as two words.
- if (langnum == LANG_hu) {
- // calculate syllable number of the word
- numsyllable += get_syllable(word + i, strlen(word + i));
- // - affix syllable num.
- // XXX only second suffix (inflections, not derivations)
- if (sfxappnd) {
- char* tmp = myrevstrdup(sfxappnd);
- numsyllable -= get_syllable(tmp, strlen(tmp)) + sfxextra;
- free(tmp);
- }
- // + 1 word, if syllable number of the prefix > 1 (hungarian
- // convention)
- if (pfx &&
- (get_syllable(pfx->getKey(), strlen(pfx->getKey())) > 1))
- wordnum++;
- // increment syllable num, if last word has a SYLLABLENUM flag
- // and the suffix is beginning `s'
- if (cpdsyllablenum) {
- switch (sfxflag) {
- case 'c': {
- numsyllable += 2;
- break;
- }
- case 'J': {
- numsyllable += 1;
- break;
- }
- case 'I': {
- if (rv && TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'J', rv->alen))
- numsyllable += 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // increment word number, if the second word has a compoundroot flag
- if ((rv) && (compoundroot) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundroot, rv->alen))) {
- wordnum++;
- }
- // second word is acceptable, as a word with prefix or/and suffix?
- // hungarian conventions: compounding is acceptable,
- // when compound forms consist 2 word, otherwise
- // the syllable number of root words is 6, or lesser.
- if ((rv) &&
- (((cpdwordmax == -1) || (wordnum + 1 < cpdwordmax)) ||
- ((cpdmaxsyllable != 0) && (numsyllable <= cpdmaxsyllable))) &&
- ((!checkcompounddup || (rv != rv_first)))) {
- // forbid compound word, if it is a non compound word with typical
- // fault
- if (checkcompoundrep && cpdrep_check(word, len))
- return NULL;
- return rv_first;
- }
- numsyllable = oldnumsyllable2;
- wordnum = oldwordnum2;
- // perhaps second word is a compound word (recursive call)
- if (wordnum < maxwordnum) {
- rv = compound_check((st + i), strlen(st + i), wordnum + 1,
- numsyllable, maxwordnum, wnum + 1, words, 0,
- is_sug, info);
- if (rv && numcheckcpd &&
- ((scpd == 0 &&
- cpdpat_check(word, i, rv_first, rv, affixed)) ||
- (scpd != 0 &&
- !cpdpat_check(word, i, rv_first, rv, affixed))))
- rv = NULL;
- } else {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- if (rv) {
- // forbid compound word, if it is a non compound word with typical
- // fault
- if (checkcompoundrep || forbiddenword) {
- struct hentry* rv2 = NULL;
- if (checkcompoundrep && cpdrep_check(word, len))
- return NULL;
- // check first part
- if (strncmp(rv->word, word + i, rv->blen) == 0) {
- char r = *(st + i + rv->blen);
- *(st + i + rv->blen) = '\0';
- if (checkcompoundrep && cpdrep_check(st, i + rv->blen)) {
- *(st + i + rv->blen) = r;
- continue;
- }
- if (forbiddenword) {
- rv2 = lookup(word);
- if (!rv2)
- rv2 = affix_check(word, len);
- if (rv2 && rv2->astr &&
- TESTAFF(rv2->astr, forbiddenword, rv2->alen) &&
- (strncmp(rv2->word, st, i + rv->blen) == 0)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- *(st + i + rv->blen) = r;
- }
- }
- return rv_first;
- }
- } while (striple && !checkedstriple); // end of striple loop
- if (checkedstriple) {
- i++;
- checkedstriple = 0;
- striple = 0;
- }
- } // first word is ok condition
- if (soldi != 0) {
- i = soldi;
- soldi = 0;
- len = oldlen;
- cmin = oldcmin;
- cmax = oldcmax;
- }
- scpd++;
- } while (!onlycpdrule && simplifiedcpd &&
- scpd <= numcheckcpd); // end of simplifiedcpd loop
- scpd = 0;
- wordnum = oldwordnum;
- numsyllable = oldnumsyllable;
- if (soldi != 0) {
- i = soldi;
- strcpy(st, word); // XXX add more optim.
- soldi = 0;
- } else
- st[i] = ch;
- } while (numdefcpd && oldwordnum == 0 &&
- onlycpdrule++ < 1); // end of onlycpd loop
- }
- return NULL;
-// check if compound word is correctly spelled
-// hu_mov_rule = spec. Hungarian rule (XXX)
-int AffixMgr::compound_check_morph(const char* word,
- int len,
- short wordnum,
- short numsyllable,
- short maxwordnum,
- short wnum,
- hentry** words,
- char hu_mov_rule = 0,
- char** result = NULL,
- char* partresult = NULL) {
- int i;
- short oldnumsyllable, oldnumsyllable2, oldwordnum, oldwordnum2;
- int ok = 0;
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- struct hentry* rv_first;
- struct hentry* rwords[MAXWORDLEN]; // buffer for COMPOUND pattern checking
- char st[MAXWORDUTF8LEN + 4];
- char ch;
- int checked_prefix;
- char presult[MAXLNLEN];
- int cmin;
- int cmax;
- int onlycpdrule;
- char affixed = 0;
- hentry** oldwords = words;
- setcminmax(&cmin, &cmax, word, len);
- strcpy(st, word);
- for (i = cmin; i < cmax; i++) {
- // go to end of the UTF-8 character
- if (utf8) {
- for (; (st[i] & 0xc0) == 0x80; i++)
- ;
- if (i >= cmax)
- return 0;
- }
- words = oldwords;
- onlycpdrule = (words) ? 1 : 0;
- do { // onlycpdrule loop
- oldnumsyllable = numsyllable;
- oldwordnum = wordnum;
- checked_prefix = 0;
- ch = st[i];
- st[i] = '\0';
- sfx = NULL;
- affixed = 1;
- *presult = '\0';
- if (partresult)
- mystrcat(presult, partresult, MAXLNLEN);
- rv = lookup(st); // perhaps without prefix
- // search homonym with compound flag
- while ((rv) && !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((needaffix && TESTAFF(rv->astr, needaffix, rv->alen)) ||
- !((compoundflag && !words && !onlycpdrule &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundbegin && !wordnum && !onlycpdrule &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundbegin, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundmiddle && wordnum && !words && !onlycpdrule &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundmiddle, rv->alen)) ||
- (numdefcpd && onlycpdrule &&
- ((!words && !wordnum &&
- defcpd_check(&words, wnum, rv, (hentry**)&rwords, 0)) ||
- (words &&
- defcpd_check(&words, wnum, rv, (hentry**)&rwords, 0))))))) {
- rv = rv->next_homonym;
- }
- if (rv)
- affixed = 0;
- if (rv) {
- sprintf(presult + strlen(presult), "%c%s%s", MSEP_FLD, MORPH_PART, st);
- sprintf(presult + strlen(presult), "%c%s%s", MSEP_FLD, MORPH_STEM,
- st);
- }
- // store the pointer of the hash entry
- // sprintf(presult + strlen(presult), "%c%s%p", MSEP_FLD,
- // MORPH_HENTRY, rv);
- if (HENTRY_DATA(rv)) {
- sprintf(presult + strlen(presult), "%c%s", MSEP_FLD,
- HENTRY_DATA2(rv));
- }
- }
- if (!rv) {
- if (onlycpdrule && strlen(*result) > MAXLNLEN / 10)
- break;
- if (compoundflag &&
- !(rv =
- prefix_check(st, i, hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN,
- compoundflag))) {
- if (((rv = suffix_check(st, i, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, FLAG_NULL,
- compoundflag,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN)) ||
- (compoundmoresuffixes &&
- (rv = suffix_check_twosfx(st, i, 0, NULL, compoundflag)))) &&
- !hu_mov_rule && sfx->getCont() &&
- ((compoundforbidflag &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag,
- sfx->getContLen())) ||
- (compoundend &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundend, sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (rv ||
- (((wordnum == 0) && compoundbegin &&
- ((rv = suffix_check(st, i, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, FLAG_NULL,
- compoundbegin,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN)) ||
- (compoundmoresuffixes &&
- (rv = suffix_check_twosfx(
- st, i, 0, NULL,
- compoundbegin))) || // twofold suffix+compound
- (rv = prefix_check(st, i,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN,
- compoundbegin)))) ||
- ((wordnum > 0) && compoundmiddle &&
- ((rv = suffix_check(st, i, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, FLAG_NULL,
- compoundmiddle,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN)) ||
- (compoundmoresuffixes &&
- (rv = suffix_check_twosfx(
- st, i, 0, NULL,
- compoundmiddle))) || // twofold suffix+compound
- (rv = prefix_check(st, i,
- hu_mov_rule ? IN_CPD_OTHER : IN_CPD_BEGIN,
- compoundmiddle)))))) {
- // char * p = prefix_check_morph(st, i, 0, compound);
- char* p = NULL;
- if (compoundflag)
- p = affix_check_morph(st, i, compoundflag);
- if (!p || (*p == '\0')) {
- if (p)
- free(p);
- p = NULL;
- if ((wordnum == 0) && compoundbegin) {
- p = affix_check_morph(st, i, compoundbegin);
- } else if ((wordnum > 0) && compoundmiddle) {
- p = affix_check_morph(st, i, compoundmiddle);
- }
- }
- if (p && (*p != '\0')) {
- sprintf(presult + strlen(presult), "%c%s%s%s", MSEP_FLD, MORPH_PART,
- st, line_uniq_app(&p, MSEP_REC));
- }
- if (p)
- free(p);
- checked_prefix = 1;
- }
- // else check forbiddenwords
- } else if (rv->astr && (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, needaffix, rv->alen))) {
- st[i] = ch;
- continue;
- }
- // check non_compound flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) && !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag, pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag, sfx->getContLen())))) {
- continue;
- }
- // check compoundend flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) && !checked_prefix && compoundend && !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundend, pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundend, sfx->getContLen())))) {
- continue;
- }
- // check compoundmiddle flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) && !checked_prefix && (wordnum == 0) && compoundmiddle &&
- !hu_mov_rule &&
- ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundmiddle, pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundmiddle, sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- // check forbiddenwords
- if ((rv) && (rv->astr) && (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen)))
- continue;
- // increment word number, if the second root has a compoundroot flag
- if ((rv) && (compoundroot) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundroot, rv->alen))) {
- wordnum++;
- }
- // first word is acceptable in compound words?
- if (((rv) &&
- (checked_prefix || (words && words[wnum]) ||
- (compoundflag && TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- ((oldwordnum == 0) && compoundbegin &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundbegin, rv->alen)) ||
- ((oldwordnum > 0) && compoundmiddle &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundmiddle, rv->alen))
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- || ((langnum == LANG_hu) && // hu_mov_rule
- hu_mov_rule && (TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'F', rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'G', rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'H', rv->alen)))
- // END of LANG_hu section
- ) &&
- !((checkcompoundtriple && !words && // test triple letters
- (word[i - 1] == word[i]) &&
- (((i > 1) && (word[i - 1] == word[i - 2])) ||
- ((word[i - 1] == word[i + 1])) // may be word[i+1] == '\0'
- )) ||
- (
- numcheckcpd && !words &&
- cpdpat_check(word, i, rv, NULL, affixed)) ||
- (checkcompoundcase && !words && cpdcase_check(word, i))))
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- ||
- ((!rv) && (langnum == LANG_hu) && hu_mov_rule &&
- (rv = affix_check(st, i)) &&
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), (unsigned short)'x', sfx->getContLen()) ||
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), (unsigned short)'%', sfx->getContLen()))))
- // END of LANG_hu section
- ) {
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- if (langnum == LANG_hu) {
- // calculate syllable number of the word
- numsyllable += get_syllable(st, i);
- // + 1 word, if syllable number of the prefix > 1 (hungarian
- // convention)
- if (pfx && (get_syllable(pfx->getKey(), strlen(pfx->getKey())) > 1))
- wordnum++;
- }
- // END of LANG_hu section
- rv_first = rv;
- rv = lookup((word + i)); // perhaps without prefix
- // search homonym with compound flag
- while ((rv) && ((needaffix && TESTAFF(rv->astr, needaffix, rv->alen)) ||
- !((compoundflag && !words &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundend && !words &&
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundend, rv->alen)) ||
- (numdefcpd && words &&
- defcpd_check(&words, wnum + 1, rv, NULL, 1))))) {
- rv = rv->next_homonym;
- }
- if (rv && words && words[wnum + 1]) {
- mystrcat(*result, presult, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, MORPH_PART, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, word + i, MAXLNLEN);
- if (complexprefixes && HENTRY_DATA(rv))
- mystrcat(*result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, MORPH_STEM, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, HENTRY_WORD(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- // store the pointer of the hash entry
- // sprintf(*result + strlen(*result), " %s%p",
- // MORPH_HENTRY, rv);
- if (!complexprefixes && HENTRY_DATA(rv)) {
- mystrcat(*result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- mystrcat(*result, "\n", MAXLNLEN);
- return 0;
- }
- oldnumsyllable2 = numsyllable;
- oldwordnum2 = wordnum;
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- if ((rv) && (langnum == LANG_hu) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'I', rv->alen)) &&
- !(TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'J', rv->alen))) {
- numsyllable--;
- }
- // END of LANG_hu section
- // increment word number, if the second root has a compoundroot flag
- if ((rv) && (compoundroot) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundroot, rv->alen))) {
- wordnum++;
- }
- // check forbiddenwords
- if ((rv) && (rv->astr) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen))) {
- st[i] = ch;
- continue;
- }
- // second word is acceptable, as a root?
- // hungarian conventions: compounding is acceptable,
- // when compound forms consist of 2 words, or if more,
- // then the syllable number of root words must be 6, or lesser.
- if ((rv) &&
- ((compoundflag && TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundflag, rv->alen)) ||
- (compoundend && TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundend, rv->alen))) &&
- (((cpdwordmax == -1) || (wordnum + 1 < cpdwordmax)) ||
- ((cpdmaxsyllable != 0) &&
- (numsyllable + get_syllable(HENTRY_WORD(rv), rv->blen) <=
- cpdmaxsyllable))) &&
- ((!checkcompounddup || (rv != rv_first)))) {
- // bad compound word
- mystrcat(*result, presult, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, MORPH_PART, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, word + i, MAXLNLEN);
- if (HENTRY_DATA(rv)) {
- if (complexprefixes)
- mystrcat(*result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, MORPH_STEM, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, HENTRY_WORD(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- // store the pointer of the hash entry
- // sprintf(*result + strlen(*result), "
- // %s%p", MORPH_HENTRY, rv);
- if (!complexprefixes) {
- mystrcat(*result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(*result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- }
- mystrcat(*result, "\n", MAXLNLEN);
- ok = 1;
- }
- numsyllable = oldnumsyllable2;
- wordnum = oldwordnum2;
- // perhaps second word has prefix or/and suffix
- sfx = NULL;
- sfxflag = FLAG_NULL;
- if (compoundflag && !onlycpdrule)
- rv = affix_check((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundflag);
- else
- rv = NULL;
- if (!rv && compoundend && !onlycpdrule) {
- sfx = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- rv = affix_check((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundend);
- }
- if (!rv && numdefcpd && words) {
- rv = affix_check((word + i), strlen(word + i), 0, IN_CPD_END);
- if (rv && words && defcpd_check(&words, wnum + 1, rv, NULL, 1)) {
- char* m = NULL;
- if (compoundflag)
- m = affix_check_morph((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundflag);
- if ((!m || *m == '\0') && compoundend) {
- if (m)
- free(m);
- m = affix_check_morph((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundend);
- }
- mystrcat(*result, presult, MAXLNLEN);
- if (m || (*m != '\0')) {
- char m2[MAXLNLEN];
- sprintf(m2, "%c%s%s%s", MSEP_FLD, MORPH_PART, word + i,
- line_uniq_app(&m, MSEP_REC));
- mystrcat(*result, m2, MAXLNLEN);
- }
- if (m)
- free(m);
- mystrcat(*result, "\n", MAXLNLEN);
- ok = 1;
- }
- }
- // check non_compound flag in suffix and prefix
- if ((rv) &&
- ((pfx && pfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(pfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag, pfx->getContLen())) ||
- (sfx && sfx->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sfx->getCont(), compoundforbidflag,
- sfx->getContLen())))) {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- // check forbiddenwords
- if ((rv) && (rv->astr) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, forbiddenword, rv->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(rv->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, rv->alen)) &&
- (!TESTAFF(rv->astr, needaffix, rv->alen))) {
- st[i] = ch;
- continue;
- }
- if (langnum == LANG_hu) {
- // calculate syllable number of the word
- numsyllable += get_syllable(word + i, strlen(word + i));
- // - affix syllable num.
- // XXX only second suffix (inflections, not derivations)
- if (sfxappnd) {
- char* tmp = myrevstrdup(sfxappnd);
- numsyllable -= get_syllable(tmp, strlen(tmp)) + sfxextra;
- free(tmp);
- }
- // + 1 word, if syllable number of the prefix > 1 (hungarian
- // convention)
- if (pfx && (get_syllable(pfx->getKey(), strlen(pfx->getKey())) > 1))
- wordnum++;
- // increment syllable num, if last word has a SYLLABLENUM flag
- // and the suffix is beginning `s'
- if (cpdsyllablenum) {
- switch (sfxflag) {
- case 'c': {
- numsyllable += 2;
- break;
- }
- case 'J': {
- numsyllable += 1;
- break;
- }
- case 'I': {
- if (rv && TESTAFF(rv->astr, 'J', rv->alen))
- numsyllable += 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // increment word number, if the second word has a compoundroot flag
- if ((rv) && (compoundroot) &&
- (TESTAFF(rv->astr, compoundroot, rv->alen))) {
- wordnum++;
- }
- // second word is acceptable, as a word with prefix or/and suffix?
- // hungarian conventions: compounding is acceptable,
- // when compound forms consist 2 word, otherwise
- // the syllable number of root words is 6, or lesser.
- if ((rv) &&
- (((cpdwordmax == -1) || (wordnum + 1 < cpdwordmax)) ||
- ((cpdmaxsyllable != 0) && (numsyllable <= cpdmaxsyllable))) &&
- ((!checkcompounddup || (rv != rv_first)))) {
- char* m = NULL;
- if (compoundflag)
- m = affix_check_morph((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundflag);
- if ((!m || *m == '\0') && compoundend) {
- if (m)
- free(m);
- m = affix_check_morph((word + i), strlen(word + i), compoundend);
- }
- mystrcat(*result, presult, MAXLNLEN);
- if (m && (*m != '\0')) {
- char m2[MAXLNLEN];
- sprintf(m2, "%c%s%s%s", MSEP_FLD, MORPH_PART, word + i,
- line_uniq_app(&m, MSEP_REC));
- mystrcat(*result, m2, MAXLNLEN);
- }
- if (m)
- free(m);
- if (strlen(*result) + 1 < MAXLNLEN)
- sprintf(*result + strlen(*result), "%c", MSEP_REC);
- ok = 1;
- }
- numsyllable = oldnumsyllable2;
- wordnum = oldwordnum2;
- // perhaps second word is a compound word (recursive call)
- if ((wordnum < maxwordnum) && (ok == 0)) {
- compound_check_morph((word + i), strlen(word + i), wordnum + 1,
- numsyllable, maxwordnum, wnum + 1, words, 0,
- result, presult);
- } else {
- rv = NULL;
- }
- }
- st[i] = ch;
- wordnum = oldwordnum;
- numsyllable = oldnumsyllable;
- } while (numdefcpd && oldwordnum == 0 &&
- onlycpdrule++ < 1); // end of onlycpd loop
- }
- return 0;
-// return 1 if s1 (reversed) is a leading subset of end of s2
-/* inline int AffixMgr::isRevSubset(const char * s1, const char * end_of_s2, int
- len)
- {
- while ((len > 0) && *s1 && (*s1 == *end_of_s2)) {
- s1++;
- end_of_s2--;
- len--;
- }
- return (*s1 == '\0');
- }
- */
-inline int AffixMgr::isRevSubset(const char* s1,
- const char* end_of_s2,
- int len) {
- while ((len > 0) && (*s1 != '\0') && ((*s1 == *end_of_s2) || (*s1 == '.'))) {
- s1++;
- end_of_s2--;
- len--;
- }
- return (*s1 == '\0');
-// check word for suffixes
-struct hentry* AffixMgr::suffix_check(const char* word,
- int len,
- int sfxopts,
- PfxEntry* ppfx,
- char** wlst,
- int maxSug,
- int* ns,
- const FLAG cclass,
- const FLAG needflag,
- char in_compound) {
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- PfxEntry* ep = ppfx;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
- SfxEntry* se = sStart[0];
- while (se) {
- if (!cclass || se->getCont()) {
- // suffixes are not allowed in beginning of compounds
- if ((((in_compound != IN_CPD_BEGIN)) || // && !cclass
- // except when signed with compoundpermitflag flag
- (se->getCont() && compoundpermitflag &&
- TESTAFF(se->getCont(), compoundpermitflag, se->getContLen()))) &&
- (!circumfix ||
- // no circumfix flag in prefix and suffix
- ((!ppfx || !(ep->getCont()) ||
- !TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (!se->getCont() ||
- !(TESTAFF(se->getCont(), circumfix, se->getContLen())))) ||
- // circumfix flag in prefix AND suffix
- ((ppfx && (ep->getCont()) &&
- TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (se->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(se->getCont(), circumfix, se->getContLen()))))) &&
- // fogemorpheme
- (in_compound ||
- !(se->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(se->getCont(), onlyincompound, se->getContLen())))) &&
- // needaffix on prefix or first suffix
- (cclass ||
- !(se->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(se->getCont(), needaffix, se->getContLen())) ||
- (ppfx &&
- !((ep->getCont()) &&
- TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), needaffix, ep->getContLen()))))) {
- rv = se->checkword(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, wlst, maxSug, ns,
- (FLAG)cclass, needflag,
- (in_compound ? 0 : onlyincompound));
- if (rv) {
- sfx = se; // BUG: sfx not stateless
- return rv;
- }
- }
- }
- se = se->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- if (len == 0)
- return NULL; // FULLSTRIP
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)(word + len - 1));
- SfxEntry* sptr = sStart[sp];
- while (sptr) {
- if (isRevSubset(sptr->getKey(), word + len - 1, len)) {
- // suffixes are not allowed in beginning of compounds
- if ((((in_compound != IN_CPD_BEGIN)) || // && !cclass
- // except when signed with compoundpermitflag flag
- (sptr->getCont() && compoundpermitflag &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), compoundpermitflag,
- sptr->getContLen()))) &&
- (!circumfix ||
- // no circumfix flag in prefix and suffix
- ((!ppfx || !(ep->getCont()) ||
- !TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (!sptr->getCont() ||
- !(TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), circumfix, sptr->getContLen())))) ||
- // circumfix flag in prefix AND suffix
- ((ppfx && (ep->getCont()) &&
- TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (sptr->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), circumfix, sptr->getContLen()))))) &&
- // fogemorpheme
- (in_compound ||
- !((sptr->getCont() && (TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), onlyincompound,
- sptr->getContLen()))))) &&
- // needaffix on prefix or first suffix
- (cclass ||
- !(sptr->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), needaffix, sptr->getContLen())) ||
- (ppfx &&
- !((ep->getCont()) &&
- TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), needaffix, ep->getContLen())))))
- if (in_compound != IN_CPD_END || ppfx ||
- !(sptr->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), onlyincompound, sptr->getContLen()))) {
- rv = sptr->checkword(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, wlst, maxSug, ns,
- cclass, needflag,
- (in_compound ? 0 : onlyincompound));
- if (rv) {
- sfx = sptr; // BUG: sfx not stateless
- sfxflag = sptr->getFlag(); // BUG: sfxflag not stateless
- if (!sptr->getCont())
- sfxappnd = sptr->getKey(); // BUG: sfxappnd not stateless
- // LANG_hu section: spec. Hungarian rule
- else if (langnum == LANG_hu && sptr->getKeyLen() &&
- sptr->getKey()[0] == 'i' && sptr->getKey()[1] != 'y' &&
- sptr->getKey()[1] != 't') {
- sfxextra = 1;
- }
- // END of LANG_hu section
- return rv;
- }
- }
- sptr = sptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- sptr = sptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-// check word for two-level suffixes
-struct hentry* AffixMgr::suffix_check_twosfx(const char* word,
- int len,
- int sfxopts,
- PfxEntry* ppfx,
- const FLAG needflag) {
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
- SfxEntry* se = sStart[0];
- while (se) {
- if (contclasses[se->getFlag()]) {
- rv = se->check_twosfx(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, needflag);
- if (rv)
- return rv;
- }
- se = se->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- if (len == 0)
- return NULL; // FULLSTRIP
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)(word + len - 1));
- SfxEntry* sptr = sStart[sp];
- while (sptr) {
- if (isRevSubset(sptr->getKey(), word + len - 1, len)) {
- if (contclasses[sptr->getFlag()]) {
- rv = sptr->check_twosfx(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, needflag);
- if (rv) {
- sfxflag = sptr->getFlag(); // BUG: sfxflag not stateless
- if (!sptr->getCont())
- sfxappnd = sptr->getKey(); // BUG: sfxappnd not stateless
- return rv;
- }
- }
- sptr = sptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- sptr = sptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-char* AffixMgr::suffix_check_twosfx_morph(const char* word,
- int len,
- int sfxopts,
- PfxEntry* ppfx,
- const FLAG needflag) {
- std::string result;
- std::string result2;
- std::string result3;
- char* st;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
- SfxEntry* se = sStart[0];
- while (se) {
- if (contclasses[se->getFlag()]) {
- st = se->check_twosfx_morph(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, needflag);
- if (st) {
- if (ppfx) {
- if (ppfx->getMorph()) {
- result.append(ppfx->getMorph());
- result.append(" ");
- } else
- debugflag(result, ppfx->getFlag());
- }
- result.append(st);
- free(st);
- if (se->getMorph()) {
- result.append(" ");
- result.append(se->getMorph());
- } else
- debugflag(result, se->getFlag());
- result.append("\n");
- }
- }
- se = se->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- if (len == 0)
- return NULL; // FULLSTRIP
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)(word + len - 1));
- SfxEntry* sptr = sStart[sp];
- while (sptr) {
- if (isRevSubset(sptr->getKey(), word + len - 1, len)) {
- if (contclasses[sptr->getFlag()]) {
- st = sptr->check_twosfx_morph(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, needflag);
- if (st) {
- sfxflag = sptr->getFlag(); // BUG: sfxflag not stateless
- if (!sptr->getCont())
- sfxappnd = sptr->getKey(); // BUG: sfxappnd not stateless
- result2.assign(st);
- free(st);
- result3.clear();
- if (sptr->getMorph()) {
- result3.append(" ");
- result3.append(sptr->getMorph());
- } else
- debugflag(result3, sptr->getFlag());
- strlinecat(result2, result3);
- result2.append("\n");
- result.append(result2);
- }
- }
- sptr = sptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- sptr = sptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- if (!result.empty())
- return mystrdup(result.c_str());
- return NULL;
-char* AffixMgr::suffix_check_morph(const char* word,
- int len,
- int sfxopts,
- PfxEntry* ppfx,
- const FLAG cclass,
- const FLAG needflag,
- char in_compound) {
- char result[MAXLNLEN];
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- result[0] = '\0';
- PfxEntry* ep = ppfx;
- // first handle the special case of 0 length suffixes
- SfxEntry* se = sStart[0];
- while (se) {
- if (!cclass || se->getCont()) {
- // suffixes are not allowed in beginning of compounds
- if (((((in_compound != IN_CPD_BEGIN)) || // && !cclass
- // except when signed with compoundpermitflag flag
- (se->getCont() && compoundpermitflag &&
- TESTAFF(se->getCont(), compoundpermitflag, se->getContLen()))) &&
- (!circumfix ||
- // no circumfix flag in prefix and suffix
- ((!ppfx || !(ep->getCont()) ||
- !TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (!se->getCont() ||
- !(TESTAFF(se->getCont(), circumfix, se->getContLen())))) ||
- // circumfix flag in prefix AND suffix
- ((ppfx && (ep->getCont()) &&
- TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (se->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(se->getCont(), circumfix, se->getContLen()))))) &&
- // fogemorpheme
- (in_compound ||
- !((se->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(se->getCont(), onlyincompound, se->getContLen()))))) &&
- // needaffix on prefix or first suffix
- (cclass ||
- !(se->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(se->getCont(), needaffix, se->getContLen())) ||
- (ppfx &&
- !((ep->getCont()) &&
- TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), needaffix, ep->getContLen()))))))
- rv = se->checkword(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, NULL, 0, 0, cclass,
- needflag);
- while (rv) {
- if (ppfx) {
- if (ppfx->getMorph()) {
- mystrcat(result, ppfx->getMorph(), MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- } else
- debugflag(result, ppfx->getFlag());
- }
- if (complexprefixes && HENTRY_DATA(rv))
- mystrcat(result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, MORPH_STEM, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, HENTRY_WORD(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- // store the pointer of the hash entry
- // sprintf(result + strlen(result), " %s%p", MORPH_HENTRY,
- // rv);
- if (!complexprefixes && HENTRY_DATA(rv)) {
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- if (se->getMorph()) {
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, se->getMorph(), MAXLNLEN);
- } else
- debugflag(result, se->getFlag());
- mystrcat(result, "\n", MAXLNLEN);
- rv = se->get_next_homonym(rv, sfxopts, ppfx, cclass, needflag);
- }
- }
- se = se->getNext();
- }
- // now handle the general case
- if (len == 0)
- return NULL; // FULLSTRIP
- unsigned char sp = *((const unsigned char*)(word + len - 1));
- SfxEntry* sptr = sStart[sp];
- while (sptr) {
- if (isRevSubset(sptr->getKey(), word + len - 1, len)) {
- // suffixes are not allowed in beginning of compounds
- if (((((in_compound != IN_CPD_BEGIN)) || // && !cclass
- // except when signed with compoundpermitflag flag
- (sptr->getCont() && compoundpermitflag &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), compoundpermitflag,
- sptr->getContLen()))) &&
- (!circumfix ||
- // no circumfix flag in prefix and suffix
- ((!ppfx || !(ep->getCont()) ||
- !TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (!sptr->getCont() ||
- !(TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), circumfix, sptr->getContLen())))) ||
- // circumfix flag in prefix AND suffix
- ((ppfx && (ep->getCont()) &&
- TESTAFF(ep->getCont(), circumfix, ep->getContLen())) &&
- (sptr->getCont() &&
- (TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), circumfix, sptr->getContLen()))))) &&
- // fogemorpheme
- (in_compound ||
- !((sptr->getCont() && (TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), onlyincompound,
- sptr->getContLen()))))) &&
- // needaffix on first suffix
- (cclass ||
- !(sptr->getCont() &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), needaffix, sptr->getContLen())))))
- rv = sptr->checkword(word, len, sfxopts, ppfx, NULL, 0, 0, cclass,
- needflag);
- while (rv) {
- if (ppfx) {
- if (ppfx->getMorph()) {
- mystrcat(result, ppfx->getMorph(), MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- } else
- debugflag(result, ppfx->getFlag());
- }
- if (complexprefixes && HENTRY_DATA(rv))
- mystrcat(result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, MORPH_STEM, MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, HENTRY_WORD(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- // store the pointer of the hash entry
- // sprintf(result + strlen(result), " %s%p",
- // MORPH_HENTRY, rv);
- if (!complexprefixes && HENTRY_DATA(rv)) {
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, HENTRY_DATA2(rv), MAXLNLEN);
- }
- if (sptr->getMorph()) {
- mystrcat(result, " ", MAXLNLEN);
- mystrcat(result, sptr->getMorph(), MAXLNLEN);
- } else
- debugflag(result, sptr->getFlag());
- mystrcat(result, "\n", MAXLNLEN);
- rv = sptr->get_next_homonym(rv, sfxopts, ppfx, cclass, needflag);
- }
- sptr = sptr->getNextEQ();
- } else {
- sptr = sptr->getNextNE();
- }
- }
- if (*result)
- return mystrdup(result);
- return NULL;
-// check if word with affixes is correctly spelled
-struct hentry* AffixMgr::affix_check(const char* word,
- int len,
- const FLAG needflag,
- char in_compound) {
- struct hentry* rv = NULL;
- // check all prefixes (also crossed with suffixes if allowed)
- rv = prefix_check(word, len, in_compound, needflag);
- if (rv)
- return rv;
- // if still not found check all suffixes
- rv = suffix_check(word, len, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, FLAG_NULL, needflag,
- in_compound);
- if (havecontclass) {
- sfx = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- if (rv)
- return rv;
- // if still not found check all two-level suffixes
- rv = suffix_check_twosfx(word, len, 0, NULL, needflag);
- if (rv)
- return rv;
- // if still not found check all two-level suffixes
- rv = prefix_check_twosfx(word, len, IN_CPD_NOT, needflag);
- }
- return rv;
-// check if word with affixes is correctly spelled
-char* AffixMgr::affix_check_morph(const char* word,
- int len,
- const FLAG needflag,
- char in_compound) {
- char result[MAXLNLEN];
- char* st = NULL;
- *result = '\0';
- // check all prefixes (also crossed with suffixes if allowed)
- st = prefix_check_morph(word, len, in_compound);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- }
- // if still not found check all suffixes
- st = suffix_check_morph(word, len, 0, NULL, '\0', needflag, in_compound);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- }
- if (havecontclass) {
- sfx = NULL;
- pfx = NULL;
- // if still not found check all two-level suffixes
- st = suffix_check_twosfx_morph(word, len, 0, NULL, needflag);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- }
- // if still not found check all two-level suffixes
- st = prefix_check_twosfx_morph(word, len, IN_CPD_NOT, needflag);
- if (st) {
- mystrcat(result, st, MAXLNLEN);
- free(st);
- }
- }
- return mystrdup(result);
-char* AffixMgr::morphgen(const char* ts,
- int wl,
- const unsigned short* ap,
- unsigned short al,
- const char* morph,
- const char* targetmorph,
- int level) {
- // handle suffixes
- if (!morph)
- return NULL;
- // check substandard flag
- if (TESTAFF(ap, substandard, al))
- return NULL;
- if (morphcmp(morph, targetmorph) == 0)
- return mystrdup(ts);
- size_t stemmorphcatpos;
- std::string mymorph;
- // use input suffix fields, if exist
- if (strstr(morph, MORPH_INFL_SFX) || strstr(morph, MORPH_DERI_SFX)) {
- mymorph.assign(morph);
- mymorph.append(" ");
- stemmorphcatpos = mymorph.size();
- } else {
- stemmorphcatpos = std::string::npos;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < al; i++) {
- const unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(ap[i] & 0x00FF);
- SfxEntry* sptr = sFlag[c];
- while (sptr) {
- if (sptr->getFlag() == ap[i] && sptr->getMorph() &&
- ((sptr->getContLen() == 0) ||
- // don't generate forms with substandard affixes
- !TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), substandard, sptr->getContLen()))) {
- const char* stemmorph;
- if (stemmorphcatpos != std::string::npos) {
- mymorph.replace(stemmorphcatpos, std::string::npos, sptr->getMorph());
- stemmorph = mymorph.c_str();
- } else {
- stemmorph = sptr->getMorph();
- }
- int cmp = morphcmp(stemmorph, targetmorph);
- if (cmp == 0) {
- char* newword = sptr->add(ts, wl);
- if (newword) {
- hentry* check = pHMgr->lookup(newword); // XXX extra dic
- if (!check || !check->astr ||
- !(TESTAFF(check->astr, forbiddenword, check->alen) ||
- TESTAFF(check->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, check->alen))) {
- return newword;
- }
- free(newword);
- }
- }
- // recursive call for secondary suffixes
- if ((level == 0) && (cmp == 1) && (sptr->getContLen() > 0) &&
- // (get_sfxcount(stemmorph) < targetcount) &&
- !TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), substandard, sptr->getContLen())) {
- char* newword = sptr->add(ts, wl);
- if (newword) {
- char* newword2 =
- morphgen(newword, strlen(newword), sptr->getCont(),
- sptr->getContLen(), stemmorph, targetmorph, 1);
- if (newword2) {
- free(newword);
- return newword2;
- }
- free(newword);
- newword = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- sptr = sptr->getFlgNxt();
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-int AffixMgr::expand_rootword(struct guessword* wlst,
- int maxn,
- const char* ts,
- int wl,
- const unsigned short* ap,
- unsigned short al,
- const char* bad,
- int badl,
- char* phon) {
- int nh = 0;
- // first add root word to list
- if ((nh < maxn) &&
- !(al && ((needaffix && TESTAFF(ap, needaffix, al)) ||
- (onlyincompound && TESTAFF(ap, onlyincompound, al))))) {
- wlst[nh].word = mystrdup(ts);
- if (!wlst[nh].word)
- return 0;
- wlst[nh].allow = (1 == 0);
- wlst[nh].orig = NULL;
- nh++;
- // add special phonetic version
- if (phon && (nh < maxn)) {
- wlst[nh].word = mystrdup(phon);
- if (!wlst[nh].word)
- return nh - 1;
- wlst[nh].allow = (1 == 0);
- wlst[nh].orig = mystrdup(ts);
- if (!wlst[nh].orig)
- return nh - 1;
- nh++;
- }
- }
- // handle suffixes
- for (int i = 0; i < al; i++) {
- const unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(ap[i] & 0x00FF);
- SfxEntry* sptr = sFlag[c];
- while (sptr) {
- if ((sptr->getFlag() == ap[i]) &&
- (!sptr->getKeyLen() ||
- ((badl > sptr->getKeyLen()) &&
- (strcmp(sptr->getAffix(), bad + badl - sptr->getKeyLen()) == 0))) &&
- // check needaffix flag
- !(sptr->getCont() &&
- ((needaffix &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), needaffix, sptr->getContLen())) ||
- (circumfix &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), circumfix, sptr->getContLen())) ||
- (onlyincompound &&
- TESTAFF(sptr->getCont(), onlyincompound, sptr->getContLen()))))) {
- char* newword = sptr->add(ts, wl);
- if (newword) {
- if (nh < maxn) {
- wlst[nh].word = newword;
- wlst[nh].allow = sptr->allowCross();
- wlst[nh].orig = NULL;
- nh++;
- // add special phonetic version
- if (phon && (nh < maxn)) {
- std::string prefix(phon);
- std::string key(sptr->getKey());
- reverseword(key);
- prefix.append(key);
- wlst[nh].word = mystrdup(prefix.c_str());
- if (!wlst[nh].word)
- return nh - 1;
- wlst[nh].allow = (1 == 0);
- wlst[nh].orig = mystrdup(newword);
- if (!wlst[nh].orig)
- return nh - 1;
- nh++;
- }
- } else {
- free(newword);
- }
- }
- }
- sptr = sptr->getFlgNxt();
- }
- }
- int n = nh;
- // handle cross products of prefixes and suffixes
- for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
- if (wlst[j].allow) {
- for (int k = 0; k < al; k++) {
- const unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(ap[k] & 0x00FF);
- PfxEntry* cptr = pFlag[c];
- while (cptr) {
- if ((cptr->getFlag() == ap[k]) && cptr->allowCross() &&
- (!cptr->getKeyLen() ||
- ((badl > cptr->getKeyLen()) &&
- (strncmp(cptr->getKey(), bad, cptr->getKeyLen()) == 0)))) {
- int l1 = strlen(wlst[j].word);
- char* newword = cptr->add(wlst[j].word, l1);
- if (newword) {
- if (nh < maxn) {
- wlst[nh].word = newword;
- wlst[nh].allow = cptr->allowCross();
- wlst[nh].orig = NULL;
- nh++;
- } else {
- free(newword);
- }
- }
- }
- cptr = cptr->getFlgNxt();
- }
- }
- }
- // now handle pure prefixes
- for (int m = 0; m < al; m++) {
- const unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(ap[m] & 0x00FF);
- PfxEntry* ptr = pFlag[c];
- while (ptr) {
- if ((ptr->getFlag() == ap[m]) &&
- (!ptr->getKeyLen() ||
- ((badl > ptr->getKeyLen()) &&
- (strncmp(ptr->getKey(), bad, ptr->getKeyLen()) == 0))) &&
- // check needaffix flag
- !(ptr->getCont() &&
- ((needaffix &&
- TESTAFF(ptr->getCont(), needaffix, ptr->getContLen())) ||
- (circumfix &&
- TESTAFF(ptr->getCont(), circumfix, ptr->getContLen())) ||
- (onlyincompound &&
- TESTAFF(ptr->getCont(), onlyincompound, ptr->getContLen()))))) {
- char* newword = ptr->add(ts, wl);
- if (newword) {
- if (nh < maxn) {
- wlst[nh].word = newword;
- wlst[nh].allow = ptr->allowCross();
- wlst[nh].orig = NULL;
- nh++;
- } else {
- free(newword);
- }
- }
- }
- ptr = ptr->getFlgNxt();
- }
- }
- return nh;
-// return length of replacing table
-int AffixMgr::get_numrep() const {
- return numrep;
-// return replacing table
-struct replentry* AffixMgr::get_reptable() const {
- if (!reptable)
- return NULL;
- return reptable;
-// return iconv table
-RepList* AffixMgr::get_iconvtable() const {
- if (!iconvtable)
- return NULL;
- return iconvtable;
-// return oconv table
-RepList* AffixMgr::get_oconvtable() const {
- if (!oconvtable)
- return NULL;
- return oconvtable;
-// return replacing table
-struct phonetable* AffixMgr::get_phonetable() const {
- if (!phone)
- return NULL;
- return phone;
-// return length of character map table
-int AffixMgr::get_nummap() const {
- return nummap;
-// return character map table
-struct mapentry* AffixMgr::get_maptable() const {
- if (!maptable)
- return NULL;
- return maptable;
-// return length of word break table
-int AffixMgr::get_numbreak() const {
- return numbreak;
-// return character map table
-char** AffixMgr::get_breaktable() const {
- if (!breaktable)
- return NULL;
- return breaktable;
-// return text encoding of dictionary
-char* AffixMgr::get_encoding() {
- if (!encoding)
- encoding = mystrdup(SPELL_ENCODING);
- return mystrdup(encoding);
-// return text encoding of dictionary
-int AffixMgr::get_langnum() const {
- return langnum;
-// return double prefix option
-int AffixMgr::get_complexprefixes() const {
- return complexprefixes;
-// return FULLSTRIP option
-int AffixMgr::get_fullstrip() const {
- return fullstrip;
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_keepcase() const {
- return keepcase;
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_forceucase() const {
- return forceucase;
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_warn() const {
- return warn;
-int AffixMgr::get_forbidwarn() const {
- return forbidwarn;
-int AffixMgr::get_checksharps() const {
- return checksharps;
-char* AffixMgr::encode_flag(unsigned short aflag) const {
- return pHMgr->encode_flag(aflag);
-// return the preferred ignore string for suggestions
-char* AffixMgr::get_ignore() const {
- if (!ignorechars)
- return NULL;
- return ignorechars;
-// return the preferred ignore string for suggestions
-unsigned short* AffixMgr::get_ignore_utf16(int* len) const {
- *len = ignorechars_utf16_len;
- return ignorechars_utf16;
-// return the keyboard string for suggestions
-char* AffixMgr::get_key_string() {
- if (!keystring)
- keystring = mystrdup(SPELL_KEYSTRING);
- return mystrdup(keystring);
-// return the preferred try string for suggestions
-char* AffixMgr::get_try_string() const {
- if (!trystring)
- return NULL;
- return mystrdup(trystring);
-// return the preferred try string for suggestions
-const char* AffixMgr::get_wordchars() const {
- return wordchars;
-unsigned short* AffixMgr::get_wordchars_utf16(int* len) const {
- *len = wordchars_utf16_len;
- return wordchars_utf16;
-// is there compounding?
-int AffixMgr::get_compound() const {
- return compoundflag || compoundbegin || numdefcpd;
-// return the compound words control flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_compoundflag() const {
- return compoundflag;
-// return the forbidden words control flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_forbiddenword() const {
- return forbiddenword;
-// return the forbidden words control flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_nosuggest() const {
- return nosuggest;
-// return the forbidden words control flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_nongramsuggest() const {
- return nongramsuggest;
-// return the forbidden words flag modify flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_needaffix() const {
- return needaffix;
-// return the onlyincompound flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_onlyincompound() const {
- return onlyincompound;
-// return the compound word signal flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_compoundroot() const {
- return compoundroot;
-// return the compound begin signal flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_compoundbegin() const {
- return compoundbegin;
-// return the value of checknum
-int AffixMgr::get_checknum() const {
- return checknum;
-// return the value of prefix
-const char* AffixMgr::get_prefix() const {
- if (pfx)
- return pfx->getKey();
- return NULL;
-// return the value of suffix
-const char* AffixMgr::get_suffix() const {
- return sfxappnd;
-// return the value of suffix
-const char* AffixMgr::get_version() const {
- return version;
-// return lemma_present flag
-FLAG AffixMgr::get_lemma_present() const {
- return lemma_present;
-// utility method to look up root words in hash table
-struct hentry* AffixMgr::lookup(const char* word) {
- int i;
- struct hentry* he = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < *maxdic && !he; i++) {
- he = (alldic[i])->lookup(word);
- }
- return he;
-// return the value of suffix
-int AffixMgr::have_contclass() const {
- return havecontclass;
-// return utf8
-int AffixMgr::get_utf8() const {
- return utf8;
-int AffixMgr::get_maxngramsugs(void) const {
- return maxngramsugs;
-int AffixMgr::get_maxcpdsugs(void) const {
- return maxcpdsugs;
-int AffixMgr::get_maxdiff(void) const {
- return maxdiff;
-int AffixMgr::get_onlymaxdiff(void) const {
- return onlymaxdiff;
-// return nosplitsugs
-int AffixMgr::get_nosplitsugs(void) const {
- return nosplitsugs;
-// return sugswithdots
-int AffixMgr::get_sugswithdots(void) const {
- return sugswithdots;
-/* parse flag */
-int AffixMgr::parse_flag(char* line, unsigned short* out, FileMgr* af) {
- char* s = NULL;
- if (*out != FLAG_NULL && !(*out >= DEFAULTFLAGS)) {
- stderr,
- "error: line %d: multiple definitions of an affix file parameter\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- if (parse_string(line, &s, af->getlinenum()))
- return 1;
- *out = pHMgr->decode_flag(s);
- free(s);
- return 0;
-/* parse num */
-int AffixMgr::parse_num(char* line, int* out, FileMgr* af) {
- char* s = NULL;
- if (*out != -1) {
- stderr,
- "error: line %d: multiple definitions of an affix file parameter\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- if (parse_string(line, &s, af->getlinenum()))
- return 1;
- *out = atoi(s);
- free(s);
- return 0;
-/* parse in the max syllablecount of compound words and */
-int AffixMgr::parse_cpdsyllable(char* line, FileMgr* af) {
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- w_char w[MAXWORDLEN];
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- cpdmaxsyllable = atoi(piece);
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- if (!utf8) {
- cpdvowels = mystrdup(piece);
- } else {
- int n = u8_u16(w, MAXWORDLEN, piece);
- if (n > 0) {
- flag_qsort((unsigned short*)w, 0, n);
- cpdvowels_utf16 = (w_char*)malloc(n * sizeof(w_char));
- if (!cpdvowels_utf16)
- return 1;
- memcpy(cpdvowels_utf16, w, n * sizeof(w_char));
- }
- cpdvowels_utf16_len = n;
- }
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np < 2) {
- "error: line %d: missing compoundsyllable information\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- if (np == 2)
- cpdvowels = mystrdup("aeiouAEIOU");
- return 0;
-/* parse in the typical fault correcting table */
-int AffixMgr::parse_reptable(char* line, FileMgr* af) {
- if (numrep != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- numrep = atoi(piece);
- if (numrep < 1) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: incorrect entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- reptable = (replentry*)malloc(numrep * sizeof(struct replentry));
- if (!reptable)
- return 1;
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np != 2) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- /* now parse the numrep lines to read in the remainder of the table */
- char* nl;
- for (int j = 0; j < numrep; j++) {
- if ((nl = af->getline()) == NULL)
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- reptable[j].pattern = NULL;
- reptable[j].pattern2 = NULL;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- if (strncmp(piece, "REP", 3) != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numrep = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- if (*piece == '^')
- reptable[j].start = true;
- else
- reptable[j].start = false;
- reptable[j].pattern =
- mystrrep(mystrdup(piece + int(reptable[j].start)), "_", " ");
- int lr = strlen(reptable[j].pattern) - 1;
- if (reptable[j].pattern[lr] == '$') {
- reptable[j].end = true;
- reptable[j].pattern[lr] = '\0';
- } else
- reptable[j].end = false;
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- reptable[j].pattern2 = mystrrep(mystrdup(piece), "_", " ");
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if ((!(reptable[j].pattern)) || (!(reptable[j].pattern2))) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numrep = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* parse in the typical fault correcting table */
-int AffixMgr::parse_convtable(char* line,
- FileMgr* af,
- RepList** rl,
- const char* keyword) {
- if (*rl) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- int numrl = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- numrl = atoi(piece);
- if (numrl < 1) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: incorrect entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- *rl = new RepList(numrl);
- if (!*rl)
- return 1;
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np != 2) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- /* now parse the num lines to read in the remainder of the table */
- char* nl;
- for (int j = 0; j < numrl; j++) {
- if (!(nl = af->getline()))
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- char* pattern = NULL;
- char* pattern2 = NULL;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- if (strncmp(piece, keyword, strlen(keyword)) != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- delete *rl;
- *rl = NULL;
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- pattern = mystrrep(mystrdup(piece), "_", " ");
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- pattern2 = mystrrep(mystrdup(piece), "_", " ");
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (!pattern || !pattern2) {
- if (pattern)
- free(pattern);
- if (pattern2)
- free(pattern2);
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- (*rl)->add(pattern, pattern2);
- }
- return 0;
-/* parse in the typical fault correcting table */
-int AffixMgr::parse_phonetable(char* line, FileMgr* af) {
- if (phone) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- phone = (phonetable*)malloc(sizeof(struct phonetable));
- if (!phone)
- return 1;
- phone->num = atoi(piece);
- phone->rules = NULL;
- phone->utf8 = (char)utf8;
- if (phone->num < 1) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- phone->rules = (char**)malloc(2 * (phone->num + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- if (!phone->rules) {
- free(phone);
- phone = NULL;
- return 1;
- }
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np != 2) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- /* now parse the phone->num lines to read in the remainder of the table */
- char* nl;
- for (int j = 0; j < phone->num; j++) {
- if (!(nl = af->getline()))
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- phone->rules[j * 2] = NULL;
- phone->rules[j * 2 + 1] = NULL;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- if (strncmp(piece, "PHONE", 5) != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- phone->num = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- phone->rules[j * 2] = mystrrep(mystrdup(piece), "_", "");
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- phone->rules[j * 2 + 1] = mystrrep(mystrdup(piece), "_", "");
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if ((!(phone->rules[j * 2])) || (!(phone->rules[j * 2 + 1]))) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- phone->num = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- phone->rules[phone->num * 2] = mystrdup("");
- phone->rules[phone->num * 2 + 1] = mystrdup("");
- init_phonet_hash(*phone);
- return 0;
-/* parse in the checkcompoundpattern table */
-int AffixMgr::parse_checkcpdtable(char* line, FileMgr* af) {
- if (numcheckcpd != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- numcheckcpd = atoi(piece);
- if (numcheckcpd < 1) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- checkcpdtable =
- (patentry*)malloc(numcheckcpd * sizeof(struct patentry));
- if (!checkcpdtable)
- return 1;
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np != 2) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- /* now parse the numcheckcpd lines to read in the remainder of the table */
- char* nl;
- for (int j = 0; j < numcheckcpd; j++) {
- if (!(nl = af->getline()))
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern = NULL;
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern2 = NULL;
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern3 = NULL;
- checkcpdtable[j].cond = FLAG_NULL;
- checkcpdtable[j].cond2 = FLAG_NULL;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- if (strncmp(piece, "CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN", 20) != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numcheckcpd = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern = mystrdup(piece);
- char* p = strchr(checkcpdtable[j].pattern, '/');
- if (p) {
- *p = '\0';
- checkcpdtable[j].cond = pHMgr->decode_flag(p + 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern2 = mystrdup(piece);
- char* p = strchr(checkcpdtable[j].pattern2, '/');
- if (p) {
- *p = '\0';
- checkcpdtable[j].cond2 = pHMgr->decode_flag(p + 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case 3: {
- checkcpdtable[j].pattern3 = mystrdup(piece);
- simplifiedcpd = 1;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if ((!(checkcpdtable[j].pattern)) || (!(checkcpdtable[j].pattern2))) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numcheckcpd = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* parse in the compound rule table */
-int AffixMgr::parse_defcpdtable(char* line, FileMgr* af) {
- if (numdefcpd != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- numdefcpd = atoi(piece);
- if (numdefcpd < 1) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- defcpdtable = (flagentry*)malloc(numdefcpd * sizeof(flagentry));
- if (!defcpdtable)
- return 1;
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np != 2) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- /* now parse the numdefcpd lines to read in the remainder of the table */
- char* nl;
- for (int j = 0; j < numdefcpd; j++) {
- if (!(nl = af->getline()))
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- defcpdtable[j].def = NULL;
- defcpdtable[j].len = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- if (strncmp(piece, "COMPOUNDRULE", 12) != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numdefcpd = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: { // handle parenthesized flags
- if (strchr(piece, '(')) {
- defcpdtable[j].def = (FLAG*)malloc(strlen(piece) * sizeof(FLAG));
- defcpdtable[j].len = 0;
- int end = 0;
- FLAG* conv;
- while (!end) {
- char* par = piece + 1;
- while (*par != '(' && *par != ')' && *par != '\0')
- par++;
- if (*par == '\0')
- end = 1;
- else
- *par = '\0';
- if (*piece == '(')
- piece++;
- if (*piece == '*' || *piece == '?') {
- defcpdtable[j].def[defcpdtable[j].len++] = (FLAG)*piece;
- } else if (*piece != '\0') {
- int l = pHMgr->decode_flags(&conv, piece, af);
- for (int k = 0; k < l; k++)
- defcpdtable[j].def[defcpdtable[j].len++] = conv[k];
- free(conv);
- }
- piece = par + 1;
- }
- } else {
- defcpdtable[j].len =
- pHMgr->decode_flags(&(defcpdtable[j].def), piece, af);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (!defcpdtable[j].len) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numdefcpd = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* parse in the character map table */
-int AffixMgr::parse_maptable(char* line, FileMgr* af) {
- if (nummap != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- nummap = atoi(piece);
- if (nummap < 1) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- maptable = (mapentry*)malloc(nummap * sizeof(struct mapentry));
- if (!maptable)
- return 1;
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np != 2) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- /* now parse the nummap lines to read in the remainder of the table */
- char* nl;
- for (int j = 0; j < nummap; j++) {
- if (!(nl = af->getline()))
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- maptable[j].set = NULL;
- maptable[j].len = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- if (strncmp(piece, "MAP", 3) != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- nummap = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- int setn = 0;
- maptable[j].len = strlen(piece);
- maptable[j].set = (char**)malloc(maptable[j].len * sizeof(char*));
- if (!maptable[j].set)
- return 1;
- for (int k = 0; k < maptable[j].len; k++) {
- int chl = 1;
- int chb = k;
- if (piece[k] == '(') {
- char* parpos = strchr(piece + k, ')');
- if (parpos != NULL) {
- chb = k + 1;
- chl = (int)(parpos - piece) - k - 1;
- k = k + chl + 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (utf8 && (piece[k] & 0xc0) == 0xc0) {
- for (k++; utf8 && (piece[k] & 0xc0) == 0x80; k++)
- ;
- chl = k - chb;
- k--;
- }
- }
- maptable[j].set[setn] = (char*)malloc(chl + 1);
- if (!maptable[j].set[setn])
- return 1;
- strncpy(maptable[j].set[setn], piece + chb, chl);
- maptable[j].set[setn][chl] = '\0';
- setn++;
- }
- maptable[j].len = setn;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (!maptable[j].set || !maptable[j].len) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- nummap = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* parse in the word breakpoint table */
-int AffixMgr::parse_breaktable(char* line, FileMgr* af) {
- if (numbreak > -1) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- char* tp = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
- int np = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- numbreak = atoi(piece);
- if (numbreak < 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- if (numbreak == 0)
- return 0;
- breaktable = (char**)malloc(numbreak * sizeof(char*));
- if (!breaktable)
- return 1;
- np++;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (np != 2) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- return 1;
- }
- /* now parse the numbreak lines to read in the remainder of the table */
- char* nl;
- for (int j = 0; j < numbreak; j++) {
- if (!(nl = af->getline()))
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- case 0: {
- if (strncmp(piece, "BREAK", 5) != 0) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numbreak = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- breaktable[j] = mystrdup(piece);
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- if (!breaktable) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- numbreak = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-void AffixMgr::reverse_condition(char* piece) {
- int neg = 0;
- for (char* k = piece + strlen(piece) - 1; k >= piece; k--) {
- switch (*k) {
- case '[': {
- if (neg)
- *(k + 1) = '[';
- else
- *k = ']';
- break;
- }
- case ']': {
- *k = '[';
- if (neg)
- *(k + 1) = '^';
- neg = 0;
- break;
- }
- case '^': {
- if (*(k + 1) == ']')
- neg = 1;
- else
- *(k + 1) = *k;
- break;
- }
- default: {
- if (neg)
- *(k + 1) = *k;
- }
- }
- }
-int AffixMgr::parse_affix(char* line,
- const char at,
- FileMgr* af,
- char* dupflags) {
- int numents = 0; // number of affentry structures to parse
- unsigned short aflag = 0; // affix char identifier
- char ff = 0;
- std::vector<affentry> affentries;
- char* tp = line;
- char* nl = line;
- char* piece;
- int i = 0;
-// checking lines with bad syntax
-#ifdef DEBUG
- int basefieldnum = 0;
- // split affix header line into pieces
- int np = 0;
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- // piece 1 - is type of affix
- case 0: {
- np++;
- break;
- }
- // piece 2 - is affix char
- case 1: {
- np++;
- aflag = pHMgr->decode_flag(piece);
- if (((at == 'S') && (dupflags[aflag] & dupSFX)) ||
- ((at == 'P') && (dupflags[aflag] & dupPFX))) {
- stderr,
- "error: line %d: multiple definitions of an affix flag\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- // return 1; XXX permissive mode for bad dictionaries
- }
- dupflags[aflag] += (char)((at == 'S') ? dupSFX : dupPFX);
- break;
- }
- // piece 3 - is cross product indicator
- case 2: {
- np++;
- if (*piece == 'Y')
- ff = aeXPRODUCT;
- break;
- }
- // piece 4 - is number of affentries
- case 3: {
- np++;
- numents = atoi(piece);
- if ((numents <= 0) || ((::std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() /
- sizeof(struct affentry)) < numents)) {
- char* err = pHMgr->encode_flag(aflag);
- if (err) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- free(err);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- affentries.resize(numents);
- affentries[0].opts = ff;
- if (utf8)
- affentries[0].opts += aeUTF8;
- if (pHMgr->is_aliasf())
- affentries[0].opts += aeALIASF;
- if (pHMgr->is_aliasm())
- affentries[0].opts += aeALIASM;
- affentries[0].aflag = aflag;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- // check to make sure we parsed enough pieces
- if (np != 4) {
- char* err = pHMgr->encode_flag(aflag);
- if (err) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- free(err);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // now parse numents affentries for this affix
- std::vector<affentry>::iterator start = affentries.begin();
- std::vector<affentry>::iterator end = affentries.end();
- for (std::vector<affentry>::iterator entry = start; entry != end; ++entry) {
- if ((nl = af->getline()) == NULL)
- return 1;
- mychomp(nl);
- tp = nl;
- i = 0;
- np = 0;
- // split line into pieces
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- while (piece) {
- if (*piece != '\0') {
- switch (i) {
- // piece 1 - is type
- case 0: {
- np++;
- if (entry != start)
- entry->opts = start->opts &
- (char)(aeXPRODUCT + aeUTF8 + aeALIASF + aeALIASM);
- break;
- }
- // piece 2 - is affix char
- case 1: {
- np++;
- if (pHMgr->decode_flag(piece) != aflag) {
- char* err = pHMgr->encode_flag(aflag);
- if (err) {
- "error: line %d: affix %s is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum(), err);
- free(err);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if (entry != start)
- entry->aflag = start->aflag;
- break;
- }
- // piece 3 - is string to strip or 0 for null
- case 2: {
- np++;
- if (complexprefixes) {
- if (utf8)
- reverseword_utf(piece);
- else
- reverseword(piece);
- }
- entry->strip = mystrdup(piece);
- entry->stripl = (unsigned char)strlen(entry->strip);
- if (strcmp(entry->strip, "0") == 0) {
- free(entry->strip);
- entry->strip = mystrdup("");
- entry->stripl = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- // piece 4 - is affix string or 0 for null
- case 3: {
- char* dash;
- entry->morphcode = NULL;
- entry->contclass = NULL;
- entry->contclasslen = 0;
- np++;
- dash = strchr(piece, '/');
- if (dash) {
- *dash = '\0';
- if (ignorechars) {
- if (utf8) {
- remove_ignored_chars_utf(piece, ignorechars_utf16,
- ignorechars_utf16_len);
- } else {
- remove_ignored_chars(piece, ignorechars);
- }
- }
- if (complexprefixes) {
- if (utf8)
- reverseword_utf(piece);
- else
- reverseword(piece);
- }
- entry->appnd = mystrdup(piece);
- if (pHMgr->is_aliasf()) {
- int index = atoi(dash + 1);
- entry->contclasslen = (unsigned short)pHMgr->get_aliasf(
- index, &(entry->contclass), af);
- if (!entry->contclasslen)
- "error: bad affix flag alias: \"%s\"\n",
- dash + 1);
- } else {
- entry->contclasslen = (unsigned short)pHMgr->decode_flags(
- &(entry->contclass), dash + 1, af);
- flag_qsort(entry->contclass, 0, entry->contclasslen);
- }
- *dash = '/';
- havecontclass = 1;
- for (unsigned short _i = 0; _i < entry->contclasslen; _i++) {
- contclasses[(entry->contclass)[_i]] = 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (ignorechars) {
- if (utf8) {
- remove_ignored_chars_utf(piece, ignorechars_utf16,
- ignorechars_utf16_len);
- } else {
- remove_ignored_chars(piece, ignorechars);
- }
- }
- if (complexprefixes) {
- if (utf8)
- reverseword_utf(piece);
- else
- reverseword(piece);
- }
- entry->appnd = mystrdup(piece);
- }
- entry->appndl = (unsigned char)strlen(entry->appnd);
- if (strcmp(entry->appnd, "0") == 0) {
- free(entry->appnd);
- entry->appnd = mystrdup("");
- entry->appndl = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- // piece 5 - is the conditions descriptions
- case 4: {
- np++;
- if (complexprefixes) {
- if (utf8)
- reverseword_utf(piece);
- else
- reverseword(piece);
- reverse_condition(piece);
- }
- if (entry->stripl && (strcmp(piece, ".") != 0) &&
- redundant_condition(at, entry->strip, entry->stripl, piece,
- af->getlinenum()))
- strcpy(piece, ".");
- if (at == 'S') {
- reverseword(piece);
- reverse_condition(piece);
- }
- if (encodeit(*entry, piece))
- return 1;
- break;
- }
- case 5: {
- np++;
- if (pHMgr->is_aliasm()) {
- int index = atoi(piece);
- entry->morphcode = pHMgr->get_aliasm(index);
- } else {
- if (complexprefixes) { // XXX - fix me for morph. gen.
- if (utf8)
- reverseword_utf(piece);
- else
- reverseword(piece);
- }
- // add the remaining of the line
- if (*tp) {
- *(tp - 1) = ' ';
- tp = tp + strlen(tp);
- }
- entry->morphcode = mystrdup(piece);
- if (!entry->morphcode)
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0);
- }
- // check to make sure we parsed enough pieces
- if (np < 4) {
- char* err = pHMgr->encode_flag(aflag);
- if (err) {
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: affix %s is corrupt\n",
- af->getlinenum(), err);
- free(err);
- }
- return 1;
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- // detect unnecessary fields, excepting comments
- if (basefieldnum) {
- int fieldnum =
- !(entry->morphcode) ? 5 : ((*(entry->morphcode) == '#') ? 5 : 6);
- if (fieldnum != basefieldnum)
- HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "warning: line %d: bad field number\n",
- af->getlinenum());
- } else {
- basefieldnum =
- !(entry->morphcode) ? 5 : ((*(entry->morphcode) == '#') ? 5 : 6);
- }
- }
- // now create SfxEntry or PfxEntry objects and use links to
- // build an ordered (sorted by affix string) list
- for (std::vector<affentry>::iterator entry = start; entry != end; ++entry) {
- if (at == 'P') {
- PfxEntry* pfxptr = new PfxEntry(this, &(*entry));
- build_pfxtree(pfxptr);
- } else {
- SfxEntry* sfxptr = new SfxEntry(this, &(*entry));
- build_sfxtree(sfxptr);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int AffixMgr::redundant_condition(char ft,
- char* strip,
- int stripl,
- const char* cond,
- int linenum) {
- int condl = strlen(cond);
- int i;
- int j;
- int neg;
- int in;
- if (ft == 'P') { // prefix
- if (strncmp(strip, cond, condl) == 0)
- return 1;
- if (utf8) {
- } else {
- for (i = 0, j = 0; (i < stripl) && (j < condl); i++, j++) {
- if (cond[j] != '[') {
- if (cond[j] != strip[i]) {
- "warning: line %d: incompatible stripping "
- "characters and condition\n",
- linenum);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- neg = (cond[j + 1] == '^') ? 1 : 0;
- in = 0;
- do {
- j++;
- if (strip[i] == cond[j])
- in = 1;
- } while ((j < (condl - 1)) && (cond[j] != ']'));
- if (j == (condl - 1) && (cond[j] != ']')) {
- "error: line %d: missing ] in condition:\n%s\n",
- linenum, cond);
- return 0;
- }
- if ((!neg && !in) || (neg && in)) {
- "warning: line %d: incompatible stripping "
- "characters and condition\n",
- linenum);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (j >= condl)
- return 1;
- }
- } else { // suffix
- if ((stripl >= condl) && strcmp(strip + stripl - condl, cond) == 0)
- return 1;
- if (utf8) {
- } else {
- for (i = stripl - 1, j = condl - 1; (i >= 0) && (j >= 0); i--, j--) {
- if (cond[j] != ']') {
- if (cond[j] != strip[i]) {
- "warning: line %d: incompatible stripping "
- "characters and condition\n",
- linenum);
- return 0;
- }
- } else {
- in = 0;
- do {
- j--;
- if (strip[i] == cond[j])
- in = 1;
- } while ((j > 0) && (cond[j] != '['));
- if ((j == 0) && (cond[j] != '[')) {
- "error: line: %d: missing ] in condition:\n%s\n",
- linenum, cond);
- return 0;
- }
- neg = (cond[j + 1] == '^') ? 1 : 0;
- if ((!neg && !in) || (neg && in)) {
- "warning: line %d: incompatible stripping "
- "characters and condition\n",
- linenum);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (j < 0)
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int AffixMgr::get_suffix_words(short unsigned* suff,
- int len,
- const char* root_word,
- char** slst) {
- int suff_words_cnt = 0;
- short unsigned* start_ptr = suff;
- for (int j = 0; j < SETSIZE; j++) {
- SfxEntry* ptr = sStart[j];
- while (ptr) {
- suff = start_ptr;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if ((*suff) == ptr->getFlag()) {
- std::string nw(root_word);
- nw.append(ptr->getAffix());
- hentry* ht = ptr->checkword(nw.c_str(), nw.size(), 0, NULL, NULL, 0,
- NULL, 0, 0, 0);
- if (ht) {
- slst[suff_words_cnt] = (char*)malloc(MAXWORDUTF8LEN * sizeof(char));
- if (slst[suff_words_cnt]) {
- strcpy(slst[suff_words_cnt], nw.c_str());
- suff_words_cnt++;
- }
- }
- }
- suff++;
- }
- ptr = ptr->getNext();
- }
- }
- return suff_words_cnt;