path: root/libs/tdlib/td/test/http.cpp
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authoraunsane <>2018-04-27 21:33:17 +0300
committeraunsane <>2018-04-27 21:33:17 +0300
commite1ec72eab6d00b3ba38e5932bc88920f103b6e4a (patch)
tree999de2725a83e30fbbf6576200525d4ef0c5fe38 /libs/tdlib/td/test/http.cpp
parentb9ce1d4d98525490ca1a38e2d9fd4f3369adb3e0 (diff)
Telegram: initial commit
- tdlib moved to telegram dir
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/tdlib/td/test/http.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 373 deletions
diff --git a/libs/tdlib/td/test/http.cpp b/libs/tdlib/td/test/http.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 98c94b2e8a..0000000000
--- a/libs/tdlib/td/test/http.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright Aliaksei Levin (, Arseny Smirnov ( 2014-2018
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
-// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include "td/utils/tests.h"
-#include "td/net/HttpChunkedByteFlow.h"
-#include "td/net/HttpHeaderCreator.h"
-#include "td/net/HttpQuery.h"
-#include "td/net/HttpReader.h"
-#include "td/utils/AesCtrByteFlow.h"
-#include "td/utils/base64.h"
-#include "td/utils/buffer.h"
-#include "td/utils/BufferedFd.h"
-#include "td/utils/ByteFlow.h"
-#include "td/utils/crypto.h"
-#include "td/utils/format.h"
-#include "td/utils/Gzip.h"
-#include "td/utils/GzipByteFlow.h"
-#include "td/utils/logging.h"
-#include "td/utils/misc.h"
-#include "td/utils/port/Fd.h"
-#include "td/utils/port/FileFd.h"
-#include "td/utils/port/path.h"
-#include "td/utils/port/thread_local.h"
-#include "td/utils/Random.h"
-#include "td/utils/Slice.h"
-#include "td/utils/Status.h"
-#include "test/data.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <limits>
-using namespace td;
-static string make_chunked(string str) {
- auto v = rand_split(str);
- string res;
- for (auto &s : v) {
- res += PSTRING() << format::as_hex_dump(int(s.size()));
- res += "\r\n";
- res += s;
- res += "\r\n";
- }
- res += "0\r\n\r\n";
- return res;
-static string gen_http_content() {
- int t = Random::fast(0, 2);
- int len;
- if (t == 0) {
- len = Random::fast(1, 10);
- } else if (t == 1) {
- len = Random::fast(100, 200);
- } else {
- len = Random::fast(1000, 20000);
- }
- return rand_string(std::numeric_limits<char>::min(), std::numeric_limits<char>::max(), len);
-static string make_http_query(string content, bool is_chunked, bool is_gzip, double gzip_k = 5,
- string zip_override = "") {
- HttpHeaderCreator hc;
- hc.init_post("/");
- hc.add_header("jfkdlsahhjk", rand_string('a', 'z', Random::fast(1, 2000)));
- if (is_gzip) {
- BufferSlice zip;
- if (zip_override.empty()) {
- zip = gzencode(content, gzip_k);
- } else {
- zip = BufferSlice(zip_override);
- }
- if (!zip.empty()) {
- hc.add_header("content-encoding", "gzip");
- content = zip.as_slice().str();
- }
- }
- if (is_chunked) {
- hc.add_header("transfer-encoding", "chunked");
- content = make_chunked(content);
- } else {
- hc.set_content_size(content.size());
- }
- string res;
- auto r_header = hc.finish();
- CHECK(r_header.is_ok());
- res += r_header.ok().str();
- res += content;
- return res;
-static string rand_http_query(string content) {
- bool is_chunked = Random::fast(0, 1) == 0;
- bool is_gzip = Random::fast(0, 1) == 0;
- return make_http_query(std::move(content), is_chunked, is_gzip);
-static string join(const std::vector<string> &v) {
- string res;
- for (auto &s : v) {
- res += s;
- }
- return res;
-TEST(Http, stack_overflow) {
- ChainBufferWriter writer;
- BufferSlice slice(string(256, 'A'));
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
- ChainBufferWriter tmp_writer;
- writer.append(slice.clone());
- }
- {
- auto reader = writer.extract_reader();
- reader.sync_with_writer();
- }
-TEST(Http, reader) {
- return;
- clear_thread_locals();
- auto start_mem = BufferAllocator::get_buffer_mem();
- {
- auto input_writer = ChainBufferWriter::create_empty();
- auto input = input_writer.extract_reader();
- HttpReader reader;
- int max_post_size = 10000;
- reader.init(&input, max_post_size, 0);
- std::srand(4);
- std::vector<string> contents(1000);
- std::generate(contents.begin(), contents.end(), gen_http_content);
- auto v = td::transform(contents, rand_http_query);
- auto vec_str = rand_split(join(v));
- HttpQuery q;
- std::vector<string> res;
- for (auto &str : vec_str) {
- input_writer.append(str);
- input.sync_with_writer();
- while (true) {
- auto r_state = reader.read_next(&q);
- LOG_IF(ERROR, r_state.is_error()) << r_state.error() << tag("ok", res.size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(r_state.is_ok());
- auto state = r_state.ok();
- if (state == 0) {
- if (q.files_.empty()) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(td::narrow_cast<int>(q.content_.size()) <= max_post_size);
- auto expected = contents[res.size()];
- ASSERT_EQ(expected, q.content_.str());
- res.push_back(q.content_.str());
- } else {
- auto r_fd = FileFd::open(q.files_[0].temp_file_name, FileFd::Read);
- ASSERT_TRUE(r_fd.is_ok());
- auto fd = r_fd.move_as_ok();
- string content(td::narrow_cast<size_t>(q.files_[0].size), '\0');
- auto r_size =;
- ASSERT_TRUE(r_size.is_ok());
- ASSERT_TRUE(r_size.ok() == content.size());
- ASSERT_TRUE(td::narrow_cast<int>(content.size()) > max_post_size);
- ASSERT_EQ(contents[res.size()], content);
- res.push_back(content);
- fd.close();
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ASSERT_EQ(contents.size(), res.size());
- ASSERT_EQ(contents, res);
- }
- clear_thread_locals();
- ASSERT_EQ(start_mem, BufferAllocator::get_buffer_mem());
-TEST(Http, gzip_bomb) {
-#if TD_ANDROID || TD_TIZEN || TD_EMSCRIPTEN // the test should be disabled on low-memory systems
- return;
- auto gzip_bomb_str =
- gzdecode(gzdecode(base64url_decode(Slice(gzip_bomb, gzip_bomb_size)).ok()).as_slice()).as_slice().str();
- auto query = make_http_query("", false, true, 0.01, gzip_bomb_str);
- auto parts = rand_split(query);
- auto input_writer = ChainBufferWriter::create_empty();
- auto input = input_writer.extract_reader();
- HttpReader reader;
- HttpQuery q;
- reader.init(&input, 100000000, 0);
- for (auto &part : parts) {
- input_writer.append(part);
- input.sync_with_writer();
- auto r_state = reader.read_next(&q);
- if (r_state.is_error()) {
- LOG(INFO) << r_state.error();
- return;
- }
- ASSERT_TRUE(r_state.ok() != 0);
- }
-TEST(Http, aes_ctr_encode_decode_flow) {
- auto str = rand_string('a', 'z', 1000000);
- auto parts = rand_split(str);
- auto input_writer = ChainBufferWriter::create_empty();
- auto input = input_writer.extract_reader();
- ByteFlowSource source(&input);
- UInt256 key;
- UInt128 iv;
- Random::secure_bytes(key.raw, sizeof(key));
- Random::secure_bytes(iv.raw, sizeof(iv));
- AesCtrByteFlow aes_encode;
- aes_encode.init(key, iv);
- AesCtrByteFlow aes_decode;
- aes_decode.init(key, iv);
- ByteFlowSink sink;
- source >> aes_encode >> aes_decode >> sink;
- ASSERT_TRUE(!sink.is_ready());
- for (auto &part : parts) {
- input_writer.append(part);
- source.wakeup();
- }
- ASSERT_TRUE(!sink.is_ready());
- source.close_input(Status::OK());
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.is_ready());
- LOG_IF(ERROR, sink.status().is_error()) << sink.status();
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.status().is_ok());
- ASSERT_EQ(str, sink.result()->move_as_buffer_slice().as_slice().str());
-TEST(Http, aes_file_encryption) {
- auto str = rand_string('a', 'z', 1000000);
- CSlice name = "test_encryption";
- unlink(name).ignore();
- UInt256 key;
- UInt128 iv;
- Random::secure_bytes(key.raw, sizeof(key));
- Random::secure_bytes(iv.raw, sizeof(iv));
- {
- BufferedFdBase<FileFd> fd(FileFd::open(name, FileFd::Write | FileFd::Create).move_as_ok());
- auto parts = rand_split(str);
- ChainBufferWriter output_writer;
- auto output_reader = output_writer.extract_reader();
- ByteFlowSource source(&output_reader);
- AesCtrByteFlow aes_encode;
- aes_encode.init(key, iv);
- ByteFlowSink sink;
- source >> aes_encode >> sink;
- fd.set_output_reader(sink.get_output());
- for (auto &part : parts) {
- output_writer.append(part);
- source.wakeup();
- fd.flush_write().ensure();
- }
- fd.close();
- }
- {
- BufferedFdBase<FileFd> fd(FileFd::open(name, FileFd::Read).move_as_ok());
- ChainBufferWriter input_writer;
- auto input_reader = input_writer.extract_reader();
- ByteFlowSource source(&input_reader);
- AesCtrByteFlow aes_encode;
- aes_encode.init(key, iv);
- ByteFlowSink sink;
- source >> aes_encode >> sink;
- fd.set_input_writer(&input_writer);
- fd.update_flags(Fd::Flag::Read);
- while (can_read(fd)) {
- fd.flush_read(4096).ensure();
- source.wakeup();
- }
- fd.close();
- source.close_input(Status::OK());
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.is_ready());
- LOG_IF(ERROR, sink.status().is_error()) << sink.status();
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.status().is_ok());
- auto result = sink.result()->move_as_buffer_slice().as_slice().str();
- ASSERT_EQ(str, result);
- }
-TEST(Http, chunked_flow) {
- auto str = rand_string('a', 'z', 100);
- auto parts = rand_split(make_chunked(str));
- auto input_writer = ChainBufferWriter::create_empty();
- auto input = input_writer.extract_reader();
- ByteFlowSource source(&input);
- HttpChunkedByteFlow chunked_flow;
- ByteFlowSink sink;
- source >> chunked_flow >> sink;
- for (auto &part : parts) {
- input_writer.append(part);
- source.wakeup();
- }
- source.close_input(Status::OK());
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.is_ready());
- LOG_IF(ERROR, sink.status().is_error()) << sink.status();
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.status().is_ok());
- auto res = sink.result()->move_as_buffer_slice().as_slice().str();
- ASSERT_EQ(str.size(), res.size());
- ASSERT_EQ(str, res);
-TEST(Http, chunked_flow_error) {
- auto str = rand_string('a', 'z', 100000);
- for (int d = 1; d < 100; d += 10) {
- auto new_str = make_chunked(str);
- new_str.resize(str.size() - d);
- auto parts = rand_split(new_str);
- auto input_writer = ChainBufferWriter::create_empty();
- auto input = input_writer.extract_reader();
- ByteFlowSource source(&input);
- HttpChunkedByteFlow chunked_flow;
- ByteFlowSink sink;
- source >> chunked_flow >> sink;
- for (auto &part : parts) {
- input_writer.append(part);
- source.wakeup();
- }
- ASSERT_TRUE(!sink.is_ready());
- source.close_input(Status::OK());
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.is_ready());
- ASSERT_TRUE(!sink.status().is_ok());
- }
-TEST(Http, gzip_chunked_flow) {
- auto str = rand_string('a', 'z', 1000000);
- auto parts = rand_split(make_chunked(gzencode(str).as_slice().str()));
- auto input_writer = ChainBufferWriter::create_empty();
- auto input = input_writer.extract_reader();
- ByteFlowSource source(&input);
- HttpChunkedByteFlow chunked_flow;
- GzipByteFlow gzip_flow(Gzip::Decode);
- ByteFlowSink sink;
- source >> chunked_flow >> gzip_flow >> sink;
- for (auto &part : parts) {
- input_writer.append(part);
- source.wakeup();
- }
- source.close_input(Status::OK());
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.is_ready());
- LOG_IF(ERROR, sink.status().is_error()) << sink.status();
- ASSERT_TRUE(sink.status().is_ok());
- ASSERT_EQ(str, sink.result()->move_as_buffer_slice().as_slice().str());