path: root/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/ua/
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2014-12-19 20:02:47 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2014-12-19 20:02:47 +0000
commitf2cce78db24a0f0a53b8ca41ff112968a5f2d86b (patch)
tree5dce24a102dc4117ab993e201811948927842e47 /plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/ua/
parenta1ff366b1634ed741bdc764489f9e715f90900f5 (diff)
Actman 2.0 is moved to deprecated, Actman 3.0 is a new default Actman (with database settings converter from older version)
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/ua/')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/ua/ b/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/ua/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..098a262b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!Deprecated/Actman20/ua/
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+ xmlparser:TXML_API_W;
+ ioAction :PWideChar = 'Action';
+ ioUA :PWideChar = 'UA';
+ ioName :PWideChar = 'name';
+ ioTwoState :PWideChar = 'twostate';
+ ioSaveState :PWideChar = 'savestate';
+ ioHotkey :PWideChar = 'Hotkey';
+ ioToolbar :PWideChar = 'Toolbar';
+ ioTabSRMM :PWideChar = 'TabSRMM';
+ ioMenuItem :PWideChar = 'Menu';
+ ioTooltip :PWideChar = 'tooltip';
+ ioTooltipPressed :PWideChar = 'tt_pressed';
+ ioType :PWideChar = 'type';
+ ioMenuPopup :PWideChar = 'Popup';
+ ioMenuName :PWideChar = 'Name';
+ ioMenuShow :PWideChar = 'Show';
+ ioMenuUsed :PWideChar = 'Used';
+ ioMenuSeparated :PWideChar = 'Separated';
+function ImportMenuItems(node:HXML;var MenuItem:tUAMenuItem):integer;
+ result:=0;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ with MenuItem do
+ begin
+ menu_opt:=0;
+ // popup
+ StrDupW(szMenuPopup,getAttrValue(node,ioMenuPopup));
+ // name
+ StrDupW(szMenuNameVars,getAttrValue(node,ioMenuName));
+ // show
+ StrDupW(szMenuShowWhenVars,getAttrValue(node,ioMenuShow));
+ // used
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioMenuUsed))<>0 then
+ menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_MENUUSE;
+ // separated
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(node,ioMenuSeparated))<>0 then
+ menu_opt:=menu_opt or UAF_MENUSEP;
+ end;
+ end;
+function ImportUAction(actnode:HXML;var UA:tMyActionItem):integer;
+ num,i:integer;
+ sub:HXML;
+ result:=0;
+ if actnode=0 then exit;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ // we don't need that node as is, just it's child for UA
+// actnode:=GetNthChild(actnode,ioUA,0);
+ UA.flags:=0;
+ // ----- Common -----
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioTwoState))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_2STATE;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioSaveState))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_SAVESTATE;
+ // sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioRegister,nil);
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioHotkey))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGHOTKEY;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioToolbar))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGTTBB;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(actnode,ioTabSRMM))<>0 then
+ UA.flags:=UA.flags or UAF_REGTABB;
+ // ----- Hotkey -----
+ // nothing
+ // ----- Modern CList toolbar -----
+ // source - ANSI text
+ sub:=GetNthChild(actnode,ioToolbar,0);
+ WideToAnsi(GetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltip ),UA.szTTBTooltip ,MirandaCP);
+ WideToAnsi(GetAttrValue(sub,ioTooltipPressed),UA.szTTBTooltipPressed,MirandaCP);
+ // ----- TabSRMM toolbar -----
+ sub:=GetNthChild(actnode,ioTabSRMM,0);
+ StrDupW(UA.szTabBTooltip ,getAttrValue(sub,ioTooltip));
+ StrDupW(UA.szTabBTooltipPressed,getAttrValue(sub,ioTooltipPressed));
+ // ----- Menus -----
+ num:=0;
+ repeat
+ sub:=getNextChild(actnode,ioMenuItem,@num);
+ if sub=0 then break;
+ i:=StrToInt(getAttrValue(sub,ioType));
+ ImportMenuItems(sub,
+ UA.UAMenuItem[tMenuType(i)]);
+ until false;
+ end;
+function Import(fname:PWideChar;aflags:dword):integer;
+ i,j,act:integer;
+ root,actnode:HXML;
+ pcw,res:pWideChar;
+ num,num1:integer;
+ ptr,ptr1:pChain;
+ result:=0;
+ if (fname=nil) or (fname^=#0) then
+ exit;
+ i:=GetFSize(fname);
+ if i=0 then
+ exit;
+ num:=CallService(MS_ACT_GETLIST,0,LPARAM(@ptr));
+ if num=0 then exit;
+ ptr1:=ptr;
+ mGetMem (res ,i+SizeOf(WideChar));
+ FillChar(res^,i+SizeOf(WideChar),0);
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ BlockRead(f,res^,i);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
+ CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ root:=parseString(ChangeUnicode(res),@i,nil);
+ j:=0;
+ repeat
+ actnode:=getNthChild(root,ioAction,j);
+ if actnode=0 then break;
+ // search id by name?
+ pcw:=GetAttrValue(actnode,ioName);
+ ptr:=ptr1;
+ inc(pbyte(ptr),4);
+ for i:=0 to num-1 do
+ begin
+ if (ptr.flags and ACCF_IMPORTED)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if StrCmpw(pcw,ptr.descr)=0 then
+ begin
+ // delete old UA for overwrited actions
+ if (ptr.flags and ACCF_OVERLOAD)<>0 then
+ begin
+ for act:=0 to HIGH(UActionList) do
+ begin
+ if[act].dwActID then
+ begin
+ DeleteUAction(act);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ num1:=AddUAction(-1,ptr);
+ ImportUAction(getNthChild(actnode,ioUA,0),UActionList[num1]);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+ inc(j);
+ until false;
+ DestroyNode(root);
+ end;
+ CallService(MS_ACT_FREELIST,0,LPARAM(ptr1));
+ mFreeMem(res);
+ result:=1;
+ if settings<>0 then
+ begin
+ FillActionList(settings);
+ ShowAction(settings,-1);
+ end;
+function ExportMenuItems(node:HXML;MenuItem:tUAMenuItem):HXML;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ result:=AddChild(node,ioMenuItem,nil);
+ with MenuItem do
+ begin
+ // popup
+ if (szMenuPopup<>nil) and (szMenuPopup^<>#0) then
+ AddAttr(result,ioMenuPopup,szMenuPopup);
+ // name
+ if (szMenuNameVars<>nil) and (szMenuNameVars^<>#0) then
+ AddAttr(result,ioMenuName,szMenuNameVars);
+ // show
+ if (szMenuShowWhenVars<>nil) and (szMenuShowWhenVars^<>#0) then
+ AddAttr(result,ioMenuShow,szMenuShowWhenVars);
+ // used
+ AddAttrInt(result,ioMenuUsed,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_MENUUSE)<>0));
+ // separated
+ AddAttrInt(result,ioMenuSeparated,ord((menu_opt AND UAF_MENUSEP)<>0));
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure WriteUAction(root:HXML;id:dword;name:pWideChar);
+ i:integer;
+ lmenu:tMenuType;
+ pc:pWideChar;
+ actnode,sub:HXML;
+ UA:pMyActionItem;
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to HIGH(UActionList) do
+ begin
+ if UActionList[i].dwActID=id then
+ begin
+ UA:=@UActionList[i];
+ actnode:=getChildByAttrValue(root,ioAction,ioName,name);
+ if actnode=0 then break;
+ // we don't need that node as is, just it's child for UA
+ actnode:=addChild(actnode,ioUA,nil);
+ // ----- Common -----
+ AddAttrInt(actnode,ioTwoState ,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_2STATE )<>0));
+ AddAttrInt(actnode,ioSaveState,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_SAVESTATE)<>0));
+ // sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioRegister,nil);
+ AddAttrInt(actnode,ioHotkey ,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGHOTKEY)<>0));
+ AddAttrInt(actnode,ioToolbar,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGTTBB )<>0));
+ AddAttrInt(actnode,ioTabSRMM,ORD((UA.flags and UAF_REGTABB )<>0));
+ // ----- Hotkey -----
+ // nothing
+ // ----- Modern CList toolbar -----
+ // source - ANSI text
+ if ((UA.szTTBTooltip <>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltip^ <>#0)) or
+ ((UA.szTTBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed^<>#0)) then
+ begin
+ sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioToolbar,nil);
+ if (UA.szTTBTooltip<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltip^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ AnsiToWide(UA.szTTBTooltip,pc,MirandaCP);
+ AddAttr(sub,ioTooltip,pc);
+ mFreeMem(pc);
+ end;
+ if (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTTBTooltipPressed^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ AnsiToWide(UA.szTTBTooltipPressed,pc,MirandaCP);
+ AddAttr(sub,ioTooltipPressed,pc);
+ mFreeMem(pc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // ----- TabSRMM toolbar -----
+ if ((UA.szTabBTooltip <>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltip^ <>#0)) or
+ ((UA.szTabBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed^<>#0)) then
+ begin
+ sub:=AddChild(actnode,ioTabSRMM,nil);
+ if (UA.szTabBTooltip<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltip^<>#0) then
+ AddAttr(sub,ioTooltip,UA.szTabBTooltip);
+ if (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed<>nil) and (UA.szTabBTooltipPressed^<>#0) then
+ AddAttr(sub,ioTooltipPressed,UA.szTabBTooltipPressed);
+ end;
+ // ----- Menus -----
+ for lmenu:=main_menu to HIGH(tMenuType) do
+ begin
+ sub:=ExportMenuItems(actnode,UA.UAMenuItem[lmenu]);
+ AddAttrInt(sub,ioType,ORD(lmenu));
+ end;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function Export(fname:pWideChar;aflags:dword):integer;
+ i,num:integer;
+ root:HXML;
+ res:pWideChar;
+ ptr,ptr1:pChain;
+ result:=0;
+ xmlparser.cbSize:={XML_API_SIZEOF_V1;//}SizeOf(TXML_API_W);
+ CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GET_XI,0,lparam(@xmlparser));
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ // we need append file, not rewrite
+ i:=GetFSize(fname);
+ if i=0 then exit;
+ mGetMem (res ,i+SizeOf(WideChar));
+ FillChar(res^,i+SizeOf(WideChar),0);
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ BlockRead(f,res^,i);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ root:=parseString(res,@i,nil);
+ mFreeMem(res);
+ num:=CallService(MS_ACT_GETLIST,0,LPARAM(@ptr));
+ if num>0 then
+ begin
+ ptr1:=ptr;
+ inc(pbyte(ptr),4);
+ for i:=0 to num-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((aflags and ACIO_SELECTED)=0) or
+ ((ptr.flags and ACCF_EXPORT)<>0) then
+ begin
+ WriteUAction(root,,ptr.descr);
+ end;
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+ CallService(MS_ACT_FREELIST,0,LPARAM(ptr1));
+ end;
+ res:=toString(root,@i);
+ f:=Rewrite(fname);
+ BlockWrite(f,res^,i*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ xmlparser.FreeMem(res);
+ DestroyNode(root);
+ end;
+ result:=1;
+function ActInOut(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr; cdecl;
+ if (wParam and ACIO_EXPORT)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=Import(pWideChar(lParam),wParam);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=Export(pWideChar(lParam),wParam);
+ end;