path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/Chess4Net/MI/MirandaINC/
diff options
authorAlexander Lantsev <>2015-04-24 08:21:28 +0000
committerAlexander Lantsev <>2015-04-24 08:21:28 +0000
commit690f5e6d29d1c85c4be72638eb22843964c2f512 (patch)
tree47c50956fef107bb1004f9389b817cbe3626d919 /plugins/!NotAdopted/Chess4Net/MI/MirandaINC/
parente7112d3e58f97fa0630e0afa04e27796cdf3ce38 (diff)
All non-working stuff moved from trunk
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/Chess4Net/MI/MirandaINC/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 622 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/Chess4Net/MI/MirandaINC/ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/Chess4Net/MI/MirandaINC/
deleted file mode 100644
index d09d66324e..0000000000
--- a/plugins/!NotAdopted/Chess4Net/MI/MirandaINC/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
-Copyright 2000-2003 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
-all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
-listed in contributors.txt.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-{$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(a,b,c,d: Cardinal): int;
- function PLUGIN_CMP_VERSION(verA: LongInt; verB: LongInt): int;
- function PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(a,b,c,d: Cardinal): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := (a shl 24) or (b shl 16) or (c shl 8) or d;
- end;
- function PLUGIN_CMP_VERSION(verA: LongInt; verB: LongInt): int; {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := 0;
- { could be used to compare for severity of age for positive values, if a<b
- results are minus values, 0 for equal, positive if a is newer }
- Inc(Result, (verA and $FF) - (verB and $FF));
- Inc(Result, (verA and $FF00) - (verB and $FF00));
- Inc(Result, (verA and $FF0000) - (verB and $FF0000));
- Inc(Result, (verA and $FF000000) - (verB and $FF000000));
- end;
-{$ifdef M_SYSTEM}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function CallService(const szService: PChar; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- function HookEvent(const szHook: PChar; hook_proc: TMIRANDAHOOK): int;
- function UnhookEvent(const hHook: THandle): int;
- function CreateServiceFunction(const szName: PChar; const MirandaService: TMIRANDASERVICE): int;
- {$else}
- function CallService(const szService: PChar; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(szService, wParam, lParam);
- end;
- function HookEvent(const szHook: PChar; hook_proc: TMIRANDAHOOK): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.HookEvent(szHook, @hook_proc);
- end;
- function UnhookEvent(const hHook: THandle): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.UnhookEvent(hHook);
- end;
- function CreateServiceFunction(const szName: PChar; const MirandaService: TMIRANDASERVICE): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CreateServiceFunction(szName, @MirandaService);
- end;
- {$endif}
-{$ifdef M_DATABASE}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; errorValue: Integer): Integer;
- function DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; errorValue: Integer): Integer;
- function DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; errorValue: Integer): Integer;
- function DBGetContactSetting(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; dbv: PDBVARIANT): Integer;
- function DBFreeVariant(dbv: PDBVARIANT): Integer;
- function DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar): Integer;
- function DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; val: Byte): Integer;
- function DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; val: Word): Integer;
- function DBWriteContactSettingDWord(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; val: LongInt): Integer;
- function DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; const val: PChar): Integer;
- {$else}
- function DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; errorValue: Integer): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cgs.szModule := szModule;
- cgs.szSetting := szSetting;
- cgs.pValue := @dbv;
- If PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING, hContact, lParam(@cgs)) <> 0 then
- Result := ErrorValue
- else
- Result := dbv.bVal;
- end;
- function DBGetContactSettingWord(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; errorValue: Integer): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cgs.szModule := szModule;
- cgs.szSetting := szSetting;
- cgs.pValue := @dbv;
- If PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING, hContact, lParam(@cgs)) <> 0 then
- Result := ErrorValue
- else
- Result := dbv.wVal;
- end;
- function DBGetContactSettingDword(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; errorValue: Integer): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cgs.szModule := szModule;
- cgs.szSetting := szSetting;
- cgs.pValue := @dbv;
- If PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING, hContact, lParam(@cgs)) <> 0 then
- Result := ErrorValue
- else
- Result := dbv.dVal;
- end;
- function DBGetContactSetting(hContact: THandle;
- const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; dbv: PDBVARIANT): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cgs.szModule := szModule;
- cgs.szSetting := szSetting;
- cgs.pValue := dbv;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING, hContact, lParam(@cgs));
- end;
- function DBFreeVariant(dbv: PDBVARIANT): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FREEVARIANT, 0, lParam(dbv));
- end;
- function DBDeleteContactSetting(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cgs.szModule := szModule;
- cgs.szSetting := szSetting;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, hContact, lParam(@cgs));
- end;
- function DBWriteContactSettingByte(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; val: Byte): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cws.szModule := szModule;
- cws.szSetting := szSetting;
- cws.value.type_ := DBVT_BYTE;
- cws.value.bVal := Val;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING, hContact, lParam(@cws));
- end;
- function DBWriteContactSettingWord(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; val: Word): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cws.szModule := szModule;
- cws.szSetting := szSetting;
- cws.value.type_ := DBVT_WORD;
- cws.value.wVal := Val;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING, hContact, lParam(@cws));
- end;
- function DBWriteContactSettingDWord(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; val: LongInt): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cws.szModule := szModule;
- cws.szSetting := szSetting;
- cws.value.type_ := DBVT_DWORD;
- cws.value.dVal := Val;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING, hContact, lParam(@cws));
- end;
- function DBWriteContactSettingString(hContact: THandle; const szModule: PChar; const szSetting: PChar; const val: PChar): Integer;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- cws.szModule := szModule;
- cws.szSetting := szSetting;
- cws.value.type_ := DBVT_ASCIIZ;
- cws.value.pszVal := Val;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING, hContact, lParam(@cws));
- end;
- {$endif}
-{$ifdef M_NETLIB}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function Netlib_CloseHandle(Handle: THandle): int;
- function Netlib_GetBase64DecodedBufferSize(const cchEncoded: int): int;
- function Netlib_GetBase64EncodedBufferSize(const cbDecoded: int): int;
- function Netlib_Send(hConn: THandle; const buf: PChar; len: int; flags: int): int;
- function Netlib_Recv(hConn: THandle; const buf: PChar; len: int; flags: int): int;
- procedure Netlib_Log(hNetLib: THandle; const sz: PChar);
- {$else}
- function Netlib_CloseHandle(Handle: THandle): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_NETLIB_CLOSEHANDLE, Handle, 0);
- end;
- function Netlib_GetBase64DecodedBufferSize(const cchEncoded: int): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := (cchEncoded shr 2) * 3;
- end;
- function Netlib_GetBase64EncodedBufferSize(const cbDecoded: int): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := (cbDecoded * 4+11) div 12*4+1;
- end;
- function Netlib_Send(hConn: THandle; const buf: PChar; len: int; flags: int): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- nlb.buf := buf;
- nlb.len := len;
- nlb.flags := flags;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_NETLIB_SEND, wParam(hConn), lParam(@nlb));
- end;
- function Netlib_Recv(hConn: THandle; const buf: PChar; len: int; flags: int): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- nlb.buf := buf;
- nlb.len := len;
- nlb.flags := flags;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_NETLIB_RECV, wParam(hConn), lParam(@nlb));
- end;
- procedure Netlib_Log(hNetLib: THandle; const sz: PChar);
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- PluginLink^.CallService(MS_NETLIB_LOG, hNetLib, lParam(sz));
- end;
- {$endif}
-{$ifdef M_UTILS}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function WindowList_Add(hList: THandle; hWnd: HWND; hContact: THandle): int;
- function WindowList_Remove(hList: THandle; hWnd: THandle): int;
- function WindowList_Find(hList: THandle; hContact: THandle): int;
- function WindowList_Broadcast(hList: THandle; message: int; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- function Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hWnd: THandle; hContact: THandle; const szModule, szNamePrefix: PChar): int;
- function Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hWnd: THandle; hContact: THandle; Flags: int; const szModule, szNamePrefix: PChar): int;
- {$else}
- function WindowList_Add(hList: THandle; hWnd: hWnd; hContact: THandle): int;
- var
- begin
- wle.hList := hList;
- wle.hWnd := hWnd;
- wle.hContact := hContact;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_UTILS_ADDTOWINDOWLIST, 0, lParam(@wle));
- end;
- function WindowList_Remove(hList: THandle; hWnd: THandle): int;
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_UTILS_REMOVEFROMWINDOWLIST, hList, hWnd);
- end;
- function WindowList_Find(hList: THandle; hContact: THandle): int;
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_UTILS_FINDWINDOWINLIST, hList, hContact);
- end;
- function WindowList_Broadcast(hList: THandle; message: int; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- var
- msg: TMSG;
- begin
- msg.message := message;
- msg.wParam := wParam;
- msg.lParam := lParam;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_UTILS_BROADCASTTOWINDOWLIST, hList, Integer(@Msg));
- end;
- function Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hWnd: THandle; hContact: THandle; const szModule, szNamePrefix: PChar): int;
- var
- begin
- swp.hWnd := hWnd;
- swp.hContact := hContact;
- swp.szModule := szModule;
- swp.szNamePrefix := szNamePrefix;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_UTILS_SAVEWINDOWPOSITION, 0, lParam(@swp));
- end;
- function Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hWnd: THandle; hContact: THandle; Flags: int; const szModule, szNamePrefix: PChar): int;
- var
- begin
- swp.hWnd := hWnd;
- swp.hContact := hContact;
- swp.szModule := szModule;
- swp.szNamePrefix := szNamePrefix;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_UTILS_RESTOREWINDOWPOSITION, Flags, lParam(@swp));
- end;
- {$endif}
-{$ifdef M_LANGPACK}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function Translate(sz: PChar): PChar;
- function TranslateString(sz: string): string;
- function TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg: THandle): int;
- {$else}
- function Translate(sz: PChar): PChar;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- { the return value maybe NULL(0) -- it's upto the caller to know if the allocated
- string has to be removed from the DLL heap, this has little to do with Miranda,
- but if a dynamic string is passed and a return string is used -- the dynamic
- string is lost -- be careful, lazy? use TranslateString (note it's slower) }
- Result := PChar(PluginLink^.CallService(MS_LANGPACK_TRANSLATESTRING, 0, lParam(sz)));
- end;
- function TranslateString(sz: string): string;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := string(PChar( PluginLink^.CallService(MS_LANGPACK_TRANSLATESTRING, 0, lParam(sz))));
- end;
- function TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg: THandle): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- lptd.cbSize := sizeof(lptd);
- lptd.flags := 0;
- lptd.hwndDlg := hwndDlg;
- lptd.ignoreControls := nil;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_LANGPACK_TRANSLATEDIALOG, 0, lParam(@lptd));
- end;
- {$endif}
-{$ifdef M_PROTOCOLS}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function CallContactService(hContact: THandle; const szProtoService: PChar; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- function CallProtoService(const szModule, szService: PChar; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- {$else}
- function CallContactService(hContact: THandle; const szProtoService: PChar; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- css: TCCSDATA;
- begin
- css.hContact := hContact;
- css.szProtoService := szProtoService;
- css.wParam := wParam;
- css.lParam := lParam;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_PROTO_CALLCONTACTSERVICE, 0, Integer(@css));
- end;
- function CallProtoService(const szModule, szService: PChar; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- szStr: array[0..MAXMODULELABELLENGTH] of Char;
- begin
- strcpy(szStr, szModule);
- strcat(szStr, szService);
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(szStr, wParam, lParam);
- end;
- {$endif}
-{$ifdef M_PROTOMOD}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function ProtoBroadcastAck(const szModule: PChar; hContact: THandle; type_: int; result_: int; hProcess: THandle; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- function CreateProtoServiceFunction(const szModule, szService: PChar; serviceProc: TMIRANDASERVICE): int;
- {$else}
- function ProtoBroadcastAck(const szModule: PChar; hContact: THandle; type_: int; result_: int; hProcess: THandle; lParam: LPARAM): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- ack: TACKDATA;
- begin
- ack.cbSize := sizeof(TACKDATA);
- ack.szModule := szModule;
- ack.hContact := hContact;
- ack.type_ := type_;
- ack.result_ := result_;
- ack.hProcess := hProcess;
- ack.lParam := lParam;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_PROTO_BROADCASTACK, 0, Integer(@ack));
- end;
- function CreateProtoServiceFunction(const szModule, szService: PChar; serviceProc: TMIRANDASERVICE): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- szStr: array[0..MAXMODULELABELLENGTH] of Char;
- begin
- strcpy(szStr, szModule);
- strcat(szStr, szService);
- Result := PluginLink^.CreateServiceFunction(szStr, @serviceProc);
- end;
- {$endif}
-{$ifdef M_SKIN}
- {$ifdef M_API_UNIT}
- function LoadSkinnedIcon(id: int): THandle;
- function LoadSkinnedProtoIcon(const szProto: PChar; status: int): THandle;
- function SkinAddNewSound(const name, description, defaultFile: PChar): int;
- function SkinPlaySound (const name: PChar): int;
- {$else}
- function LoadSkinnedIcon(id: int): THandle;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_SKIN_LOADICON, id, 0);
- end;
- function LoadSkinnedProtoIcon(const szProto: PChar; status: int): THandle;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_SKIN_LOADPROTOICON, wParam(szProto), status);
- end;
- function SkinAddNewSound(const name, description, defaultFile: PChar): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- var
- begin
- ssd.cbSize := sizeof(ssd);
- ssd.pszName := name;
- ssd.pszDescription := description;
- ssd.pszDefaultFile := defaultFile;
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_SKIN_ADDNEWSOUND, 0, lParam(@ssd));
- end;
- function SkinPlaySound (const name: PChar): int;
- {$ifdef FPC}
- inline;
- {$endif}
- begin
- Result := PluginLink^.CallService(MS_SKIN_PLAYSOUND, 0, lParam(name));
- end;
- {$endif}