path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2014-03-04 20:41:13 +0000
committerGeorge Hazan <>2014-03-04 20:41:13 +0000
commit6b3ded37e4a4825be2df3612bdcbb7dfc00a1800 (patch)
treed6b6290439e207be3bb28718a2829e298db08342 /plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include
parentd4ed74b1750b5389f22fd67246985ba782d2648b (diff)
HistoryStats sources
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include')
3 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_historystats.h b/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_historystats.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d36411d7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_historystats.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * The unique plugin interface ID provided by HistoryStats.
+ *
+ * @version
+ */
+#define MIID_HISTORYSTATS { 0xaf0dad8e, 0xe695, 0x414b, { 0xb3, 0x06, 0xf4, 0xc7, 0xb7, 0xb4, 0x1d, 0xa0 } }
+ * Checks if a specified contact is set to be excluded from the statistics generated
+ * by HistoryStats. If you check this for a MetaContact or for subcontacts of a
+ * MetaContact you might want to check the subcontacts and the MetaContact itself, too.
+ *
+ * @version
+ * @param wParam (WPARAM)(HANDLE) of the contact you'd like to query. NULL is not a
+ * valid value for this parameter.
+ * @param lParam Must be set to 0.
+ * @return Returns 1 if the specified contact is set to be excluded and 0 otherwise.
+ */
+#define MS_HISTORYSTATS_ISEXCLUDED "HistoryStats/IsExcluded"
+ * Sets if a specified contact should be included in or excluded from the statistics
+ * generated by HistoryStats. Setting this on a MetaContact or on a subcontact of a
+ * MetaContact might have no effect, depending on the users configuration. Setting
+ * this for a MetaContact and all its subcontacts at once should always produce the
+ * expected result.
+ *
+ * @version
+ * @param wParam (WPARAM)(HANDLE) of the contact you'd like to manipulate. NULL is
+ * not a valid value for this parameter.
+ * @param lParam (LPARAM)(int) of 1 if you want to exclude the specified contact or
+ * 0 if you no longer want to exclude the specified contact.
+ * @return Always returns 0.
+ */
+#define MS_HISTORYSTATS_SETEXCLUDE "HistoryStats/SetExclude"
+#endif // _M_HISTORYSTATS_H
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_metacontacts.h b/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_metacontacts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1da12b97fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_metacontacts.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright � 2004 Universite Louis PASTEUR, STRASBOURG.
+Copyright � 2004 Scott Ellis (
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#define M_METACONTACTS_H__ 1
+//get the handle for a contact's parent metacontact
+//returns a handle to the parent metacontact, or null if this contact is not a subcontact
+#define MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT "MetaContacts/GetMeta"
+//gets the handle for the default contact
+//returns a handle to the default contact, or null on failure
+#define MS_MC_GETDEFAULTCONTACT "MetaContacts/GetDefault"
+//gets the contact number for the default contact
+//returns a DWORD contact number, or -1 on failure
+#define MS_MC_GETDEFAULTCONTACTNUM "MetaContacts/GetDefaultNum"
+//gets the handle for the 'most online' contact
+//returns a handle to the 'most online' contact
+#define MS_MC_GETMOSTONLINECONTACT "MetaContacts/GetMostOnline"
+//gets the number of subcontacts for a metacontact
+//returns a DWORD representing the number of subcontacts for the given metacontact
+#define MS_MC_GETNUMCONTACTS "MetaContacts/GetNumContacts"
+//gets the handle of a subcontact, using the subcontact's number
+//lParam=(DWORD)contact number
+//returns a handle to the specified subcontact
+#define MS_MC_GETSUBCONTACT "MetaContacts/GetSubContact"
+//sets the default contact, using the subcontact's contact number
+//lParam=(DWORD)contact number
+//returns 0 on success
+#define MS_MC_SETDEFAULTCONTACTNUM "MetaContacts/SetDefault"
+//sets the default contact, using the subcontact's handle
+//returns 0 on success
+#define MS_MC_SETDEFAULTCONTACT "MetaContacts/SetDefaultByHandle"
+//forces the metacontact to send using a specific subcontact, using the subcontact's contact number
+//lParam=(DWORD)contact number
+//returns 0 on success
+#define MS_MC_FORCESENDCONTACTNUM "MetaContacts/ForceSendContact"
+//forces the metacontact to send using a specific subcontact, using the subcontact's handle
+//returns 0 on success (will fail if 'force default' is in effect)
+#define MS_MC_FORCESENDCONTACT "MetaContacts/ForceSendContactByHandle"
+//'unforces' the metacontact to send using a specific subcontact
+//returns 0 on success (will fail if 'force default' is in effect)
+#define MS_MC_UNFORCESENDCONTACT "MetaContacts/UnforceSendContact"
+//'forces' or 'unforces' (i.e. toggles) the metacontact to send using it's default contact
+// overrides (and clears) 'force send' above, and will even force use of offline contacts
+// will send ME_MC_FORCESEND or ME_MC_UNFORCESEND event
+//returns 1(true) or 0(false) representing new state of 'force default'
+#define MS_MC_FORCEDEFAULT "MetaContacts/ForceSendDefault"
+// method to get state of 'force' for a metacontact
+// wParam=(HANDLE)hMetaContact
+// lParam= (DWORD)&contact_number or NULL
+// if lparam supplied, the contact_number of the contatct 'in force' will be copied to the address it points to,
+// or if none is in force, the value (DWORD)-1 will be copied
+// (v0.8.0.8+ returns 1 if 'force default' is true with *lParam == default contact number, else returns 0 with *lParam as above)
+#define MS_MC_GETFORCESTATE "MetaContacts/GetForceState"
+// fired when a metacontact's default contact changes (fired upon creation of metacontact also, when default is initially set)
+// wParam=(HANDLE)hMetaContact
+// lParam=(HANDLE)hDefaultContact
+#define ME_MC_DEFAULTTCHANGED "MetaContacts/DefaultChanged"
+// fired when a metacontact's subcontacts change (fired upon creation of metacontact, when contacts are added or removed, and when
+// contacts are reordered) - a signal to re-read metacontact data
+// wParam=(HANDLE)hMetaContact
+// lParam=0
+#define ME_MC_SUBCONTACTSCHANGED "MetaContacts/SubcontactsChanged"
+// fired when a metacontact is forced to send using a specific subcontact
+// wParam=(HANDLE)hMetaContact
+// lParam=(HANDLE)hForceContact
+#define ME_MC_FORCESEND "MetaContacts/ForceSend"
+// fired when a metacontact is 'unforced' to send using a specific subcontact
+// wParam=(HANDLE)hMetaContact
+// lParam=0
+#define ME_MC_UNFORCESEND "MetaContacts/UnforceSend"
+// method to get protocol name - used to be sure you're dealing with a "real" metacontacts plugin :)
+// wParam=lParam=0
+#define MS_MC_GETPROTOCOLNAME "MetaContacts/GetProtoName"
+// added (22/3/05)
+// wParam=(HANDLE)hContact
+// lParam=0
+// convert a given contact into a metacontact
+#define MS_MC_CONVERTTOMETA "MetaContacts/ConvertToMetacontact"
+// added (22/3/05)
+// wParam=(HANDLE)hContact
+// lParam=(HANDLE)hMeta
+// add an existing contact to a metacontact
+#define MS_MC_ADDTOMETA "MetaContacts/AddToMetacontact"
+// added (22/3/05)
+// wParam=0
+// lParam=(HANDLE)hContact
+// remove a contact from a metacontact
+#define MS_MC_REMOVEFROMMETA "MetaContacts/RemoveFromMetacontact"
+// added (6/10/05)
+// wParam=(BOOL)disable
+// lParam=0
+// enable/disable the 'hidden group hack' - for clists that support subcontact hiding using 'IsSubcontact' setting
+// should be called once in the clist 'onmodulesloaded' event handler (which, since it's loaded after the db, will be called
+// before the metacontact onmodulesloaded handler where the subcontact hiding is usually done)
+#define MS_MC_DISABLEHIDDENGROUP "MetaContacts/DisableHiddenGroup"
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_updater.h b/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_updater.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f5323a027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/HistoryStats/include/m_updater.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#ifndef _M_UPDATER_H
+#define _M_UPDATER_H
+typedef struct Update_tag {
+ int cbSize;
+ char *szComponentName; // component name as it will appear in the UI (will be translated before displaying)
+ char *szVersionURL; // URL where the current version can be found (NULL to disable)
+ BYTE *pbVersionPrefix; // bytes occuring in VersionURL before the version, used to locate the version information within the URL data
+ // (not that this URL could point at a binary file - dunno why, but it could :)
+ int cpbVersionPrefix; // number of bytes pionted to by pbVersionPrefix
+ char *szUpdateURL; // URL where dll/zip is located
+ char *szBetaVersionURL; // URL where the beta version can be found (NULL to disable betas)
+ BYTE *pbBetaVersionPrefix; // bytes occuring in VersionURL before the version, used to locate the version information within the URL data
+ int cpbBetaVersionPrefix; // number of bytes pionted to by pbVersionPrefix
+ char *szBetaUpdateURL; // URL where dll/zip is located
+ BYTE *pbVersion; // bytes of current version, used for comparison with those in VersionURL
+ int cpbVersion; // number of bytes pionted to by pbVersion
+ char *szBetaChangelogURL; // url for displaying changelog for beta versions
+} Update;
+// register a comonent with the updater
+// wparam = 0
+// lparam = (LPARAM)&Update
+#define MS_UPDATE_REGISTER "Update/Register"
+// utility functions to create a version string from a DWORD or from pluginInfo
+// point buf at a buffer at least 16 chars wide - but note the version string returned may be shorter
+__inline static char *CreateVersionString(DWORD version, char *buf) {
+ mir_snprintf(buf, 16, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (version >> 24) & 0xFF, (version >> 16) & 0xFF, (version >> 8) & 0xFF, version & 0xFF);
+ return buf;
+__inline static char *CreateVersionStringPlugin(PLUGININFO *pluginInfo, char *buf) {
+ return CreateVersionString(pluginInfo->version, buf);
+// register the 'easy' way - use this method if you have no beta URL and the plugin is on the miranda file listing
+// NOTE: the plugin 'short name' in pluginInfo must match the name of the plugin on the file listing, exactly (not including case)
+// AND the plugin version string on the file listing must be the string version of the version in pluginInfo (i.e.,
+// so no letters, brackets, etc.)
+// wParam = (int)fileID - this is the file ID from the file listing (i.e. the number at the end of the download link)
+// lParam = (PLUGININFO*)&pluginInfo
+#define MS_UPDATE_REGISTERFL "Update/RegisterFL"
+// this event is fired when the startup process is complete, but NOT if a restart is imminent
+// it is designed for status managment plugins to use as a trigger for beggining their own startup process
+// wParam = lParam = 0 (unused)
+// (added in version
+#define ME_UPDATE_STARTUPDONE "Update/StartupDone"
+// this service can be used to enable/disable Updater's global status control
+// it can be called from the StartupDone event handler
+// wParam = (BOOL)enable
+// lParam = 0
+// (added in version
+#define MS_UPDATE_ENABLESTATUSCONTROL "Update/EnableStatusControl"
+// An description of usage of the above service and event:
+// Say you are a status control plugin that normally sets protocol or global statuses in your ModulesLoaded event handler.
+// In order to make yourself 'updater compatible', you would move the status control code from ModulesLoaded to another function,
+// say DoStartup. Then, in ModulesLoaded you would check for the existence of the MS_UPDATE_ENABLESTATUSCONTROL service.
+// If it does not exist, call DoStartup. If it does exist, hook the ME_UPDATE_STARTUPDONE event and call DoStartup from there. You may
+// also wish to call MS_UPDATE_ENABLESTATUSCONTROL with wParam == FALSE at this time, to disable Updater's own status control feature.
+/////////////// Usage Example ///////////////
+// you need to #include "m_updater.h" and HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoaded) in your Load function...
+int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
+ Update update = {0}; // for c you'd use memset or ZeroMemory...
+ char szVersion[16];
+ update.cbSize = sizeof(Update);
+ update.szComponentName = pluginInfo.shortName;
+ update.pbVersion = (BYTE *)CreateVersionString(&pluginInfo, szVersion);
+ update.cpbVersion = strlen((char *)update.pbVersion);
+ // these are the three lines that matter - the archive, the page containing the version string, and the text (or data)
+ // before the version that we use to locate it on the page
+ // (note that if the update URL and the version URL point to standard file listing entries, the backend xml
+ // data will be used to check for updates rather than the actual web page - this is not true for beta urls)
+ update.szUpdateURL = "";
+ update.szVersionURL = "";
+ update.pbVersionPrefix = (BYTE *)"Updater version ";
+ update.cpbVersionPrefix = strlen((char *)update.pbVersionPrefix);
+ CallService(MS_UPDATE_REGISTER, 0, (WPARAM)&update);
+ // Alternatively, to register a plugin with e.g. file ID 2254 on the file listing...
+ // CallService(MS_UPDATE_REGISTERFL, (WPARAM)2254, (LPARAM)&pluginInfo);
+ return 0;