path: root/plugins/!NotAdopted/WebView/webview.h
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2013-07-27 10:41:43 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2013-07-27 10:41:43 +0000
commit576b42b9942be0c354d62a81da096a8088fc4d44 (patch)
tree6fec45b8a205e780904d7af2ebbdd574af7805ed /plugins/!NotAdopted/WebView/webview.h
parent6894431a39b535f4c2721bba1ec02b827f6f09bb (diff)
- WebView Protocol added (not adopted)
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/!NotAdopted/WebView/webview.h')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/!NotAdopted/WebView/webview.h b/plugins/!NotAdopted/WebView/webview.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc8f3b1720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/!NotAdopted/WebView/webview.h
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ * A plugin for Miranda IM which displays web page text in a window Copyright
+ * (C) 2005 Vincent Joyce.
+ *
+ * Miranda IM: the free icq client for MS Windows Copyright (C) 2000-2
+ * Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien & Tristan Van de Vreede
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+ * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "webview_common.h"
+#include <shlwapi.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <richedit.h>
+#include "../include/m_options.h"
+#include "../include/m_clui.h"
+#include "../include/m_popup.h"
+#define Xpos_WIN_KEY "win_Xpos"
+#define Ypos_WIN_KEY "win_Ypos"
+#define BG_COLOR_KEY "BgColor"
+#define TXT_COLOR_KEY "TxtColor"
+#define WIN_HEIGHT_KEY "Height"
+#define SUPPRESS_ERR_KEY "Suppress error messages"
+#define WIN_WIDTH_KEY "Width"
+#define FILE_KEY "Filename"
+#define APPEND_KEY "Append"
+#define UPDATE_ONSTART_KEY "update_onboot"
+#define UPDATE_ON_OPEN_KEY "update_on_Window_open"
+#define FONT_FACE_KEY "FontFace"
+#define FONT_BOLD_KEY "FontBold"
+#define FONT_ITALIC_KEY "FontItalic"
+#define FONT_UNDERLINE_KEY "FontUnderline"
+#define FONT_SIZE_KEY "FontSize"
+#define ERROR_POPUP_KEY "UsePopupPlugin"
+#define ENABLE_ALERTS_KEY "EnableAlerts"
+#define ALERT_TYPE_KEY "Alert_Type"
+#define APND_DATE_NAME_KEY "AppendDateContact"
+#define POP_DELAY_KEY "PopUpDelay"
+#define POP_BG_CLR_KEY "PopBGClr"
+#define POP_TXT_CLR_KEY "PopTxtClr"
+#define POP_USEWINCLRS_KEY "PopUseWinClrs"
+#define CONTACT_PREFIX_KEY "PrefixDateContact"
+#define USE_24_HOUR_KEY "Use24hourformat"
+#define POP_USESAMECLRS_KEY "PopUseSameClrs"
+#define POP_USECUSTCLRS_KEY "PopUseCustomClrs"
+#define LCLK_WINDOW_KEY "LeftClkWindow"
+#define LCLK_WEB_PGE_KEY "LeftClkWebPage"
+#define LCLK_DISMISS_KEY "LeftClkDismiss"
+#define RCLK_WINDOW_KEY "RightClkWindow"
+#define RCLK_WEB_PGE_KEY "RightClkWebPage"
+#define RCLK_DISMISS_KEY "RightClkDismiss"
+//#define INBUILTPOP_KEY "UseInbuiltPopupAlert"
+#define TIME 60
+#define Def_color_bg 0x00ffffff
+#define Def_color_txt 0x00000000
+#define HK_SHOWHIDE 3001
+#define MAXSIZE1 250000
+#define MAXSIZE2 500000
+#define MAXSIZE3 1000000
+static UINT expertOnlyControls[] =
+//lets get rid of some warnings
+void ErrorMsgs(char *contactname, char *displaytext);
+void CodetoSymbol(char *truncated);
+static void GetData(void *hContact);
+BOOL CALLBACK DlgProcDisplayData(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+void FillFontListThread(HWND hwndDlg);
+static BOOL CALLBACK DlgProcAlertOpt(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+int DataWndAlertCommand(void *AContact);
+ // ///////////////////////
+// characters and symbols//
+// ///////////////////////
+#define AMOUNT3 164
+char *CharacterCodes[AMOUNT3] =
+ "&quot;",
+ "&amp;",
+ "&lt;",
+ "&gt;",
+ "&nbsp;",
+ "&iexcl;",
+ "&cent;",
+ "&pound;",
+ "&curren;",
+ "&yen;",
+ "&brvbar",
+ "&sect;",
+ "&uml;",
+ "&copy;",
+ "&ordf;",
+ "&laquo;",
+ "&not;",
+ "&shy;",
+ "&reg;",
+ "&macr;",
+ "&deg;",
+ "&plusmn;",
+ "&sup2;",
+ "&sup3;",
+ "&acute;",
+ "&micro;",
+ "&para;",
+ "&middot;",
+ "&cedil;",
+ "&sup1;",
+ "&ordm;",
+ "&raquo;",
+ "&frac14;",
+ "&frac12;",
+ "&frac34;",
+ "&iquest;",
+ "&Agrave;",
+ "&Aacute;",
+ "&Acirc;",
+ "&Atilde;",
+ "&Auml;",
+ "&Aring;",
+ "&AElig;",
+ "&Ccedil;",
+ "&Egrave;",
+ "&Eacute;",
+ "&Ecirc;",
+ "&Euml;",
+ "&Igrave;",
+ "&Iacute;",
+ "&Icirc;",
+ "&Iuml;",
+ "&ETH;",
+ "&Ntilde;",
+ "&Ograve;",
+ "&Oacute;",
+ "&Ocirc;",
+ "&Otilde;",
+ "&Ouml;",
+ "&times;",
+ "&Oslash;",
+ "&Ugrave;",
+ "&Uacute;",
+ "&Ucirc;",
+ "&Uuml;",
+ "&Yacute;",
+ "&THORN;",
+ "&szlig;",
+ "&agrave;",
+ "&aacute;",
+ "&acirc;",
+ "&atilde;",
+ "&auml;",
+ "&aring;",
+ "&aelig;",
+ "&ccedil;",
+ "&egrave;",
+ "&eacute;",
+ "&ecirc;",
+ "&euml;",
+ "&igrave;",
+ "&iacute;",
+ "&icirc;",
+ "&iuml;",
+ "&eth;",
+ "&ntilde;",
+ "&ograve;",
+ "&oacute;",
+ "&ocirc;",
+ "&otilde;",
+ "&ouml;",
+ "&divide;",
+ "&oslash;",
+ "&ugrave;",
+ "&uacute;",
+ "&ucirc;",
+ "&uuml;",
+ "&yacute;",
+ "&thorn;",
+ "&yumil;",
+ "&#338;", // greater that 255, extra latin characters
+ "&#339;",
+ "&#352;",
+ "&#353;",
+ "&#376;",
+ "&#402;",
+ "&#710;",
+ "&#732;",
+ "&OElig;",
+ "&oelig;",
+ "&Scaron;",
+ "&scaron;",
+ "&Yuml;",
+ "&fnof;",
+ "&circ;",
+ "&tilde;",
+ "&#8211;", // Misc other characters
+ "&#8212;",
+ "&#8216;",
+ "&#8217;",
+ "&#8218;",
+ "&#8220;",
+ "&#8221;",
+ "&#8222;",
+ "&#8224;",
+ "&#8225;",
+ "&#8226;",
+ "&#8230;",
+ "&#8240;",
+ "&#8249;",
+ "&#8250;",
+ "&#8364;",
+ "&#8465;",
+ "&#8476;",
+ "&#8482;",
+ "&ndash;",
+ "&mdash;",
+ "&lsquo;",
+ "&rsquo;",
+ "&sbquo;",
+ "&ldquo;",
+ "&rdquo;",
+ "&bdquo;",
+ "&dagger;",
+ "&Dagger;",
+ "&bull;",
+ "&hellip;",
+ "&permil;",
+ "&lsaquo;",
+ "&rsaquo;",
+ "&euro;",
+ "&image;",
+ "&real;",
+ "&trade;",
+ "&ensp;",
+ "&emsp;",
+ "&thinsp;",
+ "&#8194;",
+ "&#8195;",
+ "&#8201;",
+ "&otilde;", // symbols without numeric code
+ "&iquest;",
+ "&brvbar;",
+char Characters[AMOUNT3] =
+ '\"',
+ '&',
+ '<',
+ '>',
+ ' ',
+ '¡',
+ '¢',
+ '£',
+ '¤',
+ '¥',
+ '¦',
+ '§',
+ '¨',
+ '©',
+ 'ª',
+ '«',
+ '¬',
+ '­',
+ '®',
+ '¯',
+ '°',
+ '±',
+ '²',
+ '³',
+ '´',
+ 'µ',
+ '¶',
+ '·',
+ '¸',
+ '¹',
+ 'º',
+ '»',
+ '¼',
+ '½',
+ '¾',
+ '¿',
+ 'À',
+ 'Á',
+ 'Â',
+ 'Ã',
+ 'Ä',
+ 'Å',
+ 'Æ',
+ 'Ç',
+ 'È',
+ 'É',
+ 'Ê',
+ 'Ë',
+ 'Ì',
+ 'Í',
+ 'Î',
+ 'Ï',
+ 'Ð',
+ 'Ñ',
+ 'Ò',
+ 'Ó',
+ 'Ô',
+ 'Õ',
+ 'Ö',
+ '×',
+ 'Ø',
+ 'Ù',
+ 'Ú',
+ 'Û',
+ 'Ü',
+ 'Ý',
+ 'Þ',
+ 'ß',
+ 'à',
+ 'á',
+ 'â',
+ 'ã',
+ 'ä',
+ 'å',
+ 'æ',
+ 'ç',
+ 'è',
+ 'é',
+ 'ê',
+ 'ë',
+ 'ì',
+ 'í',
+ 'î',
+ 'ï',
+ 'ð',
+ 'ñ',
+ 'ò',
+ 'ó',
+ 'ô',
+ 'õ',
+ 'ö',
+ '÷',
+ 'ø',
+ 'ù',
+ 'ú',
+ 'û',
+ 'ü',
+ 'ý',
+ 'þ',
+ 'ÿ',
+ 'Œ', // greater than 255 extra latin characters
+ 'œ',
+ 'Š',
+ 'š',
+ 'Ÿ',
+ 'ƒ',
+ 'ˆ',
+ '˜',
+ 'Œ',
+ 'œ',
+ 'Š',
+ 'š',
+ 'Ÿ',
+ 'ƒ',
+ 'ˆ',
+ '˜',
+ '–',
+ '—', // misc other characters
+ '‘',
+ '’',
+ '‚',
+ '“',
+ '”',
+ '„',
+ '†',
+ '‡',
+ '•',
+ '…',
+ '‰',
+ '‹',
+ '›',
+ '€',
+ 'I',
+ 'R',
+ '™',
+ '–',
+ '—',
+ '‘',
+ '’',
+ '‚',
+ '“',
+ '”',
+ '„',
+ '†',
+ '‡',
+ '•',
+ '…',
+ '‰',
+ '‹',
+ '›',
+ '€',
+ 'I',
+ 'R',
+ '™',
+ ' ',
+ ' ',
+ ' ',
+ ' ',
+ ' ',
+ ' ',
+ 'õ',
+ '¿',
+ '¦',