diff options
author | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2014-12-19 20:02:47 +0000 |
committer | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2014-12-19 20:02:47 +0000 |
commit | f2cce78db24a0f0a53b8ca41ff112968a5f2d86b (patch) | |
tree | 5dce24a102dc4117ab993e201811948927842e47 /plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas | |
parent | a1ff366b1634ed741bdc764489f9e715f90900f5 (diff) |
Actman 2.0 is moved to deprecated, Actman 3.0 is a new default Actman (with database settings converter from older version)
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@11533 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas | 521 |
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas b/plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68f9acf7ba --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/Actman/iac_text.pas @@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ +unit iac_text;
+ windows, messages, commctrl,
+ global, iac_global, m_api, editwrapper,
+ dbsettings, common, io, inouttext,
+ mirutils, syswin, wrapper;
+{$include i_cnst_text.inc}
+{$resource iac_text.res}
+ BufferSize = 32768; // chars
+ opt_text = 'text';
+ ioVariables = 'variables';
+ ioText = 'text';
+ ioPost = 'post';
+ ACF_TEXTSCRIPT = $00000001;
+ ACF_POSTPROCESS = $00000002;
+const // V2
+ ACF2_TXT_TEXT = $00000002;
+ tTextAction = class(tBaseAction)
+ private
+ text: pWideChar;
+ public
+ constructor Create(uid:dword);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+// function Clone:tBaseAction; override;
+ function DoAction(var WorkData:tWorkData):LRESULT; override;
+ procedure Save(node:pointer;fmt:integer); override;
+ procedure Load(node:pointer;fmt:integer); override;
+ end;
+//----- Support functions -----
+//----- Object realization -----
+constructor tTextAction.Create(uid:dword);
+ inherited Create(uid);
+ text:=nil;
+destructor tTextAction.Destroy;
+ mFreeMem(text);
+ inherited Destroy;
+function tTextAction.Clone:tBaseAction;
+ result:=.Create(0);
+ Duplicate(result);
+ trec = record
+ text:PAnsiChar;
+ one, two:integer;
+ end;
+function GetFileString(fname:PAnsiChar;linenum:integer):pWideChar;
+ pc,FileBuf,CurLine:PAnsiChar;
+ NumLines, j:integer;
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ begin
+ j:=FileSize(f);
+ mGetMem(FileBuf,j+1);
+ BlockRead(f,FileBuf^,j);
+ while (FileBuf+j)^<' ' do dec(j);
+ (FileBuf+j+1)^:=#0;
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ pc:=FileBuf;
+ CurLine:=pc;
+ NumLines:=1;
+ while pc^<>#0 do // count number of lines
+ begin
+ if pc^=#13 then
+ begin
+ if linenum=NumLines then
+ break;
+ inc(pc);
+ if pc^=#10 then
+ inc(pc);
+ inc(NumLines);
+ CurLine:=pc;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(pc);
+ end;
+ if (linenum>NumLines) or (linenum=0) then //ls - lastline
+ else if linenum<0 then
+ begin
+ randomize;
+ j:=random(NumLines)+1;
+ pc:=FileBuf;
+ NumLines:=1;
+ CurLine:=pc;
+ repeat
+ if (pc^=#13) or (pc^=#0) then
+ begin
+ if j=NumLines then
+ break;
+ if pc^<>#0 then
+ begin
+ inc(pc);
+ if pc^=#10 then
+ inc(pc);
+ end;
+ inc(NumLines);
+ CurLine:=pc;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(pc);
+ until false;
+ end;
+ pc^:=#0;
+ StrReplace(CurLine,'\n',#13#10);
+ StrReplace(CurLine,'\t',#09);
+ AnsiToWide(CurLine,result,CP_ACP);
+ mFreeMem(FileBuf);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+function Split(buf:PWideChar;amacro:PWideChar;var r:trec):integer;
+ tconv = packed record
+ case boolean of
+ false: (res:int);
+ true: (lo,hi:word);
+ end;
+ i:integer;
+ p,pp,lp:pWideChar;
+ ls:array [0..511] of WideChar;
+ result:=0;
+ i:=StrIndexW(buf,amacro);
+ if i>0 then
+ begin
+ dec(i);
+ p:=buf+i+StrLenW(amacro);
+ pp:=p;
+ while (p^<>#0) and (p^<>')') do
+ inc(p);
+ ls[0]:=#0;
+ if p^<>#0 then // correct syntax
+ begin
+ lp:=ls;
+ while (pp<>p) and (pp^<>',') do // filename
+ begin
+ lp^:=pp^;
+ inc(lp);
+ inc(pp);
+ end;
+ lp^:=#0;
+ WideToAnsi(ls,r.text,MirandaCP);
+ r.one:=-1;
+ r.two:=-1;
+ if pp^=',' then
+ begin
+ inc(pp);
+ r.one:=StrToInt(pp);
+ while (pp<>p) and (pp^<>',') do inc(pp);
+ if pp^=',' then
+ begin
+ inc(pp);
+ r.two:=StrToInt(pp);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tconv(result).lo:=p-buf-i+1; // length
+ tconv(result).hi:=i; // position
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure PasteFileString(dst:pWideChar);
+ i:integer;
+ lp:pWideChar;
+ buf:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+ r:trec;
+ repeat
+ i:=Split(dst,'^f(',r);
+ if i>0 then
+ begin
+ StrDeleteW(dst,i shr 16,loword(i));
+ ConvertFileName(r.text,buf);
+ lp:=GetFileString(@buf,r.one);
+ if lp<>nil then
+ begin
+ StrInsertW(lp,dst,i shr 16);
+ mFreeMem(lp);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ until false;
+procedure PasteClipboard(dst:pWideChar);
+ p:pWideChar;
+ fh:tHandle;
+ if StrPosW(dst,'^v')<>nil then
+ begin
+ if OpenClipboard(0) then
+ begin
+ fh:=GetClipboardData(cf_UnicodeText);
+ p:=GlobalLock(fh);
+ StrReplaceW(dst,'^v',p);
+ GlobalUnlock(fh);
+ CloseClipboard;
+ end
+ end
+procedure PasteSelectedText(dst:pWideChar);
+ sel:integer;
+ buf:pWideChar;
+ wnd:HWND;
+ if StrPosW(dst,'^s')<>nil then
+ begin
+ wnd:=WaitFocusedWndChild(GetForegroundWindow){GetFocus};
+ if wnd<>0 then
+ begin
+ sel:=SendMessageW(wnd,EM_GETSEL,0,0);
+ if loword(sel)=(sel shr 16) then
+ StrReplaceW(dst,'^s',nil)
+ else
+ begin
+ buf:=GetDlgText(wnd,false);
+ buf[sel shr 16]:=#0;
+ StrReplaceW(dst,'^s',buf+loword(sel));
+ mFreeMem(buf);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ StrReplaceW(dst,'^s',nil);
+ end;
+function tTextAction.DoAction(var WorkData:tWorkData):LRESULT;
+ buf:array [0..31] of WideChar;
+ w,tmp,last:pWideChar;
+ result:=0;
+ tmp:=text;
+ if (flags and ACF_POSTPROCESS)=0 then
+ if (flags and ACF_TEXTSCRIPT)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if WorkData.ResultType=rtInt then
+ last:=pWideChar(IntToStr(buf,WorkData.LastResult))
+ else
+ last:=pWideChar(WorkData.LastResult);
+ tmp:=ParseVarString(text,WorkData.Parameter,last);
+ end;
+ mGetMem (w ,BufferSize*SizeOf(WideChar));
+ FillChar(w^,BufferSize*SizeOf(WideChar),0);
+ StrCopyW(w,tmp);
+ if (flags and ACF_POSTPROCESS)=0 then
+ if (flags and ACF_TEXTSCRIPT)<>0 then
+ mFreeMem(tmp);
+ PasteClipboard(w); // ^v
+ PasteFileString(w); // ^f
+ PasteSelectedText(w); // ^s
+ // ^a - get ALL text?
+ if WorkData.ResultType=rtInt then
+ begin
+ StrReplaceW(w,'^l',IntToStr(buf,WorkData.LastResult)); // ^l
+ StrReplaceW(w,'^h',IntToHex(buf,WorkData.LastResult)); // ^h
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ StrReplaceW(w,'^l',pWideChar(WorkData.LastResult));
+ StrReplaceW(w,'^h',IntToHex(buf,NumToInt(pWideChar(WorkData.LastResult))));
+ end;
+ StrReplaceW(w,'^t',#9); // ^t
+ StrReplaceW(w,'^e',nil); // ^e
+ if (flags and ACF_POSTPROCESS)<>0 then
+ if (flags and ACF_TEXTSCRIPT)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if WorkData.ResultType=rtInt then
+ last:=pWideChar(IntToStr(buf,WorkData.LastResult))
+ else
+ last:=pWideChar(WorkData.LastResult);
+ tmp:=ParseVarString(w,WorkData.Parameter,last);
+ mFreeMem(w);
+ w:=tmp;
+ end;
+ ClearResult(WorkData);
+ WorkData.LastResult:=uint_ptr(w);
+ WorkData.ResultType:=rtWide;
+procedure tTextAction.Load(node:pointer;fmt:integer);
+ section: array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
+ pc:pAnsiChar;
+ flags2:dword;
+ inherited Load(node,fmt);
+ case fmt of
+ 0: begin
+ pc:=StrCopyE(section,pAnsiChar(node));
+ StrCopy(pc,opt_text); text:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
+ end;
+ 100: begin
+ pc:=StrCopyE(section,pAnsiChar(node));
+ StrCopy(pc,opt_text); text:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,nil);
+ StrCopy(pc,'flags2'); flags2:=DBReadDWord(0,DBBranch,section,0);
+ flags:=flags and not ACF_MASK;
+ if (flags2 and ACF2_TXT_TEXT)<>0 then flags:=flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT;
+ end;
+ 101: begin // v2, from "Advanced"
+ pc:=StrCopyE(section,pAnsiChar(node));
+ StrCopy(pc,'varval'); text:=DBReadUnicode(0,DBBranch,section);
+ flags:=flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT;
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ with xmlparser do
+ begin
+ StrDupW(text,getText(HXML(node)));
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioVariables))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT;
+ if StrToInt(getAttrValue(HXML(node),ioPost))=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_POSTPROCESS;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 2: begin
+ UTF8ToWide(GetParamSectionInt(node,ioText),text);
+ if GetParamSectionInt(node,ioVariables)=1 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure tTextAction.Save(node:pointer;fmt:integer);
+ section: array [0..127] of AnsiChar;
+ pc:pAnsiChar;
+ inherited Save(node,fmt);
+ case fmt of
+ 0: begin
+ pc:=StrCopyE(section,pAnsiChar(node));
+ StrCopy(pc,opt_text); DBWriteUnicode(0,DBBranch,section,text);
+ end;
+ 1: begin
+ end;
+ 13: begin
+ tTextExport(node).AddTextW('text' ,text);
+ tTextExport(node).AddFlag ('script' ,(flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT )<>0);
+ tTextExport(node).AddFlag ('postprocess',(flags or ACF_POSTPROCESS)<>0);
+ end;
+ end;
+//----- Dialog realization -----
+procedure ClearFields(Dialog:HWND);
+ SetDlgItemTextW(Dialog,IDC_TXT_TEXT,nil);
+ SetEditFlags (Dialog,IDC_TXT_TEXT,EF_ALL,0);
+ CheckDlgButton (Dialog,IDC_TXT_POST,BST_UNCHECKED);
+function DlgProc(Dialog:HWND;hMessage:uint;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):LRESULT; stdcall;
+ NoProcess:boolean=true;
+ result:=0;
+ case hMessage of
+ TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog);
+ MakeEditField(Dialog,IDC_TXT_TEXT);
+ end;
+ NoProcess:=true;
+ ClearFields(Dialog);
+ with tTextAction(lParam) do
+ begin
+ SetDlgItemTextW(Dialog,IDC_TXT_TEXT,text);
+ SetEditFlags(Dialog,IDC_TXT_TEXT,EF_SCRIPT,ord((flags and ACF_TEXTSCRIPT)<>0));
+ if (flags and ACF_POSTPROCESS)<>0 then
+ CheckDlgButton(Dialog,IDC_TXT_POST,BST_CHECKED);
+ end;
+ NoProcess:=false;
+ end;
+ WM_ACT_RESET: begin
+ NoProcess:=true;
+ ClearFields(Dialog);
+ NoProcess:=false;
+ end;
+ WM_ACT_SAVE: begin
+ with tTextAction(lParam) do
+ begin
+ flags:=0;
+ {mFreeMem(text); }text:=GetDlgText(Dialog,IDC_TXT_TEXT);
+ if (GetEditFlags(Dialog,IDC_TXT_TEXT) and EF_SCRIPT)<>0 then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_TEXTSCRIPT;
+ if IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog,IDC_TXT_POST)=BST_CHECKED then
+ flags:=flags or ACF_POSTPROCESS;
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_COMMAND: begin
+ case wParam shr 16 of
+ if loword(wParam)=IDC_TXT_POST then
+ SendMessage(GetParent(GetParent(Dialog)),PSM_CHANGED,0,0);
+ EN_CHANGE: if not NoProcess then
+ SendMessage(GetParent(GetParent(Dialog)),PSM_CHANGED,0,0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ WM_HELP: begin
+ MessageBoxW(0,
+ TranslateW('^s - selected (and replaced) part'#13#10+
+ '^e - replaced by empty string'#13#10+
+ '^v - paste text from Clipboard'#13#10+
+ '^t - replaced by tabulation'#13#10+
+ '^l - replaced by last result as unicode'#13#10+
+ '^h - replaced by last result as hex'#13#10+
+ '^f(name[,str])'#13#10+
+ ' paste line from text file.'#13#10+
+ ' brackets contents must be w/o spaces'),
+ TranslateW('Text'),0);
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+ end;
+//----- Export/interface functions -----
+ vc:tActModule;
+function CreateAction:tBaseAction;
+ result:=tTextAction.Create(vc.Hash);
+function CreateDialog(parent:HWND):HWND;
+ result:=CreateDialogW(hInstance,'IDD_ACTTEXT',parent,@DlgProc);
+procedure Init;
+ vc.Next :=ModuleLink;
+ vc.Name :='Text';
+ vc.Dialog :=@CreateDialog;
+ vc.Create :=@CreateAction;
+ vc.Icon :='IDI_TEXT';
+ ModuleLink :=@vc;
+ Init;