path: root/plugins/Actman30/
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2013-07-16 20:08:30 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2013-07-16 20:08:30 +0000
commit74e738f374f759723daf8920677158712d0ca5c1 (patch)
tree89a93d70f87e950e28d23466d3c84120ead0e770 /plugins/Actman30/
parente5c9c0077f7b50bbfe90201154c31c13e1a6fc63 (diff)
- Actman 3 added (not adopted)
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Actman30/')
1 files changed, 317 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Actman30/ b/plugins/Actman30/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2954fa4b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Actman30/
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+{Basic ActMan services}
+function ActSelect(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+ if odd(wParam) then
+ result:=int_ptr(MacroList.GetMacro(lParam))
+ else
+ result:=int_ptr(MacroList.GetMacro(pWideChar(lParam)));
+ if result<>0 then
+ with pMacroRecord(result)^ do
+ begin
+ if (wParam and 4)<>0 then
+ result:=ord((flags and ACF_SELECTED)<>0)
+ else
+ begin
+ if (wParam and 2)<>0 then
+ flags:=flags and not ACF_SELECTED
+ else
+ flags:=flags or ACF_SELECTED;
+ end;
+ end;
+function ActFreeList(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+ result:=0;
+ mFreeMem(PAnsiChar(lParam));
+function ActGetList(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+ pc:^tChain;
+ p:pMacroRecord;
+ i,cnt:integer;
+ p:=MacroList[0];
+ cnt:=0;
+ for i:=0 to MacroList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and (ACF_ASSIGNED or ACF_VOLATILE))=ACF_ASSIGNED then inc(cnt);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ result:=cnt;
+ if lParam=0 then exit;
+ if cnt>0 then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(pc,cnt*SizeOf(tChain)+4);
+ puint_ptr(lParam)^:=uint_ptr(pc);
+ pdword(pc)^:=SizeOf(tChain);
+ inc(PByte(pc),4);
+ p:=MacroList[0];
+ for i:=0 to MacroList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and (ACF_ASSIGNED or ACF_VOLATILE))=ACF_ASSIGNED then
+ begin
+ pc^.descr:=p^.descr;
+ pc^.id :=p^.id;
+ pc^.flags:=p^.flags;
+ inc(pc);
+ end;
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ puint_ptr(lParam)^:=0;
+//====================== Execute code =======================
+procedure ActmanMacroDebug(txt:pWideChar);
+ OutputDebugStringW(txt);
+procedure DoAction(Macro:pMacroRecord;var WorkData:tWorkData);
+ res:LRESULT;
+ i,cnt:integer;
+ buf:array [0..1023] of WideChar;
+ buf1,buf2:array [0..31] of WideChar;
+ p:pWideChar;
+ cnt:=Macro^.ActionCount;
+ if cnt<>0 then
+ begin
+//!! act:=CloneActions(action);
+ i:=0;
+ WorkData.ActionList :=Macro^.ActionList;
+ WorkData.ActionCount:=Macro^.ActionCount;
+ while i<cnt do
+ begin
+ if (Macro^.ActionList^[i].flags and ACF_DISABLED)=0 then
+ begin
+ if WorkData.ResultType=rtWide then
+ p:=pWideChar(WorkData.LastResult)
+ else
+ p:=IntToStr(buf2,WorkData.LastResult);
+ StrCopyEW(
+ StrCopyEW(
+ StrCopyEW(
+ StrCopyEW(
+ StrCopyEW(
+ StrCopyEW(
+ StrCopyEW(
+ StrCopyEW(buf,'ActMan: Macro "'),
+ Macro^.descr
+ ),'", Action #'
+ ),IntToStr(buf1,i)
+ ),' "'
+ ),Macro^.ActionList^[i].ActionDescr
+ ),'", LR: '
+ ),p{IIF(WorkData.ResultType=rtWide,
+ pWideChar(WorkData.LastResult),
+ IntToStr(buf1,WorkData.LastResult))}
+ );
+ ActmanMacroDebug(buf);
+ res:=Macro^.ActionList^[i].DoAction(WorkData);
+ if res<0 then break
+ else if res>0 then // res = next action number+1
+ begin
+ i:=res-1;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+//!! FreeActionsContinued(act_org);
+ end;
+ pActStartData = ^tActStartData;
+ tActStartData = record
+ macro :pMacroRecord;
+ event :THANDLE;
+ WorkData:tWorkData;
+ flags :dword;
+ end;
+procedure ThDoAction(arg:pActStartData); cdecl;
+ i:integer;
+ if (arg^.flags and ACTP_NOTIFY)<>0 then
+ begin
+ NotifyEventHooks(hevaction,arg^,0); // started
+ arg^.macro.flags:=arg^.macro.flags or ACF_USEDNOW;
+ end;
+ DoAction(arg^.macro,arg^.WorkData);
+ if (arg^.flags and ACTP_NOTIFY)<>0 then
+ begin
+ arg^.macro.flags:=arg^.macro.flags and not ACF_USEDNOW;
+ NotifyEventHooks(hevaction,arg^,1); // finished
+ end;
+ if arg^.event<>0 then // service, waiting
+ SetEvent(arg^.event)
+ else if (arg^.flags and ACTP_SAMETHREAD)=0 then // no waiting
+ begin
+ ClearResult(arg^.WorkData); // free last result memory if needs
+ // Free Storage
+ for i:=0 to 9 do
+ ClearResult(arg^.WorkData,i);
+ mFreeMem(arg); // free ActStartData (no time to free after)
+ end;
+function ActionStarter(macro:pMacroRecord;wd:pWorkData;flags:dword):LPARAM;
+ tmp:pActStartData;
+ i:integer;
+ mGetMem (tmp ,SizeOf(tActStartData));
+ FillChar(tmp^,SizeOf(tActStartData),0);
+ if wd<>nil then
+ begin
+ tmp^.WorkData.ResultType:=wd^.ResultType;
+ case wd^.ResultType of
+ rtInt : tmp^.WorkData.LastResult:=wd^.LastResult;
+ rtWide: StrDupW(pWideChar(tmp^.WorkData.LastResult),pWideChar(wd^.LastResult));
+ rtAnsi: begin
+ AnsiToWide(pAnsiChar(wd^.LastResult),pWideChar(tmp^.WorkData.LastResult));
+ tmp^.WorkData.ResultType:=rtWide;
+ end;
+ rtUTF8: begin
+ UTF8ToWide(pAnsiChar(wd^.LastResult),pWideChar(tmp^.WorkData.LastResult));
+ tmp^.WorkData.ResultType:=rtWide;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tmp^.WorkData.Parameter:=wd^.Parameter;
+ end
+ else
+ tmp^.WorkData.ResultType:=rtInt;
+ tmp^.macro :=macro;
+ tmp^.flags :=flags;
+ if (flags and ACTP_SAMETHREAD)<>0 then // with waiting, macro or service
+ begin
+ tmp^.event:=0;
+ ThDoAction(tmp);
+ // keep text result (for macro from macro)
+ if (flags and ACTP_KEEPRESULT)<>0 then
+ begin
+ wd^.ResultType:=tmp^.WorkData.ResultType;
+ if wd^.ResultType=rtInt then
+ wd^.LastResult:=tmp^.WorkData.LastResult
+ else
+ StrDupW(pWideChar(wd^.LastResult),pWideChar(tmp^.WorkData.LastResult));
+ result:=0;
+ end
+ else if tmp^.WorkData.ResultType=rtInt then
+ result:=tmp^.WorkData.LastResult
+ // result no needs or macro from service
+ else
+ result:=StrToInt(pWideChar(tmp^.WorkData.LastResult));
+ end
+ else if (flags and ACTP_WAIT)<>0 then // with waiting, service
+ begin
+ tmp^.event:=CreateEvent(nil,FALSE,FALSE,nil);
+ {CloseHandle}(mir_forkthread(@ThDoAction,tmp));
+ //!!!!!!!!! movetmp structure (event handle) to array, not stack?
+ WaitForSingleObjectEx(tmp^.event,INFINITE,true);
+ CloseHandle(tmp^.event);
+ if tmp^.WorkData.ResultType=rtWide then
+ result:=StrToInt(pWideChar(tmp^.WorkData.LastResult))
+ else
+ result:=tmp^.WorkData.LastResult;
+ end
+ else // no waiting, service or macro
+ begin
+ tmp^.event:=0;
+ {CloseHandle}(mir_forkthread(@ThDoAction,tmp));
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ClearResult(tmp^.WorkData); // free last result memory if needs
+ // Free Storage
+ for i:=0 to 9 do
+ ClearResult(tmp^.WorkData,i);
+ mFreeMem(tmp); // free ActStartData (no time to free after)
+//----- execute services -----
+function ActRun(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+ p:pMacroRecord;
+ w:tWorkData;
+ result:=-1;
+ p:=MacroList.GetMacro(wParam);
+ if p<>nil then
+ begin
+ FillChar(w,SizeOf(w),0);
+ w.ResultType:=rtInt;
+ w.Parameter:=lParam;
+ result:=ActionStarter(p,@w,ACTP_SAMETHREAD);
+ end;
+function ActRunGroup(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+ p:pMacroRecord;
+ w:tWorkData;
+ result:=-1;
+ p:=MacroList.GetMacro(pWideChar(wParam));
+ if p<>nil then
+ begin
+ FillChar(w,SizeOf(w),0);
+ w.ResultType:=rtInt;
+ w.Parameter:=lParam;
+ result:=ActionStarter(p,@w,ACTP_SAMETHREAD);
+ end;
+function ActRunParam(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int_ptr;cdecl;
+ p:pMacroRecord;
+ w:tWorkData;
+ result:=-1;
+ if (pAct_Param(lParam)^.flags and ACTP_BYNAME)=0 then
+ p:=MacroList.GetMacro(pAct_Param(lParam)^.Id)
+ else
+ p:=MacroList.GetMacro(pWideChar(pAct_Param(lParam)^.Id));
+ if p<>nil then
+ begin
+ FillChar(w,SizeOf(w),0);
+ w.Parameter :=pAct_Param(lParam)^.wParam;
+ w.LastResult:=pAct_Param(lParam)^.lParam;
+ w.ResultType:=pAct_Param(lParam)^.lPType;
+ result:=ActionStarter(p,@w,pAct_Param(lParam)^.flags);
+ if (pAct_Param(lParam)^.flags and (ACTP_KEEPRESULT or ACTP_SAMETHREAD))=
+ begin
+ pAct_Param(lParam)^.lParam:=w.LastResult;
+ pAct_Param(lParam)^.lPType:=w.ResultType;
+ end;
+ end;