path: root/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 09:10:06 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 09:10:06 +0000
commit194923c172167eb3fc33807ec8009b255f86337e (patch)
tree1effc97a1bd872cc3a5eac7a361250cf283e0efd /plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas
parentb2943645fed61d0c0cfee1225654e5ff44fd96f8 (diff)
Plugin is not adapted until someone can compile it and tell others how to do the same
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1481 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 466f7b9190..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1481 +0,0 @@
-// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
-// (,
-// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
-// explicit permition from the owner.
-unit ChessRulesEngine;
- Classes;
- TFigureName = (K, Q, R, B, N, P);
- TFigure = (WK, WQ, WR, WB, WN, WP, ES,
- BK, BQ, BR, BB, BN, BP); // ES - Empty Square
- TFigureColor = (fcWhite, fcBlack);
- TCastlingCapability = set of (
- WhiteKingSide, WhiteQueenSide, BlackKingSide, BlackQueenSide);
- PChessPosition = ^TChessPosition;
- TChessPosition = object // Chess position
- board: array[1..8, 1..8] of TFigure;
- color: TFigureColor; // Who moves
- castling: TCastlingCapability;
- en_passant: 0..8; // possibility of e.p 0 - no e.p.
- private
- procedure FUpdateKingSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
- procedure FUpdateQueenSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
- public
- function SetPiece(i, j: integer; APiece: TFigure): boolean;
- end;
- PMoveAbs = ^TMoveAbs;
- TMoveAbs = record
- i0, j0, i, j: byte;
- prom_fig: TFigureName;
- end;
- IChessRulesEngineable = interface
- function AskPromotionFigure(FigureColor: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
- end;
- TEvaluation = (evInGame, evMate, evStaleMate);
- TMoveNotationFormat = (mnfCh4N, mnfCh4NEx); // TODO: mnfPGN
- TChessRulesEngine = class
- private
- m_ChessRulesEngineable: IChessRulesEngineable;
- m_Position: TChessPosition;
- m_iMovesOffset: integer;
- m_i0, m_j0: integer; // Previous position of piece
- m_fig: TFigure; // Piece that moves
- m_lastMove: TMoveAbs; // Last move done
- m_strLastMoveStr: string; // last move in algebraic notation
- m_MoveNotationFormat: TMoveNotationFormat;
- m_bFENFormat: boolean;
- m_lstPosition: TList;
- function FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
- function FAskPromotionFigure(FigureColor: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
- procedure FAddPosMoveToList; // Add position and its move to the list
- function FMove2Str(const pos: TChessPosition): string;
- function FCheckMove(const chp: TChessPosition; var chp_res: TChessPosition;
- i0, j0, i, j: integer; var prom_fig: TFigureName): boolean;
- function FGetLastMove: PMoveAbs;
- procedure FDeleteLastPositionFromPositionList;
- function FDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
- class function FFieldUnderAttack(const pos: TChessPosition; i0,j0: integer): boolean;
- class function FCheckCheck(const pos: TChessPosition): boolean;
- function FCanMove(pos: TChessPosition): boolean;
- procedure FSetMovesOffset(iValue: integer);
- property i0: integer read m_i0 write m_i0;
- property j0: integer read m_j0 write m_j0;
- property fig: TFigure read m_fig write m_fig;
- public
- constructor Create(ChessRulesEngineable: IChessRulesEngineable = nil);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function DoMove(move_str: string): boolean; overload;
- function DoMove(i0, j0, i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean; overload;
- function TakeBack: boolean;
- function SetPosition(strValue: string): boolean;
- function GetPosition: string;
- function GetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
- procedure InitNewGame;
- procedure InitNewPPRandomGame;
- procedure ResetMoveList; // Clears positions list
- function NMovesDone: integer; // amount of moves done
- function NPlysDone: integer; // amount of plys done
- function GetFENMoveNumber: integer;
- function GetEvaluation: TEvaluation;
- property Position: PChessPosition read FGetPosition;
- property lastMove: PMoveAbs read FGetLastMove;
- property lastMoveStr: string read m_strLastMoveStr;
- property MovesOffset: integer read m_iMovesOffset write FSetMovesOffset;
- property PositionsList: TList read m_lstPosition;
- property MoveNotationFormat: TMoveNotationFormat
- read m_MoveNotationFormat write m_MoveNotationFormat;
- property FENFormat: boolean read m_bFENFormat write m_bFENFormat;
- end;
- PPosMove = ^TPosMove;
- TPosMove = record
- pos: TChessPosition;
- move: TMoveAbs;
- end;
- INITIAL_CHESS_POSITION = 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -';
- EMPTY_CHESS_POSITION = '8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - -';
- INITIAL_FEN = 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1';
- EMPTY_FEN = '8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1';
- SysUtils, StrUtils;
- TDeltaMove = array [TFigureName] of
- record
- longRange: boolean;
- dx,dy: array[1..8] of Integer;
- end;
- DELTA_MOVE: TDeltaMove = ((longRange: FALSE; // Король
- dx: (1,0,-1,0, 1,-1,-1,1); dy: (0,1,0,-1, 1,1,-1,-1)),
- (longRange: TRUE; // Ферзь
- dx: (1,0,-1,0, 1,-1,-1,1); dy: (0,1,0,-1, 1,1,-1,-1)),
- (longRange: TRUE; // Ладья
- dx: (1,0,-1,0, 0,0,0,0); dy: (0,1,0,-1, 0,0,0,0)),
- (longRange: TRUE; // Слон
- dx: (1,-1,-1,1, 0,0,0,0); dy: (1,1,-1,-1, 0,0,0,0)),
- (longRange: FALSE; // Конь
- dx: (2,1,-1,-2, 2,1,-1,-2); dy: (1,2,2,1, -1,-2,-2,-1)),
- (longRange: FALSE; // Пешка
- dx: (0,0,-1,1, 0,0,0,0); dy: (2,1,1,1, 0,0,0,0)));
-// TChessRulesEngine
-constructor TChessRulesEngine.Create(ChessRulesEngineable: IChessRulesEngineable = nil);
- inherited Create;
- m_ChessRulesEngineable := ChessRulesEngineable;
- m_lstPosition := TList.Create;
- InitNewGame;
-destructor TChessRulesEngine.Destroy;
- ResetMoveList;
- m_lstPosition.Free;
- inherited;
-function TChessRulesEngine.FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
- Result := @m_Position;
-function TChessRulesEngine.FAskPromotionFigure(FigureColor: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
- if (Assigned(m_ChessRulesEngineable)) then
- Result := m_ChessRulesEngineable.AskPromotionFigure(FigureColor)
- else
- Result := Q;
-class function TChessRulesEngine.FCheckCheck(const pos: TChessPosition): boolean;
- l;
- _i0: integer = 1; // для увеличения скорости обработки
- _j0: integer = 1;
- i, j: integer;
- with pos do
- begin
- if ((color = fcWhite) and (board[_i0, _j0] = WK)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (board[_i0, _j0] = BK)) then goto l;
- // поиск короля на доске
- for i:= 1 to 8 do
- begin
- for j:= 1 to 8 do
- begin
- if ((color = fcWhite) and (board[i,j] = WK)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i,j] = BK)) then
- begin
- _i0 := i;
- _j0 := j;
- goto l;
- end;
- end; // for j
- end; // for i
- Result := FFieldUnderAttack(pos, _i0, _j0);
- end;
-class function TChessRulesEngine.FFieldUnderAttack(const pos: TChessPosition; i0, j0: integer): boolean;
- f: TFigureName;
- ef: TFigure;
- l: byte;
- ti,tj: Integer;
- locLongRange: boolean;
- for f:= R to N do
- for l:= 1 to 8 do
- with DELTA_MOVE[f], pos do
- begin
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then break; // Все ходы просмотрены
- ti:= i0; tj:= j0;
- locLongRange:= FALSE;
- repeat
- ti:= ti + dx[l]; tj:= tj + dy[l];
- if not(ti in [1..8]) or not(tj in [1..8]) then break;
- ef:= board[ti,tj];
- if ((color = fcWhite) and (ef < ES)) or ((color = fcBlack) and (ef > ES))
- then break;
- case ef of
- WK,BK:
- if locLongRange or (f = N) then break;
- WQ,BQ:
- if f = N then break;
- WR,BR:
- if f <> R then break;
- WB,BB:
- if f <> B then break;
- WN,BN:
- if f <> N then break;
- WP,BP:
- if locLongRange or (f <> B) or
- ((color = fcWhite) and not(tj > j0)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and not(tj < j0))
- then break;
- ES:
- begin
- locLongRange:= TRUE;
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- Result:= TRUE;
- exit;
- until (not longRange);
- end;
- Result := FALSE;
-function TChessRulesEngine.FCheckMove(const chp: TChessPosition; var chp_res: TChessPosition;
- i0, j0, i, j: integer; var prom_fig: TFigureName): boolean;
- here;
- ti,tj: integer;
- l: byte;
- f: TFigureName;
- _fig: TFigure;
- pos: TChessPosition;
- Result := FALSE;
- if (not ((i0 in [1..8]) and (j0 in [1..8]) and
- (i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8]))) then
- exit;
- _fig := chp.board[i0, j0];
- if (((chp.color = fcWhite) and (_fig > ES)) or
- ((chp.color = fcBlack) and (_fig < ES))) then
- exit;
- f := TFigureName(ord(_fig) - ord(chp.color) * ord(BK));
- for l := 1 to 8 do
- with DELTA_MOVE[f], chp do
- begin
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then
- break; // All moves have been viewed
- ti := i0;
- tj := j0;
- case f of
- P:
- begin
- if ((l = 1) and
- (not (((color = fcWhite) and (j0 = 2) and (board[i0,3] = ES)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (j0 = 7) and (board[i0,6] = ES))))) then
- continue; // Pawn is not on 2/7 row - long move is impossible
- case color of
- fcWhite:
- begin
- inc(ti, dx[l]);
- inc(tj, dy[l]);
- end;
- fcBlack:
- begin
- dec(ti, dx[l]);
- dec(tj, dy[l]);
- end;
- end;
- if (not (ti in [1..8]) or not(tj in [1..8])) then
- continue;
- if ((l <= 2) and (board[ti,tj] <> ES)) then
- continue; // There's a piece before the pawn -> exit
- if ((l >= 3) and (not (((color = fcWhite) and ((board[ti,tj] > ES) or
- ((j0 = 5) and (en_passant = ti)))) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and ((board[ti,tj] < ES) or
- ((j0 = 4) and (en_passant = ti))))))) then
- continue;
- if ((ti = i) and (tj = j)) then
- goto here;
- end;
- else
- begin
- repeat
- inc(ti, dx[l]);
- inc(tj, dy[l]);
- if ((not (ti in [1..8])) or (not (tj in [1..8])) or
- ((color = fcWhite) and ((board[ti,tj] < ES) or
- ((board[ti,tj] > ES) and ((ti <> i) or (tj <> j))))) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and ((board[ti,tj] > ES) or
- ((board[ti,tj] < ES) and ((ti <> i) or (tj <> j)))))) then
- break;
- if ((ti = i) and (tj = j)) then
- goto here;
- until (not longRange);
- end;
- end; { case }
- end;
- if (f = K) then // Checking against castling
- begin
- with chp do
- begin
- if (i-i0 = 2) and (j = j0) and
- (((color = fcWhite) and (WhiteKingSide in castling)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (BlackKingSide in castling))) then
- begin
- if ((board[6,j0] <> ES) or (board[7,j0] <> ES) or // 0-0
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,5,j0) or
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,6,j0)) then exit;
- end
- else if ((i-i0 = -2) and (j = j0) and
- (((color = fcWhite) and (WhiteQueenSide in castling)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (BlackQueenSide in castling)))) then
- begin
- if ((board[4,j0] <> ES) or (board[3,j0] <> ES) or // 0-0-0
- (board[2,j0] <> ES) or
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,5,j0) or
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,4,j0)) then
- exit;
- end
- else
- exit;
- goto here;
- end;
- end;
- exit; // The piece was moved not according to rules
- // Making move on pos
- pos := chp;
- with pos do
- begin
- case f of
- P:
- begin
- if (((color = fcWhite) and (j0 = 5)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (j0 = 4))) and (i = en_passant) then
- board[i,j0]:= ES; // remove enemy pawn with e.p.
- end;
- K:
- begin
- if i-i0 = 2 then
- begin
- board[6,j0]:= board[8,j0]; // 0-0
- board[8,j0]:= ES;
- end
- else
- if i0-i = 2 then
- begin
- board[4,j0]:= board[1,j0]; // 0-0-0
- board[1,j0]:= ES;
- end;
- case color of
- fcWhite:
- castling:= castling - [WhiteKingSide, WhiteQueenSide];
- fcBlack:
- castling:= castling - [BlackKingSide, BlackQueenSide];
- end;
- end;
- R:
- begin
- if ((i0 = 8) and (j0 = 1)) or ((i = 8) and (j = 1)) then
- castling := castling - [WhiteKingSide]
- else if ((i0 = 1) and (j0 = 1)) or ((i = 1) and (j = 1)) then
- castling := castling - [WhiteQueenSide]
- else if ((i0 = 8) and (j0 = 8)) or ((i = 8) and (j = 8)) then
- castling := castling - [BlackKingSide]
- else if ((i0 = 1) and (j0 = 8)) or ((i = 1) and (j = 8)) then
- castling := castling - [BlackQueenSide];
- end;
- end;
- if ((f = P) and (abs(j-j0) = 2) and
- (((i > 1) and (((color = fcWhite) and (board[i-1,j] = BP)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i-1,j] = WP)))) or
- ((i < 8) and (((color = fcWhite) and (board[i+1,j] = BP)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i+1,j] = WP)))))) then
- en_passant := i0 // e.p. on
- else
- en_passant := 0; // e.p. off
- // make the move
- board[i0, j0]:= ES;
- board[i, j] := _fig;
- if (FCheckCheck(pos)) then
- exit; // move is impossible because of check
- if (f = P) and ((j = 1) or (j = 8)) then
- begin
- case prom_fig of
- Q..N: ;
- else
- prom_fig := FAskPromotionFigure(pos.color);
- end; // case
- board[i, j] := TFigure(ord(color) * ord(BK) + ord(prom_fig));
- end;
- if (color = fcWhite) then
- color := fcBlack
- else
- color := fcWhite;
- end; // with
- chp_res := pos;
- Result:= TRUE;
-function TChessRulesEngine.FCanMove(pos: TChessPosition): boolean;
- i,j: integer;
- ti,tj: integer;
- l: byte;
- f: TFigureName;
- prom_fig: TFigureName;
- with pos do
- for i:= 1 to 8 do
- for j:= 1 to 8 do
- begin
- if ((color = fcWhite) and (board[i,j] >= ES)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i,j] <= ES)) then continue;
- f:= TFigureName(ord(board[i,j]) - ord(color) * ord(BK));
- for l:= 1 to 8 do
- with DELTA_MOVE[f] do
- begin
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then break; // Все ходы просмотрены
- ti:= i; tj:= j;
- repeat
- case color of
- fcWhite:
- begin
- ti:= ti + dx[l]; tj:= tj + dy[l];
- end;
- fcBlack:
- begin
- ti:= ti - dx[l]; tj:= tj - dy[l];
- end;
- end;
- if not ((ti in [1..8]) and (tj in [1..8])) then break;
- prom_fig := Q;
- if FCheckMove(pos, pos, i, j, ti, tj, prom_fig) then
- begin
- Result:= TRUE;
- exit;
- end;
- until not longRange;
- end;
- end;
- Result := FALSE;
-function TChessRulesEngine.DoMove(move_str: string): boolean;
- l1;
- l: byte;
- f, prom_f: TFigureName;
- i, j: integer;
- ti, tj: integer;
- saved_i, saved_j: integer;
- Result := FALSE;
- l := length(move_str);
- if ((l <= 1)) then // at least two characters
- exit;
- if ((move_str[l] in ['+', '#'])) then
- move_str := LeftStr(move_str, l - 1);
- // Проверка на рокировку
- if (move_str = '0-0') then
- begin
- if (Position.color = fcWhite) then
- move_str:= 'Ke1g1'
- else
- move_str:= 'Ke8g8'
- end
- else if (move_str = '0-0-0') then
- begin
- if (Position.color = fcWhite) then
- move_str:= 'Ke1c1'
- else
- move_str:= 'Ke8c8';
- end;
- l := length(move_str);
- i0 := 0;
- j0 := 0;
- i := 0;
- j := 0;
- prom_f := K;
- case move_str[l] of
- 'Q': prom_f := Q;
- 'R': prom_f := R;
- 'B': prom_f := B;
- 'N': prom_f := N;
- else
- inc(l);
- end;
- dec(l);
- if move_str[l] in ['1'..'8'] then
- begin
- j := StrToInt(move_str[l]);
- dec(l);
- end;
- if move_str[l] in ['a'..'h'] then
- begin
- i := ord(move_str[l]) - ord('a') + 1;
- dec(l);
- end;
- if (l > 0) and (move_str[l] in ['1'..'8']) then
- begin
- j0 := StrToInt(move_str[l]);
- dec(l);
- end;
- if (l > 0) and (move_str[l] in ['a'..'h']) then
- begin
- i0 := ord(move_str[l]) - ord('a') + 1;
- dec(l);
- end;
- if (l = 0) then
- f := P
- else
- begin
- case move_str[l] of
- 'K': f:= K;
- 'Q': f:= Q;
- 'R': f:= R;
- 'B': f:= B;
- 'N': f:= N;
- end;
- end;
- with m_Position do
- begin
- fig := TFigure(ord(f) + ord(Position.color) * ord(BK));
- case f of
- K..N: // Ход Кр - К
- begin
- if ((i0 > 0) and (j0 > 0)) then
- begin
- Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
- exit;
- end;
- for l := 1 to 8 do
- begin
- with DELTA_MOVE[f] do
- begin
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then break; // Все ходы просмотрены
- ti:= i;
- tj:= j;
- repeat
- ti:= ti + dx[l];
- tj:= tj + dy[l];
- if not ((ti in [1..8]) and (tj in [1..8])) or
- ((board[ti,tj] <> ES) and (board[ti,tj] <> fig)) then
- break;
- if ((i0 = 0) or (i0 = ti)) and ((j0 = 0) or (j0 = tj)) and
- (board[ti, tj] = fig) then
- begin // Ходящая фигура найдена
- saved_i := i0;
- saved_j := j0;
- i0 := ti;
- j0 := tj;
- Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
- if (Result) then
- exit;
- i0 := saved_i;
- j0 := saved_j;
- end;
- until (f = K) or (f = N); // Если Кр или К, то выход
- end; // with
- end; // for
- end; // K..N
- P: // Ход пешкой
- begin
- if (i0 <> 0) and (i0 <> i) then // взятие пешкой
- begin
- for l := 2 to 7 do
- begin
- if (board[i0, l] = fig) and ((j0 = 0) or (j0 = l)) then
- begin
- if color = fcWhite then
- begin
- if ((board[i, l + 1] > ES) or
- ((l = 5) and (en_passant = i))) and
- ((j = 0) or (j = l+1)) and (abs(i - i0) = 1) then
- begin
- j0 := l;
- j := l + 1;
- Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
- if (Result) then
- exit;
- end;
- end
- else // color = fcBlack
- if ((board[i,l - 1] < ES) or
- ((l = 4) and (en_passant = i))) and
- ((j = 0) or (j = l-1)) and (abs(i - i0) = 1) then
- begin
- j0 := l;
- j := l - 1;
- Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
- if (Result) then
- exit;
- end;
- end; // if
- end; // for
- end
- else // Ход прямо
- begin
- i0 := i;
- if color = fcWhite then
- begin
- if board[i, j - 1] = fig then
- j0 := j - 1
- else if (j = 4) and (board[i, 3] = ES) and
- (board[i,2] = fig) then
- j0 := 2;
- end
- else // color = fcBlack
- begin
- if (board[i, j + 1] = fig) then
- j0 := j + 1
- else if (j = 5) and (board[i,6] = ES) and (board[i, 7] = fig) then
- j0 := 7;
- end;
- Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
- end; // if
- end; // P:
- end; // case
- end;
-function TChessRulesEngine.FDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
- newPosition: TChessPosition;
- Result := FCheckMove(m_Position, newPosition, i0, j0, i, j, prom_fig);
- if (Result) then
- begin
- // Store the move done
- lastMove.i0 := i0;
- lastMove.j0 := j0;
- lastMove.i := i;
- lastMove.j := j;
- lastMove.prom_fig := prom_fig;
- FAddPosMoveToList;
- m_strLastMoveStr := FMove2Str(newPosition);
- m_Position := newPosition;
- end;
-function TChessRulesEngine.DoMove(i0, j0, i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
- self.i0 := i0;
- self.j0 := j0;
- Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_fig);
-function TChessRulesEngine.FGetLastMove: PMoveAbs;
- Result := @m_lastMove;
-procedure TChessRulesEngine.FAddPosMoveToList;
- pm: PPosMove;
- new(pm);
- pm.pos := m_Position;
- pm.move := lastMove^;
- PositionsList.Add(pm);
-function TChessRulesEngine.FMove2Str(const pos: TChessPosition): string;
- procedure NExtendWithCheckOrMate(var strMove: string);
- begin
- if (strMove = '') then
- exit;
- if (FCheckCheck(pos)) then
- begin
- if (FCanMove(pos)) then
- strMove := strMove + '+'
- else
- strMove := strMove + '#';
- end;
- end;
- f: TFigureName;
- l: byte;
- ti, tj: integer;
- ambig, hor, ver: boolean;
- _fig: TFigure;
- DummyPosition: TChessPosition;
-begin // .FMove2Str
- if (lastMove.i0 = 0) then // No move
- begin
- Result:= '';
- exit;
- end;
- _fig := Position.board[lastMove.i0, lastMove.j0];
- f := TFigureName(ord(_fig) + (ord(pos.color) - 1) * ord(BK));
- // Pawn moves
- if (f = P) then
- begin
- with pos do
- begin
- if ((lastMove.i - lastMove.i0) = 0) then // move
- Result := chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1) + IntToStr(lastMove.j)
- else // capturing
- begin
- Result := chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i0 - 1) + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1);
- for l := 2 to 7 do // Checking against ambiguity of capturing
- begin
- if (board[lastMove.i0, l] = WP) then
- tj := l + 1
- else if (board[lastMove.i0, l] = BP) then
- tj := l - 1
- else
- continue;
- if ((((tj > l) and ((Position.board[lastMove.i, tj] > ES) or
- ((Position.en_passant = lastMove.i) and (l = 5)))) and (color = fcBlack)) or
- (((tj < l) and ((Position.board[lastMove.i, tj] < ES) or
- ((Position.en_passant = lastMove.i) and (l = 4)))) and (color = fcWhite))) then
- begin
- if ((MoveNotationFormat <> mnfCh4NEx) or
- FCheckMove(m_Position, DummyPosition, lastMove.i0, l, lastMove.i, tj,
- lastMove.prom_fig)) then
- begin
- Result := Result + IntToStr(lastMove.j);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (lastMove.j = 8) or (lastMove.j = 1) then // The pawn has been promoted
- begin
- case board[lastMove.i,lastMove.j] of
- WQ,BQ: Result := Result + 'Q';
- WR,BR: Result := Result + 'R';
- WB,BB: Result := Result + 'B';
- WN,BN: Result := Result + 'N';
- end;
- end;
- if (m_MoveNotationFormat = mnfCh4NEx) then
- NExtendWithCheckOrMate(Result);
- exit;
- end; // with
- end; // if
- // <Piece>
- case f of
- K: Result:= 'K';
- Q: Result:= 'Q';
- R: Result:= 'R';
- B: Result:= 'B';
- N: Result:= 'N';
- end;
- // [<Line>][<Row>]
- ambig:= FALSE;
- hor:= FALSE;
- ver:= FALSE;
- for l := 1 to 8 do
- begin
- with pos, DELTA_MOVE[f] do
- begin
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then
- break; // All moves have been viewed
- ti := lastMove.i;
- tj := lastMove.j;
- repeat
- inc(ti, dx[l]);
- inc(tj, dy[l]);
- if ((not (ti in [1..8])) or (not (tj in [1..8]))) then
- break;
- if (board[ti,tj] = ES) then
- continue;
- if (board[ti, tj] <> _fig) then
- break;
- if ((m_MoveNotationFormat <> mnfCh4NEx) or
- FCheckMove(m_Position, DummyPosition, ti, tj, lastMove.i, lastMove.j,
- lastMove.prom_fig)) then
- begin
- ambig := TRUE;
- ver := (ver or (ti = lastMove.i0));
- hor := (hor or (tj = lastMove.j0));
- break;
- end;
- until (f = K) or (f = N); // If K or N -> exit
- end;
- end; // for l
- if (ambig) then
- begin
- if ((not ver) or hor) then
- Result := Result + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i0 - 1);
- if (ver) then
- Result := Result + IntToStr(lastMove.j0);
- end;
- // <Destination field>
- Result := Result + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1) + IntToStr(lastMove.j);
- // <Short castling> | <Long castling>
- if (f = K) then
- begin
- if ((lastMove.i - lastMove.i0) = 2) then
- Result := '0-0'
- else if (lastMove.i0 - lastMove.i = 2) then
- Result := '0-0-0';
- end;
- if (m_MoveNotationFormat = mnfCh4NEx) then
- NExtendWithCheckOrMate(Result);
-function TChessRulesEngine.TakeBack: boolean;
- Result := (PositionsList.Count > 0);
- if (Result) then
- begin
- FDeleteLastPositionFromPositionList;
- lastMove.i0 := 0;
- end;
-procedure TChessRulesEngine.FDeleteLastPositionFromPositionList;
- i: integer;
- i := PositionsList.Count - 1;
- if (i >= 0) then
- begin
- m_Position := PPosMove(PositionsList[i]).pos;
- Dispose(PositionsList[i]);
- PositionsList.Delete(i);
- end;
-function TChessRulesEngine.SetPosition(strValue: string): boolean;
- function NNextToken(var str: string): string;
- var
- iPos: integer;
- begin
- str := TrimLeft(str);
- if (str = '') then
- Result := ''
- else
- begin
- iPos := Pos(' ', str);
- if (iPos > 0) then
- begin
- Result := LeftStr(str, Pred(iPos));
- str := Copy(str, iPos, MaxInt);
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := str;
- str := '';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- pos: TChessPosition;
- function NSetPlacingOfPieces: boolean;
- var
- strPos: string;
- iPos: integer;
- j, i, k: integer;
- begin
- Result := FALSE;
- strPos := NNextToken(strValue);
- iPos := 1;
- for j := 8 downto 1 do
- begin
- i := 1;
- repeat
- if (iPos > Length(strPos)) then
- exit;
- case strPos[iPos] of
- 'K': pos.board[i,j]:= WK;
- 'Q': pos.board[i,j]:= WQ;
- 'R': pos.board[i,j]:= WR;
- 'B': pos.board[i,j]:= WB;
- 'N': pos.board[i,j]:= WN;
- 'P': pos.board[i,j]:= WP;
- 'k': pos.board[i,j]:= BK;
- 'q': pos.board[i,j]:= BQ;
- 'r': pos.board[i,j]:= BR;
- 'b': pos.board[i,j]:= BB;
- 'n': pos.board[i,j]:= BN;
- 'p': pos.board[i,j]:= BP;
- '1'..'8': // Insert empty fields
- begin
- k := StrToInt(strPos[iPos]);
- repeat
- pos.board[i,j]:= ES;
- dec(k); inc(i);
- until k = 0;
- dec(i);
- end;
- ' ': break; // Position is read -> exit from loop
- else
- exit; // Error in strPos
- end;
- inc(i);
- inc(iPos);
- until ((i > 8) or (strPos[iPos] = '/')); // Repeat until '/' or if not on the row
- inc(iPos);
- end; // for j
- Result := TRUE;
- end;
- i: integer;
- iMovesOffset: integer;
- strToken: string;
-begin // .SetPosition
- Result := NSetPlacingOfPieces;
- if (not Result) then
- exit;
- // Defaults
- pos.color := fcWhite;
- pos.castling := [];
- pos.en_passant := 0;
- iMovesOffset := 0;
- try
- strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
- if (strToken = '') then
- exit;
- case strToken[1] of
- 'w':
- pos.color := fcWhite;
- 'b':
- pos.color := fcBlack;
- else
- exit;
- end;
- strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
- if (strToken = '') then
- exit;
- for i := 1 to Length(strToken) do
- begin
- with pos do
- begin
- case strToken[i] of
- 'K':
- Include(castling, WhiteKingSide);
- 'Q':
- Include(castling, WhiteQueenSide);
- 'k':
- Include(castling, BlackKingSide);
- 'q':
- Include(castling, BlackQueenSide);
- '-':
- castling := [];
- else
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end; // for
- strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
- if (strToken = '') then
- exit;
- with pos do
- begin
- case strToken[1] of
- 'a'..'h':
- en_passant := ord(strToken[1]) - ord('a') + 1;
- end;
- end;
- strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
- if (strToken = '') then
- exit;
- // Skip 50-moves counter
- strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
- if (strToken = '') then
- exit;
- iMovesOffset := StrToIntDef(strToken, 1) - 1;
- if (iMovesOffset < 0) then
- iMovesOffset := 0;
- finally
- ResetMoveList;
- m_Position := pos;
- m_iMovesOffset := iMovesOffset;
- end;
-procedure TChessRulesEngine.InitNewGame;
- bRes: boolean;
- bRes := SetPosition(INITIAL_CHESS_POSITION);
- Assert(bRes);
-procedure TChessRulesEngine.ResetMoveList;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to PositionsList.Count - 1 do
- Dispose(PositionsList[i]);
- PositionsList.Clear;
- lastMove.i0 := 0;
-function TChessRulesEngine.GetPosition: string;
- function NGetPlacingOfPieces: string;
- var
- i, j: Integer;
- k: byte;
- chFig: char;
- begin
- Result := '';
- // Placing of pieces
- for j := 8 downto 1 do
- begin
- k := 0;
- for i := 1 to 8 do
- begin
- case Position.board[i, j] of
- WK: chFig := 'K';
- WQ: chFig := 'Q';
- WR: chFig := 'R';
- WB: chFig := 'B';
- WN: chFig := 'N';
- WP: chFig := 'P';
- BK: chFig := 'k';
- BQ: chFig := 'q';
- BR: chFig := 'r';
- BB: chFig := 'b';
- BN: chFig := 'n';
- BP: chFig := 'p';
- ES:
- begin
- inc(k);
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- if (k > 0) then
- begin
- Result := Result + IntToStr(k);
- k := 0;
- end;
- Result := Result + chFig;
- end; // for i
- if (k > 0) then
- Result := Result + IntToStr(k);
- if (j = 1) then
- Result := Result + ' '
- else
- Result := Result + '/'; // i <= 7
- end; // for j
- end;
-begin // .GetPosition
- Result := NGetPlacingOfPieces;
- if (Position.color = fcWhite) then
- Result := Result + 'w '
- else
- Result := Result + 'b '; // color = fcBlack
- // Castling
- if (Position.castling = []) then
- Result := Result + '-'
- else
- begin
- if (WhiteKingSide in Position.castling) then
- Result := Result + 'K';
- if (WhiteQueenSide in Position.castling) then
- Result := Result + 'Q';
- if (BlackKingSide in Position.castling) then
- Result := Result + 'k';
- if (BlackQueenSide in Position.castling) then
- Result := Result + 'q';
- end;
- // en-passant
- if (Position.en_passant = 0) then
- Result := Result + ' -'
- else
- begin
- Result := Result + ' ' + Chr(Ord('a') - 1 + Position.en_passant);
- end;
- if (not FENFormat) then
- exit;
- if (Position.en_passant <> 0) then
- begin
- if (Position.color = fcWhite) then
- Result := Result + '6'
- else
- Result := Result + '3'; // Black
- end;
- Result := Result + ' 0'; // TODO: 50-moves rule
- Result := Result + ' ' + IntToStr(GetFENMoveNumber);
-function TChessRulesEngine.GetFENMoveNumber: integer;
- Result := NMovesDone;
- if ((m_Position.color = fcWhite) or (Result = 0)) then
- inc(Result);
-procedure TChessRulesEngine.FSetMovesOffset(iValue: integer);
- Assert(iValue >= 0);
- m_iMovesOffset := iValue;
-procedure TChessRulesEngine.InitNewPPRandomGame;
- FIG: array[0..5] of TFigureName = (B, B, Q, R, N, N);
- SQR: array[0..5] of byte = (2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 0);
- rnd_sqr: array[0..5] of byte;
- i,j: integer;
- f: boolean;
- InitNewGame;
- if (Random(2) = 0) then
- SQR[5] := 1 // с какой стороны оставляем ладью
- else
- SQR[5] := 8;
- for i := 0 to 5 do
- begin
- repeat
- rnd_sqr[i] := SQR[Random(6)];
- f := FALSE;
- for j := 0 to i-1 do f := f or (rnd_sqr[i] = rnd_sqr[j]);
- until not (f or ((i = 1) and (((rnd_sqr[0] xor rnd_sqr[1]) and 1) = 0)));
- m_Position.board[rnd_sqr[i], 1] := TFigure(ord(FIG[i]));
- m_Position.board[rnd_sqr[i], 8] := TFigure(ord(BK) + ord(FIG[i]));
- end;
-function TChessRulesEngine.NMovesDone: integer;
- iMovesCount: integer;
- if ((PositionsList.Count = 0) and (m_iMovesOffset = 0)) then
- iMovesCount := 0
- else
- begin
- if (GetColorStarts = fcWhite) then
- iMovesCount := ((PositionsList.Count + 1) div 2)
- else // GetColorStarts = fcBlack
- iMovesCount := ((PositionsList.Count + 2) div 2);
- end;
- Result := m_iMovesOffset + iMovesCount;
-function TChessRulesEngine.GetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
- if (Odd(PositionsList.Count) and (m_Position.color = fcBlack)) or
- (not Odd(PositionsList.Count) and (m_Position.color = fcWhite)) then
- Result := fcWhite
- else
- Result := fcBlack;
-function TChessRulesEngine.NPlysDone: integer; // amount of plys done
- Result := (2 * m_iMovesOffset) + PositionsList.Count;
-function TChessRulesEngine.GetEvaluation: TEvaluation;
- Result := evInGame;
- if (not FCanMove(m_Position)) then
- begin
- if (FCheckCheck(m_Position)) then
- Result := evMate
- else
- Result := evStaleMate;
- end;
- // TODO: Evaluate position for possible technical draw
-function TChessPosition.SetPiece(i, j: integer; APiece: TFigure): boolean;
- SavedPiece: TFigure;
- Result := ((i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8]));
- if (not Result) then
- exit;
- SavedPiece := board[i, j];
- board[i, j] := APiece;
- if (SavedPiece = APiece) then
- exit;
- if ((i = 5) and (j = 1)) then
- begin
- FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcWhite);
- FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcWhite);
- end
- else if ((i = 8) and (j = 1)) then
- FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcWhite)
- else if ((i = 1) and (j = 1)) then
- FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcWhite)
- else if ((i = 5) and (j = 8)) then
- begin
- FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcBlack);
- FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcBlack);
- end
- else if ((i = 8) and (j = 8)) then
- FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcBlack)
- else if ((i = 1) and (j = 8)) then
- FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcBlack);
-procedure TChessPosition.FUpdateKingSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
- j: integer;
- King, Rook: TFigure;
- if (AColor = fcWhite) then
- begin
- j := 1;
- King := WK;
- Rook := WR;
- end
- else // fcBlack
- begin
- j := 8;
- King := BK;
- Rook := BR;
- end;
- if ((board[5, j] = King) and (board[8, j] = Rook)) then
- begin
- if (AColor = fcWhite) then
- Include(castling, WhiteKingSide)
- else
- Include(castling, BlackKingSide);
- end
- else
- begin
- if (AColor = fcWhite) then
- Exclude(castling, WhiteKingSide)
- else
- Exclude(castling, BlackKingSide);
- end;
-procedure TChessPosition.FUpdateQueenSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
- j: integer;
- King, Rook: TFigure;
- if (AColor = fcWhite) then
- begin
- j := 1;
- King := WK;
- Rook := WR;
- end
- else // fcBlack
- begin
- j := 8;
- King := BK;
- Rook := BR;
- end;
- if ((board[5, j] = King) and (board[1, j] = Rook)) then
- begin
- if (AColor = fcWhite) then
- Include(castling, WhiteQueenSide)
- else
- Include(castling, BlackQueenSide);
- end
- else
- begin
- if (AColor = fcWhite) then
- Exclude(castling, WhiteQueenSide)
- else
- Exclude(castling, BlackQueenSide);
- end;
- Randomize; // It's for PP Random