diff options
author | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2012-10-08 09:10:06 +0000 |
committer | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2012-10-08 09:10:06 +0000 |
commit | 194923c172167eb3fc33807ec8009b255f86337e (patch) | |
tree | 1effc97a1bd872cc3a5eac7a361250cf283e0efd /plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas | |
parent | b2943645fed61d0c0cfee1225654e5ff44fd96f8 (diff) |
Plugin is not adapted until someone can compile it and tell others how to do the same
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@1809 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas | 849 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 849 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas deleted file mode 100644 index 779d90f309..0000000000 --- a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas +++ /dev/null @@ -1,849 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
-// (packpaul@mail.ru, packpaul1@gmail.com).
-// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
-// explicit permition from the owner.
-unit GameChessBoardUnit;
- ExtCtrls, TntStdCtrls, Buttons, Controls, StdCtrls, Classes, Forms, TntForms,
- Graphics, Messages,
- // Chess4net
- ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessBoardUnit, ChessRulesEngine,
- LocalizerUnit, PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit;
- TGameChessBoardEvent =
- (cbeMoved, cbeMate, cbeStaleMate, cbeInsuffMaterial, cbeKeyPressed,
- cbeClockSwitched, cbeTimeOut, cbeExit, cbeMenu, cbeActivate, cbeFormMoving,
- cbeRefreshAll);
- // It's possible to add new events. cbeRefreshAll signals that global options had been changed
- TGameChessBoardHandler = procedure(e: TGameChessBoardEvent;
- d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil) of object;
- TGameChessBoard = class;
- TTimeLabelThread = class(TThread)
- private
- ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard;
- player_time: array[TFigureColor] of TDateTime;
- protected
- procedure Execute; override;
- public
- WhiteTime, BlackTime: string;
- constructor Create(ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard);
- end;
- TGameChessBoard = class(TTntForm, ILocalizable)
- TimePanel: TPanel;
- WhiteLabel: TTntLabel;
- WhiteTimeLabel: TLabel;
- BlackLabel: TTntLabel;
- BlackTimeLabel: TLabel;
- GameTimer: TTimer;
- WhiteFlagButton: TSpeedButton;
- BlackFlagButton: TSpeedButton;
- WhitePanel: TPanel;
- BlackPanel: TPanel;
- ChessBoardPanel: TPanel;
- procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- procedure GameTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FlagButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer;
- var Resize: Boolean);
- procedure TimePanelResize(Sender: TObject);
- private
- m_ChessBoard: TChessBoard;
- m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer;
- FHandler: TGameChessBoardHandler;
- auto_flag: boolean; // индикатор автофлага
- player_time: array[TFigureColor] of TDateTime; // время белых и чёрных
- past_time: TDateTime; // время начала обдумывания хода
- unlimited_var: array[TFigureColor] of boolean; // партия без временного контроля
- clock_color: TFigureColor; // цвет анимируемой фигуры
- shuted: boolean; // индикатор внешнего закрытия окна
- // Resizing
- m_ResizingType: (rtNo, rtHoriz, rtVert);
-// m_iDeltaWidthHeight: integer;
- m_iTimePanelInitialWidth: integer;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft, m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft: integer;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth, m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth: integer;
- m_TimeFont: TFont;
- m_bFlashOnMove: boolean; // flag for flashing window on icoming move
- TimeLabelThread: TTimeLabelThread; // нить используется для борьбы с лагом в Миранде
- function FGetMode: TMode;
- procedure FSetMode(const Value: TMode);
- procedure ShowTime(const c: TFigureColor);
- function FGetPlayerColor: TFigureColor;
- procedure FSetPlayerColor(const Value: TFigureColor);
- function FGetFlipped: boolean;
- procedure FSetFlipped(bValue: boolean);
- function FGetTime(color: TFigureColor): TDateTime;
- procedure FSetTime(color: TFigureColor; const tm: TDateTime);
- procedure FSetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor; const unl: boolean);
- function FGetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor): boolean;
- function FGetLastMoveHilighted: boolean;
- procedure FSetLastMoveHilighted(bValue: boolean);
- function FGetCoordinatesShown: boolean;
- procedure FSetCoordinatesShown(bValue: boolean);
- function GetStayOnTop: boolean;
- procedure FSetStayOnTop(onTop: boolean);
- procedure FSetAutoFlag(auto_flag: boolean);
- procedure FFlashWindow;
- function FGetAnimation: TAnimation;
- procedure FSetAnimation(const Value: TAnimation);
- function FGetViewGaming: boolean;
- procedure FSetViewGaming(bValue: boolean);
- // Localization
- procedure ILocalizable.Localize = FLocalize;
- procedure FLocalize;
- procedure WMMoving(var Msg: TWMMoving); message WM_MOVING;
- procedure WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_SIZING;
- function FGetPositionColor: TFigureColor;
- function FGetTrainingMode: boolean;
- procedure FSetTrainingMode(bValue: boolean);
- function FGetUseUserBase: boolean;
- procedure FSetUseUserBase(bValue: boolean);
- procedure FChessBoardHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
- d2: pointer = nil);
- procedure FDoHandler(e: TGameChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
- d2: pointer = nil);
- public
- constructor Create(Owner: TComponent; AHandler: TGameChessBoardHandler = nil;
- const strPosBaseName: string = ''); reintroduce;
- procedure FCreateChessBoard(const strPosBaseName: string);
- procedure FDestroyChessBoard;
- procedure TakeBack; // взятие хода обратно
- procedure SwitchClock(clock_color: TFigureColor);
- procedure InitPosition;
- procedure PPRandom;
- procedure StopClock;
- procedure ResetMoveList;
- function SetPosition(const strPosition: string): boolean;
- function GetPosition: string;
- function NMoveDone: integer; // количество сделанных ходов
- function DoMove(const strMove: string): boolean;
- procedure Shut;
- procedure WriteGameToBase(vGameResult: TGameResult);
- procedure SetExternalBase(const strExtPosBaseName: string);
- procedure UnsetExternalBase;
- property Unlimited[color: TFigureColor]: boolean read FGetUnlimited write FSetUnlimited;
- property Time[color: TFigureColor]: TDateTime read FGetTime write FSetTime;
- property PlayerColor: TFigureColor read FGetPlayerColor write FSetPlayerColor;
- property PositionColor: TFigureColor read FGetPositionColor; // Whos move it is in the current position
- property ClockColor: TFigureColor read clock_color;
- property Mode: TMode read FGetMode write FSetMode;
- property CoordinatesShown: boolean read FGetCoordinatesShown write FSetCoordinatesShown;
- property Flipped: boolean read FGetFlipped write FSetFlipped;
- property LastMoveHilighted: boolean read FGetLastMoveHilighted write FSetLastMoveHilighted;
- property FlashOnMove: boolean read m_bFlashOnMove write m_bFlashOnMove;
- property StayOnTop: boolean read GetStayOnTop write FSetStayOnTop;
- property AutoFlag: boolean read auto_flag write FSetAutoFlag;
- property Animation: TAnimation read FGetAnimation write FSetAnimation;
- property ViewGaming: boolean read FGetViewGaming write FSetViewGaming;
- property pTrainingMode: boolean read FGetTrainingMode write FSetTrainingMode;
- property pUseUserBase: boolean read FGetUseUserBase write FSetUseUserBase;
- end;
-{$R *.dfm}
- SysUtils, Types, Windows,
- //
- ChessClockUnit;
- TIME_COLOR = clBlack;
- ZEITNOT_COLOR = clMaroon;
-// CHEAT_TIME_CONST = 1.5; // > 1
- WHITE_LONG_LABEL: WideString = 'White ';
- WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL: WideString = 'White ';
- WHITE_SHORT_LABEL: WideString = 'W ';
- BLACK_LONG_LABEL: WideString = 'Black ';
- BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL: WideString = 'Black ';
- BLACK_SHORT_LABEL: WideString = 'B ';
-// TTimeLabelThread
-procedure TTimeLabelThread.Execute;
- while ChessBoard.GameTimer.Enabled do
- begin
- if self.player_time[fcWhite] <> ChessBoard.player_time[fcWhite] then
- ChessBoard.ShowTime(fcWhite);
- if self.player_time[fcBlack] <> ChessBoard.player_time[fcBlack] then
- ChessBoard.ShowTime(fcBlack);
- Sleep(ChessBoard.GameTimer.Interval div 2);
- end;
- ChessBoard.TimeLabelThread := nil;
-constructor TTimeLabelThread.Create(ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard);
- self.ChessBoard := ChessBoard;
- self.player_time[fcWhite] := ChessBoard.player_time[fcWhite];
- self.player_time[fcBlack] := ChessBoard.player_time[fcBlack];
- inherited Create(TRUE);
-//Priority := tpNormal;
- FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
- Resume;
-// TGameChessBoard
-function TGameChessBoard.DoMove(const strMove: string): boolean;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.DoMove(strMove);
- if (Result) then
- begin
- if (m_bFlashOnMove and (Mode = mGame)) then
- FFlashWindow;
- end;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.ShowTime(const c: TFigureColor);
- time_label: TLabel;
- if c = fcWhite then time_label:= WhiteTimeLabel
- else time_label:= BlackTimeLabel;
- if unlimited_var[c] then
- begin
- time_label.Caption:= '';
- exit;
- end;
- if (TChessClock.IsZeitnot(player_time[c])) then
- time_label.Font.Color := ZEITNOT_COLOR
- else
- time_label.Font.Color := TIME_COLOR;
- time_label.Caption := TChessClock.ConvertToStr(player_time[c]);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.ResetMoveList;
- m_ChessBoard.ResetMoveList;
-function TGameChessBoard.SetPosition(const strPosition: string): boolean;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.SetPosition(strPosition);
- if (Result) then
- clock_color := PositionColor;
-function TGameChessBoard.GetPosition: string;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.GetPosition;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- m_iTimePanelInitialWidth := TimePanel.Width;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft := WhitePanel.Left;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth := WhitePanel.Width;
- m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft := BlackPanel.Left;
- m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth := BlackPanel.Width;
- m_TimeFont := TFont.Create;
- m_TimeFont.Assign(WhiteTimeLabel.Font);
- BlackFlagButton.Glyph := WhiteFlagButton.Glyph; // For size minimization
- TLocalizer.Instance.AddSubscriber(self);
- FLocalize;
- // Clock initialization
- FSetUnlimited(fcWhite, TRUE);
- FSetUnlimited(fcBlack, TRUE);
-constructor TGameChessBoard.Create(Owner: TComponent;
- AHandler: TGameChessBoardHandler = nil; const strPosBaseName: string = '');
- FHandler := AHandler;
- inherited Create(Owner);
- FCreateChessBoard(strPosBaseName);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FCreateChessBoard(const strPosBaseName: string);
- m_ChessBoard := TChessBoard.Create(self, FChessBoardHandler);
- m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer := TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.Create(strPosBaseName);
- m_ChessBoard.AddLayer(m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer);
- with ChessBoardPanel do
- SetBounds(Left, Top, m_ChessBoard.ClientWidth, m_ChessBoard.ClientHeight);
- m_ChessBoard.BorderStyle := bsNone;
- m_ChessBoard.Align := alClient;
- m_ChessBoard.Parent := ChessBoardPanel;
- m_ChessBoard.Visible := TRUE;
- InitPosition;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FDestroyChessBoard;
- m_ChessBoard.RemoveLayer(m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer); // m_ChessBoard is destroyed by its parent
- FreeAndNil(m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
- TLocalizer.Instance.DeleteSubscriber(self);
- m_TimeFont.Free;
- FDestroyChessBoard;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.InitPosition;
- m_ChessBoard.InitPosition;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetMode(const Value: TMode);
- m_ChessBoard.Mode := Value;
- if (Value <> mGame) then
- begin
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- end;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetMode: TMode;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.Mode;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetTime(color: TFigureColor; const tm: TDateTime);
- if (not Unlimited[color]) then
- begin
- if ((not auto_flag) and (not ViewGaming)) then
- begin
- case color of
- fcWhite:
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := ((PlayerColor = fcBlack) and (tm = 0.0));
- fcBlack:
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := ((PlayerColor = fcWhite) and (tm = 0.0));
- end;
- end;
- player_time[color] := tm;
- ShowTime(color);
- end;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetTime(color: TFigureColor): TDateTime;
- Result:= player_time[color];
-procedure TGameChessBoard.GameTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- if unlimited_var[clock_color] then
- begin
- GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- exit;
- end;
- // TODO: cheating check
- player_time[clock_color] := player_time[clock_color] - (Now - past_time);
- if player_time[clock_color] <= 0.0 then
- begin
- player_time[clock_color] := 0.0;
- ShowTime(clock_color);
- if ((not auto_flag) and (PlayerColor <> clock_color) and (not ViewGaming)) then
- begin
- case clock_color of
- fcWhite:
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := TRUE;
- fcBlack:
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := TRUE;
- end;
- end;
- if ((PlayerColor <> clock_color) and (Mode = mGame) and (auto_flag)) then
- FDoHandler(cbeTimeOut, self);
- GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- end;
- ShowTime(clock_color);
- past_time:= Now;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor; const unl: boolean);
- unlimited_var[color]:= unl;
- ShowTime(color);
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor): boolean;
- Result := unlimited_var[color];
-procedure TGameChessBoard.SwitchClock(clock_color: TFigureColor);
- self.clock_color := clock_color;
- if (not GameTimer.Enabled) then
- begin
- past_time := Now;
- GameTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
- end;
- if (Mode = mGame) then
- FDoHandler(cbeClockSwitched, self);
- ShowTime(clock_color);
- if (not Assigned(TimeLabelThread)) then
- TimeLabelThread := TTimeLabelThread.Create(self);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetPlayerColor(const Value: TFigureColor);
- m_ChessBoard.PlayerColor := Value;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetPlayerColor: TFigureColor;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.PlayerColor;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.StopClock;
- GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth,
- NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean);
- iNewChessBoardWidth, iNewChessBoardHeight: integer;
- Resize := (m_ResizingType <> rtNo);
- if (not Resize) then
- exit;
- iNewChessBoardWidth := m_ChessBoard.Width + (NewWidth - self.Width);
- iNewChessBoardHeight := m_ChessBoard.Height + (NewHeight - self.Height);
- m_ChessBoard.FormCanResize(self, iNewChessBoardWidth, iNewChessBoardHeight, Resize);
- if (Resize) then
- begin
- NewWidth := self.Width + (iNewChessBoardWidth - m_ChessBoard.Width);
- NewHeight := self.Height + (iNewChessBoardHeight - m_ChessBoard.Height);
- end;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- if (not shuted) then
- begin
- FDoHandler(cbeExit, self);
- Action:= caNone;
- end
- else
- shuted := FALSE;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.Shut;
- shuted:= TRUE;
- Close;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.PPRandom;
- m_ChessBoard.PPRandom;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.TakeBack;
- m_ChessBoard.TakeBack;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetLastMoveHilighted: boolean;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetLastMoveHilighted(bValue: boolean);
- m_ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted := bValue;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetCoordinatesShown(bValue: boolean);
- m_ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown := bValue;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetCoordinatesShown: boolean;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown;
-function TGameChessBoard.NMoveDone: integer;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.NMoveDone;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- FDoHandler(cbeKeyPressed, Pointer(Key), self);
-function TGameChessBoard.GetStayOnTop: boolean;
- Result := (self.FormStyle = fsStayOnTop);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetStayOnTop(onTop: boolean);
- if (onTop) then
- self.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop
- else
- self.FormStyle := fsNormal;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
- FDoHandler(cbeActivate, self);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.WMMoving(var Msg: TWMMoving);
- // TODO: it's possible to handle if form is outside of the screen
- FDoHandler(cbeFormMoving, Pointer(Msg.DragRect.Left - Left), Pointer(Msg.DragRect.Top - Top));
- inherited;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage);
- m_ChessBoard.Perform(Msg.Msg, Msg.WParam, Msg.LParam);
- case Msg.WParam of
- m_ResizingType := rtHoriz;
- m_ResizingType := rtVert;
- else
- begin
- m_ResizingType := rtNo;
- PRect(Msg.LParam).Left := Left;
- PRect(Msg.LParam).Top := Top;
- end;
- end; // case
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetPositionColor: TFigureColor;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.PositionColor;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FlagButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- if (Mode = mGame) then
- FDoHandler(cbeTimeOut, self);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetAutoFlag(auto_flag: boolean);
- self.auto_flag := auto_flag;
- if (auto_flag) then
- begin
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- end;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.TimePanelResize(Sender: TObject);
- rRatio: real;
- // Adjust panels on TimePanel
- rRatio := TimePanel.Width / m_iTimePanelInitialWidth;
- WhitePanel.Left := Round(rRatio * m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft);
- WhitePanel.Width := m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth;
- BlackPanel.Left := Round(rRatio * m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft);
- BlackPanel.Width := m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth;
- WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Assign(m_TimeFont);
- BlackTimeLabel.Font.Assign(m_TimeFont);
- if (WhitePanel.Left + WhitePanel.Width < BlackPanel.Left) then
- begin
- WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_LONG_LABEL;
- BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_LONG_LABEL;
- end
- else
- begin
- WhitePanel.Left := 4;
- WhitePanel.Width := TimePanel.Width div 2;
- BlackPanel.Left := TimePanel.Width div 2;
- BlackPanel.Width := TimePanel.Width div 2 - 4;
- WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL;
- BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL;
- end;
- // Adjust color labels
- if ((WhiteTimeLabel.Left + WhiteTimeLabel.Width > WhitePanel.Width) or
- (BlackTimeLabel.Left + BlackTimeLabel.Width > BlackPanel.Width)) then
- begin
- WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL;
- BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL;
- if ((WhiteTimeLabel.Left + WhiteTimeLabel.Width <= WhitePanel.Width) and
- (BlackTimeLabel.Left + BlackTimeLabel.Width <= BlackPanel.Width)) then
- exit; // TODO: a KLUDGE - make it nice!
- WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Size := WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Size - 4;
- BlackTimeLabel.Font.Size := BlackTimeLabel.Font.Size - 4;
- WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_SHORT_LABEL;
- BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_SHORT_LABEL;
- end;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FFlashWindow;
- flushWindowInfo: TFlashWInfo;
- // Flash with taskbar
- flushWindowInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(flushWindowInfo);
- flushWindowInfo.hwnd := Application.Handle;
- flushWindowInfo.dwflags := FLASHW_TRAY; // FLASHW_ALL; //FLASHW_TRAY;
- flushWindowInfo.ucount := 3; // Flash times
- flushWindowInfo.dwtimeout := 0; // speed in msec, 0 - frequency of cursor flashing
- FlashWindowEx(flushWindowInfo);
- if (self.Focused) then
- exit;
- // Flash window
- flushWindowInfo.hwnd := self.Handle; // handle of the flashing window
- flushWindowInfo.dwflags := FLASHW_CAPTION; // FLASHW_TRAY; // FLASHW_ALL; //FLASHW_TRAY;
- FlashWindowEx(flushWindowInfo);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FLocalize;
- with TLocalizer.Instance do
- begin
- WHITE_LONG_LABEL := GetLabel(13);
- WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL := GetLabel(14);
- WHITE_SHORT_LABEL := GetLabel(15);
- BLACK_LONG_LABEL := GetLabel(16);
- BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL := GetLabel(17);
- BLACK_SHORT_LABEL := GetLabel(18);
- end;
- TimePanelResize(nil);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.WriteGameToBase(vGameResult: TGameResult);
- m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.WriteGameToBase(vGameResult);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.SetExternalBase(const strExtPosBaseName: string);
- m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.SetExternalBase(strExtPosBaseName);
-procedure TGameChessBoard.UnsetExternalBase;
- m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.UnsetExternalBase;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetTrainingMode: boolean;
- Result := m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.TrainingMode;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetTrainingMode(bValue: boolean);
- m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.TrainingMode := bValue;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetUseUserBase: boolean;
- Result := m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.UseUserBase;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetUseUserBase(bValue: boolean);
- m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.UseUserBase := bValue;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetFlipped: boolean;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.Flipped;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetFlipped(bValue: boolean);
- m_ChessBoard.Flipped := bValue;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetAnimation: TAnimation;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.Animation;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetAnimation(const Value: TAnimation);
- m_ChessBoard.Animation := Value;
-function TGameChessBoard.FGetViewGaming: boolean;
- Result := m_ChessBoard.ViewGaming;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetViewGaming(bValue: boolean);
- m_ChessBoard.ViewGaming := bValue;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FChessBoardHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
- d2: pointer = nil);
- case e of
- ChessBoardUnit.cbeMate:
- FDoHandler(cbeMate, self);
- ChessBoardUnit.cbeStaleMate:
- FDoHandler(cbeStaleMate, self);
- ChessBoardUnit.cbeMoved:
- begin
- if ((Mode = mGame) and (PositionColor <> PlayerColor)) then
- FDoHandler(cbeMoved, d1, self);
- SwitchClock(PositionColor);
- end;
- ChessBoardUnit.cbeMenu:
- FDoHandler(cbeMenu, self);
- end;
-procedure TGameChessBoard.FDoHandler(e: TGameChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
- d2: pointer = nil);
- if (Assigned(FHandler)) then
- FHandler(e, d1, d2);