diff options
author | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2012-10-08 09:10:06 +0000 |
committer | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2012-10-08 09:10:06 +0000 |
commit | 194923c172167eb3fc33807ec8009b255f86337e (patch) | |
tree | 1effc97a1bd872cc3a5eac7a361250cf283e0efd /plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas | |
parent | b2943645fed61d0c0cfee1225654e5ff44fd96f8 (diff) |
Plugin is not adapted until someone can compile it and tell others how to do the same
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@1809 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas | 413 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 413 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas deleted file mode 100644 index bd4644bbc3..0000000000 --- a/plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas +++ /dev/null @@ -1,413 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
-// (packpaul@mail.ru, packpaul1@gmail.com).
-// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
-// explicit permition from the owner.
-unit LocalizerUnit;
- SysUtils, TntSysUtils, Classes, TntClasses;
- // A singletone that is used to localize interface
- ILocalizable = interface
- procedure Localize;
- end;
- ELocalizer = class(Exception);
- TLocalizer = class
- private
- m_IniFileName: TFileName;
- m_iLangugesCount: integer;
- m_wstrarLanguageNames: array of WideString;
- m_wstrlLabels, m_wstrlMessages: TTntStringList;
- m_iActiveLanguage: integer;
- m_Subscribers: TList;
- constructor Create;
- procedure FReadLanguages;
- function FGetLangaugeName(iIndex: integer): WideString;
- procedure FSetActiveLanguage(iIndex: integer);
- function FReadLanguageData(iIndex: integer): boolean;
- procedure FNotifySubscribers;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- class function Instance: TLocalizer;
- class procedure FreeInstance; reintroduce;
- property LanguagesCount: integer read m_iLangugesCount;
- // Returns a language name depending on its index
- function GetLabel(iIndex: integer): WideString;
- function GetMessage(iIndex: integer): WideString; overload;
- function GetMessage(iIndex: integer; wstrarParams: array of const): WideString; overload;
- procedure AddSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable);
- procedure DeleteSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable);
- property LanguageName[iIndex: integer]: WideString read FGetLangaugeName;
- property ActiveLanguage: integer read m_iActiveLanguage write FSetActiveLanguage;
- end;
- StrUtils, Forms, TntIniFiles,
- //
- GlobalsUnit;
- LOCALIZER_INI_FILE = 'Lang.ini';
- // Labels are used to name interface controls s.a. TLabel and the like
- DEFAULT_LABELS: array[0..69] of WideString =
- ('Look & Feel Options', {0}
- 'Animate Move:',
- 'No',
- 'Slowly',
- 'Quickly',
- 'Highlight Last Move',
- 'Flash on incoming move',
- 'Show Coordinates',
- 'Stay Always on Top',
- 'Extra Exit on ESC',
- 'GUI Language:', {10}
- '&OK',
- '&Cancel',
- 'White ',
- 'White ',
- 'W ',
- 'Black ',
- 'Black ',
- 'B ',
- 'Connecting...',
- 'Wait until the connection is completed.', {20}
- '&Abort',
- 'Press button to continue the game.',
- '&Continue',
- 'Game Options',
- 'Time Control',
- 'Equal time for both players',
- 'Your time',
- 'Opponent''s time',
- 'Unlimited',
- 'Minutes per game:', {30}
- 'Increment in seconds:',
- 'Training Mode',
- 'Enabled',
- 'External base:',
- 'Use user base',
- 'Game can be paused',
- 'Game can be adjourned',
- 'Allow takebacks to your partner',
- 'Auto Flag',
- 'Yes', {40}
- 'No',
- 'OK',
- 'Cancel',
- 'Abort',
- 'Retry',
- 'Ignore',
- 'All',
- 'NoToAll',
- 'YesToAll',
- 'Help', {50}
- 'Start Adjourned Game',
- 'Start Standart Game',
- 'Start PP Random Game',
- 'Change Color',
- 'Game Options...',
- 'Look && Feel Options...',
- 'About...',
- 'Abort',
- 'Draw',
- 'Resign', {60}
- 'Adjourn',
- 'Pause',
- 'Takeback',
- 'If you liked plying Chess4Net give your credits at',
- '&Close',
- 'Don''t show again',
- 'Transmit Game',
- 'Select Skype contact',
- 'Broadcast...'
- );
- // Messages are used in message boxes
- DEFAULT_MESSAGES: array[0..37] of WideString =
- ('White is checkmated. You win.', {0}
- 'White is checkmated. You loose.',
- 'Black is checkmated. You win.',
- 'Black is checkmated. You loose.',
- 'It''s stalemate. No one wins.',
- 'Your opponent leaves.',
- 'Your opponent leaves. The game is aborted.',
- 'An error during connection occured.',
- 'Your opponent is using an older version of Chess4Net.' + sLineBreak +
- 'Most of functionality will be not available.' + sLineBreak +
- 'Please, ask him/her to update the client.',
- 'The current version of Chess4Net is incompatible with the one of your partner.' + sLineBreak +
- 'Please check the versions.',
- 'Draw?', {10}
- 'Can we abort the game?',
- 'I resign. You win this game. Congratulations!',
- 'The game is aborted.',
- 'Sorry, but we have to finish this game.',
- 'The game is drawn.',
- 'No draw, sorry.',
- 'You forfeited on time.',
- 'Your opponent forfeited on time.',
- 'Can we pause the game?',
- 'No pause, sorry.', {20}
- 'May I take back last move?',
- 'Can we adjourn this game?',
- 'No adjourns, sorry.',
- 'Sorry, no takebacks!',
- 'Do you really want to resign?',
- 'Do you want to exit?',
- 'The game is adjourned.',
- 'You are currently playing some games. Do you want to start broadcasting?',
- 'Black forfeits on time.',
- 'White forfeits on time.', {30}
- 'White resigns.',
- 'Black resigns.',
- 'Game transmition is not supported by this client!',
- 'Broadcaster leaves. Transmition will be closed.',
- 'Stalemate.',
- 'White is checkmated.',
- 'Black is checkmated.'
- );
- LocalizerInstance: TLocalizer = nil;
-// TLocalizer
-constructor TLocalizer.Create;
- m_IniFileName := Chess4NetPath + LOCALIZER_INI_FILE;
- m_wstrlLabels := TTntStringList.Create;
- m_wstrlMessages := TTntStringList.Create;
- m_Subscribers := TList.Create;
- m_iActiveLanguage := -1;
- FReadLanguages;
- FReadLanguageData(-1);
-destructor TLocalizer.Destroy;
- Finalize(m_wstrarLanguageNames);
- m_Subscribers.Free;
- m_wstrlMessages.Free;
- m_wstrlLabels.Free;
- inherited;
-class function TLocalizer.Instance: TLocalizer;
- if (not Assigned(LocalizerInstance)) then
- LocalizerInstance := TLocalizer.Create;
- Result := LocalizerInstance;
-class procedure TLocalizer.FreeInstance;
- FreeAndNil(LocalizerInstance);
-procedure TLocalizer.FReadLanguages;
- IniFile: TTntIniFile;
- i: integer;
- wstrSection: WideString;
- if (not FileExists(m_IniFileName)) then
- exit;
- IniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(m_IniFileName);
- try
- // Count available languages
- Finalize(m_wstrarLanguageNames);
- i := 0;
- repeat
- wstrSection := 'Language' + IntToStr(i + 1);
- if (not IniFile.SectionExists(wstrSection)) then
- break;
- SetLength(m_wstrarLanguageNames, length(m_wstrarLanguageNames) + 1);
- m_wstrarLanguageNames[i] := IniFile.ReadString(wstrSection, 'Name', '<unknown>');
- inc(i);
- until FALSE;
- m_iLangugesCount := i;
- finally
- IniFile.Free;
- end;
-function TLocalizer.FGetLangaugeName(iIndex: integer): WideString;
- Result := m_wstrarLanguageNames[iIndex];
-procedure TLocalizer.FSetActiveLanguage(iIndex: integer);
- if (iIndex <> m_iActiveLanguage) then
- begin
- if (FReadLanguageData(iIndex)) then
- begin
- m_iActiveLanguage := iIndex;
- FNotifySubscribers;
- end
- else
- m_iActiveLanguage := -1;
- end;
-function TLocalizer.FReadLanguageData(iIndex: integer): boolean;
- function NInsertLineFeeds(const wstrSource: WideString): WideString;
- var
- iPos, iOffset: integer;
- begin
- Result := '';
- iOffset := 1;
- repeat
- iPos := PosEx('/n', wstrSource, iOffset);
- if (iPos = 0) then
- break;
- if ((iPos = 1) or (wstrSource[iPos - 1] <> '/')) then
- Result := Result + Copy(wstrSource, iOffset, iPos - iOffset) + sLineBreak
- else
- Result := Result + Copy(wstrSource, iOffset, iPos - iOffset) + 'n'; // '//n' -> '/n'
- iOffset := iPos + 2;
- until FALSE;
- Result := Result + Copy(wstrSource, iOffset, MaxInt);
- end;
- IniFile: TTntIniFile;
- i: integer;
- wstrSection: WideString;
- wstrlValues: TTntStringList;
- wstrValue: WideString;
- Result := FALSE;
- // Copy default values
- m_wstrlLabels.Clear;
- for i := Low(DEFAULT_LABELS) to High(DEFAULT_LABELS) do
- m_wstrlLabels.Add(DEFAULT_LABELS[i]);
- m_wstrlMessages.Clear;
- m_wstrlMessages.Add(DEFAULT_MESSAGES[i]);
- if (not FileExists(m_IniFileName)) then
- exit;
- wstrlValues := nil;
- IniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(m_IniFileName);
- try
- wstrSection := 'Language' + IntToStr(iIndex + 1);
- if (not IniFile.SectionExists(wstrSection)) then
- exit;
- wstrlValues := TTntStringList.Create;
- IniFile.ReadSectionValues(wstrSection, wstrlValues);
- for i := 0 to m_wstrlLabels.Count - 1 do
- begin
- wstrValue := wstrlValues.Values['Label' + IntToStr(i)];
- if (wstrValue <> '') then
- begin
- if (wstrValue[length(wstrValue)] = '|') then // labels with a width
- wstrValue := Copy(wstrValue, 1, length(wstrValue) - 1);
- m_wstrlLabels[i] := wstrValue;
- end;
- end;
- for i := 0 to m_wstrlMessages.Count - 1 do
- begin
- wstrValue := wstrlValues.Values['Msg' + IntToStr(i)];
- if (wstrValue <> '') then
- m_wstrlMessages[i] := NInsertLineFeeds(wstrValue);
- end;
- finally
- wstrlValues.Free;
- IniFile.Free;
- end;
- Result := TRUE;
-function TLocalizer.GetLabel(iIndex: integer): WideString;
- if (iIndex in [0..m_wstrlLabels.Count - 1]) then
- Result := m_wstrlLabels[iIndex]
- else
- ELocalizer.Create('Wrong label index!');
-function TLocalizer.GetMessage(iIndex: integer): WideString;
- if (iIndex in [0..m_wstrlMessages.Count - 1]) then
- Result := m_wstrlMessages[iIndex]
- else
- ELocalizer.Create('Wrong message index!');
-function TLocalizer.GetMessage(iIndex: integer; wstrarParams: array of const): WideString;
- Result := WideFormat(GetMessage(iIndex), wstrarParams)
-procedure TLocalizer.AddSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable);
- if (m_Subscribers.IndexOf(Pointer(Subscriber)) < 0) then
- m_Subscribers.Add(Pointer(Subscriber));
-procedure TLocalizer.DeleteSubscriber(const Subscriber: ILocalizable);
- iIndex: integer;
- iIndex := m_Subscribers.IndexOf(Pointer(Subscriber));
- if (iIndex >= 0) then
- m_Subscribers.Delete(iIndex);
-procedure TLocalizer.FNotifySubscribers;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to m_Subscribers.Count - 1 do
- ILocalizable(m_Subscribers[i]).Localize;
- TLocalizer.FreeInstance;