path: root/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas
diff options
authorPavel Perminov <>2012-09-26 19:02:53 +0000
committerPavel Perminov <>2012-09-26 19:02:53 +0000
commita0f6fd68a56068a20e7186e2dd2d7daccfbce4aa (patch)
treec729df922348c49431db745e0d694f228e53e4dc /plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas
parentd9cd01de6dd3458ad806fdbe1d29108eda55b3e4 (diff)
Chess4Net_MI 2010.0 release (106 rev. truncated adjusted copy)
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas')
1 files changed, 838 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a50610324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
+unit ConnectorUnit;
+ Classes, ExtCtrls,
+ m_globaldefs;
+ TConnectorEvent = (ceConnected, ceDisconnected, ceData, ceError);
+ TConnectorHandler = procedure(ce: TConnectorEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
+ d2: pointer = nil) of object;
+ IConnectorable = interface
+ procedure ConnectorHandler(ce: TConnectorEvent; d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
+ end;
+ TConnector = class
+ private
+ _sendTimer, _sendSystemTimer: TTimer;
+ _connected, _opened: boolean;
+ _plugin: IConnectorable;
+ _hContact, _hFilterMsg: THandle;
+ _lstId, _contactLstId: integer;
+ // отсылаемое сообщение
+ _msg_sending, _unformated_msg_sending: string;
+ _cntrMsgIn: integer; // счётчик входящих сообщений
+ _cntrMsgOut: integer; // счётчик исходящих сообщений
+ _msg_buf: string; // буфер сообщений
+ // системное сообщение
+ _systemDataList: TStringList;
+ m_lwId: Longword;
+ m_LastSendTime: TDateTime;
+ _logFile: Text;
+ procedure InitLog;
+ procedure WriteToLog(const s: string);
+ procedure CloseLog;
+ procedure FsendTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FsendSystemTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ function FGetOwnerNick: string;
+ function FGetContactNick: string;
+ function FFilterMsg(msg: string): boolean;
+ function FSendMessage(const vMessage: string): boolean;
+// function FNotifySender(const vMessage: string): boolean;
+ procedure FNotifySender;
+ procedure FSendSystemData(sd: string);
+ function FDeformatMsg(var msg: string; out lstId, msgCntr: integer): boolean;
+ function FFormatMsg(const msg: string): string;
+ function FGetOwnerID: integer;
+ function FGetMultiSession: boolean;
+ procedure FSetMultiSession(bValue: boolean);
+ procedure FPluginConnectorHandler(ce: TConnectorEvent;
+ d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
+ public
+ constructor Create(hContact: THandle); reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Close;
+ function Open(bMultiSession: boolean = TRUE): boolean;
+ function SendData(const d: string): boolean;
+ procedure SetPlugin(plugin: IConnectorable);
+ property Connected: boolean read _connected;
+ property Opened: boolean read _opened;
+ property OwnerID: integer read FGetOwnerID;
+ property OwnerNick: string read FGetOwnerNick;
+ property ContactID: integer read _hContact;
+ property ContactNick: string read FGetContactNick;
+ property MultiSession: boolean read FGetMultiSession write FSetMultiSession;
+ end;
+procedure InitConnectorGlobals(const invitationStr, promtHeadStr, dataSeparator: string; maxMsgSize: integer = 256);
+{$J+} {$I-}
+ SysUtils, DateUtils, StrUtils, Types,
+ m_api,
+ ControlUnit;
+ TConnectorList = class(TList)
+ private
+ _iterator: integer;
+ _hContact: THandle;
+ function FGetLastAddedConnector: TConnector;
+ public
+ procedure AddConnector(Connector: TConnector);
+ procedure RemoveConnector(Connector: TConnector);
+ function GetFirstConnector(hContact: THandle): TConnector;
+ function GetNextConnector: TConnector;
+ property LastAddedConnector: TConnector read FGetLastAddedConnector;
+ end;
+ g_connectorList: TConnectorList = nil;
+ g_msgBufferSize: integer;
+ g_bMultiSession: boolean;
+ g_hNotifySender: THandle;
+ // cntrMsgIn и cntrMsgOut были введены для преодоления бага с зависающими сообщениями
+ MSG_INVITATION: string = '!&This is a plugin invitation message&!';
+ // MSG_RESPOND: string = '!&This is a plugin respond message&!';
+ // <сообщение> ::= PROMPT_HEAD [PROMPT_SEPARATOR <ид клиента>] PROMPT_SEPARATOR <номер сообщения> PROMPT_TAIL <сообщение>
+ PROMPT_HEAD: string = 'Plgn';
+ PROMPT_TAIL = '>';
+ DATA_SEPARATOR: string = '&&';
+ CMD_CLOSE = 'ext';
+ CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID = 'lstid';
+ MAX_MSG_TRYS = 3; // максимальное количество попыток пересыла после ошибки
+ MAX_RESEND_TRYS = 9; // максимальное количество попыток пересыла в таймере
+ MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_MSG = 30; // время между отправкой сообщений системе IM в мс
+ OWNER_ID = 0;
+function TConnector.FSendMessage(const vMessage: string): boolean;
+ LAST_SEND_TIME: TDateTime = 0.0;
+ _now: TDateTime;
+ _now := Now;
+ if (MilliSecondsBetween(_now, LAST_SEND_TIME) < MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_MSG) then
+ Result := FALSE
+ else
+ begin
+ LAST_SEND_TIME := _now;
+ CallContactService(_hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, LPARAM(PChar(vMessage)));
+ Result := TRUE;
+ end;
+// PP: Let's hope Miranda IM can messages to different contacts at the same time
+function TConnector.FSendMessage(const vMessage: string): boolean;
+// const
+// LAST_SEND_TIME: TDateTime = 0.0;
+ _now: TDateTime;
+ _now := Now;
+ if (MilliSecondsBetween(_now, m_LastSendTime) < MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_MSG) then
+ Result := FALSE
+ else
+ begin
+ m_LastSendTime := _now;
+ CallContactService(_hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, LPARAM(PChar(vMessage)));
+ Result := TRUE;
+ end;
+// деформатирование входящих сообщений. TRUE - если декодирование удалось
+function TConnector.FDeformatMsg(var msg: string; out lstId, msgCntr: integer): boolean;
+ l: integer;
+ Result := FALSE;
+ begin
+ msg := RightStr(msg, length(msg) - length(PROMPT_HEAD + PROMPT_SEPARATOR));
+ // contactListId
+// if (_contactLstId >= 0) then
+ if (g_bMultiSession) then
+ begin
+ l := pos(PROMPT_SEPARATOR, msg);
+ if (l > 0) then
+ begin
+ if (not TryStrToInt(LeftStr(msg, l - 1), lstId)) then
+ exit;
+ msg := RightStr(msg, length(msg) - l);
+ end
+ else
+ lstId := g_connectorList.LastAddedConnector._lstId;
+ end
+ else
+ lstId := -1; // no contactListId specified in message
+ // Message counter
+ l := pos(PROMPT_TAIL, msg);
+ if ((l = 0) or (not TryStrToInt(LeftStr(msg, l - 1), msgCntr))) then
+ exit;
+ msg := RightStr(msg, length(msg) - l);
+ // msg := AnsiReplaceStr(msg, '&amp;', '&');
+ Result := TRUE;
+ end;
+function TConnector.FFilterMsg(msg: string): boolean;
+ procedure NProceedData(msg: string);
+ function NProceedSystemCommand(msg: string): boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := TRUE;
+ if (LeftStr(msg, length(CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID)) = CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID) then
+ begin
+ msg := RightStr(msg, length(msg) - length(CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID) - 1);
+ TryStrToInt(msg, _contactLstId);
+ end
+ else if (msg = CMD_CLOSE) then
+ begin
+ FPluginConnectorHandler(ceDisconnected);
+ _connected := FALSE;
+ _opened := FALSE;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := FALSE;
+ end;
+ var
+ n, l, i: integer;
+ arrDatas: TStringDynArray;
+ strCommand: string;
+ bSystemCommand: boolean;
+ begin { \NProceedData }
+ if (RightStr(msg, length(DATA_SEPARATOR)) <> DATA_SEPARATOR) then
+ msg := msg + DATA_SEPARATOR;
+ n := -1;
+ l := 1;
+ repeat
+ inc(n);
+ l := PosEx(DATA_SEPARATOR, msg, l);
+ inc(l, length(DATA_SEPARATOR));
+ until (l = length(DATA_SEPARATOR));
+ SetLength(arrDatas, n);
+ bSystemCommand := TRUE;
+ i := 0;
+ while (i < n) do
+ begin
+ l := pos(DATA_SEPARATOR, msg);
+ strCommand := LeftStr(msg, l - 1);
+ if (bSystemCommand) then // System commands can go only in the beginning by definition
+ begin
+ bSystemCommand := NProceedSystemCommand(strCommand);
+ if (bSystemCommand) then
+ begin
+ dec(n);
+ SetLength(arrDatas, n);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ arrDatas[i] := strCommand;
+ msg := RightStr(msg, length(msg) - length(DATA_SEPARATOR) - l + 1);
+ inc(i);
+ end; { while }
+ if (n > 0) then
+ begin
+ FPluginConnectorHandler(ceData, arrDatas);
+ end;
+ Finalize(arrDatas);
+ end;
+ lstId, cntrMsg: integer;
+begin { TConnector.FFilterMsg }
+ WriteToLog('>> ' + msg);
+ if (not Connected) then
+ begin
+ // if (msg = MSG_INVITATION) or (msg = MSG_RESPOND) then
+ if (msg = MSG_INVITATION) then
+ begin
+ // if msg = MSG_INVITATION then
+ // FSendMessage(MSG_RESPOND);
+ FSendSystemData(MSG_INVITATION);
+ if (g_bMultiSession) then
+ FSendSystemData(FFormatMsg(CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID + ' ' + IntToStr(_lstId)));
+ _connected := TRUE;
+ FPluginConnectorHandler(ceConnected);
+ Result := TRUE;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := FALSE;
+ end
+ else // Connected
+ begin
+ if (_msg_sending <> '') then
+ begin
+ _msg_sending := '';
+ _unformated_msg_sending := '';
+ inc(_cntrMsgOut);
+ end;
+ if (FDeformatMsg(msg, lstId, cntrMsg) and ((not g_bMultisession) or (lstId = _lstId))) then
+ begin
+ Result := TRUE;
+ if cntrMsg > _cntrMsgIn then
+ begin
+ inc(_cntrMsgIn);
+ if (cntrMsg > _cntrMsgIn) then
+ begin
+ FPluginConnectorHandler(ceError); // пакет исчез
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ exit; // пропуск пакетов с более низкими номерами
+ NProceedData(msg);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := FALSE;
+ end;
+procedure TConnector.FNotifySender;
+ WriteToLog('<< ' + _msg_sending);
+ if (Connected and (_msg_sending <> MSG_INVITATION)) then
+ begin
+ _unformated_msg_sending := '';
+ inc(_cntrMsgOut);
+ end;
+ _msg_sending := '';
+// форматирование исходящих сообщений
+function TConnector.FFormatMsg(const msg: string): string;
+ contactLstIdStr: string;
+ if (_contactLstId >= 0) then
+ contactLstIdStr := PROMPT_SEPARATOR + IntToStr(_contactLstId)
+ else // -1
+ contactLstIdStr := '';
+ Result := PROMPT_HEAD + contactLstIdStr + PROMPT_SEPARATOR + IntToStr(_cntrMsgOut) + PROMPT_TAIL + msg;
+procedure TConnector.Close;
+ if (Connected) then
+ begin
+ FSendSystemData(FFormatMsg(CMD_CLOSE));
+ _connected := FALSE;
+ FPluginConnectorHandler(ceDisconnected);
+ end;
+ _sendTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ _opened := FALSE;
+ CloseLog;
+function TConnector.Open(bMultiSession: boolean = TRUE): boolean;
+ AConnector: TConnector;
+ Result := FALSE;
+ if (not g_bMultiSession) then
+ g_bMultiSession := bMultisession;
+ if (Assigned(g_connectorList)) then
+ begin
+ AConnector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(_hContact);
+ while (Assigned(AConnector)) do
+ begin
+ if (AConnector.Opened and (AConnector._contactLstId < 0)) then
+ exit;
+ AConnector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end;
+ end;
+ _cntrMsgIn := 0;
+ _cntrMsgOut := 1;
+ _msg_sending := '';
+ _unformated_msg_sending := '';
+ _msg_buf := '';
+ _contactLstId := -1;
+ _opened := TRUE;
+ FSendSystemData(MSG_INVITATION);
+ Result := TRUE;
+function TConnector.SendData(const d: string): boolean;
+ Result := FALSE;
+ if (d = '') or
+ (length(_msg_buf) + length(d) + length(DATA_SEPARATOR) > g_msgBufferSize) or
+ (LeftStr(d, length(CMD_CLOSE)) = CMD_CLOSE) or
+ (LeftStr(d, length(CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID)) = CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID) or
+ (pos(DATA_SEPARATOR, d) > 0) then
+ begin
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ _msg_buf := _msg_buf + d + DATA_SEPARATOR;
+ _sendTimer.Enabled := TRUE; // Отослать сообщение с некоторой оттяжкой -> всё одним пакетом
+ end;
+ Result := TRUE;
+function FilterMsg(wParam: WPARAM; lParam_: LPARAM): int; cdecl;
+ msg: string;
+ hContact: THandle;
+ connector: TConnector;
+ proceeded: boolean;
+ msg := string(PPROTORECVEVENT(PCCSDATA(lParam_).lParam).szMessage);
+ hContact := PCCSDATA(lParam_).hContact;
+ proceeded := FALSE;
+ if Assigned(g_connectorList) then
+ begin
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
+ while (Assigned(connector)) do
+ begin
+ if connector.Opened then
+ proceeded := (connector.FFilterMsg(msg) or proceeded);
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if proceeded then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam_);
+function NotifySender(wParam: WPARAM; lParam_: LPARAM): int; cdecl;
+ MSG_TRYS: integer = 1;
+ connector: TConnector;
+ hContact: THandle;
+ Result := 0;
+ hContact := PACKDATA(lParam_).hContact;
+ if (PACKDATA(lParam_).type_ <> ACKTYPE_MESSAGE) then
+ exit;
+ case PACKDATA(lParam_)^.result_ of
+ begin
+ MSG_TRYS := 1;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
+ while Assigned(connector) do
+ begin
+ if (connector._msg_sending <> '') then
+ connector.FNotifySender;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ inc(MSG_TRYS);
+ if (MSG_TRYS <= MAX_MSG_TRYS) then
+ begin
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
+ while (Assigned(connector)) do
+ begin
+ if connector._msg_sending <> '' then
+ with connector do
+ begin
+ _msg_buf := _unformated_msg_sending + _msg_buf;
+ _sendTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
+ end;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end; // while
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
+ while (Assigned(connector)) do
+ begin
+ if (connector._msg_sending <> '') then
+ begin
+ connector.FPluginConnectorHandler(ceError);
+ end;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end;
+ end; // if (MSG_TRYS <= MAX_MSG_TRYS)
+ end; // case PACKDATA
+constructor TConnector.Create(hContact: THandle);
+ ID_COUNTER: Longword = 0;
+ connector: TConnector;
+// inherited Create;
+ _sendTimer := TTimer.Create(nil);
+ with _sendTimer do
+ begin
+ Enabled := FALSE;
+ Interval := 100;
+ OnTimer := FsendTimerTimer;
+ end;
+ _sendSystemTimer := TTimer.Create(nil);
+ with _sendSystemTimer do
+ begin
+ Enabled := FALSE;
+ Interval := 50;
+ OnTimer := FsendSystemTimerTimer;
+ end;
+ _hContact := hContact;
+ _systemDataList := TStringList.Create;
+ if (not Assigned(g_connectorList)) then
+ g_connectorList := TConnectorList.Create;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(_hContact);
+ if Assigned(connector) then
+ _hFilterMsg := connector._hFilterMsg
+ else
+ begin
+ _hFilterMsg := CreateProtoServiceFunction(PChar(PLUGIN_NAME), PSR_MESSAGE, FilterMsg);
+ if CallService(MS_PROTO_ISPROTOONCONTACT, _hContact, LPARAM(PChar(PLUGIN_NAME))) = 0 then
+ end;
+ if (g_connectorList.Count = 0) then
+ g_hNotifySender := HookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACK, NotifySender);
+ inc(ID_COUNTER);
+ m_lwId := ID_COUNTER;
+ g_connectorList.AddConnector(self);
+ InitLog;
+destructor TConnector.Destroy;
+ if Connected then
+ while (not FSendMessage(FFormatMsg(CMD_CLOSE))) do
+ Sleep(1);
+ _systemDataList.Free;
+ g_connectorList.RemoveConnector(self);
+ if (g_connectorList.Count = 0) then
+ g_bMultiSession := FALSE;
+ if (not Assigned(g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(_hContact))) then
+ begin
+ if CallService(MS_PROTO_ISPROTOONCONTACT, _hContact, LPARAM(PChar(PLUGIN_NAME))) <> 0 then
+ PluginLink.DestroyServiceFunction(_hFilterMsg);
+ end;
+ if (g_connectorList.Count = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (g_hNotifySender <> 0) then
+ UnhookEvent(g_hNotifySender);
+ FreeAndNil(g_connectorList);
+ end;
+ _sendSystemTimer.Free;
+ _sendTimer.Free;
+ CloseLog;
+ inherited;
+procedure TConnector.InitLog;
+ AssignFile(_logFile, MirandaPluginPath + 'Chess4Net_CONNECTORLOG.txt');
+ Append(_logFile);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Rewrite(_logFile);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then
+ begin
+ AssignFile(_logFile, MirandaPluginPath + 'Chess4Net_CONNECTORLOG~.txt');
+ Append(_logFile);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then Rewrite(_logFile);
+ end;
+ end;
+ WriteToLog('[' + DateTimeToStr(Now) + ']');
+procedure TConnector.WriteToLog(const s: string);
+ writeln(_logFile, s);
+ Flush(_logFile);
+procedure TConnector.CloseLog;
+ CloseFile(_logFile);
+procedure TConnector.FsendTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ RESEND_COUNT : integer = 0;
+ if (_systemDataList.Count > 0) then
+ exit; // System data goes first
+ if (_msg_sending = '') then
+ begin
+ _sendTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ if (_msg_buf <> '') then
+ begin
+ _unformated_msg_sending := _msg_buf;
+ _msg_sending := FFormatMsg(_msg_buf);
+ _msg_buf := '';
+ _sendTimer.Enabled := (not FSendMessage(_msg_sending));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ WriteToLog('resend: ' + _msg_sending);
+ begin
+ FSendMessage(_msg_sending);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TConnector.SetPlugin(plugin: IConnectorable);
+ _plugin := plugin;
+function TConnector.FGetOwnerNick: string;
+ Result := PChar(CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, 0, 0));
+function TConnector.FGetContactNick: string;
+ Result := PChar(CallService(MS_CLIST_GETCONTACTDISPLAYNAME, _hContact, 0));
+procedure InitConnectorGlobals(const invitationStr, promtHeadStr, dataSeparator: string; maxMsgSize: integer = 256);
+ MSG_INVITATION := invitationStr;
+ PROMPT_HEAD := promtHeadStr;
+ DATA_SEPARATOR := dataSeparator;
+ g_msgBufferSize := maxMsgSize;
+{---------------------------- TConnectorList ---------------------------------}
+procedure TConnectorList.AddConnector(Connector: TConnector);
+ i: integer;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (not Assigned(Items[i])) then
+ begin
+ Connector._lstId := i;
+ Items[i] := Connector;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end; // for
+ Add(Connector);
+ Connector._lstId := Count - 1;
+procedure TConnectorList.RemoveConnector(Connector: TConnector);
+ Items[Connector._lstId] := nil;
+ while ((Count > 0) and (not Assigned(Items[Count - 1]))) do
+ Delete(Count - 1);
+function TConnectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact: THandle): TConnector;
+ _hContact := hContact;
+ _iterator := -1;
+ Result := GetNextConnector;
+function TConnectorList.GetNextConnector: TConnector;
+ Result := nil;
+ while (_iterator < (Count - 1)) do
+ begin
+ inc(_iterator);
+ if (Assigned(Items[_iterator]) and
+ (_hContact = TConnector(Items[_iterator])._hContact)) then
+ begin
+ Result := Items[_iterator];
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TConnectorList.FGetLastAddedConnector: TConnector;
+ i: integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if ((not Assigned(Result)) or (TConnector(Items[i]).m_lwId > Result.m_lwId)) then
+ Result := Items[i];
+ end;
+procedure TConnector.FsendSystemTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ if _systemDataList.Count = 0 then
+ begin
+ _sendSystemTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ _msg_sending := _systemDataList[0];
+ if FSendMessage(_msg_sending) then
+ _systemDataList.Delete(0);
+ // else: try to resend
+procedure TConnector.FSendSystemData(sd: string);
+ if ((sd <> MSG_INVITATION) and (sd <> CMD_CLOSE)) then
+ sd := sd + DATA_SEPARATOR;
+ _systemDataList.Add(sd);
+ _sendSystemTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
+function TConnector.FGetOwnerID: integer;
+ Result := OWNER_ID;
+procedure TConnector.FSetMultiSession(bValue: boolean);
+ if ((not g_bMultiSession) and bValue) then
+ begin
+ FSendSystemData(FFormatMsg(CMD_CONTACT_LIST_ID + ' ' + IntToStr(_lstId)));
+ g_bMultiSession := TRUE;
+ end;
+procedure TConnector.FPluginConnectorHandler(ce: TConnectorEvent;
+ d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
+ if (Assigned(_plugin)) then
+ _plugin.ConnectorHandler(ce, d1, d2);
+function TConnector.FGetMultiSession: boolean;
+ Result := g_bMultiSession;