path: root/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardUnit.pas
diff options
authorPavel Perminov <>2012-09-26 19:02:53 +0000
committerPavel Perminov <>2012-09-26 19:02:53 +0000
commita0f6fd68a56068a20e7186e2dd2d7daccfbce4aa (patch)
treec729df922348c49431db745e0d694f228e53e4dc /plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardUnit.pas
parentd9cd01de6dd3458ad806fdbe1d29108eda55b3e4 (diff)
Chess4Net_MI 2010.0 release (106 rev. truncated adjusted copy)
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardUnit.pas')
1 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0c10001ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+unit PosBaseChessBoardUnit;
+ Classes, PosBaseUnit, ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessRulesEngine, ChessBoardUnit;
+ TGameResult = (grWin, grWinTime, grDraw, grLost, grLostTime);
+ // Расширение TChessBoard базой данных позиций
+ TPosBaseChessBoard = class(TChessBoard)
+ private
+ _bUseUserBase: boolean;
+ _lstMovePrior: TList;
+ _oPosBase, _oExtPosBase: TPosBase;
+ _bTrainingMode: boolean;
+ _sPosBaseName, _sExtPosBaseName: string;
+ procedure FSetTrainingMode(vbTrainingMode: boolean);
+ procedure FUseUserBase(vbUseUserBase: boolean);
+ procedure FReadFromBase;
+ procedure FWriteGameToBase;
+ protected
+ procedure ROnAfterMoveDone; override;
+ procedure ROnAfterSetPosition; override;
+ procedure RDrawHiddenBoard; override;
+ public
+ procedure WriteGameToBase(vGameResult: TGameResult);
+ procedure SetExternalBase(const vsExtPosBaseName: string);
+ procedure UnsetExternalBase;
+ constructor Create(voOwner: TComponent; vfHandler: TChessBoardHandler; const vsPosBaseName: string);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property pTrainingMode: boolean read _bTrainingMode write FSetTrainingMode;
+ property pUseUserBase: boolean read _bUseUserBase write FUseUserBase;
+ procedure PPRandom; reintroduce;
+ end;
+ SysUtils, Graphics;
+ TPrior = (mpNo, mpHigh, mpMid, mpLow);
+ PMovePrior = ^TMovePrior;
+ TMovePrior = record
+ move: TMoveAbs;
+ prior: TPrior;
+ end;
+ TPosBaseOperator = class(TThread)
+ private
+ _enuOperation: (opRead, opWrite);
+ _oChessBoard: TPosBaseChessBoard;
+ _bHidden: boolean;
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ constructor CreateRead(voChessBoard: TPosBaseChessBoard; vbHidden: boolean; vbFreeOnTerminate: boolean = TRUE);
+ constructor CreateWrite(voChessBoard: TPosBaseChessBoard);
+ end;
+ gameResult: TGameResult; // не нитебезопасно
+ gameID: word; // используется при записи уникальных позиций (не нитебезопасно)
+ NUM_PRIORITIES = 3; // максимальное количество приоритетов
+ MAX_PLY_TO_BASE = -1; // в базу сохраняется вся игра полностью
+{------------- TPosBaseChessBoard --------------}
+constructor TPosBaseChessBoard.Create(voOwner: TComponent; vfHandler: TChessBoardHandler; const vsPosBaseName: string);
+ inherited Create(voOwner, vfHandler);
+ _bUseUserBase := TRUE;
+ _sPosBaseName := vsPosBaseName;
+ _lstMovePrior := TList.Create;
+destructor TPosBaseChessBoard.Destroy;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := 0 to _lstMovePrior.Count - 1 do
+ dispose(_lstMovePrior[i]);
+ _lstMovePrior.Free;
+ pTrainingMode := FALSE;
+ inherited;
+procedure Reestimate(lstMoveEsts: TList; viRec: integer);
+ est: SmallInt;
+ id: word;
+ id := LongWord(lstMoveEsts[viRec]) shr 16;
+ if id = gameID then
+ exit; // позиция дублируется в рамках одной партии
+ est := SmallInt(lstMoveEsts[viRec]);
+ case gameResult of
+ grWin: inc(est, 2);
+ grWinTime: inc(est);
+ grDraw: ;
+ grLost: dec(est, 2);
+ grLostTime: dec(est);
+ end;
+ lstMoveEsts[viRec] := Pointer((gameID shl 16) or Word(est));
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.FSetTrainingMode(vbTrainingMode: boolean);
+ if _bTrainingMode = vbTrainingMode then
+ exit;
+ _bTrainingMode := vbTrainingMode;
+ try
+ if _bTrainingMode then
+ begin
+ _oPosBase := TPosBase.Create(_sPosBaseName, Reestimate);
+ if _sExtPosBaseName <> '' then
+ _oExtPosBase := TPosBase.Create(_sExtPosBaseName);
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FreeAndNil(_oPosBase);
+ FreeAndNil(_oExtPosBase);
+ end;
+ except
+ on Exception do
+ begin
+ FreeAndNil(_oPosBase);
+ FreeAndNil(_oExtPosBase);
+ _bTrainingMode := FALSE;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.FUseUserBase(vbUseUserBase: boolean);
+ if _bUseUserBase = vbUseUserBase then
+ exit;
+ _bUseUserBase := vbUseUserBase;
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE);
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.RDrawHiddenBoard;
+ ARROW_END_LENGTH = 10; // в пикселях
+ ARROW_END_ANGLE = 15 * (Pi / 180); // угол концов стрелки
+ LOW_ARROW_COLOR = clSkyBlue;
+ i, x0, y0, x, y: integer;
+ xa, ya, ca, sa: double;
+ move: TMoveAbs;
+ if (not Assigned(bmHiddenBoard)) then
+ exit;
+ inherited;
+ if not _bTrainingMode or (Mode <> mGame) or (PlayerColor <> PositionColor) then
+ exit;
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
+ for i := 0 to _lstMovePrior.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ case PMovePrior(_lstMovePrior[i]).prior of
+ mpNo: continue;
+ mpHigh:
+ begin
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Color := HIGH_ARROW_COLOR;
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Width := HIGH_ARROW_WIDTH;
+ end;
+ mpMid:
+ begin
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Color := MID_ARROW_COLOR;
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Width := MID_ARROW_WIDTH;
+ end;
+ mpLow:
+ begin
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Color := LOW_ARROW_COLOR;
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Width := LOW_ARROW_WIDTH;
+ end;
+ end;
+ move := PMovePrior(_lstMovePrior[i]).move;
+ if not flipped then
+ begin
+ x0 := CHB_X + iSquareSize * (move.i0 - 1) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ y0 := CHB_Y + iSquareSize * (8 - move.j0) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ x := CHB_X + iSquareSize * (move.i - 1) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ y := CHB_Y + iSquareSize * (8 - move.j) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ x0 := CHB_X + iSquareSize * (8 - move.i0) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ y0 := CHB_Y + iSquareSize * (move.j0 - 1) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ x := CHB_X + iSquareSize * (8 - move.i) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ y := CHB_Y + iSquareSize * (move.j - 1) + (iSquareSize div 2);
+ end;
+ // Рисование стрелки
+ ca := (x - x0) / sqrt(sqr(x - x0) + sqr(y - y0));
+ sa := (y - y0) / sqrt(sqr(x - x0) + sqr(y - y0));
+ x0 := x0 + Round(ARROW_INDENT * ca);
+ y0 := y0 + Round(ARROW_INDENT * sa);
+ x := x - Round(ARROW_INDENT * ca);
+ y := y - Round(ARROW_INDENT * sa);
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.MoveTo(x0, y0);
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.LineTo(x, y);
+ xa := x + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * ca -
+ ya := y + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * sa +
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.LineTo(Round(xa), Round(ya));
+ xa := x + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * ca -
+ ya := y + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * sa +
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.MoveTo(x, y);
+ bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.LineTo(Round(xa), Round(ya));
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.ROnAfterMoveDone;
+ inherited;
+ if (_bTrainingMode) then
+ begin
+ if (PlayerColor = PositionColor) then
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, TRUE) // чтение из базы и вывод на скрытую доску
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.ROnAfterSetPosition;
+ PosBaseOperator: TPosBaseOperator;
+ if (_bTrainingMode) then
+ begin
+ PosBaseOperator := TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE, FALSE); // чтение из базы и вывод на скрытую доску
+ PosBaseOperator.WaitFor;
+ PosBaseOperator.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.SetExternalBase(const vsExtPosBaseName: string);
+ if _bTrainingMode then
+ begin
+ if _sExtPosBaseName = vsExtPosBaseName then
+ exit;
+ FreeAndNil(_oExtPosBase);
+ _oExtPosBase := TPosBase.Create(vsExtPosBaseName);
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE);
+ end;
+ _sExtPosBaseName := vsExtPosBaseName;
+function EstComape(item1, item2: pointer): integer;
+ Result := SmallInt(PMoveEst(item2).estimate and $FFFF) - SmallInt(PMoveEst(item1).estimate and $FFFF);
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.FReadFromBase;
+ procedure ClasterMoves(var rlstMove: TList); // кластеризация ходов
+ var
+ i, j, num_clast, i_min, j_min, curr_assoc: integer;
+ modus_min: double;
+ clastWeights: array of record
+ grav: double;
+ assoc: integer;
+ end;
+ mp: PMovePrior;
+ p: TPrior;
+ begin
+ if rlstMove.Count = 0 then
+ exit;
+ rlstMove.Sort(EstComape);
+ SetLength(clastWeights, rlstMove.Count);
+ num_clast := rlstMove.Count;
+ for i := 0 to num_clast - 1 do
+ begin
+ clastWeights[i].assoc := i + 1;
+ clastWeights[i].grav := SmallInt(PMoveEst(rlstMove[i]).estimate and $FFFF);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ i_min := 0;
+ j_min := 0;
+ modus_min := $7FFF; // $7FFF - макс. значение для оценки
+ curr_assoc := 0; // текущий просматриваемый кластер
+ for i := 0 to length(clastWeights) - 2 do
+ begin
+ if curr_assoc = clastWeights[i].assoc then
+ continue;
+ curr_assoc := clastWeights[i].assoc;
+ for j := i + 1 to length(clastWeights) - 1 do
+ if (clastWeights[j].assoc <> clastWeights[j-1].assoc) and
+ (curr_assoc <> clastWeights[j].assoc) and
+ (abs(clastWeights[i].grav - clastWeights[j].grav) <= modus_min) then
+ begin
+ i_min := i;
+ j_min := j;
+ modus_min := abs(clastWeights[i].grav - clastWeights[j].grav);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (num_clast > Ord(High(TPrior))) or (modus_min = 0.0) then
+ begin
+ for i := High(clastWeights) downto j_min do
+ if clastWeights[i].assoc = clastWeights[j_min].assoc then
+ clastWeights[i].assoc := clastWeights[i_min].assoc;
+ clastWeights[i_min].grav := (clastWeights[i_min].grav + clastWeights[j_min].grav) / 2;
+ end;
+ dec(num_clast);
+ until (num_clast <= Ord(High(TPrior))) and ((modus_min <> 0.0) or (num_clast < 1));
+ p := mpHigh;
+ for i := 0 to rlstMove.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ new(mp);
+ if (i > 0) and (clastWeights[i].assoc > clastWeights[i-1].assoc) then
+ p := Succ(p);
+ mp.move := PMoveEst(rlstMove[i]).move;
+ mp.prior := p;
+ dispose(rlstMove[i]);
+ rlstMove[i] := mp;
+ end;
+ SetLength(clastWeights, 0);
+ end;
+ lstUsrMove, lstExtMove: TList;
+ procedure MergeMoves;
+ function NEqualMoves(i,j: integer): boolean;
+ begin
+ with PMovePrior(lstExtMove[i])^, PMovePrior(_lstMovePrior[j]).move do
+ Result := (i0 = move.i0) and (j0 = move.j0) and (j = move.j) and (i = move.i) and
+ (prom_fig = move.prom_fig);
+ end;
+ var
+ i, j, n: integer;
+ const
+ PRIOR_CALC: array[TPrior, TPrior] of TPrior =
+ ((mpNo, mpNo, mpNo, mpNo), // UsrPrior = mpNo - ?, т.к. ещё нигде не исп.
+ (mpHigh, mpHigh, mpHigh, mpMid), // UsrPrior = mpHigh
+ (mpMid, mpMid, mpMid, mpMid), // UsrPrior = mpMid
+ (mpLow, mpMid, mpLow, mpLow)); // UsrPrior = mpLow
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to lstUsrMove.Count - 1 do
+ _lstMovePrior.Add(lstUsrMove[i]);
+ // Сливание списков
+ n := _lstMovePrior.Count;
+ for i := 0 to lstExtMove.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ j := n - 1;
+ while (j >= 0) do
+ begin
+ if NEqualMoves(i,j) then
+ begin
+ PMovePrior(_lstMovePrior[j]).prior :=
+ PRIOR_CALC[PMovePrior(_lstMovePrior[j]).prior, PMovePrior(lstExtMove[j]).prior];
+ dispose(lstExtMove[i]);
+ break;
+ end;
+ dec(j);
+ end;
+ if j < 0 then
+ _lstMovePrior.Add(lstExtMove[i]);
+ end; { for }
+ end;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := 0 to _lstMovePrior.Count - 1 do
+ dispose(_lstMovePrior[i]);
+ _lstMovePrior.Clear;
+ lstExtMove := nil;
+ lstUsrMove := TList.Create;
+ try
+ lstExtMove := TList.Create;
+ if _bUseUserBase or (not Assigned(_oExtPosBase)) then
+ _oPosBase.Find(Position^, lstUsrMove);
+ if Assigned(_oExtPosBase) then
+ _oExtPosBase.Find(Position^, lstExtMove);
+ // TODO: Handle wrong DB
+ ClasterMoves(lstUsrMove);
+ ClasterMoves(lstExtMove);
+ MergeMoves;
+ finally
+ lstExtMove.Free;
+ lstUsrMove.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.WriteGameToBase(vGameResult: TGameResult);
+ if not _bTrainingMode then
+ exit;
+ gameResult := vGameResult;
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateWrite(self);
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.FWriteGameToBase;
+ ply: integer;
+ gameID := Random($FFFF) + 1;
+ if (PlayerColor = fcWhite) then
+ ply := 0
+ else
+ ply := 1;
+ while ((ply < PositionsList.Count) and ((MAX_PLY_TO_BASE < 0) or (ply <= MAX_PLY_TO_BASE))) do
+ begin
+ _oPosBase.Add(PPosMove(PositionsList[ply])^);
+ inc(ply, 2);
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.UnsetExternalBase;
+ FreeAndNil(_oExtPosBase);
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoard.PPRandom;
+ PosBaseOperator: TPosBaseOperator;
+ inherited;
+ if _bTrainingMode then
+ begin
+ PosBaseOperator := TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE, FALSE); // чтение из базы и вывод на скрытую доску
+ PosBaseOperator.WaitFor;
+ PosBaseOperator.Free;
+ end;
+{------------- TPosBaseOperator --------------}
+constructor TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(voChessBoard: TPosBaseChessBoard; vbHidden: boolean; vbFreeOnTerminate: boolean = TRUE);
+ _enuOperation := opRead;
+ _oChessBoard := voChessBoard;
+ _bHidden := vbHidden;
+ inherited Create(TRUE);
+ Priority := tpNormal;
+ FreeOnTerminate := vbFreeOnTerminate;
+ Resume;
+constructor TPosBaseOperator.CreateWrite(voChessBoard: TPosBaseChessBoard);
+ _oChessBoard := voChessBoard;
+ _enuOperation := opWrite;
+ inherited Create(TRUE);
+ Priority := tpNormal;
+ FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
+ Resume;
+procedure TPosBaseOperator.Execute;
+ case _enuOperation of
+ opRead:
+ _oChessBoard.FReadFromBase;
+ opWrite:
+ _oChessBoard.FWriteGameToBase;
+ end;
+ Randomize;