path: root/plugins/Chess4Net
diff options
authorPavel Perminov <>2012-09-26 19:14:19 +0000
committerPavel Perminov <>2012-09-26 19:14:19 +0000
commit6064bfec538038fd1e1ccf4da54fa859241f98fa (patch)
tree818a480b08186f16382a84df47c4716c87934216 /plugins/Chess4Net
parent9f54d2d2fe173c2a426dc790e70f14a585829431 (diff)
Current line of development release (344 rev. truncated adjusted copy)
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Chess4Net')
-rw-r--r--plugins/Chess4Net/Lang.inibin12304 -> 41582 bytes
-rw-r--r--plugins/Chess4Net/Readme_RU.txtbin13846 -> 15044 bytes
48 files changed, 5991 insertions, 2338 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas
index bda6d1a1e9..28551b3887 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/BitmapResUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit BitmapResUnit;
@@ -15,8 +21,14 @@ type
m_iSetNumber: integer;
m_iSquareSize: integer;
procedure FCalculateClientBoardSizes(InitialSize: TSize);
+ function FGetOptimalBoardSize(const ClientSize: TSize; out iSetNumber: integer): TSize;
+ procedure FCalculateSetNumberFromSquareSize;
+ procedure FLoadPieceSet(iSetNumber: integer);
+ function FGetBoardResName(iSetNumber: integer): string;
+ function FGetSetResName(iSetNumber: integer): string;
- constructor Create(const ClientBoardSize: TSize);
+ constructor Create(const ClientBoardSize: TSize); overload;
+ constructor Create(iSquareSize: integer); overload;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure CreateBoardBitmap(ClientBoardSize: TSize; const BackgroundColor: TColor;
out Bitmap: TBitmap);
@@ -38,17 +50,23 @@ const
CHB_RES_X = 4; CHB_RES_Y = 4; // starting coordinates of A8 field in resources
- g_BitmapResInstance: TBitmapRes = nil;
arrClientBoardSizes: array[1..7] of TSize;
- bClientBoardSizesCalculated: boolean = FALSE;
+ g_bClientBoardSizesCalculated: boolean = FALSE;
// TBitmapRes
constructor TBitmapRes.Create(const ClientBoardSize: TSize);
- if (not bClientBoardSizesCalculated) then
- FCalculateClientBoardSizes(ClientBoardSize);
+ inherited Create;
+ FCalculateClientBoardSizes(ClientBoardSize);
+constructor TBitmapRes.Create(iSquareSize: integer);
+ inherited Create;
+ m_iSquareSize := iSquareSize;
@@ -64,38 +82,58 @@ procedure TBitmapRes.CreateBoardBitmap(ClientBoardSize: TSize; const BackgroundC
Png: TPngObject;
ResBoard: TBitmap;
+ iSetNumber: integer;
Png := nil;
ResBoard := nil;
- m_iSquareSize := 0;
- GetOptimalBoardSize(ClientBoardSize); // To refresh m_iSetNumber
- if (m_iSetNumber = 0) then
+ FGetOptimalBoardSize(ClientBoardSize, iSetNumber);
+ if (iSetNumber = 0) then
Bitmap := TBitMap.Create;
with Bitmap do
Png := TPngObject.Create;
- Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'BOARD' + IntToStr(m_iSetNumber));
+ Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, FGetBoardResName(iSetNumber));
ResBoard := TBitmap.Create;
- Width := arrClientBoardSizes[m_iSetNumber].cx;
- Height := arrClientBoardSizes[m_iSetNumber].cy;
+ Width := arrClientBoardSizes[iSetNumber].cx;
+ Height := arrClientBoardSizes[iSetNumber].cy;
Canvas.Brush.Color := BackgroundColor;
Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height));
Canvas.Draw(CHB_X - CHB_RES_X, CHB_Y - CHB_RES_Y, ResBoard);
// Load appropriate set
- FreeAndNil(m_ResSet);
- Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'SET' + IntToStr(m_iSetNumber));
+ FLoadPieceSet(iSetNumber);
+ finally;
+ m_iSetNumber := iSetNumber;
+ ResBoard.Free;
+ Png.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TBitmapRes.FLoadPieceSet(iSetNumber: integer);
+ Png: TPngObject;
+ if (Assigned(m_ResSet) and (iSetNumber = m_iSetNumber)) then
+ exit;
+ FreeAndNil(m_ResSet);
+ Png := TPngObject.Create;
+ try
+ Png.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, FGetSetResName(iSetNumber));
m_ResSet := TBitmap.Create;
m_iSquareSize := m_ResSet.Height;
- finally;
- ResBoard.Free;
+ finally
@@ -105,38 +143,76 @@ procedure TBitmapRes.CreateFigureBitmap(const Figure: TFigure; out Bitmap: TBitm
PNG_SET_POS: array[TFigure] of integer = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 0, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13);
- iSquareSize, iWidth: integer;
+ iWidth: integer;
if (m_iSetNumber = 0) then
- exit;
+ begin
+ FCalculateSetNumberFromSquareSize;
+ if (m_iSetNumber = 0) then
+ exit;
+ end;
- iSquareSize := m_ResSet.Height;
+ FLoadPieceSet(m_iSetNumber);
- iWidth := IfThen((Figure = ES), iSquareSize + iSquareSize, iSquareSize);
+ iWidth := IfThen((Figure = ES), m_iSquareSize + m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize);
Bitmap := TBitMap.Create;
Bitmap.Width := iWidth;
- Bitmap.Height := iSquareSize;
+ Bitmap.Height := m_iSquareSize;
- Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, iWidth, iSquareSize), m_ResSet.Canvas,
- Bounds(iSquareSize * PNG_SET_POS[Figure], 0, iWidth, iSquareSize));
+ Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, iWidth, m_iSquareSize), m_ResSet.Canvas,
+ Bounds(m_iSquareSize * PNG_SET_POS[Figure], 0, iWidth, m_iSquareSize));
Bitmap.Transparent:= TRUE;
-function TBitmapRes.GetOptimalBoardSize(ClientSize: TSize): TSize;
+procedure TBitmapRes.FCalculateSetNumberFromSquareSize;
i: integer;
m_iSetNumber := 0;
+ with TPngObject.Create do
+ try
+ for i := High(arrClientBoardSizes) downto Low(arrClientBoardSizes) do
+ begin
+ LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, FGetSetResName(i));
+ if (Height <= m_iSquareSize) then
+ begin
+ m_iSetNumber := i;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+function TBitmapRes.GetOptimalBoardSize(ClientSize: TSize): TSize;
+ iDummy: integer;
+ Result := FGetOptimalBoardSize(ClientSize, iDummy);
+function TBitmapRes.FGetOptimalBoardSize(const ClientSize: TSize; out iSetNumber: integer): TSize;
+ i: integer;
+ iSetNumber := 0;
for i := High(arrClientBoardSizes) downto Low(arrClientBoardSizes) do
if (( >= arrClientBoardSizes[i].cx) and
( >= arrClientBoardSizes[i].cy)) then
Result := arrClientBoardSizes[i];
- m_iSetNumber := i;
+ iSetNumber := i;
end; { for i }
@@ -148,17 +224,18 @@ end;
procedure TBitmapRes.FCalculateClientBoardSizes(InitialSize: TSize);
i: integer;
- strResName: string;
iOptimal: integer;
iAddX, iAddY: integer;
+ if (g_bClientBoardSizesCalculated) then
+ exit;
// Load board sizes from resources
with TPngObject.Create do
for i := Low(arrClientBoardSizes) to High(arrClientBoardSizes) do
- strResName := 'BOARD' + IntToStr(i);
- LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, strResName);
+ LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, FGetBoardResName(i));
arrClientBoardSizes[i] := Size(Width, Height);
@@ -187,7 +264,19 @@ begin
inc(arrClientBoardSizes[i].cy, iAddY);
- bClientBoardSizesCalculated := TRUE;
+ g_bClientBoardSizesCalculated := TRUE;
+function TBitmapRes.FGetBoardResName(iSetNumber: integer): string;
+ Result := 'BOARD' + IntToStr(iSetNumber);
+function TBitmapRes.FGetSetResName(iSetNumber: integer): string;
+ Result := 'SET' + IntToStr(iSetNumber);
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardHeaderUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardHeaderUnit.pas
index 26ffb341a7..b0226e3321 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardHeaderUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardHeaderUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ChessBoardHeaderUnit;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.dfm b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.dfm
index b9f17a075d..3976a60187 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.dfm
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.dfm
@@ -1,32 +1,27 @@
object ChessBoard: TChessBoard
- Left = 429
- Top = 209
+ Left = 715
+ Top = 238
Width = 364
- Height = 412
- BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
+ Height = 381
+ Caption = 'ChessBoard'
Color = clBtnFace
- TransparentColorValue = clBackground
Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -13
+ Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- KeyPreview = True
+ Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
- OnActivate = FormActivate
OnCanResize = FormCanResize
- OnClose = FormClose
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
- OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
OnResize = FormResize
PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 16
+ TextHeight = 13
object PBoxBoard: TPaintBox
Left = 0
- Top = 33
+ Top = 0
Width = 356
- Height = 352
+ Height = 354
Align = alClient
Color = clSilver
DragCursor = crHandPoint
@@ -46,141 +41,11 @@ object ChessBoard: TChessBoard
OnPaint = PBoxBoardPaint
OnStartDrag = PBoxBoardStartDrag
- object TimePanel: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 356
- Height = 33
- Align = alTop
- BevelInner = bvLowered
- TabOrder = 0
- OnResize = TimePanelResize
- object WhitePanel: TPanel
- Left = 8
- Top = 4
- Width = 145
- Height = 25
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 0
- DesignSize = (
- 145
- 25)
- object WhiteTimeLabel: TLabel
- Left = 71
- Top = 0
- Width = 68
- Height = 25
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '0:00:00'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -19
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object WhiteFlagButton: TSpeedButton
- Left = 115
- Top = 2
- Width = 23
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- Glyph.Data = {
- 66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
- 040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
- 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
- FF33FFFF0000F99999999FFFF33FFFFF0000FF99999999FF83FFFFFF0000FFF9
- 9999999F33FFFFFF0000FFFF999999983FFFFFFF0000FFFFFF9999993FFFFFFF
- Visible = False
- OnClick = FlagButtonClick
- end
- object WhiteLabel: TTntLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 71
- Height = 25
- Align = alLeft
- Caption = 'White '
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -19
- Font.Name = 'Microsoft Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- end
- end
- object BlackPanel: TPanel
- Left = 184
- Top = 4
- Width = 145
- Height = 25
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- TabOrder = 1
- DesignSize = (
- 145
- 25)
- object BlackTimeLabel: TLabel
- Left = 68
- Top = 0
- Width = 68
- Height = 25
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = '0:00:00'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -19
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object BlackLabel: TTntLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 68
- Height = 25
- Align = alLeft
- Caption = 'Black '
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -19
- Font.Name = 'Microsoft Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object BlackFlagButton: TSpeedButton
- Left = 115
- Top = 2
- Width = 23
- Height = 22
- Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
- Visible = False
- OnClick = FlagButtonClick
- end
- end
- end
- object GameTimer: TTimer
- Enabled = False
- Interval = 100
- OnTimer = GameTimerTimer
- Left = 8
- Top = 40
- end
object AnimateTimer: TTimer
Enabled = False
Interval = 1
OnTimer = AnimateTimerTimer
- Left = 40
- Top = 40
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 8
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.pas
index 6b655058ad..8a7042f292 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessBoardUnit.pas
@@ -1,410 +1,396 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ChessBoardUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, TntForms,
- Dialogs, StdCtrls, TntStdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons,
- // Chess4net
- ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessRulesEngine, BitmapResUnit, LocalizerUnit;
+ Forms, ExtCtrls, Classes, Controls, Graphics, Types, Messages,
+ //
+ ChessRulesEngine, BitmapResUnit, PromotionUnit;
- TMode = (mView, mGame); // состояние доски
- TChessBoardEvent =
- (cbeMoved, cbeMate, cbeStaleMate, cbeInsuffMaterial, cbeKeyPressed,
- cbeClockSwitched, cbeTimeOut, cbeExit, cbeMenu, cbeActivate, cbeFormMoving,
- cbeRefreshAll); // возможно добавление новых событий
- // cbeRefreshAll сигнализирует, что были изменены глобальные опции.
+ TMode = (mView, mGame, mAnalyse, mEdit); // Board mode
+ TAnimation = (aNo, aSlow, aQuick);
+ TChessBoardEvent = (cbeMate, cbeStaleMate, cbeMoved, cbePosSet, cbeMenu);
TChessBoardHandler = procedure(e: TChessBoardEvent;
d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil) of object;
- TAnimation = (aNo, aSlow, aQuick);
- TChessBoard = class;
- TTimeLabelThread = class(TThread)
- private
- ChessBoard: TChessBoard;
- player_time: array[TFigureColor] of TDateTime;
- protected
- procedure Execute; override;
- public
- WhiteTime, BlackTime: string;
- constructor Create(ChessBoard: TChessBoard);
- end;
+ TChessBoardLayerBase = class;
- TChessBoard = class(TTntForm, ILocalizable, IChessRulesEngineable)
+ TChessBoard = class(TForm, IChessRulesEngineable)
PBoxBoard: TPaintBox;
- TimePanel: TPanel;
- WhiteLabel: TTntLabel;
- WhiteTimeLabel: TLabel;
- BlackLabel: TTntLabel;
- BlackTimeLabel: TLabel;
- GameTimer: TTimer;
AnimateTimer: TTimer;
- WhiteFlagButton: TSpeedButton;
- BlackFlagButton: TSpeedButton;
- WhitePanel: TPanel;
- BlackPanel: TPanel;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth,
+ NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean);
+ procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure AnimateTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
procedure PBoxBoardPaint(Sender: TObject);
procedure PBoxBoardDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
procedure PBoxBoardDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
procedure PBoxBoardEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure PBoxBoardMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure PBoxBoardMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
- Y: Integer);
+ procedure PBoxBoardMouseDown(Sender: TObject;
+ Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+ procedure PBoxBoardMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
procedure PBoxBoardMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
- procedure PBoxBoardStartDrag(Sender: TObject;
- var DragObject: TDragObject);
- procedure AnimateTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- procedure GameTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FlagButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- procedure FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer;
- var Resize: Boolean);
- procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
- procedure TimePanelResize(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure PBoxBoardStartDrag(Sender: TObject; var DragObject: TDragObject);
m_ChessRulesEngine: TChessRulesEngine;
+ m_BitmapRes: TBitmapRes; // Manager for bitmaps
- m_i0, m_j0: integer;
- m_fig: TFigure;
+ FHandler: TChessBoardHandler;
- mode_var: TMode;
dx, dy: integer; // Расстояние от курсора до верхнего левого угла
x0, y0: integer; // Предыдущие координаты курсора
_flipped: boolean; // Доска перевёрнута или нет
- hilighted: boolean; // Подсветка делаемого хода
+ m_bHilighted: boolean; // Hilight the move that is being done
+ m_i0, m_j0: integer;
+ m_fig: TFigure;
+ m_Mode: TMode;
+ m_bViewGaming: boolean;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard: TBitmap;
m_bmChessBoard: TBitmap;
m_bmFigure: array[TFigure] of TBitmap;
m_bmBuf: TBitmap;
- Handler: TChessBoardHandler;
- m_animation: TAnimation; // скорость анимации
- anim_dx, anim_dy: real; // переменные для анимации перемещения фигуры
- anim_step, anim_step_num: integer; // количество шагов в анимации
- player_color: TFigureColor; // цвет игрока клиента
- dragged_moved: boolean; // индикатор включения перетаскивания
- last_hilight: boolean; // флаг подсветки последнего хода
- m_bFlash_move: boolean; // flag for flashing on icoming move
- coord_show: boolean; // флаг координат
+ m_iSquareSize: integer; // Size of one chess board field
- auto_flag: boolean; // индикатор автофлага
- player_time: array[TFigureColor] of TDateTime; // время белых и чёрных
- past_time: TDateTime; // время начала обдумывания хода
- unlimited_var: array[TFigureColor] of boolean; // партия без временного контроля
- clock_color: TFigureColor; // цвет анимируемой фигуры
+ m_animation: TAnimation; // Animation speed
+ m_iAnimStep, m_iPrevAnimStep, m_iAnimStepsCount: integer;
+ anim_dx, anim_dy: real; // Variables for animation of a dragged piece
- shuted: boolean; // индикатор внешнего закрытия окна
+ m_PlayerColor: TFigureColor; // Color of player client
+ m_bDraggedMoved: boolean; // Flag for switching of dragging
+ last_hilight: boolean; // Flag for hilighting of the last move done
+ coord_show: boolean; // Flag for showing coordinates
// Resizing
m_ResizingType: (rtNo, rtHoriz, rtVert);
m_iDeltaWidthHeight: integer;
- m_BitmapRes: TBitmapRes; // Manager for bitmaps
- m_iTimePanelInitialWidth: integer;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft, m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft: integer;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth, m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth: integer;
- m_TimeFont: TFont;
+ m_bDeltaWidthHeightFlag: boolean;
- m_bViewGaming: boolean;
+ m_PromotionForm: TPromotionForm;
+ m_EditPiece: TFigure;
- TimeLabelThread: TTimeLabelThread; // нить используется для борьбы с лагом в Миранде
+ m_iUpdateCounter: integer;
+ m_lstLayers: TList;
procedure HilightLastMove;
- procedure WhatSquare(const P: TPoint; var i: Integer; var j: Integer);
- procedure Animate(const i, j: integer); // Анимирует перемещение фигуры с (i0,j0) до (i,j)
- procedure SetMode(const m: TMode);
- procedure ShowTime(const c: TFigureColor);
- procedure SetPlayerColor(const color: TFigureColor);
- procedure SetTime(color: TFigureColor; const tm: TDateTime);
- function GetTime(color: TFigureColor): TDateTime;
- procedure SetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor; const unl: boolean);
- function GetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor): boolean;
procedure Evaluate;
- procedure SetHilightLastMove(const yes: boolean);
- procedure SetCoordinates(const yes: boolean);
- procedure SetFlipped(const f: boolean); // Переварачивает позицию при отображении
- function GetStayOnTop: boolean;
- procedure SetStayOnTop(onTop: boolean);
- procedure FCancelAnimationDragging; // отмена анимации и перетаскивания для удаления грязи при прорисовки
- procedure SetAutoFlag(auto_flag: boolean);
- procedure FFlashWindow;
- // Localization
- procedure ILocalizable.Localize = FLocalize;
- procedure FLocalize;
- procedure WMMoving(var Msg: TWMMoving); message WM_MOVING;
- procedure WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_SIZING;
- function FGetPositinoColor: TFigureColor;
+ function FGetLastMove: PMoveAbs;
+ property lastMove: PMoveAbs read FGetLastMove;
function FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
+ property Position: PChessPosition read FGetPosition;
function AskPromotionFigure(FigureColor: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
- function FGetLastMove: PMoveAbs;
+ procedure FSetMode(const Value: TMode);
+ function FDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
+ procedure FOnAfterMoveDone;
+ procedure FOnAfterSetPosition;
+ procedure FAnimate(const i, j: integer); // Animates a disposition of a piece from (i0,j0) to (i,j)
+ procedure FDoAnimationStep;
+ procedure FEndAnimation;
+ procedure FWhatSquare(const P: TPoint; var i: Integer; var j: Integer);
+ procedure FSetPlayerColor(const Value: TFigureColor);
+ procedure FCancelAnimationDragging; // Caneling of animation and dragging for trace removal after draw
+ procedure FSetFlipped(Value: boolean); // Flips chess position
+ procedure FSetCoordinatesShown(Value: boolean);
+ procedure FSetLastMoveHilighted(Value: boolean);
function FGetPositionsList: TList;
+ function FGetPositionColor: TFigureColor;
+ function FGetMoveNotationFormat: TMoveNotationFormat;
+ procedure FSetMoveNotationFormat(Value: TMoveNotationFormat);
+ function FGetFENFormat: boolean;
+ procedure FSetFENFormat(bValue: boolean);
- procedure FOnAfterMoveDone;
+ procedure FDrawHiddenBoard;
+ function FGetHiddenBoardCanvas: TCanvas;
- property ChessRulesEngine: TChessRulesEngine read m_ChessRulesEngine;
- property Position: PChessPosition read FGetPosition;
+ procedure FDrawBoard;
+ procedure FOnDrawLayerUpdate(const ADrawLayer: TChessBoardLayerBase);
- property lastMove: PMoveAbs read FGetLastMove;
+ function FGetMovesOffset: integer;
+ function FGetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
- protected
- iSquareSize: integer; // Size of a chess board field
- bmHiddenBoard: TBitmap;
- procedure RDrawBoard;
+ procedure WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_SIZING;
- procedure RDrawHiddenBoard; virtual;
- procedure ROnAfterSetPosition; virtual;
- function RDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
- procedure ROnAfterMoveDone; virtual;
+ procedure FDoHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
- property PositionsList: TList read FGetPositionsList;
+ property SquareSize: integer read m_iSquareSize;
+ property PositionsList: TList read FGetPositionsList;
- constructor Create(Owner: TComponent; h: TChessBoardHandler = nil); reintroduce;
+ constructor Create(Owner: TComponent; AHandler: TChessBoardHandler = nil); reintroduce;
- procedure TakeBack; // взятие хода обратно
- procedure SwitchClock(clock_color: TFigureColor);
+ function DoMove(const strMove: string): boolean;
+ procedure ResetMoveList;
+ function SetPosition(const strPosition: string): boolean;
+ function GetPosition: string;
procedure InitPosition;
procedure PPRandom;
- procedure StopClock;
+ procedure TakeBack;
+ function NMoveDone: integer;
+ function NPlysDone: integer;
- procedure ResetMoveList;
- function SetPosition(const posstr: string): boolean;
- function GetPosition: string;
- function NMoveDone: integer; // количество сделанных ходов
- function DoMove(move_str: string): boolean;
- procedure Shut;
- property Unlimited[color: TFigureColor]: boolean read GetUnlimited write SetUnlimited;
- property Time[color: TFigureColor]: TDateTime read GetTime write SetTime;
- property PlayerColor: TFigureColor read player_color write SetPlayerColor;
- property PositionColor: TFigureColor read FGetPositinoColor; // чей ход в текущей позиции
- property ClockColor: TFigureColor read clock_color;
- property Mode: TMode read mode_var write SetMode;
- property CoordinatesShown: boolean read coord_show write SetCoordinates;
- property flipped: boolean read _flipped write SetFlipped;
- property LastMoveHilighted: boolean read last_hilight write SetHilightLastMove;
- property FlashOnMove: boolean read m_bFlash_move write m_bFlash_move;
- property StayOnTop: boolean read GetStayOnTop write SetStayOnTop;
- property AutoFlag: boolean read auto_flag write SetAutoFlag;
- property animation: TAnimation read m_animation write m_animation;
+ function IsMoveAnimating: boolean;
+ procedure BeginUpdate;
+ procedure EndUpdate;
+ procedure AddLayer(const ALayer: TChessBoardLayerBase);
+ procedure RemoveLayer(const ALayer: TChessBoardLayerBase);
+ property PlayerColor: TFigureColor read m_PlayerColor write FSetPlayerColor;
+ property Mode: TMode read m_Mode write FSetMode;
+ property CoordinatesShown: boolean read coord_show write FSetCoordinatesShown;
+ property Flipped: boolean read _flipped write FSetFlipped;
+ property LastMoveHilighted: boolean read last_hilight write FSetLastMoveHilighted;
+ property Animation: TAnimation read m_animation write m_animation;
property ViewGaming: boolean read m_bViewGaming write m_bViewGaming;
+ property PositionColor: TFigureColor read FGetPositionColor; // Whos move it is in the current position
+ property MoveNotationFormat: TMoveNotationFormat
+ read FGetMoveNotationFormat write FSetMoveNotationFormat;
+ property MovesOffset: integer read FGetMovesOffset;
+ property FENFormat: boolean read FGetFENFormat write FSetFENFormat;
+ property EditPiece: TFigure read m_EditPiece write m_EditPiece;
+ TChessBoardLayerBase = class
+ private
+ m_ChessBoard: TChessBoard;
+ function FGetSquareSize: integer;
+ function FGetCanvas: TCanvas;
+ function FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
+ function FGetPositionsList: TList;
+ protected
+ procedure RDraw; virtual; abstract;
+ function RGetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
+ procedure RDoUpdate;
+ procedure ROnAfterMoveDone; virtual;
+ procedure ROnAfterSetPosition; virtual;
+ procedure ROnAfterModeSet(const OldValue, NewValue: TMode); virtual;
+ procedure ROnResetMoveList; virtual;
+ property ChessBoard: TChessBoard read m_ChessBoard write m_ChessBoard;
+ property SquareSize: integer read FGetSquareSize;
+ property Canvas: TCanvas read FGetCanvas;
+ property Position: PChessPosition read FGetPosition;
+ property PositionsList: TList read FGetPositionsList;
+ end;
{$R *.dfm}
- StrUtils, Math, DateUtils,
- // Chess4Net
- PromotionUnit;
+ Math, SysUtils, Windows,
+ //
+ ChessBoardHeaderUnit;
HILIGHT_COLOR: TColor = clRed;
- ANIMATION_SLOW = 30; // Время анимации хода в фреймах >= 1
+ ANIMATION_SLOW = 30; // Time of animation in frames >= 1
- TIME_COLOR = clBlack;
-// FULL_TIME_FORMAT = 'h:n:s"."z';
- HOUR_TIME_FORMAT = 'h:nn:ss';
- MIN_TIME_FORMAT = 'n:ss';
- ZEITNOT_BOARDER = 10; // сек - цетйтнотная граница
- ZEITNOT_COLOR = clMaroon;
- ZEITNOT_FORMAT = 's"."zzz';
-// CHEAT_TIME_CONST = 1.5; // > 1
- WHITE_LONG_LABEL: WideString = 'White ';
- WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL: WideString = 'White ';
- WHITE_SHORT_LABEL: WideString = 'W ';
- BLACK_LONG_LABEL: WideString = 'Black ';
- BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL: WideString = 'Black ';
- BLACK_SHORT_LABEL: WideString = 'B ';
-// Globals
+// TChessBoard
-function TChessBoard.DoMove(move_str: string): boolean;
+constructor TChessBoard.Create(Owner: TComponent; AHandler: TChessBoardHandler = nil);
- // Отмена анимации
- if (AnimateTimer.Enabled) then
- begin
- AnimateTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- anim_step := anim_step_num;
- AnimateTimerTimer(nil);
- end;
+ FHandler := AHandler;
+ inherited Create(Owner);
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.DoMove(move_str);
- if (Result) then
- begin
- FOnAfterMoveDone;
- Animate(lastMove.i, lastMove.j);
- SwitchClock(PositionColor);
- if (m_bFlash_move and (mode_var = mGame)) then
- FFlashWindow;
- end;
+procedure TChessBoard.AnimateTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ FDoAnimationStep;
+ if (m_iAnimStep >= m_iAnimStepsCount) then
+ FEndAnimation;
-procedure TChessBoard.ShowTime(const c: TFigureColor);
+procedure TChessBoard.FDoAnimationStep;
- time_label: TLabel;
+ iX, iY: integer;
+ rect: TRect;
- if c = fcWhite then time_label:= WhiteTimeLabel
- else time_label:= BlackTimeLabel;
- if unlimited_var[c] then
- begin
- time_label.Caption:= '';
- exit;
- end;
+ if (m_iAnimStep < m_iAnimStepsCount) then
+ begin
+ inc(m_iAnimStep);
- time_label.Font.Color:= TIME_COLOR;
+ iX := round(x0 + anim_dx * m_iAnimStep);
+ iY := round(y0 + anim_dy * m_iAnimStep);
+ dx := iX - x0 - Round(anim_dx * m_iPrevAnimStep);
+ dy := iY - y0 - Round(anim_dy * m_iPrevAnimStep);
- LongTimeFormat:= MIN_TIME_FORMAT;
- if player_time[c] >= EncodeTime(1, 0, 0, 0) then
- LongTimeFormat:= HOUR_TIME_FORMAT
- else
- if (player_time[c] < EncodeTime(0, 0, ZEITNOT_BOARDER, 0)) and
- (player_time[c] > 0) then
- begin
- LongTimeFormat:= ZEITNOT_FORMAT;
- time_label.Font.Color:= ZEITNOT_COLOR;
- end;
+ // Восстановить фрагмент на m_bmHiddenBoard
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(iX - dx, iY - dy, m_bmBuf);
+ // Копировать новый фрагмент в буфер
+ m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize),
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, Bounds(iX, iY, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize));
+ // Нарисовать перетаскиваемую фигуру в новой позиции
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(iX, iY, m_bmFigure[m_fig]);
+ // Перенести новый фрагмент на экран
+ rect := Bounds(Min(iX - dx, iX), Min(iY - dy, iY),
+ abs(dx) + m_iSquareSize, abs(dy) + m_iSquareSize);
+ PBoxBoard.Canvas.CopyRect(rect, m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, rect);
+ end;
- time_label.Caption:= TimeToStr(player_time[c]);
+ m_iPrevAnimStep := m_iAnimStep;
-procedure TChessBoard.SetFlipped(const f: boolean);
+procedure TChessBoard.FEndAnimation;
- // TODO: ???
- _flipped:= f;
- RDrawBoard;
+ AnimateTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ m_iAnimStep := m_iAnimStepsCount;
-procedure TChessBoard.ResetMoveList;
- ChessRulesEngine.ResetMoveList;
+ FDrawBoard;
+ HilightLastMove;
+ Evaluate;
-function TChessBoard.SetPosition(const posstr: string): boolean;
+procedure TChessBoard.FDrawBoard;
+ i: integer;
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.SetPosition(posstr);
- if (not Result) then
+ if (csDestroying in ComponentState) then
- FCancelAnimationDragging;
- ROnAfterSetPosition;
- clock_color := Position.color;
- RDrawBoard;
+ if (m_iUpdateCounter > 0) then
+ exit;
+ FDrawHiddenBoard;
-function TChessBoard.GetPosition: string;
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.GetPosition;
+ for i := 0 to m_lstLayers.Count - 1 do
+ TChessBoardLayerBase(m_lstLayers[i]).RDraw;
+ PBoxBoardPaint(nil);
-procedure TChessBoard.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TChessBoard.HilightLastMove;
+ i, j, l,
+ _i0, _j0, x, y: integer;
- m_iDeltaWidthHeight := Width - Height;
- m_iTimePanelInitialWidth := TimePanel.Width;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft := WhitePanel.Left;
- m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth := WhitePanel.Width;
- m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft := BlackPanel.Left;
- m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth := BlackPanel.Width;
- m_TimeFont := TFont.Create;
- m_TimeFont.Assign(WhiteTimeLabel.Font);
- m_BitmapRes := TBitmapRes.Create(Size(PBoxBoard.Width, PBoxBoard.Height));
- BlackFlagButton.Glyph := WhiteFlagButton.Glyph; // чтоб не тащить лишнего
- coord_show:= TRUE;
- last_hilight:= FALSE;
- m_animation := aQuick;
- TLocalizer.Instance.AddSubscriber(self);
- FLocalize;
+ if (not (m_Mode in [mGame, mAnalyse])) then
+ exit;
+ // Output the last move done
+ if (last_hilight and (lastMove.i0 <> 0)) then
+ begin
+ if (_flipped) then
+ begin
+ _i0 := 9 - lastMove.i0;
+ _j0 := lastMove.j0;
+ i := 9 - lastMove.i;
+ j := lastMove.j;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ _i0 := lastMove.i0;
+ _j0 := 9 - lastMove.j0;
+ i := lastMove.i;
+ j := 9 - lastMove.j;
+ end;
- m_ChessRulesEngine := TChessRulesEngine.Create(self);
+ x := m_iSquareSize * (_i0 - 1) + CHB_X;
+ y := m_iSquareSize * (_j0 - 1) + CHB_Y;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Color := HILIGHT_LAST_MOVE_COLOR;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Width := HILIGHT_LAST_MOVE_WIDTH;
- // Clock initialization
- SetUnlimited(fcWhite, TRUE); SetUnlimited(fcBlack, TRUE);
+ for l := 1 to 2 do
+ with m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas do
+ begin
+ MoveTo(x, y);
+ LineTo(x + m_iSquareSize - 1, y);
+ LineTo(x + m_iSquareSize - 1, y + m_iSquareSize - 1);
+ LineTo(x, y + m_iSquareSize - 1);
+ LineTo(x, y);
- InitPosition;
+ x := m_iSquareSize * (i - 1) + CHB_X;
+ y := m_iSquareSize * (j - 1) + CHB_Y;
+ end;
+ PBoxBoardPaint(nil);
+ end;
-procedure TChessBoard.RDrawHiddenBoard;
+procedure TChessBoard.FDrawHiddenBoard;
i, j: integer;
x, y: integer;
- if (not Assigned(bmHiddenBoard)) then
+ if (not Assigned(m_bmHiddenBoard)) then
// Copy empty board to the hidden one
- with bmHiddenBoard do
+ with m_bmHiddenBoard do
Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0,0, Width,Height), m_bmChessBoard.Canvas, Bounds(0,0, Width,Height));
// Draw coordinates
if (coord_show) then
- with bmHiddenBoard, bmHiddenBoard.Canvas do
+ with m_bmHiddenBoard, m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas do
- x:= CHB_X + iSquareSize div 2;
- y:= (bmHiddenBoard.Height + CHB_Y + 8 * iSquareSize + CHB_WIDTH) div 2;
+ x:= CHB_X + m_iSquareSize div 2;
+ y:= (m_bmHiddenBoard.Height + CHB_Y + 8 * m_iSquareSize + CHB_WIDTH) div 2;
if _flipped then j := ord('h')
else j:= ord('a');
for i:= 1 to 8 do // буквы
TextOut(x - TextWidth(chr(j)) div 2,
y + 1 - TextHeight(chr(j)) div 2 , chr(j));
- x := x + iSquareSize;
+ x := x + m_iSquareSize;
if _flipped then dec(j)
else inc(j);
x:= (CHB_X - CHB_WIDTH) div 2;
- y:= CHB_Y + iSquareSize div 2;
+ y:= CHB_Y + m_iSquareSize div 2;
if _flipped then j:= ord('1')
else j := ord('8');
for i := 1 to 8 do // цифры
TextOut(x - TextWidth(chr(j)) div 2,
y - TextHeight(chr(j)) div 2, chr(j));
- y:= y + iSquareSize;
+ y:= y + m_iSquareSize;
if _flipped then inc(j)
else dec(j);
@@ -417,45 +403,346 @@ begin
if ((Position.board[i,j] = ES)) then
continue; // There's nothing to draw
if not _flipped then // Загрузить нужную фигуру из ресурса и нарисовать
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(CHB_X + iSquareSize * (i-1),
- CHB_Y + iSquareSize * (8-j),
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(CHB_X + m_iSquareSize * (i-1),
+ CHB_Y + m_iSquareSize * (8-j),
else // Black is below
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(CHB_X + iSquareSize * (8-i),
- CHB_Y + iSquareSize * (j-1),
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(CHB_X + m_iSquareSize * (8-i),
+ CHB_Y + m_iSquareSize * (j-1),
-procedure TChessBoard.RDrawBoard;
+function TChessBoard.FGetHiddenBoardCanvas: TCanvas;
- RDrawHiddenBoard;
- PBoxBoardPaint(nil);
+ if (Assigned(m_bmHiddenBoard)) then
+ Result := m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TChessBoard.Evaluate;
+ case m_ChessRulesEngine.GetEvaluation of
+ evMate:
+ FDoHandler(cbeMate, self);
+ evStaleMate:
+ FDoHandler(cbeStaleMate, self);
+ end;
procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardPaint(Sender: TObject);
- PBoxBoard.Canvas.Draw(0,0, bmHiddenBoard); // Вывод скрытой доски на форму
-// PBoxBoard.Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(0, 0, PBoxBoard.Width, PBoxBoard.Height), bmHiddenBoard);
+ PBoxBoard.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, m_bmHiddenBoard); // Draw hidden board on the form
+// PBoxBoard.Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(0, 0, PBoxBoard.Width, PBoxBoard.Height), m_bmHiddenBoard);
-constructor TChessBoard.Create(Owner: TComponent; h: TChessBoardHandler);
+function TChessBoard.FGetLastMove: PMoveAbs;
- inherited Create(Owner);
- Handler:= h;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.lastMove;
+function TChessBoard.FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.Position;
+function TChessBoard.AskPromotionFigure(FigureColor: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
+ frmOwner: TForm;
+ if (Owner is TForm) then
+ frmOwner := TForm(Owner)
+ else
+ frmOwner := self;
+ if (Showing) then
+ begin
+ m_PromotionForm := TPromotionForm.Create(frmOwner, m_BitmapRes);
+ try
+ Result := m_PromotionForm.ShowPromotion(FigureColor);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(m_PromotionForm);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := Q;
+procedure TChessBoard.FSetPlayerColor(const Value: TFigureColor);
+ FCancelAnimationDragging;
+ m_PlayerColor := Value;
+ if (m_PlayerColor = fcWhite) then
+ FSetFlipped(FALSE)
+ else // fcBlack
+ FSetFlipped(TRUE);
+procedure TChessBoard.FCancelAnimationDragging;
+ // Cancel animation and dragging
+ if (AnimateTimer.Enabled) then
+ begin
+ AnimateTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ // iAnimStep := iAnimStepsCount;
+ // AnimateTimerTimer(nil);
+ end;
+ if (PBoxBoard.Dragging) then
+ begin
+ m_bDraggedMoved := FALSE;
+ PBoxBoard.EndDrag(FALSE);
+ end;
+procedure TChessBoard.FSetFlipped(Value: boolean);
+ // TODO: ???
+ _flipped := Value;
+ FDrawBoard;
+procedure TChessBoard.FSetMode(const Value: TMode);
+ OldMode: TMode;
+ i: integer;
+ if (m_Mode = Value) then
+ exit;
+ OldMode := m_Mode;
+ m_Mode := Value;
+ if ((m_Mode in [mView, mEdit]) and (Assigned(m_PromotionForm))) then
+ m_PromotionForm.Close;
+ for i := 0 to m_lstLayers.Count - 1 do
+ TChessBoardLayerBase(m_lstLayers[i]).ROnAfterModeSet(OldMode, m_Mode);
+ FDrawBoard;
+ HilightLastMove;
+procedure TChessBoard.FSetCoordinatesShown(Value: boolean);
+ coord_show := Value;
+ FDrawBoard;
+ HilightLastMove;
+procedure TChessBoard.FSetLastMoveHilighted(Value: boolean);
+ last_hilight := Value;
+ FDrawBoard;
+ HilightLastMove;
+function TChessBoard.DoMove(const strMove: string): boolean;
+ Result := FALSE;
+ if (m_Mode = mEdit) then
+ exit;
+ // Animation canceling
+ if (AnimateTimer.Enabled) then
+ FEndAnimation;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.DoMove(strMove);
+ if (Result) then
+ begin
+ FOnAfterMoveDone;
+ FAnimate(lastMove.i, lastMove.j);
+ end;
+procedure TChessBoard.FOnAfterMoveDone;
+ _fig: TFigure;
+ strLastMove: string;
+ i: integer;
+ m_i0 := lastMove.i0;
+ m_j0 := lastMove.j0;
+ _fig := Position.board[lastMove.i, lastMove.j];
+ if (lastMove.prom_fig in [Q, R, B, N]) then
+ begin
+ if (_fig < ES) then
+ m_fig := WP
+ else
+ m_fig := BP;
+ end
+ else
+ m_fig := _fig;
+ strLastMove := m_ChessRulesEngine.LastMoveStr;
+ FDoHandler(cbeMoved, @strLastMove, self);
+ if (m_Mode = mAnalyse) then
+ m_PlayerColor := PositionColor;
+ for i := 0 to m_lstLayers.Count - 1 do
+ TChessBoardLayerBase(m_lstLayers[i]).ROnAfterMoveDone;
+procedure TChessBoard.FAnimate(const i, j: integer);
+ x, y: integer;
+ if (not Showing) then
+ exit;
+ if ((m_i0 = 0) or (m_j0 = 0)) then
+ exit;
+ if (AnimateTimer.Enabled) then
+ begin
+ m_iAnimStep := m_iAnimStepsCount;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ case animation of
+ aNo:
+ m_iAnimStepsCount := 1;
+ aSlow:
+ m_iAnimStepsCount := ANIMATION_SLOW;
+ aQuick:
+ m_iAnimStepsCount := ANIMATION_QUICK;
+ end;
+ if (_flipped) then
+ begin
+ x0 := (8 - m_i0) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_X;
+ y0 := (m_j0 - 1) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
+ x := (8 - i) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_X;
+ y := (j - 1) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ x0 := (m_i0 - 1) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_X;
+ y0 := (8 - m_j0) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
+ x := (i - 1) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_X;
+ y := (8 - j) * m_iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
+ end;
+ anim_dx := (x - x0) / m_iAnimStepsCount;
+ anim_dy := (y - y0) / m_iAnimStepsCount;
+ m_iAnimStep := 0;
+ m_iPrevAnimStep := m_iAnimStep;
+ // Copy image of the empty square to m_bmBuf
+ m_bmBuf.Width := m_iSquareSize;
+ m_bmBuf.Height := m_iSquareSize;
+ if (((m_i0 + m_j0) and 1) <> 0) then
+ m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize),
+ m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(0, 0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize))
+ else
+ m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize),
+ m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(m_iSquareSize, 0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize));
+ AnimateTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
+procedure TChessBoard.ResetMoveList;
+ i: integer;
+ m_ChessRulesEngine.ResetMoveList;
+ for i := 0 to m_lstLayers.Count - 1 do
+ TChessBoardLayerBase(m_lstLayers[i]).ROnResetMoveList;
+function TChessBoard.SetPosition(const strPosition: string): boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.SetPosition(strPosition);
+ if (Result) then
+ begin
+ FCancelAnimationDragging;
+ FOnAfterSetPosition;
+ FDrawBoard;
+ end;
+function TChessBoard.GetPosition: string;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.GetPosition;
+procedure TChessBoard.FOnAfterSetPosition;
+ strPosition: string;
+ i: integer;
+ case m_Mode of
+ mAnalyse:
+ m_PlayerColor := PositionColor;
+ mEdit:
+ ResetMoveList;
+ end;
+ m_i0 := 0;
+ m_j0 := 0;
+ strPosition := GetPosition;
+ FDoHandler(cbePosSet, @strPosition, self);
+ for i := 0 to m_lstLayers.Count - 1 do
+ TChessBoardLayerBase(m_lstLayers[i]).ROnAfterSetPosition;
+procedure TChessBoard.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ // m_iDeltaWidthHeight := Width - Height;
+ m_BitmapRes := TBitmapRes.Create(Size(PBoxBoard.Width, PBoxBoard.Height));
+ coord_show:= TRUE;
+ last_hilight:= FALSE;
+ m_animation := aQuick;
+ m_ChessRulesEngine := TChessRulesEngine.Create(self);
+ m_lstLayers := TList.Create;
procedure TChessBoard.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
_fig: TFigure;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := m_lstLayers.Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ RemoveLayer(m_lstLayers[i]);
+ m_lstLayers.Free;
- bmHiddenBoard.Free;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Free;
for _fig := Low(TFigure) to High(TFigure) do
@@ -463,9 +750,6 @@ begin
- m_TimeFont.Free;
- TLocalizer.Instance.DeleteSubscriber(self);
@@ -474,15 +758,41 @@ procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X,
i, j: Integer;
- WhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
- if (Mode = mGame) then
+ FWhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
+ case m_Mode of
+ mGame, mAnalyse:
+ begin
+ if (FDoMove(i, j)) then
+ m_bDraggedMoved := TRUE;
+ end;
+ mEdit:
+ m_bDraggedMoved := TRUE;
+ end;
+procedure TChessBoard.FWhatSquare(const P: TPoint;
+ var i: Integer; var j: Integer);
+ with P do
- if (RDoMove(i, j)) then
+ i := (X - CHB_X + m_iSquareSize) div m_iSquareSize;
+ j := 8 - (Y - CHB_Y) div m_iSquareSize;
+ if (_flipped) then
- SwitchClock(PositionColor);
- dragged_moved:= TRUE;
+ i := 9 - i;
+ j := 9 - j;
- end; // if
+ end;
+function TChessBoard.FDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.DoMove(m_i0, m_j0, i, j, prom_fig);
+ if (Result) then
+ FOnAfterMoveDone;
@@ -494,25 +804,26 @@ var
case State of
- hilighted:= FALSE;
+ m_bHilighted := FALSE;
- // Восстановить фрагмент на bmHiddenBoard
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(x0 - dx, y0 - dy, m_bmBuf);
- // Копировать новый фрагмент в буфер
- m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize),
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, Bounds(X - dx, Y - dy, iSquareSize, iSquareSize));
- // Нарисовать перетаскиваемую фигуру в новой позиции
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(X - dx, Y - dy, m_bmFigure[m_fig]);
- // Перенести новый фрагмент на экран
+ // Repaint a fragment on m_bmHiddenBoard
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(x0 - dx, y0 - dy, m_bmBuf);
+ // Copy new fragment to the buffer
+ m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize),
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, Bounds(X - dx, Y - dy, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize));
+ // Draw the dragging piece in a new position
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(X - dx, Y - dy, m_bmFigure[m_fig]);
+ // Copy the new fragment to the screen
rect:= Bounds(Min(x0,X) - dx, Min(y0, Y) - dy,
- abs(X - x0) + iSquareSize, abs(Y - y0) + iSquareSize);
- PBoxBoard.Canvas.CopyRect(rect, bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, rect);
+ abs(X - x0) + m_iSquareSize, abs(Y - y0) + m_iSquareSize);
+ PBoxBoard.Canvas.CopyRect(rect, m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, rect);
x0 := X;
y0 := Y;
- WhatSquare(Point(X,Y), i,j);
+ FWhatSquare(Point(X,Y), i, j);
Accept := ((i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8]));
@@ -520,50 +831,64 @@ begin
-procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X,
- Y: Integer);
+procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
+ i, j: integer;
+ bRes: boolean;
- if hilighted then
- with bmHiddenBoard.Canvas do
+ case m_Mode of
+ mGame, mAnalyse:
+ begin
+ if (m_bHilighted) then
- Pen.Color:= HILIGHT_COLOR;
- Pen.Width := HILIGHT_WIDTH;
- x0:= x0 - dx;
- y0:= y0 - dy;
- MoveTo(x0,y0);
- LineTo(x0 + iSquareSize - 1, y0);
- LineTo(x0 + iSquareSize - 1, y0 + iSquareSize - 1);
- LineTo(x0, y0 + iSquareSize - 1);
- LineTo(x0,y0);
- PBoxBoardPaint(nil);
+ with m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas do
+ begin
+ Pen.Color:= HILIGHT_COLOR;
+ Pen.Width := HILIGHT_WIDTH;
+ x0:= x0 - dx;
+ y0:= y0 - dy;
+ MoveTo(x0,y0);
+ LineTo(x0 + m_iSquareSize - 1, y0);
+ LineTo(x0 + m_iSquareSize - 1, y0 + m_iSquareSize - 1);
+ LineTo(x0, y0 + m_iSquareSize - 1);
+ LineTo(x0, y0);
+ PBoxBoardPaint(nil);
+ end;
- else
- begin
- RDrawBoard;
- if dragged_moved then
+ else
+ begin
+ if (AnimateTimer.Enabled) then
+ AnimateTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ FDrawBoard;
+ if (m_bDraggedMoved) then
- dragged_moved:= FALSE;
+ m_bDraggedMoved := FALSE;
+ end;
-procedure TChessBoard.WhatSquare(const P: TPoint;
- var i: Integer; var j: Integer);
- with P do
+ mEdit:
- i := (X - CHB_X + iSquareSize) div iSquareSize;
- j := 8 - (Y - CHB_Y) div iSquareSize;
- if (_flipped) then
+ if (m_bDraggedMoved) then
- i := 9 - i;
- j := 9 - j;
+ FWhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
+ bRes := (((i <> m_i0) or (j <> m_j0)) and Position.SetPiece(i, j, m_fig));
+ end
+ else
+ bRes := TRUE;
+ if (bRes) then
+ begin
+ Position.SetPiece(m_i0, m_j0, ES);
+ FOnAfterSetPosition;
- end;
+ FDrawBoard;
+ end;
+ end; // case
@@ -573,58 +898,67 @@ var
i, j: Integer;
f: TFigure;
- WhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
+ if (Button <> mbLeft) then
+ exit;
+ FWhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
if (not ((i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8]))) then
+ m_bDraggedMoved := FALSE;
f := Position.board[i,j];
- case Mode of
- mGame:
+ case m_Mode of
+ mGame, mAnalyse:
- if (ViewGaming) then
+ if (m_bViewGaming) then
- if (Button <> mbLeft) or (Position.color <> player_color) or
- (((Position.color <> fcWhite) or (f >= ES)) and
- ((Position.color <> fcBlack) or (f <= ES))) then
+ if ((Position.color <> m_PlayerColor) or
+ (((Position.color <> fcWhite) or (f >= ES)) and
+ ((Position.color <> fcBlack) or (f <= ES)))) then
+ if ((i = m_i0) and (j = m_j0)) then
+ m_bHilighted := (m_bHilighted xor TRUE)
+ else
+ m_bHilighted := TRUE;
- else
- exit;
- end;
- if (anim_step < anim_step_num) then
+ mEdit:
- anim_step:= anim_step_num;
- AnimateTimerTimer(nil);
+ if (f = ES) then
+ exit;
- if ((i = m_i0) and (j = m_j0)) then
- hilighted := (hilighted xor TRUE)
- hilighted:= TRUE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (m_iAnimStep < m_iAnimStepsCount) then
+ FEndAnimation;
m_fig := f;
m_i0 := i;
m_j0 := j;
- dx := (X - CHB_X) mod iSquareSize;
- dy := (Y - CHB_Y) mod iSquareSize;
+ dx := (X - CHB_X) mod m_iSquareSize;
+ dy := (Y - CHB_Y) mod m_iSquareSize;
x0 := X;
y0 := Y;
- dragged_moved := TRUE;
+ m_bDraggedMoved := TRUE;
-procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardMouseMove(Sender: TObject;
- Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
+ X, Y: Integer);
f: TFigure;
i,j: Integer;
- WhatSquare(Point(X,Y), i,j);
+ FWhatSquare(Point(X,Y), i,j);
if (not ((i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8]))) then
PBoxBoard.Cursor:= crDefault;
@@ -633,388 +967,185 @@ begin
f := Position.board[i,j];
- case Mode of
- mGame:
+ case m_Mode of
+ mGame, mAnalyse:
- if (ViewGaming) then
+ if (m_bViewGaming) then
- if (player_color = Position.color) and
+ if (m_PlayerColor = Position.color) and
(((Position.color = fcWhite) and (f < ES)) or
((Position.color = fcBlack) and (f > ES))) then
PBoxBoard.Cursor:= crHandPoint
PBoxBoard.Cursor:= crDefault;
- end;
- else
- PBoxBoard.Cursor:= crDefault;
- end;
-procedure TChessBoard.ROnAfterMoveDone;
- strLastMove: string;
- if (Assigned(Handler) and
- ((Mode = mGame) and (Position.color <> player_color))) then
- begin
- strLastMove := ChessRulesEngine.LastMoveStr;
- Handler(cbeMoved, @strLastMove, self);
- end;
+ end;
-procedure TChessBoard.FOnAfterMoveDone;
- _fig: TFigure;
- m_i0 := lastMove.i0;
- m_j0 := lastMove.j0;
+ mEdit:
+ begin
+ if (f <> ES) then
+ PBoxBoard.Cursor:= crHandPoint
+ else
+ PBoxBoard.Cursor:= crDefault;
+ end;
- _fig := Position.board[lastMove.i, lastMove.j];
- if (lastMove.prom_fig in [Q, R, B, N]) then
- begin
- if (_fig < ES) then
- m_fig := WP
- else
- m_fig := BP;
- end
- m_fig := _fig;
- ROnAfterMoveDone;
+ PBoxBoard.Cursor := crDefault;
+ end;
-function TChessBoard.RDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
+function TChessBoard.FGetPositionsList: TList;
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.DoMove(m_i0, m_j0, i, j, prom_fig);
- if (Result) then
- FOnAfterMoveDone;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.PositionsList;
-function TChessBoard.FGetPositionsList: TList;
+function TChessBoard.FGetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.PositionsList;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.GetColorStarts;
-procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
- Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
+procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
+ Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
i, j: integer;
case Button of
- case Mode of
- mGame:
+ begin
+ case m_Mode of
+ mGame, mAnalyse:
+ begin
+ if (not m_bHilighted) then
+ exit;
+ FWhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
+ if (m_bDraggedMoved) then
+ FDrawBoard
+ else
- if (not hilighted) then
- exit;
- WhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
- if (dragged_moved) then
- RDrawBoard
+ m_bHilighted := FALSE;
+ if (FDoMove(i, j)) then
+ FAnimate(i, j)
- begin
- hilighted:= FALSE;
- if (RDoMove(i, j)) then
- begin
- Animate(i, j);
- SwitchClock(PositionColor);
- end
- else
- RDrawBoard;
- end;
+ FDrawBoard;
- end;
+ end;
+ mEdit:
+ begin
+ if (m_bDraggedMoved) then
+ exit;
+ // Assert(empty field)
+ FWhatSquare(Point(X, Y), i, j);
+ if (Position.SetPiece(i, j, m_EditPiece)) then
+ begin
+ FOnAfterSetPosition;
+ FDrawBoard;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+ end;
- if (Assigned(Handler)) then
- Handler(cbeMenu, self);
+ begin
+ FDoHandler(cbeMenu, self);
+ end;
procedure TChessBoard.PBoxBoardStartDrag(Sender: TObject;
var DragObject: TDragObject);
- // Копировать изображение пустого поля в m_bmBuf
- m_bmBuf.Width:= iSquareSize; m_bmBuf.Height:= iSquareSize;
+ // Copy image of an empty square to m_bmBuf
+ m_bmBuf.Width := m_iSquareSize;
+ m_bmBuf.Height:= m_iSquareSize;
if (((m_i0 + m_j0) and 1) <> 0) then
- m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0,0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize),
- m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(0,0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize))
+ m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0,0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize),
+ m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(0,0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize))
- m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0,0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize),
- m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(iSquareSize,0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize));
+ m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0,0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize),
+ m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(m_iSquareSize,0, m_iSquareSize, m_iSquareSize));
- dragged_moved:= FALSE;
-procedure TChessBoard.Animate(const i, j: integer);
- x, y: integer;
- if not Showing then exit;
- case animation of
- aNo: anim_step_num:= 1;
- aSlow: anim_step_num:= ANIMATION_SLOW;
- aQuick: anim_step_num:= ANIMATION_QUICK;
- end;
- if (_flipped) then
- begin
- x0 := (8 - m_i0) * iSquareSize + CHB_X;
- y0 := (m_j0 - 1) * iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
- x := (8 - i) * iSquareSize + CHB_X;
- y := (j - 1) * iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
- end
- else
- begin
- x0:= (m_i0 - 1) * iSquareSize + CHB_X;
- y0:= (8 - m_j0) * iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
- x:= (i - 1) * iSquareSize + CHB_X;
- y:= (8 - j) * iSquareSize + CHB_Y;
- end;
- anim_dx:= (x-x0) / anim_step_num;
- anim_dy:= (y-y0) / anim_step_num;
- anim_step:= 0;
- // Копировать изображение пустого поля в m_bmBuf
- m_bmBuf.Width := iSquareSize;
- m_bmBuf.Height := iSquareSize;
- if (((m_i0 + m_j0) and 1) <> 0) then
- m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize),
- m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(0, 0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize))
- else
- m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize),
- m_bmFigure[ES].Canvas, Bounds(iSquareSize, 0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize));
- AnimateTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
-procedure TChessBoard.AnimateTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
- X,Y: integer;
- rect: TRect;
- inc(anim_step);
- if (anim_step < anim_step_num) then
- begin
- X := round(x0 + anim_dx * anim_step);
- Y := round(y0 + anim_dy * anim_step);
- dx := X - x0 - round(anim_dx * (anim_step - 1));
- dy := Y - y0 - round(anim_dy * (anim_step - 1));
- // Восстановить фрагмент на bmHiddenBoard
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(X - dx, Y - dy, m_bmBuf);
- // Копировать новый фрагмент в буфер
- m_bmBuf.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(0, 0, iSquareSize, iSquareSize),
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, Bounds(X, Y, iSquareSize, iSquareSize));
- // Нарисовать перетаскиваемую фигуру в новой позиции
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Draw(X, Y, m_bmFigure[m_fig]);
- // Перенести новый фрагмент на экран
- rect := Bounds(Min(X - dx, X), Min(Y - dy, Y),
- abs(dx) + iSquareSize, abs(dy) + iSquareSize);
- PBoxBoard.Canvas.CopyRect(rect, bmHiddenBoard.Canvas, rect);
- end
- else
- begin
- AnimateTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- RDrawBoard;
- HilightLastMove;
- Evaluate;
- end;
+ m_bDraggedMoved := FALSE;
procedure TChessBoard.InitPosition;
- ChessRulesEngine.InitNewGame;
- RDrawBoard;
+ m_ChessRulesEngine.InitNewGame;
+ FCancelAnimationDragging;
+ FOnAfterSetPosition;
-procedure TChessBoard.SetMode(const m: TMode);
- mode_var := m;
- RDrawBoard;
- HilightLastMove;
- if (mode_var <> mGame) then
- begin
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- end;
+ FDrawBoard;
-procedure TChessBoard.SetTime(color: TFigureColor; const tm: TDateTime);
+procedure TChessBoard.PPRandom;
- if (not Unlimited[color]) then
- begin
- if ((not auto_flag) and (not ViewGaming)) then
- begin
- case color of
- fcWhite:
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := ((player_color = fcBlack) and (tm = 0.0));
- fcBlack:
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := ((player_color = fcWhite) and (tm = 0.0));
- end;
- end;
- player_time[color]:= tm;
- ShowTime(color);
- end;
+ m_ChessRulesEngine.InitNewPPRandomGame;
-function TChessBoard.GetTime(color: TFigureColor): TDateTime;
- Result:= player_time[color];
+ FCancelAnimationDragging;
+ FOnAfterSetPosition;
+ FDrawBoard;
-procedure TChessBoard.GameTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TChessBoard.TakeBack;
- if unlimited_var[clock_color] then
- begin
- GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- exit;
- end;
- // TODO: cheating check
- player_time[clock_color] := player_time[clock_color] - (Now - past_time);
- if player_time[clock_color] <= 0.0 then
- begin
- player_time[clock_color] := 0.0;
- ShowTime(clock_color);
- if ((not auto_flag) and (player_color <> clock_color) and (not ViewGaming)) then
- begin
- case clock_color of
- fcWhite:
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := TRUE;
- fcBlack:
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := TRUE;
- end;
- end;
- if ((player_color <> clock_color) and Assigned(Handler) and (Mode = mGame) and (auto_flag)) then
- Handler(cbeTimeOut, self);
- GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- end;
- ShowTime(clock_color);
- past_time:= Now;
+ if (m_Mode = mEdit) then
+ exit;
+ if (not m_ChessRulesEngine.TakeBack) then
+ exit;
-procedure TChessBoard.SetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor; const unl: boolean);
- unlimited_var[color]:= unl;
- ShowTime(color);
+ FOnAfterSetPosition;
+ // TODO: animation
+ FDrawBoard;
-function TChessBoard.GetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor): boolean;
+function TChessBoard.NMoveDone: integer;
- Result := unlimited_var[color];
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.NMovesDone;
-procedure TChessBoard.SwitchClock(clock_color: TFigureColor);
+function TChessBoard.NPlysDone: integer;
- self.clock_color := clock_color;
- if (not GameTimer.Enabled) then
- begin
- past_time := Now;
- GameTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
- end;
- if (Assigned(Handler) and (Mode = mGame)) then
- Handler(cbeClockSwitched, self);
- ShowTime(clock_color);
- if (not Assigned(TimeLabelThread)) then
- TimeLabelThread := TTimeLabelThread.Create(self);
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.NPlysDone;
-procedure TChessBoard.HilightLastMove;
- i, j, l,
- _i0, _j0, x, y: integer;
+function TChessBoard.FGetMovesOffset: integer;
- // вывод последнего сделанного хода
- if (last_hilight and (lastMove.i0 <> 0)) then
- begin
- if (_flipped) then
- begin
- _i0 := 9 - lastMove.i0;
- _j0 := lastMove.j0;
- i := 9 - lastMove.i;
- j := lastMove.j;
- end
- else
- begin
- _i0 := lastMove.i0;
- _j0 := 9 - lastMove.j0;
- i := lastMove.i;
- j := 9 - lastMove.j;
- end;
- x := iSquareSize * (_i0 - 1) + CHB_X;
- y := iSquareSize * (_j0 - 1) + CHB_Y;
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Color := HILIGHT_LAST_MOVE_COLOR;
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Pen.Width := HILIGHT_LAST_MOVE_WIDTH;
- for l := 1 to 2 do
- with bmHiddenBoard.Canvas do
- begin
- MoveTo(x, y);
- LineTo(x + iSquareSize - 1, y);
- LineTo(x + iSquareSize - 1, y + iSquareSize - 1);
- LineTo(x, y + iSquareSize - 1);
- LineTo(x, y);
- x := iSquareSize * (i - 1) + CHB_X;
- y := iSquareSize * (j - 1) + CHB_Y;
- end;
- PBoxBoardPaint(nil);
- end;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.MovesOffset;
-procedure TChessBoard.SetPlayerColor(const color: TFigureColor);
+function TChessBoard.FGetPositionColor: TFigureColor;
- FCancelAnimationDragging;
- player_color:= color;
- if (player_color = fcWhite) then
- SetFlipped(FALSE)
- else
- SetFlipped(TRUE); // player_color = fcBlack
-procedure TChessBoard.StopClock;
- GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
+ Result := Position.color;
procedure TChessBoard.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth,
NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean);
NewBoardSize: TSize;
+ if (not m_bDeltaWidthHeightFlag) then
+ begin
+ m_iDeltaWidthHeight := Width - Height;
+ m_bDeltaWidthHeightFlag := TRUE;
+ end;
Resize := (m_ResizingType <> rtNo);
if (not Resize) then
@@ -1037,355 +1168,214 @@ begin
-procedure TChessBoard.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
- if ((not shuted) and Assigned(Handler)) then
- begin
- Handler(cbeExit, self);
- Action:= caNone;
- end
- else
- shuted := FALSE;
-procedure TChessBoard.Shut;
+procedure TChessBoard.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
+ _fig: TFigure;
- shuted:= TRUE;
- Close;
+ FreeAndNil(m_bmChessBoard);
+ m_BitmapRes.CreateBoardBitmap(Size(PBoxBoard.Width, PBoxBoard.Height), self.Color,
+ m_bmChessBoard);
+ m_iSquareSize := m_BitmapRes.SquareSize;
+ for _fig := Low(TFigure) to High(TFigure) do
+ begin
+ FreeAndNil(m_bmFigure[_fig]);
+ m_BitmapRes.CreateFigureBitmap(_fig, m_bmFigure[_fig]);
+ end;
-procedure TChessBoard.Evaluate;
- if (Assigned(Handler)) then
+ // Graphics initialization
+ if (not Assigned(m_bmHiddenBoard)) then
- case ChessRulesEngine.GetEvaluation of
- evMate:
- Handler(cbeMate, self);
- evStaleMate:
- Handler(cbeStaleMate, self);
- end;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard := Graphics.TBitmap.Create;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Palette := m_bmChessBoard.Palette;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Font := PBoxBoard.Font; // Характеристики шрифта координат задаются в инспекторе
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Width := m_bmChessBoard.Width;
+ m_bmHiddenBoard.Height := m_bmChessBoard.Height;
+ if (not Assigned(m_bmBuf)) then
+ begin
+ m_bmBuf := Graphics.TBitmap.Create;
+ m_bmBuf.Palette:= m_bmChessBoard.Palette;
+ end;
-procedure TChessBoard.PPRandom;
- ChessRulesEngine.InitNewPPRandomGame;
- RDrawBoard;
+ FDrawBoard;
-procedure TChessBoard.TakeBack;
+procedure TChessBoard.WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage);
- if (not ChessRulesEngine.TakeBack) then
- exit;
- ROnAfterSetPosition;
- // TODO: animation
- RDrawBoard;
+ case Msg.WParam of
+ m_ResizingType := rtHoriz;
+ m_ResizingType := rtVert;
+ else
+ begin
+ m_ResizingType := rtNo;
+ PRect(Msg.LParam).Left := Left;
+ PRect(Msg.LParam).Top := Top;
+ end;
+ end; // case
-procedure TChessBoard.SetHilightLastMove(const yes: boolean);
+procedure TChessBoard.FDoHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
- last_hilight := yes;
- RDrawBoard;
- HilightLastMove;
+ if (Assigned(FHandler)) then
+ FHandler(e, d1, d2);
-procedure TChessBoard.SetCoordinates(const yes: boolean);
+function TChessBoard.FGetMoveNotationFormat: TMoveNotationFormat;
- coord_show := yes;
- RDrawBoard;
- HilightLastMove;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.MoveNotationFormat;
-function TChessBoard.NMoveDone: integer;
+procedure TChessBoard.FSetMoveNotationFormat(Value: TMoveNotationFormat);
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.NMovesDone;
+ m_ChessRulesEngine.MoveNotationFormat := Value;
-procedure TChessBoard.ROnAfterSetPosition;
-procedure TTimeLabelThread.Execute;
+function TChessBoard.FGetFENFormat: boolean;
- while ChessBoard.GameTimer.Enabled do
- begin
- if self.player_time[fcWhite] <> ChessBoard.player_time[fcWhite] then
- ChessBoard.ShowTime(fcWhite);
- if self.player_time[fcBlack] <> ChessBoard.player_time[fcBlack] then
- ChessBoard.ShowTime(fcBlack);
- Sleep(ChessBoard.GameTimer.Interval div 2);
- end;
- ChessBoard.TimeLabelThread := nil;
+ Result := m_ChessRulesEngine.FENFormat;
-constructor TTimeLabelThread.Create(ChessBoard: TChessBoard);
+procedure TChessBoard.FSetFENFormat(bValue: boolean);
- self.ChessBoard := ChessBoard;
- self.player_time[fcWhite] := ChessBoard.player_time[fcWhite];
- self.player_time[fcBlack] := ChessBoard.player_time[fcBlack];
- inherited Create(TRUE);
-//Priority := tpNormal;
- FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
- Resume;
-procedure TChessBoard.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
- Shift: TShiftState);
- if Assigned(Handler) then
- Handler(cbeKeyPressed, Pointer(Key), self);
+ m_ChessRulesEngine.FENFormat := bValue;
-function TChessBoard.GetStayOnTop: boolean;
+procedure TChessBoard.BeginUpdate;
- Result := (self.FormStyle = fsStayOnTop);
+ inc(m_iUpdateCounter);
-procedure TChessBoard.SetStayOnTop(onTop: boolean);
+procedure TChessBoard.EndUpdate;
- if (onTop) then
- self.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop
- else
- self.FormStyle := fsNormal;
+ if (m_iUpdateCounter > 0) then
+ begin
+ dec(m_iUpdateCounter);
+ if (m_iUpdateCounter = 0) then
+ FDrawBoard;
+ end;
-procedure TChessBoard.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
+procedure TChessBoard.FOnDrawLayerUpdate(const ADrawLayer: TChessBoardLayerBase);
- if Assigned(Handler) then
- Handler(cbeActivate, self);
+ if (not AnimateTimer.Enabled) then
+ FDrawBoard;
-procedure TChessBoard.WMMoving(var Msg: TWMMoving);
+procedure TChessBoard.AddLayer(const ALayer: TChessBoardLayerBase);
- // TODO: it's possible to handle if form is outside of the screen
- if Assigned(Handler) then
- Handler(cbeFormMoving, Pointer(Msg.DragRect.Left - Left), Pointer(Msg.DragRect.Top - Top));
- inherited;
+ if (m_lstLayers.IndexOf(ALayer) >= 0) then
+ exit;
+ ALayer.ChessBoard := self;
+ m_lstLayers.Add(ALayer);
-procedure TChessBoard.WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage);
- case Msg.WParam of
- m_ResizingType := rtHoriz;
- m_ResizingType := rtVert;
- else
- begin
- m_ResizingType := rtNo;
- PRect(Msg.LParam).Left := Left;
- PRect(Msg.LParam).Top := Top;
- end;
- end; { case }
+ FOnDrawLayerUpdate(ALayer);
-function TChessBoard.FGetPositinoColor: TFigureColor;
+procedure TChessBoard.RemoveLayer(const ALayer: TChessBoardLayerBase);
- Result := Position.color;
+ if (m_lstLayers.Remove(ALayer) >= 0) then
+ begin
+ ALayer.ChessBoard := nil;
-function TChessBoard.FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.Position;
+ FOnDrawLayerUpdate(ALayer);
+ end;
-function TChessBoard.AskPromotionFigure(FigureColor: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
+function TChessBoard.IsMoveAnimating: boolean;
- if (Showing) then
- begin
- with TPromotionForm.Create(self, m_BitmapRes) do
- try
- Result := ShowPromotion(FigureColor);
- finally
- Free;
- end;
- end
- else
- Result := Q;
+ Result := AnimateTimer.Enabled;
+// TChessBoardDrawBase
-function TChessBoard.FGetLastMove: PMoveAbs;
+procedure TChessBoardLayerBase.RDoUpdate;
- Result := ChessRulesEngine.lastMove;
+ if (Assigned(m_ChessBoard)) then
+ m_ChessBoard.FOnDrawLayerUpdate(self);
-procedure TChessBoard.FCancelAnimationDragging;
+function TChessBoardLayerBase.FGetSquareSize: integer;
- // Отмена анимации и перетаскивания
- if (AnimateTimer.Enabled) then
- begin
- AnimateTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
- // anim_step := anim_step_num;
- // AnimateTimerTimer(nil);
- end;
- if (PBoxBoard.Dragging) then
- begin
- dragged_moved := FALSE;
- PBoxBoard.EndDrag(FALSE);
- end;
+ if (Assigned(m_ChessBoard)) then
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.SquareSize
+ else
+ Result := 0;
-procedure TChessBoard.FlagButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+function TChessBoardLayerBase.FGetCanvas: TCanvas;
- if Assigned(Handler) and (Mode = mGame) then
- Handler(cbeTimeOut, self);
+ if (Assigned(m_ChessBoard)) then
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.FGetHiddenBoardCanvas
+ else
+ Result := nil;
-procedure TChessBoard.SetAutoFlag(auto_flag: boolean);
+function TChessBoardLayerBase.FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
- self.auto_flag := auto_flag;
- if (auto_flag) then
- begin
- WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
- end;
+ if (Assigned(m_ChessBoard)) then
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.Position
+ else
+ Result := nil;
-procedure TChessBoard.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
- _fig: TFigure;
+function TChessBoardLayerBase.RGetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
- FreeAndNil(m_bmChessBoard);
- m_BitmapRes.CreateBoardBitmap(Size(PBoxBoard.Width, PBoxBoard.Height), self.Color,
- m_bmChessBoard);
- iSquareSize := m_BitmapRes.SquareSize;
- for _fig := Low(TFigure) to High(TFigure) do
- begin
- FreeAndNil(m_bmFigure[_fig]);
- m_BitmapRes.CreateFigureBitmap(_fig, m_bmFigure[_fig]);
- end;
- // Graphics initialization
- if (not Assigned(bmHiddenBoard)) then
- begin
- bmHiddenBoard := TBitmap.Create;
- bmHiddenBoard.Palette := m_bmChessBoard.Palette;
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Font := PBoxBoard.Font; // Характеристики шрифта координат задаются в инспекторе
- bmHiddenBoard.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
- end;
- bmHiddenBoard.Width := m_bmChessBoard.Width;
- bmHiddenBoard.Height := m_bmChessBoard.Height;
- if (not Assigned(m_bmBuf)) then
- begin
- m_bmBuf := TBitmap.Create;
- m_bmBuf.Palette:= m_bmChessBoard.Palette;
- end;
- RDrawBoard;
+ if (Assigned(m_ChessBoard)) then
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.FGetColorStarts
+ else
+ Result := fcWhite;
-procedure TChessBoard.TimePanelResize(Sender: TObject);
- rRatio: real;
+function TChessBoardLayerBase.FGetPositionsList: TList;
- // Adjust panels on TimePanel
- rRatio := TimePanel.Width / m_iTimePanelInitialWidth;
- WhitePanel.Left := Round(rRatio * m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft);
- WhitePanel.Width := m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth;
- BlackPanel.Left := Round(rRatio * m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft);
- BlackPanel.Width := m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth;
- WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Assign(m_TimeFont);
- BlackTimeLabel.Font.Assign(m_TimeFont);
- if (WhitePanel.Left + WhitePanel.Width < BlackPanel.Left) then
- begin
- WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_LONG_LABEL;
- BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_LONG_LABEL;
- end
+ if (Assigned(m_ChessBoard)) then
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.PositionsList
- begin
- WhitePanel.Left := 4;
- WhitePanel.Width := TimePanel.Width div 2;
- BlackPanel.Left := TimePanel.Width div 2;
- BlackPanel.Width := TimePanel.Width div 2 - 4;
+ Result := nil;
- WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL;
- BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL;
- end;
- // Adjust color labels
- if ((WhiteTimeLabel.Left + WhiteTimeLabel.Width > WhitePanel.Width) or
- (BlackTimeLabel.Left + BlackTimeLabel.Width > BlackPanel.Width)) then
- begin
- WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Size := WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Size - 4;
- BlackTimeLabel.Font.Size := BlackTimeLabel.Font.Size - 4;
- WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_SHORT_LABEL;
- BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_SHORT_LABEL;
- end;
+procedure TChessBoardLayerBase.ROnAfterMoveDone;
-procedure TChessBoard.FFlashWindow;
- flushWindowInfo: TFlashWInfo;
+procedure TChessBoardLayerBase.ROnAfterSetPosition;
- // Flash with taskbar
- flushWindowInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(flushWindowInfo);
- flushWindowInfo.hwnd := Application.Handle;
- flushWindowInfo.dwflags := FLASHW_TRAY; // FLASHW_ALL; //FLASHW_TRAY;
- flushWindowInfo.ucount := 3; // Flash times
- flushWindowInfo.dwtimeout := 0; // speed in msec, 0 - frequency of cursor flashing
- FlashWindowEx(flushWindowInfo);
- if (self.Focused) then
- exit;
- // Flash window
- flushWindowInfo.hwnd := self.Handle; // handle of the flashing window
- flushWindowInfo.dwflags := FLASHW_CAPTION; // FLASHW_TRAY; // FLASHW_ALL; //FLASHW_TRAY;
- FlashWindowEx(flushWindowInfo);
-procedure TChessBoard.FLocalize;
+procedure TChessBoardLayerBase.ROnAfterModeSet(const OldValue, NewValue: TMode);
- with TLocalizer.Instance do
- begin
- WHITE_LONG_LABEL := GetLabel(13);
- WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL := GetLabel(14);
- WHITE_SHORT_LABEL := GetLabel(15);
- BLACK_LONG_LABEL := GetLabel(16);
- BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL := GetLabel(17);
- BLACK_SHORT_LABEL := GetLabel(18);
- end;
- TimePanelResize(nil);
+procedure TChessBoardLayerBase.ROnResetMoveList;
- Randomize; // для PP Random
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessClockUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessClockUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e587af9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessClockUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+unit ChessClockUnit;
+ TChessClock = class
+ public
+ class function IsZeitnot(const time: TDateTime): boolean;
+ class function ConvertToStr(const time: TDateTime): string;
+ class function ConvertToFullStr(const time: TDateTime;
+ bIncludeMSec: boolean = TRUE): string;
+ class function ConvertFromFullStr(const strTime: string): TDateTime;
+ end;
+ SysUtils;
+ FULL_TIME_FORMAT = 'h":"n":"s"."z';
+ HOUR_TIME_FORMAT = 'h":"nn":"ss';
+ MIN_TIME_FORMAT = 'n":"ss';
+ ZEITNOT_FORMAT = 's"."zzz';
+ ZEITNOT_BOARDER = 10; // sec. - zeitnot border
+// TChessClock
+class function TChessClock.IsZeitnot(const time: TDateTime): boolean;
+ Result := ((time > 0) and (time < EncodeTime(0, 0, ZEITNOT_BOARDER, 0)));
+class function TChessClock.ConvertToStr(const time: TDateTime): string;
+ LongTimeFormat := MIN_TIME_FORMAT;
+ if (time >= EncodeTime(1, 0, 0, 0)) then
+ LongTimeFormat := HOUR_TIME_FORMAT
+ else if (IsZeitnot(time)) then
+ LongTimeFormat := ZEITNOT_FORMAT;
+ Result := TimeToStr(time);
+class function TChessClock.ConvertToFullStr(const time: TDateTime;
+ bIncludeMSec: boolean = TRUE): string;
+ if (bIncludeMSec) then
+ LongTimeFormat := FULL_TIME_FORMAT
+ else
+ LongTimeFormat := HOUR_TIME_FORMAT;
+ Result := TimeToStr(time);
+class function TChessClock.ConvertFromFullStr(const strTime: string): TDateTime;
+ procedure NParse(strTime: string; out Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word);
+ const
+ TIME_DELIM = ':';
+ MSEC_DELIM = '.';
+ var
+ iPos: integer;
+ str: string;
+ begin
+ Hour := 0;
+ Min := 0;
+ Sec := 0;
+ MSec := 0;
+ iPos := LastDelimiter(MSEC_DELIM, strTime);
+ if (iPos > 0) then
+ begin
+ str := Copy(strTime, iPos + 1, MaxInt);
+ strTime := Copy(strTime, 1, iPos - 1);
+ MSec := StrToInt(str);
+ end;
+ strTime := TIME_DELIM + strTime;
+ iPos := LastDelimiter(TIME_DELIM, strTime);
+ if (iPos = 0) then
+ exit;
+ str := Copy(strTime, iPos + 1, MaxInt);
+ strTime := Copy(strTime, 1, iPos - 1);
+ Sec := StrToInt(str);
+ iPos := LastDelimiter(TIME_DELIM, strTime);
+ if (iPos = 0) then
+ exit;
+ str := Copy(strTime, iPos + 1, MaxInt);
+ strTime := Copy(strTime, 1, iPos - 1);
+ Min := StrToInt(str);
+ iPos := LastDelimiter(TIME_DELIM, strTime);
+ if (iPos = 0) then
+ exit;
+ str := Copy(strTime, iPos + 1, MaxInt);
+ Hour := StrToInt(str);
+ end;
+ Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word;
+begin // .ConvertFromFullStr
+ NParse(strTime, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
+ Result := EncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas
index feb471b48b..466f7b9190 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ChessRulesEngine.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ChessRulesEngine;
@@ -11,13 +17,20 @@ type
BK, BQ, BR, BB, BN, BP); // ES - Empty Square
TFigureColor = (fcWhite, fcBlack);
+ TCastlingCapability = set of (
+ WhiteKingSide, WhiteQueenSide, BlackKingSide, BlackQueenSide);
PChessPosition = ^TChessPosition;
- TChessPosition = record // шахматная позиция
+ TChessPosition = object // Chess position
board: array[1..8, 1..8] of TFigure;
- color: TFigureColor; // Чей ход
- castling: set of (WhiteKingSide, WhiteQueenSide, // Возможность рокировки
- BlackKingSide, BlackQueenSide);
- en_passant: 0..8; // Вертикаль возможности взятия e.p. 0 - нету e.p.
+ color: TFigureColor; // Who moves
+ castling: TCastlingCapability;
+ en_passant: 0..8; // possibility of e.p 0 - no e.p.
+ private
+ procedure FUpdateKingSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
+ procedure FUpdateQueenSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
+ public
+ function SetPiece(i, j: integer; APiece: TFigure): boolean;
PMoveAbs = ^TMoveAbs;
@@ -32,33 +45,40 @@ type
TEvaluation = (evInGame, evMate, evStaleMate);
+ TMoveNotationFormat = (mnfCh4N, mnfCh4NEx); // TODO: mnfPGN
TChessRulesEngine = class
m_ChessRulesEngineable: IChessRulesEngineable;
m_Position: TChessPosition;
- m_i0, m_j0: integer; // Предыдущие координаты фигуры
- m_fig: TFigure; // Перетаскиваемая фигура
- m_lastMove: TMoveAbs; // Последний сделанный ход
+ m_iMovesOffset: integer;
+ m_i0, m_j0: integer; // Previous position of piece
+ m_fig: TFigure; // Piece that moves
+ m_lastMove: TMoveAbs; // Last move done
m_strLastMoveStr: string; // last move in algebraic notation
+ m_MoveNotationFormat: TMoveNotationFormat;
+ m_bFENFormat: boolean;
m_lstPosition: TList;
function FGetPosition: PChessPosition;
function FAskPromotionFigure(FigureColor: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
- procedure FAddPosMoveToList; // Добавляет позицию и ход из неё в список
+ procedure FAddPosMoveToList; // Add position and its move to the list
function FMove2Str(const pos: TChessPosition): string;
function FCheckMove(const chp: TChessPosition; var chp_res: TChessPosition;
i0, j0, i, j: integer; var prom_fig: TFigureName): boolean;
function FGetLastMove: PMoveAbs;
- procedure FDelPosList; // Удаляет текущую позицию из списка
+ procedure FDeleteLastPositionFromPositionList;
- function FDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean; overload;
+ function FDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean;
- class function FFieldUnderAttack(const pos: TChessPosition; i0,j0: integer): boolean; // TODO: -> private ?
+ class function FFieldUnderAttack(const pos: TChessPosition; i0,j0: integer): boolean;
class function FCheckCheck(const pos: TChessPosition): boolean;
function FCanMove(pos: TChessPosition): boolean;
+ procedure FSetMovesOffset(iValue: integer);
property i0: integer read m_i0 write m_i0;
property j0: integer read m_j0 write m_j0;
property fig: TFigure read m_fig write m_fig;
@@ -70,18 +90,25 @@ type
function DoMove(move_str: string): boolean; overload;
function DoMove(i0, j0, i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): boolean; overload;
function TakeBack: boolean;
- function SetPosition(const posstr: string): boolean;
+ function SetPosition(strValue: string): boolean;
function GetPosition: string;
+ function GetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
procedure InitNewGame;
procedure InitNewPPRandomGame;
- procedure ResetMoveList; // очищает список позиций
+ procedure ResetMoveList; // Clears positions list
function NMovesDone: integer; // amount of moves done
+ function NPlysDone: integer; // amount of plys done
+ function GetFENMoveNumber: integer;
function GetEvaluation: TEvaluation;
property Position: PChessPosition read FGetPosition;
property lastMove: PMoveAbs read FGetLastMove;
property lastMoveStr: string read m_strLastMoveStr;
+ property MovesOffset: integer read m_iMovesOffset write FSetMovesOffset;
property PositionsList: TList read m_lstPosition;
+ property MoveNotationFormat: TMoveNotationFormat
+ read m_MoveNotationFormat write m_MoveNotationFormat;
+ property FENFormat: boolean read m_bFENFormat write m_bFENFormat;
PPosMove = ^TPosMove;
@@ -93,6 +120,8 @@ type
INITIAL_CHESS_POSITION = 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -';
EMPTY_CHESS_POSITION = '8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - -';
+ INITIAL_FEN = 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1';
+ EMPTY_FEN = '8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1';
@@ -128,21 +157,19 @@ const
constructor TChessRulesEngine.Create(ChessRulesEngineable: IChessRulesEngineable = nil);
inherited Create;
- m_ChessRulesEngineable := ChessRulesEngineable;
- // Инициализация списка позиций
+ m_ChessRulesEngineable := ChessRulesEngineable;
m_lstPosition := TList.Create;
+ InitNewGame;
destructor TChessRulesEngine.Destroy;
- i: integer;
- for i := 0 to m_lstPosition.Count - 1 do
- Dispose(m_lstPosition[i]);
+ ResetMoveList;
@@ -258,163 +285,201 @@ var
_fig: TFigure;
pos: TChessPosition;
- Result:= FALSE;
- if not ((i0 in [1..8]) and (j0 in [1..8]) and
- (i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8])) then exit;
+ Result := FALSE;
+ if (not ((i0 in [1..8]) and (j0 in [1..8]) and
+ (i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8]))) then
+ exit;
_fig := chp.board[i0, j0];
- if ((chp.color = fcWhite) and (_fig > ES)) or
- ((chp.color = fcBlack) and (_fig < ES)) then
+ if (((chp.color = fcWhite) and (_fig > ES)) or
+ ((chp.color = fcBlack) and (_fig < ES))) then
f := TFigureName(ord(_fig) - ord(chp.color) * ord(BK));
- for l:= 1 to 8 do
+ for l := 1 to 8 do
with DELTA_MOVE[f], chp do
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then break; // Все ходы просмотрены
- ti:= i0; tj:= j0;
+ if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then
+ break; // All moves have been viewed
+ ti := i0;
+ tj := j0;
case f of
- begin
- if (l = 1) and
- not(((color = fcWhite) and (j0 = 2) and (board[i0,3] = ES)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (j0 = 7) and (board[i0,6] = ES)))
- then continue; // Пешка - не на 2/7 гор. - не делаем длинный ход.
- case color of
- fcWhite:
- begin
- ti:= ti + dx[l]; tj:= tj + dy[l];
- end;
- fcBlack:
- begin
- ti:= ti - dx[l]; tj:= tj - dy[l];
- end;
+ begin
+ if ((l = 1) and
+ (not (((color = fcWhite) and (j0 = 2) and (board[i0,3] = ES)) or
+ ((color = fcBlack) and (j0 = 7) and (board[i0,6] = ES))))) then
+ continue; // Pawn is not on 2/7 row - long move is impossible
+ case color of
+ fcWhite:
+ begin
+ inc(ti, dx[l]);
+ inc(tj, dy[l]);
- if not(ti in [1..8]) or not(tj in [1..8]) then continue;
- if (l <= 2) and (board[ti,tj] <> ES)
- then continue; // Перед пешкой фигура - выход
- if (l >= 3) and not(((color = fcWhite) and ((board[ti,tj] > ES) or
+ fcBlack:
+ begin
+ dec(ti, dx[l]);
+ dec(tj, dy[l]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (not (ti in [1..8]) or not(tj in [1..8])) then
+ continue;
+ if ((l <= 2) and (board[ti,tj] <> ES)) then
+ continue; // There's a piece before the pawn -> exit
+ if ((l >= 3) and (not (((color = fcWhite) and ((board[ti,tj] > ES) or
((j0 = 5) and (en_passant = ti)))) or
((color = fcBlack) and ((board[ti,tj] < ES) or
- ((j0 = 4) and (en_passant = ti)))))
- then continue;
- if (ti = i) and (tj = j) then goto here;
- end;
- else
+ ((j0 = 4) and (en_passant = ti))))))) then
+ continue;
+ if ((ti = i) and (tj = j)) then
+ goto here;
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
- ti:= ti + dx[l]; tj:= tj + dy[l];
- if not(ti in [1..8]) or not(tj in [1..8]) or
- ((color = fcWhite) and ((board[ti,tj] < ES) or
- ((board[ti,tj] > ES) and ((ti <> i) or (tj <> j))))) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and ((board[ti,tj] > ES) or
- ((board[ti,tj] < ES) and ((ti <> i) or (tj <> j)))))
- then break;
- if (ti = i) and (tj = j) then goto here;
- until not longRange;
+ inc(ti, dx[l]);
+ inc(tj, dy[l]);
+ if ((not (ti in [1..8])) or (not (tj in [1..8])) or
+ ((color = fcWhite) and ((board[ti,tj] < ES) or
+ ((board[ti,tj] > ES) and ((ti <> i) or (tj <> j))))) or
+ ((color = fcBlack) and ((board[ti,tj] > ES) or
+ ((board[ti,tj] < ES) and ((ti <> i) or (tj <> j)))))) then
+ break;
+ if ((ti = i) and (tj = j)) then
+ goto here;
+ until (not longRange);
+ end;
end; { case }
- if f = K then // Проверка на возможность рокировки
+ if (f = K) then // Checking against castling
+ begin
with chp do
+ begin
+ if (i-i0 = 2) and (j = j0) and
+ (((color = fcWhite) and (WhiteKingSide in castling)) or
+ ((color = fcBlack) and (BlackKingSide in castling))) then
- if (i-i0 = 2) and (j = j0) and
- (((color = fcWhite) and (WhiteKingSide in castling)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (BlackKingSide in castling))) then
- begin
- if ((board[6,j0] <> ES) or (board[7,j0] <> ES) or // 0-0
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,5,j0) or
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,6,j0)) then exit;
- end
- else if ((i-i0 = -2) and (j = j0) and
- (((color = fcWhite) and (WhiteQueenSide in castling)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (BlackQueenSide in castling)))) then
- begin
- if ((board[4,j0] <> ES) or (board[3,j0] <> ES) or // 0-0-0
- (board[2,j0] <> ES) or
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,5,j0) or
- FFieldUnderAttack(chp,4,j0)) then
- exit;
- end
- else exit;
- goto here;
- end;
- exit; // передвижение фигуры не по правилам
+ if ((board[6,j0] <> ES) or (board[7,j0] <> ES) or // 0-0
+ FFieldUnderAttack(chp,5,j0) or
+ FFieldUnderAttack(chp,6,j0)) then exit;
+ end
+ else if ((i-i0 = -2) and (j = j0) and
+ (((color = fcWhite) and (WhiteQueenSide in castling)) or
+ ((color = fcBlack) and (BlackQueenSide in castling)))) then
+ begin
+ if ((board[4,j0] <> ES) or (board[3,j0] <> ES) or // 0-0-0
+ (board[2,j0] <> ES) or
+ FFieldUnderAttack(chp,5,j0) or
+ FFieldUnderAttack(chp,4,j0)) then
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ exit;
+ goto here;
+ end;
+ end;
+ exit; // The piece was moved not according to rules
- // Реализация хода на pos
- pos:= chp;
+ // Making move on pos
+ pos := chp;
with pos do
- begin
- case f of
- P:
- begin
- if (((color = fcWhite) and (j0 = 5)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (j0 = 4))) and (i = en_passant)
- then board[i,j0]:= ES; // убрать при e.p. враж. пешку
- end;
- K:
+ begin
+ case f of
+ P:
+ begin
+ if (((color = fcWhite) and (j0 = 5)) or
+ ((color = fcBlack) and (j0 = 4))) and (i = en_passant) then
+ board[i,j0]:= ES; // remove enemy pawn with e.p.
+ end;
+ K:
+ begin
+ if i-i0 = 2 then
- if i-i0 = 2 then
- begin
- board[6,j0]:= board[8,j0]; // 0-0
- board[8,j0]:= ES;
- end
- else
- if i0-i = 2 then
- begin
- board[4,j0]:= board[1,j0]; // 0-0-0
- board[1,j0]:= ES;
- end;
- case color of
- fcWhite:
- castling:= castling - [WhiteKingSide, WhiteQueenSide];
- fcBlack:
- castling:= castling - [BlackKingSide, BlackQueenSide];
- end;
- end;
- R:
+ board[6,j0]:= board[8,j0]; // 0-0
+ board[8,j0]:= ES;
+ end
+ else
+ if i0-i = 2 then
- if ((i0 = 8) and (j0 = 1)) or ((i = 8) and (j = 1))
- then castling:= castling - [WhiteKingSide]
- else
- if ((i0 = 1) and (j0 = 1)) or ((i = 1) and (j = 1))
- then castling:= castling - [WhiteQueenSide]
- else
- if ((i0 = 8) and (j0 = 8)) or ((i = 8) and (j = 8))
- then castling:= castling - [BlackKingSide]
- else
- if ((i0 = 1) and (j0 = 8)) or ((i = 1) and (j = 8))
- then castling:= castling - [BlackQueenSide];
+ board[4,j0]:= board[1,j0]; // 0-0-0
+ board[1,j0]:= ES;
+ case color of
+ fcWhite:
+ castling:= castling - [WhiteKingSide, WhiteQueenSide];
+ fcBlack:
+ castling:= castling - [BlackKingSide, BlackQueenSide];
+ end;
- if (f = P) and (abs(j-j0) = 2) and
- (((i > 1) and (((color = fcWhite) and (board[i-1,j] = BP)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i-1,j] = WP)))) or
- ((i < 8) and (((color = fcWhite) and (board[i+1,j] = BP)) or
- ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i+1,j] = WP))))) then
- en_passant := i0 // вкл. e.p.
- else
- en_passant := 0; // выкл. e.p.
- // Сделать ход
- board[i0, j0]:= ES;
- board[i, j] := _fig;
- if (FCheckCheck(pos)) then
- exit; // ход невозможен из-за шаха
- if (f = P) and ((j = 1) or (j = 8)) then
+ R:
- case prom_fig of
- Q..N: ;
- else
- prom_fig := FAskPromotionFigure(pos.color);
- end; // case
- board[i, j] := TFigure(ord(color) * ord(BK) + ord(prom_fig));
+ if ((i0 = 8) and (j0 = 1)) or ((i = 8) and (j = 1)) then
+ castling := castling - [WhiteKingSide]
+ else if ((i0 = 1) and (j0 = 1)) or ((i = 1) and (j = 1)) then
+ castling := castling - [WhiteQueenSide]
+ else if ((i0 = 8) and (j0 = 8)) or ((i = 8) and (j = 8)) then
+ castling := castling - [BlackKingSide]
+ else if ((i0 = 1) and (j0 = 8)) or ((i = 1) and (j = 8)) then
+ castling := castling - [BlackQueenSide];
- if color = fcWhite then color:= fcBlack
- else color:= fcWhite;
- chp_res:= pos;
+ if ((f = P) and (abs(j-j0) = 2) and
+ (((i > 1) and (((color = fcWhite) and (board[i-1,j] = BP)) or
+ ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i-1,j] = WP)))) or
+ ((i < 8) and (((color = fcWhite) and (board[i+1,j] = BP)) or
+ ((color = fcBlack) and (board[i+1,j] = WP)))))) then
+ en_passant := i0 // e.p. on
+ else
+ en_passant := 0; // e.p. off
+ // make the move
+ board[i0, j0]:= ES;
+ board[i, j] := _fig;
+ if (FCheckCheck(pos)) then
+ exit; // move is impossible because of check
+ if (f = P) and ((j = 1) or (j = 8)) then
+ begin
+ case prom_fig of
+ Q..N: ;
+ else
+ prom_fig := FAskPromotionFigure(pos.color);
+ end; // case
+ board[i, j] := TFigure(ord(color) * ord(BK) + ord(prom_fig));
+ end;
+ if (color = fcWhite) then
+ color := fcBlack
+ else
+ color := fcWhite;
+ end; // with
+ chp_res := pos;
Result:= TRUE;
@@ -461,18 +526,30 @@ begin
until not longRange;
- Result:= FALSE;
+ Result := FALSE;
function TChessRulesEngine.DoMove(move_str: string): boolean;
- l1, l2;
+ l1;
l: byte;
f, prom_f: TFigureName;
- i, j, ti,tj: integer;
+ i, j: integer;
+ ti, tj: integer;
+ saved_i, saved_j: integer;
+ Result := FALSE;
+ l := length(move_str);
+ if ((l <= 1)) then // at least two characters
+ exit;
+ if ((move_str[l] in ['+', '#'])) then
+ move_str := LeftStr(move_str, l - 1);
// Проверка на рокировку
if (move_str = '0-0') then
@@ -489,130 +566,166 @@ begin
move_str:= 'Ke8c8';
+ l := length(move_str);
i0 := 0;
j0 := 0;
i := 0;
j := 0;
- l := length(move_str);
prom_f := K;
case move_str[l] of
'Q': prom_f := Q;
'R': prom_f := R;
'B': prom_f := B;
'N': prom_f := N;
- else goto l1;
+ else
+ inc(l);
if move_str[l] in ['1'..'8'] then
- begin
- j:= StrToInt(move_str[l]);
- dec(l);
- end;
+ begin
+ j := StrToInt(move_str[l]);
+ dec(l);
+ end;
if move_str[l] in ['a'..'h'] then
- begin
- i:= ord(move_str[l]) - ord('a') + 1;
- dec(l);
- end;
+ begin
+ i := ord(move_str[l]) - ord('a') + 1;
+ dec(l);
+ end;
if (l > 0) and (move_str[l] in ['1'..'8']) then
- begin
- j0 := StrToInt(move_str[l]);
- dec(l);
- end;
+ begin
+ j0 := StrToInt(move_str[l]);
+ dec(l);
+ end;
if (l > 0) and (move_str[l] in ['a'..'h']) then
- begin
- i0 := ord(move_str[l]) - ord('a') + 1;
- dec(l);
+ begin
+ i0 := ord(move_str[l]) - ord('a') + 1;
+ dec(l);
+ end;
+ if (l = 0) then
+ f := P
+ else
+ begin
+ case move_str[l] of
+ 'K': f:= K;
+ 'Q': f:= Q;
+ 'R': f:= R;
+ 'B': f:= B;
+ 'N': f:= N;
+ end;
- if l = 0 then f:= P
- else
- case move_str[l] of
- 'K': f:= K;
- 'Q': f:= Q;
- 'R': f:= R;
- 'B': f:= B;
- 'N': f:= N;
- end;
+ with m_Position do
+ begin
+ fig := TFigure(ord(f) + ord(Position.color) * ord(BK));
- with Position^ do
- begin
- fig := TFigure(ord(f) + ord(Position.color) * ord(BK));
+ case f of
+ K..N: // Ход Кр - К
+ begin
+ if ((i0 > 0) and (j0 > 0)) then
+ begin
+ Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
+ exit;
+ end;
- case f of
- K..N: // Ход Кр - К
+ for l := 1 to 8 do
+ begin
+ with DELTA_MOVE[f] do
- for l:= 1 to 8 do
- with DELTA_MOVE[f] do
- begin
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then break; // Все ходы просмотрены
- ti:= i; tj:= j;
- repeat
- ti:= ti + dx[l]; tj:= tj + dy[l];
- if not ((ti in [1..8]) and (tj in [1..8])) or
- ((board[ti,tj] <> ES) and (board[ti,tj] <> fig)) then break;
- if ((i0 = 0) or (i0 = ti)) and ((j0 = 0) or (j0 = tj)) and
- (board[ti,tj] = fig) then
- begin // Ходящая фигура найдена
- i0 := ti;
- j0 := tj;
- goto l2;
- end;
- until (f = K) or (f = N); // Если Кр или К, то выход
+ if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then break; // Все ходы просмотрены
+ ti:= i;
+ tj:= j;
+ repeat
+ ti:= ti + dx[l];
+ tj:= tj + dy[l];
+ if not ((ti in [1..8]) and (tj in [1..8])) or
+ ((board[ti,tj] <> ES) and (board[ti,tj] <> fig)) then
+ break;
+ if ((i0 = 0) or (i0 = ti)) and ((j0 = 0) or (j0 = tj)) and
+ (board[ti, tj] = fig) then
+ begin // Ходящая фигура найдена
+ saved_i := i0;
+ saved_j := j0;
+ i0 := ti;
+ j0 := tj;
+ Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
+ if (Result) then
+ exit;
+ i0 := saved_i;
+ j0 := saved_j;
- end;
- P: // Ход пешкой
+ until (f = K) or (f = N); // Если Кр или К, то выход
+ end; // with
+ end; // for
+ end; // K..N
+ P: // Ход пешкой
+ begin
+ if (i0 <> 0) and (i0 <> i) then // взятие пешкой
+ begin
+ for l := 2 to 7 do
- if (i0 <> 0) and (i0 <> i) then // взятие пешкой
+ if (board[i0, l] = fig) and ((j0 = 0) or (j0 = l)) then
+ begin
+ if color = fcWhite then
- for l:= 2 to 7 do
- if (board[i0, l] = fig) and ((j0 = 0) or (j0 = l)) then
- if color = fcWhite then
- begin
- if ((board[i,l+1] > ES) or
- ((l = 5) and (en_passant = i))) and
- ((j = 0) or (j = l+1)) and (abs(i - i0) = 1) then
- begin
- j0 := l;
- j := l + 1;
- goto l2;
- end;
- end
- else // color = fcBlack
- if ((board[i,l-1] < ES) or
- ((l = 4) and (en_passant = i))) and
- ((j = 0) or (j = l-1)) and (abs(i - i0) = 1) then
- begin
- j0 := l;
- j := l-1;
- goto l2;
- end;
+ if ((board[i, l + 1] > ES) or
+ ((l = 5) and (en_passant = i))) and
+ ((j = 0) or (j = l+1)) and (abs(i - i0) = 1) then
+ begin
+ j0 := l;
+ j := l + 1;
+ Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
+ if (Result) then
+ exit;
+ end;
- else // Ход прямо
+ else // color = fcBlack
+ if ((board[i,l - 1] < ES) or
+ ((l = 4) and (en_passant = i))) and
+ ((j = 0) or (j = l-1)) and (abs(i - i0) = 1) then
- i0 := i;
- if color = fcWhite then
- begin
- if board[i, j - 1] = fig then
- j0 := j - 1
- else if (j = 4) and (board[i, 3] = ES) and
- (board[i,2] = fig) then
- j0 := 2;
- end
- else // color = fcBlack
- if board[i,j+1] = fig then
- j0 := j + 1
- else if (j = 5) and (board[i,6] = ES) and
- (board[i, 7] = fig) then
- j0 := 7;
+ j0 := l;
+ j := l - 1;
+ Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
+ if (Result) then
+ exit;
+ end; // if
+ end; // for
+ end
+ else // Ход прямо
+ begin
+ i0 := i;
+ if color = fcWhite then
+ begin
+ if board[i, j - 1] = fig then
+ j0 := j - 1
+ else if (j = 4) and (board[i, 3] = ES) and
+ (board[i,2] = fig) then
+ j0 := 2;
+ end
+ else // color = fcBlack
+ begin
+ if (board[i, j + 1] = fig) then
+ j0 := j + 1
+ else if (j = 5) and (board[i,6] = ES) and (board[i, 7] = fig) then
+ j0 := 7;
- end;
- end;
- Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
+ Result := FDoMove(i, j, prom_f);
+ end; // if
+ end; // P:
+ end; // case
+ end;
@@ -620,10 +733,10 @@ function TChessRulesEngine.FDoMove(i, j: integer; prom_fig: TFigureName = K): bo
newPosition: TChessPosition;
- Result := FCheckMove(Position^, newPosition, i0, j0, i, j, prom_fig);
+ Result := FCheckMove(m_Position, newPosition, i0, j0, i, j, prom_fig);
if (Result) then
- // запоминание сделанного хода
+ // Store the move done
lastMove.i0 := i0;
lastMove.j0 := j0;
lastMove.i := i;
@@ -633,7 +746,8 @@ begin
m_strLastMoveStr := FMove2Str(newPosition);
- Position^ := newPosition;
+ m_Position := newPosition;
@@ -657,21 +771,37 @@ var
pm: PPosMove;
- pm.pos := Position^;
+ pm.pos := m_Position;
pm.move := lastMove^;
function TChessRulesEngine.FMove2Str(const pos: TChessPosition): string;
+ procedure NExtendWithCheckOrMate(var strMove: string);
+ begin
+ if (strMove = '') then
+ exit;
+ if (FCheckCheck(pos)) then
+ begin
+ if (FCanMove(pos)) then
+ strMove := strMove + '+'
+ else
+ strMove := strMove + '#';
+ end;
+ end;
f: TFigureName;
l: byte;
ti, tj: integer;
ambig, hor, ver: boolean;
_fig: TFigure;
- if lastMove.i0 = 0 then // Ход не задан
+ DummyPosition: TChessPosition;
+begin // .FMove2Str
+ if (lastMove.i0 = 0) then // No move
Result:= '';
@@ -679,37 +809,62 @@ begin
_fig := Position.board[lastMove.i0, lastMove.j0];
f := TFigureName(ord(_fig) + (ord(pos.color) - 1) * ord(BK));
- // Ход пешкой
+ // Pawn moves
if (f = P) then
with pos do
- if ((lastMove.i - lastMove.i0) = 0) then // ход
- Result:= chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1) + IntToStr(lastMove.j)
- else // взятие
+ if ((lastMove.i - lastMove.i0) = 0) then // move
+ Result := chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1) + IntToStr(lastMove.j)
+ else // capturing
+ begin
+ Result := chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i0 - 1) + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1);
+ for l := 2 to 7 do // Checking against ambiguity of capturing
- Result:= chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i0 - 1) + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1);
- for l := 2 to 7 do // Проверка на двусмысленность взятия
- if (((board[lastMove.i0, l] = WP) and ((Position.board[lastMove.i, l+1] > ES) or
- ((Position.en_passant = lastMove.i) and (l = 5)))) and (color = fcBlack)) or
- (((board[lastMove.i0, l] = BP) and ((Position.board[lastMove.i, l-1] < ES) or
- ((Position.en_passant = lastMove.i) and (l = 4)))) and (color = fcWhite))
- then Result:= Result + IntToStr(lastMove.j);
+ if (board[lastMove.i0, l] = WP) then
+ tj := l + 1
+ else if (board[lastMove.i0, l] = BP) then
+ tj := l - 1
+ else
+ continue;
+ if ((((tj > l) and ((Position.board[lastMove.i, tj] > ES) or
+ ((Position.en_passant = lastMove.i) and (l = 5)))) and (color = fcBlack)) or
+ (((tj < l) and ((Position.board[lastMove.i, tj] < ES) or
+ ((Position.en_passant = lastMove.i) and (l = 4)))) and (color = fcWhite))) then
+ begin
+ if ((MoveNotationFormat <> mnfCh4NEx) or
+ FCheckMove(m_Position, DummyPosition, lastMove.i0, l, lastMove.i, tj,
+ lastMove.prom_fig)) then
+ begin
+ Result := Result + IntToStr(lastMove.j);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
- if (lastMove.j = 8) or (lastMove.j = 1) then // Пешка превратилась
+ if (lastMove.j = 8) or (lastMove.j = 1) then // The pawn has been promoted
+ begin
case board[lastMove.i,lastMove.j] of
- WQ,BQ: Result:= Result + 'Q';
- WR,BR: Result:= Result + 'R';
- WB,BB: Result:= Result + 'B';
- WN,BN: Result:= Result + 'N';
+ WQ,BQ: Result := Result + 'Q';
+ WR,BR: Result := Result + 'R';
+ WB,BB: Result := Result + 'B';
+ WN,BN: Result := Result + 'N';
+ end;
+ if (m_MoveNotationFormat = mnfCh4NEx) then
+ NExtendWithCheckOrMate(Result);
- end;
+ end; // with
end; // if
- // <Фигура>
+ // <Piece>
case f of
K: Result:= 'K';
Q: Result:= 'Q';
@@ -717,50 +872,73 @@ begin
B: Result:= 'B';
N: Result:= 'N';
- // [<Вертикаль>][<Горизонталь>]
+ // [<Line>][<Row>]
ambig:= FALSE;
hor:= FALSE;
ver:= FALSE;
for l := 1 to 8 do
+ begin
with pos, DELTA_MOVE[f] do
- begin
- if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then
- break; // Все ходы просмотрены
- ti := lastMove.i;
- tj := lastMove.j;
- repeat
- ti:= ti + dx[l]; tj:= tj + dy[l];
- if not (ti in [1..8]) or not (tj in [1..8]) or
- ((board[ti,tj] <> ES) and (board[ti,tj] <> _fig)) then
- break;
- if (board[ti,tj] = _fig) then
- begin
- ambig:= TRUE;
- ver:= ver or (ti = lastMove.i0); hor:= hor or (tj = lastMove.j0);
- break;
- end;
- until (f = K) or (f = N); // Если Кр или К, то выход
- end;
- if ambig then
- if not ver or hor then
- Result:= Result + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i0 - 1);
- if ver then
- Result := Result + IntToStr(lastMove.j0);
+ if (dx[l] = 0) and (dy[l] = 0) then
+ break; // All moves have been viewed
+ ti := lastMove.i;
+ tj := lastMove.j;
+ repeat
+ inc(ti, dx[l]);
+ inc(tj, dy[l]);
+ if ((not (ti in [1..8])) or (not (tj in [1..8]))) then
+ break;
+ if (board[ti,tj] = ES) then
+ continue;
+ if (board[ti, tj] <> _fig) then
+ break;
+ if ((m_MoveNotationFormat <> mnfCh4NEx) or
+ FCheckMove(m_Position, DummyPosition, ti, tj, lastMove.i, lastMove.j,
+ lastMove.prom_fig)) then
+ begin
+ ambig := TRUE;
+ ver := (ver or (ti = lastMove.i0));
+ hor := (hor or (tj = lastMove.j0));
+ break;
+ end;
+ until (f = K) or (f = N); // If K or N -> exit
+ end; // for l
+ if (ambig) then
+ begin
+ if ((not ver) or hor) then
+ Result := Result + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i0 - 1);
+ if (ver) then
+ Result := Result + IntToStr(lastMove.j0);
+ end;
- // <Конечное поле>
+ // <Destination field>
Result := Result + chr(ord('a') + lastMove.i - 1) + IntToStr(lastMove.j);
- // <Короткая рокировка> | <Длинная рокировка>
- if f = K then
+ // <Short castling> | <Long castling>
+ if (f = K) then
- if lastMove.i - lastMove.i0 = 2 then
- Result:= '0-0'
- else if lastMove.i0 - lastMove.i = 2 then
- Result:= '0-0-0';
+ if ((lastMove.i - lastMove.i0) = 2) then
+ Result := '0-0'
+ else if (lastMove.i0 - lastMove.i = 2) then
+ Result := '0-0-0';
+ if (m_MoveNotationFormat = mnfCh4NEx) then
+ NExtendWithCheckOrMate(Result);
@@ -768,123 +946,213 @@ function TChessRulesEngine.TakeBack: boolean;
Result := (PositionsList.Count > 0);
if (Result) then
- FDelPosList;
+ begin
+ FDeleteLastPositionFromPositionList;
+ lastMove.i0 := 0;
+ end;
-procedure TChessRulesEngine.FDelPosList;
+procedure TChessRulesEngine.FDeleteLastPositionFromPositionList;
i: integer;
i := PositionsList.Count - 1;
if (i >= 0) then
- Position^ := PPosMove(PositionsList[i]).pos;
+ m_Position := PPosMove(PositionsList[i]).pos;
-function TChessRulesEngine.SetPosition(const posstr: string): boolean;
+function TChessRulesEngine.SetPosition(strValue: string): boolean;
+ function NNextToken(var str: string): string;
+ var
+ iPos: integer;
+ begin
+ str := TrimLeft(str);
+ if (str = '') then
+ Result := ''
+ else
+ begin
+ iPos := Pos(' ', str);
+ if (iPos > 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := LeftStr(str, Pred(iPos));
+ str := Copy(str, iPos, MaxInt);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := str;
+ str := '';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
- i, j, k: integer;
- l: byte;
pos: TChessPosition;
- Result:= FALSE;
- l := 1;
- for j := 8 downto 1 do
+ function NSetPlacingOfPieces: boolean;
+ var
+ strPos: string;
+ iPos: integer;
+ j, i, k: integer;
- i := 1;
- repeat
- case posstr[l] of
- 'K': pos.board[i,j]:= WK;
- 'Q': pos.board[i,j]:= WQ;
- 'R': pos.board[i,j]:= WR;
- 'B': pos.board[i,j]:= WB;
- 'N': pos.board[i,j]:= WN;
- 'P': pos.board[i,j]:= WP;
- 'k': pos.board[i,j]:= BK;
- 'q': pos.board[i,j]:= BQ;
- 'r': pos.board[i,j]:= BR;
- 'b': pos.board[i,j]:= BB;
- 'n': pos.board[i,j]:= BN;
- 'p': pos.board[i,j]:= BP;
- '1'..'8': // Вставка пустых полей
- begin
- k:= StrToInt(posstr[l]);
- repeat
- pos.board[i,j]:= ES;
- dec(k); inc(i);
- until k = 0;
- dec(i);
- end;
+ Result := FALSE;
- ' ': break; // Позиция прочитана - выход из цикла
+ strPos := NNextToken(strValue);
- else exit; // ошибка в posstr
- end;
- inc(i); inc(l);
- until (posstr[l] = '/') or (i > 8); // Повтор до появления '/' или пока на горизонтали
- inc(l);
- end;
+ iPos := 1;
- case posstr[l] of
- 'w': pos.color:= fcWhite;
- 'b': pos.color:= fcBlack;
- else exit;
+ for j := 8 downto 1 do
+ begin
+ i := 1;
+ repeat
+ if (iPos > Length(strPos)) then
+ exit;
+ case strPos[iPos] of
+ 'K': pos.board[i,j]:= WK;
+ 'Q': pos.board[i,j]:= WQ;
+ 'R': pos.board[i,j]:= WR;
+ 'B': pos.board[i,j]:= WB;
+ 'N': pos.board[i,j]:= WN;
+ 'P': pos.board[i,j]:= WP;
+ 'k': pos.board[i,j]:= BK;
+ 'q': pos.board[i,j]:= BQ;
+ 'r': pos.board[i,j]:= BR;
+ 'b': pos.board[i,j]:= BB;
+ 'n': pos.board[i,j]:= BN;
+ 'p': pos.board[i,j]:= BP;
+ '1'..'8': // Insert empty fields
+ begin
+ k := StrToInt(strPos[iPos]);
+ repeat
+ pos.board[i,j]:= ES;
+ dec(k); inc(i);
+ until k = 0;
+ dec(i);
+ end;
+ ' ': break; // Position is read -> exit from loop
+ else
+ exit; // Error in strPos
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ inc(iPos);
+ until ((i > 8) or (strPos[iPos] = '/')); // Repeat until '/' or if not on the row
+ inc(iPos);
+ end; // for j
+ Result := TRUE;
- inc(l,2);
- pos.castling:= [];
- while posstr[l] <> ' ' do
+ i: integer;
+ iMovesOffset: integer;
+ strToken: string;
+begin // .SetPosition
+ Result := NSetPlacingOfPieces;
+ if (not Result) then
+ exit;
+ // Defaults
+ pos.color := fcWhite;
+ pos.castling := [];
+ pos.en_passant := 0;
+ iMovesOffset := 0;
+ try
+ strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
+ if (strToken = '') then
+ exit;
+ case strToken[1] of
+ 'w':
+ pos.color := fcWhite;
+ 'b':
+ pos.color := fcBlack;
+ else
+ exit;
+ end;
+ strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
+ if (strToken = '') then
+ exit;
+ for i := 1 to Length(strToken) do
with pos do
- case posstr[l] of
- 'K': castling:= castling + [WhiteKingSide];
- 'Q': castling:= castling + [WhiteQueenSide];
- 'k': castling:= castling + [BlackKingSide];
- 'q': castling:= castling + [BlackQueenSide];
+ begin
+ case strToken[i] of
+ 'K':
+ Include(castling, WhiteKingSide);
+ 'Q':
+ Include(castling, WhiteQueenSide);
+ 'k':
+ Include(castling, BlackKingSide);
+ 'q':
+ Include(castling, BlackQueenSide);
- if castling <> [] then exit
- else
- begin
- inc(l);
- break;
- end;
+ castling := [];
- inc(l);
- end;
+ end;
- inc(l);
- with pos do
- case posstr[l] of
- 'a'..'h': en_passant:= ord(posstr[l]) - ord('a') + 1;
- '-': en_passant:= 0;
- else
+ end; // for
+ strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
+ if (strToken = '') then
+ with pos do
+ begin
+ case strToken[1] of
+ 'a'..'h':
+ en_passant := ord(strToken[1]) - ord('a') + 1;
+ end;
- if (Trim(RightStr(posstr, length(posstr) - l)) <> '') then
- exit;
+ strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
+ if (strToken = '') then
+ exit;
- Position^ := pos;
- lastMove.i0 := 0; // предыдущего хода ещё не было
+ // Skip 50-moves counter
+ strToken := NNextToken(strValue);
+ if (strToken = '') then
+ exit;
+ iMovesOffset := StrToIntDef(strToken, 1) - 1;
+ if (iMovesOffset < 0) then
+ iMovesOffset := 0;
+ finally
+ ResetMoveList;
+ m_Position := pos;
+ m_iMovesOffset := iMovesOffset;
+ end;
- Result := TRUE;
procedure TChessRulesEngine.InitNewGame;
+ bRes: boolean;
- ResetMoveList;
+ bRes := SetPosition(INITIAL_CHESS_POSITION);
+ Assert(bRes);
@@ -895,76 +1163,127 @@ begin
for i := 0 to PositionsList.Count - 1 do
+ lastMove.i0 := 0;
function TChessRulesEngine.GetPosition: string;
- i,j: Integer;
- k: byte;
- chFig: char;
- Result:= '';
- with Position^ do
+ function NGetPlacingOfPieces: string;
+ var
+ i, j: Integer;
+ k: byte;
+ chFig: char;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ // Placing of pieces
+ for j := 8 downto 1 do
- // Расстановка фигур
- for j := 8 downto 1 do
+ k := 0;
+ for i := 1 to 8 do
+ begin
+ case Position.board[i, j] of
+ WK: chFig := 'K';
+ WQ: chFig := 'Q';
+ WR: chFig := 'R';
+ WB: chFig := 'B';
+ WN: chFig := 'N';
+ WP: chFig := 'P';
+ BK: chFig := 'k';
+ BQ: chFig := 'q';
+ BR: chFig := 'r';
+ BB: chFig := 'b';
+ BN: chFig := 'n';
+ BP: chFig := 'p';
+ ES:
+ begin
+ inc(k);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (k > 0) then
- k:= 0;
- for i:= 1 to 8 do
- begin
- case board[i,j] of
- WK: chFig := 'K';
- WQ: chFig := 'Q';
- WR: chFig := 'R';
- WB: chFig := 'B';
- WN: chFig := 'N';
- WP: chFig := 'P';
- BK: chFig := 'k';
- BQ: chFig := 'q';
- BR: chFig := 'r';
- BB: chFig := 'b';
- BN: chFig := 'n';
- BP: chFig := 'p';
- ES:
- begin
- inc(k);
- continue;
- end;
- end;
+ Result := Result + IntToStr(k);
+ k := 0;
+ end;
- if k > 0 then
- begin
- Result:= Result + IntToStr(k);
- k:= 0;
- end;
+ Result := Result + chFig;
+ end; // for i
- Result := Result + chFig;
- end;
+ if (k > 0) then
+ Result := Result + IntToStr(k);
+ if (j = 1) then
+ Result := Result + ' '
+ else
+ Result := Result + '/'; // i <= 7
+ end; // for j
- if k > 0 then Result:= Result + IntToStr(k);
- if j = 1 then Result:= Result + ' '
- else Result:= Result + '/'; // i <= 7
- end;
+ end;
- if color = fcWhite then Result:= Result + 'w '
- else Result:= Result + 'b '; // color = fcBlack
- // Рокировка
- if castling = [] then Result:= Result + '-'
- else
- begin
- if WhiteKingSide in castling then Result:= Result + 'K';
- if WhiteQueenSide in castling then Result:= Result + 'Q';
- if BlackKingSide in castling then Result:= Result + 'k';
- if BlackQueenSide in castling then Result:= Result + 'q';
- end;
- // en-passant
- if (en_passant = 0) then
- Result := Result + ' -'
- else
- Result := Result + ' ' + Chr(Ord('a') - 1 + en_passant);
- end;
+begin // .GetPosition
+ Result := NGetPlacingOfPieces;
+ if (Position.color = fcWhite) then
+ Result := Result + 'w '
+ else
+ Result := Result + 'b '; // color = fcBlack
+ // Castling
+ if (Position.castling = []) then
+ Result := Result + '-'
+ else
+ begin
+ if (WhiteKingSide in Position.castling) then
+ Result := Result + 'K';
+ if (WhiteQueenSide in Position.castling) then
+ Result := Result + 'Q';
+ if (BlackKingSide in Position.castling) then
+ Result := Result + 'k';
+ if (BlackQueenSide in Position.castling) then
+ Result := Result + 'q';
+ end;
+ // en-passant
+ if (Position.en_passant = 0) then
+ Result := Result + ' -'
+ else
+ begin
+ Result := Result + ' ' + Chr(Ord('a') - 1 + Position.en_passant);
+ end;
+ if (not FENFormat) then
+ exit;
+ if (Position.en_passant <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if (Position.color = fcWhite) then
+ Result := Result + '6'
+ else
+ Result := Result + '3'; // Black
+ end;
+ Result := Result + ' 0'; // TODO: 50-moves rule
+ Result := Result + ' ' + IntToStr(GetFENMoveNumber);
+function TChessRulesEngine.GetFENMoveNumber: integer;
+ Result := NMovesDone;
+ if ((m_Position.color = fcWhite) or (Result = 0)) then
+ inc(Result);
+procedure TChessRulesEngine.FSetMovesOffset(iValue: integer);
+ Assert(iValue >= 0);
+ m_iMovesOffset := iValue;
@@ -978,6 +1297,7 @@ var
f: boolean;
if (Random(2) = 0) then
SQR[5] := 1 // с какой стороны оставляем ладью
@@ -990,24 +1310,52 @@ begin
f := FALSE;
for j := 0 to i-1 do f := f or (rnd_sqr[i] = rnd_sqr[j]);
until not (f or ((i = 1) and (((rnd_sqr[0] xor rnd_sqr[1]) and 1) = 0)));
- Position.board[rnd_sqr[i], 1] := TFigure(ord(FIG[i]));
- Position.board[rnd_sqr[i], 8] := TFigure(ord(BK) + ord(FIG[i]));
+ m_Position.board[rnd_sqr[i], 1] := TFigure(ord(FIG[i]));
+ m_Position.board[rnd_sqr[i], 8] := TFigure(ord(BK) + ord(FIG[i]));
function TChessRulesEngine.NMovesDone: integer;
+ iMovesCount: integer;
- Result := (PositionsList.Count + 1) shr 1; // div 2
+ if ((PositionsList.Count = 0) and (m_iMovesOffset = 0)) then
+ iMovesCount := 0
+ else
+ begin
+ if (GetColorStarts = fcWhite) then
+ iMovesCount := ((PositionsList.Count + 1) div 2)
+ else // GetColorStarts = fcBlack
+ iMovesCount := ((PositionsList.Count + 2) div 2);
+ end;
+ Result := m_iMovesOffset + iMovesCount;
+function TChessRulesEngine.GetColorStarts: TFigureColor;
+ if (Odd(PositionsList.Count) and (m_Position.color = fcBlack)) or
+ (not Odd(PositionsList.Count) and (m_Position.color = fcWhite)) then
+ Result := fcWhite
+ else
+ Result := fcBlack;
+function TChessRulesEngine.NPlysDone: integer; // amount of plys done
+ Result := (2 * m_iMovesOffset) + PositionsList.Count;
function TChessRulesEngine.GetEvaluation: TEvaluation;
Result := evInGame;
- if (not FCanMove(Position^)) then
+ if (not FCanMove(m_Position)) then
- if (FCheckCheck(Position^)) then
+ if (FCheckCheck(m_Position)) then
Result := evMate
Result := evStaleMate;
@@ -1015,4 +1363,119 @@ begin
// TODO: Evaluate position for possible technical draw
+function TChessPosition.SetPiece(i, j: integer; APiece: TFigure): boolean;
+ SavedPiece: TFigure;
+ Result := ((i in [1..8]) and (j in [1..8]));
+ if (not Result) then
+ exit;
+ SavedPiece := board[i, j];
+ board[i, j] := APiece;
+ if (SavedPiece = APiece) then
+ exit;
+ if ((i = 5) and (j = 1)) then
+ begin
+ FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcWhite);
+ FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcWhite);
+ end
+ else if ((i = 8) and (j = 1)) then
+ FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcWhite)
+ else if ((i = 1) and (j = 1)) then
+ FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcWhite)
+ else if ((i = 5) and (j = 8)) then
+ begin
+ FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcBlack);
+ FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcBlack);
+ end
+ else if ((i = 8) and (j = 8)) then
+ FUpdateKingSideCastling(fcBlack)
+ else if ((i = 1) and (j = 8)) then
+ FUpdateQueenSideCastling(fcBlack);
+procedure TChessPosition.FUpdateKingSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
+ j: integer;
+ King, Rook: TFigure;
+ if (AColor = fcWhite) then
+ begin
+ j := 1;
+ King := WK;
+ Rook := WR;
+ end
+ else // fcBlack
+ begin
+ j := 8;
+ King := BK;
+ Rook := BR;
+ end;
+ if ((board[5, j] = King) and (board[8, j] = Rook)) then
+ begin
+ if (AColor = fcWhite) then
+ Include(castling, WhiteKingSide)
+ else
+ Include(castling, BlackKingSide);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (AColor = fcWhite) then
+ Exclude(castling, WhiteKingSide)
+ else
+ Exclude(castling, BlackKingSide);
+ end;
+procedure TChessPosition.FUpdateQueenSideCastling(AColor: TFigureColor);
+ j: integer;
+ King, Rook: TFigure;
+ if (AColor = fcWhite) then
+ begin
+ j := 1;
+ King := WK;
+ Rook := WR;
+ end
+ else // fcBlack
+ begin
+ j := 8;
+ King := BK;
+ Rook := BR;
+ end;
+ if ((board[5, j] = King) and (board[1, j] = Rook)) then
+ begin
+ if (AColor = fcWhite) then
+ Include(castling, WhiteQueenSide)
+ else
+ Include(castling, BlackQueenSide);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (AColor = fcWhite) then
+ Exclude(castling, WhiteQueenSide)
+ else
+ Exclude(castling, BlackQueenSide);
+ end;
+ Randomize; // It's for PP Random
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ClientQueueUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ClientQueueUnit.pas
index 68e6b50558..7dd7d4c511 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ClientQueueUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ClientQueueUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ClientQueueUnit;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectingUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectingUnit.pas
index 9b7bae3c05..567f049b46 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectingUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectingUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ConnectingUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, TntStdCtrls,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, TntStdCtrls,
Forms, {Dialogs, }ExtCtrls, StdCtrls,
DialogUnit, ModalForm;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectionUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectionUnit.pas
index 482094afe4..b5c12fef1e 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectionUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ConnectionUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ConnectionUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Mask;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ContinueUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ContinueUnit.pas
index 9e6fd49c34..d6a38a662f 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ContinueUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ContinueUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ContinueUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
{Dialogs, }ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, TntStdCtrls,
DialogUnit, ModalForm;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/DialogUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/DialogUnit.pas
index 921d630dba..a8eeeb006e 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/DialogUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/DialogUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit DialogUnit;
@@ -13,7 +19,7 @@ type
procedure ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
m_ModID: TModalFormID;
- msgDlg: TForm;
+ m_MsgDlg: TForm;
function GetCaption: TCaption;
procedure SetCaption(capt: TCaption);
@@ -25,6 +31,10 @@ type
function GetTop_: integer; override;
procedure SetTop_(y: integer); override;
function GetModalID: TModalFormID; override;
+ function RGetModalResult: TModalResult; override;
+ procedure RSetModalResult(Value: TModalResult); override;
+ property MsgDlg: TForm read m_MsgDlg;
constructor Create(frmOwner: TForm; const wstrMsg: WideString;
DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; modID: TModalFormID = mfNone;
@@ -58,16 +68,16 @@ begin
m_ModID := modID;
RHandler := msgDlgHandler;
- msgDlg := MessageDialogUnit.CreateMessageDialog(frmOwner, wstrMsg, DlgType, Buttons,
+ m_MsgDlg := MessageDialogUnit.CreateMessageDialog(frmOwner, wstrMsg, DlgType, Buttons,
// msgDlg.FormStyle := frmOwner.FormStyle;
- msgDlg.OnShow := FormShow;
- msgDlg.OnClose := FormClose;
+ m_MsgDlg.OnShow := FormShow;
+ m_MsgDlg.OnClose := FormClose;
- for i := 0 to (msgDlg.ComponentCount - 1) do
+ for i := 0 to (m_MsgDlg.ComponentCount - 1) do
- if (msgDlg.Components[i] is TButton) then
- TButton(msgDlg.Components[i]).OnClick := ButtonClick;
+ if (m_MsgDlg.Components[i] is TButton) then
+ TButton(m_MsgDlg.Components[i]).OnClick := ButtonClick;
@@ -83,7 +93,7 @@ end;
procedure TDialogForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
- inherited FormShow(msgDlg);
+ inherited FormShow(m_MsgDlg);
@@ -91,10 +101,10 @@ procedure TDialogForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
if Assigned(dlgOwner) then
- if (fsModal in msgDlg.FormState) then
+ if (fsModal in m_MsgDlg.FormState) then
if (Assigned(RHandler)) then
- RHandler(TModalForm(msgDlg), GetModalID);
+ RHandler(self, GetModalID);
// Action := caFree;
@@ -102,89 +112,89 @@ end;
procedure TDialogForm.Show;
- msgDlg.Show;
+ m_MsgDlg.Show;
procedure TDialogForm.Close;
- msgDlg.Close;
+ m_MsgDlg.Close;
function TDialogForm.ShowModal: integer;
- Result := msgDlg.ShowModal;
+ Result := m_MsgDlg.ShowModal;
procedure TDialogForm.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- if not (fsModal in msgDlg.FormState) then
- msgDlg.Close;
+ if not (fsModal in m_MsgDlg.FormState) then
+ m_MsgDlg.Close;
destructor TDialogForm.Destroy;
- msgDlg.Release;
+ m_MsgDlg.Release;
function TDialogForm.GetCaption: TCaption;
- Result := msgDlg.Caption;
+ Result := m_MsgDlg.Caption;
procedure TDialogForm.SetCaption(capt: TCaption);
- msgDlg.Caption := capt;
+ m_MsgDlg.Caption := capt;
function TDialogForm.GetHandle: hWnd;
- Result := msgDlg.Handle;
+ Result := m_MsgDlg.Handle;
function TDialogForm.GetEnabled_: boolean;
- Result := msgDlg.Enabled;
+ Result := m_MsgDlg.Enabled;
procedure TDialogForm.SetEnabled_(flag: boolean);
- msgDlg.Enabled := flag;
+ m_MsgDlg.Enabled := flag;
procedure TDialogForm.SetFocus;
- msgDlg.SetFocus;
- msgDlg.Show;
+ m_MsgDlg.SetFocus;
+ m_MsgDlg.Show;
function TDialogForm.GetLeft_: integer;
- Result := msgDlg.Left;
+ Result := m_MsgDlg.Left;
procedure TDialogForm.SetLeft_(x: integer);
- msgDlg.Left := x;
+ m_MsgDlg.Left := x;
function TDialogForm.GetTop_: integer;
- Result := msgDlg.Top;
+ Result := m_MsgDlg.Top;
procedure TDialogForm.SetTop_(y: integer);
- msgDlg.Top := y;
+ m_MsgDlg.Top := y;
@@ -193,4 +203,15 @@ begin
Result := m_ModID;
+function TDialogForm.RGetModalResult: TModalResult;
+ Result := m_MsgDlg.ModalResult;
+procedure TDialogForm.RSetModalResult(Value: TModalResult);
+ m_MsgDlg.ModalResult := Value;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/DontShowMessageDlgUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/DontShowMessageDlgUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..357b56c8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/DontShowMessageDlgUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
+unit DontShowMessageDlgUnit;
+ Forms, StdCtrls,
+ //
+ DialogUnit, ModalForm;
+ TDontShowMessageDlg = class(TDialogForm)
+ private
+ m_DontShowCheckBox: TCheckBox;
+ function FGetDontShow: boolean;
+ procedure FSetDontShow(bValue: boolean);
+ protected
+ function GetModalID: TModalFormID; override;
+ public
+ class function Create(const ADialogs: TDialogs; const wstrMsg: WideString): TDontShowMessageDlg; overload;
+ constructor Create(Owner: TForm; modHandler: TModalFormHandler = nil); overload; override;
+ property DontShow: boolean read FGetDontShow write FSetDontShow;
+ end;
+ Dialogs, Controls;
+// TDontShowMessageDlg
+ g_wstrMsg: WideString;
+constructor TDontShowMessageDlg.Create(Owner: TForm; modHandler: TModalFormHandler = nil);
+ inherited Create(Owner, g_wstrMsg, mtInformation, [mbOK], GetModalID, modHandler);
+ MsgDlg.Height := MsgDlg.Height + 10;
+ m_DontShowCheckBox := TCheckBox.Create(MsgDlg);
+ m_DontShowCheckBox.Parent := MsgDlg;
+ m_DontShowCheckBox.Caption := 'Don''t Show'; // TODO: Localize
+ m_DontShowCheckBox.Left := 10;
+ m_DontShowCheckBox.Top := MsgDlg.ClientHeight - m_DontShowCheckBox.Height - 5;
+class function TDontShowMessageDlg.Create(const ADialogs: TDialogs;
+ const wstrMsg: WideString): TDontShowMessageDlg;
+ g_wstrMsg := wstrMsg;
+ Result := ADialogs.CreateDialog(TDontShowMessageDlg) as TDontShowMessageDlg;
+ g_wstrMsg := '';
+function TDontShowMessageDlg.FGetDontShow: boolean;
+ Result := m_DontShowCheckBox.Checked;
+procedure TDontShowMessageDlg.FSetDontShow(bValue: boolean);
+ m_DontShowCheckBox.Checked := bValue;
+function TDontShowMessageDlg.GetModalID: TModalFormID;
+ Result := mfDontShowDlg;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/DraggedFigureUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/DraggedFigureUnit.pas
index bbf513ae77..780e3bb840 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/DraggedFigureUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/DraggedFigureUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit DraggedFigureUnit;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.dfm b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33bbfcefee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+object GameChessBoard: TGameChessBoard
+ Left = 429
+ Top = 209
+ Width = 372
+ Height = 421
+ BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ TransparentColorValue = clBackground
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -13
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = [fsBold]
+ KeyPreview = True
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ OnActivate = FormActivate
+ OnCanResize = FormCanResize
+ OnClose = FormClose
+ OnCreate = FormCreate
+ OnDestroy = FormDestroy
+ OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
+ DesignSize = (
+ 356
+ 385)
+ PixelsPerInch = 96
+ TextHeight = 16
+ object ChessBoardPanel: TPanel
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 32
+ Width = 354
+ Height = 352
+ Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
+ BevelOuter = bvNone
+ TabOrder = 1
+ end
+ object TimePanel: TPanel
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 356
+ Height = 33
+ Align = alTop
+ BevelInner = bvLowered
+ TabOrder = 0
+ OnResize = TimePanelResize
+ object WhitePanel: TPanel
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 4
+ Width = 145
+ Height = 25
+ BevelOuter = bvNone
+ TabOrder = 0
+ DesignSize = (
+ 145
+ 25)
+ object WhiteTimeLabel: TLabel
+ Left = 71
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 68
+ Height = 25
+ Align = alLeft
+ AutoSize = False
+ Caption = '0:00:00'
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -19
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = [fsBold]
+ ParentFont = False
+ Layout = tlCenter
+ end
+ object WhiteFlagButton: TSpeedButton
+ Left = 115
+ Top = 2
+ Width = 23
+ Height = 22
+ Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
+ Glyph.Data = {
+ 66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
+ 040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
+ 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
+ FF33FFFF0000F99999999FFFF33FFFFF0000FF99999999FF83FFFFFF0000FFF9
+ 9999999F33FFFFFF0000FFFF999999983FFFFFFF0000FFFFFF9999993FFFFFFF
+ Visible = False
+ OnClick = FlagButtonClick
+ end
+ object WhiteLabel: TTntLabel
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 71
+ Height = 25
+ Align = alLeft
+ Caption = 'White '
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -19
+ Font.Name = 'Microsoft Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = [fsBold]
+ ParentFont = False
+ end
+ end
+ object BlackPanel: TPanel
+ Left = 184
+ Top = 4
+ Width = 145
+ Height = 25
+ BevelOuter = bvNone
+ TabOrder = 1
+ DesignSize = (
+ 145
+ 25)
+ object BlackTimeLabel: TLabel
+ Left = 68
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 68
+ Height = 25
+ Align = alLeft
+ AutoSize = False
+ Caption = '0:00:00'
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -19
+ Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = [fsBold]
+ ParentFont = False
+ Layout = tlCenter
+ end
+ object BlackLabel: TTntLabel
+ Left = 0
+ Top = 0
+ Width = 68
+ Height = 25
+ Align = alLeft
+ Caption = 'Black '
+ Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
+ Font.Color = clWindowText
+ Font.Height = -19
+ Font.Name = 'Microsoft Sans Serif'
+ Font.Style = [fsBold]
+ ParentFont = False
+ end
+ object BlackFlagButton: TSpeedButton
+ Left = 115
+ Top = 2
+ Width = 23
+ Height = 22
+ Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
+ Visible = False
+ OnClick = FlagButtonClick
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ object GameTimer: TTimer
+ Enabled = False
+ Interval = 100
+ OnTimer = GameTimerTimer
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 40
+ end
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..779d90f309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameChessBoardUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
+unit GameChessBoardUnit;
+ ExtCtrls, TntStdCtrls, Buttons, Controls, StdCtrls, Classes, Forms, TntForms,
+ Graphics, Messages,
+ // Chess4net
+ ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessBoardUnit, ChessRulesEngine,
+ LocalizerUnit, PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit;
+ TGameChessBoardEvent =
+ (cbeMoved, cbeMate, cbeStaleMate, cbeInsuffMaterial, cbeKeyPressed,
+ cbeClockSwitched, cbeTimeOut, cbeExit, cbeMenu, cbeActivate, cbeFormMoving,
+ cbeRefreshAll);
+ // It's possible to add new events. cbeRefreshAll signals that global options had been changed
+ TGameChessBoardHandler = procedure(e: TGameChessBoardEvent;
+ d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil) of object;
+ TGameChessBoard = class;
+ TTimeLabelThread = class(TThread)
+ private
+ ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard;
+ player_time: array[TFigureColor] of TDateTime;
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ WhiteTime, BlackTime: string;
+ constructor Create(ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard);
+ end;
+ TGameChessBoard = class(TTntForm, ILocalizable)
+ TimePanel: TPanel;
+ WhiteLabel: TTntLabel;
+ WhiteTimeLabel: TLabel;
+ BlackLabel: TTntLabel;
+ BlackTimeLabel: TLabel;
+ GameTimer: TTimer;
+ WhiteFlagButton: TSpeedButton;
+ BlackFlagButton: TSpeedButton;
+ WhitePanel: TPanel;
+ BlackPanel: TPanel;
+ ChessBoardPanel: TPanel;
+ procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure GameTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+ Shift: TShiftState);
+ procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FlagButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer;
+ var Resize: Boolean);
+ procedure TimePanelResize(Sender: TObject);
+ private
+ m_ChessBoard: TChessBoard;
+ m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer;
+ FHandler: TGameChessBoardHandler;
+ auto_flag: boolean; // индикатор автофлага
+ player_time: array[TFigureColor] of TDateTime; // время белых и чёрных
+ past_time: TDateTime; // время начала обдумывания хода
+ unlimited_var: array[TFigureColor] of boolean; // партия без временного контроля
+ clock_color: TFigureColor; // цвет анимируемой фигуры
+ shuted: boolean; // индикатор внешнего закрытия окна
+ // Resizing
+ m_ResizingType: (rtNo, rtHoriz, rtVert);
+// m_iDeltaWidthHeight: integer;
+ m_iTimePanelInitialWidth: integer;
+ m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft, m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft: integer;
+ m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth, m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth: integer;
+ m_TimeFont: TFont;
+ m_bFlashOnMove: boolean; // flag for flashing window on icoming move
+ TimeLabelThread: TTimeLabelThread; // нить используется для борьбы с лагом в Миранде
+ function FGetMode: TMode;
+ procedure FSetMode(const Value: TMode);
+ procedure ShowTime(const c: TFigureColor);
+ function FGetPlayerColor: TFigureColor;
+ procedure FSetPlayerColor(const Value: TFigureColor);
+ function FGetFlipped: boolean;
+ procedure FSetFlipped(bValue: boolean);
+ function FGetTime(color: TFigureColor): TDateTime;
+ procedure FSetTime(color: TFigureColor; const tm: TDateTime);
+ procedure FSetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor; const unl: boolean);
+ function FGetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor): boolean;
+ function FGetLastMoveHilighted: boolean;
+ procedure FSetLastMoveHilighted(bValue: boolean);
+ function FGetCoordinatesShown: boolean;
+ procedure FSetCoordinatesShown(bValue: boolean);
+ function GetStayOnTop: boolean;
+ procedure FSetStayOnTop(onTop: boolean);
+ procedure FSetAutoFlag(auto_flag: boolean);
+ procedure FFlashWindow;
+ function FGetAnimation: TAnimation;
+ procedure FSetAnimation(const Value: TAnimation);
+ function FGetViewGaming: boolean;
+ procedure FSetViewGaming(bValue: boolean);
+ // Localization
+ procedure ILocalizable.Localize = FLocalize;
+ procedure FLocalize;
+ procedure WMMoving(var Msg: TWMMoving); message WM_MOVING;
+ procedure WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_SIZING;
+ function FGetPositionColor: TFigureColor;
+ function FGetTrainingMode: boolean;
+ procedure FSetTrainingMode(bValue: boolean);
+ function FGetUseUserBase: boolean;
+ procedure FSetUseUserBase(bValue: boolean);
+ procedure FChessBoardHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
+ d2: pointer = nil);
+ procedure FDoHandler(e: TGameChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
+ d2: pointer = nil);
+ public
+ constructor Create(Owner: TComponent; AHandler: TGameChessBoardHandler = nil;
+ const strPosBaseName: string = ''); reintroduce;
+ procedure FCreateChessBoard(const strPosBaseName: string);
+ procedure FDestroyChessBoard;
+ procedure TakeBack; // взятие хода обратно
+ procedure SwitchClock(clock_color: TFigureColor);
+ procedure InitPosition;
+ procedure PPRandom;
+ procedure StopClock;
+ procedure ResetMoveList;
+ function SetPosition(const strPosition: string): boolean;
+ function GetPosition: string;
+ function NMoveDone: integer; // количество сделанных ходов
+ function DoMove(const strMove: string): boolean;
+ procedure Shut;
+ procedure WriteGameToBase(vGameResult: TGameResult);
+ procedure SetExternalBase(const strExtPosBaseName: string);
+ procedure UnsetExternalBase;
+ property Unlimited[color: TFigureColor]: boolean read FGetUnlimited write FSetUnlimited;
+ property Time[color: TFigureColor]: TDateTime read FGetTime write FSetTime;
+ property PlayerColor: TFigureColor read FGetPlayerColor write FSetPlayerColor;
+ property PositionColor: TFigureColor read FGetPositionColor; // Whos move it is in the current position
+ property ClockColor: TFigureColor read clock_color;
+ property Mode: TMode read FGetMode write FSetMode;
+ property CoordinatesShown: boolean read FGetCoordinatesShown write FSetCoordinatesShown;
+ property Flipped: boolean read FGetFlipped write FSetFlipped;
+ property LastMoveHilighted: boolean read FGetLastMoveHilighted write FSetLastMoveHilighted;
+ property FlashOnMove: boolean read m_bFlashOnMove write m_bFlashOnMove;
+ property StayOnTop: boolean read GetStayOnTop write FSetStayOnTop;
+ property AutoFlag: boolean read auto_flag write FSetAutoFlag;
+ property Animation: TAnimation read FGetAnimation write FSetAnimation;
+ property ViewGaming: boolean read FGetViewGaming write FSetViewGaming;
+ property pTrainingMode: boolean read FGetTrainingMode write FSetTrainingMode;
+ property pUseUserBase: boolean read FGetUseUserBase write FSetUseUserBase;
+ end;
+{$R *.dfm}
+ SysUtils, Types, Windows,
+ //
+ ChessClockUnit;
+ TIME_COLOR = clBlack;
+ ZEITNOT_COLOR = clMaroon;
+// CHEAT_TIME_CONST = 1.5; // > 1
+ WHITE_LONG_LABEL: WideString = 'White ';
+ WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL: WideString = 'White ';
+ WHITE_SHORT_LABEL: WideString = 'W ';
+ BLACK_LONG_LABEL: WideString = 'Black ';
+ BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL: WideString = 'Black ';
+ BLACK_SHORT_LABEL: WideString = 'B ';
+// TTimeLabelThread
+procedure TTimeLabelThread.Execute;
+ while ChessBoard.GameTimer.Enabled do
+ begin
+ if self.player_time[fcWhite] <> ChessBoard.player_time[fcWhite] then
+ ChessBoard.ShowTime(fcWhite);
+ if self.player_time[fcBlack] <> ChessBoard.player_time[fcBlack] then
+ ChessBoard.ShowTime(fcBlack);
+ Sleep(ChessBoard.GameTimer.Interval div 2);
+ end;
+ ChessBoard.TimeLabelThread := nil;
+constructor TTimeLabelThread.Create(ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard);
+ self.ChessBoard := ChessBoard;
+ self.player_time[fcWhite] := ChessBoard.player_time[fcWhite];
+ self.player_time[fcBlack] := ChessBoard.player_time[fcBlack];
+ inherited Create(TRUE);
+//Priority := tpNormal;
+ FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
+ Resume;
+// TGameChessBoard
+function TGameChessBoard.DoMove(const strMove: string): boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.DoMove(strMove);
+ if (Result) then
+ begin
+ if (m_bFlashOnMove and (Mode = mGame)) then
+ FFlashWindow;
+ end;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.ShowTime(const c: TFigureColor);
+ time_label: TLabel;
+ if c = fcWhite then time_label:= WhiteTimeLabel
+ else time_label:= BlackTimeLabel;
+ if unlimited_var[c] then
+ begin
+ time_label.Caption:= '';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (TChessClock.IsZeitnot(player_time[c])) then
+ time_label.Font.Color := ZEITNOT_COLOR
+ else
+ time_label.Font.Color := TIME_COLOR;
+ time_label.Caption := TChessClock.ConvertToStr(player_time[c]);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.ResetMoveList;
+ m_ChessBoard.ResetMoveList;
+function TGameChessBoard.SetPosition(const strPosition: string): boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.SetPosition(strPosition);
+ if (Result) then
+ clock_color := PositionColor;
+function TGameChessBoard.GetPosition: string;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.GetPosition;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ m_iTimePanelInitialWidth := TimePanel.Width;
+ m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft := WhitePanel.Left;
+ m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth := WhitePanel.Width;
+ m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft := BlackPanel.Left;
+ m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth := BlackPanel.Width;
+ m_TimeFont := TFont.Create;
+ m_TimeFont.Assign(WhiteTimeLabel.Font);
+ BlackFlagButton.Glyph := WhiteFlagButton.Glyph; // For size minimization
+ TLocalizer.Instance.AddSubscriber(self);
+ FLocalize;
+ // Clock initialization
+ FSetUnlimited(fcWhite, TRUE);
+ FSetUnlimited(fcBlack, TRUE);
+constructor TGameChessBoard.Create(Owner: TComponent;
+ AHandler: TGameChessBoardHandler = nil; const strPosBaseName: string = '');
+ FHandler := AHandler;
+ inherited Create(Owner);
+ FCreateChessBoard(strPosBaseName);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FCreateChessBoard(const strPosBaseName: string);
+ m_ChessBoard := TChessBoard.Create(self, FChessBoardHandler);
+ m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer := TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.Create(strPosBaseName);
+ m_ChessBoard.AddLayer(m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer);
+ with ChessBoardPanel do
+ SetBounds(Left, Top, m_ChessBoard.ClientWidth, m_ChessBoard.ClientHeight);
+ m_ChessBoard.BorderStyle := bsNone;
+ m_ChessBoard.Align := alClient;
+ m_ChessBoard.Parent := ChessBoardPanel;
+ m_ChessBoard.Visible := TRUE;
+ InitPosition;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FDestroyChessBoard;
+ m_ChessBoard.RemoveLayer(m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer); // m_ChessBoard is destroyed by its parent
+ FreeAndNil(m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
+ TLocalizer.Instance.DeleteSubscriber(self);
+ m_TimeFont.Free;
+ FDestroyChessBoard;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.InitPosition;
+ m_ChessBoard.InitPosition;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetMode(const Value: TMode);
+ m_ChessBoard.Mode := Value;
+ if (Value <> mGame) then
+ begin
+ WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
+ BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
+ end;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetMode: TMode;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.Mode;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetTime(color: TFigureColor; const tm: TDateTime);
+ if (not Unlimited[color]) then
+ begin
+ if ((not auto_flag) and (not ViewGaming)) then
+ begin
+ case color of
+ fcWhite:
+ WhiteFlagButton.Visible := ((PlayerColor = fcBlack) and (tm = 0.0));
+ fcBlack:
+ BlackFlagButton.Visible := ((PlayerColor = fcWhite) and (tm = 0.0));
+ end;
+ end;
+ player_time[color] := tm;
+ ShowTime(color);
+ end;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetTime(color: TFigureColor): TDateTime;
+ Result:= player_time[color];
+procedure TGameChessBoard.GameTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
+ if unlimited_var[clock_color] then
+ begin
+ GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // TODO: cheating check
+ player_time[clock_color] := player_time[clock_color] - (Now - past_time);
+ if player_time[clock_color] <= 0.0 then
+ begin
+ player_time[clock_color] := 0.0;
+ ShowTime(clock_color);
+ if ((not auto_flag) and (PlayerColor <> clock_color) and (not ViewGaming)) then
+ begin
+ case clock_color of
+ fcWhite:
+ WhiteFlagButton.Visible := TRUE;
+ fcBlack:
+ BlackFlagButton.Visible := TRUE;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ((PlayerColor <> clock_color) and (Mode = mGame) and (auto_flag)) then
+ FDoHandler(cbeTimeOut, self);
+ GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ end;
+ ShowTime(clock_color);
+ past_time:= Now;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor; const unl: boolean);
+ unlimited_var[color]:= unl;
+ ShowTime(color);
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetUnlimited(color: TFigureColor): boolean;
+ Result := unlimited_var[color];
+procedure TGameChessBoard.SwitchClock(clock_color: TFigureColor);
+ self.clock_color := clock_color;
+ if (not GameTimer.Enabled) then
+ begin
+ past_time := Now;
+ GameTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
+ end;
+ if (Mode = mGame) then
+ FDoHandler(cbeClockSwitched, self);
+ ShowTime(clock_color);
+ if (not Assigned(TimeLabelThread)) then
+ TimeLabelThread := TTimeLabelThread.Create(self);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetPlayerColor(const Value: TFigureColor);
+ m_ChessBoard.PlayerColor := Value;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetPlayerColor: TFigureColor;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.PlayerColor;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.StopClock;
+ GameTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
+ WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
+ BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth,
+ NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean);
+ iNewChessBoardWidth, iNewChessBoardHeight: integer;
+ Resize := (m_ResizingType <> rtNo);
+ if (not Resize) then
+ exit;
+ iNewChessBoardWidth := m_ChessBoard.Width + (NewWidth - self.Width);
+ iNewChessBoardHeight := m_ChessBoard.Height + (NewHeight - self.Height);
+ m_ChessBoard.FormCanResize(self, iNewChessBoardWidth, iNewChessBoardHeight, Resize);
+ if (Resize) then
+ begin
+ NewWidth := self.Width + (iNewChessBoardWidth - m_ChessBoard.Width);
+ NewHeight := self.Height + (iNewChessBoardHeight - m_ChessBoard.Height);
+ end;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
+ if (not shuted) then
+ begin
+ FDoHandler(cbeExit, self);
+ Action:= caNone;
+ end
+ else
+ shuted := FALSE;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.Shut;
+ shuted:= TRUE;
+ Close;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.PPRandom;
+ m_ChessBoard.PPRandom;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.TakeBack;
+ m_ChessBoard.TakeBack;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetLastMoveHilighted: boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetLastMoveHilighted(bValue: boolean);
+ m_ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted := bValue;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetCoordinatesShown(bValue: boolean);
+ m_ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown := bValue;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetCoordinatesShown: boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown;
+function TGameChessBoard.NMoveDone: integer;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.NMoveDone;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
+ Shift: TShiftState);
+ FDoHandler(cbeKeyPressed, Pointer(Key), self);
+function TGameChessBoard.GetStayOnTop: boolean;
+ Result := (self.FormStyle = fsStayOnTop);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetStayOnTop(onTop: boolean);
+ if (onTop) then
+ self.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop
+ else
+ self.FormStyle := fsNormal;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
+ FDoHandler(cbeActivate, self);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.WMMoving(var Msg: TWMMoving);
+ // TODO: it's possible to handle if form is outside of the screen
+ FDoHandler(cbeFormMoving, Pointer(Msg.DragRect.Left - Left), Pointer(Msg.DragRect.Top - Top));
+ inherited;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.WMSizing(var Msg: TMessage);
+ m_ChessBoard.Perform(Msg.Msg, Msg.WParam, Msg.LParam);
+ case Msg.WParam of
+ m_ResizingType := rtHoriz;
+ m_ResizingType := rtVert;
+ else
+ begin
+ m_ResizingType := rtNo;
+ PRect(Msg.LParam).Left := Left;
+ PRect(Msg.LParam).Top := Top;
+ end;
+ end; // case
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetPositionColor: TFigureColor;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.PositionColor;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FlagButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
+ if (Mode = mGame) then
+ FDoHandler(cbeTimeOut, self);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetAutoFlag(auto_flag: boolean);
+ self.auto_flag := auto_flag;
+ if (auto_flag) then
+ begin
+ WhiteFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
+ BlackFlagButton.Visible := FALSE;
+ end;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.TimePanelResize(Sender: TObject);
+ rRatio: real;
+ // Adjust panels on TimePanel
+ rRatio := TimePanel.Width / m_iTimePanelInitialWidth;
+ WhitePanel.Left := Round(rRatio * m_iWhitePanelInitialLeft);
+ WhitePanel.Width := m_iWhitePanelInitialWidth;
+ BlackPanel.Left := Round(rRatio * m_iBlackPanelInitialLeft);
+ BlackPanel.Width := m_iBlackPanelInitialWidth;
+ WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Assign(m_TimeFont);
+ BlackTimeLabel.Font.Assign(m_TimeFont);
+ if (WhitePanel.Left + WhitePanel.Width < BlackPanel.Left) then
+ begin
+ WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_LONG_LABEL;
+ BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_LONG_LABEL;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ WhitePanel.Left := 4;
+ WhitePanel.Width := TimePanel.Width div 2;
+ BlackPanel.Left := TimePanel.Width div 2;
+ BlackPanel.Width := TimePanel.Width div 2 - 4;
+ WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL;
+ BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL;
+ end;
+ // Adjust color labels
+ if ((WhiteTimeLabel.Left + WhiteTimeLabel.Width > WhitePanel.Width) or
+ (BlackTimeLabel.Left + BlackTimeLabel.Width > BlackPanel.Width)) then
+ begin
+ WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL;
+ BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL;
+ if ((WhiteTimeLabel.Left + WhiteTimeLabel.Width <= WhitePanel.Width) and
+ (BlackTimeLabel.Left + BlackTimeLabel.Width <= BlackPanel.Width)) then
+ exit; // TODO: a KLUDGE - make it nice!
+ WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Size := WhiteTimeLabel.Font.Size - 4;
+ BlackTimeLabel.Font.Size := BlackTimeLabel.Font.Size - 4;
+ WhiteLabel.Caption := WHITE_SHORT_LABEL;
+ BlackLabel.Caption := BLACK_SHORT_LABEL;
+ end;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FFlashWindow;
+ flushWindowInfo: TFlashWInfo;
+ // Flash with taskbar
+ flushWindowInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(flushWindowInfo);
+ flushWindowInfo.hwnd := Application.Handle;
+ flushWindowInfo.dwflags := FLASHW_TRAY; // FLASHW_ALL; //FLASHW_TRAY;
+ flushWindowInfo.ucount := 3; // Flash times
+ flushWindowInfo.dwtimeout := 0; // speed in msec, 0 - frequency of cursor flashing
+ FlashWindowEx(flushWindowInfo);
+ if (self.Focused) then
+ exit;
+ // Flash window
+ flushWindowInfo.hwnd := self.Handle; // handle of the flashing window
+ flushWindowInfo.dwflags := FLASHW_CAPTION; // FLASHW_TRAY; // FLASHW_ALL; //FLASHW_TRAY;
+ FlashWindowEx(flushWindowInfo);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FLocalize;
+ with TLocalizer.Instance do
+ begin
+ WHITE_LONG_LABEL := GetLabel(13);
+ WHITE_MEDIUM_LABEL := GetLabel(14);
+ WHITE_SHORT_LABEL := GetLabel(15);
+ BLACK_LONG_LABEL := GetLabel(16);
+ BLACK_MEDIUM_LABEL := GetLabel(17);
+ BLACK_SHORT_LABEL := GetLabel(18);
+ end;
+ TimePanelResize(nil);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.WriteGameToBase(vGameResult: TGameResult);
+ m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.WriteGameToBase(vGameResult);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.SetExternalBase(const strExtPosBaseName: string);
+ m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.SetExternalBase(strExtPosBaseName);
+procedure TGameChessBoard.UnsetExternalBase;
+ m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.UnsetExternalBase;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetTrainingMode: boolean;
+ Result := m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.TrainingMode;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetTrainingMode(bValue: boolean);
+ m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.TrainingMode := bValue;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetUseUserBase: boolean;
+ Result := m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.UseUserBase;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetUseUserBase(bValue: boolean);
+ m_PosBaseChessBoardLayer.UseUserBase := bValue;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetFlipped: boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.Flipped;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetFlipped(bValue: boolean);
+ m_ChessBoard.Flipped := bValue;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetAnimation: TAnimation;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.Animation;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetAnimation(const Value: TAnimation);
+ m_ChessBoard.Animation := Value;
+function TGameChessBoard.FGetViewGaming: boolean;
+ Result := m_ChessBoard.ViewGaming;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FSetViewGaming(bValue: boolean);
+ m_ChessBoard.ViewGaming := bValue;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FChessBoardHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
+ d2: pointer = nil);
+ case e of
+ ChessBoardUnit.cbeMate:
+ FDoHandler(cbeMate, self);
+ ChessBoardUnit.cbeStaleMate:
+ FDoHandler(cbeStaleMate, self);
+ ChessBoardUnit.cbeMoved:
+ begin
+ if ((Mode = mGame) and (PositionColor <> PlayerColor)) then
+ FDoHandler(cbeMoved, d1, self);
+ SwitchClock(PositionColor);
+ end;
+ ChessBoardUnit.cbeMenu:
+ FDoHandler(cbeMenu, self);
+ end;
+procedure TGameChessBoard.FDoHandler(e: TGameChessBoardEvent; d1: pointer = nil;
+ d2: pointer = nil);
+ if (Assigned(FHandler)) then
+ FHandler(e, d1, d2);
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.dfm b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.dfm
index d1a5804a6f..6c529ecf8c 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.dfm
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.dfm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
BorderStyle = bsDialog
Caption = 'Game Options'
ClientHeight = 503
- ClientWidth = 387
+ ClientWidth = 412
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object OkButton: TTntButton
- Left = 304
+ Left = 328
Top = 16
Width = 75
Height = 25
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
TabOrder = 3
object CancelButton: TTntButton
- Left = 304
+ Left = 328
Top = 48
Width = 75
Height = 25
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object TimeControlGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
Left = 8
Top = 8
- Width = 281
+ Width = 305
Height = 265
Caption = 'Time Control'
TabOrder = 0
@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object YouGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
Left = 32
Top = 48
- Width = 225
+ Width = 249
Height = 97
Caption = 'Your time'
TabOrder = 1
DesignSize = (
- 225
+ 249
object YouMinLabel: TTntLabel
Left = 16
Top = 42
- Width = 129
+ Width = 145
Height = 14
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Minutes per game:'
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object YouIncLabel: TTntLabel
Left = 16
Top = 66
- Width = 129
+ Width = 145
Height = 14
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Increment in seconds:'
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object YouUnlimitedCheckBox: TTntCheckBox
Left = 16
Top = 16
- Width = 193
+ Width = 217
Height = 17
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Unlimited'
@@ -136,17 +136,17 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object OpponentGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
Left = 32
Top = 152
- Width = 225
+ Width = 249
Height = 97
Caption = 'Opponent'#39's time'
TabOrder = 2
DesignSize = (
- 225
+ 249
object OpponentMinLabel: TTntLabel
Left = 16
Top = 42
- Width = 129
+ Width = 145
Height = 13
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Minutes per game:'
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object OpponentIncLabel: TTntLabel
Left = 16
Top = 66
- Width = 129
+ Width = 145
Height = 13
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Increment in seconds:'
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object OpponentUnlimitedCheckBox: TTntCheckBox
Left = 16
Top = 16
- Width = 193
+ Width = 217
Height = 17
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Unlimited'
@@ -215,18 +215,18 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 8
Top = 390
- Width = 281
+ Width = 305
Height = 105
BevelInner = bvRaised
BevelOuter = bvLowered
TabOrder = 2
DesignSize = (
- 281
+ 305
object AutoFlagCheckBox: TTntCheckBox
Left = 8
Top = 80
- Width = 265
+ Width = 289
Height = 17
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Auto Flag'
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object TakeBackCheckBox: TTntCheckBox
Left = 8
Top = 56
- Width = 265
+ Width = 289
Height = 17
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Allow takebacks to your partner'
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object GamePauseCheckBox: TTntCheckBox
Left = 8
Top = 8
- Width = 265
+ Width = 289
Height = 17
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Game can be paused'
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object GameAdjournCheckBox: TTntCheckBox
Left = 8
Top = 32
- Width = 265
+ Width = 289
Height = 17
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Game can be adjourned'
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object TrainingModeGroupBox: TTntGroupBox
Left = 8
Top = 280
- Width = 281
+ Width = 305
Height = 97
Caption = 'Training Mode'
TabOrder = 1
DesignSize = (
- 281
+ 305
object ExtBaseLabel: TTntLabel
Left = 16
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object ExtBaseComboBox: TTntComboBox
Left = 104
Top = 36
- Width = 145
+ Width = 169
Height = 21
Enabled = False
ItemHeight = 13
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ object GameOptionsForm: TGameOptionsForm
object UsrBaseCheckBox: TTntCheckBox
Left = 40
Top = 64
- Width = 233
+ Width = 257
Height = 17
Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Use user base'
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.pas
index 23f2b5db07..0c8fd6cdeb 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/GameOptionsUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit GameOptionsUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, TntStdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls,
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/GlobalsUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/GlobalsUnit.pas
index 435cde0831..2cd0619882 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/GlobalsUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/GlobalsUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,23 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit GlobalsUnit;
+ GAME_LOG_FILE = 'Chess4Net_GAMELOG.txt';
+ INITIAL_CLOCK_TIME = '5 0 5 0'; // 5:00 5:00
+ Chess4NetPath: string;
+ Chess4NetIniFilePath: string;
+ Chess4NetGamesLogPath: string;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.dfm b/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.dfm
index c3e62247cc..a153dac36b 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.dfm
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.dfm
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object InfoForm: TInfoForm
Height = 13
Alignment = taCenter
AutoSize = False
- Caption = #169' 2007-2010 no rights reserved'
+ Caption = #169' 2007-2011 no rights reserved'
object Label4: TLabel
Left = 38
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.pas
index 66dfdc222d..f4b349a71d 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/InfoUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit InfoUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, ShellAPI;
@@ -64,7 +70,7 @@ end;
procedure TInfoForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- PlayingViaLabel.Caption := PLUGIN_PLAYING_VIA;
+ PlayingViaLabel.Caption := PLUGIN_PLAYING_OVER;
PluginNameLabel.Caption := PLUGIN_INFO_NAME;
URLLabel.Caption := PLUGIN_URL;
EMailLabel.Caption := PLUGIN_EMAIL;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/IniSettingsUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/IniSettingsUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..468035404e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/IniSettingsUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
+unit IniSettingsUnit;
+ TntIniFiles,
+ //
+ ChessBoardUnit, ChessRulesEngine;
+ TIniSettingsID = (isidLastMoveHilighted, isidFlashOnMove, isidCoordinatesShown,
+ isidStayOnTop, isidExtraExit, isidActiveLanguage, isidDontShowLastVersion,
+ isidDontShowCredits, isidClock, isidTrainingMode, isidCanPauseGame,
+ isidCanAdjournGame, isidExternalBaseName, isidUseUserBase, isidAllowTakebacks,
+ isidAutoFlag, isidAdjourned);
+ TIniSettings = class
+ private
+ m_IniFile: TTntIniFile;
+ m_strOpponentId: string;
+ constructor FCreate;
+ function FGetIniFileName: string;
+ function FGetBooleanValue(ID: TIniSettingsID): boolean;
+ procedure FSetBooleanValue(ID: TIniSettingsID; bValue: boolean);
+ function FGetIntegerValue(ID: TIniSettingsID): integer;
+ procedure FSetIntegerValue(ID: TIniSettingsID; iValue: integer);
+ function FGetStringValue(ID: TIniSettingsID): string;
+ procedure FSetStringValue(ID: TIniSettingsID; const strValue: string);
+ function FGetAnimation: TAnimation;
+ procedure FSetAnimation(Value: TAnimation);
+ function FGetCommonSectionName: string;
+ function FGetPlayerColor: TFigureColor;
+ procedure FSetPlayerColor(Value: TFigureColor);
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ class function Instance: TIniSettings;
+ class procedure FreeInstance; reintroduce;
+ procedure SetOpponentId(const strValue: string);
+ function HasCommonSettings: boolean;
+ // private settings
+ property Animation: TAnimation
+ read FGetAnimation write FSetAnimation;
+ property LastMoveHilighted: boolean index isidLastMoveHilighted
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property FlashOnMove: boolean index isidFlashOnMove
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property CoordinatesShown: boolean index isidCoordinatesShown
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property StayOnTop: boolean index isidStayOnTop
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property ExtraExit: boolean index isidExtraExit
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property ActiveLanguage: integer index isidActiveLanguage
+ read FGetIntegerValue write FSetIntegerValue;
+ property DontShowLastVersion: integer index isidDontShowLastVersion
+ read FGetIntegerValue write FSetIntegerValue;
+ property DontShowCredits: boolean index isidDontShowCredits
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ // common settings
+ property PlayerColor: TFigureColor
+ read FGetPlayerColor write FSetPlayerColor;
+ property Clock: string index isidClock
+ read FGetStringValue write FSetStringValue;
+ property TrainingMode: boolean index isidTrainingMode
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property CanPauseGame: boolean index isidCanPauseGame
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property CanAdjournGame: boolean index isidCanAdjournGame
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property ExternalBaseName: string index isidExternalBaseName
+ read FGetStringValue write FSetStringValue;
+ property UseUserBase: boolean index isidUseUserBase
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property AllowTakebacks: boolean index isidAllowTakebacks
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property AutoFlag: boolean index isidAutoFlag
+ read FGetBooleanValue write FSetBooleanValue;
+ property Adjourned: string index isidAdjourned
+ read FGetStringValue write FSetStringValue;
+ end;
+ SysUtils,
+ //
+ GlobalsUnit, GlobalsLocalUnit;
+ INI_FILE_NAME = 'Chess4Net.ini';
+ ANIMATION_KEY_NAME = 'Animation';
+ FLASH_ON_MOVE_NAME = 'FlashOnMove';
+ SHOW_COORDINATES_KEY_NAME = 'ShowCoordinates';
+ EXTRA_EXIT_KEY_NAME = 'ExtraExit';
+ ALLOW_TAKEBACKS_KEY_NAME = 'AllowTakebacks';
+ AUTO_FLAG_KEY_NAME = 'AutoFlag';
+ TRAINING_MODE_KEY_NAME = 'TrainingMode';
+ PLAYER_COLOR_KEY_NAME = 'PlayerColor';
+ CLOCK_KEY_NAME = 'Clock';
+ ADJOURNED_KEY_NAME = 'Adjourned';
+ LANGUAGE_KEY_NAME = 'Language';
+ DONT_SHOW_CREDITS = 'DontShowCredits';
+ DONT_SHOW_LAST_VERSION = 'DontShowLastVersion';
+ g_Instance: TIniSettings = nil;
+// TIniSettings
+constructor TIniSettings.FCreate;
+ inherited Create;
+ m_IniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(FGetIniFileName);
+destructor TIniSettings.Destroy;
+ m_IniFile.Free;
+ inherited;
+class function TIniSettings.Instance: TIniSettings;
+ if (not Assigned(g_Instance)) then
+ g_Instance := TIniSettings.FCreate;
+ Result := g_Instance;
+class procedure TIniSettings.FreeInstance;
+ FreeAndNil(g_Instance);
+function TIniSettings.FGetIniFileName: string;
+ Result := Chess4NetIniFilePath + INI_FILE_NAME;
+function TIniSettings.FGetAnimation: TAnimation;
+ Result := TAnimation(m_IniFile.ReadInteger(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, ANIMATION_KEY_NAME, Ord(aQuick)))
+procedure TIniSettings.FSetAnimation(Value: TAnimation);
+function TIniSettings.FGetBooleanValue(ID: TIniSettingsID): boolean;
+ case ID of
+ isidLastMoveHilighted:
+ isidFlashOnMove:
+ isidCoordinatesShown:
+ isidStayOnTop:
+ isidExtraExit:
+ isidDontShowCredits:
+ isidTrainingMode:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadBool(FGetCommonSectionName, TRAINING_MODE_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
+ isidCanPauseGame:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadBool(FGetCommonSectionName, CAN_PAUSE_GAME_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
+ isidCanAdjournGame:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadBool(FGetCommonSectionName, CAN_ADJOURN_GAME_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
+ isidUseUserBase:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadBool(FGetCommonSectionName, USE_USER_BASE_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
+ isidAllowTakebacks:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadBool(FGetCommonSectionName, ALLOW_TAKEBACKS_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
+ isidAutoFlag:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadBool(FGetCommonSectionName, AUTO_FLAG_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
+ else
+ Result := FALSE;
+ Assert(FALSE);
+ end;
+procedure TIniSettings.FSetBooleanValue(ID: TIniSettingsID; bValue: boolean);
+ case ID of
+ isidLastMoveHilighted:
+ isidFlashOnMove:
+ isidCoordinatesShown:
+ isidStayOnTop:
+ isidExtraExit:
+ isidDontShowCredits:
+ isidTrainingMode:
+ m_IniFile.WriteBool(FGetCommonSectionName, TRAINING_MODE_KEY_NAME, bValue);
+ isidCanPauseGame:
+ m_IniFile.WriteBool(FGetCommonSectionName, CAN_PAUSE_GAME_KEY_NAME, bValue);
+ isidCanAdjournGame:
+ m_IniFile.WriteBool(FGetCommonSectionName, CAN_ADJOURN_GAME_KEY_NAME, bValue);
+ isidUseUserBase:
+ m_IniFile.WriteBool(FGetCommonSectionName, USE_USER_BASE_KEY_NAME, bValue);
+ isidAllowTakebacks:
+ m_IniFile.WriteBool(FGetCommonSectionName, ALLOW_TAKEBACKS_KEY_NAME, bValue);
+ isidAutoFlag:
+ m_IniFile.WriteBool(FGetCommonSectionName, AUTO_FLAG_KEY_NAME, bValue);
+ else
+ Assert(FALSE);
+ end;
+function TIniSettings.FGetIntegerValue(ID: TIniSettingsID): integer;
+ case ID of
+ isidActiveLanguage:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadInteger(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, LANGUAGE_KEY_NAME, 1) - 1;
+ isidDontShowLastVersion:
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+ Assert(FALSE);
+ end;
+procedure TIniSettings.FSetIntegerValue(ID: TIniSettingsID; iValue: integer);
+ case ID of
+ isidActiveLanguage:
+ m_IniFile.WriteInteger(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, LANGUAGE_KEY_NAME, iValue + 1);
+ isidDontShowLastVersion:
+ else
+ Assert(FALSE);
+ end;
+function TIniSettings.FGetStringValue(ID: TIniSettingsID): string;
+ case ID of
+ isidClock:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadString(FGetCommonSectionName, CLOCK_KEY_NAME, INITIAL_CLOCK_TIME);
+ isidExternalBaseName:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadString(FGetCommonSectionName, EXTERNAL_BASE_NAME_KEY_NAME, '');
+ isidAdjourned:
+ Result := m_IniFile.ReadString(FGetCommonSectionName, ADJOURNED_KEY_NAME, '');
+ else
+ Result := '';
+ Assert(FALSE);
+ end;
+procedure TIniSettings.FSetStringValue(ID: TIniSettingsID; const strValue: string);
+ case ID of
+ isidClock:
+ m_IniFile.WriteString(FGetCommonSectionName, CLOCK_KEY_NAME, strValue);
+ isidExternalBaseName:
+ m_IniFile.WriteString(FGetCommonSectionName, EXTERNAL_BASE_NAME_KEY_NAME, strValue);
+ isidAdjourned:
+ begin
+ m_IniFile.WriteString(FGetCommonSectionName, ADJOURNED_KEY_NAME, strValue);
+ m_IniFile.UpdateFile;
+ end;
+ else
+ Assert(FALSE);
+ end;
+procedure TIniSettings.SetOpponentId(const strValue: string);
+ m_strOpponentId := strValue;
+function TIniSettings.HasCommonSettings: boolean;
+ Result := m_IniFile.SectionExists(FGetCommonSectionName);
+function TIniSettings.FGetCommonSectionName: string;
+ Result := COMMON_SECTION_PREFIX + ' ' + m_strOpponentId;
+function TIniSettings.FGetPlayerColor: TFigureColor;
+ Result := TFigureColor(m_IniFile.ReadInteger(
+ FGetCommonSectionName, PLAYER_COLOR_KEY_NAME, Ord(fcBlack)))
+procedure TIniSettings.FSetPlayerColor(Value: TFigureColor);
+ m_IniFile.WriteInteger(FGetCommonSectionName, PLAYER_COLOR_KEY_NAME, Ord(Value));
+ TIniSettings.FreeInstance;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/Lang.ini b/plugins/Chess4Net/Lang.ini
index 8131f9dea4..6aa5de5595 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/Lang.ini
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/Lang.ini
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas
index 71f63367a7..bd4644bbc3 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/LocalizerUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit LocalizerUnit;
@@ -47,13 +53,14 @@ implementation
StrUtils, Forms, TntIniFiles,
- GlobalsLocalUnit;
+ //
+ GlobalsUnit;
// Labels are used to name interface controls s.a. TLabel and the like
- DEFAULT_LABELS: array[0..67] of WideString =
+ DEFAULT_LABELS: array[0..69] of WideString =
('Look & Feel Options', {0}
'Animate Move:',
@@ -121,7 +128,9 @@ const
'If you liked plying Chess4Net give your credits at',
'Don''t show again',
- 'Transmit Game'
+ 'Transmit Game',
+ 'Select Skype contact',
+ 'Broadcast...'
// Messages are used in message boxes
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/LookFeelOptionsUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/LookFeelOptionsUnit.pas
index 138ab498ae..7fe03b2a70 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/LookFeelOptionsUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/LookFeelOptionsUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit LookFeelOptionsUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,
ModalForm, TntStdCtrls,
// Chess4Net units
@@ -47,10 +53,6 @@ procedure TLookFeelOptionsForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
- StayOnTopBox.Enabled := FALSE; // TODO: this was done to prevent non-modal dialogs be overlapped by ChessForm. Resolve later
// Fill GUI Languages combo box
with TLocalizer.Instance do
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.cfg.bak b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.cfg.bak
deleted file mode 100644
index c2321660ff..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.cfg.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
--LE"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"
--LN"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl"
--U"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Lib\Debug;.\MirandaINC;..\lib\FastMM4;..\lib\PNGImage;..\lib\TntUnicodeControls\Source"
--O"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Lib\Debug;.\MirandaINC;..\lib\FastMM4;..\lib\PNGImage;..\lib\TntUnicodeControls\Source"
--I"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Lib\Debug;.\MirandaINC;..\lib\FastMM4;..\lib\PNGImage;..\lib\TntUnicodeControls\Source"
--R"c:\program files\borland\delphi7\Lib\Debug;.\MirandaINC;..\lib\FastMM4;..\lib\PNGImage;..\lib\TntUnicodeControls\Source"
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dof b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dof
index b7ba2c3184..5b7c6eacea 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dof
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dof
@@ -94,17 +94,21 @@ OutputDir=..\bin
-HostApplication=C:\Documents and Settings\Pavel\Мои документы\Programming\Chess4Net\Testing\Client1\TestingHost.exe
[Version Info]
@@ -131,42 +135,36 @@ ProductName=
-Item1=C:\Documents and Settings\Pavel\Мои документы\Programming\Chess4Net\Testing\Client1\Plugins
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dpr b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dpr
index 0779b4eb35..bc07ffc32c 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dpr
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/Chess4Net_MI.dpr
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
library Chess4Net_MI;
plugin library for Miranda
@@ -19,6 +25,8 @@ uses
BitmapResUnit in '..\BitmapResUnit.pas',
ChessBoardHeaderUnit in '..\ChessBoardHeaderUnit.pas',
ChessBoardUnit in '..\ChessBoardUnit.pas' {ChessBoard},
+ PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit in '..\PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit.pas',
+ GameChessBoardUnit in '..\GameChessBoardUnit.pas' {GameChessBoard},
ConnectingUnit in '..\ConnectingUnit.pas' {ConnectingForm},
ConnectorUnit in 'ConnectorUnit.pas',
ContinueUnit in '..\ContinueUnit.pas' {ContinueForm},
@@ -34,12 +42,16 @@ uses
MessageDialogUnit in '..\MessageDialogUnit.pas',
ModalForm in '..\ModalForm.pas',
PluginCommonUnit in 'PluginCommonUnit.pas',
- PosBaseChessBoardUnit in '..\PosBaseChessBoardUnit.pas',
PosBaseUnit in '..\PosBaseUnit.pas',
PromotionUnit in '..\PromotionUnit.pas' {PromotionForm},
ChessRulesEngine in '..\ChessRulesEngine.pas',
ManagerUnit.MI in 'ManagerUnit.MI.pas',
- TransmitGameSelectionUnit in 'TransmitGameSelectionUnit.pas' {TransmitGameSelectionForm};
+ TransmitGameSelectionUnit in 'TransmitGameSelectionUnit.pas' {TransmitGameSelectionForm},
+ ChessClockUnit in '..\ChessClockUnit.pas',
+ URLVersionQueryUnit in '..\URLVersionQueryUnit.pas',
+ DontShowMessageDlgUnit in '..\DontShowMessageDlgUnit.pas',
+ IniSettingsUnit in '..\IniSettingsUnit.pas',
+ NonRefInterfacedObjectUnit in '..\NonRefInterfacedObjectUnit.pas';
{$R ..\Chess4Net.res}
@@ -50,11 +62,11 @@ begin
with _PluginInfo^ do
shortName := 'Chess4Net';
- version := MakeMirandaPluginVersion(201,0,0,1); // 2010.0
- description := PLUGIN_PLAYING_VIA;
+ version := MakeMirandaPluginVersion(201,1,0,1); // 2010.0
+ description := PLUGIN_PLAYING_OVER;
author := 'Pavel Perminov';
authorEmail := '';
- copyright := '(c) 2007-2010 No Copyrights';
+ copyright := '(c) 2007-2011 No Copyrights';
homepage := '';
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas
index 5a50610324..525ebb3b22 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ConnectorUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ConnectorUnit;
@@ -28,6 +34,7 @@ type
_msg_sending, _unformated_msg_sending: string;
_cntrMsgIn: integer; // счётчик входящих сообщений
_cntrMsgOut: integer; // счётчик исходящих сообщений
+ m_iLastCntrMsgOutInFormatting: integer;
_msg_buf: string; // буфер сообщений
// системное сообщение
_systemDataList: TStringList;
@@ -53,6 +60,7 @@ type
procedure FNotifySender;
procedure FSendSystemData(sd: string);
function FDeformatMsg(var msg: string; out lstId, msgCntr: integer): boolean;
+ // Formatting of outgoing messages
function FFormatMsg(const msg: string): string;
function FGetOwnerID: integer;
function FGetMultiSession: boolean;
@@ -172,6 +180,83 @@ begin
+function NotifySender(wParam: WPARAM; lParam_: LPARAM): int; cdecl;
+ MSG_TRYS: integer = 1;
+ connector: TConnector;
+ hContact: THandle;
+ Result := 0;
+ hContact := PACKDATA(lParam_).hContact;
+ if (PACKDATA(lParam_).type_ <> ACKTYPE_MESSAGE) then
+ exit;
+ case PACKDATA(lParam_)^.result_ of
+ begin
+ MSG_TRYS := 1;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
+ while Assigned(connector) do
+ begin
+ if (connector._msg_sending <> '') then
+ connector.FNotifySender;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ inc(MSG_TRYS);
+ if (MSG_TRYS <= MAX_MSG_TRYS) then
+ begin
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
+ while (Assigned(connector)) do
+ begin
+ if connector._msg_sending <> '' then
+ with connector do
+ begin
+ _msg_buf := _unformated_msg_sending + _msg_buf;
+ _sendTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
+ end;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end; // while
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
+ while (Assigned(connector)) do
+ begin
+ if (connector._msg_sending <> '') then
+ begin
+ connector.FPluginConnectorHandler(ceError);
+ end;
+ connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
+ end;
+ end; // if (MSG_TRYS <= MAX_MSG_TRYS)
+ end; // case PACKDATA
+procedure TConnector.FNotifySender;
+ WriteToLog('<< ' + _msg_sending);
+ if (Connected and (_msg_sending <> MSG_INVITATION)) then
+ begin
+ _unformated_msg_sending := '';
+ inc(_cntrMsgOut);
+ if (_cntrMsgOut > m_iLastCntrMsgOutInFormatting) then
+ _cntrMsgOut := m_iLastCntrMsgOutInFormatting + 1;
+ end;
+ _msg_sending := '';
// деформатирование входящих сообщений. TRUE - если декодирование удалось
function TConnector.FDeformatMsg(var msg: string; out lstId, msgCntr: integer): boolean;
@@ -310,30 +395,23 @@ begin { TConnector.FFilterMsg }
else // Connected
- if (_msg_sending <> '') then
- begin
- _msg_sending := '';
- _unformated_msg_sending := '';
- inc(_cntrMsgOut);
- end;
if (FDeformatMsg(msg, lstId, cntrMsg) and ((not g_bMultisession) or (lstId = _lstId))) then
Result := TRUE;
- if cntrMsg > _cntrMsgIn then
+ if (cntrMsg > _cntrMsgIn) then
+ begin
+ inc(_cntrMsgIn);
+ if (cntrMsg > _cntrMsgIn) then
- inc(_cntrMsgIn);
- if (cntrMsg > _cntrMsgIn) then
- begin
- FPluginConnectorHandler(ceError); // пакет исчез
- exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- exit; // пропуск пакетов с более низкими номерами
+ FPluginConnectorHandler(ceError); // пакет исчез
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if (cntrMsg < _cntrMsgIn) then
+ exit; // skipping packets with lower numbers
+ // if (cntrMsg = _cntrMsgIn) there's no garantee that packets are synchronized, but let's hope it's so.
@@ -343,21 +421,6 @@ begin { TConnector.FFilterMsg }
-procedure TConnector.FNotifySender;
- WriteToLog('<< ' + _msg_sending);
- if (Connected and (_msg_sending <> MSG_INVITATION)) then
- begin
- _unformated_msg_sending := '';
- inc(_cntrMsgOut);
- end;
- _msg_sending := '';
-// форматирование исходящих сообщений
function TConnector.FFormatMsg(const msg: string): string;
contactLstIdStr: string;
@@ -367,6 +430,7 @@ begin
else // -1
contactLstIdStr := '';
Result := PROMPT_HEAD + contactLstIdStr + PROMPT_SEPARATOR + IntToStr(_cntrMsgOut) + PROMPT_TAIL + msg;
+ m_iLastCntrMsgOutInFormatting := _cntrMsgOut;
@@ -473,67 +537,6 @@ begin
-function NotifySender(wParam: WPARAM; lParam_: LPARAM): int; cdecl;
- MSG_TRYS: integer = 1;
- connector: TConnector;
- hContact: THandle;
- Result := 0;
- hContact := PACKDATA(lParam_).hContact;
- if (PACKDATA(lParam_).type_ <> ACKTYPE_MESSAGE) then
- exit;
- case PACKDATA(lParam_)^.result_ of
- begin
- MSG_TRYS := 1;
- connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
- while Assigned(connector) do
- begin
- if (connector._msg_sending <> '') then
- connector.FNotifySender;
- connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- inc(MSG_TRYS);
- if (MSG_TRYS <= MAX_MSG_TRYS) then
- begin
- connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
- while (Assigned(connector)) do
- begin
- if connector._msg_sending <> '' then
- with connector do
- begin
- _msg_buf := _unformated_msg_sending + _msg_buf;
- _sendTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
- end;
- connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
- end; // while
- end
- else
- begin
- connector := g_connectorList.GetFirstConnector(hContact);
- while (Assigned(connector)) do
- begin
- if (connector._msg_sending <> '') then
- begin
- connector.FPluginConnectorHandler(ceError);
- end;
- connector := g_connectorList.GetNextConnector;
- end;
- end; // if (MSG_TRYS <= MAX_MSG_TRYS)
- end; // case PACKDATA
constructor TConnector.Create(hContact: THandle);
ID_COUNTER: Longword = 0;
@@ -783,6 +786,15 @@ begin
+procedure TConnector.FSendSystemData(sd: string);
+ if ((sd <> MSG_INVITATION) and (sd <> CMD_CLOSE)) then
+ sd := sd + DATA_SEPARATOR;
+ _systemDataList.Add(sd);
+ _sendSystemTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
procedure TConnector.FsendSystemTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
if _systemDataList.Count = 0 then
@@ -798,15 +810,6 @@ begin
-procedure TConnector.FSendSystemData(sd: string);
- if ((sd <> MSG_INVITATION) and (sd <> CMD_CLOSE)) then
- sd := sd + DATA_SEPARATOR;
- _systemDataList.Add(sd);
- _sendSystemTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
function TConnector.FGetOwnerID: integer;
Result := OWNER_ID;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ControlUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ControlUnit.pas
index f9f8694e86..5a2743ca3c 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ControlUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ControlUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ControlUnit;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/GlobalsLocalUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/GlobalsLocalUnit.pas
index 3e1c6018ff..30eef7a2a8 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/GlobalsLocalUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/GlobalsLocalUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit GlobalsLocalUnit;
// Модуль для глобальных переменных и констант версии для Миранды
@@ -9,21 +15,20 @@ uses
CHESS4NET = 'Chess4Net';
- CHESS4NET_VERSION = 201000; // 2010.0
- CHESS4NET_TITLE = 'Chess4Net 2010.0 (';
+ CHESS4NET_VERSION = 201100; // 2011.0
+ CHESS4NET_TITLE = 'Chess4Net 2011.0 (';
MSG_INVITATION = 'Wellcome to Chess4Net. If you don''t have it, please download it from';
- PLUGIN_PLAYING_VIA = 'Plugin for playing chess via Miranda';
- PLUGIN_INFO_NAME = 'Chess4Net 2010.0.1';
+ PLUGIN_PLAYING_OVER = 'Plugin for playing chess over Miranda';
+ PLUGIN_INFO_NAME = 'Chess4Net 2011.0.0';
- Chess4NetPath: string;
Chess4NetIcon, pluginIcon: TIcon;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ManagerUnit.MI.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ManagerUnit.MI.pas
index a27ff73463..c50aa58e4d 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ManagerUnit.MI.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/ManagerUnit.MI.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ManagerUnit.MI;
@@ -5,16 +11,9 @@ interface
- ControlUnit, ManagerUnit, ConnectorUnit, ModalForm;
+ ControlUnit, ManagerUnit, ConnectorUnit, ModalForm, NonRefInterfacedObjectUnit;
- TNonRefInterfacedObject = class(TObject, IInterface)
- protected
- function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
- function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
- function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
- end;
TManagerMIFactory = class(TNonRefInterfacedObject, IMirandaPlugin)
m_Connector: TConnector;
@@ -46,7 +45,8 @@ implementation
Types, StrUtils, Classes, Dialogs, Controls,
- LocalizerUnit, TransmitGameSelectionUnit, GlobalsLocalUnit, ChessBoardUnit;
+ LocalizerUnit, TransmitGameSelectionUnit, GlobalsLocalUnit, ChessBoardUnit,
+ GameChessBoardUnit;
TManagerMI = class(TManager, IMirandaPlugin) // abstract
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ type
m_GamingManager: TGamingManagerMI;
m_bReady: boolean; // ready for transmition
+ property Ready: boolean read m_bReady;
procedure Start;
procedure ROnCreate; override;
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ end;
procedure TGamingManagerMI.FSetGameContextToTransmitter(ATransmitter: TTransmittingManagerMI);
- if (not (Assigned(ATransmitter) and ATransmitter.m_bReady)) then
+ if (not (Assigned(ATransmitter) and ATransmitter.Ready)) then
ATransmitter.RSendData(CMD_NICK_ID + ' ' + PlayerNickId + ' ' + OpponentNickId + ' ' + OpponentNick);
@@ -294,12 +295,10 @@ begin
- inherited ConnectorHandler(e, d1, d2);
- else
- inherited ConnectorHandler(e, d1, d2);
end; // case
+ inherited ConnectorHandler(e, d1, d2);
@@ -347,7 +346,7 @@ begin
for i := 0 to m_lstTransmittingManagers.Count - 1 do
ATransmitter := m_lstTransmittingManagers[i];
- if (Assigned(ATransmitter) and (ATransmitter.m_bReady)) then
+ if (Assigned(ATransmitter) and (ATransmitter.Ready)) then
@@ -646,29 +645,6 @@ begin
-// TNonRefInterfacedObject
-function TNonRefInterfacedObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
- if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
-function TNonRefInterfacedObject._AddRef: Integer;
- Result := -1;
-function TNonRefInterfacedObject._Release: Integer;
- Result := -1;
// TTransmittingManagerMI
constructor TTransmittingManagerMI.Create(Connector: TConnector; GamingManager: TGamingManagerMI);
@@ -767,13 +743,13 @@ begin
else if (sl = CMD_GOODBYE) then
- Stop;
+ Stop;
else if (sl = CMD_WELCOME) then
m_bReady := TRUE;
- m_GamingManager.FSetGameContextToTransmitter(self);
+ m_GamingManager.FSetGameContextToTransmitter(self);
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/PluginCommonUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/PluginCommonUnit.pas
index c2c2bd8d32..30cbdccec5 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/PluginCommonUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/PluginCommonUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit PluginCommonUnit;
@@ -14,9 +20,9 @@ procedure ErrorDuringPluginStart;
- Windows, Forms, Dialogs, Graphics, SysUtils, Controls
+ Windows, Forms, Dialogs, Graphics, SysUtils, Controls,
// plugin units
- , GlobalsLocalUnit, ManagerUnit.MI, ModalForm;
+ GlobalsUnit, GlobalsLocalUnit, ManagerUnit.MI, ModalForm;
function CreatePluginInstance(Connector: TConnector): IMirandaPlugin;
@@ -30,6 +36,8 @@ begin
Chess4NetPath := MirandaPluginPath;
if (not DirectoryExists(Chess4NetPath)) then
+ Chess4NetIniFilePath := Chess4NetPath;
+ Chess4NetGamesLogPath := Chess4NetPath;
Chess4NetIcon := TIcon.Create;
Chess4NetIcon.Handle := LoadIcon(hInstance, 'MAINICON');
pluginIcon := Chess4NetIcon;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/TransmitGameSelectionUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/TransmitGameSelectionUnit.pas
index 8e87d67d66..a70eb65ef5 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/TransmitGameSelectionUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MI/TransmitGameSelectionUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit TransmitGameSelectionUnit;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.dfm b/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.dfm
index 1e055ddc4e..744ec26f31 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.dfm
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.dfm
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ object Manager: TManager
Caption = 'About...'
OnExecute = AboutActionExecute
+ object BroadcastAction: TTntAction
+ Caption = 'Broadcast...'
+ OnExecute = BroadcastActionExecute
+ end
object ConnectedPopupMenu: TTntPopupMenu
AutoPopup = False
@@ -69,6 +73,12 @@ object Manager: TManager
object N1: TTntMenuItem
Caption = '-'
+ object BroadcastConnected: TTntMenuItem
+ Action = BroadcastAction
+ end
+ object N3: TTntMenuItem
+ Caption = '-'
+ end
object AboutConnected: TTntMenuItem
Action = AboutAction
@@ -117,6 +127,12 @@ object Manager: TManager
object N2: TTntMenuItem
Caption = '-'
+ object Broadcast: TTntMenuItem
+ Action = BroadcastAction
+ end
+ object N7: TTntMenuItem
+ Caption = '-'
+ end
object AboutGame: TTntMenuItem
Action = AboutAction
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.pas
index 8797f76623..a20cb4c1bc 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ManagerUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ManagerUnit;
@@ -5,15 +11,15 @@ unit ManagerUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Menus, TntMenus, ActnList, TntActnList, ExtCtrls,
// Chess4Net Units
- ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessRulesEngine, ChessBoardUnit, PosBaseChessBoardUnit,
- ConnectorUnit, ConnectingUnit, GameOptionsUnit,
- ModalForm, DialogUnit, ContinueUnit, LocalizerUnit;
+ ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessRulesEngine, ChessBoardUnit,
+ GameChessBoardUnit, ConnectorUnit, ConnectingUnit, GameOptionsUnit,
+ ModalForm, DialogUnit, ContinueUnit, LocalizerUnit, URLVersionQueryUnit;
TManager = class(TForm, ILocalizable)
@@ -44,6 +50,12 @@ type
N5: TTntMenuItem;
N6: TTntMenuItem;
+ BroadcastAction: TTntAction;
+ N3: TTntMenuItem;
+ BroadcastConnected: TTntMenuItem;
+ N7: TTntMenuItem;
+ Broadcast: TTntMenuItem;
ConnectorTimer: TTimer;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
@@ -66,13 +78,13 @@ type
procedure StartAdjournedGameConnectedClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure AdjournGameClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure GamePopupMenuPopup(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure BroadcastActionExecute(Sender: TObject);
- m_strAdjourned: string;
m_ConnectingForm: TConnectingForm;
m_ContinueForm: TContinueForm;
m_Connector: TConnector;
- m_ChessBoard: TPosBaseChessBoard;
+ m_ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard;
m_Dialogs: TDialogs;
m_ExtBaseList: TStringList;
@@ -86,11 +98,10 @@ type
contactlistEntry: TTtkContactListEntry;
- m_bSkypeConnectionError: boolean;
m_bDontShowCredits: boolean;
m_lwOpponentClientVersion: LongWord;
- // для ChessBoard
+ // It's for ChessBoard
you_unlimited, opponent_unlimited: boolean;
you_time, opponent_time,
you_inc, opponent_inc: word;
@@ -109,6 +120,9 @@ type
m_bTransmittable: boolean;
+ m_iDontShowLastVersion: integer;
+ m_iQueriedDontShowLastVersion: integer;
// for game log
gameLog: string;
@@ -116,11 +130,11 @@ type
procedure FWriteToGameLog(const s: string);
procedure FlushGameLog;
- procedure ChessBoardHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent;
- d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
+ procedure ChessBoardHandler(e: TGameChessBoardEvent;
+ d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
procedure SetClock; overload;
procedure SetClock(var sr: string); overload;
- procedure DialogFormHandler(modSender: TModalForm; msgDlgID: TModalFormID);
procedure FPopulateExtBaseList;
function FReadCommonSettings(setToOpponent: boolean): boolean;
@@ -137,6 +151,9 @@ type
procedure FBuildAdjournedStr;
procedure FStartAdjournedGame;
+ function FGetAdjournedStr: string;
+ procedure FSetAdjournedStr(const strValue: string);
function FGetPlayerColor: TFigureColor;
procedure FSetPlayerColor(Value: TFigureColor);
@@ -147,7 +164,9 @@ type
procedure FSetTransmittable(bValue: boolean);
- property AdjournedStr: string read m_strAdjourned write m_strAdjourned;
+ procedure FOnURLQueryReady(Sender: TURLVersionQuery);
+ property AdjournedStr: string read FGetAdjournedStr write FSetAdjournedStr;
property _PlayerColor: TFigureColor read FGetPlayerColor write FSetPlayerColor;
@@ -183,23 +202,25 @@ type
procedure RReleaseWithConnectorGracefully;
procedure RRetransmit(const strCmd: string); virtual;
+ procedure RBroadcast; virtual;
procedure RUpdateChessBoardCaption;
+ procedure DialogFormHandler(modSender: TModalForm; msgDlgID: TModalFormID); virtual;
property Connector: TConnector read m_Connector write m_Connector;
- property ChessBoard: TPosBaseChessBoard read m_ChessBoard write m_ChessBoard;
+ property ChessBoard: TGameChessBoard read m_ChessBoard write m_ChessBoard;
property PlayerNick: string read m_strPlayerNick write m_strPlayerNick;
property PlayerNickId: string read m_strPlayerNickId write m_strPlayerNickId;
property OpponentNick: string read m_strOpponentNick write m_strOpponentNick;
property OpponentId: string read m_strOpponentId write m_strOpponentId;
- property OpponentNickId: string read FGetOpponentNickId write m_strOverridedOpponentNickId;
+ property OpponentNickId: string read FGetOpponentNickId write m_strOverridedOpponentNickId;
property Transmittable: boolean read m_bTransmittable write FSetTransmittable;
- property SkypeConnectionError: boolean read m_bSkypeConnectionError;
+ property pDialogs: TDialogs read m_Dialogs;
class function Create: TManager; reintroduce;
@@ -210,16 +231,13 @@ type
class function Create(const vContactlistEntry: TTtkContactListEntry): TManager; reintroduce;
- class function Create: TManager; reintroduce;
- CMD_DELIMITER = '&&'; // CMD_DELIMITER has to be present in arguments
+ CMD_DELIMITER = '&&'; // CMD_DELIMITER has to be present in arguments
CMD_VERSION = 'ver';
- CMD_WELCOME = 'wlcm'; // Accept of connection
+ CMD_WELCOME = 'wlcm'; // Accept of connection
CMD_GOODBYE = 'gdb'; // Refusion of connection
CMD_NICK_ID = 'nkid';
@@ -233,8 +251,10 @@ implementation
// Chess4Net
- DateUtils, Math, StrUtils, TntIniFiles, Dialogs,
- LookFeelOptionsUnit, GlobalsLocalUnit, InfoUnit
+ DateUtils, Math, StrUtils, Dialogs,
+ //
+ LookFeelOptionsUnit, GlobalsUnit, GlobalsLocalUnit, InfoUnit, ChessClockUnit,
+ DontShowMessageDlgUnit, IniSettingsUnit, PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit
, CallExec
@@ -242,18 +262,15 @@ uses
, ControlUnit
- , SelectSkypeContactUnit, CreditsFormUnit
+ , CreditsFormUnit
USR_BASE_NAME = 'Chess4Net';
- INI_FILE_NAME = 'Chess4net.ini';
- INITIAL_CLOCK_TIME = '5 0 5 0'; // 5:00 5:00
- FULL_TIME_FORMAT = 'h:n:s"."z';
HOUR_TIME_FORMAT = 'h:nn:ss';
// Command shorthands for Connector
@@ -300,36 +317,11 @@ const
-// CMD_DELIMITER = '&&'; // CMD_DELIMITER has to be present in arguments
+ // CMD_DELIMITER = '&&'; // CMD_DELIMITER has to be present in arguments
- // INI-file
- ANIMATION_KEY_NAME = 'Animation';
- FLASH_ON_MOVE_NAME = 'FlashOnMove';
- SHOW_COORDINATES_KEY_NAME = 'ShowCoordinates';
- EXTRA_EXIT_KEY_NAME = 'ExtraExit';
- ALLOW_TAKEBACKS_KEY_NAME = 'AllowTakebacks';
- AUTO_FLAG_KEY_NAME = 'AutoFlag';
- TRAINING_MODE_KEY_NAME = 'TrainingMode';
- PLAYER_COLOR_KEY_NAME = 'PlayerColor';
- CLOCK_KEY_NAME = 'Clock';
- ADJOURNED_KEY_NAME = 'Adjourned';
- LANGUAGE_KEY_NAME = 'Language';
- DONT_SHOW_CREDITS = 'DontShowCredits';
- TManagerDefault = class(TManager) // TODO: TRILLIAN, AND_RQ, QIP, SKYPE -> own classes
+ TManagerDefault = class(TManager) // TODO: TRILLIAN, AND_RQ, QIP-> own classes
procedure ROnCreate; override;
procedure ROnDestroy; override;
@@ -351,14 +343,17 @@ type
procedure TManager.RCreateChessBoardAndDialogs;
-// m_ChessBoard := TPosBaseChessBoard.Create(self, ChessBoardHandler, Chess4NetPath + USR_BASE_NAME);
- m_ChessBoard := TPosBaseChessBoard.Create(nil, ChessBoardHandler, Chess4NetPath + USR_BASE_NAME);
+// m_ChessBoard := TGameChessBoard.Create(self, ChessBoardHandler, Chess4NetPath + USR_BASE_NAME);
+ m_ChessBoard := TGameChessBoard.Create(nil, ChessBoardHandler, Chess4NetGamesLogPath + USR_BASE_NAME);
m_Dialogs := TDialogs.Create(ChessBoard, DialogFormHandler);
procedure TManager.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ BroadcastAction.Visible := TRUE;
@@ -370,7 +365,7 @@ begin
-procedure TManager.ChessBoardHandler(e: TChessBoardEvent;
+procedure TManager.ChessBoardHandler(e: TGameChessBoardEvent;
d1: pointer = nil; d2: pointer = nil);
s: string;
@@ -504,8 +499,8 @@ begin
if (ClockColor <> _PlayerColor) then
Time[_PlayerColor] := IncSecond(Time[_PlayerColor], you_inc);
- LongTimeFormat:= FULL_TIME_FORMAT;
- s := TimeToStr(Time[_PlayerColor]);
+ s := TChessClock.ConvertToFullStr(Time[_PlayerColor]);
if ((not Unlimited[_PlayerColor]) or (m_lwOpponentClientVersion < 200706)) then
strSwitchClockCmd := CMD_SWITCH_CLOCK + ' ' + s;
@@ -610,11 +605,6 @@ begin
case e of
- PlayerNick := Connector.UserHandle;
- OpponentNick := Connector.ContactHandle;
- OpponentId := OpponentNick;
if (Assigned(m_ConnectingForm)) then
@@ -623,12 +613,7 @@ begin
if (not Connector.connected) then
- begin
- Application.Terminate; // KLUDGE
- end;
if (Transmittable) then
@@ -681,31 +666,6 @@ begin
'Chess4Net won''t start.', mtWarning, [mbOk], mfMsgLeave);
- ceSkypeError:
- begin
- m_bSkypeConnectionError := TRUE;
- // TODO: Localize
- m_Dialogs.MessageDlg('Chess4Net was unable to attach to your Skype application' + sLineBreak +
- 'This can happen due to the following reasons:' + sLineBreak +
- ' 1) You have an old version of Skype. OR' + sLineBreak +
- ' 2) Your Skype is blocking Chess4Net. OR' + sLineBreak +
- ' 3) Your Skype doesn''t support Skype applications. OR' + sLineBreak +
- ' 4) Other reasons.' + sLineBreak +
- 'Chess4Net won''t start.', mtWarning, [mbOk], mfMsgLeave);
- end;
- ceShowConnectableUsers:
- begin
- if (Assigned(ConnectingForm)) then
- ConnectingForm.ShowSkypeAcceptLogo := FALSE;
- with m_Dialogs.CreateDialog(TSelectSkypeContactForm) as TSelectSkypeContactForm do
- begin
- Init(d1);
- Show;
- end;
- end;
@@ -732,6 +692,42 @@ end;
procedure TManager.RSetConnectionOccured;
m_bConnectionOccured := TRUE;
+ with TURLVersionQuery.Create do
+ begin
+ OnQueryReady := FOnURLQueryReady;
+ Query(aidSkype, CHESS4NET_VERSION, osidWindows);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Free; // TODO: URL query for other clients
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+procedure TManager.FOnURLQueryReady(Sender: TURLVersionQuery);
+ if (not Assigned(Sender)) then
+ exit;
+ try
+ if ((Sender.LastVersion <= m_iDontShowLastVersion)) then
+ exit;
+ if (Sender.Info <> '') then
+ begin
+ with TDontShowMessageDlg.Create(m_Dialogs, Sender.Info) do
+ begin
+ m_iQueriedDontShowLastVersion := Sender.LastVersion;
+ Show;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Sender.Free;
+ end;
@@ -746,7 +742,6 @@ procedure TManager.RHandleConnectorDataCommand(sl: string);
AMode: TMode;
sr: string;
- ms: string;
strSavedCmd: string;
wstrMsg: WideString;
@@ -771,10 +766,9 @@ begin
m_Dialogs.MessageDlg(TLocalizer.Instance.GetMessage(8), mtWarning,
[mbOK], mfNone); // Your opponent is using an older version of Chess4Net. ...
- // 2007.4 is the first client with a backward compatibility
- // For incompatible versions:
- // else RSendData(CMD_GOODBYE);
+ // 2007.4 is the first client with a backward compatibility
+ // For incompatible versions:
+ // else RSendData(CMD_GOODBYE);
else if (sl = CMD_WELCOME) then
@@ -991,21 +985,20 @@ begin
with ChessBoard do
RSplitStr(sr, sl, sr);
- ms := RightStr(sl, length(sl) - LastDelimiter(':.', sl));
- sl := LeftStr(sl, length(sl) - length(ms) - 1);
if (Transmittable) then
if (PositionColor = fcWhite) then
- Time[fcBlack] := StrToTime(sl) + EncodeTime(0, 0, 0, StrToInt(ms))
+ Time[fcBlack] := TChessClock.ConvertFromFullStr(sl)
- Time[fcWhite] := StrToTime(sl) + EncodeTime(0, 0, 0, StrToInt(ms));
+ Time[fcWhite] := TChessClock.ConvertFromFullStr(sl);
if (_PlayerColor = fcWhite) then
- Time[fcBlack] := StrToTime(sl) + EncodeTime(0, 0, 0, StrToInt(ms))
+ Time[fcBlack] := TChessClock.ConvertFromFullStr(sl)
- Time[fcWhite] := StrToTime(sl) + EncodeTime(0, 0, 0, StrToInt(ms));
+ Time[fcWhite] := TChessClock.ConvertFromFullStr(sl);
end; // with
@@ -1200,6 +1193,8 @@ begin
m_ChessBoard := nil;
+ TIniSettings.FreeInstance;
@@ -1246,15 +1241,17 @@ end;
procedure TManager.ChangeColorConnectedClick(Sender: TObject);
- if (ChessBoard.Mode = mGame) then
- exit;
- ChangeColor;
if (Transmittable) then
- exit;
+ begin
+ ChangeColor;
+ end
+ else if (ChessBoard.Mode = mView) then
+ begin
+ ChangeColor;
- RRetransmit(CMD_CHANGE_COLOR);
+ RRetransmit(CMD_CHANGE_COLOR);
+ end;
@@ -1458,14 +1455,6 @@ begin
-class function TManager.Create: TManager;
- Result := TManagerDefault.Create;
procedure TManager.DialogFormHandler(modSender: TModalForm; msgDlgID: TModalFormID);
modRes: TModalResult;
@@ -1557,7 +1546,7 @@ begin
FWriteToGameLog('=' + sLineBreak + '1/2 - 1/2');
@@ -1636,7 +1625,7 @@ begin
strCmd := CMD_SET_CLOCK + ' ' + s;
- RRetransmit(strCmd);
+ RRetransmit(strCmd);
RSendData(CMD_ALLOW_TAKEBACKS + IfThen(TakeBackCheckBox.Checked, ' 1', ' 0'));
@@ -1718,25 +1707,13 @@ begin
else // modRes = mrNo
- mfSelectSkypeContact:
+ mfDontShowDlg:
- if (modRes = mrOk) then
- begin
- with modSender as TSelectSkypeContactForm do
- begin
- Connector.ConnectToContact(SelectedContactIndex);
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if (Assigned(ConnectingForm)) then
- ConnectingForm.Close
- else
- Close;
- end;
+ if ((modSender as TDontShowMessageDlg).DontShow) then
+ m_iDontShowLastVersion := m_iQueriedDontShowLastVersion;
@@ -1750,7 +1727,7 @@ begin
gameLog := '';
- LongTimeFormat:= HOUR_TIME_FORMAT;
+ LongTimeFormat := HOUR_TIME_FORMAT;
FWriteToGameLog('[' + DateTimeToStr(Now) + ']' + sLineBreak);
@@ -1834,20 +1811,23 @@ begin
if (not move_done) then
- AssignFile(gameLogFile, Chess4NetPath + 'Chess4Net_GAMELOG.txt');
+ AssignFile(gameLogFile, Chess4NetGamesLogPath + GAME_LOG_FILE);
- if IOResult <> 0 then
+ if (IOResult <> 0) then
- if IOResult = 0 then
+ if (IOResult = 0) then
writeln(gameLogFile, gameLog);
writeln(gameLogFile, sLineBreak + gameLog);
+ CreateLinkForGameLogFile;
@@ -1879,43 +1859,36 @@ end;
procedure TManager.RReadPrivateSettings;
- iniFile: TTntIniFile;
initialClockTime: string;
// Общие настройки по умолчанию
initialClockTime := INITIAL_CLOCK_TIME;
ChessBoard.AutoFlag := TRUE;
you_takebacks := FALSE;
opponent_takebacks := FALSE;
- // Считывание личных настроек из INI-файла
- iniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(Chess4NetPath + INI_FILE_NAME);
- try
- ChessBoard.animation := TAnimation(iniFile.ReadInteger(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, ANIMATION_KEY_NAME, Ord(aQuick)));
- ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted := iniFile.ReadBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, HILIGHT_LAST_MOVE_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
- ChessBoard.FlashOnMove := iniFile.ReadBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, FLASH_ON_MOVE_NAME, FALSE);
- ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown := iniFile.ReadBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, SHOW_COORDINATES_KEY_NAME, TRUE);
- ChessBoard.StayOnTop := iniFile.ReadBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, STAY_ON_TOP_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
- TLocalizer.Instance.ActiveLanguage := iniFile.ReadInteger(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, LANGUAGE_KEY_NAME, 1) - 1;
+ // Reading private settings
+ ChessBoard.animation := TIniSettings.Instance.Animation;
+ ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted := TIniSettings.Instance.LastMoveHilighted;
+ ChessBoard.FlashOnMove := TIniSettings.Instance.FlashOnMove;
+ ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown := TIniSettings.Instance.CoordinatesShown;
+ // TODO: read screen position and size
+ ChessBoard.StayOnTop := TIniSettings.Instance.StayOnTop;
+ extra_exit := TIniSettings.Instance.ExtraExit;
+ TLocalizer.Instance.ActiveLanguage := TIniSettings.Instance.ActiveLanguage;
+ m_iDontShowLastVersion := TIniSettings.Instance.DontShowLastVersion;
- m_bDontShowCredits := iniFile.ReadBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, DONT_SHOW_CREDITS, FALSE);
+ m_bDontShowCredits := TIniSettings.Instance.DontShowCredits;
- finally
- iniFile.Free;
- end;
function TManager.FReadCommonSettings(setToOpponent: boolean): boolean;
- iniFile: TTntIniFile;
- commonSectionName: string;
- APlayerColor: TFigureColor;
- clockStr: string;
- flag: boolean;
+ strClock: string;
+ bFlag: boolean;
if (m_lwOpponentClientVersion < 200705) then // For 2007.4 common settings are not applied
@@ -1924,138 +1897,120 @@ begin
Result := FALSE;
- iniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(Chess4NetPath + INI_FILE_NAME);
- try
- commonSectionName := COMMON_SECTION_PREFIX + ' ' + OpponentId;
- if (not iniFile.SectionExists(commonSectionName)) then
- exit;
- if (setToOpponent) then
+ TIniSettings.Instance.SetOpponentId(OpponentId);
+ if (not TIniSettings.Instance.HasCommonSettings) then
+ exit;
+ if (setToOpponent) then
+ begin
+ if (_PlayerColor = TIniSettings.Instance.PlayerColor) then // Every time change the saved color to opposite one
- APlayerColor := TFigureColor(iniFile.ReadInteger(commonSectionName, PLAYER_COLOR_KEY_NAME, Ord(fcBlack)));
- if (_PlayerColor = APlayerColor) then // Every time change the saved color to opposite one
- begin
- ChangeColor;
- RRetransmit(CMD_CHANGE_COLOR);
- end;
- clockStr := iniFile.ReadString(commonSectionName, CLOCK_KEY_NAME, INITIAL_CLOCK_TIME);
- if (clockStr <> ClockToStr) then
+ ChangeColor;
+ RRetransmit(CMD_CHANGE_COLOR);
+ end;
+ strClock := TIniSettings.Instance.Clock;
+ if (strClock <> ClockToStr) then
+ begin
+ SetClock(strClock);
+ RSendData(CMD_SET_CLOCK + ' ' + ClockToStr);
+ end;
+ bFlag := TIniSettings.Instance.TrainingMode;
+ if (ChessBoard.pTrainingMode <> bFlag) then
+ begin
+ ChessBoard.pTrainingMode := bFlag;
+ RSendData(CMD_SET_TRAINING + IfThen(ChessBoard.pTrainingMode, ' 1', ' 0'));
+ end;
+ if (m_lwOpponentClientVersion >= 200706) then
+ begin
+ bFlag := TIniSettings.Instance.CanPauseGame;
+ if (can_pause_game <> bFlag) then
- SetClock(clockStr);
- RSendData(CMD_SET_CLOCK + ' ' + ClockToStr);
+ can_pause_game := bFlag;
+ RSendData(CMD_CAN_PAUSE_GAME + IfThen(can_pause_game, ' 1', ' 0'));
+ end; { if opponentClientVersion >= 200706}
- flag := iniFile.ReadBool(commonSectionName, TRAINING_MODE_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
- if (ChessBoard.pTrainingMode <> flag) then
+ if (m_lwOpponentClientVersion >= 200801) then
+ begin
+ bFlag := TIniSettings.Instance.CanAdjournGame;
+ if (can_adjourn_game <> bFlag) then
- ChessBoard.pTrainingMode := flag;
- RSendData(CMD_SET_TRAINING + IfThen(ChessBoard.pTrainingMode, ' 1', ' 0'));
+ can_adjourn_game := bFlag;
+ RSendData(CMD_CAN_ADJOURN_GAME + IfThen(can_adjourn_game, ' 1', ' 0'));
+ end; { opponentClientVersion >= 200801 }
+ end; { if setToOpponent }
- if (m_lwOpponentClientVersion >= 200706) then
- begin
- flag := iniFile.ReadBool(commonSectionName, CAN_PAUSE_GAME_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
- if (can_pause_game <> flag) then
- begin
- can_pause_game := flag;
- RSendData(CMD_CAN_PAUSE_GAME + IfThen(can_pause_game, ' 1', ' 0'));
- end;
- end; { if opponentClientVersion >= 200706}
+ m_strExtBaseName := TIniSettings.Instance.ExternalBaseName;
+ if (m_strExtBaseName <> '') then
+ ChessBoard.SetExternalBase(Chess4NetPath + m_strExtBaseName)
+ else
+ ChessBoard.UnsetExternalBase;
- if (m_lwOpponentClientVersion >= 200801) then
- begin
- flag := iniFile.ReadBool(commonSectionName, CAN_ADJOURN_GAME_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
- if (can_adjourn_game <> flag) then
- begin
- can_adjourn_game := flag;
- RSendData(CMD_CAN_ADJOURN_GAME + IfThen(can_adjourn_game, ' 1', ' 0'));
- end;
- end; { opponentClientVersion >= 200801 }
- end; { if setToOpponent }
+ ChessBoard.pUseUserBase := TIniSettings.Instance.UseUserBase;
- m_strExtBaseName := iniFile.ReadString(commonSectionName, EXTERNAL_BASE_NAME_KEY_NAME, '');
- if (m_strExtBaseName <> '') then
- ChessBoard.SetExternalBase(Chess4NetPath + m_strExtBaseName)
- else
- ChessBoard.UnsetExternalBase;
+ bFlag := TIniSettings.Instance.AllowTakebacks;
+ if (you_takebacks <> bFlag) then
+ begin
+ you_takebacks := bFlag;
+ RSendData(CMD_ALLOW_TAKEBACKS + IfThen(you_takebacks, ' 1', ' 0'));
+ end;
- ChessBoard.pUseUserBase := iniFile.ReadBool(commonSectionName, USE_USER_BASE_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
- flag := iniFile.ReadBool(commonSectionName, ALLOW_TAKEBACKS_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
- if you_takebacks <> flag then
- begin
- you_takebacks := flag;
- RSendData(CMD_ALLOW_TAKEBACKS + IfThen(you_takebacks, ' 1', ' 0'));
- end;
- ChessBoard.AutoFlag := iniFile.ReadBool(commonSectionName, AUTO_FLAG_KEY_NAME, FALSE);
+ ChessBoard.AutoFlag := TIniSettings.Instance.AutoFlag;
- TakebackGame.Visible := (opponent_takebacks or ChessBoard.pTrainingMode);
- GamePause.Visible := can_pause_game;
+ TakebackGame.Visible := (opponent_takebacks or ChessBoard.pTrainingMode);
+ GamePause.Visible := can_pause_game;
- if (m_lwOpponentClientVersion >= 200801) then
+ if (m_lwOpponentClientVersion >= 200801) then
+ begin
+ if (AdjournedStr <> '') then
- AdjournedStr := iniFile.ReadString(commonSectionName, ADJOURNED_KEY_NAME, '');
- if (AdjournedStr <> '') then
- begin
- RSendData(CMD_SET_ADJOURNED + ' ' + AdjournedStr);
- iniFile.WriteString(commonSectionName, ADJOURNED_KEY_NAME, '');
- end;
+ RSendData(CMD_SET_ADJOURNED + ' ' + AdjournedStr);
- finally
- iniFile.Free;
- Result := TRUE;
+ Result := TRUE;
procedure TManager.FWritePrivateSettings;
- iniFile: TTntIniFile;
// Write private settings
- iniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(Chess4NetPath + INI_FILE_NAME);
- try
- iniFile.WriteInteger(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, ANIMATION_KEY_NAME, Ord(ChessBoard.animation));
- iniFile.WriteBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, HILIGHT_LAST_MOVE_KEY_NAME, ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted);
- iniFile.WriteBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, FLASH_ON_MOVE_NAME, ChessBoard.FlashOnMove);
- iniFile.WriteBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, SHOW_COORDINATES_KEY_NAME, ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown);
- iniFile.WriteBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, STAY_ON_TOP_KEY_NAME, ChessBoard.StayOnTop);
- iniFile.WriteBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, EXTRA_EXIT_KEY_NAME, extra_exit);
- iniFile.WriteInteger(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, LANGUAGE_KEY_NAME, TLocalizer.Instance.ActiveLanguage + 1);
+ TIniSettings.Instance.Animation := ChessBoard.Animation;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.LastMoveHilighted := ChessBoard.LastMoveHilighted;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.FlashOnMove := ChessBoard.FlashOnMove;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.CoordinatesShown := ChessBoard.CoordinatesShown;
+ // TODO: write screen position
+ TIniSettings.Instance.StayOnTop := ChessBoard.StayOnTop;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.ExtraExit := extra_exit;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.ActiveLanguage := TLocalizer.Instance.ActiveLanguage;
+ if (m_iDontShowLastVersion > CHESS4NET_VERSION) then
+ TIniSettings.Instance.DontShowLastVersion := m_iDontShowLastVersion;
- if (m_bDontShowCredits) then
- iniFile.WriteBool(PRIVATE_SECTION_NAME, DONT_SHOW_CREDITS, m_bDontShowCredits);
+ if (m_bDontShowCredits) then
+ TIniSettings.Instance.DontShowCredits := m_bDontShowCredits;
- finally
- iniFile.Free;
- end;
procedure TManager.FWriteCommonSettings;
- iniFile: TTntIniFile;
- strCommonSectionName: string;
- iniFile := TTntIniFile.Create(Chess4NetPath + INI_FILE_NAME);
- try
- strCommonSectionName := COMMON_SECTION_PREFIX + ' ' + OpponentId;
- iniFile.WriteInteger(strCommonSectionName, PLAYER_COLOR_KEY_NAME, Ord(_PlayerColor));
- iniFile.WriteString(strCommonSectionName, CLOCK_KEY_NAME, ClockToStr);
- iniFile.WriteBool(strCommonSectionName, TRAINING_MODE_KEY_NAME, ChessBoard.pTrainingMode);
- iniFile.WriteString(strCommonSectionName, EXTERNAL_BASE_NAME_KEY_NAME, m_strExtBaseName);
- iniFile.WriteBool(strCommonSectionName, USE_USER_BASE_KEY_NAME, ChessBoard.pUseUserBase);
- iniFile.WriteBool(strCommonSectionName, ALLOW_TAKEBACKS_KEY_NAME, you_takebacks);
- iniFile.WriteBool(strCommonSectionName, CAN_PAUSE_GAME_KEY_NAME, can_pause_game);
- iniFile.WriteBool(strCommonSectionName, CAN_ADJOURN_GAME_KEY_NAME, can_adjourn_game);
- iniFile.WriteBool(strCommonSectionName, AUTO_FLAG_KEY_NAME, ChessBoard.AutoFlag);
- iniFile.WriteString(strCommonSectionName, ADJOURNED_KEY_NAME, AdjournedStr);
+ TIniSettings.Instance.SetOpponentId(OpponentId);
- finally
- iniFile.Free;
- end;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.PlayerColor := _PlayerColor;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.Clock := ClockToStr;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.TrainingMode := ChessBoard.pTrainingMode;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.ExternalBaseName := m_strExtBaseName;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.UseUserBase := ChessBoard.pUseUserBase;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.AllowTakebacks := you_takebacks;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.CanPauseGame := can_pause_game;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.CanAdjournGame := can_adjourn_game;
+ TIniSettings.Instance.AutoFlag := ChessBoard.AutoFlag;
@@ -2179,8 +2134,8 @@ begin
// <time control>
str := str + ClockToStr + '&';
// <current time>
- LongTimeFormat := HOUR_TIME_FORMAT;
- str := str + TimeToStr(Time[fcWhite]) + ' ' + TimeToStr(Time[fcBlack]);
+ str := str + TChessClock.ConvertToFullStr(Time[fcWhite], FALSE) + ' ' +
+ TChessClock.ConvertToFullStr(Time[fcBlack], FALSE);
Result := str;
@@ -2214,6 +2169,18 @@ begin
+function TManager.FGetAdjournedStr: string;
+ Result := TIniSettings.Instance.Adjourned;
+procedure TManager.FSetAdjournedStr(const strValue: string);
+ TIniSettings.Instance.Adjourned := strValue;
procedure TManager.RSetGameContext(const strValue: string);
str: string;
@@ -2225,7 +2192,7 @@ begin
// strValue ::= <position>&<this player's color>&<time control>&<current time>
- str := strValue;
+ str := strValue;
l := pos('&', str);
strPosition := LeftStr(str, l - 1);
@@ -2239,7 +2206,7 @@ begin
strTimeControl := LeftStr(str, l - 1);
strCurrentTime := RightStr(str, length(str) - l);
- SetClock(strTimeControl);
+ SetClock(strTimeControl);
if (((_PlayerColor = fcWhite) and (strPlayerColor <> 'w')) or
((_PlayerColor = fcBlack) and (strPlayerColor <> 'b'))) then
@@ -2250,9 +2217,9 @@ begin
RSplitStr(strCurrentTime, str, strCurrentTime);
- LongTimeFormat := HOUR_TIME_FORMAT;
- Time[fcWhite] := StrToTime(str);
- Time[fcBlack] := StrToTime(strCurrentTime);
+ Time[fcWhite] := TChessClock.ConvertFromFullStr(str);
+ Time[fcBlack] := TChessClock.ConvertFromFullStr(strCurrentTime);
@@ -2284,6 +2251,7 @@ begin
AdjournGame.Caption := GetLabel(61);
GamePause.Caption := GetLabel(62);
TakebackGame.Caption := GetLabel(63);
+ BroadcastAction.Caption := GetLabel(69);
@@ -2306,11 +2274,14 @@ begin
StartAdjournedGameConnected.Visible := FALSE;
StartStandartGameConnected.Visible := FALSE;
StartPPRandomGameConnected.Visible := FALSE;
- N5.Visible := FALSE;
- ChangeColorConnected.Visible := FALSE;
+// ChangeColorConnected.Visible := FALSE;
GameOptionsConnected.Visible := FALSE;
- ChessBoard.ViewGaming := TRUE;
+ BroadcastAction.Visible := FALSE;
+ ChessBoard.ViewGaming := TRUE;
@@ -2369,6 +2340,17 @@ begin
Result := OpponentNick + ' - ' + PlayerNick;
+procedure TManager.BroadcastActionExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ RBroadcast;
+procedure TManager.RBroadcast;
// TManagerDefault
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/MessageDialogUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/MessageDialogUnit.pas
index 941057991b..2d367c02c6 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/MessageDialogUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/MessageDialogUnit.pas
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit MessageDialogUnit;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/ModalForm.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/ModalForm.pas
index b40c199c37..165fee6b86 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/ModalForm.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/ModalForm.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit ModalForm;
- Forms, TntForms, Dialogs, Classes, Windows;
+ Forms, TntForms, Dialogs, Classes, Windows, Controls;
TModalForm = class;
@@ -11,14 +17,13 @@ type
TModalFormID = (mfNone, mfMsgClose, mfMsgLeave, mfMsgAbort, mfMsgResign,
mfMsgDraw, mfMsgTakeBack, mfMsgAdjourn, mfConnecting, mfGameOptions,
- mfLookFeel, mfCanPause, mfContinue, mfIncompatible
+ mfLookFeel, mfCanPause, mfContinue, mfIncompatible, mfDontShowDlg
, mfSelectSkypeContact
, mfTransmitting, mfTransmitGame
TModalFormHandler = procedure(modSender: TModalForm; modID: TModalFormID) of object;
@@ -61,8 +66,9 @@ type
RHandler: TModalFormHandler;
dlgOwner: TDialogs;
- constructor Create(Owner: TForm; modHandler: TModalFormHandler = nil); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
constructor Create(dlgOwner: TDialogs; modHandler: TModalFormHandler); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
function GetHandle: hWnd; virtual;
function GetEnabled_: boolean; virtual;
procedure SetEnabled_(flag: boolean); virtual;
@@ -73,7 +79,12 @@ type
function GetModalID: TModalFormID; virtual;
+ function RGetModalResult: TModalResult; virtual;
+ procedure RSetModalResult(Value: TModalResult); virtual;
+ constructor Create(Owner: TForm; modHandler: TModalFormHandler = nil); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
procedure Show; virtual;
procedure Close; virtual;
@@ -81,12 +92,14 @@ type
property Enabled: boolean read GetEnabled_ write SetEnabled_;
property Left: integer read GetLeft_ write SetLeft_;
property Top: integer read GetTop_ write SetTop_;
+ property ModalResult: TModalResult read RGetModalResult write RSetModalResult;
- SysUtils, StdCtrls, Controls,
+ SysUtils, StdCtrls,
DialogUnit, GlobalsUnit;
@@ -128,6 +141,7 @@ var
iLeft, iTop: integer;
begin // TModalForm.FormShow
selfForm := Sender as TForm;
+ frmOwner := nil;
if (Assigned(Owner)) then
@@ -269,9 +283,63 @@ begin
inherited Top := y;
+function TModalForm.RGetModalResult: TModalResult;
+ Result := inherited ModalResult;
+procedure TModalForm.RSetModalResult(Value: TModalResult);
+ inherited ModalResult := Value;
// TDialogs
+constructor TDialogs.Create(Owner: TForm; Handler: TModalFormHandler);
+ i: TModalFormID;
+ inherited Create;
+ self.Owner := Owner;
+ self.RHandler := Handler;
+ frmList := TList.Create;
+ for i := Low(TModalFormID) to High(TModalFormID) do
+ IDCount[i] := 0;
+ if (not Assigned(g_lstDialogs)) then
+ g_lstDialogs := TList.Create;
+ g_lstDialogs.Add(self);
+destructor TDialogs.Destroy;
+ i: integer;
+ ModalForm: TModalForm;
+ if (Assigned(g_lstDialogs)) then
+ begin
+ g_lstDialogs.Remove(self);
+ if (g_lstDialogs.Count = 0) then
+ FreeAndNil(g_lstDialogs);
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to frmList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ModalForm := frmList[i];
+ ModalForm.RHandler := nil;
+ ModalForm.dlgOwner := nil;
+// ModalForm.Release;
+ ModalForm.Free;
+ end;
+ inherited;
function TDialogs.GetShowing: boolean;
i: TModalFormID;
@@ -359,46 +427,6 @@ begin
-constructor TDialogs.Create(Owner: TForm; Handler: TModalFormHandler);
- i: TModalFormID;
- inherited Create;
- self.Owner := Owner;
- self.RHandler := Handler;
- frmList := TList.Create;
- for i := Low(TModalFormID) to High(TModalFormID) do
- IDCount[i] := 0;
- if (not Assigned(g_lstDialogs)) then
- g_lstDialogs := TList.Create;
- g_lstDialogs.Add(self);
-destructor TDialogs.Destroy;
- i: integer;
- ModalForm: TModalForm;
- if (Assigned(g_lstDialogs)) then
- begin
- g_lstDialogs.Remove(self);
- FreeAndNil(g_lstDialogs);
- end;
- for i := 0 to frmList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- ModalForm := frmList[i];
- ModalForm.RHandler := nil;
- ModalForm.Release;
- end;
- inherited;
procedure TDialogs.SetShowing(msgDlg: TModalForm);
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/NonMainFormStayOnTopUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/NonMainFormStayOnTopUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47ded58c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/NonMainFormStayOnTopUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
+unit NonMainFormStayOnTopUnit;
+// Inclusion of this unit enables all non-main forms with FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
+// to stay on top even if application is deactivated
+ Forms, SysUtils, Classes, Messages, Windows;
+ TApplicationObjSubclasser = class
+ private
+ m_NewObj, m_OldObj: pointer;
+ procedure FWndProc(var Message: TMessage);
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ g_ApplicationObjSubclasserInstance: TApplicationObjSubclasser = nil;
+// TApplicationObjSubclasser
+constructor TApplicationObjSubclasser.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ m_NewObj := Classes.MakeObjectInstance(FWndProc);
+ m_OldObj := Pointer (SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC,
+ Cardinal(m_NewObj)));
+destructor TApplicationObjSubclasser.Destroy;
+ SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Cardinal(m_OldObj));
+ Classes.FreeObjectInstance(m_NewObj);
+ inherited;
+procedure TApplicationObjSubclasser.FWndProc(var Message: TMessage);
+ Message.Result := CallWindowProc (m_OldObj, Application.Handle,
+ Message.Msg, Message.wParam, Message.lParam);
+ case Message.Msg of
+ begin
+ if (not TWMActivateApp(Message).Active) then
+ Application.RestoreTopMosts;
+ end;
+ end;
+ g_ApplicationObjSubclasserInstance := TApplicationObjSubclasser.Create;
+ FreeAndNil(g_ApplicationObjSubclasserInstance);
+end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/NonRefInterfacedObjectUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/NonRefInterfacedObjectUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6a32f2901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/NonRefInterfacedObjectUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
+unit NonRefInterfacedObjectUnit;
+ TNonRefInterfacedObject = class(TObject, IInterface)
+ protected
+ function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
+ function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
+ function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+// TNonRefInterfacedObject
+function TNonRefInterfacedObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
+ if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
+function TNonRefInterfacedObject._AddRef: Integer;
+ Result := -1;
+function TNonRefInterfacedObject._Release: Integer;
+ Result := -1;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..535f181e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
+unit PosBaseChessBoardLayerUnit;
+ Classes,
+ //
+ ChessBoardUnit, PosBaseUnit;
+ TGameResult = (grWin, grWinTime, grDraw, grLost, grLostTime);
+ // Layer extended with Position DB
+ TPosBaseChessBoardLayer = class(TChessBoardLayerBase)
+ private
+ m_bTrainingMode: boolean;
+ m_lstMovePrior: TList;
+ m_bUseUserBase: boolean;
+ m_PosBase, m_ExtPosBase: TPosBase;
+ m_strPosBaseName, m_strExtPosBaseName: string;
+ procedure FSetTrainingMode(bValue: boolean);
+ procedure FSetUseUserBase(bValue: boolean);
+ procedure FClearMovePriorList;
+ procedure FReadFromBase;
+ procedure FWriteGameToBase;
+ protected
+ procedure RDraw; override;
+ procedure ROnAfterMoveDone; override;
+ procedure ROnAfterSetPosition; override;
+ procedure ROnAfterModeSet(const OldValue, NewValue: TMode); override;
+ procedure ROnResetMoveList; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const strPosBaseName: string = '');
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SetExternalBase(const strExtPosBaseName: string);
+ procedure WriteGameToBase(AGameResult: TGameResult);
+ procedure UnsetExternalBase;
+ property TrainingMode: boolean read m_bTrainingMode write FSetTrainingMode;
+ property UseUserBase: boolean read m_bUseUserBase write FSetUseUserBase;
+ end;
+ Graphics, SysUtils,
+ //
+ ChessRulesEngine, ChessBoardHeaderUnit;
+ TPrior = (mpNo, mpHigh, mpMid, mpLow);
+ PMovePrior = ^TMovePrior;
+ TMovePrior = record
+ move: TMoveAbs;
+ prior: TPrior;
+ end;
+ TPosBaseOperator = class(TThread)
+ private
+ m_Operation: (opRead, opWrite);
+ m_Layer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer;
+ constructor FCreateRead(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer;
+ vbFreeOnTerminate: boolean = TRUE);
+ constructor FCreateWrite(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer);
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ class function CreateRead(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer;
+ vbFreeOnTerminate: boolean = TRUE): TPosBaseOperator;
+ class function CreateWrite(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer): TPosBaseOperator;
+ procedure WaitFor;
+ end;
+ gameResult: TGameResult; // Not threadsafe
+ gameID: word; // It's used for writing unique positions (not threadsafe)
+ NUM_PRIORITIES = 3; // Maximal number of priorities
+ MAX_PLY_TO_BASE = -1; // The whole game is saved to the DB
+// TPosBaseChessBoardLayer
+constructor TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.Create(const strPosBaseName: string = '');
+ inherited Create;
+ m_bUseUserBase := TRUE;
+ m_strPosBaseName := strPosBaseName;
+ m_lstMovePrior := TList.Create;
+destructor TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.Destroy;
+ FClearMovePriorList;
+ m_lstMovePrior.Free;
+ TrainingMode := FALSE;
+ inherited;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.RDraw;
+ ARROW_END_LENGTH = 10; // в пикселях
+ ARROW_END_ANGLE = 15 * (Pi / 180); // угол концов стрелки
+ LOW_ARROW_COLOR = clSkyBlue;
+ i, x0, y0, x, y: integer;
+ xa, ya, ca, sa: double;
+ move: TMoveAbs;
+ if (not (Assigned(ChessBoard) and Assigned(Canvas))) then
+ exit;
+ if (not (m_bTrainingMode and (ChessBoard.Mode in [mGame, mAnalyse]) and
+ (ChessBoard.PlayerColor = ChessBoard.PositionColor))) then
+ exit;
+ Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
+ for i := 0 to m_lstMovePrior.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ case PMovePrior(m_lstMovePrior[i]).prior of
+ mpNo: continue;
+ mpHigh:
+ begin
+ Canvas.Pen.Color := HIGH_ARROW_COLOR;
+ Canvas.Pen.Width := HIGH_ARROW_WIDTH;
+ end;
+ mpMid:
+ begin
+ Canvas.Pen.Color := MID_ARROW_COLOR;
+ Canvas.Pen.Width := MID_ARROW_WIDTH;
+ end;
+ mpLow:
+ begin
+ Canvas.Pen.Color := LOW_ARROW_COLOR;
+ Canvas.Pen.Width := LOW_ARROW_WIDTH;
+ end;
+ end;
+ move := PMovePrior(m_lstMovePrior[i]).move;
+ if (not ChessBoard.Flipped) then
+ begin
+ x0 := CHB_X + SquareSize * (move.i0 - 1) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ y0 := CHB_Y + SquareSize * (8 - move.j0) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ x := CHB_X + SquareSize * (move.i - 1) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ y := CHB_Y + SquareSize * (8 - move.j) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ x0 := CHB_X + SquareSize * (8 - move.i0) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ y0 := CHB_Y + SquareSize * (move.j0 - 1) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ x := CHB_X + SquareSize * (8 - move.i) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ y := CHB_Y + SquareSize * (move.j - 1) + (SquareSize div 2);
+ end;
+ // Draw an arrow
+ ca := (x - x0) / sqrt(sqr(x - x0) + sqr(y - y0));
+ sa := (y - y0) / sqrt(sqr(x - x0) + sqr(y - y0));
+ x0 := x0 + Round(ARROW_INDENT * ca);
+ y0 := y0 + Round(ARROW_INDENT * sa);
+ x := x - Round(ARROW_INDENT * ca);
+ y := y - Round(ARROW_INDENT * sa);
+ Canvas.MoveTo(x0, y0);
+ Canvas.LineTo(x, y);
+ xa := x + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * ca -
+ ya := y + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * sa +
+ Canvas.LineTo(Round(xa), Round(ya));
+ xa := x + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * ca -
+ ya := y + (-ARROW_END_LENGTH * cos(ARROW_END_ANGLE)) * sa +
+ Canvas.MoveTo(x, y);
+ Canvas.LineTo(Round(xa), Round(ya));
+ end;
+procedure Reestimate(lstMoveEsts: TList; viRec: integer);
+ est: SmallInt;
+ id: word;
+ id := LongWord(lstMoveEsts[viRec]) shr 16;
+ if id = gameID then
+ exit; // позиция дублируется в рамках одной партии
+ est := SmallInt(lstMoveEsts[viRec]);
+ case gameResult of
+ grWin: inc(est, 2);
+ grWinTime: inc(est);
+ grDraw: ;
+ grLost: dec(est, 2);
+ grLostTime: dec(est);
+ end;
+ lstMoveEsts[viRec] := Pointer((gameID shl 16) or Word(est));
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.FSetTrainingMode(bValue: boolean);
+ if (m_bTrainingMode = bValue) then
+ exit;
+ m_bTrainingMode := bValue;
+ try
+ if (m_bTrainingMode) then
+ begin
+ if (m_strPosBaseName <> '') then
+ m_PosBase := TPosBase.Create(m_strPosBaseName, Reestimate);
+ if (m_strExtPosBaseName <> '') then
+ m_ExtPosBase := TPosBase.Create(m_strExtPosBaseName);
+ with TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE) do
+ try
+ WaitFor;
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FreeAndNil(m_PosBase);
+ FreeAndNil(m_ExtPosBase);
+ end;
+ RDoUpdate;
+ except
+ on Exception do
+ begin
+ FreeAndNil(m_PosBase);
+ FreeAndNil(m_ExtPosBase);
+ m_bTrainingMode := FALSE;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.FSetUseUserBase(bValue: boolean);
+ if (m_bUseUserBase = bValue) then
+ exit;
+ m_bUseUserBase := bValue;
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE);
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.ROnAfterMoveDone;
+ if (m_bTrainingMode) then
+ begin
+ if (Assigned(ChessBoard) and
+ (ChessBoard.PlayerColor = ChessBoard.PositionColor)) then
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self) // Read from PosBase and update
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.ROnAfterSetPosition;
+ if (m_bTrainingMode) then
+ begin
+ with TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE) do // Read from DB and update
+ try
+ WaitFor;
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.SetExternalBase(const strExtPosBaseName: string);
+ if (m_bTrainingMode) then
+ begin
+ if (m_strExtPosBaseName = strExtPosBaseName) then
+ exit;
+ FreeAndNil(m_ExtPosBase);
+ m_ExtPosBase := TPosBase.Create(strExtPosBaseName);
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(self, FALSE);
+ end;
+ m_strExtPosBaseName := strExtPosBaseName;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.WriteGameToBase(AGameResult: TGameResult);
+ if (m_bTrainingMode) then
+ begin
+ gameResult := AGameResult;
+ TPosBaseOperator.CreateWrite(self);
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.UnsetExternalBase;
+ FreeAndNil(m_ExtPosBase);
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.ROnAfterModeSet(const OldValue, NewValue: TMode);
+ if (OldValue = mEdit) then
+ ROnAfterSetPosition; // Read from PosBase
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.ROnResetMoveList;
+ if (ChessBoard.Mode = mEdit) then
+ FClearMovePriorList;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.FClearMovePriorList;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := 0 to m_lstMovePrior.Count - 1 do
+ Dispose(m_lstMovePrior[i]);
+ m_lstMovePrior.Clear;
+function EstComape(item1, item2: pointer): integer;
+ Result := SmallInt(PMoveEst(item2).estimate and $FFFF) - SmallInt(PMoveEst(item1).estimate and $FFFF);
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.FReadFromBase;
+ procedure ClasterMoves(var rlstMove: TList);
+ var
+ i, j, num_clast, i_min, j_min, curr_assoc: integer;
+ modus_min: double;
+ clastWeights: array of record
+ grav: double;
+ assoc: integer;
+ end;
+ mp: PMovePrior;
+ p: TPrior;
+ begin
+ if rlstMove.Count = 0 then
+ exit;
+ rlstMove.Sort(EstComape);
+ SetLength(clastWeights, rlstMove.Count);
+ num_clast := rlstMove.Count;
+ for i := 0 to num_clast - 1 do
+ begin
+ clastWeights[i].assoc := i + 1;
+ clastWeights[i].grav := SmallInt(PMoveEst(rlstMove[i]).estimate and $FFFF);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ i_min := 0;
+ j_min := 0;
+ modus_min := $7FFF; // $7FFF - макс. значение для оценки
+ curr_assoc := 0; // текущий просматриваемый кластер
+ for i := 0 to length(clastWeights) - 2 do
+ begin
+ if curr_assoc = clastWeights[i].assoc then
+ continue;
+ curr_assoc := clastWeights[i].assoc;
+ for j := i + 1 to length(clastWeights) - 1 do
+ if (clastWeights[j].assoc <> clastWeights[j-1].assoc) and
+ (curr_assoc <> clastWeights[j].assoc) and
+ (abs(clastWeights[i].grav - clastWeights[j].grav) <= modus_min) then
+ begin
+ i_min := i;
+ j_min := j;
+ modus_min := abs(clastWeights[i].grav - clastWeights[j].grav);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (num_clast > Ord(High(TPrior))) or (modus_min = 0.0) then
+ begin
+ for i := High(clastWeights) downto j_min do
+ if clastWeights[i].assoc = clastWeights[j_min].assoc then
+ clastWeights[i].assoc := clastWeights[i_min].assoc;
+ clastWeights[i_min].grav := (clastWeights[i_min].grav + clastWeights[j_min].grav) / 2;
+ end;
+ dec(num_clast);
+ until (num_clast <= Ord(High(TPrior))) and ((modus_min <> 0.0) or (num_clast < 1));
+ p := mpHigh;
+ for i := 0 to rlstMove.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ new(mp);
+ if (i > 0) and (clastWeights[i].assoc > clastWeights[i-1].assoc) then
+ p := Succ(p);
+ mp.move := PMoveEst(rlstMove[i]).move;
+ mp.prior := p;
+ Dispose(rlstMove[i]);
+ rlstMove[i] := mp;
+ end;
+ SetLength(clastWeights, 0);
+ end;
+ lstUsrMove, lstExtMove: TList;
+ procedure MergeMoves;
+ function NEqualMoves(i,j: integer): boolean;
+ begin
+ with PMovePrior(lstExtMove[i])^, PMovePrior(m_lstMovePrior[j]).move do
+ Result := (i0 = move.i0) and (j0 = move.j0) and (j = move.j) and (i = move.i) and
+ (prom_fig = move.prom_fig);
+ end;
+ var
+ i, j, n: integer;
+ const
+ PRIOR_CALC: array[TPrior, TPrior] of TPrior =
+ ((mpNo, mpNo, mpNo, mpNo), // UsrPrior = mpNo - ?, т.к. ещё нигде не исп.
+ (mpHigh, mpHigh, mpHigh, mpMid), // UsrPrior = mpHigh
+ (mpMid, mpMid, mpMid, mpMid), // UsrPrior = mpMid
+ (mpLow, mpMid, mpLow, mpLow)); // UsrPrior = mpLow
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to lstUsrMove.Count - 1 do
+ m_lstMovePrior.Add(lstUsrMove[i]);
+ // Merging of lists
+ n := m_lstMovePrior.Count;
+ for i := 0 to lstExtMove.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ j := n - 1;
+ while (j >= 0) do
+ begin
+ if NEqualMoves(i,j) then
+ begin
+ PMovePrior(m_lstMovePrior[j]).prior :=
+ PRIOR_CALC[PMovePrior(m_lstMovePrior[j]).prior,
+ PMovePrior(lstExtMove[j]).prior];
+ Dispose(lstExtMove[i]);
+ break;
+ end;
+ dec(j);
+ end;
+ if (j < 0) then
+ m_lstMovePrior.Add(lstExtMove[i]);
+ end; // for
+ end;
+begin // .FReadFromBase
+ FClearMovePriorList;
+ if (not Assigned(Position)) then
+ exit;
+ lstExtMove := nil;
+ lstUsrMove := TList.Create;
+ try
+ lstExtMove := TList.Create;
+ if (m_bUseUserBase or (not Assigned(m_ExtPosBase))) then
+ begin
+ if (Assigned(m_PosBase)) then
+ m_PosBase.Find(Position^, lstUsrMove);
+ end;
+ if (Assigned(m_ExtPosBase)) then
+ m_ExtPosBase.Find(Position^, lstExtMove);
+ // TODO: Handle wrong DB
+ ClasterMoves(lstUsrMove);
+ ClasterMoves(lstExtMove);
+ MergeMoves;
+ finally
+ lstExtMove.Free;
+ lstUsrMove.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseChessBoardLayer.FWriteGameToBase;
+ ply: integer;
+ if (not (Assigned(m_PosBase) and Assigned(PositionsList))) then
+ exit;
+ gameID := Random($FFFF) + 1;
+ if (ChessBoard.PlayerColor = RGetColorStarts) then
+ ply := 0
+ else
+ ply := 1;
+ while ((ply < PositionsList.Count) and ((MAX_PLY_TO_BASE < 0) or (ply <= MAX_PLY_TO_BASE))) do
+ begin
+ m_PosBase.Add(PPosMove(PositionsList[ply])^);
+ inc(ply, 2);
+ end;
+// TPosBaseOperator
+constructor TPosBaseOperator.FCreateRead(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer;
+ vbFreeOnTerminate: boolean = TRUE);
+ m_Operation := opRead;
+ m_Layer := ALayer;
+ inherited Create(TRUE);
+ Priority := tpNormal;
+ FreeOnTerminate := vbFreeOnTerminate;
+ Resume;
+constructor TPosBaseOperator.FCreateWrite(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer);
+ m_Layer := ALayer;
+ m_Operation := opWrite;
+ inherited Create(TRUE);
+ Priority := tpNormal;
+ FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
+ Resume;
+class function TPosBaseOperator.CreateRead(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer;
+ vbFreeOnTerminate: boolean = TRUE): TPosBaseOperator;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (Assigned(ALayer.ChessBoard) and (ALayer.ChessBoard.Mode <> mEdit)) then
+ Result := TPosBaseOperator.FCreateRead(ALayer, vbFreeOnTerminate);
+class function TPosBaseOperator.CreateWrite(ALayer: TPosBaseChessBoardLayer): TPosBaseOperator;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (Assigned(ALayer.ChessBoard) and (ALayer.ChessBoard.Mode <> mEdit)) then
+ Result := TPosBaseOperator.FCreateWrite(ALayer);
+procedure TPosBaseOperator.Execute;
+ case m_Operation of
+ opRead:
+ begin
+ m_Layer.FReadFromBase;
+ Synchronize(m_Layer.RDoUpdate);
+ end;
+ opWrite:
+ m_Layer.FWriteGameToBase;
+ end;
+procedure TPosBaseOperator.WaitFor;
+ if (not Assigned(self)) then
+ exit;
+ inherited WaitFor;
+ Randomize;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseUnit.pas
index e45ea46b0c..60f6cba6c4 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/PosBaseUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit PosBaseUnit;
- ChessBoardHeaderUnit, ChessRulesEngine, ChessBoardUnit, Classes;
+ Classes,
+ //
+ ChessRulesEngine;
PMoveEst = ^TMoveEst;
@@ -12,31 +20,42 @@ type
estimate: LongWord;
- TFieldNode = packed record
- bField: byte;
- bNextNode: byte; // сл. узел
- wNextNode: word;
- bNextValue: byte; // сл. значение данных
- wNextValue: word;
- end;
+ TReestimate = procedure(moveEsts: TList; nRec: integer);
- TMoveNode = packed record
- wMove: word;
- estimate: LongWord;
- bNextValue: byte; // сл. значение данных
- wNextValue: word;
+ TPosBaseStream = class
+ private
+ m_iRecordSize: integer;
+ m_iHeaderSize: integer;
+ m_InnerStream: TStream;
+ constructor Create(const strFileName: string; RecordSize: integer);
+ function FGetSize: integer;
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure SeekHeader;
+ procedure SeekRec(lwRecordNumber: LongWord);
+ procedure SeekEnd;
+ procedure Write(const Buffer); overload;
+ procedure Write(const Buffer; Count: integer); overload;
+ procedure Read(var Buffer); overload;
+ procedure Read(var Buffer; Count: integer); overload;
+ property Size: integer read FGetSize;
+ property HeaderSize: integer read m_iHeaderSize write m_iHeaderSize;
- TReestimate = procedure(moveEsts: TList; nRec: integer);
TPosBase = class
- fPos: file of TFieldNode;
- fMov: file of TMoveNode;
- Reestimate: TReestimate;
+ m_iDBVersion: Integer;
+ fPos: TPosBaseStream;
+ fMov: TPosBaseStream;
+ FReestimate: TReestimate;
+ procedure FCreateStreams(const strPosFileName, strMovFileName: string);
+ procedure FDestroyStreams;
+ procedure FSetDBVersion;
+ function FCheckDBVersion: Boolean;
procedure Add(const posMove: TPosMove); // добавление позиции и хода в базу
- function Find(const pos: TChessPosition; moveEsts: TList = nil): boolean;
+ function Find(const pos: TChessPosition): boolean; overload;
+ function Find(const pos: TChessPosition; var moveEsts: TList): boolean; overload;
constructor Create(fileNameNoExt: string; Reestimate: TReestimate = nil);
destructor Destroy; override;
@@ -47,15 +66,46 @@ uses
+ TFieldNode = packed object
+ public
+ btField: byte;
+ private
+ m_btNextNode: byte; // сл. узел
+ m_wNextNode: word;
+ m_btNextValue: byte; // сл. значение данных
+ m_wNextValue: word;
+ function FGetNextNode: LongWord;
+ procedure FSetNextNode(lwValue: LongWord);
+ function FGetNextValue: LongWord;
+ procedure FSetNextValue(lwValue: LongWord);
+ public
+ property NextNode: LongWord read FGetNextNode write FSetNextNode;
+ property NextValue: LongWord read FGetNextValue write FSetNextValue;
+ end;
+ TMoveNode = packed object
+ public
+ wMove: word;
+ estimate: LongWord;
+ private
+ m_btNextValue: byte; // сл. значение данных
+ m_wNextValue: word;
+ function FGetNextValuePos: LongWord;
+ procedure FSetNextValuePos(lwValue: LongWord);
+ public
+ procedure EmptyNode;
+ property NextValue: LongWord read FGetNextValuePos write FSetNextValuePos;
+ end;
TCoord = record
- i,j: integer;
+ i, j: integer;
POS_FILE_EXT = 'pos';
MOV_FILE_EXT = 'mov';
- (wMove: 0; estimate: 0; bNextValue: 0; wNextValue: 0);
FIELD_SEQ: array[1..64] of TCoord = // 13617 kb
((i: 1; j: 1), (i: 1; j: 2), (i: 1; j: 3), (i: 1; j: 4),
@@ -75,33 +125,77 @@ const
(i: 5; j: 1), (i: 5; j: 2), (i: 5; j: 3), (i: 5; j: 4),
(i: 5; j: 5), (i: 5; j: 6), (i: 5; j: 7), (i: 5; j: 8));
+// TPosBase
constructor TPosBase.Create(fileNameNoExt: string; Reestimate: TReestimate = nil);
- AssignFile(fPos, fileNameNoExt + '.' + POS_FILE_EXT);
- Reset(fPos);
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- Rewrite(fPos);
- AssignFile(fMov, fileNameNoExt + '.' + MOV_FILE_EXT);
- Reset(fMov);
- try
- if IOResult <> 0 then
- Rewrite(fMov);
- except
- Close(fPos);
- raise;
- end;
- self.Reestimate := Reestimate;
+ inherited Create;
+ self.FReestimate := Reestimate;
+ FCreateStreams(fileNameNoExt + '.' + POS_FILE_EXT,
+ fileNameNoExt + '.' + MOV_FILE_EXT);
+ FSetDBVersion;
destructor TPosBase.Destroy;
- CloseFile(fPos); // TODO: Here occurs an error if client is closed unforced
- CloseFile(fMov);
+ FDestroyStreams;
+ inherited;
+procedure TPosBase.FSetDBVersion;
+ btData: byte;
+ wVersion: word;
+ m_iDBVersion := DB_VERSION; // default version
+ if (fPos.Size > 0) then
+ begin
+ fPos.SeekHeader;
+ fPos.Read(btData, SizeOf(btData));
+ if (btData <> $FF) then
+ begin
+ m_iDBVersion := 0;
+ fPos.HeaderSize := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fPos.Read(wVersion, SizeOf(wVersion));
+ m_iDBVersion := wVersion;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ btData := $FF;
+ wVersion := m_iDBVersion;
+ fPos.Write(btData, SizeOf(btData));
+ fPos.Write(wVersion, SizeOf(wVersion));
+ end;
+ fPos.HeaderSize := SizeOf(byte) + SizeOf(word);
+function TPosBase.FCheckDBVersion: Boolean;
+ Result := (m_iDBVersion <= DB_VERSION);
+procedure TPosBase.FCreateStreams(const strPosFileName, strMovFileName: string);
+ fPos := TPosBaseStream.Create(strPosFileName, SizeOf(TFieldNode));
+ fMov := TPosBaseStream.Create(strMovFileName, SizeOf(TMoveNode));
+procedure TPosBase.FDestroyStreams;
+ fMov.Free;
+ fPos.Free;
@@ -139,53 +233,52 @@ var
// Добавление узлов позиции
if r >= 0 then
- begin
- nr := FileSize(fPos);
- fn.bNextValue := nr and $FF;
- fn.wNextValue := nr shr 8;
- Seek(fPos, r);
- write(fPos, fn);
- Seek(fPos, nr);
- end
+ begin
+ nr := fPos.Size;
+ fn.NextValue := nr;
+ fPos.SeekRec(r);
+ fPos.Write(fn);
+ fPos.SeekRec(nr);
+ end
nr := 0;
for l := k to 66 do // 65 - доп. инф, 66 - цвет.
+ begin
+ if l = 66 then
- if l = 66 then
- begin
- fn.bField := ord(posMove.pos.color);
- nr := FileSize(fMov);
- end
- else
- begin
- if l <= 64 then
- fn.bField := ord(posMove.pos.board[FIELD_SEQ[l].i, FIELD_SEQ[l].j])
- else // l = 65
- fn.bField := addInf;
- inc(nr);
- end;
- fn.bNextNode := nr and $FF;
- fn.wNextNode := nr shr 8;
- fn.bNextValue := 0;
- fn.wNextValue := 0;
- write(fPos, fn);
+ fn.btField := ord(posMove.pos.color);
+ nr := fMov.Size;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if l <= 64 then
+ fn.btField := ord(posMove.pos.board[FIELD_SEQ[l].i, FIELD_SEQ[l].j])
+ else // l = 65
+ fn.btField := addInf;
+ inc(nr);
+ fn.NextNode := nr;
+ fn.NextValue := 0;
+ fPos.Write(fn);
+ end;
// формирование записи хода
+ mn.EmptyNode;
mn.wMove := EncodeMove(posMove.move);
- if Assigned(Reestimate) then
+ if Assigned(FReestimate) then
estList := TList.Create;
- Reestimate(estList, 0);
+ FReestimate(estList, 0);
mn.estimate := LongWord(estList[0]);
- end;
+ end;
- Seek(fMov, FileSize(fMov));
- write(fMov, mn);
+ fMov.SeekEnd;
+ fMov.Write(mn);
@@ -195,34 +288,38 @@ var
enc_mv: word;
estList: TList;
+ if (not FCheckDBVersion) then
+ exit;
addInf := EncodeAddInf(posMove.pos);
- if FileSize(fPos) = 0 then
- begin
- AddPosNodes(1);
- exit;
- end;
+ if (fPos.Size = 0) then
+ begin
+ AddPosNodes(1);
+ exit;
+ end;
r := 0;
for k := 1 to 66 do // 65 - доп. инф, 66 - цвет.
+ begin
+ fPos.SeekRec(r);
+ fPos.Read(fn);
+ while ((k <= 64) and (fn.btField <> ord(posMove.pos.board[FIELD_SEQ[k].i, FIELD_SEQ[k].j]))) or
+ ((k = 65) and (fn.btField <> addInf)) or
+ ((k = 66) and (fn.btField <> ord(posMove.pos.color))) do
- Seek(fPos, r);
- read(fPos, fn);
- while ((k <= 64) and (fn.bField <> ord(posMove.pos.board[FIELD_SEQ[k].i, FIELD_SEQ[k].j]))) or
- ((k = 65) and (fn.bField <> addInf)) or
- ((k = 66) and (fn.bField <> ord(posMove.pos.color))) do
- begin
- pr := r;
- r := (fn.wNextValue shl 8) or fn.bNextValue;
- if r = 0 then
- begin
- AddPosNodes(k, pr);
- exit;
- end;
- Seek(fPos, r);
- read(fPos, fn);
- end; { while }
- // значение в цепочке найдено
- r := (fn.wNextNode shl 8) or fn.bNextNode;
- end;
+ pr := r;
+ r := fn.NextValue;
+ if (r = 0) then
+ begin
+ AddPosNodes(k, pr);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fPos.SeekRec(r);
+ fPos.Read(fn);
+ end; { while }
+ // значение в цепочке найдено
+ r := fn.NextNode;
+ end;
moveCount := 0;
moveSet := -1;
@@ -232,62 +329,72 @@ begin
enc_mv := EncodeMove(posMove.move);
pr := r;
- Seek(fMov, r);
- read(fMov, mn);
+ fMov.SeekRec(r);
+ fMov.Read(mn);
mv := mn.wMove;
if mv = enc_mv then
moveSet := moveCount;
- if Assigned(Reestimate) then
+ if Assigned(FReestimate) then
- r := (mn.wNextValue shl 8) or mn.bNextValue;
+ r := mn.NextValue;
until r = 0;
if moveSet < 0 then // хода нет в списке, добавляем
// связывание нового узла с текущим узлом
- r := FileSize(fMov);
- mn.bNextValue := r and $FF;
- mn.wNextValue := r shr 8;
- Seek(fMov, pr);
- write(fMov, mn);
+ r := fMov.Size;
+ mn.NextValue := r;
+ fMov.SeekRec(pr);
+ fMov.Write(mn);
// Добавление нового узла ходов
+ mn.EmptyNode;
mn.wMove := enc_mv;
- Seek(fMov, r);
- write(fMov, mn);
+ fMov.SeekRec(r);
+ fMov.Write(mn);
- if Assigned(Reestimate) then
+ if Assigned(FReestimate) then
moveSet := moveCount;
- if Assigned(Reestimate) then
+ if Assigned(FReestimate) then
+ begin
+ FReestimate(estList, moveSet);
+ for k := 0 to estList.Count - 1 do
- Reestimate(estList, moveSet);
- for k := 0 to estList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- Seek(fMov, rm);
- read(fMov, mn);
- if mn.estimate <> LongWord(estList[k]) then
- begin
- mn.estimate := LongWord(estList[k]);
- Seek(fMov, rm);
- write(fMov, mn);
- end;
- rm := (mn.wNextValue shl 8) or mn.bNextValue;
- end;
+ fMov.SeekRec(rm);
+ fMov.Read(mn);
+ if (mn.estimate <> LongWord(estList[k])) then
+ begin
+ mn.estimate := LongWord(estList[k]);
+ fMov.SeekRec(rm);
+ fMov.Write(mn);
+ end;
+ rm := mn.NextValue;
+ end;
-function TPosBase.Find(const pos: TChessPosition; moveEsts: TList = nil): boolean;
+function TPosBase.Find(const pos: TChessPosition): boolean;
+ lstDummy: TList;
+ lstDummy := nil;
+ Result := Find(pos, lstDummy);
+function TPosBase.Find(const pos: TChessPosition; var moveEsts: TList): boolean;
function DecodeMove(enc_move: word): TMoveAbs;
@@ -312,49 +419,185 @@ var
pme: PMoveEst;
+begin // TPosBase.Find
Result := FALSE;
- for k := 0 to moveEsts.Count - 1 do
- dispose(moveEsts[k]);
- moveEsts.Clear;
- if FileSize(fPos) = 0 then
+ if (not FCheckDBVersion) then
+ exit;
+ if (Assigned(moveEsts)) then
+ begin
+ for k := 0 to moveEsts.Count - 1 do
+ Dispose(moveEsts[k]);
+ moveEsts.Clear;
+ end;
+ if (fPos.Size = 0) then
r := 0;
for k := 1 to 66 do // 65 - доп. инф, 66 - цвет.
- begin
+ begin
- Seek(fPos, r);
- read(fPos, fn);
- r := (fn.wNextNode shl 8) or fn.bNextNode;
- while ((k <= 64) and (fn.bField <> ord(pos.board[FIELD_SEQ[k].i, FIELD_SEQ[k].j]))) or
- ((k = 65) and (fn.bField <> EncodeAddInf(pos))) or
- ((k = 66) and (fn.bField <> ord(pos.color))) do
- begin
- r := (fn.wNextValue shl 8) or fn.bNextValue;
- if r = 0 then
- exit
- else
- goto here;
- end; { while }
- end; { for }
+ fPos.SeekRec(r);
+ fPos.Read(fn);
+ r := fn.NextNode;
+ while ((k <= 64) and (fn.btField <> ord(pos.board[FIELD_SEQ[k].i, FIELD_SEQ[k].j]))) or
+ ((k = 65) and (fn.btField <> EncodeAddInf(pos))) or
+ ((k = 66) and (fn.btField <> ord(pos.color))) do
+ begin
+ r := fn.NextValue;
+ if r = 0 then
+ exit
+ else
+ goto here;
+ end; { while }
+ end; { for }
Result := TRUE;
- if not Assigned(moveEsts) then
+ if (not Assigned(moveEsts)) then
- // Заполнение списка ходов
+ // Filling the moves list
- Seek(fMov, r);
- read(fMov, mn);
+ fMov.SeekRec(r);
+ fMov.Read(mn);
pme^.move := DecodeMove(mn.wMove);
pme^.estimate := mn.estimate;
- r := (mn.wNextValue shl 8) or mn.bNextValue;
- until r = 0;
+ r := mn.NextValue;
+ until (r = 0);
+// TFieldNode
+function TFieldNode.FGetNextNode: LongWord;
+ Result := (m_wNextNode shl 8) or m_btNextNode;
+procedure TFieldNode.FSetNextNode(lwValue: LongWord);
+ m_btNextNode := lwValue and $FF;
+ m_wNextNode := lwValue shr 8;
+function TFieldNode.FGetNextValue: LongWord;
+ Result := (m_wNextValue shl 8) or m_btNextValue;
+procedure TFieldNode.FSetNextValue(lwValue: LongWord);
+ m_btNextValue := lwValue and $FF;
+ m_wNextValue := lwValue shr 8;
+// TMoveNode
+function TMoveNode.FGetNextValuePos: LongWord;
+ Result := (m_wNextValue shl 8) or m_btNextValue;
+procedure TMoveNode.FSetNextValuePos(lwValue: LongWord);
+ m_btNextValue := lwValue and $FF;
+ m_wNextValue := lwValue shr 8;
+procedure TMoveNode.EmptyNode;
+ FillChar(self, SizeOf(self), 0);
+// TPosBaseStream
+constructor TPosBaseStream.Create(const strFileName: string; RecordSize: integer);
+ FileHandle: Integer;
+ inherited Create;
+ m_iRecordSize := RecordSize;
+ if (not FileExists(strFileName)) then
+ begin
+ FileHandle := FileCreate(strFileName);
+ FileClose(FileHandle);
+ end;
+ m_InnerStream := TFileStream.Create(strFileName, fmOpenReadWrite,
+ fmShareDenyWrite);
+destructor TPosBaseStream.Destroy;
+ m_InnerStream.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TPosBaseStream.FGetSize: integer;
+ Result := (m_InnerStream.Size - m_iHeaderSize) div m_iRecordSize;
+procedure TPosBaseStream.SeekHeader;
+ m_InnerStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
+procedure TPosBaseStream.SeekRec(lwRecordNumber: LongWord);
+ m_InnerStream.Seek(m_iHeaderSize + lwRecordNumber * m_iRecordSize, soFromBeginning);
+procedure TPosBaseStream.SeekEnd;
+ m_InnerStream.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
+procedure TPosBaseStream.Write(const Buffer);
+ m_InnerStream.WriteBuffer(Buffer, m_iRecordSize);
+procedure TPosBaseStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: integer);
+ m_InnerStream.WriteBuffer(Buffer, Count);
+procedure TPosBaseStream.Read(var Buffer);
+ m_InnerStream.ReadBuffer(Buffer, m_iRecordSize);
+procedure TPosBaseStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: integer);
+ m_InnerStream.ReadBuffer(Buffer, Count);
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/PromotionUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/PromotionUnit.pas
index 91abacbad7..10ed8a9218 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/PromotionUnit.pas
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/PromotionUnit.pas
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
unit PromotionUnit;
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, ExtCtrls,
// Chess4net
ChessRulesEngine, ChessBoardHeaderUnit, BitmapResUnit;
@@ -39,52 +45,88 @@ const
// TPromotionForm
procedure TPromotionForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure NCorrectIfOutOfScreen(var iLeft, iTop: integer);
+ var
+ R: TRect;
+ M: TMonitor;
+ frmOwner: TForm;
+ begin
+ if (Assigned(Owner)) then
+ frmOwner := (Owner as TForm)
+ else
+ frmOwner := nil;
+ if (Assigned(frmOwner)) then
+ begin
+ M := Screen.MonitorFromRect(frmOwner.BoundsRect);
+ R := M.WorkareaRect;
+ end
+ else
+ R := Screen.WorkAreaRect;
+ if ((iLeft + self.Width) > R.Right) then
+ iLeft := R.Right - self.Width;
+ if (iLeft < R.Left) then
+ iLeft := R.Left;
+ if ((iTop + self.Height) > R.Bottom) then
+ iTop := R.Bottom - self.Height;
+ if (iTop < R.Top) then
+ iTop := R.Top;
+ end;
k: byte;
+ iLeft, iTop: integer;
+begin // TPromotionForm.FormShow
if (m_iSquareSize <> m_BitmapRes.SquareSize) then
// Установить окно в пределах курсора
- Left := Mouse.CursorPos.X - m_iSquareSize div 2;
- Top := Mouse.CursorPos.Y - m_iSquareSize div 2;
- if (Left + Width > Screen.Width) then
- Left := Screen.Width - Width;
+ iLeft := Mouse.CursorPos.X - m_iSquareSize div 2;
+ iTop := Mouse.CursorPos.Y - m_iSquareSize div 2;
+ NCorrectIfOutOfScreen(iLeft, iTop);
+ Left := iLeft;
+ Top := iTop;
with PromFigImage.Canvas do
- begin
- Brush.Color:= Color;
- FillRect(Rect(0,0, Width, PromFigImage.Height));
- Brush.Color:= clWhite;
- for k := 0 to 3 do
- FillRect(Rect((m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE) * k, 0,
- (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE) * k + m_iSquareSize - 1, m_iSquareSize - 1));
- case m_fig_color of
- fcWhite:
- begin
- Draw(0, 0, m_bmFigure[WQ]);
- Draw(m_iSquareSize + 2, 0, m_bmFigure[WR]);
- Draw(2 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[WB]);
- Draw(3 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[WN]);
- end;
- fcBlack:
- begin
- Draw(0, 0, m_bmFigure[BQ]);
- Draw(m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE, 0, m_bmFigure[BR]);
- Draw(2 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[BB]);
- Draw(3 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[BN]);
- end;
- end;
+ begin
+ Brush.Color:= Color;
+ FillRect(Rect(0,0, Width, PromFigImage.Height));
+ Brush.Color:= clWhite;
+ for k := 0 to 3 do
+ FillRect(Rect((m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE) * k, 0,
+ (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE) * k + m_iSquareSize - 1, m_iSquareSize - 1));
+ case m_fig_color of
+ fcWhite:
+ begin
+ Draw(0, 0, m_bmFigure[WQ]);
+ Draw(m_iSquareSize + 2, 0, m_bmFigure[WR]);
+ Draw(2 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[WB]);
+ Draw(3 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[WN]);
+ end;
+ fcBlack:
+ begin
+ Draw(0, 0, m_bmFigure[BQ]);
+ Draw(m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE, 0, m_bmFigure[BR]);
+ Draw(2 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[BB]);
+ Draw(3 * (m_iSquareSize + INDENT_SIZE), 0, m_bmFigure[BN]);
+ end;
+ end;
function TPromotionForm.ShowPromotion(color: TFigureColor): TFigureName;
+ m_fig := Q;
m_fig_color := color;
Result := m_fig;
@@ -93,12 +135,13 @@ procedure TPromotionForm.PromFigImageMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
case X div (m_BitmapRes.SquareSize + 1) of
- 1: m_fig:= R;
- 2: m_fig:= B;
- 3: m_fig:= N;
- else
- m_fig:= Q;
+ 1: m_fig := R;
+ 2: m_fig := B;
+ 3: m_fig := N;
+ else
+ m_fig := Q;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme.txt b/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme.txt
index 4b20e46fb9..a2270d957d 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme.txt
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-(c) 2007-2010 No rights reserved
+(c) 2007-2011 No rights reserved
+Skype: packpaul1
-Chess4Net is a program for playing chess via Internet. It can be used as standalone application (Socket version for Microsoft Windows or Linux) or as plug-in for such instant messengers as Skype, Miranda, QIP Infium, Trillian Pro and &RQ. Two modes of chess game are supported: standart chess and its random counterpart - PP Random Chess. Chess4Net supports sudden death and incremental time controls as well as possibility to give your opponent a time-handicap. If you want to improve your chess skills there is also a support for a training mode. You can also invite other contacts to watch the games you're playing in real-time.
+Chess4Net is a program for playing chess via Internet. It can be used as a standalone application (Socket version for Microsoft Windows or Linux) or as plug-in for such instant messengers as Skype, Miranda, QIP Infium, Trillian Pro and &RQ. Two modes of chess game are supported: standart chess and its random counterpart - PP Random Chess. Chess4Net supports sudden death and incremental time controls as well as possibility to give your opponent a time-handicap. If you want to improve your chess skills there is also a support for a training mode. You can also invite other contacts to watch the games you're playing in real-time.
Middle game
@@ -18,7 +19,11 @@ Socket version:
Extract the archive to desired folder on your computer.
Skype plug-in:
- There're two options. You can either install from installation package or download an archive and extract it to a desired folder on your computer.
+ * Windows:
+ There're two options. You can either install from installation package or download an archive and extract it to a desired folder on your computer (Windows version).
+ * Linux:
+ Extract downloaded archive to a folder. If you're root then make the user to have full access to the installation folder.
Miranda plug-in:
Extract archive to the Miranda Plugins directory and re/start Miranda.
@@ -43,9 +48,17 @@ Socket version:
4) Click OK and wait until the connection is completed.
+ * Windows:
1) Run Chess4Net_Skype.exe. If you don't have Skype running it will start automatically. Click 'Allow access' when dialog 'Chess4Net_Skype.exe wants to use Skype' pops-up.
2) When a window with Skype contacts appears choose a contact you want to play chess with.
3) Wait until connection is completed.
+ * Linux
+ 1) You should have Skype running and be logged in to it.
+ 2) In terminal go to the installation folder for example:
+ cd ~/Chess4Net_Skype
+ 3) Run Chess4Net:
+ ./Chess4Net_Skype
1) Right-click the contact you want to play chess with and select 'Chess4Net' from contact pop-up menu.
@@ -76,10 +89,15 @@ User DB can learn from your games in order to give you best choices. You can als
Game transmitting mode:
-While you're playing some games you can invite other contacts to gollow up these games in real-time. Therefore you must
-start a new session of Chess4Net for a contact you want the game(s) be transmitted to. A mode selection dialog appears
-asking if game broadcasting has to be started. You must select 'Yes' (if you select 'No' an ordinary game session is created). After that you should select a game for transmition (only if there're several games in progress). After your contact
-connects he/she'll be able to watch the game.
+While you're playing some games you can invite other contacts to follow up these games in real-time. Therefore you must
+ start a new session of Chess4Net for a contact you want the game(s) be transmitted to. A mode selection dialog appears asking if game broadcasting has to be started. You must select 'Yes' (if you select 'No' an ordinary game session is created). After that you should select a game for transmition (only if there're several games in progress).
+ select Broadcast... from pop-up menu. A list of contacts appears. Select a contact whom you want to transmit the game played to.
+After your contact connects he/she'll be able to watch the game.
@@ -113,6 +131,15 @@ PP
Change log
+Chess4Net 2011.1 (Skype)
+[2011-08-06] Localization for German, French, Italian and Estonian
+[2011-08-01] Game resurection after application failure improved
+[2011-07-24] Keeping Skype connection alive feature
+[2011-05-23] Game transmition feature
+[2011-05-30] Incorrect chess clock timing on different locales fix
+[2011-06-01] Stay on top enabled
Chess4Net 2010.0 (MI)
[2010-05-28] Game retransmition feature added. Dialog handling improved (stay on top, out of screen etc). Majority of crashes fixed. Games numbering if several ones are played.
@@ -120,6 +147,7 @@ Chess4Net 2010.0 (MI)
Chess4Net 2010.1 (Skype)
[2010-02-07] Released with Credits reminder.
[2010-03-06] Skype accept help image added.
+[2010-11-13] Linux version released
Chess4net 2009.1 (MI)
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme_RU.txt b/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme_RU.txt
index d1430112a1..cd9cf6b5d0 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme_RU.txt
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/Readme_RU.txt
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/TODO.txt b/plugins/Chess4Net/TODO.txt
index eb75fe01c2..b41ea802b9 100644
--- a/plugins/Chess4Net/TODO.txt
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/TODO.txt
@@ -6,6 +6,24 @@
+Chess4Net Skype 2011.2
+- Редизайн GUI
+- Позиционирование и размер доски
+- Гостевой список
+- Индикатор "чей ход"
+Chess4Net Skype 2011.1
+- Ретрансляция партий: смена цвета при просмотре партий
+- Версионность/статистика
+- -> Skype API support
+- Поверх всех окон
+Chess4Net 2011.1
+- Свои методы декодирования времени
Chess4Net 2009.1
- AV при выходе из Миранды при не закрытом Ch4N
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/URLVersionQueryUnit.dfm b/plugins/Chess4Net/URLVersionQueryUnit.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fc902a9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/URLVersionQueryUnit.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+object URLVersionQuery: TURLVersionQuery
+ OldCreateOrder = False
+ Left = 562
+ Top = 338
+ Height = 102
+ Width = 215
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/URLVersionQueryUnit.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/URLVersionQueryUnit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24c73a1a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/URLVersionQueryUnit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+// All code below is exclusively owned by author of Chess4Net - Pavel Perminov
+// (,
+// Any changes, modifications, borrowing and adaptation are a subject for
+// explicit permition from the owner.
+unit URLVersionQueryUnit;
+ Classes;
+ TApplicationID = (aidAnalyzer = 1, aidSkype = 2);
+ TOperatingSystemID = (osidWindows = 1, osidLinux = 2);
+ TURLVersionQuery = class;
+ TQueryReadyEvent = procedure(Sender: TURLVersionQuery) of object;
+ TURLVersionQuery = class(TDataModule)
+ private
+ m_iLastVersion: integer;
+ m_wstrInfo: WideString;
+ FQueryReadyEvent: TQueryReadyEvent;
+ procedure FDoQueryReady;
+ function FQuery(const strURL: string): string;
+ function FGetURL(ApplicationID: TApplicationID; iVersion: integer;
+ OperatingSystemID: TOperatingSystemID): string;
+ procedure FParseResponse(const strResponse: string);
+ public
+ constructor Create; reintroduce;
+ procedure Query(ApplicationID: TApplicationID; iVersion: integer;
+ OperatingSystemID: TOperatingSystemID);
+ property LastVersion: integer read m_iLastVersion;
+ property Info: WideString read m_wstrInfo;
+ property OnQueryReady: TQueryReadyEvent read FQueryReadyEvent write FQueryReadyEvent;
+ end;
+{$R *.dfm}
+ Forms, SysUtils, StrUtils,
+ //
+ XIE;
+ TQueryThread = class(TThread)
+ private
+ m_URLVersionQuery: TURLVersionQuery;
+ m_strURL: string;
+ m_strResponse: string;
+ procedure FNotifyOnResponse;
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AURLVersionQuery: TURLVersionQuery; const strURL: string);
+ end;
+// TURLVersionQuery
+constructor TURLVersionQuery.Create;
+ inherited Create(Application);
+procedure TURLVersionQuery.FDoQueryReady;
+ if (Assigned(FQueryReadyEvent)) then
+ FQueryReadyEvent(self);
+procedure TURLVersionQuery.Query(ApplicationID: TApplicationID; iVersion: integer;
+ OperatingSystemID: TOperatingSystemID);
+ TQueryThread.Create(self, FGetURL(ApplicationID, iVersion, OperatingSystemID));
+function TURLVersionQuery.FQuery(const strURL: string): string;
+ with TIEWrapper.Create do
+ try
+ Result := OpenRequest(strURL);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+function TURLVersionQuery.FGetURL(ApplicationID: TApplicationID; iVersion: integer;
+ OperatingSystemID: TOperatingSystemID): string;
+ Result := Format('',
+ [Ord(ApplicationID), iVersion, Ord(OperatingSystemID)]);
+procedure TURLVersionQuery.FParseResponse(const strResponse: string);
+ procedure NSplit(const str: string; out strlList: TStringList);
+ var
+ iPosPrev, iPosNext: integer;
+ strSub: string;
+ begin
+ strlList := TStringList.Create;
+ strSub := '';
+ iPosPrev := 1;
+ while (iPosPrev <= Length(str)) do
+ begin
+ iPosNext := iPosPrev;
+ iPosNext := PosEx(';', str, iPosNext);
+ if (iPosNext = 0) then
+ iPosNext := MaxInt - 1;
+ strSub := strSub + Copy(str, iPosPrev, iPosNext - iPosPrev);
+ if ((iPosNext < Length(str)) and (str[iPosNext + 1] = ';')) then
+ begin
+ strSub := strSub + ';';
+ iPosPrev := iPosNext + 2;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ strlList.Append(strSub);
+ strSub := '';
+ iPosPrev := iPosNext + 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ strl: TStringList;
+begin // .FParseResponse
+ NSplit(strResponse, strl);
+ try
+ m_iLastVersion := StrToIntDef(strl.Values['Last version'], 0);
+ m_wstrInfo := strl.Values['Info'];
+ finally
+ strl.Free;
+ end;
+// TQueryThread
+constructor TQueryThread.Create(AURLVersionQuery: TURLVersionQuery; const strURL: string);
+ m_URLVersionQuery := AURLVersionQuery;
+ m_strURL := strURL;
+ inherited Create(TRUE);
+ FreeOnTerminate := TRUE;
+ Resume;
+procedure TQueryThread.Execute;
+ m_strResponse := m_URLVersionQuery.FQuery(m_strURL);
+ m_strResponse := 'Last version=201102;Info=Version 2011.2 is available'#10'TEST> You can download it from <TEST';
+ Synchronize(FNotifyOnResponse);
+procedure TQueryThread.FNotifyOnResponse;
+ m_URLVersionQuery.FParseResponse(m_strResponse);
+ m_URLVersionQuery.FDoQueryReady;
diff --git a/plugins/Chess4Net/lib/XIE/XIE.pas b/plugins/Chess4Net/lib/XIE/XIE.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd2498e738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Chess4Net/lib/XIE/XIE.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+{ =============================================================================
+ UnitName : XIe
+ Ver : 1.1
+ Create Date : 09.07.2007
+ Last Edit : 19.01.2011 by Pavel Perminov
+ Author : Dmitry Mirovodin
+ ========================================================================== }
+unit XIE;
+ Windows, ActiveX, URLMon;
+ TIEWrapperOnProcess = Procedure (const ProgressProcent: Byte; const StatusID : Cardinal; Const StatusText : String ) of object;
+ TBindStatusCallBack = Class(TObject, IUnknown, IBindStatusCallback)
+ private
+ fOnProcess : TIEWrapperOnProcess;
+ function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HRESULT; stdcall;
+ function _AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
+ function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
+ protected
+ function OnStartBinding(dwReserved: DWORD; pib: IBinding): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetPriority(out nPriority): HResult; stdcall;
+ function OnLowResource(reserved: DWORD): HResult; stdcall;
+ function OnProgress(ulProgress, ulProgressMax, ulStatusCode: ULONG; szStatusText: LPCWSTR): HResult; stdcall;
+ function OnStopBinding(hresult: HResult; szError: LPCWSTR): HResult; stdcall;
+ function GetBindInfo(out grfBINDF: DWORD; var bindinfo: TBindInfo): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
+ function OnDataAvailable(grfBSCF: DWORD; dwSize: DWORD; formatetc: PFormatEtc; stgmed: PStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
+ function OnObjectAvailable(const iid: TGUID; punk: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall;
+ public
+ constructor Create();
+ Property OnProcess : TIEWrapperOnProcess Read fOnProcess Write fOnProcess;
+ Class function ProcessStatusIdToString(Const StatusId: Cardinal):String;
+ end;
+ TIEWrapper = Class (TObject)
+ protected
+ fBindStatusCallback : TBindStatusCallback;
+ function GetOnProcess : TIEWrapperOnProcess;
+ procedure SetOnProcess( Value : TIEWrapperOnProcess);
+ function CheckRequest(const Request : String): boolean; Virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy(); override;
+ function OpenRequest(const Request : String):String;
+ function LoadFile(const Request : String; const FileName: String): boolean;
+ property OnProcess : TIEWrapperOnProcess Read GetOnProcess Write SetOnProcess;
+ end;
+ SysUtils;
+ BINDF_NEEDFILE = $00000040;
+ BINDF_PULLDATA = $00000080;
+ BINDF_HYPERLINK = $00000400;
+ BINDF_NO_UI = $00000800;
+ BINDF_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE = $00002000;
+ BINDF_RESERVED_1 = $00008000;
+ BINDF_FREE_THREADED = $00010000;
+ BINDF_DIRECT_READ = $00020000;
+ BINDF_FORMS_SUBMIT = $00040000;
+ BINDF_FROMURLMON = $00100000;
+ BINDF_FWD_BACK = $00200000;
+ BINDF_RESERVED_3 = $00800000;
+// ========================================================================== //
+constructor TBindStatusCallback.Create();
+ inherited Create;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult;
+ if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then Result := S_OK
+ else Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback._AddRef: Integer;
+ Result := -1;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback._Release: Integer;
+ Result := -1;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Class function TBindStatusCallback.ProcessStatusIdToString(Const StatusId: Cardinal):String;
+ case StatusId of
+ else
+ Result := 'N/A Code : ' + IntToStr(StatusId);
+ end;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.OnStartBinding(dwReserved: DWORD; pib: IBinding): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.GetPriority(out nPriority): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.OnLowResource(reserved: DWORD): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.OnProgress(ulProgress, ulProgressMax, ulStatusCode: ULONG; szStatusText: LPCWSTR): HResult;
+ Proc : Byte;
+ if Assigned(fOnProcess) then
+ begin
+ if ulStatusCode = BINDSTATUS_ENDDOWNLOADDATA then Proc := 100 else
+ if ulProgressMax = 0 then Proc := 0 else
+ Proc := Trunc( ulProgress * 100 / ulProgressMax);
+ fOnProcess(Proc, ulStatusCode, szStatusText);
+ end;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.OnStopBinding(hresult: HResult; szError: LPCWSTR): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.GetBindInfo(out grfBINDF: DWORD; var bindinfo: TBindInfo): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.OnDataAvailable(grfBSCF: DWORD; dwSize: DWORD; formatetc: PFormatEtc; stgmed: PStgMedium): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TBindStatusCallback.OnObjectAvailable(const iid: TGUID; punk: IUnknown): HResult;
+ Result := E_NOTIMPL;
+// ========================================================================== //
+Constructor TIEWrapper.Create;
+ fBindStatusCallback := TBindStatusCallback.Create;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TIEWrapper.GetOnProcess : TIEWrapperOnProcess;
+ Result:=fBindStatusCallback.OnProcess;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+procedure TIEWrapper.SetOnProcess( Value : TIEWrapperOnProcess);
+ fBindStatusCallback.OnProcess := Value;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TIEWrapper.CheckRequest(const Request : String): boolean;
+ result := False;
+ if Length(Request)>0 then Result := True;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TIEWrapper.OpenRequest(const Request : string):String;
+ Stream : IStream;
+ StreamInfo : STATSTG;
+ BuffSize : Integer;
+ P : Pointer;
+ Result := '';
+ if not CheckRequest(Request) then Exit;
+ Stream := nil;
+ if URLOpenBlockingStream(nil, PChar(Request), Stream, 0, fBindStatusCallback) = S_OK then
+ Begin
+ ZeroMemory(@StreamInfo, SizeOf(StreamInfo));
+ If Stream.Stat(StreamInfo, 0) = S_OK Then
+ Begin
+ If StreamInfo.cbSize > 0 Then
+ Begin
+ BuffSize := StreamInfo.cbSize;
+ GetMem(P, BuffSize);
+ try
+ ZeroMemory(P, SizeOf(BuffSize));
+ Stream.Read(P, buffsize, Nil);
+ Result := PCHAR(P);
+ finally
+ FreeMem(P);
+ end;
+ End;
+ End;
+ Stream := nil;
+ End;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function TIEWrapper.LoadFile(const Request : String; const FileName: String): boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ if not CheckRequest(Request) then Exit;
+ if URLDownloadToFile(nil, PChar(Request), PCHAR(FileName), 0, fBindStatusCallback) = S_OK then
+ Result := True;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+destructor TIEWrapper.Destroy();
+ fBindStatusCallback.Free;
+ fBindStatusCallback := nil;
+ inherited Destroy;
+// ========================================================================== //