path: root/plugins/Clist_nicer/SRC/Coolsb/coolsblib.cpp
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authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-16 16:31:53 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-16 16:31:53 +0000
commit5b0a53a6d3f1b8d70b34631d96d3815d0a334dd3 (patch)
tree9b38676d8ae565bac52063f5398dde110082a26f /plugins/Clist_nicer/SRC/Coolsb/coolsblib.cpp
parent1cf47d1eaff4d7d7242d0ab87dd540ae5b400833 (diff)
Clist_mw, Clist_nicer, CmdLine, Console: folder structure change
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Clist_nicer/SRC/Coolsb/coolsblib.cpp')
1 files changed, 1003 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Clist_nicer/SRC/Coolsb/coolsblib.cpp b/plugins/Clist_nicer/SRC/Coolsb/coolsblib.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42f74c4ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Clist_nicer/SRC/Coolsb/coolsblib.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1003 @@
+ Cool Scrollbar Library Version 1.2
+ Module: coolsblib.c
+ Copyright (c) J Brown 2001
+ This code is freeware, however, you may not publish
+ this code elsewhere or charge any money for it. This code
+ is supplied as-is. I make no guarantees about the suitability
+ of this code - use at your own risk.
+ It would be nice if you credited me, in the event
+ that you use this code in a product.
+ V1.2: TreeView problem fixed by Diego Tartara
+ Small problem in thumbsize calculation also fixed (thanks Diego!)
+ V1.1: Added support for Right-left windows
+ Changed calling convention of APIs to WINAPI (__stdcall)
+ Completely standalone (no need for c-runtime)
+ V1.0: Apr 2001: Initial Version
+#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
+#define _WIN32_IE 0x0501
+#include <commonheaders.h>
+#include "coolscroll.h"
+#include "userdefs.h"
+#include "coolsb_internal.h"
+static TCHAR szPropStr[] = _T("CoolSBSubclassPtr");
+LRESULT CALLBACK CoolSBWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
+SCROLLWND *GetScrollWndFromHwnd(HWND hwnd)
+ return (SCROLLWND *)GetProp(hwnd, szPropStr);
+SCROLLBAR *GetScrollBarFromHwnd(HWND hwnd, UINT nBar)
+ SCROLLWND *sw = GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd);
+ if (!sw) return 0;
+ if(nBar == SB_HORZ)
+ return &sw->sbarHorz;
+ else if(nBar == SB_VERT)
+ return &sw->sbarVert;
+ else
+ return 0;
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_IsCoolScrollEnabled(HWND hwnd)
+ if(GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd))
+ return TRUE;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL GetScrollRect(SCROLLWND *sw, UINT nBar, HWND hwnd, RECT *rect);
+// Special support for USER32.DLL patching (using Detours library)
+// The only place we call a real scrollbar API is in InitializeCoolSB,
+// where we call EnableScrollbar.
+// We HAVE to call the origial EnableScrollbar function,
+// so we need to be able to set a pointer to this func when using
+// using Detours (or any other LIB??)
+static WPROC pEnableScrollBar = 0;
+void WINAPI CoolSB_SetESBProc(WPROC proc)
+ pEnableScrollBar = proc;
+static void RedrawNonClient(HWND hwnd, BOOL fFrameChanged)
+ if(fFrameChanged == FALSE)
+ {
+ /*
+ RECT rect;
+ HRGN hrgn1, hrgn2;
+ SCROLLWND *sw = GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd);
+ GetScrollRect(sw, SB_HORZ, hwnd, &rect);
+ hrgn1 = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rect);
+ GetScrollRect(sw, SB_VERT, hwnd, &rect);
+ hrgn2 = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rect);
+ CombineRgn(hrgn1, hrgn2, hrgn1, RGN_OR);
+ SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, (WPARAM)hrgn1, 0);
+ DeleteObject(hrgn1);
+ DeleteObject(hrgn2);*/
+ SendMessage(hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, (WPARAM)1, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE
+ }
+// return the default minimum size of a scrollbar thumb
+int WINAPI CoolSB_GetDefaultMinThumbSize(void)
+ DWORD dwVersion = GetVersion();
+ // set the minimum thumb size for a scrollbar. This
+ // differs between NT4 and 2000, so need to check to see
+ // which platform we are running under
+ if(dwVersion < 0x80000000) // Windows NT/2000
+ {
+ if(LOBYTE(LOWORD(dwVersion)) >= 5)
+ return MINTHUMBSIZE_2000;
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+static SCROLLINFO *GetScrollInfoFromHwnd(HWND hwnd, int fnBar)
+ SCROLLBAR *sb = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, fnBar);
+ if(sb == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(fnBar == SB_HORZ)
+ {
+ return &sb->scrollInfo;
+ }
+ else if(fnBar == SB_VERT)
+ {
+ return &sb->scrollInfo;
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+// Initialize the cool scrollbars for a window by subclassing it
+// and using the coolsb window procedure instead
+BOOL WINAPI InitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd)
+ RECT rect;
+ DWORD dwCurStyle;
+ //BOOL fDisabled;
+ if(pEnableScrollBar == 0)
+ pEnableScrollBar = EnableScrollBar;
+ GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect);
+ //if we have already initialized Cool Scrollbars for this window,
+ //then stop the user from doing it again
+ if(GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd) != 0)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //allocate a private scrollbar structure which we
+ //will use to keep track of the scrollbar data
+ sw = (SCROLLWND *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(SCROLLWND));
+ si = &sw->sbarHorz.scrollInfo;
+ si->cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
+ si->fMask = SIF_ALL;
+ GetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_HORZ, si);
+ si = &sw->sbarVert.scrollInfo;
+ si->cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
+ si->fMask = SIF_ALL;
+ GetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_VERT, si);
+ //check to see if the window has left-aligned scrollbars
+ if(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR)
+ sw->fLeftScrollbar = TRUE;
+ else
+ sw->fLeftScrollbar = FALSE;
+ dwCurStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
+ SetProp(hwnd, szPropStr, (HANDLE)sw);
+ //try to enable the scrollbar arrows - if the return value is
+ //non-zero, then the scrollbars were previously disabled
+ //fDisabled = pEnableScrollBar(hwnd, SB_HORZ, ESB_ENABLE_BOTH);
+ //scrollbars will automatically get enabled, even if
+ //they aren't to start with....sorry, but there isn't an
+ //easy alternative.
+ if(dwCurStyle & WS_HSCROLL)
+ sw->sbarHorz.fScrollFlags = CSBS_VISIBLE;
+ if(dwCurStyle & WS_VSCROLL)
+ sw->sbarVert.fScrollFlags = CSBS_VISIBLE;
+ //need to be able to distinguish between horizontal and vertical
+ //scrollbars in some instances
+ sw->sbarHorz.nBarType = SB_HORZ;
+ sw->sbarVert.nBarType = SB_VERT;
+ sw->sbarHorz.fFlatScrollbar = CSBS_NORMAL;
+ sw->sbarVert.fFlatScrollbar = CSBS_NORMAL;
+ //set the default arrow sizes for the scrollbars
+ sw->sbarHorz.nArrowLength = SYSTEM_METRIC;
+ sw->sbarHorz.nArrowWidth = SYSTEM_METRIC;
+ sw->sbarVert.nArrowLength = SYSTEM_METRIC;
+ sw->sbarVert.nArrowWidth = SYSTEM_METRIC;
+ sw->bPreventStyleChange = FALSE;
+ sw->oldproc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)CoolSBWndProc);
+ CoolSB_SetMinThumbSize(hwnd, SB_BOTH, CoolSB_GetDefaultMinThumbSize());
+ ice.dwSize = sizeof(ice);
+ InitCommonControlsEx(&ice);
+ sw->hwndToolTip = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, _T(""),
+ hwnd, NULL, GetModuleHandle(0),
+ NULL);
+ ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO);
+ ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND;
+ ti.hwnd = hwnd;
+ ti.uId = (UINT)hwnd;
+ ti.hinst = GetModuleHandle(0);
+ SendMessage(sw->hwndToolTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&ti);
+ sw->hwndToolTip = 0;
+ //send the window a frame changed message to update the scrollbars
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_EnableScrollBar (HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT wArrows)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ UINT oldstate;
+ BOOL bFailed = FALSE;
+ if (!CoolSB_IsCoolScrollEnabled(hwnd))
+ return EnableScrollBar(hwnd, wSBflags, wArrows);
+ if ((wSBflags == SB_HORZ || wSBflags == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_HORZ)))
+ {
+ oldstate = sbar->fScrollFlags;
+ //clear any existing state, and OR in the disabled flags
+ sbar->fScrollFlags = (sbar->fScrollFlags & ~ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) | wArrows;
+ if(oldstate == sbar->fScrollFlags)
+ bFailed = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ((wSBflags == SB_VERT || wSBflags == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_VERT)))
+ {
+ oldstate = sbar->fScrollFlags;
+ //clear any existing state, and OR in the disabled flags
+ sbar->fScrollFlags = (sbar->fScrollFlags & ~ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) | wArrows;
+ if(oldstate == sbar->fScrollFlags)
+ bFailed = TRUE;
+ }
+ return !bFailed;
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollBarInfo(HWND hwnd)
+// SCROLLBARINFO sbi; not defined in winuser.h
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollInfo (HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi)
+ BOOL copied = FALSE;
+ if (!lpsi)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!(mysi = GetScrollInfoFromHwnd(hwnd, fnBar)))
+ {
+ return GetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi);
+ }
+ if(lpsi->fMask & SIF_PAGE)
+ {
+ lpsi->nPage = mysi->nPage;
+ copied = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lpsi->fMask & SIF_POS)
+ {
+ lpsi->nPos = mysi->nPos;
+ copied = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lpsi->fMask & SIF_TRACKPOS)
+ {
+ lpsi->nTrackPos = mysi->nTrackPos;
+ copied = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(lpsi->fMask & SIF_RANGE)
+ {
+ lpsi->nMin = mysi->nMin;
+ lpsi->nMax = mysi->nMax;
+ copied = TRUE;
+ }
+ return copied;
+int WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollPos (HWND hwnd, int nBar)
+ if (!(mysi = GetScrollInfoFromHwnd(hwnd, nBar)))
+ return GetScrollPos(hwnd, nBar);
+ return mysi->nPos;
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetScrollRange (HWND hwnd, int nBar, LPINT lpMinPos, LPINT lpMaxPos)
+ if (!lpMinPos || !lpMaxPos)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!(mysi = GetScrollInfoFromHwnd(hwnd, nBar)))
+ return GetScrollRange(hwnd, nBar, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos);
+ *lpMinPos = mysi->nMin;
+ *lpMaxPos = mysi->nMax;
+ return TRUE;
+int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollInfo (HWND hwnd, int fnBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ BOOL fRecalcFrame = FALSE;
+ if (!lpsi)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!(mysi = GetScrollInfoFromHwnd(hwnd, fnBar)))
+ return SetScrollInfo(hwnd, fnBar, lpsi, fRedraw);
+ //if(CoolSB_IsThumbTracking(hwnd))
+ // return mysi->nPos;
+ if(lpsi->fMask & SIF_RANGE)
+ {
+ mysi->nMin = lpsi->nMin;
+ mysi->nMax = lpsi->nMax;
+ }
+ //The nPage member must specify a value from 0 to nMax - nMin +1.
+ if(lpsi->fMask & SIF_PAGE)
+ {
+ UINT t = (UINT)(mysi->nMax - mysi->nMin + 1);
+ mysi->nPage = min(max(0, lpsi->nPage), t);
+ }
+ //The nPos member must specify a value between nMin and nMax - max(nPage - 1, 0).
+ if(lpsi->fMask & SIF_POS)
+ {
+ mysi->nPos = max(lpsi->nPos, mysi->nMin);
+ mysi->nPos = min((UINT)mysi->nPos, mysi->nMax - max(mysi->nPage - 1, 0));
+ }
+ sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, fnBar);
+ if ((lpsi->fMask & SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL) || (sbar->fScrollFlags & CSBS_THUMBALWAYS))
+ {
+ if (!sbar->fScrollVisible)
+ {
+ CoolSB_ShowScrollBar(hwnd, fnBar, TRUE);
+ fRecalcFrame = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( mysi->nPage > (UINT)mysi->nMax
+ || mysi->nPage == (UINT)mysi->nMax && mysi->nMax == 0
+ || mysi->nMax <= mysi->nMin)
+ {
+ if(sbar->fScrollVisible)
+ {
+ CoolSB_ShowScrollBar(hwnd, fnBar, FALSE);
+ fRecalcFrame = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!sbar->fScrollVisible)
+ {
+ CoolSB_ShowScrollBar(hwnd, fnBar, TRUE);
+ fRecalcFrame = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(fRedraw && !CoolSB_IsThumbTracking(hwnd))
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, fRecalcFrame);
+ return mysi->nPos;
+int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollPos(HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nPos, BOOL fRedraw)
+ int oldpos;
+ if (!(mysi = GetScrollInfoFromHwnd(hwnd, nBar)))
+ {
+ return SetScrollPos(hwnd, nBar, nPos, fRedraw);
+ }
+ //this is what should happen, but real scrollbars don't work like this..
+ //if(CoolSB_IsThumbTracking(hwnd))
+ // return mysi->nPos;
+ //validate and set the scollbar position
+ oldpos = mysi->nPos;
+ mysi->nPos = max(nPos, mysi->nMin);
+ mysi->nPos = min((UINT)mysi->nPos, mysi->nMax - max(mysi->nPage - 1, 0));
+ if(fRedraw && !CoolSB_IsThumbTracking(hwnd))
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, FALSE);
+ return oldpos;
+int WINAPI CoolSB_SetScrollRange (HWND hwnd, int nBar, int nMinPos, int nMaxPos, BOOL fRedraw)
+ if (!(mysi = GetScrollInfoFromHwnd(hwnd, nBar)))
+ return SetScrollRange(hwnd, nBar, nMinPos, nMaxPos, fRedraw);
+ if(CoolSB_IsThumbTracking(hwnd))
+ return mysi->nPos;
+ //hide the scrollbar if nMin == nMax
+ //nMax-nMin must not be greater than MAXLONG
+ mysi->nMin = nMinPos;
+ mysi->nMax = nMaxPos;
+ if(fRedraw)
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, FALSE);
+ return TRUE;
+// Show or hide the specified scrollbars
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ShowScrollBar (HWND hwnd, int wBar, BOOL fShow)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ BOOL bFailed = FALSE;
+ DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
+ if (!CoolSB_IsCoolScrollEnabled(hwnd))
+ return ShowScrollBar(hwnd, wBar, fShow);
+ if ((wBar == SB_HORZ || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_HORZ)))
+ {
+ sbar->fScrollFlags = sbar->fScrollFlags & ~CSBS_VISIBLE;
+ sbar->fScrollFlags |= (fShow == TRUE ? CSBS_VISIBLE : 0);
+ //bFailed = TRUE;
+ if(fShow) SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle | WS_HSCROLL);
+ else SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle & ~WS_HSCROLL);
+ }
+ if ((wBar == SB_VERT || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_VERT)))
+ {
+ sbar->fScrollFlags = sbar->fScrollFlags & ~CSBS_VISIBLE;
+ sbar->fScrollFlags |= (fShow == TRUE ? CSBS_VISIBLE : 0);
+ //bFailed = TRUE;
+ if(fShow) SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle | WS_VSCROLL);
+ else SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle & ~WS_VSCROLL);
+ }
+ if(bFailed)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //DWORD style = GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
+ //style |= WS_VSCROLL;
+ //if(s
+ //SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, style);
+ SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+// Remove cool scrollbars from the specified window.
+HRESULT WINAPI UninitializeCoolSB(HWND hwnd)
+ int i = 0;
+ SCROLLWND *sw = GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd);
+ if (!sw) return E_FAIL;
+ //restore the window procedure with the original one
+ SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)sw->oldproc);
+ RemoveProp(hwnd, szPropStr);
+ //SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
+ //finally, release the memory needed for the cool scrollbars
+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sw);
+ //Force WM_NCCALCSIZE and WM_NCPAINT so the original scrollbars can kick in
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, TRUE);
+ return S_OK;
+// Cool scrollbar specific interface (BUTTON support)
+// Insert a button into the scrollbar area
+// wSBflags - SB_HORZ / SB_VERT only
+// uPos - position into which to insert.
+// can be 0 to insert at the start, or -1 to insert
+// at the end of previously inserted buttons
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_InsertButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT nPos, SCROLLBUT *psb)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ SCROLLBUT *sbut;
+ UINT i;
+ if (!psb) return FALSE;
+ if (!(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
+ return FALSE;
+ //check that we havn't reached the maximum allowed buttons yet
+ if(sbar->nButtons == MAX_COOLSB_BUTS)
+ return FALSE;
+ //insert at end
+ if(nPos == -1)
+ {
+ sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[sbar->nButtons];
+ }
+ //otherwise, need to make room
+ else if ((int)nPos < 0 || (int)nPos > (UINT)sbar->nButtons)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //insert space for the button at the specified position
+ for (i = sbar->nButtons; i > nPos; i--)
+ {
+ sbar->sbButtons[i] = sbar->sbButtons[i-1];
+ }
+ sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[nPos];
+ }
+ //only set the button's properties if they are
+ //specified by the SCROLLBUT->fMask.
+ //Otherwise, use a default property value
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_TYPE)
+ sbut->uButType = psb->uButType;
+ else
+ sbut->uButType = SBBT_PUSHBUTTON;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_STATE)
+ sbut->uState = psb->uState;
+ else
+ sbut->uState = 0;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_ID)
+ sbut->uCmdId = psb->uCmdId;
+ else
+ sbut->uCmdId = 0;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_SIZE)
+ sbut->nSize = psb->nSize;
+ else
+ sbut->nSize = -1;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_PLACEMENT)
+ sbut->uPlacement = psb->uPlacement;
+ else
+ sbut->uPlacement = SBBP_LEFT;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_BITMAP)
+ sbut->hBmp = psb->hBmp;
+ else
+ sbut->hBmp = 0;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_ENHMETAFILE)
+ sbut->hEmf = psb->hEmf;
+ else
+ sbut->hEmf = 0;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_CURSOR)
+ sbut->hCurs = psb->hCurs;
+ else
+ sbut->hCurs = 0;
+ /*
+ We don't use the callback function anymore. The uButType
+ member must now specify SBBT_OWNERDRAW, and a WM_NOTIFY will
+ be sent when a button must be drawn
+ if ((psb->fMask & SBBF_OWNERDRAW) && ((psb->uButType & SBBT_MASK) == SBBT_OWNERDRAW))
+ pDrawProc = psb->pDrawProc;
+ else
+ pDrawProc = 0;*/
+ sbar->nButtons++;
+ sbut->nSizeReserved = sbut->nSize;
+ //MAKE SURE that any resizable buttons are only to the left / above
+ //a scrollbar. We don't support resize operations to the right of a scrollbar
+ if ((sbut->uButType & SBBM_RESIZABLE) && sbut->uPlacement == SBBP_RIGHT)
+ sbut->uButType &= ~SBBM_RESIZABLE;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_BUTMINMAX)
+ {
+ sbut->nMinSize = psb->nMinSize;
+ sbut->nMaxSize = psb->nMaxSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sbut->nMinSize = 0;
+ sbut->nMaxSize = -1;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static SCROLLBUT *GetButtonFromId(SCROLLBAR *sbar, UINT uCmdId)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < sbar->nButtons; i++)
+ {
+ if(sbar->sbButtons[i].uCmdId == uCmdId)
+ return &sbar->sbButtons[i];
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Modify the properties of the specified scrollbar button.
+// wSBflags - SB_HORZ / SB_VERT only
+// uItem - the command identifier specified when the button was created,
+// or a non-negative position of the button, depending on if
+// fByCmd is FALSE or TRUE, respectively
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ModifyButton (HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ SCROLLBUT *sbut;
+ if (!psb) return FALSE;
+ //find if this window is CoolScroll enabled
+ if (!(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
+ return FALSE;
+ //find the button to modify, depending on if we
+ //are modifying by position or command id
+ if(fByCmd == FALSE)
+ {
+ //button from position
+ if ((int)uItem < 0 || (int)uItem >= (UINT)sbar->nButtons)
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[uItem];
+ }
+ else if(fByCmd == TRUE)
+ {
+ //button from command identifier
+ if (!(sbut = GetButtonFromId(sbar, uItem)))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_TYPE) sbut->uButType = psb->uButType;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_STATE) sbut->uState = psb->uState;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_ID) sbut->uCmdId = psb->uCmdId;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_SIZE) sbut->nSize = psb->nSize;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_PLACEMENT) sbut->uPlacement = psb->uPlacement;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_BITMAP) sbut->hBmp = psb->hBmp;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_ENHMETAFILE) sbut->hEmf = psb->hEmf;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_CURSOR) sbut->hCurs = psb->hCurs;
+ if(psb->fMask & SBBF_BUTMINMAX)
+ {
+ sbut->nMinSize = psb->nMinSize;
+ sbut->nMaxSize = psb->nMaxSize;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_RemoveButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd)
+ int i;
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ //find if this window is CoolScroll enabled
+ if (!(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
+ return FALSE;
+ //find the button to modify, depending on if we
+ //are modifying by position or command id
+ if(fByCmd == FALSE && ((int)uItem < 0 || (int)uItem >= (UINT)sbar->nButtons))
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ else if(fByCmd == TRUE)
+ {
+ //find the button with the specified command id
+ for (i = 0; i < sbar->nButtons; i++)
+ {
+ if(sbar->sbButtons[i].uCmdId == uItem)
+ {
+ //change the id to an index
+ uItem = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //if we failed to find the button...
+ if(i == sbar->nButtons) return FALSE;
+ }
+ //remove the button!
+ for (i = uItem; i < sbar->nButtons - 1; i++)
+ {
+ sbar->sbButtons[i] = sbar->sbButtons[i+1];
+ }
+ sbar->nButtons--;
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+// fill in the supplied SCROLLBUT structure
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ SCROLLBUT *sbut;
+ if (!psb) return FALSE;
+ //find if this window is CoolScroll enabled
+ if (!(sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, wSBflags)))
+ return FALSE;
+ //find the button to modify, depending on if we
+ //are modifying by position or command id
+ if(fByCmd == FALSE)
+ {
+ //button from position
+ if ((int)uItem < 0 || (int)uItem >= (UINT)sbar->nButtons)
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ sbut = &sbar->sbButtons[uItem];
+ }
+ else if(fByCmd == TRUE)
+ {
+ //button from command identifier
+ if (!(sbut = GetButtonFromId(sbar, uItem)))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ //copy them across
+ *psb = *sbut;
+ return FALSE;
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_InsertButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT nPos, SCROLLBUT *psb) { return FALSE; }
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_ModifyButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb) { return FALSE; }
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_RemoveButton(HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd) { return FALSE; }
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_GetButton (HWND hwnd, int wSBflags, UINT uItem, BOOL fByCmd, SCROLLBUT *psb) { return FALSE; }
+// Set the size of the scrollbars
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetSize (HWND hwnd, int wBar, int nLength, int nWidth)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ if(nLength == 0 || nWidth == 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(nLength < -8 || nWidth < -8)
+ return FALSE;
+ if(nLength > 256 || nWidth > 256)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (!GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd))
+ return FALSE;
+ if ((wBar == SB_HORZ || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_HORZ)))
+ {
+ sbar->nArrowLength = nLength;
+ sbar->nArrowWidth = nWidth;
+ }
+ if ((wBar == SB_VERT || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_VERT)))
+ {
+ sbar->nArrowLength = nLength;
+ sbar->nArrowWidth = nWidth;
+ }
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, TRUE);
+ return TRUE;
+// Alter the display mode of the scrollbars
+// wBar - SB_HORZ / SB_VERT / SB_BOTH
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetStyle(HWND hwnd, int wBar, UINT nStyle)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ if (!GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd))
+ return FALSE;
+ if ((wBar == SB_HORZ || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_HORZ)))
+ {
+ sbar->fFlatScrollbar = nStyle;
+ }
+ if ((wBar == SB_VERT || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_VERT)))
+ {
+ sbar->fFlatScrollbar = nStyle;
+ }
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, FALSE);
+ return TRUE;
+// Set if the thumb is always visible, even if there is no data to
+// scroll. Setting this keeps the scrollbar enabled, but the thumb
+// covers the whole area
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetThumbAlways(HWND hwnd, int wBar, BOOL fThumbAlways)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ if (!GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd))
+ return FALSE;
+ if ((wBar == SB_HORZ || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_HORZ)))
+ {
+ if(fThumbAlways)
+ sbar->fScrollFlags |= CSBS_THUMBALWAYS;
+ else
+ sbar->fScrollFlags &= ~CSBS_THUMBALWAYS;
+ }
+ if ((wBar == SB_VERT || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_VERT)))
+ {
+ if(fThumbAlways)
+ sbar->fScrollFlags |= CSBS_THUMBALWAYS;
+ else
+ sbar->fScrollFlags &= ~CSBS_THUMBALWAYS;
+ }
+ RedrawNonClient(hwnd, FALSE);
+ return TRUE;
+// Set the minimum size, in pixels, that the thumb box will shrink to.
+BOOL WINAPI CoolSB_SetMinThumbSize(HWND hwnd, UINT wBar, UINT size)
+ SCROLLBAR *sbar;
+ if (!GetScrollWndFromHwnd(hwnd))
+ return FALSE;
+ if(size == -1)
+ size = CoolSB_GetDefaultMinThumbSize();
+ if ((wBar == SB_HORZ || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_HORZ)))
+ {
+ sbar->nMinThumbSize = size;
+ }
+ if ((wBar == SB_VERT || wBar == SB_BOTH) &&
+ (sbar = GetScrollBarFromHwnd(hwnd, SB_VERT)))
+ {
+ sbar->nMinThumbSize = size;
+ }
+ return TRUE;