path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpPublicKey.h
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authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-05-15 10:38:20 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-05-15 10:38:20 +0000
commit48540940b6c28bb4378abfeb500ec45a625b37b6 (patch)
tree2ef294c0763e802f91d868bdef4229b6868527de /plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpPublicKey.h
parent5c350913f011e119127baeb32a6aedeb4f0d33bc (diff)
initial commit
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpPublicKey.h')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpPublicKey.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpPublicKey.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d780876a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpPublicKey.h
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ pgpPublicKey.h
+ Copyright (C) 1997 Network Associates Inc. and affiliated companies.
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpPublicKey.h,v 1.10 1999/03/10 02:54:43 heller Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpPublicKey_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpPublicKey_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpOptionList.h"
+ Encryption/Signature Message Formats
+enum PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP = 1,
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PKCS1 = 2,
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_X509 = 3,
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_IKE = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_, PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat );
+#pragma import on
+ Public-key operations
+ Return a context for public-key operations based on the specified key.
+ The specified message format is used for all operations with this
+ context.
+PGPError PGPNewPublicKeyContext( PGPKeyRef publicKeyRef,
+ PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat messageFormat,
+ PGPPublicKeyContextRef *outRef );
+ Dispose of a public-key context.
+PGPError PGPFreePublicKeyContext( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref );
+ Determine maximum sizes for inputs and outputs.
+PGPError PGPGetPublicKeyOperationSizes( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPSize *maxDecryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxEncryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxSignatureSize );
+ Encrypt one block of data, using PKCS-1 padding. Output buffer must
+ be of size maxEncryptedBufferSize from PGPGetPublicKeyEncryptionSize.
+ outSize is a return parameter. For some formatting modes the actual
+ output size may be less than the maximum possible.
+PGPError PGPPublicKeyEncrypt( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ void const *in, PGPSize inSize, void *out,
+ PGPSize *outSize );
+ Verify a signature on a message hash. Returns kPGPError_NoErr on
+ correct verification, else an error code. The message hash is
+ finalized and freed by this call (and should not have been finalized
+ prior to the call).
+PGPError PGPPublicKeyVerifySignature( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPHashContextRef hashContext,
+ void const *signature, PGPSize signatureSize );
+ Verify a signature on a low-level buffer. Returns kPGPError_NOErr
+ correct verification, else an error code. Not valid with
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP contexts.
+PGPError PGPPublicKeyVerifyRaw( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ void const *signedData, PGPSize signedDataSize,
+ void const *signature, PGPSize signatureSize );
+ Private-key operations
+ Return a context for private-key operations based on the specified
+ key (which must have a private part). The specified message
+ format is used for all operations with this context. Unlocks key
+ data using passphrase.
+PGPError PGPNewPrivateKeyContext( PGPKeyRef privateKeyRef,
+ PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat messageFormat,
+ PGPPrivateKeyContextRef *outRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+ Dispose of a private-key context. All sensitive data is wiped before
+ being deleted.
+PGPError PGPFreePrivateKeyContext( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref );
+ Determine maximum sizes for inputs and outputs.
+PGPError PGPGetPrivateKeyOperationSizes( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPSize *maxDecryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxEncryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxSignatureSize);
+ Decrypt one block of data. Output buffer must be of size at least
+ maxDecryptedBufferSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
+ outSize is a return parameter. For some formatting modes the actual
+ output size may be less than the maximum possible.
+PGPError PGPPrivateKeyDecrypt( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
+ void const *in, PGPSize inSize, void *out,
+ PGPSize *outSize );
+ Sign a message hash. Output signature buffer must be of size at
+ least maxSignatureSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
+ signatureSize is a return parameter. For some formatting modes
+ the actual signature size may be less than the maximum possible.
+ The message hash is finalized and freed by this call (and should
+ not have been finalized prior to the call).
+PGPError PGPPrivateKeySign( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPHashContextRef hashContext,
+ void *signature, PGPSize *signatureSize );
+ Sign a low level signedData buffer. Output signature buffer must be
+ of size at least maxSignatureSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
+ signatureSize is a return parameter. Not valid with
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP contexts.
+PGPError PGPPrivateKeySignRaw( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
+ void const *signedData, PGPSize signedDataSize,
+ void const *signature, PGPSize *signatureSize );
+ Miscellaneous operations
+Given the size of a prime modulus in bits, this returns an appropriate
+size for an exponent in bits, such that the work factor to find a
+discrete log modulo the modulus is approximately equal to half the
+length of the exponent. This makes the exponent an appropriate size
+for a subgroup in a discrete log signature scheme. For encryption
+schemes, where decryption attacks can be stealthy and undetected, we
+use 3/2 times the returned exponent size.
+PGPError PGPDiscreteLogExponentBits( PGPUInt32 modulusBits,
+ PGPUInt32 *exponentBits );
+#pragma import reset
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpPublicKey_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si