path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpUtilities.h
diff options
authorKirill Volinsky <>2012-07-20 16:21:49 +0000
committerKirill Volinsky <>2012-07-20 16:21:49 +0000
commitf424a18112032cf61d2871a6b91a5af607c171ae (patch)
tree88fedc4e28941ceecda7026f0b06eba6271f91d5 /plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpUtilities.h
parentbfe1bd0fc087be44c70904aee0fe4276643d206d (diff)
changed folder structure git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpUtilities.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpUtilities.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpUtilities.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d92c999cf9..0000000000
--- a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk6/include/pgpUtilities.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
- pgpUtilities.h
- Copyright (C) 1997 Network Associates Inc. and affiliated companies.
- All rights reserved.
- This file contains miscellaneous utility functions needed for the PGPsdk.
- $Id: pgpUtilities.h,v 1.68 1999/03/25 01:46:38 heller Exp $
-#ifndef Included_pgpUtilities_h /* [ */
-#define Included_pgpUtilities_h
-#if PGP_MACINTOSH /* [ */
-#include <Files.h>
-#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
-#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
-#include "pgpMemoryMgr.h"
-#include <time.h>
-#pragma options align=mac68k /* [ */
-#if PGP_MACINTOSH /* [ */
-#define kPGPMacFileCreator_Keys 'pgpK'
-#define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedBinary '????'
-#define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedText 'ttxt'
-#define kPGPMacFileCreator_Tools 'pgpM'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_ArmorFile 'TEXT'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_EncryptedData 'pgEF'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_SignedData 'pgSF'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_DetachedSig 'pgDS'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_RandomSeed 'pgRS'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_PrivRing 'pgRR'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_PubRing 'pgPR'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_Groups 'pgGR'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_Preferences 'pref'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedText 'TEXT'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedBinary 'BINA'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_KeyShares 'pgSK'
-#define kPGPMacFileType_Exported509Keys 'pgX5'
-#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
-#pragma import on
- Context routines
- API version:
- Top byte is major, next 3 nibbles minor, next 2 bug fix,
- last nibble reserved: 0xMMmmmrrR
- example: 1.0.0 = 0x01000000
- 0x01000000 SDK 1.0.0
- 0x02000000 SDK 1.1.0
- 0x02000010 SDK 1.1.1
- 0x03000000 SDK 1.5
- 0x03000010 SDK 1.5.1
- 0x03000020 SDK 1.5.2
- 0x03001000 SDK 1.6
- 0x03002000 SDK 1.7
- 0x03002010 SDK 1.7.1
-#define kPGPsdkAPIVersion ( (PGPUInt32)0x03002010 )
-#define PGPMajorVersion( v ) ( ( ((PGPUInt32)(v)) & 0xFF000000 ) >> 24 )
-#define PGPMinorVersion( v ) ( ( ((PGPUInt32)(v)) & 0x00FFF000 ) >> 16 )
-#define PGPRevVersion( v ) ( ( ((PGPUInt32)(v)) & 0x00000FF0 ) >> 4 )
-typedef struct PGPNewContextStruct
- /* sizeofStruct must be inited to sizeof( PGPNewContextStruct ) */
- PGPUInt32 sizeofStruct;
- PGPMemoryMgrRef memoryMgr;
-} PGPNewContextStruct;
-/* always pass kPGPsdkVersion */
-PGPError PGPNewContext( PGPUInt32 clientAPIVersion,
- PGPContextRef *newContext );
-PGPError PGPNewContextCustom( PGPUInt32 clientAPIVersion,
- PGPNewContextStruct const *custom,
- PGPContextRef *newContext );
-PGPError PGPFreeContext( PGPContextRef context );
-PGPError PGPGetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context,
- PGPUserValue *userValue );
-PGPError PGPSetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context,
- PGPUserValue userValue );
-PGPError PGPContextGetRandomBytes(PGPContextRef context,
- void *buf, PGPSize len );
-PGPMemoryMgrRef PGPGetContextMemoryMgr( PGPContextRef context );
- FileRefs
-PGPError PGPCopyFileSpec(PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
- PGPFileSpecRef *ref);
-PGPError PGPFreeFileSpec(PGPFileSpecRef fileRef);
-#if PGP_MACINTOSH /* [ */
-PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFSSpec(PGPContextRef context,
- const FSSpec *spec, PGPFileSpecRef *ref);
-PGPError PGPGetFSSpecFromFileSpec(PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
- FSSpec *spec);
-PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath( PGPContextRef context,
- char const *path, PGPFileSpecRef *ref);
-/* *fullPathPtr ***must*** be freed with PGPFreeData */
-PGPError PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
- char ** fullPathPtr);
-#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
- Time
-PGPTime PGPGetTime(void);
-/* these use time_t type as returned by time() in Std C libraries */
-time_t PGPGetStdTimeFromPGPTime(PGPTime theTime);
-PGPTime PGPGetPGPTimeFromStdTime(time_t theTime);
-/* year, month, day may be NULL if desired */
-void PGPGetYMDFromPGPTime( PGPTime theTime,
- PGPUInt16 *year, PGPUInt16 *month, PGPUInt16 *day );
-#if PGP_MACINTOSH /* [ */
-PGPUInt32 PGPTimeToMacTime(PGPTime theTime);
-PGPTime PGPTimeFromMacTime(PGPUInt32 theTime);
-#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
- MacBinary support
- Examine the input file to see if it's a MacBinary file. If it is
- not a MacBinary file, then the original file is unaltered.
- Otherwise, the file is converted and the original file is deleted.
- The resulting file is designated by 'outPGPSpec' and may have a different
- name than the original.
- If the file is a TEXT file, appropriate line-end conversion is done.
- creator and type code pointers may be
- null but otherwise contain the mac creator and type.
- This routine can be called on a Mac, but generally doesn't need to be.
-PGPError PGPMacBinaryToLocal( PGPFileSpecRef inSpec,
- PGPFileSpecRef * outSpec,
- PGPUInt32 * macCreator, PGPUInt32 * macTypeCode );
- Library initialization
- Call PGPsdkXXXInit() before using that particular library.
- Call PGPsdkXXXCleanup() when you are done (but after disposing of any
- PGPContexts).
- You may call PGPsdkXXXInit multiple times (with no effect), but be sure
- to call the matching PGPsdkXXXCleanup() for each call to PGPsdkXXXInit().
-PGPError PGPsdkInit( void );
-PGPError PGPsdkCleanup( void );
-PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibInit( void );
-PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibCleanup( void );
-PGPError PGPsdkUILibInit( void );
-PGPError PGPsdkUILibCleanup( void );
-#pragma import reset
-#pragma options align=reset /* ] */
-#endif /* ] Included_pgpUtilities_h */
- Local Variables:
- tab-width: 4
- End:
- vi: ts=4 sw=4
- vim: si