path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h
diff options
authorKirill Volinsky <>2012-07-20 16:21:49 +0000
committerKirill Volinsky <>2012-07-20 16:21:49 +0000
commitf424a18112032cf61d2871a6b91a5af607c171ae (patch)
tree88fedc4e28941ceecda7026f0b06eba6271f91d5 /plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h
parentbfe1bd0fc087be44c70904aee0fe4276643d206d (diff)
changed folder structure git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a964f40ed..0000000000
--- a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
- All rights reserved.
- $Id: pgpSECSH.h,v 1.5 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
-#ifndef Included_PGPsecsh_h /* [ */
-#define Included_PGPsecsh_h
-#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
-/* Message Types */
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_None 0
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_Disconnect 1
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_PublicKey 2
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_SessionKey 3
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_User 4
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRHosts 5
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRSA 6
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AuthRSAChallenge 7
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRSAResponse 8
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRSAPassword 9
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_RequestPTY 10
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_WindowSize 11
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_ExecShell 12
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_ExecCommand 13
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_Success 14
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_Failure 15
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_StdinData 16
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_StdoutData 17
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_StderrData 18
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_EOF 19
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_ExitStatus 20
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelOpenConfirm 21
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelOpenFailure 22
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelData 23
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelClose 24
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelCloseConfirm 25
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_X11Open 27
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_PortForwardRequest 28
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_PortOpen 29
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AgentRequestForwarding 30
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AgentOpen 31
-#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_Ignore 32
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_ExitConfirm 33
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_X11RequestForwarding 34
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRHostsRSA 35
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_Debug 36
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_RequestCompression 37
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_MaxPacketSize 38
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthTIS 39
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AuthTISChallenge 40
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthTISResponse 41
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthKerberos 42
-#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AuthKerberosResponse 43
-#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_HaveKerberosTgt 44
-typedef struct PGPsecshContext * PGPsecshContextRef;
-typedef const struct PGPsecshContext * PGPsecshConstContextRef;
-#define kInvalidPGPsecshContextRef ((PGPsecshContextRef) NULL)
-#define PGPsecshContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPsecshContextRef )
-typedef struct PGPsecshSession * PGPsecshSessionRef;
-typedef const struct PGPsecshSession * PGPsecshConstSessionRef;
-#define kInvalidPGPsecshSessionRef ((PGPsecshSessionRef) NULL)
-#define PGPsecshSessionRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPsecshSessionRef )
-typedef PGPFlags PGPsecshFlags;
-#define kPGPsecshFlags_ServerSide 0x01
-#define kPGPsecshFlags_ClientSide 0x02
-#define kPGPsecshFlags_NonBlockingIO 0x04
-typedef PGPFlags PGPsecshProtocolFlags;
-#define kPGPsecshProtocolFlags_ScreenNumber 0x01
-#define kPGPsecshProtocolFlags_HostInFwdOpen 0x02
-enum PGPsecshProtocolState_
- kPGPsecsh_IdleState = 0,
- kPGPsecsh_FatalErrorState = 1,
- kPGPsecsh_ClosedState = 2,
- kPGPsecsh_HandshakeState = 3,
- kPGPsecsh_ReadyState = 4,
- PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPsecshProtocolState_ )
-PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPsecshProtocolState_, PGPsecshProtocolState );
-enum PGPsecshAlert_
- kPGPsecsh_AT_CloseNotify = 0,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_UnexpectedMessage = 10, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_BadRecordCRC = 20, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_DecryptionFailed = 21, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_RecordOverflow = 22, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_DecompressionFailure = 30, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_HandshakeFailure = 40, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_IDFailure = 41,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_UnsupportedVersion = 42,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_UnsupportedCert = 43,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_CertRevoked = 44,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_CertExpired = 45,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_CertUnknown = 46,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_IllegalParameter = 47, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_UnknownCA = 48, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_AccessDenied = 49, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_DecodeError = 50, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_DecryptError = 51,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_ExportRestriction = 60, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_ProtocolVersion = 70, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_InsufficientSecurity = 71, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_InternalError = 80, /* FATAL */
- kPGPsecsh_AT_UserCancelled = 90,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_NoRenegotiation = 100,
- kPGPsecsh_AT_None = 255,
- PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPsecshAlert_ )
-PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPsecshAlert_, PGPsecshAlert );
-/* The Send and Receive function pointers should return
- kPGPError_SECSHWouldBlock when the socket is non-blocking and the
- call would block. The Send and Receive functions passed in will
- need to translate the platform-specific socket error in appropriate
- cases by using calls such as WSAGetLastError() on Win32. Remember
- to call PGPsecshSendQueueIdle for non-blocking sockets also if
- kPGPError_SECSHWouldBlock is returned from a send on a non-blocking
- socket. */
-typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPsecshReceiveProcPtr)(void *inData, void *outBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferSize);
-typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPsecshSendProcPtr)(void *inData, const void *inBuffer,
- PGPInt32 inBufferLength);
-PGPError PGPNewSECSHContext( PGPContextRef context,
- PGPsecshContextRef *outRef );
-PGPError PGPFreeSECSHContext( PGPsecshContextRef ref );
- The following function activates or deactivates the session key cache
- for SECSH sessions. This defaults to on but can be deactivated with this
- function to force all connections to proceed through the entire
- handshake.
-PGPError PGPsecshSetCache( PGPsecshContextRef ref, PGPBoolean useCache );
-PGPError PGPsecshClearCache( PGPsecshContextRef ref );
-PGPError PGPNewSECSHSession( PGPsecshContextRef ref, PGPsecshSessionRef *outRef );
-PGPError PGPFreeSECSHSession( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
-PGPError PGPCopySECSHSession( PGPsecshSessionRef ref, PGPsecshSessionRef *outRef );
-/* Default options are: client side, no protocol flags */
-PGPError PGPsecshSetProtocolOptions( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- PGPsecshFlags options,
- PGPsecshProtocolFlags pflags );
- The following function must be called to cleanly close a SECSH
- connection. If it is not called, the session will not be able
- to be resumed from the session cache.
- In the event the application determines any problem with the
- connection such as the remote key not being valid, call this
- function with dontCache set to true in order to not cache the
- session keys.
-PGPError PGPsecshClose( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- PGPBoolean dontCache );
- The following function must be called to initiate the PGPsecsh session.
- Once a SECSH session has been assigned to a socket, no data can be sent
- over that socket by the application until the handshake is completed.
- Handshake completion is indicated by completion of this call without
- error or by checking the state of the PGPsecshSession. It will be
- kPGPsecsh_ReadyState when the application layer may send and receive
- data securely.
- This function performs all negotiation of the SECSH connection.
-PGPError PGPsecshHandshake( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
- The following function sets the local private authenticating key,
- as well as other relevant data.
- The passphrase, key etc. are retained in memory.
- It is an error not to specify a key.
- This function must be passed either PGPOPassphrase or PGPOPasskeyBuffer.
- inKeyObject must be in a PGP private key. inHostKeys should be a keyset
- where the host key of the remote system is found, if we are checking
- for consistency of that key. See PGPsecshGetRemoteAuthenticatedKey
- for how to learn what host key was used.
- inUserName is used to log in on the remote system.
- inHostName is used for the username on the host key if it isn't found
- on the inHostKeys keyset.
-PGPError PGPsecshSetLocalPrivateKey( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- char * inUserName,
- PGPKeyDBObjRef inKeyObject,
- char * inHostName,
- PGPKeySetRef inHostKeys,
- PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
- The following function gets the authenticated remote host key after a
- successful handshake. You can call this function after a successful
- handshake to verify that the remote key is authorized to make the
- connection. The key returned will be on the inHostKeys keyset if it
- matched one of the keys there; if it is a new host key which was not
- in that keyset then it will be in a keyset & keydb of its own.
-PGPError PGPsecshGetRemoteAuthenticatedKey( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- PGPKeyDBObjRef *outKey,
- PGPKeyDBRef * outKeyDB );
- The following function exports a PGP key in SECSH format. The resulting
- line can be copied into the SECSH host file. inKey is the key to
- export, and inUserName is the name which is put at the end of the line,
- which is used only as a convenient label by SECSH software.
- The data is returned in a null-terminated allocated buffer which the
- caller should free.
- PGPError
- PGPKeyDBObjRef inKey,
- char * inUserName,
- char ** outBuffer,
- PGPSize * outLength);
- The following two functions process data through SECSH.
- It is an error to call these functions without having set a
- Read function pointer or Write function pointer.
-PGPError PGPsecshReceive( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- PGPByte * outType,
- void ** outBuffer,
- PGPSize * bufferSize );
-PGPError PGPsecshSend( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- PGPByte pktType,
- const void * inBuffer,
- PGPSize inBufferLength );
- The following two functions set the callbacks which do the actual I/O.
- The inData parameter is passed to the callback and may be e.g. a socket
- handle.
-PGPError PGPsecshSetReceiveCallback( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- PGPsecshReceiveProcPtr secshReceiveProc,
- void * inData );
-PGPError PGPsecshSetSendCallback( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
- PGPsecshSendProcPtr secshSendProc,
- void * inData );
- The following function is necessary *only* on a non-blocking socket.
- If a call to PGPsecshSend returns kPGPError_SECSHWouldBlock, call
- the following function repeatedly until that error is no longer
- returned in order to make sure data is sent. Another call to
- PGPsecshSend will also call this function automatically and queue
- any new data if necessary.
-PGPError PGPsecshSendQueueIdle( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
-PGPSize PGPsecshReceiveBufferSize( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
- The following function gets the ID of the fatal alert which caused
- the SECSH session to abort and go into the kPGPsecsh_FatalErrorState.
-PGPError PGPsecshGetAlert( PGPsecshSessionRef ref, PGPsecshAlert *outAlert );
-#endif /* ] Included_PGPsecsh_h */
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