path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-05-15 10:38:20 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-05-15 10:38:20 +0000
commit48540940b6c28bb4378abfeb500ec45a625b37b6 (patch)
tree2ef294c0763e802f91d868bdef4229b6868527de /plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include
parent5c350913f011e119127baeb32a6aedeb4f0d33bc (diff)
initial commit
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include')
37 files changed, 9353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pflTypes.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pflTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00f3242fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pflTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pflTypes.h,v 1.5 2003/11/20 21:15:48 vinnie Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pflTypes_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pflTypes_h
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+/* opaque declarations */
+typedef struct PFLFileSpec * PFLFileSpecRef;
+typedef struct PFLFileSpec const * PFLConstFileSpecRef;
+typedef struct PFLDirectoryIter * PFLDirectoryIterRef;
+typedef struct PFLDirectoryIter const * PFLConstDirectoryIterRef;
+/* Validity checks */
+#define kInvalidPFLFileSpecRef ((PFLFileSpecRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPFLDirectoryIterRef ((PFLDirectoryIterRef) NULL)
+#define PFLFileSpecRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPFLFileSpecRef )
+#define PFLDirectoryIterRefIsValid( ref ) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPFLDirectoryIterRef )
+/* Languages supported by pgpLocStrings */
+enum PFLLanguage_
+ kPFLLanguage_Default = 0,
+ kPFLLanguage_English = 1,
+ kPFLLanguage_Japanese = 2,
+ kPFLLanguage_German = 3,
+ kPFLLanguage_Spanish = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PFLLanguage_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PFLLanguage_, PFLLanguage );
+#endif /* ] Included_pflTypes_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpAPIAdapter.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpAPIAdapter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e473df49e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpAPIAdapter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 PGP Corporation
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Size of UTF-16 string is always given in 16 bit characters. This includes
+ * PGPGetKeyDBObjDataPropertyU16 and PGPGetKeyDBObjAllocatedDataPropertyU16
+ * for which void* is assumed to be PGPChar16* where applicable.
+ * So you can write like this:
+ *
+ * wchar_t s[80];
+ * PGPSize size;
+ * PGPGetPrimaryUserIDNameU16( key, s, sizeof(s)/sizeof(s[0]), &size );
+ *
+ * $Id: pgpAPIAdapter.h,v 1.12 2004/05/07 08:29:12 bgaiser Exp $
+ *____________________________________________________________________________*/
+#ifndef Included_pgpAPIAdapter_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpAPIAdapter_h
+#include "pgpKeys.h"
+#include "pgpKeyServer.h"
+#include "pgpMemoryMgr.h"
+#include "pgpUtilities.h"
+#include "pgpPFLErrors.h"
+#include "pgpFileSpec.h"
+#include "pgpHashWords.h"
+#include "pgpShareFile.h"
+PGPError PGPGetErrorStringU8( PGPError theError, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPChar8 * theString );
+PGPError PGPGetErrorStringU16( PGPError theError, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPChar16 * theString );
+PGPError PGPGetPGPsdkVersionStringU8( PGPChar8 versionString[ 256 ] );
+PGPError PGPGetPGPsdkVersionStringU16( PGPChar16 versionString[ 256 ] );
+PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPathU8( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *path, PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPathU16( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *path, PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+PGPError PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpecU8( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPChar8 **fullPathPtr);
+PGPError PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpecU16( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPChar16 **fullPathPtr);
+PGPError PGPRenameFileU8( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, const PGPChar8 *newName );
+PGPError PGPRenameFileU16( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, const PGPChar16 *newName );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassphraseBufferU8( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *passphrase, PGPSize passphraseLength);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassphraseBufferU16( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *passphrase, PGPSize passphraseLength);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassphraseU8( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *passphrase);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassphraseU16( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *passphrase);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPGPMIMEEncodingU8(PGPContextRef context, PGPBoolean mimeEncoding, PGPSize *mimeBodyOffset, PGPChar8 mimeSeparator[ kPGPMimeSeparatorSize ]);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPGPMIMEEncodingU16(PGPContextRef context, PGPBoolean mimeEncoding, PGPSize *mimeBodyOffset, PGPChar16 mimeSeparator[ kPGPMimeSeparatorSize ]);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyGenNameU8( PGPContextRef context, const void *name, PGPSize nameLength );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyGenNameU16( PGPContextRef context, const void *name, PGPSize nameLength );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPreferredKeyServerU8( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar8 const * server );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPreferredKeyServerU16( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar16 const * server );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCommentStringU8( PGPContextRef context,PGPChar8 const *comment);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCommentStringU16( PGPContextRef context,PGPChar16 const *comment);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOVersionStringU8( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar8 const *version);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOVersionStringU16( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar16 const *version);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOFileNameStringU8( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar8 const *fileName);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOFileNameStringU16( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar16 const *fileName);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSigRegularExpressionU8(PGPContextRef context, PGPChar8 const *regularExpression);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSigRegularExpressionU16(PGPContextRef context, PGPChar16 const *regularExpression);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjDataPropertyU8( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, void *buffer, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjDataPropertyU16( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, void *buffer, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjAllocatedDataPropertyU8( PGPKeyDBObjRef obj, PGPKeyDBObjProperty prop, void **buffer, PGPSize *dataSize );
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjAllocatedDataPropertyU16( PGPKeyDBObjRef obj, PGPKeyDBObjProperty prop, void **buffer, PGPSize *dataSize );
+PGPError PGPNewKeyDBObjDataFilterU8( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBObjProperty prop, const void *val, PGPSize len, PGPMatchCriterion match, PGPFilterRef *outFilter );
+PGPError PGPNewKeyDBObjDataFilterU16( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBObjProperty prop, const void *val, PGPSize len, PGPMatchCriterion match, PGPFilterRef *outFilter );
+PGPError PGPLDAPQueryFromFilterU8( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPLDAPQueryFromFilterU16( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar16 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPLDAPX509QueryFromFilterU8( PGPFilterRef filter,PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPLDAPX509QueryFromFilterU16( PGPFilterRef filter,PGPChar16 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPHKSQueryFromFilterU8( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPHKSQueryFromFilterU16( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar16 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPNetToolsCAHTTPQueryFromFilterU8( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPNetToolsCAHTTPQueryFromFilterU16( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar16 **queryOut );
+PGPError PGPAddUserIDU8( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPChar8 const *userID, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPAddUserIDU16( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPChar16 const *userID, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPInt32 PGPCompareUserIDStringsU8(PGPChar8 const *a, PGPChar8 const *b);
+PGPInt32 PGPCompareUserIDStringsU16(PGPChar16 const *a, PGPChar16 const *b);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyIDStringU8( PGPKeyID const * ref, PGPKeyIDStringType type, PGPChar8 outString[ kPGPMaxKeyIDStringSize ] );
+PGPError PGPGetKeyIDStringU16( PGPKeyID const * ref, PGPKeyIDStringType type, PGPChar16 outString[ kPGPMaxKeyIDStringSize ] );
+PGPError PGPNewKeyIDFromStringU8( const PGPChar8 *string, PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm pkalg, PGPKeyID * outID );
+PGPError PGPNewKeyIDFromStringU16( const PGPChar16 *string, PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm pkalg, PGPKeyID * outID );
+PGPError PGPSetPKCS11DrvFileU8( PGPChar8 *module );
+PGPError PGPSetPKCS11DrvFileU16( PGPChar16 *module );
+PGPError PGPGetTokenInfoDataPropertyU8( PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 tokenNumber, PGPTokenProperty prop, PGPByte *value, PGPSize size, PGPSize *sizeout );
+PGPError PGPGetTokenInfoDataPropertyU16( PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 tokenNumber, PGPTokenProperty prop, void *value, PGPSize size, PGPSize *sizeout );
+PGPError PGPCreateDistinguishedNameU8( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar8 const *str, PGPByte **pdname, PGPSize *pdnamelen );
+PGPError PGPCreateDistinguishedNameU16( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar16 const *str, PGPByte **pdname, PGPSize *pdnamelen );
+PGPError PGPGetPrimaryUserIDNameU8(PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPChar8 *buffer, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPGetPrimaryUserIDNameU16(PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPChar16 *buffer, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPGetHashWordStringU8( PGPUInt32 index, PGPHashWordList list, PGPChar8 hashWordString[ 12 ] );
+PGPError PGPGetHashWordStringU16( PGPUInt32 index, PGPHashWordList list, PGPChar16 hashWordString[ 12 ] );
+PGPError PGPSetShareFileUserIDU8( PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef, const PGPUTF8 *userID );
+PGPError PGPSetShareFileUserIDU16( PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef, const PGPChar16 *userID );
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileUserIDU8( PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPUTF8 *userID, PGPSize *fullSize );
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileUserIDU16( PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef, PGPSize bufferSize, PGPChar16 *userID, PGPSize *fullSize );
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjDataPropertyU8( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj, PGPTARCacheObjProperty prop, void *buffer, PGPSize bufSize, PGPSize *dataSize );
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjDataPropertyU16( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj, PGPTARCacheObjProperty prop, void *buffer, PGPSize bufSize, PGPSize *dataSize );
+/* ----- SDK UI ----- */
+PGPUInt32 PGPEstimatePassphraseQualityU8( const PGPChar8 *passphrase );
+PGPUInt32 PGPEstimatePassphraseQualityU16( const PGPChar16 *passphrase );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDialogPromptU8( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *prompt );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDialogPromptU16( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *prompt );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIWindowTitleU8( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *title );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIWindowTitleU16( PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *title );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIOutputPassphraseU8( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar8 **passphrase );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIOutputPassphraseU16( PGPContextRef context, PGPChar16 **passphrase );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUICheckboxU8(PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 itemID, const PGPChar8 *title, const PGPChar8 *description, PGPUInt32 initialValue, PGPUInt32 *resultPtr, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUICheckboxU16(PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 itemID, const PGPChar16 *title, const PGPChar16 *description, PGPUInt32 initialValue, PGPUInt32 *resultPtr, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIPopupListU8(PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 itemID, const PGPChar8 *title, const PGPChar8 *description,PGPUInt32 listItemCount, const PGPChar16 *listItems[], PGPUInt32 initialValue, PGPUInt32 *resultPtr, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIPopupListU16(PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 itemID, const PGPChar16 *title, const PGPChar16 *description,PGPUInt32 listItemCount, const PGPChar16 *listItems[], PGPUInt32 initialValue, PGPUInt32 *resultPtr, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+/* ----- SDK Network ----- */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetURLU8(PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *url);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetURLU16(PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *url);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetHostNameU8(PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *hostName, PGPUInt16 port);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetHostNameU16(PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *hostName, PGPUInt16 port);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerKeyStoreDNU8(PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *szKeyStoreDn);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerKeyStoreDNU16(PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar16 *szKeyStoreDn);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerHostNameU8(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef, PGPChar8 ** outHostName); /* Use PGPFreeData to free */
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerHostNameU16(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef, PGPChar16 ** outHostName); /* Use PGPFreeData to free */
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerPathU8(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef, PGPChar8 ** outPath); /* Use PGPFreeData to free */
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerPathU16(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef, PGPChar16 ** outPath); /* Use PGPFreeData to free */
+PGPError PGPGetLastKeyServerErrorStringU8(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,PGPChar8 ** outErrorString);
+PGPError PGPGetLastKeyServerErrorStringU16(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,PGPChar16 ** outErrorString);
+PGPError PGPGetProxyServerU8(PGPContextRef context, PGPProxyServerType type, PGPChar8 **proxyAddress, PGPUInt16 *proxyPort );
+PGPError PGPGetProxyServerU16(PGPContextRef context, PGPProxyServerType type, PGPChar16 **proxyAddress, PGPUInt16 *proxyPort );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpAPIAdapter_h */
+ *
+ * Local Variables:
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * End:
+ * vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ * vim: si
+ *_____________________*/
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBER.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBER.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad20d033fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBER.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpBER.h,v 1.15 2003/08/08 04:40:39 ajivsov Exp $
+ * For extremely detailed explanation of all the BER types and
+ * encoding, see X.208 (Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1))
+ * and X.209 (Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax
+ * Notation One (ASN.1)).
+ *
+ * These two sources will tell you everything you would ever need (and want)
+ * to know about BER and ASN.1.
+ */
+#ifndef Included_pgpBER_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpBER_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpMemoryMgr.h"
+#include "pgpSockets.h"
+/* BER types */
+/* The X.209 BER specification actually defines a lot more
+ * types than is listed here, but these are the only ones
+ * the current PGPldap implementation uses. */
+enum PGPberType_
+ kPGPberType_Boolean = 0x01, /* tag = 0x01 */
+ kPGPberType_Int = 0x02, /* tag = 0x02 */
+ kPGPberType_Bitstring = 0x03, /* tag = 0x03 */
+ kPGPberType_Octetstring = 0x04, /* tag = 0x04 */
+ kPGPberType_NULL = 0x05, /* tag = 0x05 */
+ kPGPberType_ObjectID = 0x06, /* tag = 0x06 */
+ kPGPberType_Enumeration = 0x0A, /* tag = 0x0A */
+ kPGPberType_PrintableString = 0x0D, /* tag = 0x0D */
+ kPGPberType_Sequence = 0x30, /* constructed, tag = 0x10 */
+ kPGPberType_Set = 0x31, /* constructed, tag = 0x11 */
+ kPGPberType_None = 0xFFFFFFFF
+enum PGPberFormatSpecifier_
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_Boolean = 'b',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_Int = 'i',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_Octetstring = 'o',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_String = 's',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_StringVector = 'v',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_BERVector = 'V', /* strings and lengths */
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_NULL = 'n',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_Enumeration = 'e',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_Tag = 't',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_BeginSequence= '{',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_EndSequence = '}',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_BeginSet = '[',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_EndSet = ']',
+ kPGPberFormatSpecifier_Force = '*'
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF (PGPberFormatSpecifier_, PGPberFormatSpecifier);
+typedef struct PGPberElement * PGPberElementRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPberElementRef ( (PGPberElementRef) NULL)
+#define PGPberElementRefIsValid(ber) \
+ ( (ber) != kInvalidPGPberElementRef )
+#define PGPValidateBERElementRef(ber) \
+ PGPValidateParam( PGPberElementRefIsValid( ber ) )
+typedef struct PGPberValue
+ PGPSize length;
+ PGPByte *value;
+} PGPberValue;
+/* Functions */
+ PGPError
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPberElementRef * ber );
+/* ber_free */
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber );
+/* BER encoding functions */
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ const PGPChar8 * s,
+ ... );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPByte ** encoding );
+/* BER decoding functions */
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ const PGPChar8 * fmt,
+ ... );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPSize * length );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPberType * tag,
+ PGPSize * len );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPUInt32 * index );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPUInt32 index );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPSocketRef sock );
+ PGPError
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPByte * data,
+ PGPSize len );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpBER_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53a1df46e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file deals with system dependencies to derive our very basic data
+ types. It should not contain any higher level types.
+ $Id: pgpBase.h,v 1.30 2004/02/09 23:30:31 vinnie Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpBase_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpBase_h
+#include "pgpPFLConfig.h"
+#if !( defined(PGP_MACINTOSH) || defined(PGP_UNIX) || defined(PGP_WIN32) )
+#error one of {PGP_MACINTOSH, PGP_UNIX, PGP_WIN32} must be defined
+#include <stddef.h>
+#if __MWERKS__ && ! defined( __dest_os )
+ #include <ansi_parms.h>
+ #define __dest_os __mac_os
+ /* aCC bars on <sys/time.h> if this file is not included first */
+ #include <sys/sigevent.h>
+ #endif /* PGP_COMPILER_HPUX */
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+#if PGP_WIN32
+#include <stddef.h> /* For size_t */
+#if ! NO_LIMITS_H
+#include <limits.h>
+#ifndef PGP_UNICODE
+#define PGP_UNICODE 0
+#if PGP_WIN32
+ /* check for inconsistent usage of UNICODE symbols */
+ #if !defined(UNICODE) || !defined(_UNICODE)
+ #error UNICODE and _UNICODE must be defined
+ #endif
+ #else
+ #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
+ #error UNICODE and _UNICODE should not be defined
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ PGP basic types
+typedef unsigned char PGPBoolean; /* can be TRUE or FALSE */
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+/* PGPUInt8, PGPInt8 */
+#if UCHAR_MAX == 0xff
+typedef unsigned char PGPUInt8;
+typedef signed char PGPInt8;
+#define MAX_PGPInt8 SCHAR_MAX
+#error This machine has no 8-bit type
+/* PGPUInt16, PGPInt16 */
+#if UINT_MAX == 0xffff
+typedef unsigned int PGPUInt16;
+typedef int PGPInt16;
+#define MAX_PGPUInt16 UINT_MAX
+#define MAX_PGPInt16 INT_MAX
+#elif USHRT_MAX == 0xffff
+typedef unsigned short PGPUInt16;
+typedef short PGPInt16;
+#define MAX_PGPUInt16 USHRT_MAX
+#define MAX_PGPInt16 SHRT_MAX
+#error This machine has no 16-bit type
+/* PGPUInt32, PGPInt32 */
+#if UINT_MAX == 0xfffffffful
+typedef unsigned int PGPUInt32;
+typedef int PGPInt32;
+#define MAX_PGPUInt32 UINT_MAX
+#define MAX_PGPInt32 INT_MAX
+#elif ULONG_MAX == 0xfffffffful
+typedef unsigned long PGPUInt32;
+typedef long PGPInt32;
+#define MAX_PGPUInt32 ULONG_MAX
+#define MAX_PGPInt32 LONG_MAX
+#elif USHRT_MAX == 0xfffffffful
+typedef unsigned short PGPUInt32;
+typedef short PGPInt32;
+#define MAX_PGPUInt32 USHRT_MAX
+#define MAX_PGPInt32 SHRT_MAX
+#error This machine has no 32-bit type
+ PGPUInt64, PGPInt64
+ Find a 64-bit data type, if possible.
+ The conditions here are more complicated to avoid using numbers that
+ will choke lesser preprocessors (like 0xffffffffffffffff) unless
+ we're reasonably certain that they'll be acceptable.
+ Some *preprocessors* choke on constants that long even if the
+ compiler can accept them, so it doesn't work reliably to test values.
+ So cross our fingers and hope that it's a 64-bit type.
+ GCC uses ULONG_LONG_MAX. Solaris uses ULLONG_MAX.
+ IRIX uses ULONGLONG_MAX. Are there any other names for this?
+#if ULONG_MAX > 0xfffffffful
+#if ULONG_MAX == 0xfffffffffffffffful
+typedef ulong PGPUInt64;
+typedef long PGPInt64;
+#define PGP_HAVE64 1
+#ifndef PGP_HAVE64
+#if defined(ULONG_LONG_MAX) || defined (ULLONG_MAX) || defined(ULONGLONG_MAX) || defined(__LONG_LONG_MAX__)
+typedef unsigned long long PGPUInt64;
+typedef long long PGPInt64;
+#define PGP_HAVE64 1
+ This was added because for some reason or another, __LONG_LONG_MAX__ is
+ not defined on Linux 6.1. Hopefully this doesn't break older versions of
+ Linux but you never know.....
+#if defined(PGP_UNIX_LINUX) && !defined(PGP_HAVE64)
+typedef long long PGPInt64;
+typedef unsigned long long PGPUInt64;
+#define PGP_HAVE64 1
+#ifndef PGP_HAVE64
+#if defined(__MWERKS__)
+#if __option( longlong )
+typedef unsigned long long PGPUInt64;
+typedef long long PGPInt64;
+#define PGP_HAVE64 1
+#if PGP_HAVE64
+/* too painful to test all the variants above, so just do it this way */
+#define MAX_PGPUInt64 ((PGPUInt64)0xfffffffffffffffful)
+#define MAX_PGPInt64 ((PGPInt64)0x7fffffffffffffff)
+ PGPInt, PGPUInt, PGPLong, PGPULong
+ Architecture-specific data types.
+ PGPLong will be 64 bits on 64-bit architectures (Linux on AMD64 or WIN64).
+ PGPLong is hardware-supported integeral type such that
+ sizeof(PGPULong)==sizeof(void*)
+ PGPInt is the most efficient harware-supported integeral type that is at
+ least 32 bit long. It should be the main type for internal counters, sizes,
+ offsets etc unless possibly the larger space of PGPSize is required.
+/* note that this should be changed for 16 bit platform */
+typedef int PGPInt;
+typedef unsigned int PGPUInt;
+#if PGP_WIN32
+ #if defined(_WIN64)
+ #error "Configuration error: PGP_HAVE_64_HARDWARE must be 1 for WIN64"
+ #endif
+ typedef __int64 PGPLong;
+ typedef unsigned __int64 PGPULong;
+ #else
+ #ifndef _W64
+ /* (this definition is only need for WINNT) */
+ #define _W64
+ #endif
+ typedef _W64 __int32 PGPLong;
+ typedef _W64 unsigned __int32 PGPULong;
+ #endif
+ typedef unsigned long PGPULong;
+ typedef long PGPLong;
+#define PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( enumName, typeName ) typedef enum enumName typeName
+#define PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( enumName, typeName ) typedef PGPInt32 typeName
+#define kPGPEnumMaxValue INT_MAX
+#define PGP_ENUM_FORCE( enumName ) \
+ k ## enumName ## force = kPGPEnumMaxValue
+typedef PGPUInt8 PGPByte;
+typedef PGPInt32 PGPError;
+/* a simple value sufficient to hold any numeric or pointer type */
+typedef void * PGPUserValue;
+/* A PGPSize refers to in memory sizes. Use PGPFileOffset for file offsets */
+typedef size_t PGPSize;
+#define MAX_PGPSize ( ~(PGPSize)0 )
+/* An offset or size of a file */
+#ifdef HAVE_64BIT_FILES
+typedef off64_t PGPFileOffset;
+#else /* !HAVE_64BIT_FILES */
+typedef off_t PGPFileOffset;
+#endif /* HAVE_64BIT_FILES */
+#if PGP_HAVE64
+typedef PGPInt64 PGPFileOffset;
+typedef PGPInt32 PGPFileOffset;
+typedef PGPUInt32 PGPFlags;
+typedef time_t PGPTime;
+typedef PGPULong PGPTimeInterval; /* In milliseconds */
+#define kPGPMaxTimeInterval (~(PGPTimeInterval)0)
+typedef struct PGPVersion
+ PGPUInt16 majorVersion;
+ PGPUInt16 minorVersion;
+} PGPVersion;
+/* character types useful for Unicode issues */
+typedef char PGPChar8;
+typedef PGPUInt16 PGPChar16;
+typedef PGPUInt32 PGPChar32;
+typedef unsigned char PGPUTF8;
+typedef PGPUInt16 PGPChar;
+typedef char PGPChar;
+typedef char PFLChar;
+typedef char SDKUIChar;
+ These macros should surround all C declarations in public
+ header files which define function or data symbols.
+#ifdef __cplusplus /* [ */
+#define PGP_BEGIN_C_DECLARATIONS extern "C" {
+#else /* ] __cplusplus [ */
+#endif /* ] __cplusplus */
+#ifndef pgpMin
+#define pgpMin(x,y) (((x)<(y)) ? (x) : (y))
+#ifndef pgpMax
+#define pgpMax(x,y) (((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y))
+#if PGP_WIN32
+# define BIG_ENDIAN 123
+# define LITTLE_ENDIAN 321
+# error define your byte order
+ * The PGP equivalent of the MS "TEXT" macro. PGPTEXT wraps a string literal
+ * and causes it to compile as 8 or 16 bit characters on the basis of the
+ * PGP_UNICODE symbol.
+ */
+ #define PGPTEXT(literal) L##literal
+ #define PGPTEXT(literal) literal
+ * Macros for wrapping text literals. These macros serve two purposes:
+ * (a) to indicate to the reader of the source code the way in which the
+ * literal is used (and therefore why the string should not be externalized
+ * and localized), and (b) to indicate to the compiler whether the literal
+ * should be compiled as 8-bit or 16-bit characters.
+ *
+ * To the right of each macro is the abbreviation to use when naming
+ * string resources.
+ */
+/* PGPTXT_USER should be used for strings which are to be displayed
+ * to the user, but which we have decided not to translate, for whatever
+ * reason.
+ */
+#define PGPTXT_USER(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* USR */
+#define PGPTXT_USER8(literal) literal
+#define PGPTXT_USER16(literal) L##literal
+/* PGPTXT_ADMIN is for messages to be seen by an admin; we may choose to
+ * translate these in the future.
+ */
+#define PGPTXT_ADMIN(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* ADM */
+/* PGPTXT_MACHINE strings are meant to be read by a machine. That is,
+ * the usual usage would be that this string is never seen by anyone,
+ * neither users, developers, admins nor qa; it is only seen by programs.
+ * This includes textual material in tables where that is meant to be
+ * compared against hardcoded strings looking for a match. Explicit
+ * 8- and 16-bit versions are provided.
+ */
+#define PGPTXT_MACHINE(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* MAC */
+#define PGPTXT_MACHINE8(literal) literal
+#define PGPTXT_MACHINE16(literal) L##literal
+/* String literals in obsolete sections of code may be left in for
+ * clarity or historical reasons. They should be marked with the
+ */
+#define PGPTXT_OBSOLETE(literal) literal /* OBS */
+/* PGPTXT_FIXBEFORESHIP is for strings for which the tagger is not sure
+ * what to do with them, but which will need to be decided eventually.
+ */
+#define PGPTXT_FIXBEFORESHIP(literal) literal /* FIX */
+/* PGPTXT_DEBUG should be used for strings which are to be seen only by
+ * developers or testers. This would include compiled-out self-test
+ * code, debugging code, printf's, messageboxes, debug logs, and asserts.
+ */
+#define PGPTXT_DEBUG(literal) PGPTEXT(literal) /* DBG */
+#define PGPTXT_DEBUG8(literal) literal
+#define PGPTXT_DEBUG16(literal) L##literal
+/* PGPTXT_DEFERRED is used to mark text for which externalization
+ * has been deferred because the text is not actually used in the
+ * current implementation but it may be someday. Externalizing
+ * such text would create unnecessary work for the localizers at
+ * this point in time.
+ */
+#define PGPTXT_DEFERRED(literal) PGPTEXT(literal)
+#define PGPTXT_DEFERRED8(literal) literal
+#define PGPTXT_DEFERRED16(literal) L##literal
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) && PGP_OSX
+#define PGP_WEAK_IMPORT __attribute__((weak_import))
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpBase_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBigNum.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBigNum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdc65e2017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpBigNum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpBigNum.h,v 1.7 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpBigNum_h
+#define Included_pgpBigNum_h
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pgpUtilities.h"
+typedef struct PGPBigNum * PGPBigNumRef;
+#define kPGPInvalidBigNumRef ( (PGPBigNumRef)NULL )
+ Bignum basics
+PGPError PGPNewBigNum( PGPContextRef context, PGPBoolean secure,
+ PGPBigNumRef *newBN );
+PGPError PGPFreeBigNum( PGPBigNumRef bn );
+PGPError PGPCopyBigNum( PGPBigNumRef src, PGPBigNumRef * dest );
+PGPError PGPAssignBigNum( PGPBigNumRef src, PGPBigNumRef dest );
+PGPError PGPSwapBigNum( PGPBigNumRef a, PGPBigNumRef b);
+** Move bytes between the given buffer and the given BigNum encoded in
+** base 256. I.e. after either of these, the buffer will be equal to
+** (bn / 256^lsbyte) % 256^len. The difference is which is altered to
+** match the other!
+PGPError PGPBigNumExtractBigEndianBytes( PGPBigNumRef bn,
+ PGPByte *dest, PGPUInt32 lsbyte, PGPUInt32 len );
+PGPError PGPBigNumInsertBigEndianBytes(PGPBigNumRef bn,
+ PGPByte const *src, PGPUInt32 lsbyte, PGPUInt32 len );
+/* The same, but the buffer is little-endian. */
+PGPError PGPBigNumExtractLittleEndianBytes( PGPBigNumRef bn,
+ PGPByte *dest, PGPUInt32 lsbyte, PGPUInt32 len );
+PGPError PGPBigNumInsertLittleEndianBytes(PGPBigNumRef bn,
+ PGPByte const *src, PGPUInt32 lsbyte, PGPUInt32 len );
+/* Return the least-significant bits (at least 16) of the BigNum */
+PGPUInt16 PGPBigNumGetLSWord( PGPBigNumRef bn );
+ * Return the number of significant bits in the BigNum.
+ * 0 or 1+floor(log2(src))
+ */
+PGPUInt32 PGPBigNumGetSignificantBits( PGPBigNumRef bn );
+ * Adds two bignums into dest. Faster if dest is same as lhs or rhs.
+ */
+PGPError PGPBigNumAdd( PGPBigNumRef lhs, PGPBigNumRef rhs,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest );
+ * lhs-rhs. dest and src may be the same, but bnSetQ(dest, 0) is faster.
+ * if dest < src, returns error and dest is undefined.
+ */
+PGPError PGPBigNumSubtract( PGPBigNumRef lhs, PGPBigNumRef rhs,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest, PGPBoolean *underflow );
+/* Return sign (-1, 0, +1) of a-b. a <=> b --> bnCmpQ(a, b) <=> 0 */
+PGPInt32 PGPBigNumCompareQ( PGPBigNumRef bn, PGPUInt16 sm );
+/* dest = src, where 0 <= src < 2^16. */
+PGPError PGPBigNumSetQ( PGPBigNumRef dest, PGPUInt16 sm );
+/* dest = bn + sm, where 0 <= sm < 2^16 */
+PGPError PGPBigNumAddQ( PGPBigNumRef bn, PGPUInt16 sm,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest);
+/* dest = bn + sm, where 0 <= sm < 2^16 */
+PGPError PGPBigNumSubtractQ( PGPBigNumRef bn, PGPUInt16 sm,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest, PGPBoolean *underflow);
+/* Return sign (-1, 0, +1) of a-b. a <=> b --> bnCmp(a, b) <=> 0 */
+PGPInt32 PGPBigNumCompare( PGPBigNumRef lhs, PGPBigNumRef rhs);
+/* dest = src * src. dest may be the same as src, but it costs time. */
+PGPError PGPBigNumSquare( PGPBigNumRef src, PGPBigNumRef dest);
+/* dest = a * b. dest may be the same as a or b, but it costs time. */
+PGPError PGPBigNumMultiply( PGPBigNumRef lhs, PGPBigNumRef rhs,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest);
+/* dest = a * b, where 0 <= b < 2^16. dest and a may be the same. */
+PGPError PGPBigNumMultiplyQ( PGPBigNumRef lhs, PGPUInt16 sm,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest);
+ * q = n/d, r = n%d. r may be the same as n, but not d,
+ * and q may not be the same as n or d.
+ * re-entrancy issue: this temporarily modifies d, but restores
+ * it for return.
+ */
+PGPError PGPBigNumDivide( PGPBigNumRef numerator, PGPBigNumRef denominator,
+ PGPBigNumRef quotient, PGPBigNumRef remainder);
+ * dest = n % d. dest and src may be the same, but not dest and d.
+ * re-entrancy issue: this temporarily modifies d, but restores
+ * it for return.
+ */
+PGPError PGPBigNumMod( PGPBigNumRef numerator, PGPBigNumRef denominator,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest );
+/* return src % d, where 0 <= d < 2^16. */
+PGPUInt16 PGPBigNumModQ( PGPBigNumRef numerator, PGPUInt16 denominator );
+/* n = n^exp, modulo "mod" "mod" *must* be odd */
+PGPError PGPBigNumExpMod( PGPBigNumRef n, PGPBigNumRef exponent,
+ PGPBigNumRef mod, PGPBigNumRef dest );
+ * dest = n1^e1 * n2^e2, modulo "mod". "mod" *must* be odd.
+ * dest may be the same as n1 or n2.
+ */
+PGPError PGPBigNumDoubleExpMod( PGPBigNumRef n1, PGPBigNumRef exponent1,
+ PGPBigNumRef n2, PGPBigNumRef exponent2,
+ PGPBigNumRef mod, PGPBigNumRef dest );
+/* dest = 2^exp, modulo "mod" "mod" *must* be odd */
+PGPError PGPBigNumTwoExpMod( PGPBigNumRef exponent, PGPBigNumRef mod,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest );
+/* dest = gcd(a, b). The inputs may overlap arbitrarily. */
+PGPError PGPBigNumGCD( PGPBigNumRef a, PGPBigNumRef b, PGPBigNumRef dest );
+/* dest = src^-1, modulo "mod". dest may be the same as src. */
+PGPError PGPBigNumInv( PGPBigNumRef src, PGPBigNumRef mod,
+ PGPBigNumRef dest );
+/* Shift dest left "amt" places */
+PGPError PGPBigNumLeftShift( PGPBigNumRef dest, PGPUInt32 amt );
+/* Shift dest right "amt" places, discarding low-order bits */
+PGPError PGPBigNumRightShift( PGPBigNumRef dest, PGPUInt32 amt );
+/* right shift all low order 0-bits, return number of bits shifted */
+PGPUInt16 PGPBigNumMakeOdd( PGPBigNumRef dest );
+#endif /* Included_pgpBigNum_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpCBC.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpCBC.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26ae61d57f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpCBC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpCBC.h,v 1.6 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpCBC_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpCBC_h
+#include "pgpSymmetricCipher.h"
+ A CBC context requires use of a symmetric cipher which has been created
+ and whose key has been set. An error will be returned if this is not
+ the case.
+ After the call, the CBCContextRef "owns" the
+ symmetric ref and will dispose of it properly (even if an error
+ occurs). The caller should no longer reference it.
+PGPError PGPNewCBCContext( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ PGPCBCContextRef *outRef );
+ Disposal clears all data in memory before releasing it.
+PGPError PGPFreeCBCContext( PGPCBCContextRef ref );
+ Make an exact copy, including current state. Original is not changed.
+PGPError PGPCopyCBCContext( PGPCBCContextRef ref, PGPCBCContextRef *outRef );
+ IV size is implicit (same size as the symmetric cipher block size).
+ IV is *copied*.
+ Caller may want to destroy the original after passing it in.
+PGPError PGPInitCBC( PGPCBCContextRef ref, const void *key,
+ const void *initializationVector );
+ Call repeatedly to process arbitrary amounts of data. Each call must
+ have bytesIn be a multiple of the cipher block size.
+PGPError PGPCBCEncrypt( PGPCBCContextRef ref, const void *in,
+ PGPSize bytesIn, void *out );
+PGPError PGPCBCDecrypt( PGPCBCContextRef ref, const void *in,
+ PGPSize bytesIn, void *out );
+ Get the symmetric cipher being used for this CBC context.
+ You can use this to determine useful things about the underlying cipher
+ such as its block size.
+PGPError PGPCBCGetSymmetricCipher( PGPCBCContextRef ref,
+ PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef *outRef );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpCBC_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpCFB.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpCFB.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9745f969ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpCFB.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpCFB.h,v 1.6 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpCFB_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpCFB_h
+#include "pgpSymmetricCipher.h"
+ A CFB context requires use of a symmetric cipher which has been created
+ and whose key has been set. An error will be returned if this is not
+ the case.
+ After the call, the CFBRef "owns" the symmetric ref and will
+ dispose of it properly (even if an error occurs).
+ The caller should no longer reference it.
+PGPError PGPNewCFBContext( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ PGPUInt16 interleaveFactor,
+ PGPCFBContextRef *outRef );
+ Disposal clears all data in memory before releasing it.
+PGPError PGPFreeCFBContext( PGPCFBContextRef ref );
+ Make an exact copy, including current state. Original is not changed.
+PGPError PGPCopyCFBContext( PGPCFBContextRef ref,
+ PGPCFBContextRef *outRef );
+ IV size is implicit (same size as the symmetric cipher block size).
+ IV is *copied*.
+ Caller may want to destroy the original after passing it in.
+ Calling this implicitly calls PGPResetCFB().
+PGPError PGPInitCFB( PGPCFBContextRef ref, const void *key,
+ const void *initializationVector );
+ Call repeatedly to process arbitrary amounts of data.
+PGPError PGPCFBEncrypt( PGPCFBContextRef ref, const void *in,
+ PGPSize bytesIn, void *out );
+PGPError PGPCFBDecrypt( PGPCFBContextRef ref, const void *in,
+ PGPSize bytesIn, void *out );
+ Get the symmetric cipher being used for this CFB context.
+ You can use this to determine useful things about the underlying cipher
+ such as its block size.
+PGPError PGPCFBGetSymmetricCipher(PGPCFBContextRef ref,
+ PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef *outRef );
+ Reset the feedback mechanism to use whatever we have so far, plus previous
+ bytes for a total of the cipher block size bytes. This effectively
+ changes the cipher block boundary.
+PGPError PGPCFBSync( PGPCFBContextRef ref );
+ Fetch random bytes from the cipher. Returns the actual number of
+ random bytes obtained.
+PGPError PGPCFBGetRandom( PGPCFBContextRef ref, PGPSize requestCount,
+ void *out, PGPSize *outCount);
+ Make more random bytes available using the supplied salt, which must
+ be the same as the symmetric cipher block size.
+PGPError PGPCFBRandomCycle( PGPCFBContextRef ref, const void *salt);
+ Make more random bytes available using the supplied salt, which must
+ be the same as the symmetric cipher block size.
+PGPError PGPCFBRandomWash( PGPCFBContextRef ref, const void *in,
+ PGPSize bytesIn );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpCFB_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpConfig.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2e9f883a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * pgpConfig.h -- Configuration for the PGPsdk. This file contains
+ * the configuration information for the PGPsdk, and it should be
+ * included in all PGPsdk source files.
+ *
+ * $Id: pgpConfig.h,v 1999/08/08 19:38:33 heller Exp $
+ */
+/* Define to empty if the compiler does not support 'const' variables. */
+/* #undef const */
+/* Define to `long' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+/* #undef off_t */
+/* Define to `unsigned' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+/* #undef size_t */
+#ifndef Included_pgpConfig_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpConfig_h
+#include "pgpPFLConfig.h"
+#ifndef Included_pgpPFLConfig_h /* [ */
+#define HAVE_STDARG_H 1
+#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
+#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 0
+#define HAVE_USHORT 0
+#define HAVE_UINT 0
+#define HAVE_ULONG 0
+#define NO_LIMITS_H 0
+#define NO_POPEN 1
+#if defined( _MSC_VER )
+#define PGP_HAVE64 1
+typedef __int64 PGPInt64;
+typedef unsigned __int64 PGPUInt64;
+#elif defined( __MWERKS__ )
+#define PGP_HAVE64 0
+#endif /*Included_pgpPFLConfig_h*/ /* ] */
+/* Checks for various types */
+#define HAVE_UCHAR 0
+/* Define if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+#define STDC_HEADERS 1
+/* Checks for various specific header files */
+#define HAVE_FCNTL_H 1
+#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1
+#define HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H 0
+#define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H 0
+#define HAVE_SYS_TIMEB_H 1
+#define HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H 0
+/* Check if <sys/time.h> is broken and #includes <time.h> wrong */
+/* Checks for various functions */
+#define HAVE_FTIME 1
+#define HAVE_MKSTEMP 0
+#if defined( __MWERKS__ )
+#define PGPTTYE /* nothing */
+#elif defined( _MSC_VER )
+/* Tags for exported functions, needed for dynamic linking on some platforms */
+#define PGPTTYE /* nothing */
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpConfig_h */
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpEC.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpEC.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c12ded4444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpEC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpEC.h,v 1.12 2003/12/13 01:20:39 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef PGP_EC_PUB_H
+#define PGP_EC_PUB_H
+/* Wrapper for the ec* routines and data types.
+ These are exported functions from PGPsdk
+ */
+typedef signed char ** PGPECContextRef;
+typedef signed short ** PGPECPointRef;
+typedef signed int ** PGPECScalarRef;
+enum PGPECMemoryUsage_
+ kPGPECMemoryMedium = 0,
+ kPGPECMemoryHigh = 1,
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPECMemoryUsage_, PGPECMemoryUsage );
+PGPError PGPECCreate2mContext( PGPMemoryMgrRef memoryMgr,
+ PGPSize bitsize, PGPECMemoryUsage memUsage,
+ PGPECContextRef *c );
+PGPError PGPECFreeContext( PGPECContextRef p );
+PGPError PGPECSetEC2mParamA( PGPECContextRef c, const unsigned *a );
+PGPError PGPECSetEC2mParamB( PGPECContextRef c, const unsigned *b );
+PGPError PGPECSetEC2mParamAInt( PGPECContextRef c, unsigned a );
+PGPError PGPECSetEC2mParamBInt( PGPECContextRef c, unsigned b );
+PGPError PGPECGetBufferSize( PGPECContextRef c,
+ PGPSize *coordinateSize, PGPSize *scalarSize,
+ PGPSize *pointDecomprSize, PGPSize *pointComprSize );
+PGPError PGPECScalarCreate( PGPECContextRef c, PGPECScalarRef *s, PGPBoolean isSecure );
+PGPError PGPECScalarFree( PGPECScalarRef s );
+PGPError PGPECScalarInsertBytes( PGPECScalarRef s,
+ const PGPByte *scalar /*network order*/, PGPECScalarRef G_ord );
+PGPError PGPECPointCreate( PGPECContextRef c, PGPECPointRef *p );
+PGPError PGPECPointFree( PGPECPointRef p );
+PGPError PGPECPointExtractBytes( PGPECPointRef p, PGPByte *out, unsigned flags );
+PGPError PGPECPointExtractXYBytes( PGPECPointRef p, PGPByte *out_x, PGPByte *out_y, unsigned flags );
+PGPError PGPECPointInsertBytes( PGPECPointRef p, const PGPByte *in, unsigned flags );
+PGPError PGPECPointAssignContext( PGPECPointRef p, PGPECContextRef c );
+PGPError PGPECPointPrefBasis( PGPECPointRef p );
+PGPError PGPECPointMul( PGPECPointRef p,
+ PGPECScalarRef scalar,
+ PGPBoolean isPrecomputed, /* PGPECPointPrecomp already called */
+ PGPECPointRef out );
+PGPError PGPECPointAdd( PGPECPointRef p0, const PGPECPointRef p1, PGPECPointRef sum );
+PGPError PGPECPointSetZero( PGPECPointRef p );
+PGPBoolean PGPECPointIsZero( PGPECPointRef p );
+PGPBoolean PGPECPointIsConsistent( PGPECPointRef p );
+PGPError PGPECPointCompress( PGPECPointRef p );
+PGPError PGPECPointDecompress( PGPECPointRef p );
+#endif /* PGP_EC_PUB_H */
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpEncode.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpEncode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f2830ddf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpEncode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file contains the prototypes for functions which encode/decode files
+ and buffers.
+ $Id: pgpEncode.h,v 1.20 2003/09/24 03:09:32 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpEncode_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpEncode_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpTLS.h"
+#pragma options align=mac68k
+ PGP Events
+ The PGPEvent structure is used to notify clients of the encode API of
+ various events. Each event is denoted by an event type:
+enum PGPEventType_
+ kPGPEvent_NullEvent = 0, /* Nothing happened */
+ kPGPEvent_InitialEvent = 1, /* Final event */
+ kPGPEvent_FinalEvent = 2, /* Final event */
+ kPGPEvent_ErrorEvent = 3, /* An error occurred */
+ kPGPEvent_WarningEvent = 4, /* Warning event */
+ kPGPEvent_EntropyEvent = 5, /* More entropy is needed */
+ kPGPEvent_PassphraseEvent = 6, /* A passphrase is needed */
+ kPGPEvent_InsertKeyEvent = 7, /* Smart card must be inserted */
+ kPGPEvent_AnalyzeEvent = 8, /* Initial analysis event,
+ before any output */
+ kPGPEvent_RecipientsEvent = 9, /* Recipient list report,
+ before any output */
+ kPGPEvent_KeyFoundEvent = 10, /* Key packet found */
+ kPGPEvent_OutputEvent = 11, /* Output specification needed */
+ kPGPEvent_SignatureEvent = 12, /* Signature status report */
+ kPGPEvent_BeginLexEvent = 13, /* Initial event per lexical unit*/
+ kPGPEvent_EndLexEvent = 14, /* Final event per lexical unit */
+ kPGPEvent_RecursionEvent = 15, /* Notification of recursive
+ job creation */
+ kPGPEvent_DetachedSignatureEvent = 16, /* Need input for verification of
+ detached signature */
+ kPGPEvent_KeyGenEvent = 17, /* Key generation progress */
+ kPGPEvent_KeyServerEvent = 18, /* Key Server progress */
+ kPGPEvent_KeyServerSignEvent= 19, /* Key Server passphrase */
+ kPGPEvent_KeyServerTLSEvent = 20, /* Key Server TLS event */
+ kPGPEvent_KeyServerIdleEvent= 21, /* Idle during keyserver call */
+ kPGPEvent_SocketsIdleEvent = 22, /* Idle during sockets */
+ kPGPEvent_DecryptionEvent = 23, /* Decryption data report */
+ kPGPEvent_EncryptionEvent = 24, /* Encryption data report */
+ kPGPEvent_ToBeSignedEvent = 25, /* To-be-signed hash */
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPEventType_, PGPEventType );
+/* PGP Analyze event callback codes */
+enum PGPAnalyzeType_
+ kPGPAnalyze_Encrypted = 0, /* Encrypted message */
+ kPGPAnalyze_Signed = 1, /* Signed message */
+ kPGPAnalyze_DetachedSignature = 2, /* Detached signature */
+ kPGPAnalyze_Key = 3, /* Key data */
+ kPGPAnalyze_Unknown = 4, /* Non-pgp message */
+ kPGPAnalyze_X509Certificate = 5, /* X.509 certificate */
+ kPGPAnalyze_SMIMEBody = 6, /* SMIME body */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPAnalyzeType_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPAnalyzeType_, PGPAnalyzeType );
+/* Individual event information structs, combined as a union in PGPEvent */
+typedef struct PGPEventNullData_
+ PGPFileOffset bytesWritten;
+ PGPFileOffset bytesTotal;
+} PGPEventNullData;
+typedef struct PGPEventErrorData_
+ PGPError error;
+ void *errorArg;
+} PGPEventErrorData;
+typedef struct PGPEventWarningData_
+ PGPError warning;
+ void *warningArg;
+} PGPEventWarningData;
+typedef struct PGPEventEntropyData_
+ PGPUInt32 entropyBitsNeeded;
+} PGPEventEntropyData;
+typedef struct PGPEventPassphraseData_
+ PGPBoolean fConventional;
+ PGPKeySetRef keyset;
+ const PGPByte *ESKs;
+ PGPSize ESKsLength;
+} PGPEventPassphraseData;
+typedef struct PGPEventRecipientsData_
+ PGPKeySetRef recipientSet;
+ PGPUInt32 conventionalPassphraseCount;
+ PGPUInt32 keyCount;
+ PGPKeyID const * keyIDArray;
+} PGPEventRecipientsData;
+typedef struct PGPEventKeyFoundData_
+ PGPKeyDBRef keyDB;
+} PGPEventKeyFoundData;
+typedef struct PGPEventSignatureData_
+ PGPKeyID signingKeyID;
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef signingKey;
+ PGPBoolean checked;
+ PGPBoolean verified;
+ PGPBoolean keyRevoked;
+ PGPBoolean keyDisabled;
+ PGPBoolean keyExpired;
+ PGPBoolean keyMeetsValidityThreshold;
+ PGPValidity keyValidity;
+ PGPTime creationTime;
+ PGPUInt32 expirationPeriod;
+} PGPEventSignatureData;
+typedef struct PGPEventDecryptionData_
+ PGPCipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm;
+ PGPByte *sessionKey;
+ PGPSize sessionKeyLength;
+ PGPUInt32 keyCount; /* keyids of keys that can decrypt, */
+ PGPKeyID const * keyIDArray; /* a subset of keys in PGPEventRecipientsData */
+} PGPEventDecryptionData;
+typedef struct PGPEventEncryptionData_
+ PGPCipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm;
+ PGPByte *sessionKey;
+ PGPSize sessionKeyLength;
+} PGPEventEncryptionData;
+typedef struct PGPEventAnalyzeData_
+ PGPAnalyzeType sectionType;
+} PGPEventAnalyzeData;
+typedef struct PGPEventOutputData_
+ PGPUInt32 messageType;
+ PGPChar8 *suggestedName;
+ PGPBoolean forYourEyesOnly;
+} PGPEventOutputData;
+typedef struct PGPEventBeginLexData_
+ PGPUInt32 sectionNumber;
+ PGPSize sectionOffset;
+} PGPEventBeginLexData;
+typedef struct PGPEventEndLexData_
+ PGPUInt32 sectionNumber;
+} PGPEventEndLexData;
+typedef struct PGPEventKeyGenData_
+ PGPUInt32 state;
+} PGPEventKeyGenData;
+typedef struct PGPEventKeyServerData_
+ PGPKeyServerRef keyServerRef;
+ PGPUInt32 state; /* PGPKeyServerState */
+} PGPEventKeyServerData;
+typedef struct PGPEventKeyServerSignData_
+ PGPKeyServerRef keyServerRef;
+} PGPEventKeyServerSignData;
+typedef struct PGPEventKeyServerTLSData_
+ PGPKeyServerRef keyServerRef;
+ PGPUInt32 state; /* PGPKeyServerState */
+ PGPtlsSessionRef tlsSession;
+} PGPEventKeyServerTLSData;
+typedef struct PGPEventKeyServerIdleData_
+ PGPKeyServerRef keyServerRef;
+} PGPEventKeyServerIdleData;
+typedef struct PGPEventToBeSignedData_
+ PGPKeyID keyID;
+ PGPHashAlgorithm hashAlg;
+ PGPByte hash[512/8];
+ PGPSize hashSize;
+} PGPEventToBeSignedData;
+ * The following events have no event-specific data defined for them:
+ * kPGPEvent_InsertKeyEvent
+ * kPGPEvent_RecursionEvent
+ * kPGPEvent_DetachedSignatureEvent
+ * kPGPEvent_InitialEvent
+ * kPGPEvent_FinalEvent
+ * kPGPEvent_SocketsIdleEvent
+ */
+/* Union of all event data structures above */
+typedef union PGPEventData_
+ PGPEventNullData nullData;
+ PGPEventErrorData errorData;
+ PGPEventWarningData warningData;
+ PGPEventEntropyData entropyData;
+ PGPEventPassphraseData passphraseData;
+ PGPEventRecipientsData recipientsData;
+ PGPEventKeyFoundData keyFoundData;
+ PGPEventSignatureData signatureData;
+ PGPEventDecryptionData decryptionData;
+ PGPEventEncryptionData encryptionData;
+ PGPEventAnalyzeData analyzeData;
+ PGPEventOutputData outputData;
+ PGPEventBeginLexData beginLexData;
+ PGPEventEndLexData endLexData;
+ PGPEventKeyGenData keyGenData;
+ PGPEventKeyServerData keyServerData;
+ PGPEventKeyServerSignData keyServerSignData;
+ PGPEventKeyServerTLSData keyServerTLSData;
+ PGPEventKeyServerIdleData keyServerIdleData;
+ PGPEventToBeSignedData tbsData;
+} PGPEventData;
+/* Refs to internal "job" structure */
+typedef struct PGPJob * PGPJobRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPJobRef ((PGPJobRef) NULL)
+#define PGPJobRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPJobRef )
+/* PGPEvent structure */
+struct PGPEvent
+ PGPVersion version; /* Version of event structure */
+ struct PGPEvent_ *nextEvent; /* Allow lists of events */
+ PGPJobRef job; /* Associated with what job */
+ PGPEventType type; /* Type of event */
+ PGPEventData data; /* Event specific data */
+typedef struct PGPEvent PGPEvent;
+#pragma options align=reset
+** Functions to encode and decode. The variable parameters are one or more
+** PGPOptionListRef's which describe the inputs, outputs, and options.
+PGPError PGPEncode(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPDecode(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPAddJobOptions(PGPJobRef job,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpEncode_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpErrors.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpErrors.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7174b0a9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpErrors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ Error codes for all PGPsdk errors can be found in this file.
+ $Id: pgpErrors.h,v 1.28 2004/04/26 21:23:53 vinnie Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpErrors_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpErrors_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpPFLErrors.h"
+#define kPGPErrorRange 1000
+enum PGPError_
+ /*
+ NOTE: error code values must not be changed;
+ compiled client code depends on them.
+ */
+ kPGPError_FirstError = -11500,
+ kPGPError_Last = -10500,
+ kPGPError_BadPassphrase = -11500,
+ kPGPError_OptionNotFound = -11499,
+/* Errors from pgpEncode */
+ kPGPError_RedundantOptions = -11498,
+ kPGPError_KeyRevoked = -11497,
+ kPGPError_KeyExpired = -11496,
+ kPGPError_KeyDisabled = -11495,
+ kPGPError_KeyInvalid = -11494,
+ kPGPError_KeyUnusableForEncryption = -11493,
+ kPGPError_KeyUnusableForSignature = -11492,
+ kPGPError_OutputBufferTooSmall = -11491,
+ kPGPError_InconsistentEncryptionAlgorithms = -11490,
+ kPGPError_MissingPassphrase = -11489,
+ kPGPError_CombinedConventionalAndPublicEncryption= -11488,
+ kPGPError_DetachedSignatureWithoutSigningKey= -11487,
+ kPGPError_DetachedSignatureWithEncryption = -11486,
+ kPGPError_NoInputOptions = -11485,
+ kPGPError_MultipleInputOptions = -11484,
+ kPGPError_InputFile = -11483,
+ kPGPError_NoOutputOptions = -11482,
+ kPGPError_MultipleOutputOptions = -11481,
+ kPGPError_MissingEventHandler = -11480,
+ kPGPError_MissingKeyDB = -11479,
+ kPGPError_DetachedSignatureFound = -11478,
+ kPGPError_NoDecryptionKeyFound = -11477,
+ kPGPError_CorruptSessionKey = -11476,
+ kPGPError_SkipSection = -11475,
+ kPGPError_Interrupted = -11474,
+ kPGPError_TooManyARRKs = -11473,
+ kPGPError_KeyUnusableForDecryption = -11472,
+ kPGPError_KeygenTimedOut = -11471,
+ kPGPError_IncompatibleAPI = -11460,
+/* misc errors */
+ kPGPError_CompressionFailed = -11453,
+ kPGPError_UnTARFailed = -11452,
+ kPGPError_MinorUnTARError = -11451,
+ kPGPError_NotMacBinary = -11450,
+ kPGPError_NoMacBinaryTranslationAvailable = -11449,
+ kPGPError_BadSignature = -11448,
+ kPGPError_CAPIUnsupportedKey = -11447,
+ kPGPError_SelfTestFailed = -11446,
+ kPGPError_SelfTestsNotExecuted = -11445,
+ kPGPError_BadIntegrity = -11444,
+ kPGPError_DeCompressionFailed = -11443,
+ kPGPError_DeletingSelfSig = -11442,
+/* filter errors */
+ kPGPError_InconsistentFilterClasses = -11440,
+ kPGPError_UnsupportedLDAPFilter = -11439,
+ kPGPError_UnsupportedHKPFilter = -11438,
+ kPGPError_UnknownFilterType = -11437,
+ kPGPError_InvalidFilterParameter = -11436,
+ kPGPError_UnsupportedNetToolsCAFilter = -11435,
+/* old errors: */
+ kPGPError_OutOfRings = -11420,
+ kPGPError_BadHashNumber = -11419,
+ kPGPError_BadCipherNumber = -11418,
+ kPGPError_BadKeyLength = -11417,
+ kPGPError_SizeAdviseFailure = -11416,
+ kPGPError_ConfigParseFailure = -11415,
+ kPGPError_ConfigParseFailureBadFunction = -11414,
+ kPGPError_ConfigParseFailureBadOptions = -11413,
+ kPGPError_KeyIsLocked = -11412,
+ kPGPError_CantDecrypt = -11411,
+ kPGPError_UnknownString2Key = -11410,
+ kPGPError_BadSessionKeySize = -11409,
+ kPGPError_UnknownVersion = -11408,
+ kPGPError_BadSessionKeyAlgorithm = -11407,
+ kPGPError_UnknownSignatureType = -11406,
+ kPGPError_BadSignatureSize = -11405,
+ kPGPError_SignatureBitsWrong = -11404,
+ kPGPError_ExtraDateOnSignature = -11403,
+ kPGPError_SecretKeyNotFound = -11402,
+ kPGPError_AdditionalRecipientRequestKeyNotFound = -11401,
+ kPGPError_InvalidCommit = -11400,
+ kPGPError_CantHash = -11399,
+ kPGPError_UnbalancedScope = -11398,
+ kPGPError_WrongScope = -11397,
+ kPGPError_FIFOReadError = -11396,
+ kPGPError_RandomSeedTooSmall = -11395,
+ kPGPError_EnvPriorityTooLow = -11394,
+ kPGPError_UnknownCharMap = -11393,
+ kPGPError_AsciiParseIncomplete = -11392,
+ kPGPError_BadPacket = -11391,
+ kPGPError_TroubleKeySubKey = -11390,
+ kPGPError_TroubleSigSubKey = -11389,
+ kPGPError_TroubleBadTrust = -11388,
+ kPGPError_TroubleUnknownPacketByte = -11387,
+ kPGPError_TroubleUnexpectedSubKey = -11386,
+ kPGPError_TroubleUnexpectedName = -11385,
+ kPGPError_TroubleUnexpectedSignature = -11384,
+ kPGPError_TroubleUnexpectedUnknown = -11383,
+ kPGPError_TroubleUnexpectedTrust = -11382,
+ kPGPError_TroubleKeyTooBig = -11381,
+ kPGPError_TroubleSecretKeyTooBig = -11380,
+ kPGPError_TroubleNameTooBig = -11379,
+ kPGPError_TroubleSignatureTooBig = -11378,
+ kPGPError_TroubleUnknownTooBig = -11377,
+ kPGPError_TroubleDuplicateKeyID = -11376,
+ kPGPError_TroubleDuplicateKey = -11375,
+ kPGPError_TroubleDuplicateSecretKey = -11374,
+ kPGPError_TroubleDuplicateName = -11373,
+ kPGPError_TroubleDuplicateSignature = -11372,
+ kPGPError_TroubleDuplicateUnknown = -11371,
+ kPGPError_TroubleBareKey = -11370,
+ kPGPError_TroubleVersionBugPrev = -11369,
+ kPGPError_TroubleVersionBugCur = -11368,
+ kPGPError_TroubleOldSecretKey = -11367,
+ kPGPError_TroubleNewSecretKey = -11366,
+ kPGPError_TroubleImportingNonexportableSignature= -11365,
+ kPGPError_TroubleDuplicateCRL = -11364,
+ kPGPError_TroubleCRLTooBig = -11363,
+ kPGPError_BadCompressionNumber = -11362,
+ /*
+ * The set of errors in this range are the ones which will NOT abort
+ * a keyring check operation. These errors just make us skip the key
+ * and go on to the next.
+ */
+kPGPError_KEY_MIN = -11350,
+ kPGPError_KeyPacketTruncated = -11349,
+ kPGPError_UnknownKeyVersion = -11348,
+ kPGPError_UnknownPublicKeyAlgorithm = -11347,
+ kPGPError_MalformedKeyModulus = -11346,
+ kPGPError_MalformedKeyExponent = -11345,
+ kPGPError_RSAPublicModulusIsEven = -11344,
+ kPGPError_RSAPublicExponentIsEven = -11343,
+ kPGPError_MalformedKeyComponent = -11342,
+ kPGPError_KeyTooLarge = -11341,
+ kPGPError_PublicKeyTooSmall = -11340,
+ kPGPError_PublicKeyTooLarge = -11339,
+ kPGPError_PublicKeyUnimplemented = -11338,
+ kPGPError_CRLPacketTruncated = -11337,
+ kPGPError_CorruptPrivateKey = -11336,
+ kPGPError_UnknownPaddingType = -11335,
+kPGPError_KEY_MAX = kPGPError_CorruptPrivateKey,
+/* kPGPError_SIG_MAX */
+ kPGPError_SIG_LONG = -11330,
+ kPGPError_TruncatedSignature = -11329,
+ kPGPError_MalformedSignatureInteger = -11328,
+ kPGPError_UnknownSignatureAlgorithm = -11327,
+ kPGPError_ExtraSignatureMaterial = -11326,
+ kPGPError_UnknownSignatureVersion = -11325,
+ kPGPError_RevocationKeyNotFound = -11324,
+/* kPGPError_SIG_MIN */
+/* kPGPError_KEYDB_MAX */
+ kPGPError_OutOfEntropy = -11320,
+ kPGPError_ItemIsReadOnly = -11319,
+ kPGPError_InvalidProperty = -11318,
+ kPGPError_FileCorrupt = -11317,
+ kPGPError_DuplicateCert = -11316,
+ kPGPError_DuplicateUserID = -11315,
+ kPGPError_CertifyingKeyDead = -11314,
+ kPGPError_ItemWasDeleted = -11313,
+ kPGPError_KeyDBMismatch = -11312,
+/* kPGPError_KEYDB_MIN = kPGPError_KeyDBMismatch */
+/* kPGPError_SERVER_MAX */
+ kPGPError_ServerInProgress = -11300,
+ kPGPError_ServerOperationNotSupported = -11299,
+ kPGPError_ServerInvalidProtocol = -11298,
+ kPGPError_ServerRequestFailed = -11297,
+ kPGPError_ServerOpen = -11296,
+ kPGPError_ServerNotOpen = -11295,
+ kPGPError_ServerKeyAlreadyExists = -11294,
+ kPGPError_ServerNotInitialized = -11293,
+ kPGPError_ServerPartialAddFailure = -11292,
+ kPGPError_ServerCorruptKeyBlock = -11291,
+ kPGPError_ServerUnknownResponse = -11290,
+ kPGPError_ServerTimedOut = -11289,
+ kPGPError_ServerOpenFailed = -11288,
+ kPGPError_ServerAuthorizationRequired = -11287,
+ kPGPError_ServerAuthorizationFailed = -11286,
+ kPGPError_ServerSearchFailed = -11285,
+ kPGPError_ServerPartialSearchResults = -11284,
+ kPGPError_ServerBadKeysInSearchResults = -11283,
+ kPGPError_ServerKeyFailedPolicy = -11282,
+ kPGPError_ServerOperationRequiresTLS = -11281,
+ kPGPError_ServerNoStaticStorage = -11280,
+ kPGPError_ServerCertNotFound = -11279,
+/* TLS errors */
+ kPGPError_TLSUnexpectedClose = -11250,
+ kPGPError_TLSProtocolViolation = -11249,
+ kPGPError_TLSVersionUnsupported = -11248,
+ kPGPError_TLSWrongState = -11247,
+ kPGPError_TLSAlertReceived = -11246,
+ kPGPError_TLSKeyUnusable = -11245,
+ kPGPError_TLSNoCommonCipher = -11244,
+ kPGPError_TLSWouldBlock = -11243,
+ kPGPError_TLSRcvdHandshakeRequest = -11242,
+/* X509 certificate errors */
+ kPGPError_X509NeededCertNotAvailable = -11240,
+ kPGPError_X509SelfSignedCert = -11239,
+ kPGPError_X509InvalidCertificateSignature = -11238,
+ kPGPError_X509InvalidCertificateFormat = -11237,
+ kPGPError_X509InvalidCertificateTree = -11236,
+/* Key Splitting errors */
+ kPGPError_SplitNotEnoughSharesInObject = -11230,
+ kPGPError_SplitDifferentSplitKeys = -11229,
+ kPGPError_SplitDifferentSharePool = -11228,
+ kPGPError_SplitIdenticalShares = -11227,
+ kPGPError_SKEPRejectedAuthentication = -11226,
+ kPGPError_SKEPIncorrectVersion = -11225,
+/* SECSH errors */
+ kPGPError_SECSHUnexpectedClose = -11220,
+ kPGPError_SECSHProtocolViolation = -11219,
+ kPGPError_SECSHVersionUnsupported = -11218,
+ kPGPError_SECSHWrongState = -11217,
+ kPGPError_SECSHAlertReceived = -11216,
+ kPGPError_SECSHKeyUnusable = -11215,
+ kPGPError_SECSHNoCommonCipher = -11214,
+ kPGPError_SECSHWouldBlock = -11213,
+ kPGPError_SECSHRcvdHandshakeRequest = -11212,
+ kPGPError_BigNumNoInverse = -11150,
+/* PGPSockets errors */
+ kPGPError_SocketsNetworkDown = -11100,
+ kPGPError_SocketsNotInitialized = -11099,
+ kPGPError_SocketsInProgress = -11098,
+ kPGPError_SocketsNotConnected = -11097,
+ kPGPError_SocketsNotBound = -11096,
+ kPGPError_SocketsOperationNotSupported = -11095,
+ kPGPError_SocketsProtocolNotSupported = -11094,
+ kPGPError_SocketsAddressFamilyNotSupported = -11093,
+ kPGPError_SocketsNotASocket = -11092,
+ kPGPError_SocketsAddressInUse = -11091,
+ kPGPError_SocketsBufferOverflow = -11090,
+ kPGPError_SocketsListenQueueFull = -11089,
+ kPGPError_SocketsAddressNotAvailable = -11088,
+ kPGPError_SocketsAlreadyConnected = -11087,
+ kPGPError_SocketsTimedOut = -11086,
+ kPGPError_SocketsNoStaticStorage = -11085,
+ kPGPError_SocketsHostNotFound = -11050,
+ kPGPError_SocketsDomainServerError = -11049,
+/* Errors from X.509 layer */
+ kPGPError_X509AttributeNotSupported = -10999,
+ kPGPError_InvalidPKCS7Encoding = -10998,
+ kPGPError_CMSInitialization = -10997,
+ kPGPError_InvalidDistinguishedName = -10996,
+ kPGPError_CertRequestCreationFailure = -10995,
+ kPGPError_MissingX509Certificate = -10994,
+ kPGPError_PKCS7SignFailure = -10993,
+ kPGPError_ASNPackFailure = -10992,
+ kPGPError_InvalidInputFormat = -10991,
+ kPGPError_InvalidOutputFormat = -10990,
+ kPGPError_InvalidCertificateExtension = -10989,
+ kPGPError_PublicKeyNotFound = -10988,
+ kPGPError_CRSMissingRequiredAttribute = -10979,
+ kPGPError_CRSInvalidCharacter = -10978,
+ kPGPError_CRSInvalidAttributeType = -10977,
+ kPGPError_CRSInvalidCertType = -10976,
+ kPGPError_CRSInvalidAttributeValueLength = -10975,
+ kPGPError_CRSInvalidAuthenticateValue = -10974,
+ kPGPError_X509CertificateParseError = -10973,
+ kPGPError_PKCS7EncryptFailure = -10972,
+ kPGPError_PKCS7DecryptFailure = -10971,
+ kPGPError_InvalidCertificateFormat = -11970,
+/* LDAP Errors */
+kPGPError_LDAPMIN = -10950,
+ kPGPError_LDAPOperationsError = kPGPError_LDAPMIN,
+ kPGPError_LDAPProtocolError = -10949,
+ kPGPError_LDAPTimelimitExceeded = -10948,
+ kPGPError_LDAPSizelimitExceeded = -10947,
+ kPGPError_LDAPStrongAuthNotSupported = -10946,
+ kPGPError_LDAPStrongAuthRequired = -10945,
+ kPGPError_LDAPPartialResults = -10944,
+ kPGPError_LDAPNoSuchAttribute = -10943,
+ kPGPError_LDAPUndefinedType = -10942,
+ kPGPError_LDAPInappropriateMatching = -10941,
+ kPGPError_LDAPConstraintViolation = -10940,
+ kPGPError_LDAPTypeOrValueExists = -10939,
+ kPGPError_LDAPInvalidSyntax = -10938,
+ kPGPError_LDAPNoSuchObject = -10937,
+ kPGPError_LDAPAliasProblem = -10936,
+ kPGPError_LDAPInvalidDNSyntax = -10935,
+ kPGPError_LDAPIsLeaf = -10934,
+ kPGPError_LDAPAliasDerefProblem = -10933,
+ kPGPError_LDAPInappropriateAuth = -10932,
+ kPGPError_LDAPInvalidCredentials = -10931,
+ kPGPError_LDAPInsufficientAccess = -10930,
+ kPGPError_LDAPBusy = -10929,
+ kPGPError_LDAPUnavailable = -10928,
+ kPGPError_LDAPUnwillingToPerform = -10927,
+ kPGPError_LDAPLoopDetect = -10926,
+ kPGPError_LDAPNamingViolation = -10925,
+ kPGPError_LDAPObjectClassViolation = -10924,
+ kPGPError_LDAPNotAllowedOnNonleaf = -10923,
+ kPGPError_LDAPNotAllowedOnRDN = -10922,
+ kPGPError_LDAPAlreadyExists = -10921,
+ kPGPError_LDAPNoObjectClassMods = -10920,
+ kPGPError_LDAPResultsTooLarge = -10919,
+ kPGPError_LDAPOther = -10918,
+ kPGPError_LDAPServerDown = -10917,
+ kPGPError_LDAPLocalError = -10916,
+ kPGPError_LDAPEncodingError = -10915,
+ kPGPError_LDAPDecodingError = -10914,
+ kPGPError_LDAPTimeout = -10913,
+ kPGPError_LDAPAuthUnknown = -10912,
+ kPGPError_LDAPFilterError = -10911,
+ kPGPError_LDAPUserCancelled = -10910,
+ kPGPError_LDAPParamError = -10909,
+ kPGPError_LDAPConnectError = -10908,
+ /* Reserve errors -10907 through -10881 for future LDAP versions */
+ kPGPError_LDAPNotLDAPURL = -10880,
+ kPGPError_LDAPNoDN = -10879,
+ kPGPError_LDAPBadScope = -10878,
+kPGPError_LDAPMAX = kPGPError_LDAPBadScope,
+ /* Smart Card Errors */
+ kPGPError_SmartCardError = -10850,
+ kPGPError_SmartCardOutOfMemory = -10849,
+ kPGPError_SmartCardKeyNotFound = -10848,
+ kPGPError_SmartCardX509Exists = -10847,
+ kPGPError_SmartCardKeyExists = -10846,
+ kPGPError_SmartCardPinLocked = -10845,
+ kPGPError_SmartCardNotFound = -10844,
+ kPGPError_DummyEnumValue
+ /* kPGPError_Last */
+} ;
+#undef PGPGetErrorString
+PGPError PGPGetErrorString( PGPError theError,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, PGPChar8 * theString );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpErrors_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpFeatures.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpFeatures.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad628a283b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpFeatures.h
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ Determine which features are present in the PGPsdk. This is the only
+ way to correctly determine which features are present. The version
+ number may be the same for different builds that lack some features.
+ $Id: pgpFeatures.h,v 1.13 2004/03/15 19:18:55 vinnie Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpFeatures_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpFeatures_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#pragma options align=mac68k /* [ */
+ Each selector designates a PGPFlags word, which can be obtained via
+ PGPGetFeatureFlags(). The flags can be tested using the
+ supplied masks. We can add more selectors as needed. The masks
+ are not intended to be restricted to a single bit.
+ Flags should not be used for attributes that have unknown length.
+ A kPGPError_ItemNotFound will be returned if the caller specifies
+ a selector which is not recognized by the PGPsdk. This could
+ occur if an app links to an older version of the SDK.
+/* selectors which are passed to PGPGetFeatureFlags */
+enum PGPFeatureSelector_
+ kPGPFeatures_GeneralSelector = 1,
+ kPGPFeatures_ImplementationSelector = 2,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPFeatureSelector_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPFeatureSelector_, PGPFeatureSelector );
+/* flags for kPGPFeatures_GeneralSelector */
+ kPGPFeatureMask_CanEncrypt = (1UL << 0),
+ kPGPFeatureMask_CanDecrypt = (1UL << 1),
+ kPGPFeatureMask_CanSign = (1UL << 2),
+ kPGPFeatureMask_CanVerify = (1UL << 3),
+ kPGPFeatureMask_CanGenerateKey = (1UL << 4),
+ kPGPFeatureMask_RngHardware = (1UL << 5),
+ kPGPFeatureMask_FIPSmode = (1UL << 6)
+/* flags for kPGPFeatures_ImplementationSelector */
+ kPGPFeatureMask_IsDebugBuild = (1UL << 0),
+ kPGPFeatureMask_HasTimeout = (1UL << 0)
+#define kPGPAlgorithmInfoFlags_FIPS (PGPFlags)(1UL << 1 )
+typedef struct PGPAlgorithmInfo
+ PGPChar8 shortName[ 32 ];
+ PGPChar8 longName[ 96 ];
+ PGPChar8 copyright[ 128 ];
+ PGPFlags flags;
+ PGPUInt32 reserved[ 16 ]; /* reserved; 0 for now */
+} PGPAlgorithmInfo;
+typedef struct PGPPublicKeyAlgorithmInfo
+ PGPAlgorithmInfo info;
+ PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm algID;
+ PGPBoolean canEncrypt;
+ PGPBoolean canDecrypt;
+ PGPBoolean canSign;
+ PGPBoolean canVerify;
+ PGPBoolean canGenerateKey;
+ PGPBoolean reserved1;
+ PGPBoolean reserved2;
+ PGPBoolean reserved3;
+ PGPUInt32 reserved[ 8 ];
+} PGPPublicKeyAlgorithmInfo;
+typedef struct PGPSymmetricCipherInfo
+ PGPAlgorithmInfo info;
+ PGPCipherAlgorithm algID;
+ PGPUInt32 reserved[ 8 ];
+} PGPSymmetricCipherInfo;
+#pragma options align=reset /* ] */
+/* return a flags word for the feature selector */
+PGPError PGPGetFeatureFlags( PGPFeatureSelector selector,
+ PGPFlags *flags );
+/* use this to test whether a feature exists after getting flags */
+#define PGPFeatureExists( flags, maskValue ) ( ( (flags) & (maskValue) ) != 0 )
+ Routines to determine which algorithms are present.
+ To determine if a specific algorithm is available, you will need to
+ index through the available algorithms and check the algorithm ID.
+PGPError PGPCountPublicKeyAlgorithms( PGPUInt32 *numPKAlgs );
+PGPError PGPGetIndexedPublicKeyAlgorithmInfo( PGPUInt32 theIndex,
+ PGPPublicKeyAlgorithmInfo *info);
+PGPError PGPCountSymmetricCiphers( PGPUInt32 *numPKAlgs );
+PGPError PGPGetIndexedSymmetricCipherInfo( PGPUInt32 theIndex,
+ PGPSymmetricCipherInfo *info);
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpFeatures_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f6ebd07af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpGroups.h
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpGroups.h,v 1.12 2003/08/08 04:40:39 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpGroups_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpGroups_h
+ Note: All functions in this file have been deprecated and will be
+ replaced in the future with equivalent functionality.
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpEncode.h"
+#if PGP_DEPRECATED /* [ */
+#include <Files.h>
+#pragma options align=mac68k
+#define kPGPMaxGroupNameLength 63
+#define kPGPMaxGroupDescriptionLength 63
+typedef PGPChar8 PGPGroupName[ kPGPMaxGroupNameLength + 1 ];
+typedef PGPChar8 PGPGroupDescription[ kPGPMaxGroupDescriptionLength + 1 ];
+typedef struct PGPGroupSet * PGPGroupSetRef;
+typedef struct PGPGroupIter * PGPGroupItemIterRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPGroupSetRef ((PGPGroupSetRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPGroupItemIterRef ((PGPGroupItemIterRef) NULL)
+#define PGPGroupSetRefIsValid(ref) ((ref) != kInvalidPGPGroupSetRef)
+#define PGPGroupItemIterRefIsValid(ref) ((ref) != kInvalidPGPGroupItemIterRef)
+/* any type will do that is distinct */
+typedef PGPUInt32 PGPGroupID;
+#define kPGPInvalidGroupID ( (PGPGroupID)0 )
+enum PGPGroupItemType_
+ kPGPGroupItem_KeyID = 1,
+ kPGPGroupItem_Group,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPGroupItemType_)
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPGroupItemType_, PGPGroupItemType );
+ A run-time group item, used when iterating through a group.
+ For client use; not necessarily the internal storage format.
+ 'userValue' is *not* saved to disk.
+typedef struct PGPGroupItem
+ PGPGroupItemType type;
+ PGPUserValue userValue;
+ union
+ {
+ PGPGroupID groupID;
+ PGPKeyID keyID;
+ } u;
+} PGPGroupItem;
+typedef PGPInt32 (*PGPGroupItemCompareProc)( PGPGroupItem *,
+ PGPGroupItem *, PGPUserValue userValue );
+ Info obtained via PGPGetGroupInfo.
+typedef struct PGPGroupInfo
+ PGPGroupID id;
+ PGPGroupName name;
+ PGPGroupName description;
+ PGPUserValue userValue;
+} PGPGroupInfo;
+typedef PGPFlags PGPGroupItemIterFlags;
+/* flag (1UL << 0 ) is reserved */
+#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive (PGPFlags)(1UL << 1 )
+#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_Keys (PGPFlags)(1UL << 2 )
+#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_Groups (PGPFlags)(1UL << 3 )
+#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllKeysRecursive \
+ ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive | kPGPGroupIterFlags_Keys )
+#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllGroupsRecursive \
+ ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive | kPGPGroupIterFlags_Groups )
+#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllItems \
+ ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Keys | kPGPGroupIterFlags_Groups )
+#define kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllRecursive \
+ ( kPGPGroupIterFlags_Recursive | kPGPGroupIterFlags_AllItems )
+#pragma options align=reset
+ Manipulating pgp group sets (PGPGroupSetRef)
+/* create a new, empty groups collection */
+PGPError PGPNewGroupSet( PGPContextRef context, PGPGroupSetRef *outRef );
+/* file is *not* left open; all data is loaded into memory */
+PGPError PGPNewGroupSetFromFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef file,
+ PGPGroupSetRef *outRef );
+PGPError PGPNewGroupSetFromFSSpec( PGPContextRef context,
+ const struct FSSpec *spec, PGPGroupSetRef *outRef );
+/* overwrites existing. Don't bother unless PGPGroupSetNeedsCommit() */
+PGPError PGPSaveGroupSetToFile( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPFileSpecRef file );
+/* free all data structures; be sure to save first if you want */
+PGPError PGPFreeGroupSet( PGPGroupSetRef set );
+/* has the group changed? */
+PGPBoolean PGPGroupSetNeedsCommit( PGPGroupSetRef set );
+PGPContextRef PGPGetGroupSetContext( PGPGroupSetRef set );
+/* export the groupset to a buffer. Use PGPFreeData to free the buffer */
+PGPError PGPExportGroupSetToBuffer( PGPGroupSetRef set, void **buffer,
+ PGPSize *bufferSize );
+/* import a groupset from a buffer */
+PGPError PGPImportGroupSetFromBuffer(PGPContextRef context, void *buffer,
+ PGPSize bufSize, PGPGroupSetRef *outSet );
+ Manipulating groups
+ Groups are always referred to by IDs which remain valid until the set
+ is disposed.
+/* initial parent ID is kPGPInvalidGroupID */
+PGPError PGPNewGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ const PGPChar8 * name, const PGPChar8 *description,
+ PGPGroupID *id );
+PGPError PGPCountGroupsInSet( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPUInt32 *numGroups);
+PGPError PGPGetIndGroupID( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPUInt32 groupIndex, PGPGroupID *id );
+/* delete this group from the set */
+/* All references to it are removed in all sets */
+PGPError PGPDeleteGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id );
+/* delete the indexed item from the group */
+/* the item may be a group or a key */
+PGPError PGPDeleteIndItemFromGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, PGPUInt32 item );
+/* same as PGPDeleteIndItemFromGroup, but accepts an item */
+PGPError PGPDeleteItemFromGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, PGPGroupItem const *item );
+PGPError PGPGetGroupInfo( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, PGPGroupInfo *info );
+PGPError PGPSetGroupName( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, const PGPChar8 * name );
+PGPError PGPSetGroupUserValue( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, PGPUserValue userValue );
+PGPError PGPSetGroupDescription( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, const PGPChar8 * name );
+/* 'item' specifies a group or a key id */
+/* you must fill the item in completely */
+PGPError PGPAddItemToGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupItem const *item, PGPGroupID group );
+PGPError PGPMergeGroupIntoDifferentSet( PGPGroupSetRef fromSet,
+ PGPGroupID fromID, PGPGroupSetRef toSet );
+PGPError PGPMergeGroupSets( PGPGroupSetRef fromSet,
+ PGPGroupSetRef intoSet );
+PGPError PGPCopyGroupSet(PGPGroupSetRef sourceSet,
+ PGPGroupSetRef *destSet);
+ Manipulating group items
+/* count how many items there are in a group */
+/* totalItems includes keys and groups */
+PGPError PGPCountGroupItems( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, PGPBoolean recursive,
+ PGPUInt32 * numKeys,
+ PGPUInt32 * totalItems );
+/* non-recursive call; index only applies to group itself */
+PGPError PGPGetIndGroupItem( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, PGPUInt32 groupIndex, PGPGroupItem * item );
+/* use PGPGetIndGroupItem() if you want to get the user value */
+PGPError PGPSetIndGroupItemUserValue( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupID id, PGPUInt32 groupIndex, PGPUserValue userValue );
+PGPError PGPSortGroupItems( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
+ PGPGroupItemCompareProc, PGPUserValue userValue );
+PGPError PGPSortGroupSet( PGPGroupSetRef set,
+ PGPGroupItemCompareProc, PGPUserValue userValue );
+ PGPGroupItemIterRef--iterator through group items.
+ Special note: this is not a full-fledged iterator. You may *not* add
+ or delete items while iterating and you may only move forward. However,
+ you may change the values of items.
+PGPError PGPNewGroupItemIter( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
+ PGPGroupItemIterFlags flags, PGPGroupItemIterRef *iter );
+PGPError PGPFreeGroupItemIter( PGPGroupItemIterRef iter );
+/* returns kPGPError_EndOfIteration when done */
+PGPError PGPGroupItemIterNext( PGPGroupItemIterRef iter,
+ PGPGroupItem * item );
+ Group utilities
+ Return the lowest validity of any item in the group
+ keyset should contain all keys available
+ It is not an error if keys can't be found; you may want to check
+ the not found count.
+ The lowest validity is kPGPValidity_Invalid and kPGPValidity_Unknown
+ is never returned.
+PGPError PGPGetGroupLowestValidity( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
+ PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPValidity * lowestValidity,
+ PGPUInt32 * numKeysNotFound);
+ All all the keys in the group (and its subgroups) to the keyset
+PGPError PGPNewKeySetFromGroup( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPGroupID id,
+ PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPKeySetRef * resultSet,
+ PGPUInt32 * numKeysNotFound);
+ Create a simple, flattened group of unique key IDs from the source group.
+ Note that sourceSet and destSet must be different.
+PGPError PGPNewFlattenedGroupFromGroup(PGPGroupSetRef sourceSet,
+ PGPGroupID sourceID, PGPGroupSetRef destSet,
+ PGPGroupID *destID);
+ Perform a "standard" sort on a group
+PGPError PGPSortGroupSetStd( PGPGroupSetRef set, PGPKeyDBRef keydb );
+#endif /* ] PGP_DEPRECATED */
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpGroups_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHMAC.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHMAC.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3dc58a6ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHMAC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpHMAC.h,v 1.6 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpHMAC_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpHMAC_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+ Create a new HMAC of the specified algorithm.
+ If the algorithm is not available then kPGPError_AlgorithmNotAvailable is
+ returned.
+PGPError PGPNewHMACContext( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPHashAlgorithm algorithm, PGPByte *secret,
+ PGPSize secretLen, PGPHMACContextRef *outRef );
+ Any existing intermediate HMAC is lost.
+PGPError PGPFreeHMACContext( PGPHMACContextRef ref );
+ Reset an HMAC as if it had been created anew. Any existing intermediate
+ hash is lost.
+PGPError PGPResetHMAC( PGPHMACContextRef ref );
+ Continue the HMAC, accumulating an intermediate result
+PGPError PGPContinueHMAC( PGPHMACContextRef ref, const void *in,
+ PGPSize numBytes );
+ Finalize the HMAC, depositing the result into 'hmacOut'.
+ This size of the output will be the same size as the hash
+ algorithm output.
+PGPError PGPFinalizeHMAC( PGPHMACContextRef ref, void *hmacOut );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpHMAC_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHash.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44225347ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpHash.h,v 1.6 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpHashing_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpHashing_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+ Create a new hash of the specified algorithm.
+ If the algorithm is not available then kPGPError_AlgorithmNotAvailable is
+ returned.
+PGPError PGPNewHashContext( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPHashAlgorithm algorithm,
+ PGPHashContextRef * outRef );
+ Any existing intermediate hash is lost.
+PGPError PGPFreeHashContext( PGPHashContextRef ref );
+ An exact duplicate of the hash is made.
+PGPError PGPCopyHashContext( PGPHashContextRef ref,
+ PGPHashContextRef * outRef);
+ Reset a hash as if it had been created anew. Any existing intermediate
+ hash is lost.
+PGPError PGPResetHash( PGPHashContextRef ref );
+ Continue the hash, accumulating an intermediate result
+PGPError PGPContinueHash( PGPHashContextRef ref, const void *in,
+ PGPSize numBytes );
+ Finalize the hash, depositing the result into 'hashOut'.
+ After calling this routine, the hash is reset via PGPResetHash().
+ If you want an intermediate result, use PGPCopyHash() and finalize the
+ copy.
+PGPError PGPFinalizeHash( PGPHashContextRef ref, void *hashOut );
+ Determine size of resulting hash in bytes e.g. a 160 bit hash yields 20.
+ Used for generic code which may not know how big a hash is being produced.
+ Question: can we reasonably assume 8 bits per byte? If not, how does
+ PGPFinalizeHash return its result?
+PGPError PGPGetHashSize( PGPHashContextRef ref, PGPSize *hashSize );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpHashing_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHashWords.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHashWords.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c3c82cb8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpHashWords.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpHashWords.h,v 1.2 2004/01/03 02:25:31 bgaiser Exp $
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+ Hash word list types
+enum PGPHashWordList_
+ kPGPHashWordList_Even = 0,
+ kPGPHashWordList_Odd = 1,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPHashWordList_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPHashWordList_, PGPHashWordList );
+ Hash word functions
+ PGPError
+ PGPUInt32 index,
+ PGPHashWordList list,
+ PGPChar8 hashWordString[ 12 ]);
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpIKE.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpIKE.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23a28c8bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpIKE.h
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpIKE.h,v 1.39 2003/09/24 03:09:32 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_PGPike_h /* [ */
+#define Included_PGPike_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#if PGP_WIN32
+# pragma pack(push, 8)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (disable:4200)
+typedef struct PGPikeContext * PGPikeContextRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPikeContextRef ((PGPikeContextRef) NULL)
+#define PGPikeContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPikeContextRef )
+#define kPGPike_CommonPort 500
+#define kPGPike_AuthMaximumKeySize (512/8)
+#define kPGPike_ESPMaximumKeySize 32 /* 256 bits */
+#define kPGPike_MaxExplicitIVSize 16
+#define kPGPike_MaxTransforms 3
+#define kPGPike_DefaultKBLife 1048576 /* 1GB */
+#define kPGPike_DefaultSecLife 86400 /* 1 Day */
+#define kPGPike_UserDataSize 96
+#define kPGPike_XAuthStringLen 128
+#define kPGPike_XAuthMessageLen 256
+typedef PGPByte PGPipsecSPI[4];
+enum PGPikeDOI_
+ kPGPike_DOI_IKE = 0,
+ kPGPike_DOI_IPSEC = 1,
+enum PGPikeAlert_
+ kPGPike_AL_None = 0,
+ /* Error Types */
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidPayload = 1,
+ kPGPike_AL_DOIUnsupported = 2,
+ kPGPike_AL_SituationUnsupported = 3,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidCookie = 4,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidMajorVersion = 5,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidMinorVersion = 6,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidExchange = 7,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidFlags = 8,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidMessageID = 9,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidProtocolID = 10,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidSPI = 11,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidTransform = 12,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidAttribute = 13,
+ kPGPike_AL_NoProposalChoice = 14,
+ kPGPike_AL_BadProposal = 15,
+ kPGPike_AL_PayloadMalformed = 16,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidKey = 17,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidID = 18,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidCertEncoding = 19,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidCert = 20,
+ kPGPike_AL_UnsupportedCert = 21,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidCertAuthority = 22,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidHash = 23,
+ kPGPike_AL_AuthenticationFailed = 24,
+ kPGPike_AL_InvalidSignature = 25,
+ kPGPike_AL_AddressNotification = 26,
+ kPGPike_AL_NotifySALifetime = 27,
+ kPGPike_AL_CertUnavailable = 28,
+ kPGPike_AL_UnsupportedExchange = 29,
+ kPGPike_AL_UnequalPayloadLengths = 30,
+ kPGPike_AL_NATTranslationFailure = 16300,
+ kPGPike_AL_LastErrorType = 16301,
+ /* Status Types */
+ kPGPike_AL_Connected = 16384,
+ kPGPike_AL_ResponderLifetime = 24576, /* IPSEC DOI */
+ kPGPike_AL_ReplayStatus = 24577, /* IPSEC DOI */
+ kPGPike_AL_InitialContact = 24578, /* IPSEC DOI */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeAlert_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeAlert_, PGPikeAlert );
+enum PGPikeInternalAlert_
+ kPGPike_IA_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_IA_ResponseTimeout = 1,
+ kPGPike_IA_NoProposals = 2,
+ kPGPike_IA_NewPhase1SA = 3,
+ kPGPike_IA_NewPhase2SA = 4,
+ kPGPike_IA_DeadPhase1SA = 5,
+ kPGPike_IA_DeadPhase2SA = 6,
+ kPGPike_IA_TooManyExchanges = 7,
+ kPGPike_IA_XAuthSuccess = 8,
+ kPGPike_IA_XAuthFailed = 9,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeInternalAlert_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeInternalAlert_, PGPikeInternalAlert );
+enum PGPikePref_
+ kPGPike_PF_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_PF_Expiration = 1,
+ kPGPike_PF_AllowedAlgorithms = 2,
+ kPGPike_PF_IKEProposals = 3,
+ kPGPike_PF_IPSECProposals = 4,
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikePref_, PGPikePref );
+enum PGPipsecEncapsulation_
+ kPGPike_PM_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_PM_Tunnel = 1,
+ kPGPike_PM_Transport = 2,
+ kPGPike_PM_UDPencapsulatedTunnel = 61443,
+ kPGPike_PM_UDPencapsulatedTransport = 61444,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPipsecEncapsulation_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPipsecEncapsulation_, PGPipsecEncapsulation );
+enum PGPikeLifeType_
+ kPGPike_LT_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_LT_Seconds = 1,
+ kPGPike_LT_Kilobytes = 2,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeLifeType_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeLifeType_, PGPikeLifeType );
+enum PGPipsecIdentity_
+ kPGPike_ID_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_ID_IPV4_Addr,
+ kPGPike_ID_FQDN,
+ kPGPike_ID_UserFQDN,
+ kPGPike_ID_IPV4_Addr_Subnet,
+ kPGPike_ID_IPV6_Addr,
+ kPGPike_ID_IPV6_Addr_Subnet,
+ kPGPike_ID_IPV4_Addr_Range,
+ kPGPike_ID_IPV6_Addr_Range,
+ kPGPike_ID_Key_ID, /* used for PGP fingerprint */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPipsecIdentity_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPipsecIdentity_, PGPipsecIdentity );
+/* If it doesn't say supported, it isn't. */
+enum PGPipsecAHTransformID_
+ kPGPike_AH_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_AH_MD5 = 2, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AH_SHA = 3, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AH_DES = 4,
+ kPGPike_AH_SHA2_256 = 5, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AH_SHA2_384 = 6, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AH_SHA2_512 = 7, /* supported */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPipsecAHTransformID_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPipsecAHTransformID_, PGPipsecAHTransformID );
+enum PGPipsecAuthAttribute_
+ kPGPike_AA_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_AA_HMAC_MD5 = 1, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AA_HMAC_SHA = 2, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AA_DES_MAC = 3,
+ kPGPike_AA_KPDK = 4,
+ kPGPike_AA_HMAC_SHA2_256 = 5, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AA_HMAC_SHA2_384 = 6, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AA_HMAC_SHA2_512 = 7, /* supported */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPipsecAuthAttribute_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPipsecAuthAttribute_, PGPipsecAuthAttribute );
+enum PGPipsecESPTransformID_
+ kPGPike_ET_DES_IV64 = 1, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_ET_DES = 2, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_ET_3DES = 3, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_ET_RC5 = 4,
+ kPGPike_ET_IDEA = 5,
+ kPGPike_ET_CAST = 6, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_ET_Blowfish = 7,
+ kPGPike_ET_3IDEA = 8,
+ kPGPike_ET_DES_IV32 = 9,
+ kPGPike_ET_RC4 = 10,
+ kPGPike_ET_NULL = 11, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_ET_AES = 12,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPipsecESPTransformID_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPipsecESPTransformID_, PGPipsecESPTransformID );
+/* IPCOMP is not supported by this version of PGPike */
+enum PGPipsecIPCOMPTransformID_
+ kPGPike_IC_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_IC_OUI = 1,
+ kPGPike_IC_Deflate = 2, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_IC_LZS = 3, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_IC_V42bis = 4,
+enum PGPipsecProtocol_
+ kPGPike_PR_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_PR_IKE = 1,
+ kPGPike_PR_AH = 2,
+ kPGPike_PR_ESP = 3,
+ kPGPike_PR_IPCOMP = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPipsecProtocol_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPipsecProtocol_, PGPipsecProtocol );
+enum PGPikeGroupID_
+ kPGPike_GR_None = 0, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODPOne = 1, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODPTwo = 2, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODPFive = 5, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_ECSix = 6, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_ECSeven = 7, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_ECEight = 8, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_ECNine = 9, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODP2048 = 42048,/* unassigned */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODP3072 = 43072,/* unassigned */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODP4096 = 44096,/* unassigned */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODP6144 = 46144,/* unassigned */
+ kPGPike_GR_MODP8192 = 48192,/* unassigned */
+enum PGPikeCipher_
+ kPGPike_SC_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_SC_DES_CBC = 1, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_SC_IDEA_CBC = 2,
+ kPGPike_SC_Blowfish_CBC = 3,
+ kPGPike_SC_RC5_R16_B64_CBC = 4,
+ kPGPike_SC_3DES_CBC = 5, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_SC_CAST_CBC = 6, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_SC_AES_CBC = 7,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeCipher_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeCipher_, PGPikeCipher );
+enum PGPikeHash_
+ kPGPike_HA_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_HA_MD5 = 1, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_HA_SHA1 = 2, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_HA_Tiger = 3,
+ kPGPike_HA_SHA2_256 = 4,
+ kPGPike_HA_SHA2_384 = 5,
+ kPGPike_HA_SHA2_512 = 6,
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeHash_, PGPikeHash );
+enum PGPikeAuthMethod_
+ kPGPike_AM_None = 0,
+ kPGPike_AM_PreSharedKey = 1, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AM_DSS_Sig = 2, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AM_RSA_Sig = 3, /* supported */
+ kPGPike_AM_RSA_Encrypt = 4,
+ kPGPike_AM_RSA_Encrypt_R = 5,
+ kPGPike_AM_HAuth_InitRSA = 64221,
+ kPGPike_AM_HAuth_RespRSA = 64222,
+ kPGPike_AM_HAuth_InitDSS = 64223,
+ kPGPike_AM_HAuth_RespDSS = 64224,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_InitPreShared = 65001,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_RespPreShared = 65002,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_InitDSS = 65003,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_RespDSS = 65004,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_InitRSA = 65005,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_RespRSA = 65006,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_InitRSAEncryption = 65007,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_RespRSAEncryption = 65008,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_InitRSAREncryption = 65009,
+ kPGPike_AM_XAuth_RespRSAREncryption = 65010,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeAuthMethod_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeAuthMethod_, PGPikeAuthMethod );
+enum PGPikeAuthStyle_
+ kPGPike_AS_Normal = 0,
+ kPGPike_AS_XAuth = 1,
+ kPGPike_AS_HybridAuth = 2,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeAuthStyle_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeAuthStyle_, PGPikeAuthStyle );
+enum PGPikeXAuthType_
+ kPGPike_XT_Generic = 0,
+ kPGPike_XT_OTP = 2,
+ kPGPike_XT_SKEY = 3,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeXAuthType_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeXAuthType_, PGPikeXAuthType );
+enum PGPikeEncapsulateMode_
+ kPGPike_EM_Auto = 0,
+ kPGPike_EM_Always = 1,
+ kPGPike_EM_Never = 2,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeEncapsulateMode_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeEncapsulateMode_, PGPikeEncapsulateMode );
+typedef struct PGPipsecESPTransform
+ PGPipsecESPTransformID cipher;
+ PGPUInt32 keyLength;
+ /* cipher key bit size, must be 0 for all except AES */
+ PGPipsecAuthAttribute authAttr;
+ PGPipsecEncapsulation mode;
+} PGPipsecESPTransform;
+typedef struct PGPipsecAHTransform
+ PGPipsecAHTransformID authAlg;
+ PGPipsecAuthAttribute authAttr;
+ PGPipsecEncapsulation mode;
+} PGPipsecAHTransform;
+typedef struct PGPipsecIPCOMPTransform
+ PGPipsecIPCOMPTransformID compAlg;
+} PGPipsecIPCOMPTransform;
+typedef struct PGPikeTransform
+ PGPikeAuthMethod authMethod;
+ PGPikeHash hash;
+ PGPikeCipher cipher;
+ PGPUInt32 keyLength; /* cipher key bit size, must be 0 for all except AES */
+ PGPikeGroupID groupID;
+} PGPikeTransform;
+typedef struct PGPipsecTransform
+ PGPBoolean useESP;
+ PGPipsecESPTransform esp;
+ PGPBoolean useAH;
+ PGPipsecAHTransform ah;
+ PGPBoolean useIPCOMP;
+ PGPipsecIPCOMPTransform ipcomp;
+ PGPikeGroupID groupID;
+} PGPipsecTransform;
+typedef struct PGPipsecDOIParams
+ PGPipsecSPI inSPI;
+ PGPipsecSPI outSPI;
+ PGPipsecProtocol protocol;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ PGPipsecAHTransform t;
+ PGPByte inAuthKey[kPGPike_AuthMaximumKeySize];
+ PGPByte outAuthKey[kPGPike_AuthMaximumKeySize];
+ } ah;
+ struct
+ {
+ PGPipsecESPTransform t;
+ PGPByte inESPKey[kPGPike_ESPMaximumKeySize];
+ PGPByte outESPKey[kPGPike_ESPMaximumKeySize];
+ PGPByte inAuthKey[kPGPike_AuthMaximumKeySize];
+ PGPByte outAuthKey[kPGPike_AuthMaximumKeySize];
+ PGPByte explicitIV[kPGPike_MaxExplicitIVSize];
+ } esp;
+ struct
+ {
+ PGPipsecIPCOMPTransform t;
+ } ipcomp;
+ } u;
+} PGPipsecDOIParams;
+typedef struct PGPipsecSA
+ struct PGPipsecSA * nextSA; /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
+ struct PGPipsecSA * prevSA; /* INTERNAL USE ONLY */
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress; /* PreNATted(Original) IP Address */
+ PGPBoolean destIsRange; /* dest is IP range */
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddrStart; /* IP address */
+ PGPUInt32 ipMaskEnd; /* mask or end range IP address */
+ PGPByte ipProtocol; /* 0 if all protocols */
+ PGPUInt16 ipPort; /* 0 if all ports */
+ PGPBoolean bNATTraversal; /* NAT Encapsulation is enabled if true */
+ PGPBoolean bIsLocalIPNAT; /* if non-zero, our local IP is natted */
+ PGPBoolean bIsRemoteIPNAT; /* if non-zero, remote IP is NATed */
+ PGPUInt32 natIPAddress; /* NATed Dest IP Address, 0 if not NATed */
+ PGPUInt16 nboNATPort; /* NATed Dest Port value */
+ PGPUInt32 assignedIP; /* if non-zero, use as tunnel IP */
+ PGPUInt32 assignedDNS; /* if non-zero, use as tunnel DNS */
+ PGPUInt32 assignedWINS; /* if non-zero, use as tunnel WINS */
+ PGPBoolean initiator; /* was this SA initiated locally */
+ PGPBoolean activeIn; /* use for inbound data */
+ PGPBoolean activeOut; /* use for outbound data */
+ PGPUInt32 kbLifeTime; /* max KB to be sent on this SA */
+ PGPUInt32 secLifeTime; /* max seconds this SA will live */
+ /* 0 means no limit for either */
+ PGPTime birthTime;
+ PGPUInt16 numTransforms;
+ PGPipsecDOIParams transform[kPGPike_MaxTransforms];
+ PGPTime termSchedule; /* SA will be terminated, private */
+ PGPByte userData[kPGPike_UserDataSize];/* for your use */
+} PGPipsecSA;
+/* When sent a kPGPike_MT_SARequest, pgpIKE will expect that
+ all fields below will be filled in. The approved member is
+ irrelevant in that case.
+ When you are called with kPGPike_MT_PolicyCheck, pgpIKE will
+ set everything to 0 except the IP address. You are expected
+ to fill in the other fields with local policy. The PolicyCheck
+ is used for remote-initiated SA negotiation. Since you cannot
+ predict which remote network might be trying to communicate
+ with us, you should leave the destIsRange/ipAddrStart/ipMaskEnd
+ and ipPort/ipProtocol fields set to 0 for this message. You
+ will be called to check those later with the ClientIDCheck.
+typedef struct PGPikeMTSASetup
+ PGPBoolean approved; /* > */
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress; /* destination */
+ PGPUInt32 localIPAddress; /* source */
+ PGPByte ipProtocol;
+ PGPUInt16 ipPort;
+ PGPByte * sharedKey; /* null if none, data will be copied */
+ PGPSize sharedKeySize; /* w/o NULL-terminate */
+ PGPBoolean aggressive; /* set for aggressive mode */
+ PGPBoolean lightweight; /* only for SARequest, set to
+ TRUE for only 1 retry */
+ /* set the fields below to use tunnel mode */
+ PGPBoolean destIsRange;
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddrStart;
+ PGPUInt32 ipMaskEnd;
+ PGPBoolean virtualIP; /* whether to use mode-cfg */
+ PGPikeAuthStyle authStyle; /* whether to use xauth/hybrid */
+ PGPikeEncapsulateMode encapsulateMode; /* Force NAT Traversal mode */
+ PGPipsecIdentity idType; /* only useful in shared key mode */
+ PGPByte * idData; /* data will be copied */
+ PGPSize idDataSize; /* this is the Phase 1 ID */
+} PGPikeMTSASetup;
+ When you are called with a kPGPike_MT_ClientIDCheck, all fields
+ will be set appropriately. If the destIsRange/ipAddrStart/ipMaskEnd
+ triad is permitted to be represented by the IP address, set
+ the approved field to true. This message is only sent in the case
+ where the remote side is the initiator and you have already been
+ called with a kPGPike_MT_PolicyCheck message.
+typedef struct PGPikeMTClientIDCheck
+ PGPBoolean approved; /* > */
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress;
+ PGPByte ipProtocol;
+ PGPUInt16 ipPort;
+ PGPBoolean destIsRange;
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddrStart;
+ PGPUInt32 ipMaskEnd;
+} PGPikeMTClientIDCheck;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTSAEstablished
+ PGPipsecSA * sa;
+ PGPBoolean remoteValid;
+ PGPByte * remoteAuthKey; /* binary exported key data */
+ PGPSize remoteAuthKeySize;
+} PGPikeMTSAEstablished;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTSAFailed
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress; /* destination */
+ PGPByte ipProtocol;
+ PGPUInt16 ipPort;
+ PGPBoolean destIsRange;
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddrStart;
+ PGPUInt32 ipMaskEnd;
+} PGPikeMTSAFailed;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTCert
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress; /* < */
+ PGPKeyDBRef baseKeyDB; /* > */
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef authObj; /* > PGP key or X.509 cert */
+ PGPBoolean isPassKey; /* > */
+ void * pass; /* > null-term if passphrase, Unicode, copied */
+ PGPSize passLength; /* > in PGPChar8s */
+} PGPikeMTCert;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTRemoteCert
+ PGPBoolean approved; /* > */
+ PGPBoolean valid; /* > */
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress; /* < */
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef remoteObj; /* < PGPkey or X.509 cert */
+ PGPKeyDBRef remoteKeyDB; /* < any other keys/certs are part of
+ this cert's chain */
+} PGPikeMTRemoteCert;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTPacket
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress; /* source or destination */
+ PGPUInt16 port; /* usually UDP 500, but might not be */
+ PGPSize packetSize;
+ PGPByte * packet; /* msg *sender* must free this */
+} PGPikeMTPacket;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTIdentity
+ PGPBoolean active; /* TRUE = set it, FALSE= dead */
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress; /* Gateway IP */
+ PGPUInt32 assignedIP;
+ PGPUInt32 assignedDNS;
+ PGPUInt32 assignedWINS;
+} PGPikeMTIdentity;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTAlert
+ PGPikeAlert alert;
+ PGPUInt32 ipAddress;
+ PGPikeInternalAlert value; /* used if alert is kPGPike_AL_None */
+ PGPBoolean remoteGenerated;
+} PGPikeMTAlert;
+typedef PGPUInt32 PGPikeAESKeyLengthMask;
+#define kPGPike_AESKeyLength128 1
+#define kPGPike_AESKeyLength192 2
+#define kPGPike_AESKeyLength256 4
+#define kPGPike_AESKeyLengthAll 7
+typedef struct PGPikeAllowedAlgorithms
+ PGPBoolean cast5;
+ PGPBoolean tripleDES;
+ PGPBoolean singleDES;
+ PGPikeAESKeyLengthMask aes;
+ PGPBoolean espNULL;
+ PGPBoolean sha1;
+ PGPBoolean md5;
+ PGPBoolean sha2_256;
+ PGPBoolean sha2_384;
+ PGPBoolean sha2_512;
+ PGPBoolean noAuth;
+ PGPBoolean lzs;
+ PGPBoolean deflate;
+ PGPBoolean modpOne768;
+ PGPBoolean modpTwo1024;
+ PGPBoolean modpFive1536;
+ PGPBoolean ec2n163;
+ PGPBoolean ec2n283;
+ PGPBoolean modp2048;
+ PGPBoolean modp3072;
+ PGPBoolean modp4096;
+ PGPBoolean modp6144;
+ PGPBoolean modp8192;
+} PGPikeAllowedAlgorithms;
+typedef struct PGPikeMTPref
+ PGPikePref pref;
+ union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ PGPUInt32 kbLifeTimeIKE;
+ PGPUInt32 secLifeTimeIKE;
+ PGPUInt32 kbLifeTimeIPSEC;
+ PGPUInt32 secLifeTimeIPSEC;
+ } expiration; /* kPGPike_PF_Expiration */
+ struct
+ {
+ PGPUInt32 numTransforms;
+ PGPikeTransform * t;
+ } ikeProposals; /* kPGPike_PF_IKEProposals */
+ struct
+ {
+ PGPUInt32 numTransforms;
+ PGPipsecTransform * t;
+ } ipsecProposals; /* kPGPike_PF_IPSECProposals */
+ PGPikeAllowedAlgorithms allowedAlgorithms;
+ /*kPGPike_PF_AllowedAlgorithms*/
+ } u;
+} PGPikeMTPref;
+/* This message will be sent to check extended authentication. The buffer
+ will be freed after your callback is called, so if you need it,
+ copy the data elsewhere. You must retrieve the information and then
+ send an AuthCheck message back to IKE with the contents filled in,
+ and all contents preserved other than what you filled in. The message
+ you send back is your memory, IKE will not free it. */
+typedef struct PGPikeMTAuthCheck
+ PGPBoolean success; /* set to true unless user aborts */
+ PGPUInt32 gatewayIP;
+ PGPikeXAuthType xauthType;
+ PGPUInt16 transactionID; /* private */
+ PGPBoolean includeType; /* private */
+ PGPBoolean useUserName;
+ PGPBoolean usePassword;
+ PGPBoolean usePasscode;
+ PGPBoolean useMessage;
+ PGPBoolean useChallenge;
+ PGPBoolean useDomain;
+ PGPChar8 userName[kPGPike_XAuthStringLen];
+ PGPChar8 password[kPGPike_XAuthStringLen];
+ PGPChar8 passcode[kPGPike_XAuthStringLen];
+ PGPChar8 message[kPGPike_XAuthMessageLen];
+ PGPChar8 challenge[kPGPike_XAuthStringLen];
+ PGPChar8 domain[kPGPike_XAuthStringLen];
+ PGPSize challengeSize;
+} PGPikeMTAuthCheck;
+enum PGPikeMessageType_
+ /*
+ Message types followed by ">" may be sent to PGPike
+ Message typed followed by "<" may be sent by PGPike
+ */
+ kPGPike_MT_Idle = 0, /* > call this often */
+ kPGPike_MT_SARequest, /* > PGPikeMTSASetup */
+ kPGPike_MT_SARequestFailed, /* < PGPikeMTSAFailed */
+ kPGPike_MT_SAEstablished, /* < PGPikeMTSAEstablished */
+ kPGPike_MT_SARekey, /* > PGPipsecSA */
+ kPGPike_MT_SADied, /* >< PGPipsecSA */
+ kPGPike_MT_SAUpdate, /* < PGPipsecSA */
+ kPGPike_MT_SAKillAll, /* > none */
+ kPGPike_MT_PolicyCheck, /* < PGPikeMTSASetup */
+ kPGPike_MT_ClientIDCheck, /* < PGPikeMTClientIDCheck */
+ kPGPike_MT_AuthCheck, /* >< PGPikeMTAuthCheck */
+ kPGPike_MT_LocalPGPCert, /* < PGPikeMTCert */
+ kPGPike_MT_LocalX509Cert, /* < PGPikeMTCert */
+ kPGPike_MT_RemoteCert, /* < PGPikeMTRemoteCert */
+ kPGPike_MT_Identity, /* < PGPikeMTIdentity */
+ kPGPike_MT_Packet, /* >< PGPikeMTPacket */
+ kPGPike_MT_Alert, /* < PGPikeMTAlert */
+ kPGPike_MT_Pref, /* > PGPikeMTPref */
+ kPGPike_MT_DebugLog, /* < PGPChar8 * */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPikeMessageType_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPikeMessageType_, PGPikeMessageType );
+typedef PGPError (* PGPikeMessageProcPtr)(
+ PGPikeContextRef ike,
+ void * inUserData,
+ PGPikeMessageType msg,
+ void * data );
+PGPError PGPNewIKEContext(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPikeMessageProcPtr ikeMessageProc,
+ void * inUserData,
+ PGPikeContextRef * outRef );
+PGPError PGPFreeIKEContext(
+ PGPikeContextRef ref );
+/* Any error from PGPikeProcessMessage is fatal. Non-fatal
+ errors are sent through the kPGPike_MT_Alert message. */
+PGPError PGPikeProcessMessage(
+ PGPikeContextRef ref,
+ PGPikeMessageType msg,
+ void * data );
+#if PGP_WIN32
+# pragma pack(pop)
+#endif /* ] Included_PGPike_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpKeyServer.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpKeyServer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27594ea8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpKeyServer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpKeyServer.h,v 1.20 2004/01/23 08:12:49 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpKeyServer_h
+#define Included_pgpKeyServer_h
+#include "pgpOptionList.h"
+#include "pgpErrors.h"
+#include "pgpGroups.h"
+#include "pgpTLS.h"
+enum PGPKeyServerState_
+ kPGPKeyServerState_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_Opening = 1,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_Querying = 2,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_ReceivingResults = 3,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_ProcessingResults = 4,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_Uploading = 5,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_Deleting = 6,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_Disabling = 7,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_Closing = 8,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_TLSUnableToSecureConnection = 9,
+ kPGPKeyServerState_TLSConnectionSecured = 10,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE(PGPKeyServerState_)
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF(PGPKeyServerState_, PGPKeyServerState);
+enum PGPKeyServerProtocol_
+ kPGPKeyServerProtocol_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPKeyServerProtocol_LDAP = 1,
+ kPGPKeyServerProtocol_HTTP = 2,
+ kPGPKeyServerProtocol_LDAPS = 3,
+ kPGPKeyServerProtocol_HTTPS = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPKeyServerProtocol_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyServerProtocol_, PGPKeyServerProtocol );
+enum PGPKeyServerClass_
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_PGP = 1,
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_LDAPX509 = 2,
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_LDAPPGP = 3, /* deprecated, use kPGPKeyServerClass_PGP instead */
+ /* CA types */
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_NetToolsCA = 10,
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_Verisign = 11,
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_Entrust = 12,
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_Netscape = 13,
+ kPGPKeyServerClass_Microsoft = 14,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPKeyServerClass_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyServerClass_, PGPKeyServerClass );
+enum PGPKeyServerKeySpace_ /* These are only valid for LDAP keyservers */
+ kPGPKeyServerKeySpace_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPKeyServerKeySpace_Default = 1,
+ kPGPKeyServerKeySpace_Normal = 2,
+ kPGPKeyServerKeySpace_Pending = 3,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPKeyServerKeySpace_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyServerKeySpace_, PGPKeyServerKeySpace );
+enum PGPKeyServerAccessType_ /* These are only valid for LDAP keyservers */
+ kPGPKeyServerAccessType_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPKeyServerAccessType_Default = 1,
+ kPGPKeyServerAccessType_Normal = 2,
+ kPGPKeyServerAccessType_Administrator = 3,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPKeyServerAccessType_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyServerAccessType_, PGPKeyServerAccessType );
+enum PGPProxyServerType_
+ kPGPProxyServerType_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPProxyServerType_HTTP = 1,
+ kPGPProxyServerType_HTTPS = 2,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE(PGPProxyServerType_)
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF(PGPProxyServerType_, PGPProxyServerType);
+/* PGPKeyServerMonitorValues are null terminated linked lists.
+ The values member is a null terminated array of char*s.
+typedef struct PGPKeyServerMonitorValues
+ PGPChar8 * name;
+ PGPChar8 ** values;
+ struct PGPKeyServerMonitorValues * next;
+} PGPKeyServerMonitorValues;
+typedef struct PGPKeyServerMonitor
+ PGPKeyServerRef keyServerRef;
+ PGPKeyServerMonitorValues * valuesHead;
+} PGPKeyServerMonitor;
+typedef struct PGPKeyServerThreadStorage * PGPKeyServerThreadStorageRef;
+# define kInvalidPGPKeyServerThreadStorageRef \
+ ((PGPKeyServerThreadStorageRef) NULL)
+#define PGPKeyServerThreadStorageRefIsValid(ref) \
+ ((ref) != kInvalidPGPKeyServerThreadStorageRef)
+/* Use the idle event handler to receive periodic idle events during
+ network calls. Usually this is used only in non-preemptive multi-tasking
+ OSes to allow yielding in threads. Pre-emptive multi-tasking systems
+ should probably not use the call as it interrupts the efficient wait state
+ of threads waiting on network calls.
+ Idle event handlers need to be added on a per thread basis.
+ Returning an error from the idle event handler will cause the keyserver
+ to quit processing and to return a kPGPError_UserAbort. */
+PGPError PGPSetKeyServerIdleEventHandler(
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr inCallback,
+ PGPUserValue inUserData);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerIdleEventHandler(
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr * outCallback,
+ PGPUserValue * outUserData);
+/* Network library options */
+#undef PGPONetURL
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetURL(PGPContextRef context, const PGPChar8 *url);
+#undef PGPONetHostName
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetHostName(PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *hostName, PGPUInt16 port);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetHostAddress(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 hostAddress, PGPUInt16 port);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetConnectTimeout(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 timeout);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetReadTimeout(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 timeout);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONetWriteTimeout(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 timeout);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerProtocol(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyServerProtocol serverProtocol);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerKeySpace(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyServerKeySpace serverSpace);
+#undef PGPOKeyServerKeyStoreDN
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerKeyStoreDN(PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *szKeyStoreDn);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerAccessType(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyServerAccessType accessType);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerCAKey(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef caKeyDBObjRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerRequestKey(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef requestKeyDBObjRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerSearchKey(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef searchKeyDBObjRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerSearchFilter(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFilterRef searchFilter);
+/* Static storage creation */
+PGPError PGPKeyServerCreateThreadStorage(
+ PGPKeyServerThreadStorageRef * outPreviousStorage);
+PGPError PGPKeyServerDisposeThreadStorage(
+ PGPKeyServerThreadStorageRef inPreviousStorage);
+/* Initialize and close the keyserver library */
+PGPError PGPKeyServerInit(void);
+PGPError PGPKeyServerCleanup(void);
+/* Creating and freeing a keyserver ref. */
+PGPError PGPNewKeyServer(
+ PGPContextRef inContext,
+ PGPKeyServerClass inClass,
+ PGPKeyServerRef *outKeyServerRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ... );
+PGPError PGPFreeKeyServer(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef);
+PGPError PGPIncKeyServerRefCount(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef);
+/* Set and get the keyserver's event handler. Note that returning an error
+ for a keyserver event will abort the current call. */
+PGPError PGPSetKeyServerEventHandler(
+ PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr inCallback,
+ PGPUserValue inUserData);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerEventHandler(
+ PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr * outCallback,
+ PGPUserValue * outUserData);
+/* Canceling a call to a keyserver. This is the only call that can be made
+ to a keyserver that is currently in another call. Also, once you have
+ returned from a canceled call, you may only close the keyserver. */
+PGPError PGPCancelKeyServerCall(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef);
+/* Opening and closing the keyserver. A keyserver ref can be opened and
+ closed multiple times as necessary. */
+PGPError PGPKeyServerOpen(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPtlsSessionRef inTLSSessionRef);
+PGPError PGPKeyServerClose(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef);
+/* Get keyserver info. */
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerTLSSession(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPtlsSessionRef * outTLSSessionRef);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerProtocol(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPKeyServerProtocol * outType);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerAccessType(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPKeyServerAccessType * outAccessType);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerKeySpace(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPKeyServerKeySpace * outKeySpace);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerPort(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPUInt16 * outPort);
+#undef PGPGetKeyServerHostName
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerHostName(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPChar8 ** outHostName); /* Use PGPFreeData to free */
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerAddress(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPUInt32 * outAddress);
+#undef PGPGetKeyServerPath
+PGPError PGPGetKeyServerPath(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPChar8 ** outPath); /* Use PGPFreeData to free */
+PGPContextRef PGPGetKeyServerContext(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef);
+/* If there was an error string returned from the server, you can get it with
+ this function. Note that if there is no string, the function will return
+ kPGPError_NoErr and *outErrorString will be NULL */
+#undef PGPGetLastKeyServerErrorString
+PGPError PGPGetLastKeyServerErrorString(
+ PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPChar8 ** outErrorString); /* Use PGPFreeData to free */
+/* These functions may be used with both HTTP and LDAP keyservers */
+PGPError PGPQueryKeyServer(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPFilterRef inFilterRef,
+ PGPKeyDBRef *searchResultsDB);
+PGPError PGPUploadToKeyServer(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPKeySetRef inKeysToUpload,
+ PGPKeySetRef * outKeysThatFailed);
+/* These functions may only be used with LDAP keyservers */
+PGPError PGPDeleteFromKeyServer(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPKeySetRef inKeysToDelete,
+ PGPKeySetRef * outKeysThatFailed);
+PGPError PGPDisableFromKeyServer(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPKeySetRef inKeysToDisable,
+ PGPKeySetRef * outKeysThatFailed);
+PGPError PGPSendGroupsToServer(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPGroupSetRef inGroupSetRef);
+PGPError PGPRetrieveGroupsFromServer(
+ PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPGroupSetRef * outGroupSetRef);
+PGPError PGPNewServerMonitor(PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPKeyServerMonitor ** outMonitor);
+PGPError PGPFreeServerMonitor(PGPKeyServerMonitor * inMonitor);
+/* X.509 Certificate Request functions */
+PGPError PGPSendCertificateRequest(
+ PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ... );
+PGPError PGPRetrieveCertificate(
+ PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ... );
+PGPError PGPRetrieveCertificateRevocationList(
+ PGPKeyServerRef inKeyServerRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ... );
+/* Queries HTTP proxy information. proxyAddress must be freed with PGPFreeData */
+#undef PGPGetProxyServer
+PGPError PGPGetProxyServer(
+ PGPContextRef context, PGPProxyServerType type,
+ PGPChar8 **proxyAddress, PGPUInt16 *proxyPort );
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpKeys.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpKeys.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8700cee34e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpKeys.h
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpKeys.h,v 1.76 2004/05/19 00:09:07 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpKeys_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpKeys_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpHash.h"
+#include "pgpOptionList.h"
+/* Key ordering */
+enum PGPKeyOrdering_
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_Any = 1,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_UserID = 2,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_KeyID = 3,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_Validity = 4,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_Trust = 5,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_EncryptionKeySize = 6,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_SigningKeySize = 7,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_CreationDate = 8,
+ kPGPKeyOrdering_ExpirationDate = 9,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPKeyOrdering_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyOrdering_, PGPKeyOrdering );
+/* Key properties */
+enum PGPKeyDBObjProperty_
+ kPGPKeyDBObjProperty_Invalid = 0,
+ /* Generic numeric properties */
+ kPGPKeyDBObjProperty_ObjectType = 20,
+ /* Key boolean properties */
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsSecret = 100,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsAxiomatic = 101,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsRevoked = 102,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsDisabled = 103,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsNotCorrupt = 104,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsExpired = 105,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_NeedsPassphrase = 106,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_HasUnverifiedRevocation = 107,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_CanEncrypt = 108,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_CanDecrypt = 109,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_CanSign = 110,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_CanVerify = 111,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsEncryptionKey = 112,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsSigningKey = 113,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsSecretShared = 114,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsRevocable = 115,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_HasThirdPartyRevocation = 116,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_HasCRL = 117,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsOnToken = 118,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_IsStubKey = 119, /* used to filter dummy keys from inclusive key set */
+ /* Key numeric properties */
+ kPGPKeyProperty_AlgorithmID = 200,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Bits = 201,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Trust = 202,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Validity = 203,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_LockingAlgorithmID = 204,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_LockingBits = 205,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Flags = 206,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_HashAlgorithmID = 207,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Version = 208,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_KeyServerPreferences = 209,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_TokenNum = 210,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Features = 211,
+ /* Key time properties */
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Creation = 300,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Expiration = 301,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_CRLThisUpdate = 302,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_CRLNextUpdate = 303,
+ /* Key data (variable sized) properties */
+ kPGPKeyProperty_Fingerprint = 401,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_KeyID = 402,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_PreferredAlgorithms = 403,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_ThirdPartyRevocationKeyID = 404,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_KeyData = 405,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_X509MD5Hash = 406,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_PreferredKeyServer = 407,
+ kPGPKeyProperty_PreferredCompressionAlgorithms = 408,
+ /* SubKey boolean properties */
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_IsRevoked = 501,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_IsNotCorrupt = 502,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_IsExpired = 503,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_NeedsPassphrase = 504,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_HasUnverifiedRevocation = 505,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_IsRevocable = 506,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_HasThirdPartyRevocation = 507,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_IsOnToken = 508,
+ /* SubKey numeric properties */
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_AlgorithmID = 600,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_Bits = 601,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_LockingAlgorithmID = 602,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_LockingBits = 603,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_Version = 604,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_Flags = 605,
+ /* SubKey time properties */
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_Creation = 700,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_Expiration = 701,
+ /* SubKey data (variable sized) properties */
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_KeyData = 800,
+ kPGPSubKeyProperty_KeyID = 801,
+ /* User ID boolean properties */
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_IsAttribute = 900,
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_IsRevoked = 901,
+ /* User ID numeric properties */
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_Validity = 1000,
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_Confidence = 1001,
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_AttributeType = 1002,
+ /* No User ID time properties */
+ /* User ID data (variable sized) properties */
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_Name = 1200,
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_AttributeData = 1201,
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_CommonName = 1202,
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_EmailAddress = 1203,
+ kPGPUserIDProperty_SMIMEPreferredAlgorithms = 1204,
+ /* Signature boolean properties */
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsRevoked = 1300,
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsNotCorrupt = 1301,
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsTried = 1302,
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsVerified = 1303,
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsMySig = 1304,
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsExportable = 1305,
+ kPGPSigProperty_HasUnverifiedRevocation = 1306,
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsExpired = 1307,
+ kPGPSigProperty_IsX509 = 1308,
+ /* Signature numeric properties */
+ kPGPSigProperty_AlgorithmID = 1400,
+ kPGPSigProperty_TrustLevel = 1401,
+ kPGPSigProperty_TrustValue = 1402,
+ /* Signature time properties */
+ kPGPSigProperty_Creation = 1500,
+ kPGPSigProperty_Expiration = 1501,
+ /* Signature data (variable sized) properties */
+ kPGPSigProperty_KeyID = 1600,
+ kPGPSigProperty_X509Certificate = 1601,
+ kPGPSigProperty_X509IASN = 1602,
+ kPGPSigProperty_X509LongName = 1603,
+ kPGPSigProperty_X509IssuerLongName = 1604,
+ kPGPSigProperty_X509DNSName = 1605,
+ kPGPSigProperty_X509IPAddress = 1606,
+ kPGPSigProperty_X509DERDName = 1607,
+ kPGPSigProperty_RegularExpression = 1608,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPKeyDBObjProperty_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyDBObjProperty_, PGPKeyDBObjProperty );
+/* For kPGPKeyProperty_Version */
+enum PGPKeyVersion_
+ kPGPKeyVersion_V3 = 3,
+ kPGPKeyVersion_V4 = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPKeyVersion_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyVersion_, PGPKeyVersion );
+/* kPGPKeyPropFlags bits */
+enum /* PGPKeyPropertyFlags */
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageSignUserIDs = (1UL << 0 ),
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageSignMessages = (1UL << 1 ),
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageEncryptCommunications = (1UL << 2 ),
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageEncryptStorage = (1UL << 3 ),
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_PrivateSplit = (1UL << 4 ),
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_PrivateShared = (1UL << 7 )
+} ;
+typedef PGPFlags PGPKeyPropertyFlags;
+#define kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageSign \
+ (kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageSignUserIDs | \
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageSignMessages)
+#define kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageEncrypt \
+ (kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageEncryptCommunications | \
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageEncryptStorage)
+#define kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageSignEncrypt \
+ (kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageSign | \
+ kPGPKeyPropertyFlags_UsageEncrypt)
+/* Attribute types, for use with kPGPUserIDPropAttributeType */
+enum PGPAttributeType_
+ kPGPAttribute_Image = 1,
+ kPGPAttribute_IPAddress = 10,
+ kPGPAttribute_DNSName = 11,
+ kPGPAttribute_Notation = 20,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPAttributeType_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPAttributeType_, PGPAttributeType );
+/* kPGPKeyPropFlags bits */
+enum /* PGPKeyServerPreferencesFlags */
+ kPGPKeyServerPreferences_NoModify = (1UL << 7 )
+} ;
+typedef PGPFlags PGPKeyServerPreferencesFlags;
+/* Implementation features like Modification Detection support */
+ kPGPKeyFeatures_ModificationDetection = 1
+} ;
+typedef PGPFlags PGPKeyFeaturesFlags;
+/* Key DB object types for the property kPGPKeyDBObjProperty_ObjectType */
+enum PGPKeyDBObjType_
+ kPGPKeyDBObjType_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPKeyDBObjType_Key = (1UL << 0),
+ kPGPKeyDBObjType_SubKey = (1UL << 1),
+ kPGPKeyDBObjType_UserID = (1UL << 2),
+ kPGPKeyDBObjType_Signature = (1UL << 3),
+#ifdef __MVS__
+ kPGPKeyDBObjType_Any = -1,
+ kPGPKeyDBObjType_Any = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+} ;
+ * Used by filtering functions to specify type of match.
+ */
+enum PGPMatchCriterion_
+ kPGPMatchCriterion_Equal = 1, /* searched == val */
+ kPGPMatchCriterion_GreaterOrEqual = 2, /* searched >= val */
+ kPGPMatchCriterion_LessOrEqual = 3, /* searched <= val */
+ kPGPMatchCriterion_SubString = 4, /* searched is contained in supplied */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPMatchCriterion_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPMatchCriterion_, PGPMatchCriterion );
+/* This is the value of the expiration time which means "never expires" */
+#define kPGPExpirationTime_Never ( (PGPTime)0 )
+enum PGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions_
+ kPGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions_None = 0,
+ kPGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions_Mutable = (1UL << 0 ),
+ kPGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions_Create = (1UL << 1 ),
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions_, PGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions );
+/* Public entry points */
+ Key DB functions
+/* Creat a new, in-memory temporary key DB */
+PGPError PGPNewKeyDB( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBRef *keyDBRef );
+/* Open a (possibly) existing key ring pair on disk */
+PGPError PGPOpenKeyDBFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOpenKeyDBFileOptions options,
+ PGPFileSpecRef pubKeysFileSpec,
+ PGPFileSpecRef privKeysFileSpec,
+ PGPKeyDBRef *keyDBRef );
+PGPError PGPFreeKeyDB( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef );
+PGPError PGPFlushKeyDB( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef );
+PGPError PGPIncKeyDBRefCount( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef );
+PGPBoolean PGPKeyDBIsMutable( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef );
+PGPError PGPFindKeyByKeyID( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef, const PGPKeyID * keyID,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *keyRef);
+PGPError PGPCountKeysInKeyDB( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef, PGPUInt32 *numKeys );
+PGPError PGPKeyDBIsUpdated( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef, PGPBoolean *isUpdated );
+/* Cache a keydb in memory for specified number of seconds */
+PGPError PGPCacheKeyDB( PGPKeyDBRef keyDBRef, PGPUInt32 timeoutSeconds );
+/* Remove all cached keydbs from memory */
+PGPError PGPPurgeKeyDBCache( PGPContextRef context );
+ Key set functions
+/* Create a new key set containing all of the keys in the key DB */
+PGPError PGPNewKeySet( PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPKeySetRef *keySet );
+/* Create a new, empty key set */
+PGPError PGPNewEmptyKeySet( PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPKeySetRef *keySet );
+/* Create a new key set containing a single key */
+PGPError PGPNewOneKeySet( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPKeySetRef *keySet );
+/* Like PGPNewKeySet but allows certain stub key objects */
+PGPError PGPNewEmptyInclusiveKeySet( PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPKeySetRef *pset );
+/* Like PGPNewOneKeySet but allows certain stub key objects */
+PGPError PGPNewOneInclusiveKeySet( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPKeySetRef *keySet );
+PGPError PGPFreeKeySet( PGPKeySetRef keys);
+PGPError PGPIncKeySetRefCount( PGPKeySetRef keys);
+PGPBoolean PGPKeySetIsMember( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPKeySetRef set );
+PGPError PGPCountKeys( PGPKeySetRef keys, PGPUInt32 *numKeys );
+PGPError PGPAddKey( PGPKeyDBObjRef keyToAdd, PGPKeySetRef set );
+PGPError PGPAddKeys( PGPKeySetRef keysToAdd, PGPKeySetRef set );
+PGPKeyDBRef PGPPeekKeySetKeyDB( PGPKeySetRef keySet );
+PGPKeySetRef PGPPeekKeyDBRootKeySet( PGPKeyDBRef keyDB );
+ Key DB object properties
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjBooleanProperty( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, PGPBoolean *prop );
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjNumericProperty( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, PGPInt32 *prop );
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjTimeProperty( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, PGPTime *prop);
+** Get the data for a binary property. Returns kPGPError_BufferTooSmall if
+** the buffer is too small. Both buffer and dataSize can be NULL.
+#undef PGPGetKeyDBObjDataProperty
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjDataProperty( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, void *buffer,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+** Get the data for a binary property using an allocated output buffer. The
+** allocated buffer must be freed with PGPFreeData(). For convenience, the
+** allocated buffer is null-terminated. The terminating null byte is NOT included
+** is the output dataSize parameter.
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjAllocatedDataProperty( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, void **buffer,
+ PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPSetKeyEnabled( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPBoolean enable );
+PGPError PGPSetKeyAxiomatic( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPBoolean setAxiomatic,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+ Key DB object property convenience functions
+/* Get the key ID of a key or subkey key DB object */
+PGPError PGPGetKeyID( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPKeyID *keyID );
+PGPError PGPGetPrimaryUserID( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPKeyDBObjRef *outRef );
+PGPError PGPGetPrimaryAttributeUserID (PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPAttributeType attributeType, PGPKeyDBObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPGetPrimaryUserIDValidity(PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPValidity *validity);
+PGPError PGPGetPrimaryUserIDName(PGPKeyDBObjRef key, void *buffer,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyForUsage( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPUInt32 usageFlags,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *outRef );
+ Key filters
+PGPError PGPNewKeyDBObjBooleanFilter( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, PGPBoolean match,
+ PGPFilterRef *outFilter );
+PGPError PGPNewKeyDBObjNumericFilter( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, PGPUInt32 matchValue,
+ PGPMatchCriterion matchCriteria, PGPFilterRef *outFilter );
+PGPError PGPNewKeyDBObjTimeFilter( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, PGPTime matchValue,
+ PGPMatchCriterion matchCriteria, PGPFilterRef *outFilter );
+PGPError PGPNewKeyDBObjDataFilter( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjProperty whichProperty, const void *matchData,
+ PGPSize matchDataSize, PGPMatchCriterion matchCriteria,
+ PGPFilterRef *outFilter );
+PGPError PGPFreeFilter( PGPFilterRef filter );
+PGPError PGPIncFilterRefCount( PGPFilterRef filter );
+PGPError PGPFilterChildObjects( PGPFilterRef filter,
+ PGPBoolean filterChildren );
+/* freeing outfilter will call PGPFreeFilter on filter */
+PGPError PGPNegateFilter( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPFilterRef *outFilter);
+/* freeing outfilter will call PGPFreeFilter on filter1, filter2 */
+PGPError PGPIntersectFilters( PGPFilterRef filter1, PGPFilterRef filter2,
+ PGPFilterRef *outFilter);
+/* freeing outfilter will call PGPFreeFilter on filter1, filter2 */
+PGPError PGPUnionFilters( PGPFilterRef filter1, PGPFilterRef filter2,
+ PGPFilterRef *outFilter);
+PGPError PGPFilterKeySet( PGPKeySetRef origSet, PGPFilterRef filter,
+ PGPKeySetRef *resultSet );
+PGPError PGPFilterKeyDB( PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPFilterRef filter,
+ PGPKeySetRef *resultSet );
+/* Keyserver filter functions */
+#undef PGPLDAPQueryFromFilter
+PGPError PGPLDAPQueryFromFilter( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+#undef PGPLDAPX509QueryFromFilter
+PGPError PGPLDAPX509QueryFromFilter( PGPFilterRef filter,
+ PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+#undef PGPHKSQueryFromFilter
+PGPError PGPHKSQueryFromFilter( PGPFilterRef filter, PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+#undef PGPNetToolsCAHTTPQueryFromFilter
+PGPError PGPNetToolsCAHTTPQueryFromFilter( PGPFilterRef filter,
+ PGPChar8 **queryOut );
+ Key/signature validation
+PGPError PGPCalculateTrust( PGPKeySetRef keySet, PGPKeyDBRef optionalKeyDB);
+PGPError PGPCheckKeyRingSigs( PGPKeySetRef keysToCheck,
+ PGPKeyDBRef optionalSigningKeyDB, PGPBoolean checkAll,
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr eventHandler,
+ PGPUserValue eventHandlerData );
+ Key DB object creation/deletion
+PGPError PGPGenerateKey( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBObjRef *key,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPGenerateSubKey( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBObjRef *subkey,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetKeyEntropyNeeded( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+#undef PGPAddUserID
+PGPError PGPAddUserID( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPChar8 const *userID,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPAddAttributeUserID( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPAttributeType attributeType,
+ PGPByte *attributeData, PGPSize attributeLength,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPCertifyUserID( PGPKeyDBObjRef userID,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef certifyingKey,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPCopyKeyDBObj( PGPKeyDBObjRef keyDBObj, PGPKeyDBRef destKeyDB,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *destKeyDBObj );
+PGPError PGPCopyKeys( PGPKeySetRef keySet, PGPKeyDBRef destKeyDB,
+ PGPKeySetRef *destKeySet );
+PGPError PGPDeleteKeyDBObj( PGPKeyDBObjRef keyDBObj );
+PGPError PGPDeleteKeys( PGPKeySetRef keySet );
+ Key manipulation
+PGPError PGPSetPrimaryUserID( PGPKeyDBObjRef userID,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPGetSigCertifierKey( PGPKeyDBObjRef cert,
+ PGPKeyDBRef searchKeyDB, PGPKeyDBObjRef *certkey);
+PGPError PGPGetSigX509CertifierSig( PGPKeyDBObjRef cert,
+ PGPKeyDBRef searchKeyDB, PGPKeyDBObjRef *certsig);
+PGPError PGPGetSigX509TopSig( PGPKeyDBObjRef sig,
+ PGPKeyDBRef otherdb, PGPKeyDBRef cadb,
+ PGPBoolean *knownCA, PGPKeyDBObjRef *certsig );
+PGPError PGPGetKnownX509CAs( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBRef *keydbout );
+PGPError PGPX509MatchNetworkName( PGPKeyDBObjRef sig, const PGPByte *networkName,
+ PGPBoolean *matched );
+PGPError PGPCountAdditionalRecipientRequests( PGPKeyDBObjRef basekey,
+ PGPUInt32 * numARKeys);
+PGPError PGPGetIndexedAdditionalRecipientRequestKey( PGPKeyDBObjRef basekey,
+ PGPUInt32 nth, PGPKeyDBObjRef *arkey,
+ PGPKeyID *arkeyid, PGPByte *arclass );
+PGPError PGPGetAdditionalRecipientRequests( PGPKeyDBObjRef basekey,
+ PGPKeySetRef keySet );
+PGPError PGPCountRevocationKeys( PGPKeyDBObjRef basekey,
+ PGPUInt32 * numRevKeys);
+PGPError PGPGetIndexedRevocationKey( PGPKeyDBObjRef basekey, PGPUInt32 nth,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *revkey, PGPKeyID *revkeyid );
+PGPError PGPGetRevocationKeys( PGPKeyDBObjRef basekey, PGPKeySetRef keySet );
+PGPError PGPGetCRLDistributionPoints( PGPKeyDBObjRef cakey,
+ PGPUInt32 *pnDistPoints, PGPByte **pDpoints,
+ PGPSize **pdpointLengths );
+PGPError PGPGetCRLDistributionPointsPrintable( PGPKeyDBObjRef cakey,
+ PGPUInt32 *pnDistPoints, PGPByte **pDpoints );
+PGPError PGPExport( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPImport( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBRef *importedKeysDB,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPRevokeSig( PGPKeyDBObjRef cert,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPRevoke( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPChangePassphrase( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPBoolean PGPPassphraseIsValid( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPPurgePassphraseCache( PGPContextRef context );
+PGPError PGPCountCachedPassphrases( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 *pnLocal, PGPUInt32 *pnGlobal,
+ PGPUInt32 *pnOtherLocal );
+PGPBoolean PGPTokenAuthIsValid( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+ * Trust values for PGPSetKeyTrust and kPGPKeyPropTrust property:
+ *
+ * kPGPKeyTrust_Undefined (do not pass to PGPSetKeyTrust)
+ * kPGPKeyTrust_Unknown (unknown)
+ * kPGPKeyTrust_Never (never)
+ * kPGPKeyTrust_Marginal (sometimes)
+ * kPGPKeyTrust_Complete (always)
+ * kPGPKeyTrust_Ultimate (do not pass to PGPSetKeyTrust)
+ */
+PGPError PGPSetKeyTrust( PGPKeyDBObjRef key, PGPUInt32 trust);
+PGPInt32 PGPCompareKeys( PGPKeyDBObjRef a, PGPKeyDBObjRef b,
+ PGPKeyOrdering order );
+#undef PGPCompareUserIDStrings
+PGPInt32 PGPCompareUserIDStrings(PGPChar8 const *a, PGPChar8 const *b);
+ Key lists
+PGPError PGPOrderKeySet( PGPKeySetRef src, PGPKeyOrdering order,
+ PGPBoolean reverseOrder, PGPKeyListRef *outRef );
+PGPError PGPIncKeyListRefCount( PGPKeyListRef keys);
+PGPError PGPFreeKeyList( PGPKeyListRef keys );
+ Key list iteration
+PGPError PGPNewKeyIter( PGPKeyListRef keys, PGPKeyIterRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPNewKeyIterFromKeySet( PGPKeySetRef keys, PGPKeyIterRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPNewKeyIterFromKeyDB( PGPKeyDBRef keyDB, PGPKeyIterRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPCopyKeyIter( PGPKeyIterRef orig, PGPKeyIterRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPFreeKeyIter( PGPKeyIterRef iter);
+PGPInt32 PGPKeyIterIndex( PGPKeyIterRef iter);
+PGPError PGPKeyIterRewind( PGPKeyIterRef iter, PGPKeyDBObjType objectType);
+PGPInt32 PGPKeyIterSeek( PGPKeyIterRef iter, PGPKeyDBObjRef key);
+PGPError PGPKeyIterMove( PGPKeyIterRef iter, PGPInt32 relOffset,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPKeyIterNextKeyDBObj( PGPKeyIterRef iter,
+ PGPKeyDBObjType objectType, PGPKeyDBObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPKeyIterPrevKeyDBObj( PGPKeyIterRef iter,
+ PGPKeyDBObjType objectType, PGPKeyDBObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPKeyIterGetKeyDBObj( PGPKeyIterRef iter,
+ PGPKeyDBObjType objectType, PGPKeyDBObjRef *outRef);
+ Get/set user value
+PGPError PGPSetKeyDBObjUserValue( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPUserValue userValue);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyDBObjUserValue( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPUserValue *userValue);
+/* Passphrase conversion to passkeybuffer */
+/* The size of the output buffer is from the kPGPKeyPropLockingBits property */
+PGPError PGPGetPasskeyBuffer ( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ void *passkeyBuffer, PGPOptionListRef firstOption,...);
+/* Change key options which are stored in self signatures internally */
+PGPError PGPAddKeyOptions( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPRemoveKeyOptions( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPUpdateKeyOptions( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+ Key IDs
+PGPError PGPNewKeyID( const PGPByte *keyIDBytes, PGPSize numKeyIDBytes,
+ PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm pkalg, PGPKeyID *id );
+#undef PGPNewKeyIDFromString
+PGPError PGPNewKeyIDFromString( const PGPChar8 *string,
+ PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm pkalg, PGPKeyID *id );
+PGPError PGPGetKeyIDAlgorithm( const PGPKeyID *keyID,
+ PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm *pkalg );
+enum PGPKeyIDStringType_
+ kPGPKeyIDString_Abbreviated = 1,
+ kPGPKeyIDString_Full = 2,
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPKeyIDStringType_, PGPKeyIDStringType );
+#define kPGPMaxKeyIDStringSize ( 127 + 1 )
+#undef PGPGetKeyIDString
+PGPError PGPGetKeyIDString( PGPKeyID const * ref, PGPKeyIDStringType type,
+ PGPChar8 outString[ kPGPMaxKeyIDStringSize ] );
+/* returns 0 if equal, -1 if key1 < key2, 1 if key1 > key2 */
+PGPInt32 PGPCompareKeyIDs( PGPKeyID const * key, PGPKeyID const * key2);
+ Token functions
+PGPError PGPCountTokens( PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 *numTokens );
+PGPError PGPDeleteKeyOnToken( PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPUInt32 tokNumber /*-1 for any token*/,
+ const PGPByte *pin, PGPSize pinLen );
+PGPError PGPWipeToken( PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 tokNumber,
+ PGPByte const *passphrase, PGPSize passphraseLength );
+PGPError PGPFormatToken( PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 tokNumber,
+ PGPByte const * adminPin, PGPSize adminPinLen,
+ PGPByte const * newUserPin, PGPSize newUserPinLen );
+PGPError PGPTokenPassphraseIsValid( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 tokNumber, PGPByte const *passphrase,
+ PGPSize passphraseLength );
+#undef PGPSetPKCS11DrvFile
+PGPError PGPSetPKCS11DrvFile( PGPChar8 *module );
+PGPError PGPSyncTokenKeys( PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 tokenNum,
+ PGPKeyDBRef destKeyDB, PGPBoolean *hadChanges );
+PGPError PGPGetTokenInfoBooleanProperty( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 tokenNumber, PGPTokenProperty prop,
+ PGPBoolean *value );
+PGPError PGPGetTokenInfoNumericProperty( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 tokenNumber, PGPTokenProperty prop,
+ PGPUInt32 *value );
+#undef PGPGetTokenInfoDataProperty
+PGPError PGPGetTokenInfoDataProperty( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 tokenNumber, PGPTokenProperty prop,
+ void *value, PGPSize size, PGPSize *sizeout );
+/* Deprecated, use PGPGetTokenInfo*() */
+PGPError PGPGetTokenInfo( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 tokNumber, PGPTokenInfo *tokenInfo);
+ Getting contexts back from key related items.
+PGPContextRef PGPPeekKeyDBContext( PGPKeyDBRef ref );
+PGPContextRef PGPPeekKeyDBObjContext( PGPKeyDBObjRef ref );
+PGPContextRef PGPPeekKeyListContext( PGPKeyListRef ref );
+PGPContextRef PGPPeekKeySetContext( PGPKeySetRef ref );
+PGPContextRef PGPPeekKeyIterContext( PGPKeyIterRef ref );
+ Getting parent objects from key related items. If the input is invalid,
+ you get kInvalidPGPKeyDBObjRef back.
+PGPKeyDBRef PGPPeekKeyDBObjKeyDB( PGPKeyDBObjRef ref );
+PGPKeyDBObjRef PGPPeekKeyDBObjKey( PGPKeyDBObjRef ref );
+PGPKeyDBObjRef PGPPeekKeyDBObjUserID( PGPKeyDBObjRef ref );
+ Secret sharing functionality
+PGPError PGPSecretShareData(PGPContextRef context,
+ void const * input, PGPSize inputBytes,
+ PGPUInt32 threshold, PGPUInt32 nShares, void * output);
+PGPError PGPSecretReconstructData(PGPContextRef context,
+ void * input, PGPSize outputBytes,
+ PGPUInt32 nShares, void * output);
+ X509 certificate specific
+PGPError PGPVerifyX509CertificateChain (PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPByte *certchain, PGPByte *rootcerts);
+#undef PGPCreateDistinguishedName
+PGPError PGPCreateDistinguishedName( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPChar8 const *str, PGPByte **pdname, PGPSize *pdnamelen );
+PGPError PGPCreateX509Certificate(PGPKeyDBObjRef signingSig,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef signedKey, PGPKeyDBObjRef *newSig,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+/* Pass PKCS-10 format request in PGPOInput.... */
+PGPError PGPCreateX509CertificateFromRequest(PGPKeyDBObjRef signingSig,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *newSig, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPCreateSelfSignedX509Certificate(PGPKeyDBObjRef signingKey,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *newSig, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPError PGPCreateX509CRL(PGPKeyDBObjRef signingKey,
+ PGPKeySetRef revokedSigs,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpKeys_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpLDAP.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpLDAP.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cdce41630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpLDAP.h
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpLDAP.h,v 1.24 2004/01/23 08:12:49 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpLDAP_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpLDAP_h
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpMemoryMgr.h"
+#include "pgpSockets.h"
+#include "pgpBER.h"
+/* LDAP parameters and constants */
+#define kPGPldap_DefaultPort 389
+#define kPGPldap_DefaultSecurePort 636
+#define kPGPldap_DefaultVersion 2
+#define kPGPldapScopeString_Base PGPTXT_MACHINE8("base")
+#define kPGPldapScopeString_OneLevel PGPTXT_MACHINE8("one")
+#define kPGPldapScopeString_Subtree PGPTXT_MACHINE8("sub")
+#define kPGPldap_DefaultFilterString PGPTXT_MACHINE8("(objectclass=*)")
+/* Session options */
+#define kPGPldapOpt_Deref 1
+#define kPGPldapOpt_Sizelimit 2
+#define kPGPldapOpt_Timelimit 3
+#define kPGPldapOpt_Desc 4
+#define kPGPldapOpt_ON ((void *) 1)
+#define kPGPldapOpt_OFF ((void *) 0)
+enum PGPldapResult_
+ kPGPldapResult_Success = 0x00,
+ kPGPldapResult_OperationsError = 0x01,
+ kPGPldapResult_ProtocolError = 0x02,
+ kPGPldapResult_TimelimitExceeded = 0x03,
+ kPGPldapResult_SizelimitExceeded = 0x04,
+ kPGPldapResult_CompareFalse = 0x05,
+ kPGPldapResult_CompareTrue = 0x06,
+ kPGPldapResult_StrongAuthNotSupported = 0x07,
+ kPGPldapResult_StrongAuthRequired = 0x08,
+ kPGPldapResult_PartialResults = 0x09,
+ kPGPldapResult_NoSuchAttribute = 0x10,
+ kPGPldapResult_UndefinedType = 0x11,
+ kPGPldapResult_InappropriateMatching = 0x12,
+ kPGPldapResult_ConstraintViolation = 0x13,
+ kPGPldapResult_TypeOrValueExists = 0x14,
+ kPGPldapResult_InvalidSyntax = 0x15,
+ kPGPldapResult_NoSuchObject = 0x20,
+ kPGPldapResult_AliasProblem = 0x21,
+ kPGPldapResult_InvalidDNSyntax = 0x22,
+ kPGPldapResult_IsLeaf = 0x23,
+ kPGPldapResult_AliasDerefProblem = 0x24,
+ kPGPldapResult_InappropriateAuth = 0x30,
+ kPGPldapResult_InvalidCredentials = 0x31,
+ kPGPldapResult_InsufficientAccess = 0x32,
+ kPGPldapResult_Busy = 0x33,
+ kPGPldapResult_Unavailable = 0x34,
+ kPGPldapResult_UnwillingToPerform = 0x35,
+ kPGPldapResult_LoopDetect = 0x36,
+ kPGPldapResult_NamingViolation = 0x40,
+ kPGPldapResult_ObjectClassViolation = 0x41,
+ kPGPldapResult_NotAllowedOnNonleaf = 0x42,
+ kPGPldapResult_NotAllowedOnRDN = 0x43,
+ kPGPldapResult_AlreadyExists = 0x44,
+ kPGPldapResult_NoObjectClassMods = 0x45,
+ kPGPldapResult_ResultsTooLarge = 0x46,
+ kPGPldapResult_Other = 0x50,
+ kPGPldapResult_ServerDown = 0x51,
+ kPGPldapResult_LocalError = 0x52,
+ kPGPldapResult_EncodingError = 0x53,
+ kPGPldapResult_DecodingError = 0x54,
+ kPGPldapResult_Timeout = 0x55,
+ kPGPldapResult_AuthUnknown = 0x56,
+ kPGPldapResult_FilterError = 0x57,
+ kPGPldapResult_UserCancelled = 0x58,
+ kPGPldapResult_ParamError = 0x59,
+ kPGPldapResult_NoMemory = 0x5a,
+ kPGPldapResult_ConnectError = 0x5b,
+ kPGPldapResult_None = 0xFFFFFFFF
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF (PGPldapResult_, PGPldapResult);
+enum PGPldapType_
+ kPGPldapType_None = 0,
+ kPGPldapRequest_Bind = 0x60, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapRequest_Unbind = 0x42, /* application + primitive */
+ kPGPldapRequest_Search = 0x63, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapRequest_Modify = 0x66, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapRequest_Add = 0x68, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapRequest_Delete = 0x4A, /* application + primitive */
+ kPGPldapRequest_ModifyRDN = 0x6C, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapRequest_Compare = 0x6E, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapRequest_Abandon = 0x50, /* application + primitive */
+ kPGPldapResponse_Bind = 0x61, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_SearchEntry = 0x64, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_SearchResult = 0x65, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_Modify = 0x67, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_Add = 0x69, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_Delete = 0x6B, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_ModifyRDN = 0x6D, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_Compare = 0x6F, /* application + constructed */
+ kPGPldapResponse_Any = 0xFFFFFFFF
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF (PGPldapType_, PGPldapType);
+enum PGPldapScope_
+ kPGPldapScope_Base = 0,
+ kPGPldapScope_OneLevel = 1,
+ kPGPldapScope_Subtree = 2,
+ kPGPldapScope_None = -1
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF (PGPldapScope_, PGPldapScope);
+enum PGPldapDeref_
+ kPGPldapDeref_Never = 0,
+ kPGPldapDeref_Searching = 1,
+ kPGPldapDeref_Finding = 2,
+ kPGPldapDeref_Always = 3
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF (PGPldapDeref_, PGPldapDeref);
+enum PGPldapAuth_
+ kPGPldapAuth_Simple = 0x80 /* context-specific + primitive, tag = 0 */
+ /* Not implemented -- kPGPldapAuth_Kerb41 = 0x81, */
+ /* Not implemented -- kPGPldapAuth_Kerb42 = 0x82 */
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF (PGPldapAuth_, PGPldapAuth);
+enum PGPldapFilter_
+ kPGPldapFilter_And = 0xA0, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 0 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_Or = 0xA1, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 1 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_Not = 0xA2, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 2 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_Equal = 0xA3, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 3 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_Substrings = 0xA4, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 4 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_GE = 0xA5, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 5 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_LE = 0xA6, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 6 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_Present = 0x87, /* context specific + primitive, tag = 7 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_Approx = 0xA8, /* context specific + constructed, tag = 8 */
+ kPGPldapFilter_None = (-1L)
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPldapFilter_, PGPldapFilter );
+enum PGPldapSubstring_
+ kPGPldapSubstring_Initial = 0x80, /* context specific + primitive, tag = 0 */
+ kPGPldapSubstring_Any = 0x81, /* context specific + primitive, tag = 1 */
+ kPGPldapSubstring_Final = 0x82, /* context specific + primitive, tag = 2 */
+ kPGPldapSubstring_None = (-1L)
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPldapSubstring_, PGPldapSubstring );
+enum PGPldapModOp_
+ kPGPldapModOp_Add = 0x00,
+ kPGPldapModOp_Delete = 0x01,
+ kPGPldapModOp_Replace = 0x02,
+ kPGPldapModOp_None = (-1L)
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPldapModOp_, PGPldapModOp );
+#define kPGPldapModOpMask_UseBERValues 0x10
+/* LDAP Data types: typedefs, structs, and whatnot */
+typedef PGPUInt32 PGPldapMessageID;
+#define kPGPldapMessageID_Any ( (PGPldapMessageID) -1 )
+#define kInvalidPGPldapMessageID ( (PGPldapMessageID) 0 )
+#define PGPldapMessageIDIsValid(messageID) \
+ ( (messageID) != kInvalidPGPldapMessageID )
+#define PGPValidateLDAPMessageID(messageID) \
+ PGPValidateParam( PGPldapMessageIDIsValid( messageID ) )
+typedef struct PGPldapContext * PGPldapContextRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPldapContextRef ( (PGPldapContextRef) NULL )
+#define PGPldapContextRefIsValid(pgpLDAP) \
+ ( (pgpLDAP) != kInvalidPGPldapContextRef )
+#define PGPValidateLDAPContextRef(context) \
+ PGPValidateParam( PGPldapContextRefIsValid( context ) )
+typedef struct PGPldapMessage * PGPldapMessageRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPldapMessageRef ( (PGPldapMessageRef) NULL)
+#define PGPldapMessageRefIsValid(message) \
+ ( (message) != kInvalidPGPldapMessageRef )
+#define PGPValidateLDAPMessageRef(message) \
+ PGPValidateParam( PGPldapMessageRefIsValid( message ) )
+#define IsPGPldapError(err) \
+ ( ( (err) >= kPGPError_LDAPMIN ) && ( (err) <= kPGPError_LDAPMAX ) )
+/* Callbacks for using LDAP functions in multithreaded apps */
+typedef struct PGPldapThreadFns
+ void * (*pgpLDAPThread_MutexAlloc) (void);
+ void (*pgpLDAPThread_MutexFree) (void *);
+ PGPError (*pgpLDAPThread_MutexLock) (void *);
+ PGPError (*pgpLDAPThread_MutexUnlock) (void *);
+ void (*pgpLDAPThread_SetErrno) (int);
+ PGPError (*pgpLDAPThread_GetErrno) (void);
+ void (*pgpLDAPThread_SetLDAPErrno) (PGPInt32, PGPChar8 *, PGPChar8 *);
+ PGPInt32 (*pgpLDAPThread_GetLDAPErrno) (PGPChar8 **, PGPChar8 **);
+} PGPldapThreadFns;
+typedef struct PGPldapMod
+ PGPldapModOp op;
+ PGPChar8 * type;
+ PGPChar8 ** value;
+ PGPberValue ** bvalue;
+} PGPldapMod;
+typedef struct PGPldapURLDesc
+ PGPChar8 * host;
+ PGPUInt16 port;
+ PGPChar8 * dn;
+ PGPChar8 ** attrs;
+ PGPldapScope scope;
+ PGPChar8 * filter;
+} PGPldapURLDesc;
+typedef PGPError (* PGPldapRebindProcPtr )(
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 ** dnp,
+ PGPChar8 ** pwp,
+ PGPInt32 * method,
+ PGPBoolean freeIt,
+ PGPChar8 * arg );
+/* LDAP function prototypes */
+ * Above each function is the name of the analogous function
+ * in the UMich or Netscape LDAP SDK. While there are some subtle
+ * differences, for the most part, each function works basically
+ * the same as it's UMich/Netscape SDK counterpart.
+ */
+/* Memory management functions */
+ PGPError
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPldapContextRef *pgpLDAP );
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef * message );
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP );
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapMessageRef message );
+ /* ldap_value_free */
+ PGPError
+ PGPChar8 ** vals );
+ /* ldap_value_free_len */
+ PGPError
+ PGPberValue ** bvals );
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapURLDesc * lud );
+/* Result-handling functions */
+ /* ldap_get_lderrno */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 ** matched,
+ PGPChar8 ** message,
+ PGPldapResult * result );
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapResult result );
+/* LDAP option functions */
+ /* ldap_set_option */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPUInt32 option,
+ void * value );
+ /* ldap_get_option */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPUInt32 option,
+ void * value );
+/* Connection starting and stopping functions */
+ /* ldap_open */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * host,
+ PGPUInt16 port );
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * host,
+ PGPUInt16 port,
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue *tv );
+ /* ldap_simple_bind_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * password );
+ /* ldap_simple_bind_st (extension) */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * password,
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue *tv);
+ /* ldap_simple_bind */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * password,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_bind_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * password,
+ PGPldapAuth method );
+ /* ldap_bind */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * password,
+ PGPldapAuth method,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_unbind */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP );
+/* Searching functions */
+ /* ldap_search_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * base,
+ PGPldapScope scope,
+ PGPChar8 * filter,
+ PGPChar8 * attrs[],
+ PGPBoolean attrsOnly,
+ PGPldapMessageRef resultMessage );
+ /* ldap_search_st */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * base,
+ PGPldapScope scope,
+ PGPChar8 * filter,
+ PGPChar8 * attrs[],
+ PGPBoolean attrsOnly,
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue * tv,
+ PGPldapMessageRef resultMessage );
+ /* ldap_search */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * base,
+ PGPldapScope scope,
+ PGPChar8 * filter,
+ PGPChar8 * attrs[],
+ PGPBoolean attrsOnly,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_count_entries */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef result,
+ PGPInt32 * num );
+ /* ldap_first_entry */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef result,
+ PGPldapMessageRef * outMessage );
+ /* ldap_next_entry */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef prevEntry,
+ PGPldapMessageRef * outMessage );
+ /* ldap_get_dn */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef entry,
+ PGPChar8 ** dn ); /* Should be freed by PGPFreeData */
+ /* ldap_first_attribute */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef entry,
+ PGPberElementRef * ber,
+ PGPChar8 ** attr ); /* Should be freed by PGPFreeData */
+ /* ldap_next_attribute */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef entry,
+ PGPberElementRef ber,
+ PGPChar8 ** attr ); /* Should be freed by PGPFreeData */
+ /* ldap_get_values */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef entry,
+ PGPChar8 * attr,
+ PGPChar8 *** values ); /* Should be freed by PGPFreeLDAPValues */
+ /* ldap_get_values_len */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef entry,
+ PGPChar8 * attr,
+ PGPberValue *** values ); /* Should be freed by PGPFreeLDAPValuesLen */
+ /* ldap_count_values */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 ** values,
+ PGPSize * num );
+ /* ldap_count_values_len */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPberValue ** values,
+ PGPSize * num );
+/* Update functions */
+ /* ldap_modify */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPldapMod * mod[],
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_modify_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPldapMod * mod[] );
+ /* ldap_modify_st (extension) */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPldapMod * mod[],
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue *tv);
+ /* ldap_add */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPldapMod * mod[],
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_add_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPldapMod * mod[] );
+ /* ldap_add_st (extension) */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPldapMod * mod[],
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue *tv );
+ /* ldap_delete */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_delete_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn );
+ /* ldap_delete_st (extension) */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue *tv);
+ /* ldap_modrdn2 */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * newRDN,
+ PGPBoolean deleteOldRDN,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_modrdn2_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * newRDN,
+ PGPBoolean deleteOldRDN );
+ /* ldap_compare */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * type,
+ PGPChar8 * value,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_compare_s */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPChar8 * type,
+ PGPChar8 * value,
+ PGPBoolean * equal );
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageID messageID,
+ PGPBoolean * equal );
+/* Other functions */
+ /* ldap_result */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageID messageID,
+ PGPBoolean all,
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue * timeout,
+ PGPldapMessageRef result,
+ PGPldapType * messageType );
+ /* ldap_abandon */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageID messageID );
+ /* ldap_msgid */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef result,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_is_ldap_url */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * url,
+ PGPBoolean * isURL );
+ /* ldap_url_parse */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * url,
+ PGPldapURLDesc ** outLDAPDesc ); /* Should be freed by PGPFreeLDAPURLDesc */
+ /* ldap_url_search */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * url,
+ PGPBoolean attrsOnly,
+ PGPldapMessageID * messageID );
+ /* ldap_url_search */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * url,
+ PGPBoolean attrsOnly,
+ PGPldapMessageRef resultMessage );
+ /* ldap_url_search */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * url,
+ PGPBoolean attrsOnly,
+ PGPSocketsTimeValue * tv,
+ PGPldapMessageRef resultMessage );
+ /* ldap_explode_dn */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 * dn,
+ PGPBoolean noTypes,
+ PGPChar8 *** components ); /* Should be freed by PGPFreeLDAPValues */
+ /* ldap_sort_entries */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPldapMessageRef chain,
+ PGPChar8 * attr,
+ PGPInt32 (*compare)( PGPChar8 ** a, PGPChar8 ** b ),
+ PGPldapMessageRef sortedChain );
+ /* ldap_sort_values */
+ PGPError
+ PGPldapContextRef pgpLDAP,
+ PGPChar8 ** vals,
+ PGPInt32 (*compare)( PGPChar8 ** a, PGPChar8 ** b ),
+ PGPChar8 *** sortedVals );
+ /* ldap_sort_strcasecmp */
+ PGPInt32
+ PGPChar8 ** s1,
+ PGPChar8 ** s2 );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpLDAP_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpMemoryMgr.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpMemoryMgr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a86a22a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpMemoryMgr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpMemoryMgr.h,v 1.9 2003/11/08 04:04:49 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpMemoryMgr_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpMemoryMgr_h
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+ Mini-tutorial:
+ A PGPMemoryMgr is an object which implements memory management, including
+ allocation, reallocation, deallocation, and secure versions of the same.
+ *** Using it ***
+ A typical sequence of calls is as follows:
+ PGPNewMemoryMgr
+ ...
+ PGPNewData or PGPNewSecureData
+ PGPFreeData
+ ...
+ PGPFreeMemoryMgr
+ Typically, a program will create one PGPMemoryMgr per thread at
+ thread creation time and use that memory mgr until the thread dies.
+ Generally, an individual PGPMemoryMgr instance is not thread-safe;
+ you must either synchronize or use one PGPMemoryMgr per thread.
+ *** Custom Allocators ***
+ Default allocators are supplied, but the client can create a custom
+ PGPMemoryMgr using PGPNewMemoryMgrCustom() which uses client-supplied
+ routines.
+ Custom routines need only concern themselves with the actual
+ allocation and deallocation.
+ The following should be kept in mind for user supplied routines:
+ - they can ignore the allocation flags passed
+ - leaks, memory clearing, etc is done by the PGPMemoryMgr
+ - secure allocator must set 'isNonPageable' to TRUE only if the
+ memory really can't be paged.
+ - the user value is not interpreted by the PGPMemoryMgr. Typically,
+ it would be a pointer to some data the allocation routines use
+ to store state.
+ *** Secure memory allocation ***
+ Blocks can be allocated as "Secure" blocks. Secure blocks are guaranteed
+ to be wiped when they are deallocated. Additionally, if the operating
+ system and the current conditions allow, the block will be allocated
+ in non-pageable memory. You can determine the attributes of a block using
+ PGPGetMemoryMgrDataInfo().
+ *** Leaks tracking ***
+ Leaks tracking is implemented when debugging is on,
+ but currently reporting is limited to reporting the number of leaks
+ outstanding when the PGPMemoryMgr is disposed.
+ *** Debugging ***
+ For debugging purposes, blocks may be larger in debug mode to accomodate
+ various schemes to detect stray pointers, etc.
+#pragma options align=mac68k
+ kPGPMemoryMgrFlags_None = 0,
+ kPGPMemoryMgrFlags_Clear = 1
+typedef PGPFlags PGPMemoryMgrFlags;
+typedef struct PGPMemoryMgr * PGPMemoryMgrRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPMemoryMgrRef ((PGPMemoryMgrRef) NULL)
+#define PGPMemoryMgrRefIsValid(ref) ((ref) != kInvalidPGPMemoryMgrRef)
+typedef void *(*PGPMemoryMgrAllocationProc)( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPUserValue userValue,
+ PGPSize requestSize, PGPMemoryMgrFlags flags );
+/* realloc not be implemented using PGPNewData() */
+typedef PGPError (*PGPMemoryMgrReallocationProc)( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPUserValue userValue,
+ void **allocation, PGPSize newAllocationSize,
+ PGPMemoryMgrFlags flags, PGPSize existingSize );
+typedef PGPError (*PGPMemoryMgrDeallocationProc)( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPUserValue userValue,
+ void *allocation, PGPSize allocationSize );
+typedef void *(*PGPMemoryMgrSecureAllocationProc)( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPUserValue userValue,
+ PGPSize requestSize, PGPMemoryMgrFlags flags,
+ PGPBoolean *isNonPageable );
+/* deallocation proc need not clear the memory upon deallocation since
+ PGPFreeData() does it automatically */
+typedef PGPError (*PGPMemoryMgrSecureDeallocationProc)( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPUserValue userValue,
+ void *allocation, PGPSize allocationSize,
+ PGPBoolean wasLocked );
+typedef struct PGPNewMemoryMgrStruct
+ /* sizeofStruct must be inited to sizeof( PGPNewMemoryMgrStruct ) */
+ PGPUInt32 sizeofStruct;
+ PGPFlags reservedFlags;
+ PGPMemoryMgrAllocationProc allocProc;
+ PGPMemoryMgrReallocationProc reallocProc;
+ PGPMemoryMgrDeallocationProc deallocProc;
+ PGPMemoryMgrSecureAllocationProc secureAllocProc;
+ void * reserved; /* MUST be zeroed */
+ PGPMemoryMgrSecureDeallocationProc secureDeallocProc;
+ PGPUserValue customValue;
+ void * pad[ 8 ]; /* MUST be zeroed */
+} PGPNewMemoryMgrStruct;
+ Memory Mgr routines
+PGPError PGPNewMemoryMgr( PGPFlags reserved, PGPMemoryMgrRef *newMemoryMgr );
+PGPError PGPNewMemoryMgrCustom( PGPNewMemoryMgrStruct const * custom,
+ PGPMemoryMgrRef *newMemoryMgr );
+PGPError PGPFreeMemoryMgr( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr );
+PGPError PGPGetMemoryMgrCustomValue( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPUserValue *customValue );
+PGPError PGPSetMemoryMgrCustomValue( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPUserValue customValue );
+PGPError PGPValidateMemoryMgr( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr );
+/* allocate a block of the specified size */
+void * PGPNewData( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPSize requestSize, PGPMemoryMgrFlags flags );
+/* allocate a block of the specified size in non-pageable memory */
+/* *isSecure is TRUE if the block definitely can't be paged */
+void * PGPNewSecureData( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ PGPSize requestSize, PGPMemoryMgrFlags flags );
+/* properly reallocs secure or non-secure blocks */
+/* WARNING: the block may move, even if its size is being reduced */
+PGPError PGPReallocData( PGPMemoryMgrRef mgr,
+ void **allocation, PGPSize newAllocationSize,
+ PGPMemoryMgrFlags flags );
+/* properly frees secure or non-secure blocks */
+PGPError PGPFreeData( void *allocation );
+ Block Info:
+ kPGPMemoryMgrBlockInfo_Valid it's a valid block
+ kPGPMemoryMgrBlockInfo_Secure block is a secure allocation
+ kPGPMemoryMgrBlockInfo_NonPageable block cannot be paged by VM
+ Secure blocks are always wiped before being disposed,
+ but may or may not be pageable, depending on the OS facilities. Some
+ OSs may not provide the ability to make blocks non-pageable.
+ You should check these flags if the information matters to you.
+#define kPGPMemoryMgrBlockInfo_Valid ( ((PGPFlags)1) << 0 )
+#define kPGPMemoryMgrBlockInfo_Secure ( ((PGPFlags)1) << 1 )
+#define kPGPMemoryMgrBlockInfo_NonPageable ( ((PGPFlags)1) << 2 )
+PGPFlags PGPGetMemoryMgrDataInfo( void *allocation );
+ Default memory manager routines:
+PGPMemoryMgrRef PGPGetDefaultMemoryMgr(void);
+PGPError PGPSetDefaultMemoryMgr(PGPMemoryMgrRef memoryMgr);
+#pragma options align=reset
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpMemoryMgr_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpOptionList.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpOptionList.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0ef6ceab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpOptionList.h
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file contains the types and prototypes for functions which manipulate
+ PGPOptionList data structures.
+ $Id: pgpOptionList.h,v 1.43 2004/05/15 02:48:39 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpOptionList_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpOptionList_h
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include <Files.h>
+#elif PGP_OSX
+ struct FSSpec;
+/* Standard event callback declaration */
+struct PGPEvent;
+typedef PGPError (*PGPEventHandlerProcPtr)(PGPContextRef context,
+ struct PGPEvent *event, PGPUserValue userValue);
+/* Export formats for exporting functions */
+enum PGPExportFormat_
+ kPGPExportFormat_Basic = 1,
+ kPGPExportFormat_Complete = 255,
+ kPGPExportFormat_TokenKeyContainer = 256,
+ kPGPExportFormat_X509Cert = 10000,
+ kPGPExportFormat_PKCS8,
+ kPGPExportFormat_X509CertReq = 11000,
+ kPGPExportFormat_NetToolsCAV1_CertReq,
+ kPGPExportFormat_VerisignV1_CertReq,
+ kPGPExportFormat_EntrustV1_CertReq,
+ kPGPExportFormat_NetscapeV1_CertReq,
+ kPGPExportFormat_MicrosoftV1_CertReq,
+ kPGPExportFormat_X509GetCertInitial = 11010,
+ kPGPExportFormat_NetToolsCAV1_GetCertInitial,
+ kPGPExportFormat_VerisignV1_GetCertInitial,
+ kPGPExportFormat_EntrustV1_GetCertInitial,
+ kPGPExportFormat_NetscapeV1_GetCertInitial,
+ kPGPExportFormat_MicrosoftV1_GetCertInitial,
+ kPGPExportFormat_X509GetCRL = 11020,
+ kPGPExportFormat_NetToolsCAV1_GetCRL,
+ kPGPExportFormat_VerisignV1_GetCRL,
+ kPGPExportFormat_EntrustV1_GetCRL,
+ kPGPExportFormat_NetscapeV1_GetCRL,
+ kPGPExportFormat_MicrosoftV1_GetCRL,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPExportFormat_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPExportFormat_, PGPExportFormat );
+/* Input formats for PGPOInputFormat */
+enum PGPInputFormat_
+ kPGPInputFormat_Unknown = 0,
+ kPGPInputFormat_PGP = 1,
+ kPGPInputFormat_X509DataInPKCS7 = 10000,
+ kPGPInputFormat_NetToolsCAV1_DataInPKCS7,
+ kPGPInputFormat_VerisignV1_DataInPKCS7,
+ kPGPInputFormat_EntrustV1_DataInPKCS7,
+ kPGPInputFormat_MicrosoftV1_DataInPKCS7,
+ kPGPInputFormat_NetscapeV1_DataInPKCS7,
+ kPGPInputFormat_PEMEncodedX509Cert,
+ kPGPInputFormat_NetToolsCAV1_PEMEncoded,
+ kPGPInputFormat_VerisignV1_PEMEncoded,
+ kPGPInputFormat_EntrustV1_PEMEncoded,
+ kPGPInputFormat_MicrosoftV1_PEMEncoded,
+ kPGPInputFormat_NetscapeV1_PEMEncoded,
+ /* Input formats for X.509 private keys */
+ kPGPInputFormat_PrivateKeyInfo,
+ kPGPInputFormat_PKCS12,
+ kPGPInputFormat_SMIMEBody = 12000,
+ kPGPInputFormat_SMIMEBodySignedData = 12001,
+ kPGPInputFormat_SMIMEBodyEncryptedData = 12002,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPInputFormat_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPInputFormat_, PGPInputFormat );
+/* Output formats for PGPOOutputFormat */
+enum PGPOutputFormat_
+ kPGPOutputFormat_Unknown = 0,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_PGP = 1,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_X509CertReqInPKCS7 = 10000,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_NetToolsCAV1_CertReqInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_VerisignV1_CertReqInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_EntrustV1_CertReqInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_NetscapeV1_CertReqInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_MicrosoftV1_CertReqInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_X509GetCertInitialInPKCS7 = 10010,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_NetToolsCAV1_GetCertInitialInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_VerisignV1_GetCertInitialInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_EntrustV1_GetCertInitialInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_NetscapeV1_GetCertInitialInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_MicrosoftV1_GetCertInitialInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_X509GetCRLInPKCS7 = 10020,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_NetToolsCAV1_GetCRLInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_VerisignV1_GetCRLInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_EntrustV1_GetCRLInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_NetscapeV1_GetCRLInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_MicrosoftV1_GetCRLInPKCS7,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_SMIMEBodySignedData = 12001,
+ kPGPOutputFormat_SMIMEBodyEncryptedData = 12002,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPOutputFormat_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPOutputFormat_, PGPOutputFormat );
+/* Attribute-Value structure for PGPOAttributeValue */
+enum PGPAVAttribute_
+ /* Pointer properties */
+ kPGPAVAttributeFirstPointer = 0,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_CommonName = kPGPAVAttributeFirstPointer,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Email,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_OrganizationName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_OrganizationalUnitName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_SurName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_SerialNumber,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Country,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Locality,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_State,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_StreetAddress,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Title,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Description,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_PostalCode,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_POBOX,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_TelephoneNumber,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_X121Address,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_ISDN,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_DestinationIndicator,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Name,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_GivenName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Initials,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_HouseIdentifier,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_DirectoryManagementDomain,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_DomainComponent,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_UnstructuredName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_UnstructuredAddress,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_RFC822Name,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_DNSName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_AnotherName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_IPAddress,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_CertificateExtension,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_SCEPChallenge,
+ /* Verisign specific */
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Challenge,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_CertType,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_MailFirstName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_MailMiddleName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_MailLastName,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_EmployeeID,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_MailStop,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_AdditionalField4,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_AdditionalField5,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_AdditionalField6,
+ kPGPAVAttribute_Authenticate,
+ /* Generic pointer properties continue */
+ kPGPAVAttribute_KeyID = kPGPAVAttribute_Authenticate+100,
+ kPGPAVAttributeLastPointer = kPGPAVAttribute_KeyID,
+ /* Boolean properties */
+ kPGPAVAttributeFirstBoolean = 1000,
+ /* Verisign specific */
+ kPGPAVAttribute_EmbedEmail,
+ /* Numeric (PGPUInt32) properties */
+ kPGPAVAttributeFirstNumber = 2000,
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPAVAttribute_, PGPAVAttribute );
+typedef struct PGPAttributeValue
+ PGPAVAttribute attribute;
+ PGPUInt32 size;
+ union
+ {
+ PGPBoolean booleanvalue;
+ PGPUInt32 longvalue;
+ void *pointervalue;
+ } value;
+ PGPUInt32 unused;
+} PGPAttributeValue ;
+enum PGPSMIMEMatchCriterion_
+ kPGPSMIMEMatchCriterion_Exact = 1, /* exact matching per SMIME spec (default) */
+ kPGPSMIMEMatchCriterion_Related = 2, /* use Issuer from IASN, use Exact first then Any for keyIdentifier */
+ kPGPSMIMEMatchCriterion_Any = 3, /* try all */
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPSMIMEMatchCriterion_, PGPSMIMEMatchCriterion );
+PGPError PGPNewOptionList( PGPContextRef context, PGPOptionListRef *outList );
+PGPError PGPAppendOptionList( PGPOptionListRef optionList,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPBuildOptionList( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef *outList,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPCopyOptionList( PGPOptionListRef optionList,
+ PGPOptionListRef *outList );
+PGPError PGPFreeOptionList( PGPOptionListRef optionList );
+** The following functions are used to create PGPOptionListRef's for
+** specifying the various options to several SDK functions. The
+** functions can be used as inline parameters in a temporary manner or
+** used with PGPBuildOptionList() to create persistent lists.
+** Special PGPOptionListRef to mark last option passed to those functions
+** which take variable lists of PGPOptionListRef's:
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOLastOption( PGPContextRef context );
+/* Special PGPOptionListRef which is always ignored: */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPONullOption( PGPContextRef context);
+/* Data input (required): */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOInputFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef fileRef );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOInputBuffer( PGPContextRef context,
+ void const *buffer, PGPSize bufferSize );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOInputFileFSSpec( PGPContextRef context,
+ const struct FSSpec *fileSpec );
+/* Data output (optional, generates event if missing): */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef fileRef );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputBuffer( PGPContextRef context,
+ void *buffer, PGPSize bufferSize,
+ PGPSize *outputDataLength );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputDirectory( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef fileRef );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputFileFSSpec( PGPContextRef context,
+ const struct FSSpec *fileSpec );
+/* Filepath modifiers (used for Archiving )*/
+PGPOptionListRef PGPORelativePath( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef dirRef );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPORootPath( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef dirRef );
+/* '*buffer' must be disposed of via PGPFreeData() */
+/* maximum memory usage will be no more than maximumBufferSize */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOAllocatedOutputBuffer(PGPContextRef context,
+ void **buffer, PGPSize maximumBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *actualBufferSize);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOAppendOutput( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean appendOutput );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPODiscardOutput( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean discardOutput );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOAllocatedOutputKeyContainer(PGPContextRef context,
+ void **keyContName, PGPSize maximumKeyContNameSize,
+ PGPSize *actualKeyContNameSize );
+/* Encrypting and signing */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOEncryptToKeyDBObj( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef keyDBObjRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOEncryptToKeySet( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeySetRef keySetRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOIntegrityProtection( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean integrity);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSignWithKey( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef keyDBObjRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOConventionalEncrypt( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+#undef PGPOPassphraseBuffer
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassphraseBuffer( PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *passphrase,
+ PGPSize passphraseLength);
+#undef PGPOPassphrase
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassphrase( PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *passphrase);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPasskeyBuffer( PGPContextRef context,
+ const void *passkey, PGPSize passkeyLength);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCachePassphrase( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 timeOutSeconds, PGPBoolean globalCache);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSessionKey( PGPContextRef context,
+ const void *sessionKey, PGPSize sessionKeyLength);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSignedHash( PGPContextRef context,
+ void const *hash, PGPSize hashSize );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOAllowBareESKs( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean allowBareESKs );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOAskUserForEntropy( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean askUserForEntropy );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPORawPGPInput( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean rawPGPInput );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCompression( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean compression );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOLocalEncoding( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPLocalEncodingFlags localEncode);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputLineEndType(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPLineEndType lineEnd);
+#undef PGPOPGPMIMEEncoding
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPGPMIMEEncoding(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean mimeEncoding, PGPSize *mimeBodyOffset,
+ PGPChar8 mimeSeparator[ kPGPMimeSeparatorSize ]);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOmitMIMEVersion( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean omitVersion);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOX509Encoding( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean x509Encoding);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPODetachedSig( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCipherAlgorithm( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPCipherAlgorithm algorithm);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOHashAlgorithm( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPHashAlgorithm algorithm);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCompressionAlgorithm( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPCompressionAlgorithm algorithm);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOFailBelowValidity( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPValidity minValidity);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOWarnBelowValidity( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPValidity minValidity);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOEventHandler( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr eventHandler,
+ PGPUserValue eventHandlerData);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSendNullEvents( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPTimeInterval approxInterval);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOArmorOutput( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean armorOutput );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPODataIsASCII( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean dataIsASCII );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOClearSign( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean clearSign );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOForYourEyesOnly( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean forYourEyesOnly );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyDBRef( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBRef keydbRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOExportKeySet( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeySetRef keysetRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOExportKeyDBObj( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef keyDBObjRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOImportKeysTo( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBRef keydbRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSendEventIfKeyFound( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean sendEventIfKeyFound );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassThroughIfUnrecognized( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean passThroughIfUnrecognized );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassThroughClearSigned( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean passThroughClearSigned );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPassThroughKeys( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean passThroughKeys );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPORecursivelyDecode( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean recurse );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyGenParams( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm pubKeyAlg,
+ PGPUInt32 bits);
+#undef PGPOKeyGenName
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyGenName( PGPContextRef context,
+ const void *name, PGPSize nameLength);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCreationDate( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPTime creationDate);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOExpiration( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 expirationDays);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOAdditionalRecipientRequestKeySet(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeySetRef arKeySetRef, PGPByte arkClass);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPORevocationKeySet(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeySetRef raKeySetRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyGenMasterKey( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef masterKeyDBObjRef);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPreferredAlgorithms(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPCipherAlgorithm const *prefAlg,
+ PGPUInt32 numAlgs);
+#undef PGPOPreferredKeyServer
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPreferredKeyServer(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPChar8 const * server );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyFeatures( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 features);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyFlags( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 flags);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyServerPreferences( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 preferences);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyGenFast( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean fastGen);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOTokenNumber( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 tokenID);
+#define PGPOKeyGenOnToken PGPOTokenNumber
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputToken( PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 token );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyContainer( PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPByte *keyContainerName,
+ PGPSize keyContainerNameSize );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOKeyGenUseExistingEntropy( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean useExistingEntropy);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOPreferredCompressionAlgorithms(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPCompressionAlgorithm const *prefAlg,
+ PGPUInt32 numAlgs);
+#undef PGPOCommentString
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOCommentString( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPChar8 const *comment);
+#undef PGPOVersionString
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOVersionString( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPChar8 const *version);
+#undef PGPOFileNameString
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOFileNameString( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPChar8 const *fileName);
+#undef PGPOSigRegularExpression
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSigRegularExpression(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPChar8 const *regularExpression);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOExportPrivateKeys( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean exportKeys);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOExportPrivateSubkeys( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean exportSubkeys);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOExportFormat(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPExportFormat exportFormat);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOExportable( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean exportable);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSigTrust( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 trustLevel,
+ PGPUInt32 trustValue);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOInputFormat( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPInputFormat inputFormat );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputFormat( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOutputFormat outputFormat );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOAttributeValue( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPAttributeValue *attributeValue,
+ PGPUInt32 attributeValueCount);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOInputTARCache( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef cacheFileRef,
+ const PGPByte *sessionKey,
+ PGPSize sessionKeySize );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOOutputTARCache( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef cacheFileRef );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOIssueRevocations( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean issueRevocations );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSMIMEMatchCriterion( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPSMIMEMatchCriterion criterion );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOSMIMESigner( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef signer );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpOptionList_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPFLConfig.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPFLConfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8474d66aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPFLConfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ pgpPFLConfig.h (Win32 version)
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file contains the Win32 version of the configuration file
+ normally generated by the automatic configure script on Unix.
+ $Id: pgpPFLConfig.h,v 1.3 2002/08/06 20:10:45 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpPFLConfig_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpPFLConfig_h
+#define HAVE_STDARG_H 1
+#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
+#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
+#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 0
+#define HAVE_USHORT 0
+#define HAVE_UINT 0
+#define HAVE_ULONG 0
+#define NO_LIMITS_H 0
+#define NO_POPEN 1
+#if defined( __MWERKS__ )
+ #define PGP_HAVE64 0
+#elif defined( _MSC_VER )
+ // wjb-for FileOffsets to be 64 bit
+ #define PGP_HAVE64 1
+ typedef __int64 PGPInt64;
+ typedef unsigned __int64 PGPUInt64;
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpPFLConfig_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPFLErrors.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPFLErrors.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0264cafd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPFLErrors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpPFLErrors.h,v 1.20 2004/04/25 03:31:03 bzhao Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpPFLErrors_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpPFLErrors_h
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#define kPGPPFLErrorBase -12000
+#define kPGPPFLErrorRange 500
+ /*
+ NOTE: error numbers must not be changed as compile clients depend on them.
+ */
+ kPGPError_NoErr = 0,
+ kPGPError_BadParams = -12000,
+ kPGPError_OutOfMemory = -11999,
+ kPGPError_BufferTooSmall = -11998,
+ kPGPError_FileNotFound = -11997,
+ kPGPError_CantOpenFile = -11996,
+ kPGPError_FilePermissions = -11995,
+ kPGPError_FileLocked = -11994,
+ /* Unused = -11993, */
+ kPGPError_IllegalFileOp = -11992,
+ kPGPError_FileOpFailed = -11991,
+ kPGPError_ReadFailed = -11990,
+ kPGPError_WriteFailed = -11989,
+ kPGPError_EOF = -11988,
+ kPGPError_UserAbort = -11987,
+ kPGPError_UnknownRequest = -11986,
+ kPGPError_LazyProgrammer = -11985,
+ kPGPError_ItemNotFound = -11984,
+ kPGPError_ItemAlreadyExists = -11983,
+ kPGPError_AssertFailed = -11982,
+ kPGPError_BadMemAddress = -11981,
+ kPGPError_UnknownError = -11980,
+ kPGPError_PrefNotFound = -11979,
+ kPGPError_EndOfIteration = -11978,
+ kPGPError_ImproperInitialization = -11977,
+ kPGPError_CorruptData = -11976,
+ kPGPError_FeatureNotAvailable = -11975,
+ kPGPError_MatchNotFound = -11974,
+ kPGPError_ResourceUnavailable = -11973,
+ kPGPError_InsufficientPrivileges = -11972,
+ kPGPError_AlreadyInUse = -11971,
+ kPGPError_Deadlocked = -11970,
+ kPGPError_NotConnected = -11969,
+ kPGPError_BufferTooLarge = -11968,
+ kPGPError_SizeTooLarge = -11967,
+ kPGPError_DiskFull = -11960,
+ kPGPError_DiskLocked = -11959,
+ kPGPError_GraphicsOpFailed = -11956,
+ kPGPError_MemoryOpFailed = -11955,
+ kPGPError_NetworkOpFailed = -11954,
+ kPGPError_SecurityOpFailed = -11953,
+ kPGPError_StringOpFailed = -11952,
+ kPGPError_SyncObjOpFailed = -11951,
+ kPGPError_ThreadOpFailed = -11950,
+ kPGPError_VolumeOpFailed = -11949,
+ kPGPError_NTDrvIopOpFailed = -11947,
+ kPGPError_NTDrvObjectOpFailed = -11946,
+ kPGPError_Win32COMOpFailed = -11945,
+ kPGPError_Win32CommCtrlOpFailed = -11944,
+ kPGPError_Win32DllOpFailed = -11943,
+ kPGPError_Win32RegistryOpFailed = -11942,
+ kPGPError_Win32ResourceOpFailed = -11941,
+ kPGPError_Win32WindowOpFailed = -11940,
+ kPGPError_RPCFailed = -11939,
+ kPGPError_RPCGarbledMsg = -11938,
+ kPGPError_NoUnicodeEquivalent = -11937,
+ kPGPError_NetLARefused = -11936,
+ kPGPError_NetLAMismatch = -11935,
+ kPGPError_NetLATooManyRetrievals = -11934,
+ kPGPError_LNCorrupt = -11933,
+ kPGPError_LACorrupt = -11932,
+ kPGPError_LNInvalid = -11931,
+ kPGPError_NetInvalidProdID = -11930,
+ // PGPwde error code
+ kPGPError_DiskNotFound = -11929,
+ kPGPError_LastPFLError = kPGPPFLErrorBase + kPGPPFLErrorRange - 1
+#define IsPGPError( err ) ( (err) != kPGPError_NoErr )
+#define IsntPGPError( err ) ( (err) == kPGPError_NoErr )
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpPFLErrors_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPubTypes.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPubTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6082d4bb62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPubTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpPubTypes.h,v 1.22 2004/04/13 20:50:53 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpPubTypes_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpPubTypes_h
+#include "pgpConfig.h"
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+ General data types used by PGPsdk
+typedef struct PGPContext * PGPContextRef;
+typedef struct PGPFileSpec * PGPFileSpecRef;
+typedef struct PGPOptionList * PGPOptionListRef;
+ Data types used by the key manipulation functions
+typedef struct PGPKeyDB * PGPKeyDBRef;
+typedef struct PGPKeyDBObj * PGPKeyDBObjRef;
+typedef struct PGPKeySet * PGPKeySetRef;
+typedef struct PGPKeyList * PGPKeyListRef;
+typedef struct PGPKeyIter * PGPKeyIterRef;
+typedef struct PGPFilter * PGPFilterRef;
+typedef struct PGPKeyID
+ /* do not attempt to interpret these bytes; they *will* change */
+ PGPByte opaqueBytes[ 36 ];
+} PGPKeyID;
+ Data types used by symmetric ciphers, cipher modes, hashing
+typedef struct PGPHashContext * PGPHashContextRef;
+typedef struct PGPHMACContext * PGPHMACContextRef;
+typedef struct PGPPublicKeyContext * PGPPublicKeyContextRef;
+typedef struct PGPPrivateKeyContext * PGPPrivateKeyContextRef;
+typedef struct PGPCBCContext * PGPCBCContextRef;
+typedef struct PGPCFBContext * PGPCFBContextRef;
+typedef struct PGPSymmetricCipherContext * PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef;
+Disk Wiping Patterns
+typedef struct PGPWipePatternContext * PGPWipePatternContextRef;
+PGP Tar Cache, Objects and Iterators
+typedef struct PGPTARCache * PGPTARCacheRef;
+typedef struct PGPTARCacheIter * PGPTARCacheIterRef;
+typedef struct PGPTARCacheObj * PGPTARCacheObjRef;
+ Data types used by keyserver code
+typedef struct PGPKeyServer * PGPKeyServerRef;
+ Invalid values for each of the "ref" data types. Use these for assignment
+ and initialization only. Use the PGPXXXRefIsValid macros (below) to test
+ for valid/invalid values.
+#define kInvalidPGPContextRef ((PGPContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPFileSpecRef ((PGPFileSpecRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPOptionListRef ((PGPOptionListRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPKeyDBRef ((PGPKeyDBRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPKeyDBObjRef ((PGPKeyDBObjRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPKeySetRef ((PGPKeySetRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPKeyListRef ((PGPKeyListRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPKeyIterRef ((PGPKeyIterRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPFilterRef ((PGPFilterRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPKeyServerRef ((PGPKeyServerRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPHashContextRef ((PGPHashContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPHMACContextRef ((PGPHMACContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPCFBContextRef ((PGPCFBContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPCBCContextRef ((PGPCBCContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPSymmetricCipherContextRef \
+ ((PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPPublicKeyContextRef \
+ ((PGPPublicKeyContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPPrivateKeyContextRef \
+ ((PGPPrivateKeyContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGWipePatternContextRef \
+ ((PGPWipePatternContextRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPTARCacheRef \
+ ((PGPTARCacheRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPTARCacheIterRef \
+ ((PGPTARCacheIterRef) NULL)
+#define kInvalidPGPTARCacheObjRef \
+ ((PGPTARCacheObjRef) NULL)
+ Macros to test for ref validity. Use these in preference to comparing
+ directly with the kInvalidXXXRef values.
+#define PGPContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPContextRef )
+#define PGPFileSpecRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPFileSpecRef )
+#define PGPOptionListRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPOptionListRef )
+#define PGPKeyDBRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPKeyDBRef )
+#define PGPKeyDBObjRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPKeyDBObjRef )
+#define PGPKeySetRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPKeySetRef )
+#define PGPKeyListRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPKeyListRef )
+#define PGPKeyIterRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPKeyIterRef )
+#define PGPFilterRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPFilterRef )
+#define PGPKeyServerRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPKeyServerRef )
+#define PGPHashContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPHashContextRef )
+#define PGPHMACContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPHMACContextRef )
+#define PGPCFBContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPCFBContextRef )
+#define PGPCBCContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPCBCContextRef )
+#define PGPSymmetricCipherContextRefIsValid( ref ) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPSymmetricCipherContextRef )
+#define PGPPublicKeyContextRefIsValid( ref ) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPPublicKeyContextRef )
+#define PGPPrivateKeyContextRefIsValid( ref ) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPPrivateKeyContextRef )
+#define PGPWipePatternContextRefIsValid( ref ) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPGWipePatternContextRef )
+ #define PGPTARCacheRefIsValid( ref ) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPTARCacheRef )
+#define PGPTARCacheObjRefIsValid( ref ) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPTARCacheObjRef )
+#define PGPTARCacheIterRefIsValid( ref) \
+ ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPTARCacheIterRef )
+ Symmetric Ciphers
+enum PGPCipherAlgorithm_
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_None = 0,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_IDEA = 1,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_3DES = 2,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_CAST5 = 3,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_Blowfish = 4,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_AES128 = 7,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_AES192 = 8,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_AES256 = 9,
+ kPGPCipherAlgorithm_Twofish256 = 10,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPCipherAlgorithm_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPCipherAlgorithm_, PGPCipherAlgorithm );
+ Hash algorithms
+enum PGPHashAlgorithm_
+ kPGPHashAlgorithm_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPHashAlgorithm_MD5 = 1,
+ kPGPHashAlgorithm_SHA = 2,
+ kPGPHashAlgorithm_RIPEMD160 = 3,
+ kPGPHashAlgorithm_SHA256 = 8, /* from draft-ietf-openpgp-rfc2440bis-03.txt */
+ kPGPHashAlgorithm_SHA384 = 9,
+ kPGPHashAlgorithm_SHA512 = 10,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPHashAlgorithm_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPHashAlgorithm_, PGPHashAlgorithm );
+ Public/Private key algorithms
+enum PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_
+#ifdef __MVS__
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_Invalid = -1,
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_Invalid = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_RSA = 1,
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_RSAEncryptOnly = 2,
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_RSASignOnly = 3,
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_ElGamal = 0x10, /* A.K.A.Diffie-Hellman */
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_DSA = 0x11,
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_ECEncrypt = 0x12,
+ kPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_ECSign = 0x13,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm_, PGPPublicKeyAlgorithm );
+ Trust values, used to set validity values
+#define kPGPKeyTrust_Mask 0x7u
+#define kPGPKeyTrust_Undefined 0x0u
+#define kPGPKeyTrust_Unknown 0x1u
+#define kPGPKeyTrust_Never 0x2u
+#define kPGPKeyTrust_Marginal 0x5u
+#define kPGPKeyTrust_Complete 0x6u
+#define kPGPKeyTrust_Ultimate 0x7u
+#define kPGPUserIDTrust_Mask 0x3u
+#define kPGPUserIDTrust_Unknown 0x0u
+#define kPGPUserIDTrust_Untrusted 0x1u
+#define kPGPUserIDTrust_Marginal 0x2u
+#define kPGPUserIDTrust_Complete 0x3u
+ Validity levels, used for thresholds in options
+enum PGPValidity_
+ kPGPValidity_Unknown = kPGPUserIDTrust_Unknown,
+ kPGPValidity_Invalid = kPGPUserIDTrust_Untrusted,
+ kPGPValidity_Marginal = kPGPUserIDTrust_Marginal,
+ kPGPValidity_Complete = kPGPUserIDTrust_Complete,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPValidity_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPValidity_, PGPValidity );
+ Line endings types
+enum PGPLineEndType_
+ kPGPLineEnd_Default = 0,
+ kPGPLineEnd_LF = 1,
+ kPGPLineEnd_CR = 2,
+ kPGPLineEnd_CRLF = (kPGPLineEnd_LF | kPGPLineEnd_CR),
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPLineEndType_, PGPLineEndType );
+ Local encoding types
+ Only one of Force or Auto should be used. The other values are modifiers
+#define kPGPLocalEncoding_None 0x0 /* nothing on */
+#define kPGPLocalEncoding_Force 0x01
+#define kPGPLocalEncoding_Auto 0x02
+#define kPGPLocalEncoding_NoMacBinCRCOkay 0x04
+typedef PGPFlags PGPLocalEncodingFlags;
+/* max length is 255; the +1 is for the trailing \0 */
+#define kPGPMaxUserIDSize ( (PGPSize)255 + 1 )
+/* Size of buffer for PGP-MIME separator (null terminated) */
+#define kPGPMimeSeparatorSize 81
+enum PGPTokenProperty_
+ kPGPTokenProperty_Invalid = 0,
+ /* boolean properties */
+ kPGPTokenProperty_DirectAuth = 1,
+ /* numeric properties */
+ kPGPTokenProperty_KeyGenAlgorithm = 100,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_PrivateKeys = 101,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_PublicKeys = 102,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_SlotID = 103,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_MinPINSize = 104,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_MaxPINSize = 105,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_MinKeySize = 106,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_MaxKeySize = 107,
+ /* string / data properties */
+ kPGPTokenProperty_SerialNumber = 500,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_Model = 501,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_ManufacturerID = 502,
+ kPGPTokenProperty_TokenLabel = 503,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPTokenProperty_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPTokenProperty_, PGPTokenProperty );
+/* Token capabilities / information. 4 byte packing.
+ * Deprecated, use PGPTokenInfoGet*() with PGPTokenProperty
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct _PGPTokenInfo {
+ /* The size of the structure, including this field.
+ Must be the first field */
+ PGPUInt32 size;
+ /* Identification information */
+ PGPByte manufacturerID[32];
+ PGPByte model[16];
+ PGPByte serialNumber[16];
+ PGPBoolean bRsa;
+ PGPUInt32 minRsaKeySize;
+ PGPUInt32 maxRsaKeySize;
+ /* General capabilities */
+ PGPUInt32 minPinLen;
+ PGPUInt32 maxPinLen;
+ /* Number of objects */
+ PGPUInt32 numPrivKeys; /* Possibly, non-PGP keys */
+ PGPUInt32 numPubKeys; /* Possibly, non-PGP keys */
+ PGPByte reserved[4];
+} PGPTokenInfo;
+ Compression algorithms
+enum PGPCompressionAlgorithm_
+ kPGPCompressionAlgorithm_None = 0,
+ kPGPCompressionAlgorithm_ZIP = 1,
+ kPGPCompressionAlgorithm_ZLIB = 2,
+ kPGPCompressionAlgorithm_BZIP2 = 3,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPCompressionAlgorithm_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPCompressionAlgorithm_, PGPCompressionAlgorithm );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpPubTypes_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPublicKey.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPublicKey.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ed1adc9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpPublicKey.h
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpPublicKey.h,v 1.9 2003/10/03 00:38:40 vinnie Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpPublicKey_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpPublicKey_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpOptionList.h"
+ Encryption/Signature Message Formats
+enum PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP = 1,
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PKCS1 = 2,
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_X509 = 3,
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_IKE = 4,
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PKCS1_OAEP = 5, /* default is MGF1 with SHA1 */
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_, PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat );
+ Public-key operations
+ Return a context for public-key operations based on the specified key.
+ The specified message format is used for all operations with this
+ context.
+PGPError PGPNewPublicKeyContext( PGPKeyDBObjRef publicKeyDBObjRef,
+ PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat messageFormat,
+ PGPPublicKeyContextRef *outRef );
+ Dispose of a public-key context.
+PGPError PGPFreePublicKeyContext( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref );
+ Determine maximum sizes for inputs and outputs.
+PGPError PGPGetPublicKeyOperationSizes( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPSize *maxDecryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxEncryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxSignatureSize );
+ Encrypt one block of data, using PKCS-1 padding. Output buffer must
+ be of size maxEncryptedBufferSize from PGPGetPublicKeyEncryptionSize.
+ outSize is a return parameter. For some formatting modes the actual
+ output size may be less than the maximum possible.
+PGPError PGPPublicKeyEncrypt( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ void const *in, PGPSize inSize, void *out,
+ PGPSize *outSize );
+ Verify a signature on a message hash. Returns kPGPError_NoErr on
+ correct verification, else an error code. The message hash is
+ finalized and freed by this call (and should not have been finalized
+ prior to the call).
+PGPError PGPPublicKeyVerifySignature( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPHashContextRef hashContext, void const *signature,
+ PGPSize signatureSize );
+ Verify a signature on a low-level buffer. Returns kPGPError_NOErr
+ correct verification, else an error code. Not valid with
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP contexts.
+PGPError PGPPublicKeyVerifyRaw( PGPPublicKeyContextRef ref,
+ void const *signedData, PGPSize signedDataSize,
+ void const *signature, PGPSize signatureSize );
+ Private-key operations
+ Return a context for private-key operations based on the specified
+ key (which must have a private part). The specified message
+ format is used for all operations with this context. Unlocks key
+ data using passphrase.
+PGPError PGPNewPrivateKeyContext( PGPKeyDBObjRef privateKeyDBObjRef,
+ PGPPublicKeyMessageFormat messageFormat,
+ PGPPrivateKeyContextRef *outRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+ Dispose of a private-key context. All sensitive data is wiped before
+ being deleted.
+PGPError PGPFreePrivateKeyContext( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref );
+ Determine maximum sizes for inputs and outputs.
+PGPError PGPGetPrivateKeyOperationSizes( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPSize *maxDecryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxEncryptedBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *maxSignatureSize);
+ Decrypt one block of data. Output buffer must be of size at least
+ maxDecryptedBufferSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
+ outSize is a return parameter. For some formatting modes the actual
+ output size may be less than the maximum possible.
+PGPError PGPPrivateKeyDecrypt( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref, void const *in,
+ PGPSize inSize, void *out, PGPSize *outSize );
+ Sign a message hash. Output signature buffer must be of size at
+ least maxSignatureSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
+ signatureSize is a return parameter. For some formatting modes
+ the actual signature size may be less than the maximum possible.
+ The message hash is finalized and freed by this call (and should
+ not have been finalized prior to the call).
+PGPError PGPPrivateKeySign( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
+ PGPHashContextRef hashContext, void *signature,
+ PGPSize *signatureSize );
+ Sign a low level signedData buffer. Output signature buffer must be
+ of size at least maxSignatureSize from PGPGetPrivateKeyDecryptionSize.
+ signatureSize is a return parameter. Not valid with
+ kPGPPublicKeyMessageFormat_PGP contexts.
+PGPError PGPPrivateKeySignRaw( PGPPrivateKeyContextRef ref,
+ void const *signedData, PGPSize signedDataSize,
+ void *signature, PGPSize *signatureSize );
+ Miscellaneous operations
+ Given the size of a prime modulus in bits, this returns an appropriate
+ size for an exponent in bits, such that the work factor to find a
+ discrete log modulo the modulus is approximately equal to half the
+ length of the exponent. This makes the exponent an appropriate size
+ for a subgroup in a discrete log signature scheme. For encryption
+ schemes, where decryption attacks can be stealthy and undetected, we
+ use 3/2 times the returned exponent size.
+PGPError PGPDiscreteLogExponentBits( PGPUInt32 modulusBits,
+ PGPUInt32 *exponentBits );
+ Low level Function used for verifying FIPS 186-2 DSA signatures
+ using P, Q, G, Y key values.
+PGPError PGPDSAKeyVerifyRaw(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPByte const* P,
+ PGPSize PLen,
+ PGPByte const* Q,
+ PGPSize QLen,
+ PGPByte const* G,
+ PGPSize GLen,
+ PGPByte const* Y,
+ PGPSize YLen,
+ PGPByte const* sig,
+ PGPSize sigLen,
+ PGPByte const * hash,
+ PGPSize hashLen);
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpPublicKey_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpRandomPool.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpRandomPool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b965b498d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpRandomPool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpRandomPool.h,v 1.7 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpRandomPool_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpRandomPool_h
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pflTypes.h"
+PGPError PGPSetRandSeedFile( PFLFileSpecRef randSeedFile );
+PGPUInt32 PGPGlobalRandomPoolAddKeystroke( PGPInt32 event);
+PGPUInt32 PGPGlobalRandomPoolMouseMoved(void);
+PGPError PGPGlobalRandomPoolAddSystemState(void);
+PGPBoolean PGPGlobalRandomPoolHasIntelRNG(void);
+/* Extra functions for entropy estimation */
+PGPUInt32 PGPGlobalRandomPoolGetEntropy( void );
+PGPUInt32 PGPGlobalRandomPoolGetSize( void );
+PGPUInt32 PGPGlobalRandomPoolGetMinimumEntropy( void );
+PGPBoolean PGPGlobalRandomPoolHasMinimumEntropy( void );
+PGPUInt32 PGPGlobalRandomPoolAddMouse( PGPUInt32 x, PGPUInt32 y);
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpRandomPool_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..756a19619e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpReconstruct.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpReconstruct.h,v 1.1 2003/12/29 08:12:20 wprice Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpReconstruct_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpReconstruct_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpKeyServer.h"
+#define kPGPRecon_NumShares 5
+#define kPGPRecon_Threshold 3
+#define kPGPRecon_MaxPromptLen ( 96 - 1 )
+#define kPGPRecon_MaxURLLen ( 256 - 1 )
+#define kPGPRecon_MaxPassLen ( 256 - 1 )
+#define kPGPRecon_MaxUserNameLen ( 128 - 1 )
+#define kPGPRecon_MaxPasswordLen ( 128 - 1 )
+typedef struct PGPReconContext * PGPReconContextRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPReconContextRef ((PGPReconContextRef) NULL)
+#define PGPReconContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPReconContextRef )
+typedef char PGPReconPrompts[kPGPRecon_NumShares][kPGPRecon_MaxPromptLen + 1];
+typedef char PGPReconPasses[kPGPRecon_NumShares][kPGPRecon_MaxPassLen + 1];
+typedef PGPError (*PGPReconstructEventHandler)(PGPContextRef recon,
+ PGPEvent *event, PGPUserValue userValue);
+/* inAuthUser and inAuthPass are not needed if the server class
+ is kPGPKeyServerClass_PGP. */
+ PGPError
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef inTargetKey,
+ PGPUTF8 *inAuthUser, /* can be NULL */
+ PGPUTF8 *inAuthPass, /* can be NULL */
+ PGPReconstructEventHandler inHandler,
+ PGPUserValue inUserValue,
+ PGPReconContextRef *outRef );
+/* This is only needed if you have to change the event handler after
+ allocating the PGPReconContextRef */
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
+ PGPReconstructEventHandler inHandler,
+ PGPUserValue inUserValue );
+/* I don't think it makes sense to support split keys for reconstruction,
+ so we only take a passphrase below */
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
+ PGPReconPrompts inPromptInfo,
+ PGPReconPasses inPassInfo,
+ PGPUTF8 *inPassphrase );
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
+ PGPByte **reconData, /* must be freed by caller */
+ PGPSize *reconDataSize );
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef );
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
+ PGPReconPrompts outPromptInfo );
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
+ PGPReconPasses inPassInfo,
+ PGPByte **outReconData, /* must be freed by caller */
+ PGPSize *outReconSize );
+/* Reconstructed private key will be returned in
+ outReconstructedKey if successful. The imported
+ key will have no passphrase and thus the user must
+ then be forced to choose a new passphrase. */
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
+ PGPReconPasses inPassInfo,
+ PGPByte *inReconData,
+ PGPSize inReconDataSize,
+ PGPKeyDBRef *outReconstructedKey );
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef );
+ PGPError
+ PGPReconContextRef reconRef,
+ PGPUTF8 *pszServerURL,
+ PGPKeyServerClass dwServerType );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpReconstruct_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a964f40ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSECSH.h
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpSECSH.h,v 1.5 2002/08/06 20:11:16 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_PGPsecsh_h /* [ */
+#define Included_PGPsecsh_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+/* Message Types */
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_None 0
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_Disconnect 1
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_PublicKey 2
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_SessionKey 3
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_User 4
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRHosts 5
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRSA 6
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AuthRSAChallenge 7
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRSAResponse 8
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRSAPassword 9
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_RequestPTY 10
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_WindowSize 11
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_ExecShell 12
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_ExecCommand 13
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_Success 14
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_Failure 15
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_StdinData 16
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_StdoutData 17
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_StderrData 18
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_EOF 19
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_ExitStatus 20
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelOpenConfirm 21
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelOpenFailure 22
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelData 23
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelClose 24
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_ChannelCloseConfirm 25
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_X11Open 27
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_PortForwardRequest 28
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_PortOpen 29
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AgentRequestForwarding 30
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AgentOpen 31
+#define kPGPsecsh_Msg_Ignore 32
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_ExitConfirm 33
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_X11RequestForwarding 34
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthRHostsRSA 35
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_Debug 36
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_RequestCompression 37
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_MaxPacketSize 38
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthTIS 39
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AuthTISChallenge 40
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthTISResponse 41
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_AuthKerberos 42
+#define kPGPsecsh_SMsg_AuthKerberosResponse 43
+#define kPGPsecsh_CMsg_HaveKerberosTgt 44
+typedef struct PGPsecshContext * PGPsecshContextRef;
+typedef const struct PGPsecshContext * PGPsecshConstContextRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPsecshContextRef ((PGPsecshContextRef) NULL)
+#define PGPsecshContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPsecshContextRef )
+typedef struct PGPsecshSession * PGPsecshSessionRef;
+typedef const struct PGPsecshSession * PGPsecshConstSessionRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPsecshSessionRef ((PGPsecshSessionRef) NULL)
+#define PGPsecshSessionRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPsecshSessionRef )
+typedef PGPFlags PGPsecshFlags;
+#define kPGPsecshFlags_ServerSide 0x01
+#define kPGPsecshFlags_ClientSide 0x02
+#define kPGPsecshFlags_NonBlockingIO 0x04
+typedef PGPFlags PGPsecshProtocolFlags;
+#define kPGPsecshProtocolFlags_ScreenNumber 0x01
+#define kPGPsecshProtocolFlags_HostInFwdOpen 0x02
+enum PGPsecshProtocolState_
+ kPGPsecsh_IdleState = 0,
+ kPGPsecsh_FatalErrorState = 1,
+ kPGPsecsh_ClosedState = 2,
+ kPGPsecsh_HandshakeState = 3,
+ kPGPsecsh_ReadyState = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPsecshProtocolState_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPsecshProtocolState_, PGPsecshProtocolState );
+enum PGPsecshAlert_
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_CloseNotify = 0,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_UnexpectedMessage = 10, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_BadRecordCRC = 20, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_DecryptionFailed = 21, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_RecordOverflow = 22, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_DecompressionFailure = 30, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_HandshakeFailure = 40, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_IDFailure = 41,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_UnsupportedVersion = 42,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_UnsupportedCert = 43,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_CertRevoked = 44,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_CertExpired = 45,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_CertUnknown = 46,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_IllegalParameter = 47, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_UnknownCA = 48, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_AccessDenied = 49, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_DecodeError = 50, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_DecryptError = 51,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_ExportRestriction = 60, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_ProtocolVersion = 70, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_InsufficientSecurity = 71, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_InternalError = 80, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_UserCancelled = 90,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_NoRenegotiation = 100,
+ kPGPsecsh_AT_None = 255,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPsecshAlert_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPsecshAlert_, PGPsecshAlert );
+/* The Send and Receive function pointers should return
+ kPGPError_SECSHWouldBlock when the socket is non-blocking and the
+ call would block. The Send and Receive functions passed in will
+ need to translate the platform-specific socket error in appropriate
+ cases by using calls such as WSAGetLastError() on Win32. Remember
+ to call PGPsecshSendQueueIdle for non-blocking sockets also if
+ kPGPError_SECSHWouldBlock is returned from a send on a non-blocking
+ socket. */
+typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPsecshReceiveProcPtr)(void *inData, void *outBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferSize);
+typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPsecshSendProcPtr)(void *inData, const void *inBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferLength);
+PGPError PGPNewSECSHContext( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPsecshContextRef *outRef );
+PGPError PGPFreeSECSHContext( PGPsecshContextRef ref );
+ The following function activates or deactivates the session key cache
+ for SECSH sessions. This defaults to on but can be deactivated with this
+ function to force all connections to proceed through the entire
+ handshake.
+PGPError PGPsecshSetCache( PGPsecshContextRef ref, PGPBoolean useCache );
+PGPError PGPsecshClearCache( PGPsecshContextRef ref );
+PGPError PGPNewSECSHSession( PGPsecshContextRef ref, PGPsecshSessionRef *outRef );
+PGPError PGPFreeSECSHSession( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
+PGPError PGPCopySECSHSession( PGPsecshSessionRef ref, PGPsecshSessionRef *outRef );
+/* Default options are: client side, no protocol flags */
+PGPError PGPsecshSetProtocolOptions( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ PGPsecshFlags options,
+ PGPsecshProtocolFlags pflags );
+ The following function must be called to cleanly close a SECSH
+ connection. If it is not called, the session will not be able
+ to be resumed from the session cache.
+ In the event the application determines any problem with the
+ connection such as the remote key not being valid, call this
+ function with dontCache set to true in order to not cache the
+ session keys.
+PGPError PGPsecshClose( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ PGPBoolean dontCache );
+ The following function must be called to initiate the PGPsecsh session.
+ Once a SECSH session has been assigned to a socket, no data can be sent
+ over that socket by the application until the handshake is completed.
+ Handshake completion is indicated by completion of this call without
+ error or by checking the state of the PGPsecshSession. It will be
+ kPGPsecsh_ReadyState when the application layer may send and receive
+ data securely.
+ This function performs all negotiation of the SECSH connection.
+PGPError PGPsecshHandshake( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
+ The following function sets the local private authenticating key,
+ as well as other relevant data.
+ The passphrase, key etc. are retained in memory.
+ It is an error not to specify a key.
+ This function must be passed either PGPOPassphrase or PGPOPasskeyBuffer.
+ inKeyObject must be in a PGP private key. inHostKeys should be a keyset
+ where the host key of the remote system is found, if we are checking
+ for consistency of that key. See PGPsecshGetRemoteAuthenticatedKey
+ for how to learn what host key was used.
+ inUserName is used to log in on the remote system.
+ inHostName is used for the username on the host key if it isn't found
+ on the inHostKeys keyset.
+PGPError PGPsecshSetLocalPrivateKey( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ char * inUserName,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef inKeyObject,
+ char * inHostName,
+ PGPKeySetRef inHostKeys,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+ The following function gets the authenticated remote host key after a
+ successful handshake. You can call this function after a successful
+ handshake to verify that the remote key is authorized to make the
+ connection. The key returned will be on the inHostKeys keyset if it
+ matched one of the keys there; if it is a new host key which was not
+ in that keyset then it will be in a keyset & keydb of its own.
+PGPError PGPsecshGetRemoteAuthenticatedKey( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *outKey,
+ PGPKeyDBRef * outKeyDB );
+ The following function exports a PGP key in SECSH format. The resulting
+ line can be copied into the SECSH host file. inKey is the key to
+ export, and inUserName is the name which is put at the end of the line,
+ which is used only as a convenient label by SECSH software.
+ The data is returned in a null-terminated allocated buffer which the
+ caller should free.
+ PGPError
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef inKey,
+ char * inUserName,
+ char ** outBuffer,
+ PGPSize * outLength);
+ The following two functions process data through SECSH.
+ It is an error to call these functions without having set a
+ Read function pointer or Write function pointer.
+PGPError PGPsecshReceive( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ PGPByte * outType,
+ void ** outBuffer,
+ PGPSize * bufferSize );
+PGPError PGPsecshSend( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ PGPByte pktType,
+ const void * inBuffer,
+ PGPSize inBufferLength );
+ The following two functions set the callbacks which do the actual I/O.
+ The inData parameter is passed to the callback and may be e.g. a socket
+ handle.
+PGPError PGPsecshSetReceiveCallback( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ PGPsecshReceiveProcPtr secshReceiveProc,
+ void * inData );
+PGPError PGPsecshSetSendCallback( PGPsecshSessionRef ref,
+ PGPsecshSendProcPtr secshSendProc,
+ void * inData );
+ The following function is necessary *only* on a non-blocking socket.
+ If a call to PGPsecshSend returns kPGPError_SECSHWouldBlock, call
+ the following function repeatedly until that error is no longer
+ returned in order to make sure data is sent. Another call to
+ PGPsecshSend will also call this function automatically and queue
+ any new data if necessary.
+PGPError PGPsecshSendQueueIdle( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
+PGPSize PGPsecshReceiveBufferSize( PGPsecshSessionRef ref );
+ The following function gets the ID of the fatal alert which caused
+ the SECSH session to abort and go into the kPGPsecsh_FatalErrorState.
+PGPError PGPsecshGetAlert( PGPsecshSessionRef ref, PGPsecshAlert *outAlert );
+#endif /* ] Included_PGPsecsh_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSKEP.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSKEP.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..217c88e1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSKEP.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpSKEP.h,v 1.1 2004/04/01 11:45:40 wprice Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpSKEP_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpSKEP_h
+#include "pgpConfig.h"
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pgpErrors.h"
+#include "pgpShare.h"
+#include "pgpKeys.h"
+#include "pgpTLS.h"
+typedef struct PGPskep * PGPskepRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPskepRef ((PGPskepRef) NULL)
+#define PGPskepRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPskepRef )
+typedef enum _PGPskepEventType
+ kPGPskepEvent_NullEvent = 0, /* Nothing is happening */
+ kPGPskepEvent_ListenEvent = 1, /* Listening for data */
+ kPGPskepEvent_ConnectEvent = 2, /* Connection established */
+ kPGPskepEvent_AuthenticateEvent = 3, /* Remote site authenticated */
+ kPGPskepEvent_ProgressEvent = 4, /* Data flow progress */
+ kPGPskepEvent_CloseEvent = 5, /* Connection closing */
+ kPGPskepEvent_ShareEvent = 6, /* Share received */
+ kPGPskepEvent_PassphraseEvent = 7 /* Passphrase needed */
+} PGPskepEventType;
+typedef struct _PGPskepEventAuthenticateData
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef remoteKey;
+ const char * remoteHostname;
+ const char * remoteIPAddress;
+ PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum tlsCipher;
+} PGPskepEventAuthenticateData;
+typedef struct _PGPskepEventProgressData
+ PGPUInt32 bytesSoFar;
+ PGPUInt32 bytesTotal;
+} PGPskepEventProgressData;
+typedef struct _PGPskepEventShareData
+ PGPShareRef shares;
+} PGPskepEventShareData;
+typedef struct _PGPskepEventPassphraseData
+ char * passphrase;
+ PGPByte * passkey;
+ PGPSize passkeySize;
+} PGPskepEventPassphraseData;
+typedef union _PGPskepEventData
+ PGPskepEventAuthenticateData ad;
+ PGPskepEventProgressData pd;
+ PGPskepEventShareData sd;
+ PGPskepEventPassphraseData ppd;
+} PGPskepEventData;
+typedef struct _PGPskepEvent
+ PGPskepEventType type;
+ PGPskepEventData data;
+} PGPskepEvent;
+typedef PGPError (*PGPskepEventHandler)(PGPskepRef skep,
+ PGPskepEvent *event, PGPUserValue userValue);
+#pragma import on
+PGPError PGPNewSKEP(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPtlsContextRef tlsContext,
+ PGPskepRef *skep);
+PGPError PGPskepSetEventHandler(PGPskepRef skep,
+ PGPskepEventHandler handler, PGPUserValue userValue);
+PGPError PGPskepSendShares(PGPskepRef skep, PGPKeyDBObjRef authKey,
+ const char *passphrase, PGPShareRef shares,
+ const char *destSocketAddress);
+PGPError PGPskepReceiveShares(PGPskepRef skep, PGPKeyDBObjRef authKey,
+ const char *passphrase);
+PGPError PGPskepCancel(PGPskepRef skep);
+PGPError PGPFreeSKEP(PGPskepRef skep);
+PGPContextRef PGPGetSKEPContext(PGPskepRef skep);
+#pragma import reset
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpSKEP_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpShare.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpShare.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04d6da569c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpShare.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpShare.h,v 1.1 2004/04/01 11:45:40 wprice Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpShare_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpShare_h
+#include "pgpConfig.h"
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pgpKeys.h"
+typedef struct PGPShare * PGPShareRef;
+typedef struct PGPShareID_
+ PGPByte data[8];
+} PGPShareID;
+#define kInvalidPGPShareRef ((PGPShareRef) NULL)
+#define PGPShareRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPShareRef )
+#pragma import on
+PGPError PGPCreateShares(PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBObjRef key,
+ PGPUInt32 threshold, PGPUInt32 numShares,
+ PGPShareRef *share);
+/* The passkey needs to be freed with PGPFreeData(passkey) */
+PGPError PGPGetPasskeyFromShares(PGPShareRef share, PGPByte **passkey,
+ PGPSize *passkeySize);
+PGPError PGPSplitShares(PGPShareRef share, PGPUInt32 numShares,
+ PGPShareRef *splitShares);
+/* The share objects being combined are NOT freed by this function */
+PGPError PGPCombineShares(PGPShareRef firstShare, PGPShareRef secondShare,
+ PGPShareRef *combinedShares);
+PGPError PGPFreeShares(PGPShareRef share);
+PGPError PGPGetKeyIDFromShares(PGPShareRef share, PGPKeyID *id);
+PGPError PGPGetShareID(PGPShareRef share, PGPShareID *id);
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetShareThreshold(PGPShareRef share);
+/* This is the number of shares contained in the share object */
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetNumberOfShares(PGPShareRef share);
+/* The share object may contain less than the total number of shares */
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetTotalNumberOfShares(PGPShareRef share);
+PGPBoolean IsSamePGPShares(PGPShareRef firstShare, PGPShareRef secondShare);
+/* If firstID < secondID, -1 */
+/* If firstID > secondID, 1 */
+/* If firstID = secondID, 0 */
+PGPInt32 PGPCompareShareIDs(PGPShareID firstID, PGPShareID secondID);
+#pragma import reset
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpShare_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpShareFile.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpShareFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a7aa3e920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpShareFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpShareFile.h,v 1.1 2004/04/01 11:45:40 wprice Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpShareFile_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpShareFile_h
+#include "pgpConfig.h"
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pgpErrors.h"
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pflTypes.h"
+#include "pgpShare.h"
+typedef struct PGPShareFile * PGPShareFileRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPShareFileRef ((PGPShareFileRef) NULL)
+#define PGPShareFileRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPShareFileRef )
+#pragma import on
+PGPError PGPNewShareFile(PFLFileSpecRef shareFileSpec,
+ PGPShareFileRef *shareFileRef);
+PGPError PGPFreeShareFile(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef);
+/* The share object needs to be freed with PGPFreeShares(shares) */
+PGPError PGPCopySharesFromFile(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef, PGPOptionListRef optionList,
+ PGPShareRef *shares);
+PGPError PGPCopySharesToFile(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef, PGPOptionListRef optionList,
+ PGPShareRef shares);
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileUserID(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, PGPUTF8 *userID, PGPSize *fullSize);
+PGPError PGPSetShareFileUserID(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ const PGPUTF8 *userID);
+PGPError PGPOpenShareFile(PFLFileSpecRef shareFileSpec,
+ PGPShareFileRef *shareFileRef);
+PGPError PGPSaveShareFile(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef);
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileSpec(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ PFLFileSpecRef *shareFileSpec);
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileShareID(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ PGPShareID *id);
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileOwnerKeyID(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ PGPKeyID *id);
+PGPError PGPSetShareFileOwnerKeyID(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ const PGPKeyID id);
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileOwnerFingerprint(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, void *fingerprint, PGPSize *fullSize);
+PGPError PGPSetShareFileOwnerFingerprint(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, const void *fingerprint);
+PGPError PGPGetShareFileSharedKeyID(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef,
+ PGPKeyID *id);
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetShareThresholdInFile(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef);
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetNumSharesInFile(PGPShareFileRef shareFileRef);
+PGPBoolean IsSamePGPSharesInFiles(PGPShareFileRef firstFile,
+ PGPShareFileRef secondFile);
+#pragma import reset
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpShareFile_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e82ab45026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSockets.h
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpSockets.h,v 1.8 2003/12/13 01:20:39 dallen Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpSockets_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpSockets_h
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "pgpOptionList.h"
+#include "pgpTLS.h"
+#include "pgpErrors.h"
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/socket.h>
+# include <sys/time.h> /* Needed for struct timeval */
+# include <sys/ioctl.h> /* Need FIONREAD */
+# include <sys/filio.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#endif /* ! PGP_UNIX_LINUX */
+# include <netinet/in.h>
+# include <netdb.h>
+#if PGP_WIN32
+# include <winsock.h>
+typedef int PGPSocketRef;
+typedef SOCKET PGPSocketRef;
+ * Unix and Windows share the same Berkeley socket interface. This isn't
+ * the most efficient Windows implmentation of TCP/IP, but it is
+ * compatible with UNIX berkeley sockets, making cross-platform possible.
+ *
+ * Trying to write cross-platform win32 TCP/IP code using all the fancy
+ * dancy Win32 network functions would be nearly impossible IMHO
+ *
+ * The Mac doesn't have the berkeley stuff, so we roll our own for all
+ * of the structures.
+ *
+ * Start with Unix and Win32
+ */
+#if PGP_UNIX || PGP_WIN32
+# define kInvalidPGPSocketRef ((PGPSocketRef) (~0))
+ typedef struct hostent PGPHostEntry;
+ typedef struct protoent PGPProtocolEntry;
+ typedef struct servent PGPServiceEntry;
+ typedef struct sockaddr_in PGPSocketAddressInternet;
+ typedef struct sockaddr PGPSocketAddress;
+ typedef struct in_addr PGPInternetAddress;
+ typedef fd_set PGPSocketSet;
+ typedef struct timeval PGPSocketsTimeValue;
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_CLEAR(socketRef, set) FD_CLR((int) (socketRef), (set))
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_SET(socketRef, set) FD_SET((int) (socketRef), (set))
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_ZERO(set) FD_ZERO((set))
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_ISSET(socketRef, set) FD_ISSET((int) (socketRef), (set))
+ /* Address families */
+ enum {
+ kPGPAddressFamilyUnspecified = AF_UNSPEC,
+ kPGPAddressFamilyInternet = AF_INET
+ };
+ /* Protocol families */
+ enum {
+ kPGPProtocolFamilyInternet = PF_INET
+ };
+ /* Types */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketTypeStream = SOCK_STREAM,
+ kPGPSocketTypeDatagram = SOCK_DGRAM
+ };
+ /* Commands for PGPIOControlSocket */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketCommandGetUnreadData = FIONREAD
+ };
+ /* Levels for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketOptionLevelSocket = SOL_SOCKET
+ };
+ /* Options for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketOptionAcceptingConnections = SO_ACCEPTCONN,
+ kPGPSocketOptionType = SO_TYPE
+ };
+ /* Protocols */
+ enum {
+ };
+ /* Send flags */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSendFlagNone = 0
+ };
+ /* Receive flags */
+ enum {
+ kPGPReceiveFlagNone = 0
+ };
+ /* Internet Addresses */
+ enum {
+ kPGPInternetAddressAny = INADDR_ANY
+ };
+#endif /* PGP_UNIX || PGP_WIN32 */
+ * Onto the Mac, where we need to create our own versions of the various
+ * structures.
+ */
+# define kInvalidPGPSocketRef ((PGPSocketRef) NULL)
+ typedef struct PGPInternetAddress {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ PGPByte s_b1;
+ PGPByte s_b2;
+ PGPByte s_b3;
+ PGPByte s_b4;
+ } S_un_b;
+ struct {
+ PGPUInt16 s_w1;
+ PGPUInt16 s_w2;
+ } S_un_w;
+ PGPUInt32 S_addr;
+ } S_un;
+# define s_addr S_un.S_addr
+ } PGPInternetAddress;
+ typedef struct PGPSocketAddressInternet {
+ PGPInt16 sin_family;
+ PGPUInt16 sin_port;
+ PGPInternetAddress sin_addr;
+ PGPByte sin_zero[8];
+ } PGPSocketAddressInternet;
+ typedef struct PGPSocketAddress {
+ PGPUInt16 sa_family;
+ PGPByte sa_data[14];
+ } PGPSocketAddress;
+ typedef struct PGPHostEntry {
+ char * h_name;
+ char ** unused;
+ PGPInt16 h_addrtype;
+ PGPInt16 h_length;
+ char ** h_addr_list;
+# define h_addr h_addr_list[0]
+ } PGPHostEntry;
+ typedef struct PGPProtocolEntry {
+ char * p_name;
+ char ** p_aliases;
+ PGPInt16 p_proto;
+ } PGPProtocolEntry;
+ typedef struct PGPServiceEntry {
+ char * s_name;
+ char ** s_aliases;
+ PGPUInt16 s_port;
+ char * s_proto;
+ } PGPServiceEntry;
+ /* Select types and defines */
+# endif
+ typedef struct PGPSocketSet {
+ PGPUInt16 fd_count;
+ } PGPSocketSet;
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_CLEAR(socketRef, set) do { \
+ PGPUInt16 __i; \
+ for (__i = 0; __i < ((PGPSocketSet * (set))->fd_count; __i++) { \
+ if (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[__i] == socketRef) { \
+ while (__i < (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count - 1)) { \
+ ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[__i] = \
+ ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[__i + 1]; \
+ __i++; \
+ } \
+ ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count--; \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_SET(socketRef, set) do { \
+ if (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count < PGPSOCKETSET_SETSIZE) { \
+ ((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_array[((PGPSocketSet *) \
+ (set))->fd_count++] = (socketRef); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_ZERO(set) (((PGPSocketSet *) (set))->fd_count = 0)
+ PGPInt32 __PGPSocketsIsSet(PGPSocketRef, PGPSocketSet *);
+# define PGPSOCKETSET_ISSET(socketRef, set) __PGPSocketsIsSet( \
+ (socketRef),(set))
+ typedef struct PGPSocketsTimeValue {
+ PGPInt32 tv_sec; /* seconds */
+ PGPInt32 tv_usec; /* and microseconds */
+ } PGPSocketsTimeValue;
+ /* Address families */
+ enum {
+ kPGPAddressFamilyUnspecified = 0,
+ kPGPAddressFamilyInternet = 2
+ };
+ /* Protocol families */
+ enum {
+ kPGPProtocolFamilyInternet = kPGPAddressFamilyInternet
+ };
+ /* Types */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketTypeStream = 1,
+ kPGPSocketTypeDatagram = 2
+ };
+ /* Commands for PGPIOControlSocket */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketCommandGetUnreadData = (0x40000000
+ | (((long) sizeof(PGPUInt32) & 0x7F) << 16) | ('f' << 8) | 127)
+ };
+ /* Levels for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketOptionLevelSocket = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ };
+ /* Options for PGPGetSocketOptions and PGPSetSocketOptions */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSocketOptionAcceptingConnections = 0x00000002,
+ kPGPSocketOptionType = 0x00001008
+ };
+ /* Protocols */
+ enum {
+ kPGPTCPProtocol = 6,
+ kPGPUDPProtocol = 17
+ };
+ /* Send flags */
+ enum {
+ kPGPSendFlagNone = 0
+ };
+ /* Receive flags */
+ enum {
+ kPGPReceiveFlagNone = 0
+ };
+ /* Internet Addresses */
+ enum {
+ kPGPInternetAddressAny = 0x00000000
+ };
+#endif /* PGP_MACINTOSH */
+ * Some global things for all platforms
+ */
+#define PGPSocketRefIsValid(ref) ((ref) != kInvalidPGPSocketRef)
+typedef struct PGPSocketsThreadStorage * PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef;
+# define kInvalidPGPSocketsThreadStorageRef \
+ ((PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef) NULL)
+#define PGPSocketsThreadStorageRefIsValid(ref) \
+ ((ref) != kInvalidPGPSocketsThreadStorageRef)
+extern PGPSocketAddressInternet kPGPAddressAny;
+/* Errors */
+#define kPGPSockets_Error -1
+/* Net byte ordering macros (PGP_WORDSBIGENDIAN defined by configure) */
+# define PGPHostToNetLong(x) (x)
+# define PGPHostToNetShort(x) (x)
+# define PGPNetToHostLong(x) (x)
+# define PGPNetToHostShort(x) (x)
+ PGPInt32 PGPHostToNetLong(PGPInt32 x);
+ PGPInt16 PGPHostToNetShort(PGPInt16 x);
+ PGPInt32 PGPNetToHostLong(PGPInt32 x);
+ PGPInt16 PGPNetToHostShort(PGPInt16 x);
+ * Shared function interface (except for idle handler code)
+ */
+ * Use the idle event handler to receive periodic idle events during
+ * network calls. Usually this is used only in non-preemptive multi-tasking
+ * OSes to allow yielding in threads. Pre-emptive multi-tasking systems
+ * should probably not use the call as it interrupts the efficient wait state
+ * of threads waiting on network calls.
+ *
+ * Idle event handlers need to be added on a per thread basis.
+ *
+ * Returning an error from the idle event handler will cause the socket
+ * that is blocking to close.
+ *
+ */
+PGPError PGPSetSocketsIdleEventHandler(
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr inCallback,
+ PGPUserValue inUserData);
+PGPError PGPGetSocketsIdleEventHandler(
+ PGPEventHandlerProcPtr * outCallback,
+ PGPUserValue * outUserData);
+/* Static storage creation */
+PGPError PGPSocketsCreateThreadStorage(
+ PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef * outPreviousStorage);
+PGPError PGPSocketsDisposeThreadStorage(
+ PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef inPreviousStorage);
+/* Stack based class for saving and restoring thread storage */
+#ifdef __cplusplus /* [ */
+class StPGPPreserveSocketsStorage {
+ StPGPPreserveSocketsStorage() : mStorage(NULL)
+ { PGPSocketsCreateThreadStorage(&mStorage); }
+ ~StPGPPreserveSocketsStorage()
+ { PGPSocketsDisposeThreadStorage(mStorage); }
+ PGPSocketsThreadStorageRef mStorage;
+#endif /* ] __cplusplus */
+/* Initialization and termination */
+PGPError PGPSocketsInit(void);
+void PGPSocketsCleanup(void);
+/* Socket creation and destruction */
+PGPSocketRef PGPOpenSocket(PGPInt32 inAddressFamily, PGPInt32 inSocketType,
+ PGPInt32 inSocketProtocol);
+PGPInt32 PGPCloseSocket(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef);
+/* Endpoint binding */
+PGPInt32 PGPBindSocket(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
+ const PGPSocketAddress * inAddress,
+ PGPInt32 inAddressLength);
+PGPInt32 PGPConnect(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
+ const PGPSocketAddress * inServerAddress,
+ PGPInt32 inAddressLength);
+/* Send functions */
+PGPInt32 PGPSend(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, const void * inBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferLength, PGPInt32 inFlags);
+PGPInt32 PGPWrite(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, const void * inBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferLength);
+PGPInt32 PGPSendTo(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, const void * inBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferLength, PGPInt32 inFlags,
+ PGPSocketAddress * inAddress,
+ PGPInt32 inAddressLength);
+/* Receive functions */
+PGPInt32 PGPReceive(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, void * outBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferSize, PGPInt32 inFlags);
+PGPInt32 PGPRead(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, void * outBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferSize);
+PGPInt32 PGPReceiveFrom(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, void * outBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferSize, PGPInt32 inFlags,
+ PGPSocketAddress * outAddress,
+ PGPInt32 * ioAddressLength);
+/* Server functions */
+PGPInt32 PGPListen(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, PGPInt32 inMaxBacklog);
+PGPSocketRef PGPAccept(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
+ PGPSocketAddress * outAddress,
+ PGPInt32 * ioAddressLength);
+/* Select */
+/* Note that inNumSetCount is not used under Mac and Windows */
+PGPInt32 PGPSelect(PGPInt32 inNumSetCount,
+ PGPSocketSet * ioReadSet,
+ PGPSocketSet * ioWriteSet,
+ PGPSocketSet * ioErrorSet,
+ const PGPSocketsTimeValue * inTimeout);
+/* DNS and protocol services */
+PGPHostEntry * PGPGetHostByName(const PGPChar8 * inName);
+PGPHostEntry * PGPGetHostByAddress(const PGPChar8 * inAddress,
+ PGPInt32 inLength,
+ PGPInt32 inType);
+PGPInt32 PGPGetHostName(PGPChar8 * outName, PGPInt32 inNameLength);
+PGPProtocolEntry * PGPGetProtocolByName(const PGPChar8 * inName);
+PGPProtocolEntry * PGPGetProtocolByNumber(PGPInt32 inNumber);
+PGPServiceEntry * PGPGetServiceByName(const PGPChar8 * inName,
+ const PGPChar8 * inProtocol);
+PGPServiceEntry * PGPGetServiceByPort(PGPInt32 inPort,
+ const PGPChar8 * inProtocol);
+/* Error reporting */
+PGPError PGPGetLastSocketsError(void);
+/* Utilities */
+PGPInt32 PGPGetSocketName(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
+ PGPSocketAddress * outName,
+ PGPInt32 * ioNameLength);
+PGPInt32 PGPGetPeerName(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
+ PGPSocketAddress * outName,
+ PGPInt32 * ioNameLength);
+PGPUInt32 PGPDottedToInternetAddress(const PGPChar8 * inAddress);
+PGPChar8 * PGPInternetAddressToDottedString(PGPInternetAddress inAddress);
+/* Control and options */
+PGPInt32 PGPIOControlSocket(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
+ PGPInt32 inCommand, PGPUInt32 * ioParam);
+PGPInt32 PGPGetSocketOptions(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, PGPInt32 inLevel,
+ PGPInt32 inOptionName,
+ PGPChar8 * outOptionValue,
+ PGPInt32 * ioOptionLength);
+PGPInt32 PGPSetSocketOptions(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef, PGPInt32 inLevel,
+ PGPInt32 inOptionName,
+ const PGPChar8 * inOptionValue,
+ PGPInt32 inOptionLength);
+/* TLS */
+PGPError PGPSocketsEstablishTLSSession(PGPSocketRef inSocketRef,
+ PGPtlsSessionRef inTLSSession);
+#endif /* Included_pgpSockets_h */
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSymmetricCipher.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSymmetricCipher.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61a700e33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpSymmetricCipher.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpSymmetricCipher.h,v 1.7 2003/10/07 01:29:44 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpSymmetricCipher_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpSymmetricCipher_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+ Create a new cipher of the specified algorithm. The cipher cannot be used
+ until PGPInitSymmetricCipher() has been called.
+ If the algorithm is not available then kPGPError_AlgorithmNotAvailable is
+ returned.
+PGPError PGPNewSymmetricCipherContext( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPCipherAlgorithm algorithm,
+ PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef *outRef );
+ Disposal clears all data in memory before releasing it.
+PGPError PGPFreeSymmetricCipherContext( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref );
+ Make an exact copy of the cipher, including the key.
+PGPError PGPCopySymmetricCipherContext( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef *outRef );
+ The key must be set before using; a cipher can be repeatedly reset and
+ reused with different keys to avoid having to create and destroy new
+ contexts each time (and it's also cryptographically better not to reuse
+ a key).
+ Key size is implicit based on algorithm. 'key' is *copied*. Caller
+ may want to destroy the original after passing it in.
+PGPError PGPInitSymmetricCipher( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ const void *key );
+ Wipe any sensitive data in the cipher. Cipher remains alive, but
+ key must be set before any data is encrypted.
+PGPError PGPWipeSymmetricCipher( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref );
+ "Wash" the symmetric cipher
+PGPError PGPWashSymmetricCipher( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ void const *buf, PGPSize len);
+ Encrypt or decrypt one "block" of data. The block size is determined
+ by the cipher (see PGPGetSymmetricCipherSizes()).
+PGPError PGPSymmetricCipherEncrypt( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ const void *in, void *out );
+PGPError PGPSymmetricCipherDecrypt( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ const void *in, void *out );
+ Determine key and block size for specified algorithm. Stateless routine
+ does not need a context.
+PGPError PGPGetSymmetricCipherSizes( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ PGPSize *keySize, PGPSize *blockSize );
+ * This function integrates stream ciphers into framework of block API.
+ * To encrypt/decrypt data, the caller works with stream cipher in ECB block
+ * mode and calls this function before and after the last block.
+ * There is a feedback between the previous block and the current
+ * block for stream ciphers, so ECB for stream ciphers is similiar to CBC
+ * with fixed IV for block ciphers.
+ *
+ * To indicate the real size of input data the caller must call this function
+ * with 'size'=0xffffffff before the last block to save a state and then
+ * call this function again after the last block was encrypted/decrypted
+ * with the 'size' set to the real number of bytes in the buffer. This
+ * operation is similiar to padding for block ciphers.
+PGPError PGPSymmetricCipherRollback( PGPSymmetricCipherContextRef ref,
+ PGPSize size );
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpSymmetricCipher_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpTLS.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpTLS.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f901b1b0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpTLS.h
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ $Id: pgpTLS.h,v 1.13 2004/04/06 05:00:58 wprice Exp $
+#ifndef Included_PGPtls_h /* [ */
+#define Included_PGPtls_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+typedef struct PGPtlsContext * PGPtlsContextRef;
+typedef const struct PGPtlsContext * PGPtlsConstContextRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPtlsContextRef ((PGPtlsContextRef) NULL)
+#define PGPtlsContextRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPtlsContextRef )
+typedef struct PGPtlsSession * PGPtlsSessionRef;
+typedef const struct PGPtlsSession * PGPtlsConstSessionRef;
+#define kInvalidPGPtlsSessionRef ((PGPtlsSessionRef) NULL)
+#define PGPtlsSessionRefIsValid( ref ) ( (ref) != kInvalidPGPtlsSessionRef )
+typedef PGPFlags PGPtlsFlags;
+#define kPGPtlsFlags_ServerSide 0x01
+#define kPGPtlsFlags_ClientSide 0x02
+#define kPGPtlsFlags_RequestClientCert 0x04
+#define kPGPtlsFlags_NonBlockingIO 0x08
+enum PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum_
+ kPGPtls_TLS_RSA_WITH_ARC4_128_SHA = 10,
+ kPGPtls_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA = 11,
+ kPGPtls_TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = 15,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum_, PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum );
+enum PGPtlsProtocolState_
+ kPGPtls_IdleState = 0,
+ kPGPtls_FatalErrorState = 1,
+ kPGPtls_ClosedState = 2,
+ kPGPtls_HandshakeState = 3,
+ kPGPtls_ReadyState = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsProtocolState_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsProtocolState_, PGPtlsProtocolState );
+enum PGPtlsPrime_
+ kPGPtls_DHPrime1024 = 0,
+ kPGPtls_DHPrime1536 = 1,
+ kPGPtls_DHPrime2048 = 2,
+ kPGPtls_DHPrime3072 = 3,
+ kPGPtls_DHPrime4096 = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsPrime_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsPrime_, PGPtlsPrime );
+enum PGPtlsAlert_
+ kPGPtls_AT_CloseNotify = 0,
+ kPGPtls_AT_UnexpectedMessage = 10, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_BadRecordMAC = 20, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_DecryptionFailed = 21, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_RecordOverflow = 22, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_DecompressionFailure = 30, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_HandshakeFailure = 40, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_NoCertificate = 41, /* SSL3 */
+ kPGPtls_AT_BadCertificate = 42,
+ kPGPtls_AT_UnsupportedCert = 43,
+ kPGPtls_AT_CertRevoked = 44,
+ kPGPtls_AT_CertExpired = 45,
+ kPGPtls_AT_CertUnknown = 46,
+ kPGPtls_AT_IllegalParameter = 47, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_UnknownCA = 48, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_AccessDenied = 49, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_DecodeError = 50, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_DecryptError = 51,
+ kPGPtls_AT_ExportRestriction = 60, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_ProtocolVersion = 70, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_InsufficientSecurity = 71, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_InternalError = 80, /* FATAL */
+ kPGPtls_AT_UserCancelled = 90,
+ kPGPtls_AT_NoRenegotiation = 100,
+ kPGPtls_AT_None = 255,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPtlsAlert_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPtlsAlert_, PGPtlsAlert );
+/* The Send and Receive function pointers should return
+ kPGPError_TLSWouldBlock when the socket is non-blocking and the
+ call would block. The Send and Receive functions passed in will
+ need to translate the platform-specific socket error in appropriate
+ cases by using calls such as WSAGetLastError() on Win32. Remember
+ to call PGPtlsSendQueueIdle for non-blocking sockets also if
+ kPGPError_TLSWouldBlock is returned from a send on a non-blocking
+ socket. */
+typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPtlsReceiveProcPtr)(void *inData, void *outBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 outBufferSize);
+typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPtlsSendProcPtr)(void *inData, const void *inBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 inBufferLength);
+typedef PGPInt32 (* PGPtlsPeekProcPtr)(void *inData, void *outBuffer,
+ PGPInt32 outBufferSize);
+PGPError PGPNewTLSContext( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPtlsContextRef *outRef );
+PGPError PGPFreeTLSContext( PGPtlsContextRef ref );
+ The following function activates or deactivates the session key cache
+ for TLS sessions. This defaults to on but can be deactivated with this
+ function to force all connections to proceed through the entire
+ handshake.
+PGPError PGPtlsSetCache( PGPtlsContextRef ref, PGPBoolean useCache );
+PGPError PGPtlsClearCache( PGPtlsContextRef ref );
+PGPError PGPNewTLSSession( PGPtlsContextRef ref, PGPtlsSessionRef *outRef );
+PGPError PGPFreeTLSSession( PGPtlsSessionRef ref );
+PGPError PGPCopyTLSSession( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsSessionRef *outRef );
+/* Default options are client side and no client cert request */
+PGPError PGPtlsSetProtocolOptions( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsFlags options );
+ The following function must be called to cleanly close a TLS
+ connection. If it is not called, the session will not be able
+ to be resumed from the session cache.
+ In the event the application determines any problem with the
+ connection such as the remote key not being valid, call this
+ function with dontCache set to true in order to not cache the
+ session keys.
+PGPError PGPtlsClose( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPBoolean dontCache );
+ The following function must be called to identify cached TLS session.
+ During a handshake resulting in reused TLS sessions no certificate exchange
+ is taking place, so certificate or certificate chain cannot be queried by
+ a call to PGPtlsGetRemoteAuthenticatedKey(). Remote peer's authentication
+ keys are assumed to be authorized by the application when it earlier placed
+ a session into a cache by calling PGPtlsClose(session, FALSE), so the "TRUE"
+ return value means "already authorized session".
+ There is no need to call this function if no caching is done, for example,
+ if PGPtlsClose(session, FALSE) is never called or cache is
+ disabled / cleared in PGPtlsContextRef.
+PGPError PGPtlsIsReusedSession( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPBoolean *reused );
+ The following function must be called to initiate the PGPtls session.
+ Once a TLS session has been assigned to a socket, no data can be sent
+ over that socket by the application until the handshake is completed.
+ Handshake completion is indicated by completion of this call without
+ error or by checking the state of the PGPtlsSession. It will be
+ kPGPtls_ReadyState when the application layer may send and receive
+ data securely.
+ This function performs all negotiation of the TLS connection.
+PGPError PGPtlsHandshake( PGPtlsSessionRef ref );
+ The following function should be called before PGPtlsHandshake.
+ In the general case, the remoteID will be an IP address. This
+ is provided to PGPtls in order to allow it to cache the current
+ session and be able to look it up later. If the remoteID passed
+ into a future session is the same as a previously cached session,
+ PGPtls will attempt to resume the session.
+PGPError PGPtlsSetRemoteUniqueID( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPUInt32 remoteID );
+ The following function sets the local private authenticating key.
+ The passphrase and key are retained in memory. By default, no
+ key is specified and a client side session will return no key in the
+ client key exchange message to the server.
+ It is an error not to specify a key on a server side TLS session.
+ This function must be passed either PGPOPassphrase or PGPOPasskeyBuffer.
+ You may pass in just a PGP key, PGP w/ X.509 cert, or both -- and they
+ must be the same -- the cert must be from the key. For an X.509 cert,
+ the inCertChain keyset must contain the keys of all keys in the
+ certificate chain for that certificate up to the root. The inCertChain
+ keyset must remain valid for the lifetime of the TLS connection.
+PGPError PGPtlsSetLocalPrivateKey( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef inKeyObject,
+ PGPKeySetRef inCertChain,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+ The following function sets the preferred cipher suite.
+ There is no guarantee that cipher will actually be negotiated,
+ but it will be attempted in preference to others.
+PGPError PGPtlsSetPreferredCipherSuite( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum cipher );
+ The following function sets the desired DH prime.
+ The requested primes are drawn from a set of primes hard-coded
+ into PGPtls. New primes can be added in a fully compatible
+ fashion since the server sends the prime to the client, but this
+ version of the API does not support passing in a desired prime. The
+ default prime if this function is not called is kPGPtls_DHPrime2048.
+PGPError PGPtlsSetDHPrime( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsPrime prime );
+ The following function gets the authenticated remote key after a
+ successful handshake. You must call this function after a successful
+ handshake to verify that the remote key is authorized to make the
+ connection.
+PGPError PGPtlsGetRemoteAuthenticatedKey( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef *outKey,
+ PGPKeyDBRef * outKeyDB );
+ The following function returns the negotiated symmetric cipher.
+ This function will return an error if called before a successful
+ handshake.
+PGPError PGPtlsGetNegotiatedCipherSuite( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsCipherSuiteNum *outCipher );
+PGPError PGPtlsGetState( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsProtocolState *outState );
+ The following two functions process data through TLS.
+ It is an error to call these functions without having set a
+ Read function pointer or Write function pointer. Most applications
+ will never need to use these functions as the function pointers
+ are automatically configured by PGPsockets, and these functions
+ are automatically called by the PGPsockets implementations of
+ PGPWrite and PGPRead whenever a PGPtlsSessionRef has been set for
+ a given socket.
+PGPError PGPtlsReceive( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ void * outBuffer,
+ PGPSize * bufferSize );
+PGPError PGPtlsSend( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ const void * inBuffer,
+ PGPSize inBufferLength );
+PGPError PGPtlsSetReceiveCallback( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsReceiveProcPtr tlsReceiveProc,
+ void * inData );
+PGPError PGPtlsSetSendCallback( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsSendProcPtr tlsSendProc,
+ void * inData );
+PGPError PGPtlsSetPeekCallback( PGPtlsSessionRef ref,
+ PGPtlsPeekProcPtr tlsPeekProc,
+ void * inData );
+ The following function is necessary *only* on a non-blocking socket.
+ If a call to PGPtlsSend returns kPGPError_TLSWouldBlock, call
+ the following function repeatedly until that error is no longer
+ returned in order to make sure data is sent. Another call to
+ PGPtlsSend will also call this function automatically and queue
+ any new data if necessary.
+PGPError PGPtlsSendQueueIdle( PGPtlsSessionRef ref );
+PGPSize PGPtlsReceiveBufferSize( PGPtlsSessionRef ref );
+ The following function gets the ID of the fatal alert which caused
+ the TLS session to abort and go into the kPGPtls_FatalErrorState.
+PGPError PGPtlsGetAlert( PGPtlsSessionRef ref, PGPtlsAlert *outAlert );
+const PGPChar * PGPtlsGetAlertString( PGPtlsAlert alert );
+#endif /* ] Included_PGPtls_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUserInterface.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUserInterface.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..210f1656f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUserInterface.h
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file contains the prototypes for functions which use UI to interact
+ with the user.
+ $Id: pgpUserInterface.h,v 1.21 2003/09/24 03:09:32 ajivsov Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpUserInterface_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpUserInterface_h
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpTLS.h"
+#if PGP_WIN32
+#include "windows.h"
+#pragma options align=mac68k
+enum PGPAdditionalRecipientRequestEnforcement_
+ kPGPARREnforcement_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPARREnforcement_None = 1,
+ kPGPARREnforcement_Warn = 2,
+ kPGPARREnforcement_Strict = 3,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPAdditionalRecipientRequestEnforcement_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPAdditionalRecipientRequestEnforcement_,
+ PGPAdditionalRecipientRequestEnforcement );
+enum PGPRecipientSpecType_
+ kPGPRecipientSpecType_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPRecipientSpecType_Key = 1,
+ kPGPRecipientSpecType_UserID = 2,
+ kPGPRecipientSpecType_KeyID = 3,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPRecipientSpecType_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPRecipientSpecType_, PGPRecipientSpecType );
+enum PGPRecipientSpecFlags_
+ kPGPRecipientSpecFlags_Locked = (1UL << 0),
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPRecipientSpecFlags_ )
+typedef PGPFlags PGPRecipientSpecFlags;
+typedef struct PGPRecipientSpec
+ PGPRecipientSpecType type;
+ PGPRecipientSpecFlags flags;
+ PGPUInt32 reserved32[3]; /* Must be zero */
+ union
+ {
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef key;
+ PGPChar8 userIDStr[256]; /* Null terminated string */
+ PGPKeyID keyID;
+ } u;
+} PGPRecipientSpec;
+typedef struct PGPKeyServerSpec
+ PGPKeyServerRef server;
+ const PGPChar8 *serverName; /* Optional */
+ const PGPChar8 *serverDomain; /* Optional */
+} PGPKeyServerSpec;
+#pragma options align=reset
+PGPError PGPRecipientDialog( PGPContextRef context, PGPKeyDBRef sourceKeys,
+ PGPBoolean alwaysDisplayDialog, PGPKeyDBRef *recipientKeys,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPPassphraseDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPConfirmationPassphraseDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPKeyPassphraseDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef keyDBObject, PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPSigningPassphraseDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBRef sourceKeys, PGPKeyDBObjRef *signingKey,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPDecryptionPassphraseDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeySetRef recipientKeys, PGPUInt32 keyIDCount,
+ const PGPKeyID keyIDList[], PGPKeyDBObjRef *decryptionKey,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPConventionalEncryptionPassphraseDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPConventionalDecryptionPassphraseDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPOptionsDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPCollectRandomDataDialog( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 neededEntropyBits,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPSearchKeyServerDialog(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 serverCount,
+ const PGPKeyServerSpec serverList[],
+ PGPtlsContextRef tlsContext,
+ PGPBoolean searchAllServers,
+ PGPKeyDBRef *foundKeys,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPError PGPSendToKeyServerDialog(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPKeyServerSpec *server,
+ PGPtlsContextRef tlsContext,
+ PGPKeySetRef keysToSend,
+ PGPKeySetRef *failedKeys,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+** Returns a value in the range 0-100 which crudely estimates
+** the "quality" of a passphrase.
+#undef PGPEstimatePassphraseQuality
+PGPUInt32 PGPEstimatePassphraseQuality( const PGPChar8 *passphrase );
+/* General dialog options */
+#undef PGPOUIDialogPrompt
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDialogPrompt( PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *prompt );
+#undef PGPOUIWindowTitle
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIWindowTitle( PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *title );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDialogOptions( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ... );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDialogContextHelpButton(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean showDialogContextHelpButton);
+#if PGP_WIN32
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIParentWindowHandle( PGPContextRef context,
+ HWND hwndParent );
+/* All passphrase dialogs */
+/* Caller should free passphrase with PGPFreeData() */
+#undef PGPOUIOutputPassphrase
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIOutputPassphrase( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPChar8 **passphrase );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIMinimumPassphraseQuality( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 minimumPassphraseQuality );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIMinimumPassphraseLength( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 minimumPassphraseLength );
+/* Will cause the dialog to cancel if there has been no activity for x seconds */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDialogTimeout( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 seconds);
+/* PGPConfirmationPassphraseDialog() options */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIShowPassphraseQuality( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean showPassphraseQuality );
+/* PGPSigningPassphraseDialog() and PGPDecryptionPassphraseDialog() options */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDefaultKey( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef defaultKey );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIVerifyPassphrase( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean verifyPassphrase );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIFindMatchingKey( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean findMatchingKey );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUITextUI( PGPContextRef context, PGPBoolean textUI );
+/* PGPRecipientDialog() options: */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIRecipientList( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 *recipientCount,
+ PGPRecipientSpec **recipientList );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDefaultRecipients( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 recipientCount,
+ const PGPRecipientSpec recipientList[] );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIDisplayMarginalValidity( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean displayMarginalValidity );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIIgnoreMarginalValidity( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPBoolean ignoreMarginalValidity );
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIEnforceAdditionalRecipientRequests(
+ PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPAdditionalRecipientRequestEnforcement enforcement,
+ PGPBoolean alwaysDisplayDialogWithARRs);
+/* PGPDecryptionPassphraseDialog() and PGPRecipientDialog() only: */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIKeyServerUpdateParams(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 serverCount,
+ const PGPKeyServerSpec serverList[],
+ PGPtlsContextRef tlsContext,
+ PGPBoolean searchBeforeDisplay,
+ PGPKeyDBRef *foundKeys,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+/* Key server search dialog options */
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIKeyServerSearchFilter(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFilterRef filter);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIKeyServerSearchKey(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeyDBObjRef searchKeyObject);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIKeyServerSearchKeySet(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPKeySetRef keySet);
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIKeyServerSearchKeyIDList(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 keyIDCount, const PGPKeyID keyIDList[] );
+** These options are used to build the options dialog and are only
+** applicable for the PGPOptionsDialog() and PGPOUIDialogOptions() calls.
+** The "description" parameters are optional.
+#undef PGPOUICheckbox
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUICheckbox(PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 itemID,
+ const PGPChar8 *title, const PGPChar8 *description,
+ PGPUInt32 initialValue, PGPUInt32 *resultPtr,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+#undef PGPOUIPopupList
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIPopupList(PGPContextRef context, PGPUInt32 itemID,
+ const PGPChar8 *title, const PGPChar8 *description,
+ PGPUInt32 listItemCount, const PGPChar8 *listItems[],
+ PGPUInt32 initialValue, PGPUInt32 *resultPtr,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption, ...);
+#include "pgpGroups.h"
+PGPOptionListRef PGPOUIRecipientGroups(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPGroupSetRef groupSet);
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpUserInterface_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc1ca20d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file contains miscellaneous utility functions needed for the PGPsdk.
+ $Id: pgpUtilities.h,v 2004/05/05 17:02:51 vinnie Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpUtilities_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpUtilities_h
+#include <time.h>
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pflTypes.h"
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpMemoryMgr.h"
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH /* [ */
+#include <Files.h>
+#elif PGP_OSX
+ struct FSSpec;
+#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
+#pragma options align=mac68k /* [ */
+ kPGPsdk20APIVersion = 0x01000000,
+ kPGPsdkAPIVersion = kPGPsdk20APIVersion
+enum PGPNotificationReason_
+ kPGPNotification_KeyDBChanged = 0,
+ kPGPNotification_PassphraseCacheChanged = 1,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPNotificationReason_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPNotificationReason_, PGPNotificationReason );
+typedef PFLLanguage PGPLanguage;
+enum PGPLanguage_
+ kPGPLanguage_Default = 0,
+ kPGPLanguage_English = 1,
+ kPGPLanguage_Japanese = 2,
+ kPGPLanguage_German = 3,
+ kPGPLanguage_Spanish = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPLanguage_ )
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPkeys 'pgpK'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPtools 'pgpM'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPnet 'PGPn'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPdisk 'pgpD'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPadmin 'PGPa'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedBinary '\?\?\?\?'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedText 'ttxt'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_ArmorFile 'TEXT'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_EncryptedData 'pgEF'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_SignedData 'pgSF'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_DetachedSig 'pgDS'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_RandomSeed 'pgRS'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_PrivRing 'pgRR'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_PubRing 'pgPR'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_Groups 'pgGR'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_NetHosts 'pgHO'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_NetRules 'pgRU'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_Preferences 'pref'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedText 'TEXT'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedBinary 'BINA'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_KeyShares 'pgSK'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_Exported509Keys 'pgX5'
+#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
+ PGPsdk initialization
+ Call PGPsdkXXXInit() before using that particular library.
+ Call PGPsdkXXXCleanup() when you are done (but after disposing of any
+ PGPContexts).
+ You may call PGPsdkXXXInit multiple times (with no effect), but be sure
+ to call the matching PGPsdkXXXCleanup() for each call to PGPsdkXXXInit().
+#define kPGPFlags_ForceLocalExecution 0x2
+#define kPGPFlags_SuppressCacheThread 0x4
+PGPError PGPsdkInit( PGPFlags options ) ;
+PGPError PGPsdkSetLanguage( PGPFileSpecRef langStringsHome, PGPLanguage lang );
+PGPError PGPsdkCleanup( void );
+PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibInit( PGPFlags options );
+PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibCleanup( void );
+PGPError PGPsdkUILibInit( PGPFlags options );
+PGPError PGPsdkUILibCleanup( void );
+PGPError PGPLoadPluginModule( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef moduleFile, PGPFileSpecRef sigFile,
+ PGPUInt32 *nCipher, PGPUInt32 *nHash, PGPUInt32 *nPubkey );
+ PGPsdk version information
+ A version in the PGPsdk is expressed as follows:
+ Major version (1 byte)
+ Minor version (1 byte)
+ Bug fix revision (1 byte)
+ Reserved (1 byte)
+ example: 1.7.1 = 0x01070100
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetPGPsdkVersion( void );
+ PGPsdk version string
+ Return a C string of the form:
+ "PGPsdk 3.0 Copyright (C) 2003 PGP Corporation
+#undef PGPGetPGPsdkVersionString
+PGPError PGPGetPGPsdkVersionString( PGPChar8 versionString[ 256 ] );
+ PGPsdk API version information
+ The API version of the PGPsdk is distinct from the externally visible
+ version number. The API version is revised only when API changes are made,
+ while the external version is changed whenever any code is changed, API or
+ otherwise. The format of the API version is identical to the format of the
+ external version. A change in the major API version implies incompatability
+ with previous API versions while a change in the minor version implies API
+ additions which maintain backwards compatability.
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetPGPsdkAPIVersion( void );
+ PGPsdk context manipulation
+typedef struct PGPCustomContextInfo
+ PGPUInt32 sdkAPIVersion; /* Use kPGPsdkAPIVersion */
+ PGPMemoryMgrRef memoryMgr;
+ PGPUserValue userValue;
+} PGPCustomContextInfo;
+PGPError PGPNewContext( PGPUInt32 sdkAPIVersion, PGPContextRef *newContext );
+PGPError PGPNewContextCustom( const PGPCustomContextInfo *contextInfo,
+ PGPContextRef *newContext );
+PGPError PGPFreeContext( PGPContextRef context );
+PGPError PGPGetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUserValue *userValue );
+PGPError PGPSetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUserValue userValue );
+PGPError PGPContextGetRandomBytes(PGPContextRef context,
+ void *buf, PGPSize len );
+PGPUInt32 PGPContextReserveRandomBytes(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 minSize );
+PGPMemoryMgrRef PGPPeekContextMemoryMgr( PGPContextRef context );
+ PGP file management
+ All files in PGP are represented using an opage data type PGPFileSpecRef.
+ These data types are created using a fully qualified path or, on the
+ Macintosh, an FSSpec. The
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */
+PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFSSpec( PGPContextRef context, const struct FSSpec *spec,
+ PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+PGPError PGPGetFSSpecFromFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, struct FSSpec *spec );
+#undef PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath
+PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath( PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *path, PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+** The full path is an allocated object which needs to be deallocated with
+** PGPFreeData()
+#undef PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpec
+PGPError PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
+ PGPChar8 **fullPathPtr);
+PGPError PGPCopyFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+PGPError PGPFreeFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef );
+#undef PGPRenameFile
+PGPError PGPRenameFile( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, const PGPChar8 *newName );
+PGPError PGPDeleteFile( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef );
+ PGP time/date functions
+PGPTime PGPGetTime(void);
+/* these use time_t type as returned by time() in Std C libraries */
+time_t PGPGetStdTimeFromPGPTime( PGPTime theTime );
+PGPTime PGPGetPGPTimeFromStdTime( time_t theTime );
+/* year, month, day may be NULL if desired */
+void PGPGetYMDFromPGPTime( PGPTime theTime, PGPUInt16 *year,
+ PGPUInt16 *month, PGPUInt16 *day );
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */
+PGPUInt32 PGPTimeToMacTime( PGPTime theTime );
+PGPTime PGPTimeFromMacTime( PGPUInt32 theTime );
+#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
+ MacBinary support
+ Examine the input file to see if it's a MacBinary file. If it is
+ not a MacBinary file, then the original file is unaltered.
+ Otherwise, the file is converted and the original file is deleted.
+ The resulting file is designated by 'outPGPSpec' and may have a different
+ name than the original.
+ If the file is a TEXT file, appropriate line-end conversion is done.
+ creator and type code pointers may be
+ null but otherwise contain the mac creator and type.
+ This routine can be called on a Mac, but generally doesn't need to be.
+PGPError PGPMacBinaryToLocal( PGPFileSpecRef inSpec,
+ PGPFileSpecRef * outSpec, PGPUInt32 * macCreator,
+ PGPUInt32 * macTypeCode );
+ Notification callbacks on PGPKeyDB changes from SDK Service
+typedef void (*PGPNotificationHandlerProc)( PGPUserValue userValue,
+ PGPNotificationReason reason,
+ PGPUInt32 param1,
+ PGPUInt32 param2 );
+PGPError PGPSetNotificationCallback( PGPNotificationHandlerProc proc,
+ PGPUserValue userValue );
+Disk and File Wipe Pattern Support
+PGPError PGPNewWipePatternContext ( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPInt32 numPasses,
+ PGPWipePatternContextRef *outRef);
+/* fill a 1024 byte, long word alligned buffer with a pattern to wipe with */
+PGPError PGPWipePatternNext( PGPWipePatternContextRef ref,
+ void * buffer, PGPSize bufferSize);
+PGPError PGPWipePatternRewind( PGPWipePatternContextRef wipeRef);
+PGPError PGPFreeWipePatternContext(PGPWipePatternContextRef ref);
+PGPError PGPWipeFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPInt32 numPasses,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+ PGP TAR/UnTAR functions that work with TAR cache
+enum PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_File = 1,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_SymLink = 2,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Directory = 3,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Deleted = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_, PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType );
+enum PGPTARCacheObjProperty_
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Invalid = 0,
+ /* string properties */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Name = 100,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_User = 101,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Group = 102,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Contents = 103,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Link = 104,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Size = 105, /* PGPUInt64 */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_FilePos = 106, /* PGPFileOffset */
+ /* PGPTime properties */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Date = 200,
+ /* Numeric properties */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Mode = 302,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Attribute = 303,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPTARCacheObjProperty_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPTARCacheObjProperty_, PGPTARCacheObjProperty );
+enum PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_None = 0,
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Mutable = (1UL << 0 ),
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Create = (1UL << 1 ),
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_PreloadAll = (1UL << 2 ),
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_, PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions );
+PGPError PGPOpenTARCacheFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions options,
+ PGPFileSpecRef tarcache,
+ void *sessionKey,
+ PGPSize sessionKeyBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *sessionKeySize, /* can be NULL if not kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Create */
+ PGPTARCacheRef *outRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+PGPError PGPFreeTARCache(PGPTARCacheRef ref);
+PGPError PGPNewTARCacheIter( PGPTARCacheRef tar, PGPTARCacheIterRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPFreeTARCacheIter( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter);
+PGPInt32 PGPTARCacheIterIndex( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterRewind( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterMove( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPInt32 relOffset, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterNextTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterPrevTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterGetTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjNumericProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, PGPInt32 *prop );
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjTimeProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, PGPTime *prop);
+ PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjDataProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, void *buffer,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjAllocatedDataProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, void **buffer,
+ PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPDeleteTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheObjRef tarObj );
+PGPError PGPExportTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheObjRef tarObj,
+ PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+PGPError PGPCountObjsInTARCache( PGPTARCacheRef ref, PGPUInt32 *numItems );
+PGPError PGPImportTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheRef tarCache,
+ PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
+ PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+FIPS 140-2 Support
+enum PGPsdkSelfTest_
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_FirstTest = 1,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_3DES = 1,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_DSA = 2,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_AES = 3,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_RSA = 4,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_SHA = 5,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_HMAC = 6,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_EC = 7,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_PRNG = 8,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_Integrity = 9,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_LastTest = kPGPsdkSelfTest_Integrity,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPsdkSelfTest_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPsdkSelfTest_, PGPsdkSelfTest );
+PGPError PGPEnableFIPSMode(void);
+PGPError PGPGetSDKErrorState(void);
+PGPError PGPResetSDKErrorState(void);
+PGPError PGPRunSDKSelfTest(PGPsdkSelfTest whichTest);
+PGPError PGPRunAllSDKSelfTests(void);
+#pragma options align=reset /* ] */
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpUtilities_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
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