path: root/plugins/CryptoPP/src/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h
diff options
authorKirill Volinsky <>2012-07-20 16:21:49 +0000
committerKirill Volinsky <>2012-07-20 16:21:49 +0000
commitf424a18112032cf61d2871a6b91a5af607c171ae (patch)
tree88fedc4e28941ceecda7026f0b06eba6271f91d5 /plugins/CryptoPP/src/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h
parentbfe1bd0fc087be44c70904aee0fe4276643d206d (diff)
changed folder structure git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/CryptoPP/src/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h')
1 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CryptoPP/src/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h b/plugins/CryptoPP/src/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc1ca20d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/CryptoPP/src/PGPw/sdk8/include/pgpUtilities.h
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2002 PGP Corporation
+ All rights reserved.
+ This file contains miscellaneous utility functions needed for the PGPsdk.
+ $Id: pgpUtilities.h,v 2004/05/05 17:02:51 vinnie Exp $
+#ifndef Included_pgpUtilities_h /* [ */
+#define Included_pgpUtilities_h
+#include <time.h>
+#include "pgpBase.h"
+#include "pflTypes.h"
+#include "pgpPubTypes.h"
+#include "pgpMemoryMgr.h"
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH /* [ */
+#include <Files.h>
+#elif PGP_OSX
+ struct FSSpec;
+#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
+#pragma options align=mac68k /* [ */
+ kPGPsdk20APIVersion = 0x01000000,
+ kPGPsdkAPIVersion = kPGPsdk20APIVersion
+enum PGPNotificationReason_
+ kPGPNotification_KeyDBChanged = 0,
+ kPGPNotification_PassphraseCacheChanged = 1,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPNotificationReason_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPNotificationReason_, PGPNotificationReason );
+typedef PFLLanguage PGPLanguage;
+enum PGPLanguage_
+ kPGPLanguage_Default = 0,
+ kPGPLanguage_English = 1,
+ kPGPLanguage_Japanese = 2,
+ kPGPLanguage_German = 3,
+ kPGPLanguage_Spanish = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPLanguage_ )
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPkeys 'pgpK'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPtools 'pgpM'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPnet 'PGPn'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPdisk 'pgpD'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_PGPadmin 'PGPa'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedBinary '\?\?\?\?'
+#define kPGPMacFileCreator_DecryptedText 'ttxt'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_ArmorFile 'TEXT'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_EncryptedData 'pgEF'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_SignedData 'pgSF'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_DetachedSig 'pgDS'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_RandomSeed 'pgRS'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_PrivRing 'pgRR'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_PubRing 'pgPR'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_Groups 'pgGR'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_NetHosts 'pgHO'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_NetRules 'pgRU'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_Preferences 'pref'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedText 'TEXT'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_DecryptedBinary 'BINA'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_KeyShares 'pgSK'
+#define kPGPMacFileType_Exported509Keys 'pgX5'
+#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
+ PGPsdk initialization
+ Call PGPsdkXXXInit() before using that particular library.
+ Call PGPsdkXXXCleanup() when you are done (but after disposing of any
+ PGPContexts).
+ You may call PGPsdkXXXInit multiple times (with no effect), but be sure
+ to call the matching PGPsdkXXXCleanup() for each call to PGPsdkXXXInit().
+#define kPGPFlags_ForceLocalExecution 0x2
+#define kPGPFlags_SuppressCacheThread 0x4
+PGPError PGPsdkInit( PGPFlags options ) ;
+PGPError PGPsdkSetLanguage( PGPFileSpecRef langStringsHome, PGPLanguage lang );
+PGPError PGPsdkCleanup( void );
+PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibInit( PGPFlags options );
+PGPError PGPsdkNetworkLibCleanup( void );
+PGPError PGPsdkUILibInit( PGPFlags options );
+PGPError PGPsdkUILibCleanup( void );
+PGPError PGPLoadPluginModule( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPFileSpecRef moduleFile, PGPFileSpecRef sigFile,
+ PGPUInt32 *nCipher, PGPUInt32 *nHash, PGPUInt32 *nPubkey );
+ PGPsdk version information
+ A version in the PGPsdk is expressed as follows:
+ Major version (1 byte)
+ Minor version (1 byte)
+ Bug fix revision (1 byte)
+ Reserved (1 byte)
+ example: 1.7.1 = 0x01070100
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetPGPsdkVersion( void );
+ PGPsdk version string
+ Return a C string of the form:
+ "PGPsdk 3.0 Copyright (C) 2003 PGP Corporation
+#undef PGPGetPGPsdkVersionString
+PGPError PGPGetPGPsdkVersionString( PGPChar8 versionString[ 256 ] );
+ PGPsdk API version information
+ The API version of the PGPsdk is distinct from the externally visible
+ version number. The API version is revised only when API changes are made,
+ while the external version is changed whenever any code is changed, API or
+ otherwise. The format of the API version is identical to the format of the
+ external version. A change in the major API version implies incompatability
+ with previous API versions while a change in the minor version implies API
+ additions which maintain backwards compatability.
+PGPUInt32 PGPGetPGPsdkAPIVersion( void );
+ PGPsdk context manipulation
+typedef struct PGPCustomContextInfo
+ PGPUInt32 sdkAPIVersion; /* Use kPGPsdkAPIVersion */
+ PGPMemoryMgrRef memoryMgr;
+ PGPUserValue userValue;
+} PGPCustomContextInfo;
+PGPError PGPNewContext( PGPUInt32 sdkAPIVersion, PGPContextRef *newContext );
+PGPError PGPNewContextCustom( const PGPCustomContextInfo *contextInfo,
+ PGPContextRef *newContext );
+PGPError PGPFreeContext( PGPContextRef context );
+PGPError PGPGetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUserValue *userValue );
+PGPError PGPSetContextUserValue( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUserValue userValue );
+PGPError PGPContextGetRandomBytes(PGPContextRef context,
+ void *buf, PGPSize len );
+PGPUInt32 PGPContextReserveRandomBytes(PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPUInt32 minSize );
+PGPMemoryMgrRef PGPPeekContextMemoryMgr( PGPContextRef context );
+ PGP file management
+ All files in PGP are represented using an opage data type PGPFileSpecRef.
+ These data types are created using a fully qualified path or, on the
+ Macintosh, an FSSpec. The
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */
+PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFSSpec( PGPContextRef context, const struct FSSpec *spec,
+ PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+PGPError PGPGetFSSpecFromFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, struct FSSpec *spec );
+#undef PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath
+PGPError PGPNewFileSpecFromFullPath( PGPContextRef context,
+ const PGPChar8 *path, PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+** The full path is an allocated object which needs to be deallocated with
+** PGPFreeData()
+#undef PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpec
+PGPError PGPGetFullPathFromFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
+ PGPChar8 **fullPathPtr);
+PGPError PGPCopyFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, PGPFileSpecRef *ref );
+PGPError PGPFreeFileSpec( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef );
+#undef PGPRenameFile
+PGPError PGPRenameFile( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef, const PGPChar8 *newName );
+PGPError PGPDeleteFile( PGPFileSpecRef fileRef );
+ PGP time/date functions
+PGPTime PGPGetTime(void);
+/* these use time_t type as returned by time() in Std C libraries */
+time_t PGPGetStdTimeFromPGPTime( PGPTime theTime );
+PGPTime PGPGetPGPTimeFromStdTime( time_t theTime );
+/* year, month, day may be NULL if desired */
+void PGPGetYMDFromPGPTime( PGPTime theTime, PGPUInt16 *year,
+ PGPUInt16 *month, PGPUInt16 *day );
+#if PGP_MACINTOSH || PGP_OSX /* [ */
+PGPUInt32 PGPTimeToMacTime( PGPTime theTime );
+PGPTime PGPTimeFromMacTime( PGPUInt32 theTime );
+#endif /* ] PGP_MACINTOSH */
+ MacBinary support
+ Examine the input file to see if it's a MacBinary file. If it is
+ not a MacBinary file, then the original file is unaltered.
+ Otherwise, the file is converted and the original file is deleted.
+ The resulting file is designated by 'outPGPSpec' and may have a different
+ name than the original.
+ If the file is a TEXT file, appropriate line-end conversion is done.
+ creator and type code pointers may be
+ null but otherwise contain the mac creator and type.
+ This routine can be called on a Mac, but generally doesn't need to be.
+PGPError PGPMacBinaryToLocal( PGPFileSpecRef inSpec,
+ PGPFileSpecRef * outSpec, PGPUInt32 * macCreator,
+ PGPUInt32 * macTypeCode );
+ Notification callbacks on PGPKeyDB changes from SDK Service
+typedef void (*PGPNotificationHandlerProc)( PGPUserValue userValue,
+ PGPNotificationReason reason,
+ PGPUInt32 param1,
+ PGPUInt32 param2 );
+PGPError PGPSetNotificationCallback( PGPNotificationHandlerProc proc,
+ PGPUserValue userValue );
+Disk and File Wipe Pattern Support
+PGPError PGPNewWipePatternContext ( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPInt32 numPasses,
+ PGPWipePatternContextRef *outRef);
+/* fill a 1024 byte, long word alligned buffer with a pattern to wipe with */
+PGPError PGPWipePatternNext( PGPWipePatternContextRef ref,
+ void * buffer, PGPSize bufferSize);
+PGPError PGPWipePatternRewind( PGPWipePatternContextRef wipeRef);
+PGPError PGPFreeWipePatternContext(PGPWipePatternContextRef ref);
+PGPError PGPWipeFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPInt32 numPasses,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+ PGP TAR/UnTAR functions that work with TAR cache
+enum PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_File = 1,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_SymLink = 2,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Directory = 3,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjAttribute_Deleted = 4,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType_, PGPTARCacheObjAttributeType );
+enum PGPTARCacheObjProperty_
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Invalid = 0,
+ /* string properties */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Name = 100,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_User = 101,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Group = 102,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Contents = 103,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Link = 104,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Size = 105, /* PGPUInt64 */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_FilePos = 106, /* PGPFileOffset */
+ /* PGPTime properties */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Date = 200,
+ /* Numeric properties */
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Mode = 302,
+ kPGPTARCacheObjProperty_Attribute = 303,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPTARCacheObjProperty_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPTARCacheObjProperty_, PGPTARCacheObjProperty );
+enum PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_None = 0,
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Mutable = (1UL << 0 ),
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Create = (1UL << 1 ),
+ kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_PreloadAll = (1UL << 2 ),
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_ )
+} ;
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_, PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions );
+PGPError PGPOpenTARCacheFile( PGPContextRef context,
+ PGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions options,
+ PGPFileSpecRef tarcache,
+ void *sessionKey,
+ PGPSize sessionKeyBufferSize,
+ PGPSize *sessionKeySize, /* can be NULL if not kPGPOpenTARCacheFileOptions_Create */
+ PGPTARCacheRef *outRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+PGPError PGPFreeTARCache(PGPTARCacheRef ref);
+PGPError PGPNewTARCacheIter( PGPTARCacheRef tar, PGPTARCacheIterRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPFreeTARCacheIter( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter);
+PGPInt32 PGPTARCacheIterIndex( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterRewind( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterMove( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPInt32 relOffset, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterNextTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterPrevTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPTARCacheIterGetTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheIterRef iter, PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef);
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjNumericProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, PGPInt32 *prop );
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjTimeProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, PGPTime *prop);
+ PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjDataProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, void *buffer,
+ PGPSize bufferSize, PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPGetTARCacheObjAllocatedDataProperty( PGPTARCacheObjRef obj,
+ PGPTARCacheObjProperty whichProperty, void **buffer,
+ PGPSize *dataSize);
+PGPError PGPDeleteTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheObjRef tarObj );
+PGPError PGPExportTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheObjRef tarObj,
+ PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+PGPError PGPCountObjsInTARCache( PGPTARCacheRef ref, PGPUInt32 *numItems );
+PGPError PGPImportTARCacheObj( PGPTARCacheRef tarCache,
+ PGPFileSpecRef fileRef,
+ PGPTARCacheObjRef *outRef,
+ PGPOptionListRef firstOption,
+ ...);
+FIPS 140-2 Support
+enum PGPsdkSelfTest_
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_Invalid = 0,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_FirstTest = 1,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_3DES = 1,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_DSA = 2,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_AES = 3,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_RSA = 4,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_SHA = 5,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_HMAC = 6,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_EC = 7,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_PRNG = 8,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_Integrity = 9,
+ kPGPsdkSelfTest_LastTest = kPGPsdkSelfTest_Integrity,
+ PGP_ENUM_FORCE( PGPsdkSelfTest_ )
+PGPENUM_TYPEDEF( PGPsdkSelfTest_, PGPsdkSelfTest );
+PGPError PGPEnableFIPSMode(void);
+PGPError PGPGetSDKErrorState(void);
+PGPError PGPResetSDKErrorState(void);
+PGPError PGPRunSDKSelfTest(PGPsdkSelfTest whichTest);
+PGPError PGPRunAllSDKSelfTests(void);
+#pragma options align=reset /* ] */
+#endif /* ] Included_pgpUtilities_h */
+ Local Variables:
+ tab-width: 4
+ End:
+ vi: ts=4 sw=4
+ vim: si