path: root/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Cryptors/Athena/UAthena.pas
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2013-11-21 14:03:28 +0000
committerGeorge Hazan <>2013-11-21 14:03:28 +0000
commit06f3246b6342b0f0910a01be82689d9aca5aa1aa (patch)
tree411564fed5d64ed34a24640f4ea6c140de3055d9 /plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Cryptors/Athena/UAthena.pas
parentb3003cc96456a60832e0a90b7ed6b847ea8b833b (diff)
now it's safe to forget about mmap_sa forever
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Cryptors/Athena/UAthena.pas')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Cryptors/Athena/UAthena.pas b/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Cryptors/Athena/UAthena.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 15a9674e0c..0000000000
--- a/plugins/Dbx_mmap_SA/Cryptors/Athena/UAthena.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-unit UAthena;
- Athena: cryptor module for Miranda SecuredMMAP Database driver
- Copyright 2007-2008 Klyde
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- md5_unit, windows;
- Arr = array of byte;
- PArr = ^Arr;
- Function MD5_Mod(const s: AnsiString; block_count: byte): AnsiString;
- Procedure MakeKey(key: PArr; len: word; const pwd: AnsiString);
- Procedure EncryptData(key: PArr; data: PByte; size: LongWord);
- Procedure DecryptData(key: PArr; data: PByte; size: LongWord);
-Function str_back(const s: AnsiString): AnsiString;
- i: integer;
- result := '';
- for i := Length(s) downto 1 do result := result + s[i];
-Function MD5_Mod(const s: AnsiString; block_count: byte): AnsiString;
- s1, s2, sb : AnsiString;
- k : word;
- sb := str_back(s);
- s2 := '';
- For k := 1 to block_count do
- Begin
- s1 := md5(s + sb);
- s2 := str_back(s2 + md5(s1+sb+s2));
- End;
- result := s2;
-Procedure MakeKey(key: PArr; len: word; const pwd: AnsiString);
- s : AnsiString;
- i : word;
- dummy: integer;
- if len > 64 then Len := ((Len div 16) + 1)*16 else Len := 64;
- SetLength(key^, Len);
- s := MD5_mod(pwd, len div 16);
- for i := 1 to length(s) div 2 do
- begin
- val('$' + copy(s, i*2 - 1, 2),key^[i-1],dummy);
- end;
-Procedure GetNENum(key: arr; var n1, n2: LongWord);
- i: LongWord;
- n1 := 0;
- n2 := 0;
- for i := 0 to Length(key) - 1 do
- Begin
- n1 := n1 + key[i] + (i + 1)*(n1+1);
- n2 := n2 + key[i] - (i + 1)*(n2+1);
- end;
- n1 := n1*2 + 1;
- n2 := n2*2 + 3;
-Procedure SimGamm(key: PArr; data: PByte; size: LongWord);
- kg : Arr;
- i, n1, n2 : LongWord;
- lk, k1, k2 : word;
- lk := Length(key^);
- SetLength(kg, lk);
- for i := 0 to lk - 1 do kg[i] := key^[i];
- GetNENum(kg, n1, n2);
- For i := 1 to size - 1 do
- Begin
- if (i mod lk) = 0 then GetNENum(kg, n1, n2);
- k1 := (i+n1+7)*n2 mod lk;
- k2 := (i+n2+3)*n1 mod lk;
- PByte(uint_ptr(data)+i)^ := PByte(uint_ptr(data)+i)^ xor kg[k1] xor kg[k2];
- kg[k1] := kg[k1]*k1 + kg[k2] + i*k2;
- kg[k2] := kg[k2]*k2 + kg[k1] + i*k1;
- end;
-Procedure Left(key: PArr; data: PByte; size: LongWord);
- k : Arr;
- i, n1, n2 : LongWord;
- lk, k1, k2 : word;
- lk := Length(key^);
- SetLength(k, lk);
- for i := 0 to lk - 1 do k[i] := key^[i];
- GetNENum(k, n1, n2);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- k1 := (n2 + lk)*n1 mod lk;
- k2 := (n1 + lk)*n2 mod lk;
- data^ := data^ xor k[k1] xor k[k2];
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For i := 1 to size - 1 do
- Begin
- k1 := (i+n1)*n2 mod lk;
- k2 := (i+n2)*n1 mod lk;
- PByte(uint_ptr(data)+i)^ := PByte(uint_ptr(data)+i)^ xor ((PByte(uint_ptr(data)+i-1)^ xor k[k1]) xor k[k2]);
- end;
-Procedure Right(key: PArr; data: PByte; size: LongWord);
- k : Arr;
- i, n1, n2 : LongWord;
- lk, k1, k2 : word;
- lk := Length(key^);
- SetLength(k, lk);
- for i := 0 to lk - 1 do k[i] := key^[i];
- GetNENum(k, n1, n2);
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For i := size - 1 downto 1 do
- Begin
- k1 := (i+n1)*n2 mod lk;
- k2 := (i+n2)*n1 mod lk;
- PByte(uint_ptr(data) + i)^ := PByte(uint_ptr(data)+i)^ xor ((PByte(uint_ptr(data) + i - 1)^ xor k[k1]) xor k[k2]);
- end;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- k1 := (n2 + lk)*n1 mod lk;
- k2 := (n1 + lk)*n2 mod lk;
- data^ := data^ xor k[k1] xor k[k2];
-Procedure EncryptData(key: PArr; data: PByte; size: LongWord);
- Left(key, data, size);
- SimGamm(key, data, size);
-Procedure DecryptData(key: PArr; data: PByte; size: LongWord);
- SimGamm(key, data, size);
- Right(key, data, size);