path: root/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_libJSON.h
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authorKirill Volinsky <>2012-05-23 05:53:27 +0000
committerKirill Volinsky <>2012-05-23 05:53:27 +0000
commitc2d827972a16f1710406d15e58304aecc4e1c9b5 (patch)
treed30fc5ed89d067e3f885b7fd05544047fd0d45a9 /plugins/ExternalAPI/m_libJSON.h
parentf6a9dc6e0bc5fe02e9ad6c9b047a1af874423ea3 (diff)
moved some api headers
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ExternalAPI/m_libJSON.h')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_libJSON.h b/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_libJSON.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c9597a496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ExternalAPI/m_libJSON.h
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+#ifndef MIM_LIBJSON_H
+#define MIM_LIBJSON_H
+#define IsJSONServiceAvailable() (ServiceExists(MS_JSON_FREE))
+#define json_getJSI(a) CallService(MS_JSON_GETINTERFACE,(WPARAM)a,0)
+#ifndef LIBJSON_H
+ #define JSONNODE void //so that JSONNODE* is void*
+// This function get the service interface for direct calling
+// lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+typedef struct {
+ /*
+ stuff that's in namespace libJSON
+ */
+ void (*free)(void * str);
+ void (*delete_)(JSONNODE * node);
+ void (*free_all)(void);
+ void (*delete_all)(void);
+ // #endif
+ JSONNODE * (*parse)(const char * json);
+ char * (*strip_white_space)(const char * json);
+ // #ifdef JSON_VALIDATE
+ JSONNODE * (*validate)(const char * json);
+ // #endif
+ /*
+ stuff that's in class JSONNode
+ */
+ //ctors
+ JSONNODE * (*new_a)(const char * name, const char * value);
+ JSONNODE * (*new_i)(const char * name, long value);
+ JSONNODE * (*new_f)(const char * name, double value);
+ JSONNODE * (*new_b)(const char * name, int value); //because C bools are ints and C++ will implicitly cast it
+ JSONNODE * (*new_)(char type);
+ JSONNODE * (*copy)(const JSONNODE * orig);
+ JSONNODE * (*duplicate)(const JSONNODE * orig);
+ //assignment
+ void (*set_a)(JSONNODE * node, const char * value);
+ void (*set_i)(JSONNODE * node, long value);
+ void (*set_f)(JSONNODE * node, double value);
+ void (*set_b)(JSONNODE * node, int value); //because C bools are ints ane C++ will implicit
+ void (*set_n)(JSONNODE * node, const JSONNODE * orig);
+ //inspectors
+ char (*type)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ unsigned int (*size)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ int (*empty)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ char * (*name)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ // #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS
+ char * (*get_comment)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ // #endif
+ char * (*as_string)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ long (*as_int)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ double (*as_float)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ int (*as_bool)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ JSONNODE * (*as_node)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ JSONNODE * (*as_array)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ // #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ void * (*as_binary)(const JSONNODE * node, unsigned long * size);
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef JSON_WRITER
+ char * (*write)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ char * (*write_formatted)(const JSONNODE * node);
+ // #endif
+ //modifiers
+ void (*set_name)(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ // #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS
+ void (*set_comment)(JSONNODE * node, const char * comment);
+ // #endif
+ void (*clear)(JSONNODE * node);
+ void (*nullify)(JSONNODE * node);
+ void (*swap)(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+ void (*merge)(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+ // #ifndef JSON_PREPARSE
+ void (*preparse)(JSONNODE * node);
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ void (*set_binary)(JSONNODE * node, const void * data, unsigned long length);
+ // #endif
+ void (*cast)(JSONNODE * node, char type);
+ //children access
+ void (*reserve)(JSONNODE * node, unsigned int siz);
+ JSONNODE * (*at)(JSONNODE * node, unsigned int pos);
+ JSONNODE * (*get)(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ JSONNODE * (*get_nocase)(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ JSONNODE * (*pop_back_nocase)(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ // #endif
+ void (*push_back)(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+ JSONNODE * (*pop_back_at)(JSONNODE * node, unsigned int pos);
+ JSONNODE * (*pop_back)(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ // #ifdef JSON_ITERATORS
+ JSONNODE_ITERATOR (*find)(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ JSONNODE_ITERATOR (*find_nocase)(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ // #endif
+ //iterator functions
+ // #endif
+ //comparison
+ int (*equal)(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+#ifndef LIBJSON_H
+#define json_free(a)
+#define json_delete(a) jsi.delete_(a)
+#define json_free_all() jsi.free_all()
+#define json_delete_all() jsi.delete_all()
+// #endif
+#define json_parse(a) jsi.parse(a)
+#define json_strip_white_space(a) jsi.strip_white_space(a)
+// #ifdef JSON_VALIDATE
+#define json_validate(a) jsi.validate(a)
+// #endif
+#define json_new_a(a,b) jsi.new_a(a,b)
+#define json_new_i(a,b) jsi.new_i(a,b)
+#define json_new_f(a,b) jsi.new_f(a,b)
+#define json_new_b(a,b) jsi.new_b(a,b)
+#define json_new(a) jsi.new_(a)
+#define json_copy(a) jsi.copy(a)
+#define json_duplicate(a) jsi.duplicate(a)
+#define json_set_a(a,b) jsi.set_a(a,b)
+#define json_set_i(a,b) jsi.set_i(a,b)
+#define json_set_f(a,b) jsi.set_f(a,b)
+#define json_set_b(a,b) jsi.set_b(a,b)
+#define json_set_n(a,b) jsi.set_n(a,b)
+#define json_type(a) jsi.type(a)
+#define json_size(a) jsi.size(a)
+#define json_empty(a) jsi.empty(a)
+#define json_name(a)
+// #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS
+#define json_get_comment(a) jsi.get_comment(a)
+// #endif
+#define json_as_string(a) jsi.as_string(a)
+#define json_as_int(a) jsi.as_int(a)
+#define json_as_float(a) jsi.as_float(a)
+#define json_as_bool(a) jsi.as_bool(a)
+#define json_as_node(a) jsi.as_node(a)
+#define json_as_array(a) jsi.as_array(a)
+// #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+#define json_as_binary(a,b) jsi.as_binary(a,b)
+// #endif
+// #ifdef JSON_WRITER
+#define json_write(a) jsi.write(a)
+#define json_write_formatted(a) jsi.write_formatted(a)
+// #endif
+#define json_set_name(a,b) jsi.set_name(a,b)
+// #ifdef JSON_COMMENTS
+#define json_set_comment(a,b) jsi.set_comment(a,b)
+// #endif
+#define json_clear(a) jsi.clear(a)
+#define json_nullify(a) jsi.nullify(a)
+#define json_swap(a,b) jsi.swap(a,b)
+#define json_merge(a,b) jsi.merge(a,b)
+// #ifndef JSON_PREPARSE
+#define json_preparse(a) jsi.preparse(a)
+// #endif
+// #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+#define json_set_binary(a,b,c) jsi.set_binary(a,b,c)
+// #endif
+#define json_cast(a,b) jsi.cast(a,b)
+#define json_reserve(a,b) jsi.reserve(a,b)
+#define json_at(a,b),b)
+#define json_get(a,b) jsi.get(a,b)
+#define json_get_nocase(a,b) jsi.get_nocase(a,b)
+#define json_pop_back_nocase(a,b) jsi.pop_back_nocase(a,b)
+// #endif
+#define json_push_back(a,b) jsi.push_back(a,b)
+#define json_pop_back_at(a,b) jsi.pop_back_at(a,b)
+#define json_pop_back(a,b) jsi.pop_back(a,b)
+#define json_find(a,b) jsi.find(a,b)
+#define json_find_nocase(a,b) jsi.find_nocase(a,b)
+// #endif
+#define json_erase(a,b) jsi.erase(a,b)
+#define json_erase_multi(a,b,c) jsi.erase_multi(a,b,c)
+#define json_insert(a,b,c) jsi.insert(a,b,c)
+#define json_insert_multi(a,b,c,d) jsi.insert_multi(a,b,c,d)
+#define json_begin(a) jsi.begin(a)
+#define json_end(a) jsi.end(a)
+#define json_equal(a,b) jsi.equal(a,b)
+#define MS_JSON_GETINTERFACE "JSON/GetInterface"
+// This function removes the memory allocated by various functions that return strings,
+// such as MS_JSON_AS_*, json_write...
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(LPVOID)pVoid
+// lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_FREE "JSON/Free"
+// Delete specified node and all its children
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_DELETE "JSON/Delete"
+// <!-- These functions are only available if JSON_MEMORY_MANAGE is defined on building
+// This function removes all of the memory that libjson has allocated for strings and binary.
+// This allows for bulk frees and garbage collection.
+// wParam=lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_FREE_ALL "JSON/FreeAll"
+// Destructs the JSONNode object and cleans itself up.
+// wParam=lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_DELETE_ALL "JSON/DeleteAll"
+// -->
+// This function parses JSON text and returns you a HANDLE which is the root node of the text
+// that you just passed it. If bad JSON is sent to this method it may return NULL.
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a HANDLE on success, NULL on failure
+// * Remember to free the handle with MS_JSON_DELETE
+#define MS_JSON_PARSE "JSON/Parse"
+// This function removes anything that the JSON standard defines as white space,
+// including extra tabs, spaces, formatting, and comments. This makes this function useful
+// for compressing json that needs to be stored or sent over a network.
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a newly allocated valid JSON that is free of all white space
+// * Remember to free the string with MS_JSON_FREE
+#define MS_JSON_STRIP_WHITE_SPACE "JSON/StripWhiteSpace"
+// <!-- These functions are only available if JSON_VALIDATE is defined on building
+// This function validates the text by parsing it completely and looking for anything that is
+// malformed. If bad JSON is sent to this method it will throw a std::invalid_argument exception,
+// otherwise it returns the root node of the text.
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a HANDLE on success
+// * Remember to free the handle with MS_JSON_DELETE
+#define MS_JSON_VALIDATE "JSON/Validate"
+// -->
+// This function creates a string node with the name and value specified.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szValue
+// Returns a newly allocated node
+// You must (*delete the resulting node or attach it to something as a child.
+// This function creates a integer node with the name and value specified.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(long)lValue
+// Returns a newly allocated node
+// You must (*delete the resulting node or attach it to something as a child.
+// Warning: The value IS SIGNED, for unsigned use MS_JSON_NEW_FLOAT instead.
+// This function creates a floating point node with the name and value specified.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(float)fValue
+// Returns a newly allocated node
+// You must (*delete the resulting node or attach it to something as a child.
+// This function creates a boolean node with the name and value specified.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(int)iValue
+// Returns a newly allocated node
+// You must (*delete the resulting node or attach it to something as a child.
+// This function creates an empty node of the specified type.
+// This would normally be used to start serializing something or writing a configuration file.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(char)cType
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a newly allocated node
+// You must (*delete the resulting node or attach it to something as a child.
+#define JSON_NULL '\0'
+#define JSON_STRING '\1'
+#define JSON_NUMBER '\2'
+#define JSON_BOOL '\3'
+#define JSON_ARRAY '\4'
+#define JSON_NODE '\5'
+#define MS_JSON_NEW "JSON/New"
+// This function copies a JSONNODE and returns the new copy.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns an exact copy of the node parameter
+#define MS_JSON_COPY "JSON/Copy"
+// Constructs a JSONNODE object, by copying the contents of JSONNODE.
+// This is different from the MS_JSON_COPY because it makes a literal copy,
+// not reference counting.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a HANDLE that is a new copy of the original node.
+#define MS_JSON_DUPLICATE "JSON/Duplicate"
+// Sets the string value of the JSONNODE.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szValue
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// Sets the integer value of the JSONNODE.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(long)lValue
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// Warning: The value IS SIGNED, for unsigned use MS_JSON_SET_FLOAT instead.
+// Sets the floating point value of the JSONNODE.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(float)fValue
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// Sets the boolean value of the JSONNODE.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(int)iValue
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// Sets the value of the JSONNODE to the value of the other,
+// usually through fast and simple reference counting.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(HANDLE)hValueNode
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// Returns the type of the JSONNODE.
+// usually through fast and simple reference counting.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns value of JSON_* (See MS_JSON_NEW)
+#define MS_JSON_TYPE "JSON/Type"
+// Returns the number of children that the node has.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns the number of children
+// This should be zero for anything other than JSON_ARRAY or JSON_NODE,
+// but this is only guaranteed with the JSON_SAFE option turned on (by default).
+// This is because casting may or may not purge the children.
+#define MS_JSON_SIZE "JSON/Size"
+// Returns whether or not the node has any children.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns 0 if the node is empty, nonzero if not
+// If the node is not of JSON_NODE or JSON_ARRAY it will invariably return true.
+#define MS_JSON_EMPTY "JSON/Empty"
+// Returns the name of the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a newly allocated string.
+// If there is no name, then it returns a blank string.
+#define MS_JSON_NAME "JSON/Name"
+// <!-- These functions are only available if JSON_COMMENTS is defined on building
+// Returns the comment attached to the node
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a newly allocated string.
+#define MS_JSON_COMMENT "JSON/Comment"
+// Sets the comment that will be associated with the JSONNode.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szComment
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_SET_COMMENT "JSON/SetComment"
+// -->
+// Returns the string representation of the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a newly allocated string representation of the node.
+// The return value may be different depending on the type of the node
+// JSON_NULL: "" or "null" depending on how it was created
+// JSON_STRING: The unescaped string value
+// JSON_NUMBER: The number in string form (may be in scientific notation)
+// JSON_BOOL: "true" or "false"
+// JSON_ARRAY: ""
+// JSON_NODE: ""
+#define MS_JSON_AS_STRING "JSON/AsString"
+// Returns the integer representation of the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns the integer representation of the node.
+// The return value may be different depending on the type of the node
+// JSON_NULL: 0
+// JSON_STRING: Undefined
+// JSON_NUMBER: Truncated Value
+// JSON_BOOL: 1 if true, 0 if false
+// JSON_ARRAY: Undefined
+// JSON_NODE: Undefined
+// Warning: The value IS SIGNED, for unsigned use MS_JSON_AS_FLOAT instead.
+// If the value is actually a floating point value, it will continue on ahead
+// and simply truncate the value. So 15.9 will be returned as 15.
+// Returns the floating point representation of the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns the floating point representation of the node.
+// The return value may be different depending on the type of the node
+// JSON_NULL: 0.0
+// JSON_STRING: Undefined
+// JSON_NUMBER: Value
+// JSON_BOOL: 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false
+// JSON_ARRAY: Undefined
+// JSON_NODE: Undefined
+#define MS_JSON_AS_FLOAT "JSON/AsFloat"
+// Returns the boolean representation of the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns the boolean representation of the node.
+// The return value may be different depending on the type of the node
+// JSON_NULL: 0.0
+// JSON_STRING: Undefined
+// JSON_NUMBER: Value == 0.0
+// JSON_BOOL: Value
+// JSON_ARRAY: Undefined
+// JSON_NODE: Undefined
+// Returns the boolean representation of the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a HANDLE of the node.
+// The return value may be different depending on the type of the node
+// JSON_NULL: Empty node
+// JSON_STRING: Empty node
+// JSON_NUMBER: Empty node
+// JSON_BOOL: Empty node
+// JSON_ARRAY: Array converted to a node
+// JSON_NODE: A copy of the node
+// For anything other than node and array, it simply returns an
+// empty node. If the caller is an array, it will convert it to a node.
+// This command creates a new JSONNODE that has to be deleted or attached to a parent.
+#define MS_JSON_AS_NODE "JSON/AsNode"
+// Returns the array representation of the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a HANDLE of the node.
+// The return value may be different depending on the type of the node
+// JSON_NULL: Empty node
+// JSON_STRING: Empty node
+// JSON_NUMBER: Empty node
+// JSON_BOOL: Empty node
+// JSON_ARRAY: A copy of the array
+// JSON_NODE: An array of the children
+// For anything other than node and array, it simply returns an
+// empty array. If the caller is an node, it will convert it to an array by stripping
+// all of the names of each child.
+// This command creates a new JSONNODE that has to be deleted or attached to a parent.
+#define MS_JSON_AS_ARRAY "JSON/AsArray"
+// <!-- These functions are only available if JSON_BINARY is defined on building
+// Returns the binary value that was part of this node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPDWORD)pdwSize
+// Returns a Base64 decoded binary data as std::string.
+// The return value may be different depending on the type of the node
+// JSON_NULL: Undefined
+// JSON_STRING: The binary data from the decoded Base64
+// JSON_NUMBER: Undefined
+// JSON_BOOL: Undefined
+// JSON_ARRAY: Undefined
+// JSON_NODE: Undefined
+// It returns it as a std::string, you can use the data() function to retrieve it in binary form.
+// This allows you to use size() to know how large the binary data is.
+// pdwSize points to a DWORD to receive how many bytes the data is
+#define MS_JSON_AS_BINARY "JSON/AsBinary"
+// -->
+// Returns JSON text, with no white space or comments.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a JSON text of the node being written.
+// Remember to free the return value with MS_JSON_FREE
+// Designed to create JSON that is very small, and therefore, faster to send between
+// servers or write to a disk. The flipside is that it's nearly impossible to read by human eyes.
+// Only root nodes (JSON_NODE and JSON_ARRAYs) are meant to be written,
+// all others will return a blank string.
+#define MS_JSON_WRITE "JSON/Write"
+// Returns JSON text that has been indented and prettied up so that it can be easily
+// read and modified by humans.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Returns a JSON text of the node being written.
+// Remember to free the return value with MS_JSON_FREE
+// Only root nodes (JSON_NODE and JSON_ARRAYs) are meant to be written,
+// all others will return a blank string.
+#define MS_JSON_WRITE_FORMATTED "JSON/WriteFormatted"
+// Sets the name of the JSONNode.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_SET_NAME "JSON/SetName"
+// Clears all children from the node.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_CLEAR "JSON/Clear"
+// Nulls out the node
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+#define MS_JSON_NULLIFY "JSON/Nullify"
+// Swaps the contents of two nodes.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hCode2
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// This is very fast because JSONNODE is just a wrapper around an
+// internal structure, so it simply swaps pointers to those structures.
+#define MS_JSON_SWAP "JSON/Swap"
+// Merge the contents of nodes
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hCode2
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// It's possible that you may end up with multiple copies of the same node,
+// through duplication and such. To save space, you might want to merge the
+// internal reference counted structure.
+#define MS_JSON_MERGE "JSON/Merge"
+// Preparse the json
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=0
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// libjson's lazy parsing makes parsing JSON that is not entirely used very fast,
+// but sometimes you want to parse it all at once, making the next reads a little faster
+#define MS_JSON_PREPARSE "JSON/Preparse"
+// (*set_binary not reflected as it requires 3 parameters
+ void (*set_binary(JSONNODE * node, const void * data, unsigned long length);
+ */
+// Will change the node to a different type and do any conversions necessary.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(char)cType
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// Value of cType refer to MS_JSON_NEW
+#define MS_JSON_CAST "JSON/Cast"
+// This function reserves children space, this makes the program faster and use less memory
+// as it doesn't have to keep allocating new memory when it runs out.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(int)iSize
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// Value of cType refer to MS_JSON_NEW
+#define MS_JSON_RESERVE "JSON/Reserve"
+// This will give you a reference to a child node at a specific location.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(int)iPos
+// Returns the HANDLE to the iPos' node of hNode
+// This is a safe function and will return zero if you go out of bounds.
+// The returned value is still a child, so do not try and delete the results.
+#define MS_JSON_AT "JSON/At"
+// This will give you a reference to a child node by its name.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// Returns the HANDLE of the child named szName
+// This is a safe function and will return zero if that child does not exist.
+// The returned value is still a child, so do not try and delete the results.
+#define MS_JSON_GET "JSON/Get"
+// <!-- These functions are only available if JSON_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FUNCTIONS is defined on building
+// This will give you a reference to a child node by its name.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// Returns the HANDLE of the child named szName
+// This is a safe function and will return zero if that child does not exist.
+// The returned value is still a child, so do not try and delete the results.
+#define MS_JSON_GET_NOCASE "JSON/GetNocase"
+// This will give remove a JSONNODE from it's parent and return it to you.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// Returns the HANDLE of the child named szName
+// Because it's removed from the parent, you must delete it yourself.
+#define MS_JSON_POP_BACK_NOCASE "JSON/PopBackNocase"
+// -->
+// This function pushes a new child node on the back of the child list.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode2
+// Return value ALWAYS 0
+// This method copies the child, so altering the parameter later will not affect the one in the children.
+// The child is then managed, so do not try and delete it later.
+#define MS_JSON_PUSH_BACK "JSON/PushBack"
+// This will give remove a JSONNODE from it's parent and return it to you.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(int)iPos
+// Returns the HANDLE of the child named szName
+// Because it's removed from the parent, you must delete it yourself.
+#define MS_JSON_POP_BACK_AT "JSON/PopBackAt"
+// This will give remove a JSONNODE from it's parent and return it to you.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(LPCSTR)szName
+// Returns the HANDLE of the child named szName
+// Because it's removed from the parent, you must delete it yourself.
+#define MS_JSON_POP_BACK "JSON/PopBack"
+// functions with JSON_ITERATORS not reflected
+ JSONNODE_ITERATOR (*find(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ JSONNODE_ITERATOR (*find_nocase(JSONNODE * node, const char * name);
+ #endif
+ //iterator functions
+ #endif
+// Checks if the value held within the nodes are equal.
+// wParam=(WPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode
+// lParam=(LPARAM)(HANDLE)hNode2
+// Returns 0 if not equal, nonzero otherwise
+// This ignores things like comments, but for JSON_NODE and JSON_ARRAYs,
+// this is a deep comparison, checking each child too.
+#define MS_JSON_EQUAL "JSON/Equal"
+#endif // MIM_LIBJSON_H