path: root/plugins/IEView/TemplateHTMLBuilder.cpp
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-20 09:19:04 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-20 09:19:04 +0000
commitda9f6e8a856fc87172fb0d5997c607b4a930c102 (patch)
treea3f086c9e36a19b717a1cb1026a2eb751cfca078 /plugins/IEView/TemplateHTMLBuilder.cpp
parentaa4076ff72097fd65a6c8a2369749afee6adf034 (diff)
IEView, IgnoreState: changed folder structure
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/IEView/TemplateHTMLBuilder.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 634 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/IEView/TemplateHTMLBuilder.cpp b/plugins/IEView/TemplateHTMLBuilder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36ecb5c353..0000000000
--- a/plugins/IEView/TemplateHTMLBuilder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-IEView Plugin for Miranda IM
-Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Piotr Piastucki
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#include "TemplateHTMLBuilder.h"
-TemplateHTMLBuilder::TemplateHTMLBuilder() {
- iLastEventType = -1;
- startedTime = time(NULL);
- lastEventTime = time(NULL);
- groupTemplate = NULL;
- flashAvatarsTime[0] = time(NULL);
- flashAvatarsTime[1] = time(NULL);
- flashAvatars[0] = NULL;
- flashAvatars[1] = NULL;
-TemplateHTMLBuilder::~TemplateHTMLBuilder() {
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (flashAvatars[i] != NULL) {
- delete flashAvatars[i];
- }
- }
-char *TemplateHTMLBuilder::getAvatar(HANDLE hContact, const char * szProto) {
- TCHAR tmpPath[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR *result = NULL;
- if (Options::getAvatarServiceFlags() == Options::AVATARSERVICE_PRESENT) {
- struct avatarCacheEntry *ace = NULL;
- if (hContact == NULL) {
- ace = (struct avatarCacheEntry *)CallService(MS_AV_GETMYAVATAR, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)szProto);
- } else {
- ace = (struct avatarCacheEntry *)CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)0);
- }
- if (ace!=NULL) {
- if ( ace->cbSize == sizeof(avatarCacheEntry))
- result = ace->szFilename;
- else {
- // compatibility: in M0.9 it will always be char*
- MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (char*)ace->szFilename, -1, tmpPath, SIZEOF(tmpPath));
- }
- }
- }
- if (!DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact, "ContactPhoto", "File", &dbv)) {
- if (_tcslen(dbv.ptszVal) > 0) {
- TCHAR* ext = _tcsrchr(dbv.ptszVal, '.');
- if (ext && lstrcmpi(ext, _T(".xml")) == 0) {
- result = ( TCHAR* )getFlashAvatar(dbv.ptszVal, (hContact == NULL) ? 1 : 0);
- } else {
- if (result == NULL) {
- /* relative -> absolute */
- _tcscpy (tmpPath, dbv.ptszVal);
- if (ServiceExists(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTET) && _tcsncmp(tmpPath, _T("http://"), 7))
- CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTET, (WPARAM)dbv.ptszVal, (LPARAM)tmpPath);
- result = tmpPath;
- }
- }
- }
- DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
- }
- char* res = Utils::UTF8Encode(result);
- Utils::convertPath(res);
- return res;
-const char *TemplateHTMLBuilder::getFlashAvatar(const TCHAR *file, int index) {
- if (time(NULL) - flashAvatarsTime[index] > 600 || flashAvatars[index] == NULL) {
- if (flashAvatars[index] != NULL) {
- delete flashAvatars[index];
- flashAvatars[index] = NULL;
- }
- flashAvatarsTime[index] = time(NULL);
- int src = _topen(file, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY);
- if (src != -1) {
- char pBuf[2048];
- char *urlBuf;
- _read(src, pBuf, 2048);
- _close(src);
- urlBuf = strstr(pBuf, "<URL>");
- if(urlBuf) {
- flashAvatars[index] = Utils::dupString(strtok(urlBuf + 5, "<\t\n\r"));
- }
- }
- }
- return flashAvatars[index];
-TemplateMap *TemplateHTMLBuilder::getTemplateMap(ProtocolSettings * protoSettings) {
- return TemplateMap::getTemplateMap(protoSettings->getSRMMTemplateFilename());
-int TemplateHTMLBuilder::getFlags(ProtocolSettings * protoSettings) {
- return protoSettings->getSRMMFlags();
-char *TemplateHTMLBuilder::timestampToString(DWORD dwFlags, time_t check, int mode) {
- static char szResult[512];
- char str[80];
- dbtts.cbDest = 70;
- dbtts.szDest = str;
- szResult[0] = '\0';
- if (mode) { //time
- dbtts.szFormat = (dwFlags & Options::LOG_SHOW_SECONDS) ? (char *)"s" : (char *)"t";
- CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRING, check, (LPARAM) & dbtts);
- strncat(szResult, str, 500);
- } else {//date
- struct tm tm_now, tm_today;
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- time_t today;
- tm_now = *localtime(&now);
- tm_today = tm_now;
- tm_today.tm_hour = tm_today.tm_min = tm_today.tm_sec = 0;
- today = mktime(&tm_today);
- if (dwFlags & Options::LOG_RELATIVE_DATE && check >= today) {
- strcpy(szResult, Translate("Today"));
- } else if(dwFlags & Options::LOG_RELATIVE_DATE && check > (today - 86400)) {
- strcpy(szResult, Translate("Yesterday"));
- } else {
- dbtts.szFormat = (dwFlags & Options::LOG_LONG_DATE) ? (char *)"D" : (char *)"d";
- CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRING, check, (LPARAM) & dbtts);
- strncat(szResult, str, 500);
- }
- }
- Utils::UTF8Encode(szResult, szResult, 500);
- return szResult;
-void TemplateHTMLBuilder::buildHeadTemplate(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event, ProtocolSettings *protoSettings) {
- char tempBase[1024];
- char tempStr[1024];
- HANDLE hRealContact;
- char *szRealProto = NULL;
- char *szBase=NULL;
- char *szNoAvatar=NULL;
- char *szProto = NULL;
- char *szNameIn = NULL;
- char *szNameOut = NULL;
- char *szAvatarIn = NULL;
- char *szAvatarOut = NULL;
- char *szUINIn = NULL;
- char *szUINOut = NULL;
- char *szNickIn = NULL;
- char *szNickOut = NULL;
- char *szStatusMsg = NULL;
- int outputSize;
- char *output;
- output = NULL;
- hRealContact = getRealContact(event->hContact);
- szRealProto = getProto(hRealContact);
- szProto = getProto(event->pszProto, event->hContact);
- tempBase[0]='\0';
- if (protoSettings == NULL)
- return;
- TemplateMap *tmpm = getTemplateMap(protoSettings);
- if (tmpm==NULL)
- return;
- strcpy(tempBase, "file://");
- strcat(tempBase, tmpm->getFilename());
- char* pathrun = tempBase + strlen(tempBase);
- while ((*pathrun != '\\' && *pathrun != '/') && (pathrun > tempBase)) pathrun--;
- pathrun++;
- *pathrun = '\0';
- szBase = Utils::UTF8Encode(tempBase);
- getUINs(event->hContact, szUINIn, szUINOut);
- if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) {
- szNameOut = getEncodedContactName(NULL, szProto, szRealProto);
- szNameIn = getEncodedContactName(event->hContact, szProto, szRealProto);
- } else {
- szNameOut = Utils::dupString("&nbsp;");
- szNameIn = Utils::dupString("&nbsp;");
- }
- sprintf(tempStr, "%snoavatar.jpg", tempBase);
- szNoAvatar = Utils::UTF8Encode(tempStr);
- szAvatarIn = getAvatar(event->hContact, szRealProto);
- if (szAvatarIn == NULL) {
- szAvatarIn = Utils::dupString(szNoAvatar);
- }
- szAvatarOut = getAvatar(NULL, szRealProto);
- if (szAvatarOut == NULL) {
- szAvatarOut = Utils::dupString(szNoAvatar);
- }
- if (!DBGetContactSetting(event->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg",&dbv)) {
- if (strlen(dbv.pszVal) > 0) {
- szStatusMsg = Utils::UTF8Encode(dbv.pszVal);
- }
- DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
- }
- ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci));
- ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
- ci.hContact = event->hContact;
- ci.szProto = szProto;
- ci.dwFlag = CNF_NICK | CNF_TCHAR;
- if (!CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO, 0, (LPARAM) & ci)) {
- szNickIn = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, ci.pszVal, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true);
- }
- ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci));
- ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
- ci.hContact = NULL;
- ci.szProto = szProto;
- ci.dwFlag = CNF_NICK | CNF_TCHAR;
- if (!CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO, 0, (LPARAM) & ci)) {
- szNickOut = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, ci.pszVal, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true);
- }
- Template *tmplt = tmpm->getTemplate(((event->dwFlags & IEEF_RTL) && tmpm->isRTL()) ? "HTMLStartRTL" : "HTMLStart");
- if (tmplt == NULL) {
- tmplt = tmpm->getTemplate("HTMLStart");
- }
- if (tmplt!=NULL) {
- for (Token *token = tmplt->getTokens();token!=NULL;token=token->getNext()) {
- const char *tokenVal;
- tokenVal = NULL;
- switch (token->getType()) {
- case Token::PLAIN:
- tokenVal = token->getText();
- break;
- case Token::BASE:
- tokenVal = szBase;
- break;
- case Token::NAMEIN:
- tokenVal = szNameIn;
- break;
- case Token::NAMEOUT:
- tokenVal = szNameOut;
- break;
- case Token::AVATARIN:
- tokenVal = szAvatarIn;
- break;
- case Token::AVATAROUT:
- tokenVal = szAvatarOut;
- break;
- case Token::PROTO:
- tokenVal = szRealProto;
- break;
- case Token::UININ:
- tokenVal = szUINIn;
- break;
- case Token::UINOUT:
- tokenVal = szUINOut;
- break;
- case Token::STATUSMSG:
- tokenVal = szStatusMsg;
- break;
- case Token::NICKIN:
- tokenVal = szNickIn;
- break;
- case Token::NICKOUT:
- tokenVal = szNickOut;
- break;
- }
- if (tokenVal != NULL) {
- if (token->getEscape()) {
- char *escapedToken = Utils::escapeString(tokenVal);
- Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "%s", escapedToken);
- delete escapedToken;
- } else {
- Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "%s", tokenVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (output != NULL) {
- view->write(output);
- free(output);
- }
- if (szBase!=NULL) delete szBase;
- if (szRealProto!=NULL) delete szRealProto;
- if (szProto!=NULL) delete szProto;
- if (szUINIn!=NULL) delete szUINIn;
- if (szUINOut!=NULL) delete szUINOut;
- if (szNoAvatar!=NULL) delete szNoAvatar;
- if (szAvatarIn!=NULL) delete szAvatarIn;
- if (szAvatarOut!=NULL) delete szAvatarOut;
- if (szNameIn!=NULL) delete szNameIn;
- if (szNameOut!=NULL) delete szNameOut;
- if (szNickIn!=NULL) delete szNickIn;
- if (szNickOut!=NULL) delete szNickOut;
- if (szStatusMsg!=NULL) delete szStatusMsg;
- //view->scrollToBottom();
- groupTemplate = NULL;
- iLastEventType = -1;
-void TemplateHTMLBuilder::appendEventTemplate(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event, ProtocolSettings* protoSettings) {
- HANDLE hRealContact;
- char *szRealProto = NULL;
- char tempBase[1024];
- char *szBase=NULL;
- char tempStr[1024];
- char *szNoAvatar=NULL;
- char szCID[32];
- char *szName = NULL;
- char *szNameIn = NULL;
- char *szNameOut = NULL;
- char *szUIN = NULL;
- char *szUINIn = NULL;
- char *szUINOut = NULL;
- char *szNickIn = NULL;
- char *szNickOut = NULL;
- char *szStatusMsg = NULL;
- char *szAvatar = NULL;
- char *szAvatarIn = NULL;
- char *szAvatarOut = NULL;
- char *szText = NULL;
- char *szProto = NULL;
- char *szFileDesc = NULL;
- const char *tmpltName[2];
- bool isGrouping = false;
-// DWORD today = (DWORD)time(NULL);
-// today = today - today % 86400;
- if (protoSettings == NULL)
- return;
- hRealContact = getRealContact(event->hContact);
- szRealProto = getProto(hRealContact);
- szProto = getProto(event->pszProto, event->hContact);
- tempBase[0]='\0';
- TemplateMap *tmpm = getTemplateMap(protoSettings);
- if (tmpm!=NULL) {
- strcpy(tempBase, "file://");
- strcat(tempBase, tmpm->getFilename());
- char* pathrun = tempBase + strlen(tempBase);
- while ((*pathrun != '\\' && *pathrun != '/') && (pathrun > tempBase)) pathrun--;
- pathrun++;
- *pathrun = '\0';
- isGrouping = tmpm->isGrouping();
- }
- szBase = Utils::UTF8Encode(tempBase);
- if (event->hContact != NULL) {
- getUINs(event->hContact, szUINIn, szUINOut);
- }
- if (event->hContact != NULL) {
- szNameOut = getEncodedContactName(NULL, szProto, szRealProto);
- szNameIn = getEncodedContactName(event->hContact, szProto, szRealProto);
- } else {
- szNameOut = Utils::dupString("&nbsp;");
- szNameIn = Utils::dupString("&nbsp;");
- }
- sprintf(tempStr, "%snoavatar.jpg", tempBase);
- szNoAvatar = Utils::UTF8Encode(tempStr);
- if(event->hContact != NULL) {
- szAvatarIn = getAvatar(event->hContact, szRealProto);
- }
- if (szAvatarIn == NULL) {
- szAvatarIn = Utils::dupString(szNoAvatar);
- }
- szAvatarOut = getAvatar(NULL, szRealProto);
- if (szAvatarOut == NULL) {
- szAvatarOut = Utils::dupString(szNoAvatar);
- }
- if(event->hContact != NULL) {
- if (!DBGetContactSetting(event->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg",&dbv)) {
- if (strlen(dbv.pszVal) > 0) {
- szStatusMsg = Utils::UTF8Encode(dbv.pszVal);
- }
- DBFreeVariant(&dbv);
- }
- }
- ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci));
- ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
- ci.hContact = event->hContact;
- ci.szProto = szProto;
- ci.dwFlag = CNF_NICK | CNF_TCHAR;
- if (!CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO, 0, (LPARAM) & ci)) {
- szNickIn = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, ci.pszVal, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true);
- }
- ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci));
- ci.cbSize = sizeof(ci);
- ci.hContact = NULL;
- ci.szProto = szProto;
- ci.dwFlag = CNF_NICK | CNF_TCHAR;
- if (!CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO, 0, (LPARAM) & ci)) {
- szNickOut = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, ci.pszVal, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true);
- }
- IEVIEWEVENTDATA* eventData = event->eventData;
- for (int eventIdx = 0; eventData!=NULL && (eventIdx < event->count || event->count==-1); eventData = eventData->next, eventIdx++) {
- int outputSize;
- char *output;
- output = NULL;
- if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_STATUSCHANGE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_FILE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_URL || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_SYSTEM) {
- bool isSent = (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_SENT) != 0;
- bool isRTL = (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_RTL) && tmpm->isRTL();
- bool isHistory = (eventData->time < (DWORD)getStartedTime() && (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_READ || eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_SENT));
- bool isGroupBreak = TRUE;
- if ((getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_GROUP_MESSAGES) && eventData->dwFlags == LOWORD(getLastEventType())
- && eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE && HIWORD(getLastEventType()) == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE
- && (isSameDate(eventData->time, getLastEventTime()))
-// && ((eventData->time < today) == (getLastEventTime() < today))
- && (((eventData->time < (DWORD)startedTime) == (getLastEventTime() < (DWORD)startedTime)) || !(eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_READ))) {
- isGroupBreak = FALSE;
- }
- if (isSent) {
- szAvatar = szAvatarOut;
- szUIN = szUINOut;
- sprintf(szCID, "%d", 0);
- } else {
- szAvatar = szAvatarIn;
- szUIN = szUINIn;
- sprintf(szCID, "%d", (int)event->hContact);
- }
- tmpltName[0] = groupTemplate;
- tmpltName[1] = NULL;
- groupTemplate = NULL;
- szName = NULL;
- szText = NULL;
- szFileDesc = NULL;
- if (event->eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_NICK) {
- szName = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszNickW, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true);
- } else {
- szName = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszNick, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true);
- }
- if (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_TEXT) {
- szText = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszTextW, eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE ? ENF_ALL : 0, isSent);
- } else {
- szText = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszText, event->codepage, eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE ? ENF_ALL : 0, isSent);
- }
- if (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_TEXT2) {
- szFileDesc = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszText2W, 0, isSent);
- } else {
- szFileDesc = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszText2, event->codepage, 0, isSent);
- }
- if ((eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE)) {
- if (!isRTL) {
- if (isGrouping && (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_GROUP_MESSAGES)) {
- if (isGroupBreak) {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupStart" : "hMessageInGroupStart" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupStart" : "MessageInGroupStart";
- } else {
- tmpltName[0] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupInner" : "hMessageInGroupInner" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupInner" : "MessageInGroupInner";
- }
- groupTemplate = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupEnd" : "hMessageInGroupEnd" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupEnd" : "MessageInGroupEnd";
- } else {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOut" : "hMessageIn" : isSent ? "MessageOut" : "MessageIn";
- }
- } else {
- if (isGrouping && (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_GROUP_MESSAGES)) {
- if (isGroupBreak) {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupStartRTL" : "hMessageInGroupStartRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupStartRTL" : "MessageInGroupStartRTL";
- } else {
- tmpltName[0] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupInnerRTL" : "hMessageInGroupInnerRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupInnerRTL" : "MessageInGroupInnerRTL";
- }
- groupTemplate = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupEndRTL" : "hMessageInGroupEndRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupEndRTL" : "MessageInGroupEndRTL";
- } else {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutRTL" : "hMessageInRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutRTL" : "MessageInRTL";
- }
- }
- } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_FILE) {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hFileOut" : "hFileIn" : isSent ? "FileOut" : "FileIn";
- Template *tmplt = (tmpm == NULL) ? NULL : tmpm->getTemplate(tmpltName[1]);
- if (tmplt == NULL) {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? "hFile" : "File";
- }
- } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_URL) {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hURLOut" : "hURLIn" : isSent ? "URLOut" : "URLIn";
- Template *tmplt = (tmpm == NULL) ? NULL : tmpm->getTemplate(tmpltName[1]);
- if (tmplt == NULL) {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? "hURL" : "URL";
- }
- } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_STATUSCHANGE || (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_SYSTEM)) {
- tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? "hStatus" : "Status";
- }
- /* template-specific formatting */
- for (int i=0;i<2;i++) {
- if (tmpltName[i] == NULL || tmpm == NULL) continue;
- Template *tmplt = tmpm->getTemplate(tmpltName[i]);
- if (tmplt == NULL) continue;
- for (Token *token = tmplt->getTokens();token!=NULL;token=token->getNext()) {
- const char *tokenVal;
- tokenVal = NULL;
- switch (token->getType()) {
- case Token::PLAIN:
- tokenVal = token->getText();
- break;
- case Token::NAME:
- if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) {
- tokenVal = szName;
- } else {
- tokenVal = "&nbsp;";
- }
- break;
- case Token::TIME:
- if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_TIME) {
- tokenVal = timestampToString(getFlags(protoSettings), eventData->time, 1);
- } else {
- tokenVal = "&nbsp;";
- }
- break;
- case Token::DATE:
- if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_DATE) {
- tokenVal = timestampToString(getFlags(protoSettings), eventData->time, 0);
- } else {
- tokenVal = "&nbsp;";
- }
- break;
- case Token::TEXT:
- tokenVal = szText;
- break;
- case Token::AVATAR:
- tokenVal = szAvatar;
- break;
- case Token::CID:
- tokenVal = szCID;
- break;
- case Token::BASE:
- tokenVal = szBase;
- break;
- case Token::NAMEIN:
- if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) {
- if (event->hContact != NULL) {
- tokenVal = szNameIn;
- } else {
- tokenVal = szName;
- }
- } else {
- tokenVal = "&nbsp;";
- }
- break;
- case Token::NAMEOUT:
- if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) {
- if (event->hContact != NULL) {
- tokenVal = szNameOut;
- } else {
- tokenVal = szName;
- }
- } else {
- tokenVal = "&nbsp;";
- }
- break;
- case Token::AVATARIN:
- tokenVal = szAvatarIn;
- break;
- case Token::AVATAROUT:
- tokenVal = szAvatarOut;
- break;
- case Token::PROTO:
- tokenVal = szRealProto;
- break;
- case Token::UIN:
- tokenVal = szUIN;
- break;
- case Token::UININ:
- tokenVal = szUINIn;
- break;
- case Token::UINOUT:
- tokenVal = szUINOut;
- break;
- case Token::STATUSMSG:
- tokenVal = szStatusMsg;
- break;
- case Token::NICKIN:
- tokenVal = szNickIn;
- break;
- case Token::NICKOUT:
- tokenVal = szNickOut;
- break;
- case Token::FILEDESC:
- tokenVal = szFileDesc;
- break;
- }
- if (tokenVal != NULL) {
- if (token->getEscape()) {
- char *escapedToken = Utils::escapeString(tokenVal);
- Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "%s", escapedToken);
- delete escapedToken;
- } else {
- Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "%s", tokenVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- setLastEventType(MAKELONG(eventData->dwFlags, eventData->iType));
- setLastEventTime(eventData->time);
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-time_t TemplateHTMLBuilder::getStartedTime() {
- return startedTime;
-} \ No newline at end of file