path: root/plugins/IEView/src/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2018-11-12 21:44:56 +0300
committerGeorge Hazan <>2018-11-12 21:44:56 +0300
commit53fe3e46177d17b4941610de19f5cc6210700cb4 (patch)
treeb67a6bc208dad141f9db14035cd7e42ff2a51872 /plugins/IEView/src/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp
parent488214ac8af0c4aeb1a5c1d8fd48368daaf4c4c7 (diff)
db_* functions replaced with g_plugin calls
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/IEView/src/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/IEView/src/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp b/plugins/IEView/src/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp
index b787a1017e..c59be8a15d 100644
--- a/plugins/IEView/src/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp
+++ b/plugins/IEView/src/MUCCHTMLBuilder.cpp
@@ -47,29 +47,29 @@ void MUCCHTMLBuilder::loadMsgDlgFont(int i, LOGFONTA * lf, COLORREF * colour)
if (colour) {
mir_snprintf(str, "Font%dCol", i);
- *colour = db_get_dw(NULL, MUCCMOD, str, 0x000000);
+ *colour = db_get_dw(0, MUCCMOD, str, 0x000000);
if (lf) {
mir_snprintf(str, "Font%dSize", i);
- lf->lfHeight = (char)db_get_b(NULL, MUCCMOD, str, 10);
+ lf->lfHeight = (char)db_get_b(0, MUCCMOD, str, 10);
lf->lfHeight = abs(lf->lfHeight);
lf->lfWidth = 0;
lf->lfEscapement = 0;
lf->lfOrientation = 0;
mir_snprintf(str, "Font%dStyle", i);
- style = db_get_b(NULL, MUCCMOD, str, 0);
+ style = db_get_b(0, MUCCMOD, str, 0);
lf->lfWeight = style & FONTF_BOLD ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
lf->lfItalic = style & FONTF_ITALIC ? 1 : 0;
lf->lfUnderline = style & FONTF_UNDERLINE ? 1 : 0;
lf->lfStrikeOut = 0;
mir_snprintf(str, "Font%dSet", i);
- lf->lfCharSet = db_get_b(NULL, MUCCMOD, str, DEFAULT_CHARSET);
+ lf->lfCharSet = db_get_b(0, MUCCMOD, str, DEFAULT_CHARSET);
lf->lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS;
lf->lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY;
lf->lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE;
mir_snprintf(str, "Font%dFace", i);
- if (db_get_s(NULL, MUCCMOD, str, &dbv))
+ if (db_get_s(0, MUCCMOD, str, &dbv))
strncpy_s(lf->lfFaceName, "Verdana", _TRUNCATE);
else {
strncpy_s(lf->lfFaceName, dbv.pszVal, _TRUNCATE);
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void MUCCHTMLBuilder::buildHead(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event)
ReleaseDC(nullptr, hdc);
str.Append("<style type=\"text/css\">\n");
- COLORREF bkgColor = db_get_dw(NULL, MUCCMOD, "BackgroundLog", 0xFFFFFF);
+ COLORREF bkgColor = db_get_dw(0, MUCCMOD, "BackgroundLog", 0xFFFFFF);
COLORREF inColor, outColor;
bkgColor = (((bkgColor & 0xFF) << 16) | (bkgColor & 0xFF00) | ((bkgColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16));
inColor = outColor = bkgColor;