path: root/plugins/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/IMDownloaderComponent/uIMDownloader.pas
diff options
authorMikhail Grigoryev <>2013-05-22 09:48:12 +0000
committerMikhail Grigoryev <>2013-05-22 09:48:12 +0000
commit273b10c5ce28a955e6b7a6b384cba736f1762d77 (patch)
treedbbea2f0fad1523ddac35d4eefe3581a977cc970 /plugins/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/IMDownloaderComponent/uIMDownloader.pas
parentbe91c27a63f26c845a8f16b4a12cb048152ef182 (diff)
Added plugin MirandaNGHistoryToDB (
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/IMDownloaderComponent/uIMDownloader.pas')
1 files changed, 612 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/IMDownloaderComponent/uIMDownloader.pas b/plugins/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/IMDownloaderComponent/uIMDownloader.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..168fc21a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MirandaNGHistoryToDB/IMDownloaderComponent/uIMDownloader.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+{ ################################################################################### }
+{ # # }
+{ # IMDownloader # }
+{ # # }
+{ # Base on Downloader # }
+{ # # }
+{ # # }
+{ # License: GPLv3 # }
+{ # # }
+{ # Author: Grigorev Michael (icq: 161867489, email: # }
+{ # # }
+{ # Доработки по сравнению с Downloader: # }
+{ # + Добавлен работа через прокси (свойства Proxy, ProxyBypass, # }
+{ # AuthUserName, AuthPassword, ProxyAuthUserName, ProxyAuthPassword) # }
+{ # + Добавлено свойство DirPath - Путь где идет поиск файла и проверка его MD5. # }
+{ # (Имя файла и его MD5 узнаются из заголовка ответа сервера). Если MD5 файла # }
+{ # на диске равно MD5 файла в заголовке ответа, то скачивание не начинается. # }
+{ # + Событие OnHeaders - Получение заголовка ответа сервера. # }
+{ # + Событие OnMD5Checked - Подсчет MD5 суммы скаченного файла. # }
+{ # # }
+{ ################################################################################### }
+unit uIMDownloader;
+uses Classes, WinInet, SysUtils, Dialogs, Windows, Forms, uMD5;
+ Accept = 'Accept: */*' + sLineBreak;
+ ProxyConnection = 'Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive' + sLineBreak;
+ Lang = 'Accept-Language: ru' + sLineBreak;
+ Agent =
+ 'User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; ' +
+ 'Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)' + sLineBreak;
+ PMemoryStream = ^TMemoryStream;
+ TIMDownloadError = (deInternetOpen, deInternetOpenUrl, deDownloadingFile, deConnect, deRequest);
+ TErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; E: TIMDownloadError) of object;
+ TDownloadingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AcceptedSize, MaxSize: Cardinal) of object;
+ THeadersEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Headers: String) of object;
+ TMD5Event = procedure(Sender: TObject; MD5Correct, SizeCorrect: Boolean; MD5Str: String) of object;
+ TIMDownloadThread = class(TThread)
+ private
+ fURL: String;
+ fProxy: String;
+ fProxyBypass: String;
+ fAuthUserName: String;
+ fAuthPassword: String;
+ fProxyAuthUserName: String;
+ fProxyAuthPassword: String;
+ fDirPath: String;
+ MemoryStream: TMemoryStream;
+ Err: TIMDownloadError;
+ fError: TErrorEvent;
+ fAccepted: TNotifyEvent;
+ fBreak: TNotifyEvent;
+ fDownloading: TDownloadingEvent;
+ fHeaders: THeadersEvent;
+ AcceptedSize: Cardinal;
+ AllSize: Cardinal;
+ Headers: String;
+ MD5Str: String;
+ MD5Correct: Boolean;
+ SizeCorrect: Boolean;
+ fMD5: TMD5Event;
+ procedure toError;
+ procedure toHeaders;
+ procedure toDownloading;
+ procedure toAccepted;
+ procedure toBreak;
+ procedure toMD5;
+ procedure Complete;
+ function ErrorResult(E: Boolean; eType: TIMDownloadError): Boolean;
+ function GetQueryInfo(hRequest: Pointer; Flag: Integer): String;
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(CreateSuspennded: Boolean; const URL, Proxy, ProxyBypass, AuthUserName, AuthPassword, ProxyAuthUserName, ProxyAuthPassword, DirPath: String; Stream: PMemoryStream);
+ property URL: string read fURL;
+ property Proxy: string read fProxy; // Список прокси
+ property ProxyBypass: string read fProxyBypass; // Дополниотельный список прокси
+ property AuthUserName: string read fAuthUserName; // Логин для Authorization: Basic
+ property AuthPassword: string read fAuthPassword; // Пароль для Authorization: Basic
+ property ProxyAuthUserName: string read fProxyAuthUserName; // Логин для прокси
+ property ProxyAuthPassword: string read fProxyAuthPassword; // Пароль для прокси
+ property DirPath: string read fDirPath write fDirPath; // Директория в которой будут проверяться MD5 файлов
+ property OnError: TErrorEvent read fError write fError;
+ property OnAccepted: TNotifyEvent read fAccepted write fAccepted;
+ property OnBreak: TNotifyEvent read fBreak write fBreak;
+ property OnDownloading: TDownloadingEvent read fDownloading write fDownloading;
+ property OnHeaders: THeadersEvent read fHeaders write fHeaders;
+ property OnMD5Checked: TMD5Event read fMD5 write fMD5;
+ end;
+ TIMDownloader = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ fOutStream: TMemoryStream;
+ fURL: String;
+ fProxy: String;
+ fProxyBypass: String;
+ fAuthUserName: String;
+ fAuthPassword: String;
+ fProxyAuthUserName: String;
+ fProxyAuthPassword: String;
+ fDirPath: String;
+ Downloader: TIMDownloadThread;
+ fOnError: TErrorEvent;
+ fOnAccepted: TNotifyEvent;
+ fOnBreak: TNotifyEvent;
+ fOnStartDownload: TNotifyEvent;
+ fInDowloading: Boolean;
+ fAcceptedSize: Cardinal;
+ fMyHeaders: String;
+ fMyMD5Str: String;
+ fMyMD5Correct: Boolean;
+ fMySizeCorrect: Boolean;
+ fHeaders: THeadersEvent;
+ fDownloading: TDownloadingEvent;
+ fMD5: TMD5Event;
+ procedure AcceptDownload(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Break_Download(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure Downloading(Sender: TObject; AcceptedSize, MaxSize: Cardinal);
+ procedure GetHeaders(Sender: TObject; Headers: String);
+ procedure GetMD5(Sender: TObject; MD5Correct, SizeCorrect: Boolean; MD5Str: String);
+ procedure ErrorDownload(Sender: TObject; Error: TIMDownloadError);
+ public
+ procedure Download;
+ procedure BreakDownload;
+ property OutStream: TMemoryStream read fOutStream;
+ property InDowloading: Boolean read fInDowloading;
+ property AcceptedSize: Cardinal read fAcceptedSize;
+ property MyHeaders: String read fMyHeaders;
+ property MyMD5Str: String read fMyMD5Str;
+ property MyMD5Correct: Boolean read fMyMD5Correct;
+ property MySizeCorrect: Boolean read fMySizeCorrect;
+ published
+ property URL: string read fURL write fURL;
+ property Proxy: string read fProxy write fProxy; // Список прокси
+ property ProxyBypass: string read fProxyBypass write fProxyBypass; // Дополниотельный список прокси
+ property AuthUserName: string read fAuthUserName write fAuthUserName; // Логин для Authorization: Basic
+ property AuthPassword: string read fAuthPassword write fAuthPassword; // Пароль для Authorization: Basic
+ property ProxyAuthUserName: string read fProxyAuthUserName write fProxyAuthUserName; // Логин для прокси
+ property ProxyAuthPassword: string read fProxyAuthPassword write fProxyAuthUserName; // Пароль для прокси
+ property DirPath: string read fDirPath write fDirPath; // Директория в которой будут проверяться MD5 файлов
+ property OnError: TErrorEvent read fOnError write fOnError;
+ property OnAccepted: TNotifyEvent read fOnAccepted write fOnAccepted;
+ property OnHeaders: THeadersEvent read fHeaders write fHeaders;
+ property OnMD5Checked: TMD5Event read fMD5 write fMD5;
+ property OnDownloading: TDownloadingEvent read fDownloading write fDownloading;
+ property OnStartDownload: TNotifyEvent read fOnStartDownload write fOnStartDownload;
+ property OnBreak: TNotifyEvent read fOnBreak write fOnBreak;
+ end;
+{$R IMDownloader.dcr}
+procedure Register;
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('IM-History', [TIMDownloader]);
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.toHeaders;
+ if Assigned(fHeaders) then
+ fHeaders(Self, Headers);
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.toMD5;
+ if Assigned(fMD5) then
+ fMD5(Self, MD5Correct, SizeCorrect, MD5Str);
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.toDownloading;
+ if Assigned(fDownloading) then
+ fDownloading(Self, AcceptedSize, AllSize);
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.toAccepted;
+ if Assigned(fAccepted) then
+ fAccepted(Self);
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.toBreak;
+ if Assigned(fBreak) then
+ fBreak(Self);
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.Complete;
+ if Terminated then
+ Synchronize(toBreak)
+ else
+ Synchronize(toAccepted);
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.toError;
+ if Assigned(fError) then
+ OnError(Self, err);
+function TIMDownloadThread.ErrorResult(E: Boolean; eType: TIMDownloadError): Boolean;
+ Result := E;
+ if E then
+ begin
+ err := eType;
+ toError;
+ end;
+function TIMDownloadThread.GetQueryInfo(hRequest: Pointer; Flag: Integer): String;
+ Code: String;
+ Size, Index: Cardinal;
+ SetLength(Code, 8); // Достаточная длина для чтения статус-кода
+ Size := Length(Code);
+ Index := 0;
+ if HttpQueryInfo(hRequest, Flag ,PChar(Code), Size, Index) then
+ Result := Code
+ else
+ if GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER then // Увеличиваем буффер
+ begin
+ SetLength(Code, Size);
+ Size := Length(Code);
+ if HttpQueryInfo(hRequest, Flag, PChar(Code), Size, Index) then
+ Result := Code;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ //FErrorCode := GetLastError;
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+procedure TIMDownloadThread.Execute;
+ Buffer: Array [0 .. 1024] of Byte;
+ BytesRead: Cardinal;
+ FSession, FConnect, FRequest: hInternet;
+ dwBuffer: array [0 .. 1024] of Byte;
+ dwBufferLen, dwIndex: DWORD;
+ FHost, FScript, SRequest, ARequest: String;
+ ProxyReqRes, ProxyReqLen: Cardinal;
+ TempHeaders, TempMD5, DownloadsFileName, DownloadsFileMD5: String;
+ function DelHttp(sURL: String): String;
+ var
+ HttpPos: Integer;
+ begin
+ HttpPos := Pos('http://', sURL);
+ if HttpPos > 0 then Delete(sURL, HttpPos, 7);
+ Result := Copy(sURL, 1, Pos('/', sURL) - 1);
+ if Result = '' then Result := sURL;
+ end;
+ function ParseHeadersMD5andSize(HeaderStr: String): String;
+ var
+ HeadersStrList: TStringList;
+ I: Integer;
+ Size: String;
+ Ch: Char;
+ ResultFilename, ResultMD5Sum, ResultHeaders: String;
+ ResultFileSize: Integer;
+ begin
+ ResultFilename := 'Test';
+ ResultMD5Sum := '00000000000000000000000000000000';
+ ResultFileSize := 0;
+ // Создаем TStringList
+ HeadersStrList := TStringList.Create;
+ HeadersStrList.Clear;
+ HeadersStrList.Text := HeaderStr;
+ HeadersStrList.Delete(HeadersStrList.Count-1); // Последний элемент содержит всегда CRLF
+ if HeadersStrList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ for I := 0 to HeadersStrList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ // Парсим строку вида
+ // Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ИМЯ-ФАЙЛА"
+ // Такую строку вставляет в заголовок HTTP-запроса
+ // только мой скрипт get.php
+ if pos('content-disposition', LowerCase(HeadersStrList[I])) > 0 then
+ begin
+ ResultFilename := HeadersStrList[I];
+ Delete(ResultFilename, 1, Pos('"', HeadersStrList[I]));
+ Delete(ResultFilename, Length(ResultFilename),1);
+ //LogMemo.Lines.Add('Filename: '+ResultFilename);
+ end;
+ // Парсим строку вида
+ // Content-MD5Sum: MD5
+ // Такую строку вставляет в заголовок HTTP-запроса
+ // только мой скрипт get.php
+ if pos('content-md5sum', LowerCase(HeadersStrList[I])) > 0 then
+ begin
+ ResultMD5Sum := HeadersStrList[I];
+ Delete(ResultMD5Sum, 1, Pos(':', HeadersStrList[I]));
+ Delete(ResultMD5Sum, 1,1);
+ end;
+ // Парсим строку вида
+ // Content-Length: РАЗМЕР
+ if pos('content-length', LowerCase(HeadersStrList[i])) > 0 then
+ begin
+ Size := '';
+ for Ch in HeadersStrList[I]do
+ if Ch in ['0'..'9'] then
+ Size := Size + Ch;
+ ResultFileSize := StrToIntDef(Size,-1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := ResultFilename + '|' + LowerCase(ResultMD5Sum) + '|' + IntToStr(ResultFileSize) + '|';
+ end;
+ HeadersStrList.Free;
+ end;
+ { Функция разбивает строку S на слова, разделенные символами-разделителями,
+ указанными в строке Sep. Функция возвращает первое найденное слово, при
+ этом из строки S удаляется начальная часть до следующего слова }
+ function Tok(Sep: String; var S: String): String;
+ function isoneof(c, s: string): Boolean;
+ var
+ iTmp: integer;
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ for iTmp := 1 to Length(s) do
+ begin
+ if c = Copy(s, iTmp, 1) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ c, t: String;
+ begin
+ if s = '' then
+ begin
+ Result := s;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ c := Copy(s, 1, 1);
+ while isoneof(c, sep) do
+ begin
+ s := Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1);
+ c := Copy(s, 1, 1);
+ end;
+ t := '';
+ while (not isoneof(c, sep)) and (s <> '') do
+ begin
+ t := t + c;
+ s := Copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1);
+ c := Copy(s, 1, 1);
+ end;
+ Result := t;
+ end;
+ // Инициализируем WinInet
+ if fProxy = '' then
+ FSession := InternetOpen('IM-History Download Master', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0)
+ else
+ begin
+ FSession := InternetOpen('IM-History Download Master', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, PChar(fProxy), PChar(fProxyBypass), 0);
+ if fProxyAuthUserName <> '' then
+ begin
+ InternetSetOption(FSession, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_USERNAME, @fProxyAuthUserName, Length(fProxyAuthUserName));
+ InternetSetOption(FSession, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY_PASSWORD, @fProxyAuthPassword, Length(fProxyAuthPassword));
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ErrorResult(FSession = nil, deInternetOpen) then
+ Exit;
+ if Assigned(FSession) then
+ begin
+ // Небольшой парсинг
+ // Вытаскиваем имя хоста и параметры обращения к скрипту
+ ARequest := fURL;
+ FHost := DelHttp(ARequest);
+ FScript := ARequest;
+ Delete(FScript, 1, Pos(FHost, FScript) + Length(FHost));
+ // Попытка соединения с сервером
+ if fAuthUserName = '' then // Если нет Basic-авторизации
+ FConnect := InternetOpenURL(FSession, PChar(fURL), nil, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0)
+ else
+ FConnect := InternetConnect(FSession, PChar(FHost), INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, PChar(fAuthUserName),
+ PChar(fAuthPassword), INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0);
+ if ErrorResult(FConnect = nil, deInternetOpenUrl) then
+ Exit;
+ dwIndex := 0;
+ dwBufferLen := Length(dwBuffer);
+ if fProxy <> '' then
+ begin
+ // Подготавливаем запрос
+ FRequest := HttpOpenRequest(FConnect, 'GET', PChar(FScript), nil, '', nil, 0, 0);
+ // Добавляем необходимые заголовки к запросу
+ HttpAddRequestHeaders(FRequest, Accept, Length(Accept), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);
+ HttpAddRequestHeaders(FRequest, ProxyConnection, Length(ProxyConnection), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);
+ HttpAddRequestHeaders(FRequest, Lang, Length(Lang), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);
+ HttpAddRequestHeaders(FRequest, Agent, Length(Agent), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);
+ // Проверяем запрос:
+ ProxyReqLen := 0;
+ ProxyReqRes := 0;
+ SRequest := ' ';
+ HttpQueryInfo(FRequest, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF or
+ HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_REQUEST_HEADERS, @SRequest[1], ProxyReqLen, ProxyReqRes);
+ if ProxyReqLen > 0 then
+ begin
+ SetLength(SRequest, ProxyReqLen);
+ HttpQueryInfo(FRequest, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF or
+ HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_REQUEST_HEADERS, @SRequest[1], ProxyReqLen, ProxyReqRes);
+ end;
+ // Отправляем запрос
+ if ErrorResult(not HttpSendRequest(FRequest, nil, 0, nil, 0), deRequest) then Exit;
+ end;
+ if fProxy = '' then
+ begin
+ // Получаем заголовок ответа с сервера
+ Headers := GetQueryInfo(FConnect, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF);
+ Synchronize(toHeaders);
+ // Запрос размера
+ if HttpQueryInfo(FConnect, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, @dwBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwIndex) then
+ AllSize := StrToInt('0' + PChar(@dwBuffer));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // Получаем заголовок ответа с сервера
+ Headers := GetQueryInfo(FRequest, HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF);
+ Synchronize(toHeaders);
+ // Запрос размера
+ if HttpQueryInfo(FRequest, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, @dwBuffer, dwBufferLen, dwIndex) then
+ AllSize := StrToInt('0' + PChar(@dwBuffer));
+ end;
+ // Проверяем MD5 старого файла на диске
+ TempHeaders := ParseHeadersMD5andSize(Headers);
+ DownloadsFileName := Tok('|', TempHeaders);
+ DownloadsFileMD5 := Tok('|', TempHeaders);
+ if FileExists(fDirPath+DownloadsFileName) then
+ TempMD5 := LowerCase(MD5DigestToStr(MD5File(fDirPath+DownloadsFileName)))
+ else
+ TempMD5 := '00000000000000000000000000000000';
+ if LowerCase(DownloadsFileMD5) <> TempMD5 then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ if Terminated then
+ Break;
+ FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), 0);
+ if fProxy = '' then
+ begin
+ if ErrorResult(not InternetReadFile(FConnect, @Buffer, Length(Buffer), BytesRead), deDownloadingFile) then
+ Exit
+ else
+ MemoryStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if ErrorResult(not InternetReadFile(FRequest, @Buffer, Length(Buffer), BytesRead), deDownloadingFile) then
+ Exit
+ else
+ MemoryStream.Write(Buffer, BytesRead);
+ end;
+ AcceptedSize := MemoryStream.Size;
+ Synchronize(toDownloading);
+ until (BytesRead = 0);
+ MemoryStream.Position := 0;
+ // Подсчет MD5 и размера файла
+ MD5Str := LowerCase(MD5DigestToStr(MD5Stream(MemoryStream)));
+ TempHeaders := ParseHeadersMD5andSize(Headers);
+ DownloadsFileName := Tok('|', TempHeaders);
+ if Tok('|', TempHeaders) = MD5Str then
+ MD5Correct := True
+ else
+ MD5Correct := False;
+ if Tok('|', TempHeaders) = IntToStr(MemoryStream.Size) then
+ SizeCorrect := True
+ else
+ SizeCorrect := False;
+ Synchronize(toMD5);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ AcceptedSize := 0;
+ Synchronize(toDownloading);
+ MD5Correct := True;
+ SizeCorrect := True;
+ Synchronize(toMD5);
+ end;
+ // Очищаем ресурсы
+ if Assigned(FRequest) then
+ InternetCloseHandle(FRequest);
+ if Assigned(FConnect) then
+ InternetCloseHandle(FConnect);
+ InternetCloseHandle(FSession);
+ Pointer(MemoryStream) := nil;
+ Complete;
+ end;
+constructor TIMDownloadThread.Create(CreateSuspennded: Boolean; const URL, Proxy, ProxyBypass, AuthUserName, AuthPassword, ProxyAuthUserName, ProxyAuthPassword, DirPath: String; Stream: PMemoryStream);
+ inherited Create(CreateSuspennded);
+ FreeOnTerminate := True;
+ Pointer(MemoryStream) := Stream;
+ AcceptedSize := 0;
+ Headers := '';
+ MD5Str := '';
+ MD5Correct := False;
+ SizeCorrect := False;
+ fURL := URL;
+ fProxy := Proxy;
+ fProxyBypass := ProxyBypass;
+ fAuthUserName := AuthUserName;
+ fAuthPassword := AuthPassword;
+ fProxyAuthUserName := ProxyAuthUserName;
+ fProxyAuthPassword := ProxyAuthPassword;
+ fDirPath := DirPath;
+procedure TIMDownloader.Download;
+ fInDowloading := True;
+ if Assigned(Downloader) then
+ Downloader.Terminate;
+ if Assigned(fOutStream) then
+ FreeAndNil(fOutStream);
+ fAcceptedSize := 0;
+ fMyHeaders := '';
+ fMyMD5Str := '';
+ fMyMD5Correct := False;
+ fMySizeCorrect := False;
+ fOutStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ Downloader := TIMDownloadThread.Create(True, fURL, fProxy, fProxyBypass, fAuthUserName, fAuthPassword, fProxyAuthUserName, fProxyAuthPassword, fDirPath, Pointer(fOutStream));
+ Downloader.OnAccepted := AcceptDownload;
+ Downloader.OnError := ErrorDownload;
+ Downloader.OnHeaders := GetHeaders;
+ Downloader.OnDownloading := Downloading;
+ Downloader.OnBreak := Break_Download;
+ Downloader.OnMD5Checked := GetMD5;
+ Downloader.Resume;
+ if Assigned(fOnStartDownload) then
+ fOnStartDownload(Self);
+procedure TIMDownloader.BreakDownload;
+ if not InDowloading then
+ Exit;
+ if Assigned(Downloader) then
+ Downloader.Terminate;
+procedure TIMDownloader.Break_Download(Sender: TObject);
+ fInDowloading := False;
+ Downloader := nil;
+ if Assigned(fOnBreak) then
+ fOnBreak(Self);
+procedure TIMDownloader.AcceptDownload(Sender: TObject);
+ fInDowloading := False;
+ Downloader := nil;
+ if Assigned(fOnAccepted) then
+ fOnAccepted(Self);
+procedure TIMDownloader.GetHeaders(Sender: TObject; Headers: String);
+ fMyHeaders := Headers;
+ if Assigned(fHeaders) then
+ fHeaders(Self, Headers);
+procedure TIMDownloader.GetMD5(Sender: TObject; MD5Correct, SizeCorrect: Boolean; MD5Str: String);
+ fMyMD5Str := MD5Str;
+ fMyMD5Correct := MD5Correct;
+ fMySizeCorrect := SizeCorrect;
+ if Assigned(fMD5) then
+ fMD5(Self, MD5Correct, SizeCorrect, MD5Str);
+procedure TIMDownloader.Downloading(Sender: TObject; AcceptedSize, MaxSize: Cardinal);
+ fAcceptedSize := AcceptedSize;
+ if Assigned(fDownloading) then
+ fDownloading(Self, AcceptedSize, MaxSize);
+procedure TIMDownloader.ErrorDownload(Sender: TObject; Error: TIMDownloadError);
+ fInDowloading := False;
+ Downloader := nil;
+ fOutStream := nil;
+ if Assigned(fOnError) then
+ fOnError(Self, Error);