path: root/plugins/Pascal_Headers/
diff options
authorAlexey Kulakov <>2012-06-29 06:56:07 +0000
committerAlexey Kulakov <>2012-06-29 06:56:07 +0000
commita2795725f5afc756a405a85c192bdd53b967999d (patch)
tree08548adc194d0c2a960120a342bac02208c3e23f /plugins/Pascal_Headers/
parentaf7e438cfe8ce85e1da234318ed1584e89d952cc (diff)
Added my Miranda API pascal version
Changed ShlExt to my API compilation (32 bit FPC now only) git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Pascal_Headers/')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Pascal_Headers/ b/plugins/Pascal_Headers/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eac9de22bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Pascal_Headers/
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+ RD_ANCHORX_CUSTOM = 0; // function did everything required to the x axis, do no more processing
+ RD_ANCHORX_LEFT = 0; // move the control to keep it constant distance from the left edge of the dialog
+ RD_ANCHORX_RIGHT = 1; // move the control to keep it constant distance from the right edge of the dialog
+ RD_ANCHORX_WIDTH = 2; // size the control to keep it constant distance from both edges of the dialog
+ RD_ANCHORX_CENTRE = 4; // move the control to keep it constant distance from the centre of the dialog
+ RWPF_NOSIZE = 1; // don't use stored size info: leave dialog same size
+ RWPF_NOMOVE = 2; // don't use stored position
+ RWPF_NOACTIVATE = 4; // show but don't activate v0.3.3.0+
+ RWPF_HIDDEN = 8; // make it hidden v0.9.0.9+
+ CPM_SETCOLOUR = $1000;// lParam=new colour
+ CPM_GETCOLOUR = $1001;// returns colour
+ CPM_SETDEFAULTCOLOUR = $1002;// lParam=default, used as first custom colour
+ CPM_GETDEFAULTCOLOUR = $1003;// returns colour
+ CPN_COLOURCHANGED = 1; // sent through WM_COMMAND
+ // Colour picker control, see CPM_* and CPN_* constants above
+ // hyperlink messages
+ {
+ Use this in a SendMessage to set the color of the url when control is enabled
+ wParam=DWORD color
+ lParam=not used
+ }
+ HLK_SETENABLECOLOUR = WM_USER+101; // added in 0.3.1
+ {
+ Use this in a SendMessage to set the color of the url when control is disabled
+ wParam=DWORD color
+ lParam=not used
+ }
+ HLK_SETDISABLECOLOUR = WM_USER+102; // added in 0.3.1
+ cbSize : int;
+ wId : int; // control ID
+ rcItem : TRECT; // original control rectangle, relative to dialog
+ // modify in-placee to specify the new position
+ dlgOriginalSize: TSize; // size of dialog client area in template
+ dlgNewSize : TSize; // current size of dialog client area
+ end;
+ TDIALOGRESIZERPROC = function(hwndDlg: THANDLE; lParam: LPARAM; urc: PUTILRESIZECONTROL): int; cdecl;
+ cbSize : int;
+ hwndDlg : HWND;
+ hInstance : HINST;
+ lpTemplate: PAnsiChar;
+ lParam : LPARAM;
+ end;
+ PCountryListEntry = ^TCountryListEntry;
+ TCountryListEntry = record
+ id : int;
+ szName: PAnsiChar;
+ end;
+ hList : THANDLE;
+ hWnd : HWND;
+ hContact: THANDLE;
+ end;
+ hWnd : HWND;
+ hContact : THANDLE;
+ szModule : PAnsiChar; // module name eto store the settings in
+ szNamePrefix: PAnsiChar; // text to prefix on 'x', 'width', etc
+ end;
+ {
+ wParam : OUF_* flag
+ lParam : Pointer to a null terminated string containing Url
+ Affect : Open a URL in the user's default web browser, see notes
+ Returns: 0 on success, [non zero on failure]
+ Notes : bOpenInWindow should be zero to open the URL in the browoser window
+ the user last used, or nonzero to open in a new browser window,
+ if there's no browser running, it will be started to show the URL
+ Version: v0.1.0.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_OPENURL:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/OpenURL';
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : Pointer to an initalised TUTILRESIZEDIALOG structure
+ Affect : Resize a dialog by calling a custom routine to move each control, see notes
+ Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
+ Notes : Does not support DIALOGTEMPLATEEX dialogboxes, and will return
+ failure if you try to resize one.-
+ the dialog iteself should have been resized prior to calling this
+ service, .pfnResizer is called once for each control in the dialog
+ .pfnResizer should return a combination of one RD_ANCHORx_ and one RD_ANCHORy constant
+ Version: v0.1.0.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_RESIZEDIALOG:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/ResizeDialog';
+ {
+ wParam : countryID
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Get the name of a country given it's number, e.g. 44 = UK
+ Returns: Returns a pointer to a string containing the country name on success
+ NULL(0) on failure
+ Version: v0.1.2.0+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYNUMBER:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryByNumber';
+ {
+ wParam : Pointer to an int to be filled with count -- !TODO! test.
+ lParam : Pointer to an PCountryListEntry, see notes
+ Affect : Get the full list of country IDs, see notes
+ Returns: 0 always
+ Notes : the list is sorted alphabetically by name, on the assumption
+ it's quicker to search numbers that are out of outer, than strings
+ that are out of order. a NULL(0) entry terminates
+ -
+ Neither wParam or lParam can be NULL(0)
+ -
+ lParam is filled with the first entry, it can be accessed as a pointer,
+ to get the next entry, increment the pointer by sizeof(Pointer) NOT
+ sizeof(TCountryList), only increment the pointer as many times as
+ given by iCount.
+ -
+ this data can NOT be copied if an array of TCountryListEntry's is passed
+ so don't try it.
+ Version: v0.1.2.0+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetCountryList';
+ // see WindowList_* functions below
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Allocate a window list
+ Returns: A handle to the new window list
+ Version: v0.1.0.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_ALLOCWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/AllocWindowList';
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : Pointer to an initalised TWINDOWLISTENTRY structure
+ Affect : Add a window to a given window list handle
+ Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
+ Version: v0.1.0.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_ADDTOWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/AddToWindowList';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle to window list to remove from
+ lParam : Window handle to remove
+ Affect : Remove a window from the specified window list
+ Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
+ Version: v0.1.0.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_REMOVEFROMWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/RemoveFromWindowList';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle to the window list to look in
+ lParam : Handle to a HCONTACT to find in the window list
+ Affect : Find a window handle given the hContact
+ Returns: The found window handle or NULL(0) on failure
+ Version: v0.1.0.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_FINDWINDOWINLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/FindWindowInList';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle to window list
+ lParam : Pointer to TMSG (initalised with what to broadcast)
+ Affect : Broadcast a message to all windows in a list, see notes
+ Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
+ Notes : only TMSG.Message, .wParam, .lParam are used
+ Version: v0.1.0.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_BROADCASTTOWINDOWLIST:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/BroadcastToWindowList';
+ {
+ Version:
+ Inline helper: WindowList_BroadcastAsync
+ wParam : Handle to window list
+ lParam : Pointer to TMSG (initalised with what to broadcast)
+ Affect : Broadcast a message to all windows in the given list using PostMessage()
+ Returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure, this service does not fail,
+ even if PostMessage() fails for whatever reason
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_BROADCASTTOWINDOWLIST_ASYNC:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/BroadcastToWindowListAsync';
+ {
+ There aren't any services here, there's no need for them, the control class
+ will obey the SS_LEFT (0), SS_CENTER (1), SS_RIGHT(2) styles
+ the control will send STN_CLICKED via WM_COMMAND when the link itself is clicked
+ -
+ These are defined by STATIC controls and STN_CLICKED is sent to standard
+ STATIC classes when they're clicked -- look at WINAPI docs for more info
+ }
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : Pointer to a initialised TSAVEWINDOWPOS structure
+ Affect :
+ Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
+ Notes :
+ Version: v0.1.1.0+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_SAVEWINDOWPOSITION:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/SaveWindowPos';
+ {
+ wParam : see RWPF_* flags
+ lParam : Pointer to a initalised TSAVEWINDOWPOS
+ Affect : Restores the position of a window from the database, see notes
+ Returns: 0 on success, [non zero] on failure
+ Notes : If no position info was found, the service will return 1.
+ The NoSize version won't use stored information size, the window
+ is left the same size
+ -
+ See Utils_RestoreWindowPosition() Helper function, this function is
+ a bit different from the C function (which can be inlined too! dammit)
+ that there's only one function and not three (which just passed different flags)
+ Version: v0.1.1.0+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_RESTOREWINDOWPOSITION:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/RestoreWindowPos';
+ wParam : pointer to RECT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Moves a RECT inside screen if it is outside.It works with multiple monitors (v0.9.0.4+)
+ Returns: <0 on error, 0 if not changed the rect, 1 if changed the rect
+ MS_UTILS_ASSERTINSIDESCREEN:pAnsiChar = 'Utils/AssertInsideScreen';
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : Pointer to a null terminated string containing filename
+ Affect : Loads a bitmap (or other graphic type, see Notes
+ Returns: HBITMAP on success, NULL(0) on failure
+ Notes : This function also supports JPEG, GIF (and maybe PNG too)
+ For speed, if the file extention is .bmp or .rle it will use LoadImage()
+ and not load OLE for the extra image support
+ -
+ Remember to delete the returned handle with DeleteObject (see GDI documentation for WINAPI)
+ Version: v0.1.2.1+
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAP :PAnsiChar = 'Utils/LoadBitmap';
+ MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAPW:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/LoadBitmapW';
+ {
+ wParam : byte length of buffer (not to be confused with byte range)
+ lParam : Pointer to buffer
+ Affect : Get the filter strings for use in the open file dialog, see notes
+ Returns: 0 on success [non zero] on failure
+ Notes : See the WINAPI under OPENFILENAME.lpStrFiler for formatting,
+ an 'All bitmaps' item is alway first, and 'All files' is always last
+ -
+ The returned string is always formatted
+ -
+ To build this filter, the filter string consists of
+ filter followed by a descriptive text
+ followed by more filters and their descriptive texts -- end with double NULL(0)
+ e.g. *.bmp' #0 'All bitmaps' #0 '*.*' #0 'All Files' #0 #0
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_GETBITMAPFILTERSTRINGS :PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetBitmapFilterStrings';
+ MS_UTILS_GETBITMAPFILTERSTRINGSW:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetBitmapFilterStringsW';
+ {
+ wParam : pszPath
+ lParam : pszNewPath
+ Affect : Saves a path to a relative path (from the miranda directory)
+ Only saves as a relative path if the file is in the miranda
+ directory (or sub directory)
+ Notes : pszPath is the path to convert and pszNewPath is the buffer that
+ the new path is copied too. pszNewPath MUST be of the size MAX_PATH.
+ Returns: numbers of chars copied.
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_PATHTORELATIVE :PAnsiChar = 'Utils/PathToRelative';
+//Unicode versions (0.6.2+)
+ MS_UTILS_PATHTORELATIVEW:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/PathToRelativeW';
+ {
+ Affect : Saves a path to a absolute path (from the miranda directory)
+ wParam : pszPath
+ lParam : pszNewPath
+ Notes : pszPath is the path to convert and pszNewPath is the buffer that
+ the new path is copied too. pszNewPath MUST be of the size MAX_PATH.
+ Returns: numbers of chars copied.
+ }
+ MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE :PAnsiChar = 'Utils/PathToAbsolute';
+//Unicode versions (0.6.2+)
+ MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTEW:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/PathToAbsoluteW';
+ Creates a directory tree (even more than one directories levels are missing) 0.7.0+
+ wParam=0 (unused)
+ lParam=pszPath - directory to be created
+ Returns 0 on success error code otherwise
+ Unicode version is available since 0.7.0
+ MS_UTILS_CREATEDIRTREE :PAnsiChar = 'Utils/CreateDirTree';
+ MS_UTILS_CREATEDIRTREEW:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/CreateDirTreeW';
+ Generates Random number of any length
+ wParam=size - length of the random number to generate
+ lParam=(LPARAM)(char*)pszArray - pointer to array to fill with random number
+ Always returns 0
+ MS_UTILS_GETRANDOM:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/GetRandom';
+//Replace variables in text
+//wParam=(char*/TCHAR*/WCHAR*)string (depends on RVF_UNICODE/RVF_TCHAR flag)
+//lParam=(REPLACEVARSDATA *) data about variables, item with key=0 terminates the list
+//returns new string, use mir_free to destroy
+ szKey :TCHAR;
+ szValue:TCHAR;
+ end;
+ cbSize :int;
+ dwFlags :dword;
+ hContact :THANDLE;
+ end;
+ MS_UTILS_REPLACEVARS:PAnsiChar = 'Utils/ReplaceVars';
+ variables known by the core:
+ ----------------------------
+ %miranda_profile% -> same as MS_DB_GETPROFILEPATH, base folder for all profiles
+ %miranda_userdata% -> the active profile folder (home of the .dat file and all
+ profile data)
+ %miranda_path% -> home path of the miranda installation (installation path
+ of miranda32/64.exe
+ %miranda_profilename% -> Name of the profile in use. Essentially, the name of the
+ .dat file without file name extension. Also: the folder name
+ relative to %miranda_profile% where all profile data is stored.
+ %miranda_logpath% -> base folder for log files. This is \Logs relative to the
+ current profile folder.
+ %miranda_avatarcache% -> base folder for all protocol avatars. internal use only.
+ the following variables operate on contacts. REPLACEVARSDATA::hContact must be
+ supplied by the caller.
+ %nick% -> a contact nick name.
+ %proto% -> internal protocol name for a given contact. NOT the user-
+ defined account name.
+ %userid% -> Unique ID for a given contact (UIN, JID etc.)
+ the following variables are system variables - unrelated to miranda profiles.
+ %appdata% -> same as %APPDATA% environment variable.
+ %destkop% -> location of the desktop folder in a user's profile.
+ %mydocuments% -> location of the "My Documents" shell folder.