path: root/plugins/Ping/collection.h
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authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-11-28 17:40:59 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-11-28 17:40:59 +0000
commit6e7708ae1760c85840f2e30e9af7221d2b149905 (patch)
tree05cb1aea34b3ecfd3b3729840766db1b722b7182 /plugins/Ping/collection.h
parent5e9e63c45e37917ffb0acd83832d0d8f99d01883 (diff)
- Ping: folder rename
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Ping/collection.h')
1 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Ping/collection.h b/plugins/Ping/collection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8709e3ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Ping/collection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+#include <malloc.h>
+template<class T> class Collection {
+ unsigned long count;
+ Collection(): count(0) {}
+ virtual void clear() = 0;
+ virtual void add(const T &val) = 0;
+ virtual const bool remove(const T &val) = 0;
+ const unsigned long size() const {return count;}
+template<class T> class Node {
+ T val;
+ Node(const T &v): val(v) {}
+ virtual ~Node() {}
+template<class T> class ListNode: public Node<T> {
+ ListNode<T> *next, *prev;
+ ListNode(const T &v): Node<T>(v), next(0), prev(0) {}
+ virtual ~ListNode() {
+ if(next) next->prev = prev;
+ if(prev) prev->next = next;
+ }
+template<class T> class LinkedList: public Collection<T> {
+ ListNode<T> *head, *tail;
+ class Iterator {
+ friend class LinkedList<T>;
+ protected:
+ ListNode<T> *n;
+ Iterator(ListNode<T> *start): n(start) {}
+ public:
+ Iterator(const Iterator &other): n(other.n) {}
+ virtual T &val() {return n->val;}
+ virtual void next() {if(n) n = n->next;}
+ virtual void prev() {if(n) n = n->prev;}
+ virtual const bool has_val() {return (n ? true : false); }
+ };
+ LinkedList(): Collection<T>(), head(0), tail(0) {};
+ LinkedList(const LinkedList<T> &other): Collection<T>(), head(0), tail(0) {
+ for(Iterator i = other.start(); i.has_val();
+ add(i.val());
+ }
+ virtual ~LinkedList() {clear();}
+ LinkedList<T> &operator=(const LinkedList<T> &other) {
+ clear();
+ for(Iterator i = other.start(); i.has_val();
+ add(i.val());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ virtual void clear() {
+ ListNode<T> *n;
+ while(head) {
+ n = head;
+ head = head->next;
+ delete n;
+ }
+ tail = 0;
+ Collection<T>::count = 0;
+ }
+ virtual Iterator start() const {return Iterator(head);}
+ virtual void add_front(T &val) {
+ ListNode<T> *n = new ListNode<T>(val);
+ n->next = head;
+ if(head) head->prev = n;
+ head = n;
+ if(!tail) tail = n;
+ Collection<T>::count++;
+ }
+ virtual void add(const T &val) {
+ ListNode<T> *n = new ListNode<T>(val);
+ n->prev = tail;
+ if(tail) tail->next = n;
+ tail = n;
+ if(!head) head = n;
+ Collection<T>::count++;
+ }
+ virtual const bool remove(const T &val) {
+ ListNode<T> *n = head;
+ while(n) {
+ if(n->val == val) {
+ if(n == head) head = head->next;
+ if(n == tail) tail = tail->prev;
+ delete n;
+ Collection<T>::count--;
+ return true;
+ } else
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual const bool contains(T &val) const {
+ ListNode<T> *n = head;
+ while(n) {
+ if(n->val == val) {
+ return true;
+ } else
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // queue/stack functions
+ // stack - use push/pop
+ // queue - use push_back/pop
+ virtual void push(T val) {
+ add_front(val);
+ }
+ virtual void push_back(T &val) {
+ add(val);
+ }
+ virtual const bool pop(T &val) {
+ if(!head) return false;
+ ListNode<T> *n = head;
+ if(head) {
+ head = head->next;
+ if(n == tail) tail = 0;
+ val = n->val;
+ delete n;
+ Collection<T>::count--;
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+template<class T> class DynamicArray: public Collection<T> {
+ T *ar;
+ unsigned long initial, limit, increment;
+ class Iterator {
+ friend class DynamicArray<T>;
+ protected:
+ T *ar;
+ unsigned long count;
+ unsigned long pos;
+ Iterator(T *a, const int c, unsigned long p): ar(a), count(c), pos(p) {}
+ public:
+ Iterator(const Iterator &other): ar(, count(other.count), pos(other.pos) {}
+ virtual T &val() {return ar[pos];}
+ virtual void next() {pos++;}
+ virtual void prev() {pos--;}
+ virtual const bool has_val() {return pos < count; }
+ };
+ DynamicArray(unsigned long init = 0, unsigned long inc = 1): Collection<T>(), ar(0), initial(init), limit(init), increment(inc) {
+ if(limit) ar = (T *)malloc(limit * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ virtual ~DynamicArray() {if(ar) free(ar);}
+ virtual void clear() {
+ Collection<T>::count = 0;
+ limit = initial;
+ if(limit) ar = (T *)realloc(ar, limit * sizeof(T));
+ else {
+ free(ar);
+ ar = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual Iterator start() const {return Iterator(ar, Collection<T>::count, 0);}
+ virtual void add(const T &val) {
+ if(Collection<T>::count == limit) {
+ limit += increment;
+ ar = (T *)realloc(ar, limit * sizeof(T));
+ ar[Collection<T>::count++] = val;
+ } else
+ ar[Collection<T>::count++] = val;
+ }
+ virtual void add_all(DynamicArray<T> &other) {
+ for(Iterator i = other.start(); i.has_val(); {
+ add(i.val());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual const bool remove(const T &val) {
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < Collection<T>::count; i++) {
+ if(ar[i] == val) {
+ memmove(ar + i, ar + i + 1, (Collection<T>::count - i) * sizeof(T));
+ Collection<T>::count--;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual const bool remove(const unsigned long index) {
+ if(index >= Collection<T>::count) return false;
+ memmove(ar + index, ar + index + 1, (Collection<T>::count - index) * sizeof(T));
+ Collection<T>::count--;
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual const bool insert(const T &val, const unsigned long index) {
+ if(index > Collection<T>::count) return false;
+ if(Collection<T>::count == limit) {
+ limit += increment;
+ ar = (T *)realloc(ar, limit * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ if(index < Collection<T>::count)
+ memmove(ar + index + 1, ar + index, (Collection<T>::count - index) * sizeof(T));
+ ar[index] = val;
+ Collection<T>::count++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual T &operator[](const int index) {
+ return ar[index];
+ }
+ const bool index_of(const T &val, unsigned long &index) const {
+ for(int i = 0; i < Collection<T>::count; i++) {
+ if(ar[index] == val) {
+ index = i;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const int index_of(const T &val) const {
+ for(int i = 0; i < Collection<T>::count; i++) {
+ if(ar[i] == val) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // stack functions
+ virtual const bool pop(T &val) {
+ if(Collection<T>::count) {
+ val = ar[Collection<T>::count -1];
+ remove(Collection<T>::count -1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual void push(const T &val) {
+ add(val);
+ }
+template<class T> class SortedDynamicArray: public DynamicArray<T> {
+ SortedDynamicArray(unsigned long init = 0, unsigned long inc = 1): DynamicArray<T>(init, inc) {}
+ virtual ~SortedDynamicArray() {}
+ const bool get_index(const T &val, unsigned long &index) {
+ unsigned long low = 0;
+ unsigned long high = Collection<T>::count-1;
+ while( high < Collection<T>::count && low <= high )
+ {
+ unsigned long i = ( low+high )/2;
+ if ( DynamicArray<T>::ar[i] == val )
+ { index = i;
+ return true;
+ } else
+ if (DynamicArray<T>::ar[i] < val)
+ low = i+1;
+ else
+ high = i-1;
+ }
+ index = low;
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual void add(const T &val) {
+ unsigned long index;
+ get_index(val, index);
+ insert(val, index);
+ }
+template<class T> class TreeNode: public Node<T> {
+ TreeNode<T> *parent, *left, *right;
+ TreeNode(const T &v, TreeNode<T> *par): Node<T>(v), parent(par), left(0), right(0) {}
+ virtual ~TreeNode() {
+ if(parent) {
+ if(parent->left == this) parent->left = 0;
+ if(parent->right == this)parent->right = 0;
+ }
+ }
+template<class T, class N = TreeNode<T> > class BinaryTree: public Collection<T> {
+ N *root;
+ virtual void delete_node(N *n) {
+ if(n->left && n->right) {
+ N *minmax = n->left;
+ while(minmax->right) minmax = minmax->right;
+ n->val = minmax->val;
+ delete_node(minmax);
+ return;
+ } else if(n->right) {
+ if(n->parent) {
+ if(n->parent->left == n) n->parent->left = n->right;
+ else n->parent->right = n->right;
+ } else
+ root = n->right;
+ n->right->parent = n->parent;
+ } else if(n->left) {
+ if(n->parent) {
+ if(n->parent->left == n) n->parent->left = n->left;
+ else n->parent->right = n->left;
+ } else
+ root = n->left;
+ n->left->parent = n->parent;
+ } else {
+ if(n == root) root = 0;
+ }
+ delete n;
+ Collection<T>::count--;
+ }
+ virtual void insert_node(N *n) {
+ N *current = root, *parent = 0;
+ while(current) {
+ parent = current;
+ if(n->val < current->val)
+ current = current->left;
+ else
+ current = current->right;
+ }
+ if(parent) {
+ if(n->val < parent->val) {
+ parent->left = n;
+ } else {
+ parent->right = n;
+ }
+ } else
+ root = n;
+ n->parent = parent;
+ Collection<T>::count++;
+ }
+ class Iterator {
+ friend class BinaryTree<T, N>;
+ protected:
+ class EvalNode {
+ public:
+ bool evaluate;
+ N *node;
+ EvalNode(): evaluate(false), node(0) {}
+ EvalNode(const bool eval, N *n): evaluate(eval), node(n) {}
+ const bool operator==(const EvalNode &other) const {return node == other.node;}
+ EvalNode &operator=(const EvalNode &other) {evaluate = other.evaluate; node = other.node; return *this;}
+ };
+ N *n;
+ LinkedList<EvalNode> stack;
+ Iterator(N *start): n(0) {
+ if(start) {
+ stack.push(EvalNode(true, start));
+ next();
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ Iterator(const Iterator &other):n(other.n), stack(other.stack) {}
+ virtual ~Iterator() {}
+ virtual T &val() {return n->val;}
+ virtual void next() {
+ EvalNode en;
+ bool popped = false;
+ while((popped = stack.pop(en)) && en.evaluate) {
+ if(en.node->right) stack.push(EvalNode(true, en.node->right));
+ stack.push(EvalNode(false, en.node));
+ if(en.node->left) stack.push(EvalNode(true, en.node->left));
+ }
+ n = (popped ? en.node : 0);
+ }
+ virtual const bool has_val() {return (n ? true : false);}
+ };
+ BinaryTree(): Collection<T>(), root(0) {};
+ BinaryTree(BinaryTree<T> &other): Collection<T>(), root(0) {
+ for(Iterator i = other.start(); i.has_val();
+ add(i.val());
+ }
+ virtual ~BinaryTree() {clear();}
+ BinaryTree &operator=(BinaryTree<T> &other) {
+ clear();
+ for(Iterator i = other.start(); i.has_val();
+ add(i.val());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ virtual void clear() {
+ N *current = root, *parent = 0;
+ while(current) {
+ if(current->left) current = current->left;
+ else if(current->right) current = current->right;
+ else {
+ parent = current->parent;
+ delete current;
+ current = parent;
+ }
+ }
+ root = 0;
+ Collection<T>::count = 0;
+ }
+ void add(const T &val) {
+ N *n = new N(val, 0);
+ insert_node(n);
+ }
+ const bool remove(const T &val) {
+ N *current = root;
+ while(current) {
+ if(current->val == val)
+ break;
+ else if(val < current->val)
+ current = current->left;
+ else
+ current = current->right;
+ }
+ if(current) {
+ delete_node(current);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ const bool contains(const T &val) const {
+ N *current = root;
+ while(current) {
+ if(current->val == val)
+ break;
+ else if(val < current->val)
+ current = current->left;
+ else
+ current = current->right;
+ }
+ return current != 0;
+ }
+ Iterator start() const {return Iterator(root);}
+#define RED 1
+#define BLACK 0
+// thanks to wikipedia (
+template<class T> class ColouredTreeNode: public Node<T> {
+ ColouredTreeNode<T> *parent, *left, *right;
+ char color;
+ ColouredTreeNode(const T &v, ColouredTreeNode<T> *par): Node<T>(v), parent(par), left(0), right(0), color(BLACK) {}
+ virtual ~ColouredTreeNode() {
+ if(parent) {
+ if(parent->left == this) parent->left = 0;
+ if(parent->right == this)parent->right = 0;
+ }
+ }
+template<class T, class N = ColouredTreeNode<T> > class RedBlackTree: public BinaryTree<T, N> {
+ N *grandparent(N *n) {
+ if (n && n->parent)
+ return n->parent->parent;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ N *uncle(N *n) {
+ if(grandparent(n)) {
+ if (n->parent == grandparent(n)->left)
+ return grandparent(n)->right;
+ else
+ return grandparent(n)->left;
+ } else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ N *sibling(N *n) {
+ if(n->parent) {
+ if (n == n->parent->left)
+ return n->parent->right;
+ else
+ return n->parent->left;
+ } else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ bool is_leaf(N *n) {
+ return n == 0;
+ }
+ void replace_node(N *o, N *n) {
+ n->parent = o->parent;
+ if(n->parent) {
+ if(n->parent->left == o) n->parent->left = n;
+ else if(n->parent->right == o) n->parent->right = n;
+ } else
+ BinaryTree<T, N>::root = n;
+ }
+ void rotate_left(N *n) {
+ N *p = n->right;
+ N *q = n;
+ q->right = p->left;
+ if(q->right) q->right->parent = q;
+ p->left = q;
+ p->parent = q->parent;
+ q->parent = p;
+ if(p->parent) {
+ if(p->parent->left == q) p->parent->left = p;
+ else if(p->parent->right == q) p->parent->right = p;
+ } else
+ BinaryTree<T, N>::root = p;
+ }
+ void rotate_right(N *n) {
+ N *p = n->left;
+ N *q = n;
+ q->left = p->right;
+ if(q->left) q->left->parent = q;
+ p->right = q;
+ p->parent = q->parent;
+ q->parent = p;
+ if(p->parent) {
+ if(p->parent->left == q) p->parent->left = p;
+ else if(p->parent->right == q) p->parent->right = p;
+ } else
+ BinaryTree<T, N>::root = p;
+ }
+ void insert_case1(N *n) {
+ if (n->parent == NULL)
+ n->color = BLACK;
+ else
+ insert_case2(n);
+ }
+ void insert_case2(N *n) {
+ if (n->parent->color == BLACK)
+ return; /* Tree is still valid */
+ else
+ insert_case3(n);
+ }
+ void insert_case3(N *n) {
+ if (uncle(n) != NULL && uncle(n)->color == RED) {
+ n->parent->color = BLACK;
+ uncle(n)->color = BLACK;
+ grandparent(n)->color = RED;
+ insert_case1(grandparent(n));
+ } else
+ insert_case4(n);
+ }
+ void insert_case4(N *n) {
+ if (n == n->parent->right && n->parent == grandparent(n)->left) {
+ rotate_left(n->parent);
+ n = n->left;
+ } else if (n == n->parent->left && n->parent == grandparent(n)->right) {
+ rotate_right(n->parent);
+ n = n->right;
+ }
+ insert_case5(n);
+ }
+ void insert_case5(N *n) {
+ n->parent->color = BLACK;
+ grandparent(n)->color = RED;
+ if (n == n->parent->left && n->parent == grandparent(n)->left) {
+ rotate_right(grandparent(n));
+ } else {
+ /* Here, n == n->parent->right && n->parent == grandparent(n)->right */
+ rotate_left(grandparent(n));
+ }
+ }
+ void delete_case0(N *n) {
+ /* Precondition: n has at most one non-null child */
+ N *child = is_leaf(n->right) ? n->left : n->right;
+ if(child) replace_node(n, child);
+ if (n->color == BLACK) {
+ if(child) {
+ if (child->color == RED)
+ child->color = BLACK;
+ else
+ delete_case1(child);
+ } else
+ delete_case1(n);
+ }
+ if(BinaryTree<T, N>::root == n) BinaryTree<T, N>::root = 0;
+ delete n;
+ Collection<T>::count--;
+ }
+ void delete_case1(N *n) {
+ if (n->parent == NULL)
+ return;
+ else
+ delete_case2(n);
+ }
+ void delete_case2(N *n) {
+ if (sibling(n) && sibling(n)->color == RED) {
+ n->parent->color = RED;
+ sibling(n)->color = BLACK;
+ if (n == n->parent->left)
+ rotate_left(n->parent);
+ else
+ rotate_right(n->parent);
+ }
+ delete_case3(n);
+ }
+ void delete_case3(N *n) {
+ if (n->parent->color == BLACK &&
+ sibling(n) &&
+ sibling(n)->color == BLACK &&
+ (sibling(n)->left == 0 || sibling(n)->left->color == BLACK) &&
+ (sibling(n)->right == 0 || sibling(n)->right->color == BLACK))
+ {
+ sibling(n)->color = RED;
+ delete_case1(n->parent);
+ } else
+ delete_case4(n);
+ }
+ void delete_case4(N *n) {
+ if (n->parent->color == RED &&
+ sibling(n) &&
+ sibling(n)->color == BLACK &&
+ (sibling(n)->left == 0 || sibling(n)->left->color == BLACK) &&
+ (sibling(n)->right == 0 || sibling(n)->right->color == BLACK))
+ {
+ sibling(n)->color = RED;
+ n->parent->color = BLACK;
+ } else
+ delete_case5(n);
+ }
+ void delete_case5(N *n) {
+ if (n == n->parent->left &&
+ sibling(n) &&
+ sibling(n)->color == BLACK &&
+ sibling(n)->left &&
+ sibling(n)->left->color == RED &&
+ (sibling(n)->right == 0 || sibling(n)->right->color == BLACK))
+ {
+ sibling(n)->color = RED;
+ sibling(n)->left->color = BLACK;
+ rotate_right(sibling(n));
+ } else if (n == n->parent->right &&
+ sibling(n) &&
+ sibling(n)->color == BLACK &&
+ sibling(n)->right &&
+ sibling(n)->right->color == RED &&
+ (sibling(n)->left == 0 || sibling(n)->left->color == BLACK))
+ {
+ sibling(n)->color = RED;
+ sibling(n)->right->color = BLACK;
+ rotate_left(sibling(n));
+ }
+ delete_case6(n);
+ }
+ void delete_case6(N *n) {
+ sibling(n)->color = n->parent->color;
+ n->parent->color = BLACK;
+ if (n == n->parent->left) {
+ /* Here, sibling(n)->right->color == RED */
+ sibling(n)->right->color = BLACK;
+ rotate_left(n->parent);
+ } else {
+ /* Here, sibling(n)->left->color == RED */
+ sibling(n)->left->color = BLACK;
+ rotate_right(n->parent);
+ }
+ }
+ N *get_predecessor(N *n) {
+ N *minmax = n->left;
+ while(minmax->right) minmax = minmax->right;
+ return minmax;
+ }
+ virtual void insert_node(N *n) {
+ BinaryTree<T, N>::insert_node(n);
+ n->color = RED;
+ insert_case1(n);
+ }
+ virtual void delete_node(N *n) {
+ if(n->left && n->right) {
+ N *predecessor = get_predecessor(n);
+ n->val = predecessor->val;
+ delete_case0(predecessor);
+ } else
+ delete_case0(n);
+ }
+ RedBlackTree(): BinaryTree< T, N >() {}
+ virtual ~RedBlackTree() {}
+template<class A, class B> class Pair {
+ A first;
+ B second;
+ Pair(const A &f): first(f) {}
+ Pair(const A &f, const B &s): first(f), second(s) {}
+ Pair(const Pair<A,B> &other): first(other.first), second(other.second) {}
+ virtual ~Pair() {}
+ const bool operator<(const Pair<A,B> &other) const {return first < other.first;}
+ const bool operator==(const Pair<A,B> &other) const {return first == other.first;}
+ Pair<A,B> &operator=(const Pair<A,B> &other) {first = other.first; second = other.second; return *this;}
+//template<class A, class B, class N = TreeNode<Pair<A, B> > > class Map: public BinaryTree< Pair< A, B >, N > {
+template<class A, class B, class N = ColouredTreeNode<Pair<A, B> > > class Map: public RedBlackTree< Pair< A, B >, N > {
+ N *find(A &key) const {
+ N *n = RedBlackTree< Pair< A, B >, N >::root;
+ while(n) {
+ if(n->val.first == key)
+ return n;
+ else if(key < n->val.first)
+ n = n->left;
+ else
+ n = n->right;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //Map(): BinaryTree< Pair<A,B>, N >() {}
+ Map(): RedBlackTree< Pair<A,B>, N >() {}
+ virtual ~Map() {}
+ void put(A &key, B &value) {
+ add(Pair<A,B>(key, value));
+ }
+ const bool get(A &key, B &val) const {
+ const N *n = find(key);
+ if(n) {
+ val = n->val.second;
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ B &operator[](A &key) {
+ N *n = find(key);
+ if(n)
+ return n->val.second;
+ else {
+ Pair< A, B > p(key);
+ N *n = new N(p, 0);
+ insert_node(n);
+ return n->val.second;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual const bool exists(A &key) const {
+ const N *n = find(key);
+ if(n) {
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual const bool remove(A &key) {
+ N *n = find(key);
+ if(n) {
+ delete_node(n);
+ return true;
+ } else
+ return false;
+ }