path: root/plugins/Quotes/src/ImportExport.cpp
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2012-11-28 18:45:54 +0000
committerGeorge Hazan <>2012-11-28 18:45:54 +0000
commita70382b0e8bed265a1d314d9f6aae8f2dd48d20b (patch)
tree9a99a073c0d7b9483dab51a0eebf04a9119f61ed /plugins/Quotes/src/ImportExport.cpp
parent68fb5b69ea8403a3f9dcb70b3133eb10e1711000 (diff)
ex-protos moved to the Plugins folder
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Quotes/src/ImportExport.cpp')
1 files changed, 850 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Quotes/src/ImportExport.cpp b/plugins/Quotes/src/ImportExport.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80ab41d309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Quotes/src/ImportExport.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "ImportExport.h"
+#include "ModuleInfo.h"
+#include "QuotesProviders.h"
+#include "m_Quotes.h"
+#include "IXMLEngine.h"
+#include "Base64.h"
+#include "EconomicRateInfo.h"
+#include "IQuotesProvider.h"
+#include "QuotesProviderVisitor.h"
+#include "QuotesProviderDukasCopy.h"
+#include "QuotesProviderGoogle.h"
+#include "QuotesProviderGoogleFinance.h"
+#include "Locale.h"
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlValue = _T("Value");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlName = _T("Name");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlSetting = _T("Setting");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlModule = _T("Module");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlContact = _T("Contact");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlContacts = _T("Contacts");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlType = _T("type");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlTypeByte = _T("byte");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlTypeWord = _T("word");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlTypeDword = _T("dword");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlTypeAsciiz = _T("asciiz");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlTypeWchar = _T("wchar");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlTypeUtf8 = _T("utf8");
+ LPCTSTR g_pszXmlTypeBlob = _T("blob");
+ struct CEnumContext
+ {
+ CModuleInfo::TXMLEnginePtr m_pXmlEngine;
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr m_pNode;
+ HANDLE m_hContact;
+ LPCSTR m_pszModule;
+ };
+ struct mir_safety_dbvar
+ {
+ mir_safety_dbvar(DBVARIANT* p) : m_p(p){}
+ ~mir_safety_dbvar(){DBFreeVariant(m_p);}
+ };
+ static int enum_contact_settings(const char* szSetting,LPARAM lp)
+ {
+ CEnumContext* ctx = reinterpret_cast<CEnumContext*>(lp);
+ cgs.szModule = ctx->m_pszModule;
+ cgs.szSetting = szSetting;
+ cgs.pValue = &dbv;
+ if(0 == CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING,
+ reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(ctx->m_hContact),
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&cgs)))
+ {
+ mir_safety_dbvar sdbvar(&dbv);
+ tstring sType;
+ tostringstream sValue;
+ sValue.imbue(GetSystemLocale());
+ switch(dbv.type)
+ {
+ case DBVT_BYTE:
+ sValue << dbv.bVal;
+ sType = g_pszXmlTypeByte;
+ break;
+ case DBVT_WORD:
+ sValue << dbv.wVal;
+ sType = g_pszXmlTypeWord;
+ break;
+ case DBVT_DWORD:
+ sValue << dbv.dVal;
+ sType = g_pszXmlTypeDword;
+ break;
+ sType = g_pszXmlTypeAsciiz;
+ if(dbv.pszVal)
+ {
+ sValue << dbv.pszVal;
+// mir_safe_string<char> mss(mir_utf8encode(dbv.pszVal));
+// if(mss.m_p)
+// {
+// sValue << mss.m_p;
+// }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DBVT_WCHAR:
+ sType = g_pszXmlTypeWchar;
+ if(dbv.pwszVal)
+ {
+ sValue << dbv.pwszVal;
+// mir_safe_string<char> mss(mir_utf8encodeW(dbv.pwszVal));
+// if(mss.m_p)
+// {
+// sValue << mss.m_p;
+// }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DBVT_UTF8:
+ sType = g_pszXmlTypeUtf8;
+ if(dbv.pszVal)
+ {
+ sValue << dbv.pszVal;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DBVT_BLOB:
+ sType = g_pszXmlTypeBlob;
+ if(dbv.pbVal)
+ {
+ std::vector<char> buf;
+ if(true == base64::encode(dbv.pbVal,dbv.cpbVal,buf))
+ {
+ buf.push_back('\0');
+ sValue << &*buf.begin();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+// mir_safe_string<char> mssSetting(mir_utf8encode(szSetting));
+// if(mssSetting.m_p)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXmlSet = ctx->m_pXmlEngine->CreateNode(g_pszXmlSetting,tstring());
+ if(pXmlSet)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXmlName = ctx->m_pXmlEngine->CreateNode(g_pszXmlName,quotes_a2t(szSetting));
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXmlValue = ctx->m_pXmlEngine->CreateNode(g_pszXmlValue,sValue.str());
+ if(pXmlName && pXmlValue)
+ {
+ pXmlValue->AddAttribute(g_pszXmlType,sType);
+ pXmlSet->AddChild(pXmlName);
+ pXmlSet->AddChild(pXmlValue);
+ ctx->m_pNode->AddChild(pXmlSet);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int EnumDbModules(const char* szModuleName, DWORD ofsModuleName, LPARAM lp)
+ {
+ CEnumContext* ctx = reinterpret_cast<CEnumContext*>(lp);
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXml = ctx->m_pNode;
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pModule = ctx->m_pXmlEngine->CreateNode(g_pszXmlModule,quotes_a2t(szModuleName)/*A2CT(szModuleName)*/);
+ if(pModule)
+ {
+ ctx->m_pszModule = szModuleName;
+ ctx->m_pNode = pModule;
+ dbces.pfnEnumProc = &enum_contact_settings;
+ dbces.szModule = szModuleName;
+ dbces.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(ctx);
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ENUMSETTINGS,reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(ctx->m_hContact),reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&dbces));
+ if(pModule->GetChildCount() > 0)
+ {
+ pXml->AddChild(pModule);
+ }
+ ctx->m_pNode = pXml;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr export_contact(HANDLE hContact,const CModuleInfo::TXMLEnginePtr& pXmlEngine)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pXmlEngine->CreateNode(g_pszXmlContact,tstring());
+ if(pNode)
+ {
+ CEnumContext ctx;
+ ctx.m_pXmlEngine = pXmlEngine;
+ ctx.m_pNode = pNode;
+ ctx.m_hContact = hContact;
+ CallService(MS_DB_MODULES_ENUM,reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(&ctx),reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(EnumDbModules));
+ }
+ return pNode;
+ }
+ LPCTSTR prepare_filter(LPTSTR pszBuffer,size_t cBuffer)
+ {
+ LPTSTR p = pszBuffer;
+ LPCTSTR pszXml = TranslateT("Xml File (*.xml)");
+ lstrcpyn(p,pszXml, (int)cBuffer);
+ size_t nLen = (int)lstrlen(pszXml)+1;
+ p+= nLen;
+ if(nLen < cBuffer)
+ {
+ lstrcpyn(p,_T("*.xml"),(int)(cBuffer-nLen));
+ p+= 6;
+ nLen += 6;
+ }
+ if(nLen < cBuffer)
+ {
+ LPCTSTR pszAll = TranslateT("All files (*.*)");
+ lstrcpyn(p,pszAll,(int)(cBuffer-nLen));
+ size_t n = lstrlen(pszAll)+1;
+ nLen += n;
+ p+= n;
+ }
+ if(nLen < cBuffer)
+ {
+ lstrcpyn(p,_T("*.*"),(int)(cBuffer-nLen));
+ p+= 4;
+ nLen += 4;
+ }
+ if(nLen < cBuffer)
+ {
+ *p = _T('\0');
+ }
+ return pszBuffer;
+ }
+ bool show_open_file_dialog(bool bOpen,tstring& rsFile)
+ {
+ TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH];
+ TCHAR szFilter[MAX_PATH];
+ memset(&ofn,0,sizeof(ofn));
+ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
+ ofn.hwndOwner = NULL;
+ ofn.lpstrFilter = prepare_filter(szFilter,MAX_PATH);
+ ofn.lpstrDefExt = _T("xml");
+ if(true == bOpen)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
+ ofn.lpstrFile = szBuffer;
+ ofn.lpstrFile[0] = _T('\0');
+ if(bOpen)
+ {
+ if(FALSE == GetOpenFileName(&ofn))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(FALSE == GetSaveFileName(&ofn))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ rsFile = szBuffer;
+ return true;
+ }
+INT_PTR Quotes_Export(WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
+ tstring sFileName;
+ const char* pszFile = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(lp);
+ if(NULL == pszFile)
+ {
+ if(false == show_open_file_dialog(false,sFileName))
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sFileName = quotes_a2t(pszFile);//A2CT(pszFile);
+ }
+ CModuleInfo::TXMLEnginePtr pXmlEngine = CModuleInfo::GetInstance().GetXMLEnginePtr();
+ CModuleInfo::TQuotesProvidersPtr pProviders = CModuleInfo::GetInstance().GetQuoteProvidersPtr();
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pRoot = pXmlEngine->CreateNode(g_pszXmlContacts,tstring());
+ HANDLE hContact = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(wp);
+ if(hContact)
+ {
+ CQuotesProviders::TQuotesProviderPtr pProvider = pProviders->GetContactProviderPtr(hContact);
+ if(pProvider)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = export_contact(hContact,pXmlEngine);
+ if(pNode)
+ {
+ pRoot->AddChild(pNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact))
+ {
+ CQuotesProviders::TQuotesProviderPtr pProvider = pProviders->GetContactProviderPtr(hContact);
+ if(pProvider)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = export_contact(hContact,pXmlEngine);
+ if(pNode)
+ {
+ pRoot->AddChild(pNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ((true == pXmlEngine->SaveFile(sFileName,pRoot)) ? 0 : 1);
+ bool set_contact_settings(HANDLE hContact,DBCONTACTWRITESETTING& dbs)
+ {
+ assert(DBVT_DELETED != dbs.value.type);
+ return (0 == CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING,reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(hContact),
+ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(&dbs)));
+ }
+ bool handle_module(HANDLE hContact,const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlModule,UINT nFlags)
+ {
+ size_t cCreatedRecords = 0;
+ tstring sModuleName = pXmlModule->GetText();
+ if(false == sModuleName.empty())
+ {
+ std::string s = quotes_t2a(sModuleName.c_str());
+ dbs.szModule = s.c_str();//T2CA(sModuleName.c_str());
+ bool bCListModule = 0 == quotes_stricmp(sModuleName.c_str(),_T("CList"));
+ size_t cChild = pXmlModule->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pSetting = pXmlModule->GetChildNode(i);
+ tstring sSetting = pSetting->GetName();
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlSetting,sSetting.c_str()))
+ {
+ size_t cSetChild = pSetting->GetChildCount();
+ if(cSetChild >= 2)
+ {
+ tstring sName;
+ tstring sValue;
+ tstring sType;
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cSetChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pSetting->GetChildNode(i);
+ tstring sNode = pNode->GetName();
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlName,sNode.c_str()))
+ {
+ sName = pNode->GetText();
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlValue,sNode.c_str()))
+ {
+ sValue = pNode->GetText();
+ sType = pNode->GetAttributeValue(g_pszXmlType);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((false == sName.empty()) && (false == sType.empty()))
+ {
+ std::string s = quotes_t2a(sName.c_str());
+ dbs.szSetting = s.c_str();//T2CA(sName.c_str());
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlTypeByte,sType.c_str()))
+ {
+ tistringstream in(sValue.c_str());
+ in.imbue(GetSystemLocale());
+ dbs.value.cVal = in.get();
+ if(in.good() && in.eof())
+ {
+ dbs.value.type = DBVT_BYTE;
+ if(set_contact_settings(hContact,dbs))
+ {
+ ++cCreatedRecords;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlTypeWord,sType.c_str()))
+ {
+ tistringstream in(sValue.c_str());
+ in.imbue(GetSystemLocale());
+ in >> dbs.value.wVal;
+ if(in.good() || in.eof())
+ {
+ dbs.value.type = DBVT_WORD;
+ if(set_contact_settings(hContact,dbs))
+ {
+ ++cCreatedRecords;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlTypeDword,sType.c_str()))
+ {
+ tistringstream in(sValue.c_str());
+ in.imbue(GetSystemLocale());
+ in >> dbs.value.dVal;
+ if(in.good() || in.eof())
+ {
+ dbs.value.type = DBVT_DWORD;
+ if(set_contact_settings(hContact,dbs))
+ {
+ ++cCreatedRecords;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlTypeAsciiz,sType.c_str()))
+ {
+ CT2A v(sValue.c_str());
+ dbs.value.pszVal = v;
+ dbs.value.type = DBVT_ASCIIZ;
+ if(set_contact_settings(hContact,dbs))
+ {
+ ++cCreatedRecords;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlTypeUtf8,sType.c_str()))
+ {
+ dbs.value.pszVal = mir_utf8encodeT(sValue.c_str());
+ dbs.value.type = DBVT_UTF8;
+ if(set_contact_settings(hContact,dbs))
+ {
+ ++cCreatedRecords;
+ }
+ mir_free(dbs.value.pszVal);
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlTypeWchar,sType.c_str()))
+ {
+ CT2W val(sValue.c_str());
+ dbs.value.pwszVal = val;
+ dbs.value.type = DBVT_WCHAR;
+ if(set_contact_settings(hContact,dbs))
+ {
+ ++cCreatedRecords;
+ }
+ mir_free(dbs.value.pwszVal);
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlTypeBlob,sType.c_str()))
+ {
+ std::vector<BYTE> blob_buf;
+ std::string p = quotes_t2a(sValue.c_str());//T2A(sValue.c_str());
+ if(true == base64::decode(p.c_str(),lstrlenA(p.c_str()),blob_buf))
+ {
+ dbs.value.pbVal = &*blob_buf.begin();
+ dbs.value.cpbVal = (WORD)blob_buf.size();
+ dbs.value.type = DBVT_BLOB;
+ if(set_contact_settings(hContact,dbs))
+ {
+ ++cCreatedRecords;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((true == bCListModule) && (0 == quotes_stricmp(sName.c_str(),_T("Group"))))
+ {
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_GROUPCREATE,NULL,reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(sValue.c_str()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ size_t count_contacts(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlRoot,bool bInContactsGroup)
+ {
+ size_t cContacts = 0;
+ size_t cChild = pXmlRoot->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pXmlRoot->GetChildNode(i);
+ tstring sName = pNode->GetName();
+ if(false == bInContactsGroup)
+ {
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlContacts,sName.c_str()))
+ {
+ cContacts += count_contacts(pNode,true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cContacts += count_contacts(pNode,false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlContact,sName.c_str()))
+ {
+ ++ cContacts;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cContacts;
+ }
+ struct CImportContext
+ {
+ CImportContext(size_t cTotalContacts) : m_cTotalContacts(cTotalContacts),m_cHandledContacts(0),m_nFlags(0){}
+ size_t m_cTotalContacts;
+ size_t m_cHandledContacts;
+ UINT m_nFlags;
+ };
+ struct CContactState
+ {
+ CContactState() : m_hContact(NULL),m_bNewContact(false){}
+ HANDLE m_hContact;
+ CQuotesProviders::TQuotesProviderPtr m_pProvider;
+ bool m_bNewContact;
+ };
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr find_quotes_module(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlContact)
+ {
+ static const tstring g_sQuotes = quotes_a2t(QUOTES_MODULE_NAME);
+ size_t cChild = pXmlContact->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pXmlContact->GetChildNode(i);
+ tstring sName = pNode->GetName();
+ if ((0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlModule,sName.c_str()))
+ && (0 == quotes_stricmp(g_sQuotes.c_str(),pNode->GetText().c_str())))
+ {
+ return pNode;
+ }
+ }
+ return IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr();
+ }
+ typedef std::pair<tstring,tstring> TNameValue;//first is name,second is value
+ TNameValue parse_setting_node(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlSetting)
+ {
+ assert(pXmlSetting);
+ tstring sName,sValue;
+ size_t cSettingChildItems = pXmlSetting->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t j = 0;j < cSettingChildItems;++j)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXMLSetChild = pXmlSetting->GetChildNode(j);
+ if(pXMLSetChild)
+ {
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlName,pXMLSetChild->GetName().c_str()))
+ {
+ sName = pXMLSetChild->GetText();
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlValue,pXMLSetChild->GetName().c_str()))
+ {
+ sValue = pXMLSetChild->GetText();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(sName,sValue);
+ }
+ CQuotesProviders::TQuotesProviderPtr find_provider(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlQuotesModule)
+ {
+ static const tstring g_sQuotesProvider = quotes_a2t(DB_STR_QUOTE_PROVIDER);//A2CT(DB_STR_QUOTE_PROVIDER);
+ size_t cChild = pXmlQuotesModule->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXMLSetting = pXmlQuotesModule->GetChildNode(i);
+ if(pXMLSetting && (0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlSetting,pXMLSetting->GetName().c_str())))
+ {
+ TNameValue Item = parse_setting_node(pXMLSetting);
+ if ((0 == quotes_stricmp(g_sQuotesProvider.c_str(),Item.first.c_str())) && (false == Item.second.empty()))
+ {
+ return CModuleInfo::GetInstance().GetQuoteProvidersPtr()->FindProvider(Item.second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return CQuotesProviders::TQuotesProviderPtr();
+ }
+ bool get_contact_state(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlContact,CContactState& cst)
+ {
+ class visitor : public CQuotesProviderVisitor
+ {
+ public:
+ visitor(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlQuotes)
+ : m_hContact(NULL),m_pXmlQuotes(pXmlQuotes){}
+ HANDLE GetContact()const{return m_hContact;}
+ private:
+ virtual void Visit(const CQuotesProviderDukasCopy& rProvider)
+ {
+ tstring sQuoteID = GetXMLNodeValue(DB_STR_QUOTE_ID);
+ if(false == sQuoteID.empty())
+ {
+ m_hContact = rProvider.GetContactByQuoteID(sQuoteID);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void Visit(const CQuotesProviderGoogle& rProvider)
+ {
+ static const tstring g_sFromID = quotes_a2t(DB_STR_FROM_ID);//A2CT(DB_STR_FROM_ID);
+ static const tstring g_sToID = quotes_a2t(DB_STR_TO_ID);//A2CT(DB_STR_TO_ID);
+ tstring sFromID;
+ tstring sToID;
+ size_t cChild = m_pXmlQuotes->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = m_pXmlQuotes->GetChildNode(i);
+ if(pNode && (0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlSetting, pNode->GetName().c_str())))
+ {
+ TNameValue Item = parse_setting_node(pNode);
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_sFromID.c_str(),Item.first.c_str()))
+ {
+ sFromID = Item.second;
+ }
+ else if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_sToID.c_str(),Item.first.c_str()))
+ {
+ sToID = Item.second;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((false == sFromID.empty()) && (false == sToID.empty()))
+ {
+ m_hContact = rProvider.GetContactByID(sFromID,sToID);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void Visit(const CQuotesProviderFinance& rProvider)
+ {
+ tstring sQuoteID = GetXMLNodeValue(DB_STR_QUOTE_ID);
+ if(false == sQuoteID.empty())
+ {
+ m_hContact = rProvider.GetContactByQuoteID(sQuoteID);
+ }
+ }
+ tstring GetXMLNodeValue(const char* pszXMLNodeName)const
+ {
+ tstring sXMLNodeName = quotes_a2t(pszXMLNodeName);//A2CT(pszXMLNodeName);
+ tstring sValue;
+ size_t cChild = m_pXmlQuotes->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = m_pXmlQuotes->GetChildNode(i);
+ if(pNode && (0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlSetting, pNode->GetName().c_str())))
+ {
+ TNameValue Item = parse_setting_node(pNode);
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(Item.first.c_str(),sXMLNodeName.c_str()))
+ {
+ sValue = Item.second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sValue;
+ }
+ private:
+ HANDLE m_hContact;
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr m_pXmlQuotes;
+ };
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXmlQuotes = find_quotes_module(pXmlContact);
+ if(pXmlQuotes)
+ {
+ cst.m_pProvider = find_provider(pXmlQuotes);
+ if(cst.m_pProvider)
+ {
+ visitor vs(pXmlQuotes);
+ cst.m_pProvider->Accept(vs);
+ cst.m_hContact = vs.GetContact();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool import_contact(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlContact,CImportContext& impctx)
+ {
+ ++ impctx.m_cHandledContacts;
+ CContactState cst;
+ bool bResult = get_contact_state(pXmlContact,cst);
+ if(bResult)
+ {
+ if(NULL == cst.m_hContact)
+ {
+ cst.m_hContact = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD,0,0));
+ cst.m_bNewContact = true;
+ }
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(cst.m_hContact)
+ {
+ size_t cChild = pXmlContact->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild && bResult;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pXmlContact->GetChildNode(i);
+ tstring sName = pNode->GetName();
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlModule,sName.c_str()))
+ {
+ bResult &= handle_module(cst.m_hContact,pNode,impctx.m_nFlags);
+ }
+ }
+ if(cst.m_bNewContact && bResult)
+ {
+ cst.m_pProvider->AddContact(cst.m_hContact);
+ cst.m_pProvider->RefreshContact(cst.m_hContact);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bResult = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return bResult;
+ }
+ size_t import_contacts(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlContacts,CImportContext& impctx)
+ {
+ size_t cContacts = 0;
+ size_t cChild = pXmlContacts->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pXmlContacts->GetChildNode(i);
+ tstring sName = pNode->GetName();
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlContact,sName.c_str()))
+ {
+ if(true == import_contact(pNode,impctx))
+ {
+ ++ cContacts;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cContacts;
+ }
+ size_t handle_contacts_node(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlRoot,CImportContext& impctx)
+ {
+ size_t cContacts = 0;
+ size_t cChild = pXmlRoot->GetChildCount();
+ for(size_t i = 0;i < cChild;++i)
+ {
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pXmlRoot->GetChildNode(i);
+ tstring sName = pNode->GetName();
+ if(0 == quotes_stricmp(g_pszXmlContacts,sName.c_str()))
+ {
+ cContacts += import_contacts(pNode,impctx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cContacts += handle_contacts_node(pNode,impctx);
+ }
+ }
+ return cContacts;
+ }
+ bool do_import(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pXmlRoot,UINT nFlags)
+ {
+ CImportContext imctx(count_contacts(pXmlRoot,false));
+ imctx.m_cHandledContacts = 0;
+ imctx.m_nFlags = nFlags;
+ return (handle_contacts_node(pXmlRoot,imctx) > 0);
+ }
+INT_PTR Quotes_Import(WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
+ tstring sFileName;
+ const char* pszFile = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(lp);
+ if(NULL == pszFile)
+ {
+ if(false == show_open_file_dialog(true,sFileName))
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sFileName = quotes_a2t(pszFile);//A2CT(pszFile);
+ }
+ CModuleInfo::TXMLEnginePtr pXmlEngine = CModuleInfo::GetInstance().GetXMLEnginePtr();
+ IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pXmlRoot = pXmlEngine->LoadFile(sFileName);
+ if(pXmlRoot)
+ {
+ return ((true == do_import(pXmlRoot,wp)) ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+INT_PTR QuotesMenu_ImportAll(WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
+ return CallService(MS_QUOTES_IMPORT,0,0);
+INT_PTR QuotesMenu_ExportAll(WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp)
+ return CallService(MS_QUOTES_EXPORT,0,0);