path: root/plugins/ShlExt/inc/
diff options
authorKirill Volinsky <>2012-06-29 05:38:03 +0000
committerKirill Volinsky <>2012-06-29 05:38:03 +0000
commitaf7e438cfe8ce85e1da234318ed1584e89d952cc (patch)
tree4cdb1379ef8d6c00389aa89cfb27a404ae2aba56 /plugins/ShlExt/inc/
parent230623d50baff4e8bf13a8572e0b895bad7b7ed4 (diff)
only add some plugins and protocols, not adapted
See please maybe not all need us git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ShlExt/inc/')
1 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ShlExt/inc/ b/plugins/ShlExt/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2b26508df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ShlExt/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2004 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ DBVT_DELETED = 0; // setting got deleted, no values are valid
+ DBVT_BYTE = 1; // bVal, cVal are valid
+ DBVT_WORD = 2; // wVal, sVal are valid
+ DBVT_DWORD = 4; // dVal, lVal are valid
+ DBVT_ASCIIZ = 255; // pszVal is valid
+ DBVT_BLOB = 254; // cpbVal and pbVal are valid
+ HCONTACT = Integer;
+ HDBEVENT = Integer;
+ TDBVARIANT = record
+ type_: Byte;
+ case LongInt of
+ 0: (bVal: Byte);
+ 1: (cVal: Char);
+ 2: (wVal: Word);
+ 3: (sVal: SmallInt);
+ 4: (dVal: LongInt);
+ 5: (lVal: Integer);
+ 6: (
+ pszVal: PChar;
+ cchVal: Word;
+ );
+ 7: (
+ cpbVal: Word;
+ pbVal: PByte;
+ );
+ end;
+ {
+ wParam : size of the buffer to be filled
+ lParam : pointer to the buffer to be filled
+ affect : Get's the name of the current profile being used by the database
+ module -- this is the same as the filename of the profile without
+ the .ext
+ return : 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ }
+ {
+ wParam : size of buffer pointed to by lParam
+ lParam : pointer to a buffer to be filled
+ affect : Fill a buffer with the current profile path being used, this does not include the trailing backslash.
+ return : 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ version: 0.3a only
+ }
+ { name of the module that wrote the setting to get }
+ szModule: PChar;
+ { the name of the setting to get }
+ szSetting: PChar;
+ { pointer to DBVARIANT to receive the value -- must be allocated for GETSETTINGSTATIC
+ calls thou }
+ end;
+ { module sig to write this setting under }
+ szModule: PChar;
+ { setting name to write }
+ szSetting: PChar;
+ { variant containing value to set }
+ value: TDBVARIANT;
+ end;
+ {
+ wParam : Handle of a contact to get the setting for (see notes)
+ lParam : pointer to a TDBCONTACTGETSETTING structure to be filled with setting
+ this structure also has to be initalised (see notes)
+ affect : Queries the database module for a setting from a contact.
+ returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure (contact not found, setting doesn't exist)
+ notes : TDBCONTACTGETSETTING must be filled with the module name that created
+ /wrote the setting you want to get (e.g. your module name)
+ and the actual setting to read with TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.szModule and
+ a pointer to a TDBVARIANT with the returned setting, this maybe nil
+ and MUST be freed after you're done with it with FreeVariant()
+ There are helper functions for reading/writing/deleting common types to and
+ from the database -- see DBGetContactSetting<type>
+ the contact handle (hContact) can be returned by FindContact/AddContact
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_GETSETTING = 'DB/Contact/GetSetting';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle for a contact to query a setting for
+ lParam : Pointer to a TDBCONTACTGETSETTING structure
+ affects: This service is almost the same as the one above, but it does
+ not return a dynamic copy (with malloc()) -- the caller
+ must do this for datatypes which require it, e.g. a string.
+ This means the TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.pValue *has* to exist and be
+ allocated by the caller (doesn't have to be allocated from the heap)
+ the DBVARIANT structure has to be initalised with the type wanted
+ and enough buffer space around to return the info, do not
+ expect this service to be as fast as the one above.
+ returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure.
+ }
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : Pointer to a TDBVARIANT structure
+ affect : Free's the passed DBVARIANT's dynamic memory (if any) see notes
+ returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ notes : use the helper function FreeVariant()
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_FREEVARIANT = 'DB/Contact/FreeVariant';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle to contact to write setting for
+ lParam : Pointer to TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING which must be initalised
+ affects: writes a setting under a contact -- TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING structure
+ must contain the module name writing -- the setting name, and the value
+ to write (which is NOT a pointer) .szModule, .szSetting, .Value, see notes
+ returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ notes : this service triggers 'DB/Contact/SettingChanged' before it returns
+ as always, there is a helper function to use this service.
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING = 'DB/Contact/WriteSetting';
+ {
+ wParam : hContact under which the setting should be deleted
+ lParam : Pointer to a TDBCONTACTGETSETTING structure
+ affects: Deletes the given setting for a contact, the TDBCONTACTGETSETTING.pValue
+ field is ignored -- only .szModule and .szSetting are needed, see notes
+ returns: 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ notes : triggers 'DB/Contact/SettingChanged' BEFORE it deletes the given
+ setting, when the service returns the TDBVARIANT structure .type_ is set
+ to 0 and no fields are valid, there is a helper function for this
+ service, see below.
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING = 'DB/Contact/DeleteSetting';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle of a contact to enum settings for
+ lParam : Pointer to a TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS structure, must be initalised
+ affect : Enumerates all settings for a given contact under a module,
+ TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS must be filled with the function pointer to call
+ the TDBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS.lParam value to pass to it each time,
+ as well as the .szModule under which the contact is valid
+ returns: returns the value of the last call to the enum function, or -1
+ if no settings could be enumerated
+ notes : the szSetting argument passed to the enumeration function is only
+ valid for the duration of that enumeration call,
+ it must be allocated dynamically if it is required after that call frame
+ has returned.
+ Also, deleting settings as they are enumerated has unpredictable results!
+ but writing a new value for a setting is okay.
+ it is unclear how you stop the enumeration once it is started, maybe
+ possible to return -1 to stop it.
+ vesion : only valid for
+ }
+ TDBSETTINGENUMPROC = function(const szSetting: PChar; lParam: LPARAM): int; cdecl;
+ { function pointer to call to start the enum via MS_DB_CONTACT_ENUMSETTINGS }
+ { passed to the above function }
+ lParam: LPARAM;
+ { name of the module to get settings for }
+ szModule: PChar;
+ { not used by us }
+ ofsSettings: DWORD;
+ end;
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_ENUMSETTINGS = 'DB/Contact/EnumSettings';
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : 0
+ affect : none
+ returns: Returns the number of contacts in the database for the loaded profile
+ not including the profile user, see notes.
+ notes : the contacts in the database can be read with FindFirst/FindNext
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_GETCOUNT = 'DB/Contact/GetCount';
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : 0
+ returns: Returns a handle to the first contact in the database,
+ this handle does not need to be closed, if there are no users
+ NULL(0) is returned.
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST = 'DB/Contact/FindFirst';
+ {
+ wParam : Contact handle
+ lParam : 0
+ returns: Returns a handle to the next contact after the given contact in
+ wParam, this handle does not neeed to be closed -- may return NULL(0)
+ if the given contact in wParam was the last in the database, or the
+ given contact was invalid
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT = 'DB/Contact/FindNext';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle of a contact to delete
+ lParam : 0
+ affect : the user by the given handle is deleted from the database, see notes
+ returns: Returns 0 on success or nonzero if the handle was invalid
+ notes : this triggers DB/Contact/Deleted BEFORE it actually deletes the contact
+ all events are also deleted -- other modules may end up with invalid
+ handles because of this, which they should be prepared for.
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE = 'DB/Contact/Delete';
+ {
+ wParam : 0
+ lParam : 0
+ affects: creates a new contact in the database, they have no settings,
+ settings must be added with MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING or
+ database helper functions for writing, see notes
+ returns: A handle to a new contact or NULL(0) on failure.
+ notes : triggers the ME_DB_CONTACT_ADDED event just before the service returns
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD = 'DB/Contact/Add';
+ {
+ wParam : (HANDLE) hContact
+ lParam : 0
+ affects: Checks the given handle within the database for valid information, for
+ a proper internal header.
+ returns: Returns 1 if the contact handle is valid, 0 if it is not
+ notes : Due to the nature of multiple threading a contact handle can be deleted
+ soon after this service has returned a handle as valid, however it will never point
+ to another contact.
+ }
+ MS_DB_CONTACT_IS = 'DB/Contact/Is';
+ {
+ wParam : contact handle for events count is needed
+ lParam : 0
+ service: Gets the number of events in the chain belonging to a contact
+ in the databasee.
+ returns: the numbef of events owned by hContact or -1 if hContact
+ is invalid, they can be found with the event/find* servicees
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_GETCOUNT = 'DB/Event/GetCount';
+ {
+ wParam : contact handle to add an event for
+ lParam : Pointer to TDBEVENTINFO initialised with data
+ affect : Add's an event to the contact's event list, the TDBEVENTINFO
+ structure should be filled with the event of message -- see notes
+ returns: a handle to a DB event (HDBEVENT), or NULL on error
+ notes : Triggers DB/Event/Added event just before it returns,
+ Events are sorted chronologically as they are entered,
+ so you cannot guarantee that the new hEvent is the last event in the chain,
+ however if a new event is added that has a timestamp less than
+ 90 seconds *before* the event that should be after it,
+ it will be added afterwards, to allow for protocols that only
+ store times to the nearest minute, and slight delays in transports.
+ There are a few predefined eventTypes below for easier compatibility, but
+ modules are free to define their own, beginning at 2000
+ DBEVENTINFO.timestamp is in GMT, as returned by time()
+ }
+ DBEF_FIRST = 1; // internally only, do not use
+ DBEF_SENT = 2; // if set, the event was sent by the user, otherwise it was received
+ DBEF_READ = 4; // event has been read by the user -- only needed for history
+ EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS = 2; // v0.1.2.2+
+ EVENTTYPE_ADDED = 1000; // v0.1.1.0+: these used to be module-
+ EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST = 1001; // specific codes, hence the module-
+ EVENTTYPE_FILE = 1002; // specific limit has been raised to 2000
+ { size of the structure }
+ cbSize: int;
+ { module that 'owns' this event and controls the data format }
+ szModule: PChar;
+ { timestamp in UNIX time }
+ timestamp: DWORD;
+ { the DBEF_* flags above }
+ flags: DWORD;
+ { event type, such as message, can be module defined }
+ eventType: WORD;
+ { size in bytes of pBlob^ }
+ cbBlob: DWORD;
+ { pointer to buffer containing the module defined event data }
+ pBlob: PByte;
+ end;
+ MS_DB_EVENT_ADD = 'DB/Event/Add';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle to the contact
+ lParam : HDBEVENT handle to delete
+ affects: Removes a single event from the database for the given contact
+ returns: 0 on success, nonzero on failure
+ notes : Triggers DB/Event/Deleted just before the event *is* deleted
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_DELETE = 'DB/Event/Delete';
+ {
+ wParam : Handle to DB event
+ lParam : 0
+ returns: Returns the space in bytes requried to store the blob in HDBEVENT
+ given by HDBEVENT(wParam) -- or -1 on error
+ }
+ {
+ wParam : Handle to a DB event
+ lParam : Pointer to a TDBEVENTINFO structure which must be initialised
+ affects: Returns all the information about an DB event handle to a TDBEVENTINFO
+ structure which must be initalised, DBEI.cbSize, DBEI.pBlob and DBEI.cbSize
+ before calling this service, the size can be assertained with
+ GetBlobSize() service, see notes
+ returns: Returns 0 on success, non zero on failure
+ notes : The correct value dbe.cbBlob can be got using db/event/getblobsize
+ If successful, all the fields of dbe are filled. dbe.cbBlob is set to the
+ actual number of bytes retrieved and put in dbe.pBlob
+ If dbe.cbBlob is too small, dbe.pBlob is filled up to the size of dbe.cbBlob
+ and then dbe.cbBlob is set to the required size of data to go in dbe.pBlob
+ On return, dbe.szModule is a pointer to the database module's
+ own internal list of modules. Look but don't touch.
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_GET = 'DB/Event/Get';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ lParam : HDBEVENT
+ affect : Changes the flag for an event to mark it as read
+ Returns: Returns the entire flag DWORD for the event after the change, or -1
+ if HDBEVENT is invalid, see notes
+ notes : This iss one of the database write operations that does not trigger
+ an event, modules should not save flagss states for any length of time.
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_MARKREAD = 'DB/Event/MarkRead';
+ {
+ wParam : HDBEVENT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Returns a handle to a contact that owns the HDBEVENT,
+ see notes
+ Returns: Returns a handle if successful or HDBEEVENT(-1) on failure
+ notes : This service is very slow, only use wheen you have no other choice
+ at all.
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_GETCONTACT = 'DB/Event/GetContact';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Retrieves a handlee to the first event in the chain
+ for a HCONTACT
+ returns: Returns a handle, or NULL(0) if HCONTACT is invalid or has
+ no events, events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_FINDFIRST = 'DB/Event/FindFirst';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Retrieves a handle to the first unreead event in a chain for a HCONTACT
+ see notes
+ Returns: Returns a HDBEVENT handle or NULL(0) if the HCONTACT is invalid
+ or all it's events have beeen read.
+ Notes : Events in a chain are sorted chronologically automatically,
+ but this does not necessarily mean that all events after
+ the first unread are unread too.
+ They should be checked individually with event/findnext and event/get
+ This service is designed for startup, reloading all the events that remained
+ unread from last time
+ }
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ lParam : 0;
+ Affects: Retrieves a handle to the lasts event in the chain for a HCONTACT
+ Returns: Returns a handle or NULL(0) if HCONTACT is invalid or has no events
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_FINDLAST = 'DB/Event/FindLast';
+ {
+ wParam : HDBEVENT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affects: Retrieves a handle to the next event in a chain after HDBEVENT
+ Returns: A handle to the next DB event or NULL(0) if HDBEVENT is invalid
+ or the last event in the chain.
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_FINDNEXT = 'DB/Event/FindNext';
+ {
+ wParam : HDBEVENT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affects: Retrieves a handle to the previous event in a chain before HDBEVENT
+ Returns: A handle to the previous HDBEVENT or NULL(0) if HDBEVENT is invalid
+ or is the first event in the chain
+ }
+ MS_DB_EVENT_FINDPREV = 'DB/Event/FindPrev';
+ {
+ wParam : size in bytes of string buffer (including null term)
+ lParam : pointer to string buffer
+ Affect : Scrambles the string buffer in place using a strange encryption algorithm,
+ see notes
+ Returns: Always returns 0
+ notes : this service may be changed at a later date such that it increasess
+ the length of the string
+ }
+ MS_DB_CRYPT_ENCODESTRING = 'DB/Crypt/EncodeString';
+ {
+ wParam : size in bytes of string buffer, including null term
+ lParam : pointer to string buffer
+ Affect : Descrambles pszString in-place using the strange encryption algorithm,
+ see notes.
+ Return : Always returns 0
+ notes : Reverses the operation done by MS_DB_CRYPT_ENCODINGSTRING
+ }
+ MS_DB_CRYPT_DECODESTRING = 'DB/Crypt/DecodeString';
+ {
+ wParam : timestamp (DWORD)
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Converts a GMT timestap into local time
+ Returns: Returns the converted value, see notes
+ Notes : Timestamps have a zereo at midnight 1/1/1970 GMT, this service
+ converts such a value to be based at midnight 1/1/1970 local time.
+ This service does not use a simple conversion based on the current offset
+ between GMT and local. Rather, it figures out whether daylight savings time
+ would have been in place at the time of the stamp and gives the local time as
+ it would have been at the time and date the stamp contains.
+ }
+ {
+ wParam : timestamp (DWORD)
+ lParam : pointer to initalised DBTIMETOSTRING structure
+ Affect : Converts a GMT timestamp to a customisable local time string
+ see notes
+ Returns: Always returns 0
+ notes : The string is formatted according to thhe current user's locale
+ language and preference --
+ .szFormat can have the following special chars :
+ t time without seconds, e.g. hh:mm
+ s time with seconds, e.g. hh:mm:ss
+ m time without minutes e.g. hh
+ d short date, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy
+ D long date, e.g. d mmmm yyyy
+ all other characters are copied as is.
+ }
+ { format string, see above }
+ szFormat: PChar;
+ { pointer to dest buffer to store the result }
+ szDest: PChar;
+ { size of the buffer }
+ cbDest: int;
+ end;
+ {
+ wParam : newSetting (BOOLEAN)
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Miranda's database is normally protected against corruption by
+ aggressively flushing data to the disk on writes, if you're doing
+ alot of writes e.g. an import plugin, it can sometimes be desirable
+ to switch this feature off to speed up the process, if you do switch
+ it off, you must remember that crashes are far more likely to be
+ catastrophic, so switch it back on at the earliest possible opportunity.
+ if you're doing a lot of setting writes, the flush is already delayed
+ so you need not use this service for that purpose, see notes.
+ Returns: Always returns 0 (successful)
+ notes : This is set to true initally
+ }
+ {
+ wParam : (caller defined data) will be passed to lParam of the call back
+ lParam : function pointer to TDBMODULEENUMPROC
+ Affects: Enumerates the names of all modules that have stored or
+ requested information from the database,
+ the modules are returned in no real order --
+ Writing to the database while module names are being enumerated will cause
+ unpredictable results in the enumeration, but the write will work.
+ the enumeration will stop if the callback returns a non zero value.
+ Returns: the last return value from the enumeration call back.
+ Notes : This service is only useful for debugging or EnumSettings
+ version: The service registered to enumerate all modules that have touched
+ the database module uses wParam as the lParam cookie value and the lParam
+ value given here is the function pointer -- this is not safe
+ to use before v0.1.2.1 because I don't know if this was done in v0.1.2.1-
+ prior to v0.1.2.1 you can not pass a value to the enumeration because
+ of a bug -- which is fixed, but hey :) -- [sam]
+ }
+ TDBMODULEENUMPROC = function(const szModule: PChar; ofsModuleName: DWORD; lParam: LPARAM): int; cdecl;
+ MS_DB_MODULES_ENUM = 'DB/Modules/Enum';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ Affect : Called when a new event has been added to the event chain
+ for a contact, HCONTACT contains the contact who added the event,
+ HDBCONTACT a handle to what was added.
+ see notes
+ notes : since events are sorted chronologically, you can not guarantee
+ that HDBEVEnT is in any particular position in the chain.
+ }
+ ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED = 'DB/Event/Added';
+ {
+ wParam : HANDLE (hContact)
+ Affects: Hook is fired before any DBEVENTS are created within the database for
+ a contact (or a user, if hContact is NULL(0)) - It allows a module to
+ query/change DBEVENTINFO before it is created, see notes.
+ Returns: Hook should return 1 to stop event being added (will stop other hooks seeing the event too)
+ Or 0 to continue processing (passing the data on as well)
+ Notes : This hook is fired for all event types, and the BLOBS that the eventypes mark
+ Maybe changed, therefore be careful about using BLOB formats.
+ Because the memory pointing within the DBEVENTINFO CAN NOT BE OWNED or free()'d
+ it is recommended that the hook only be used to stop events.
+ Version: 0.3.3a+ (2003/12/03)
+ }
+ ME_DB_EVENT_FILTER_ADD = 'DB/Event/FilterAdd';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ lParam : HDBEVENT
+ Affect : Called when an event is about to be deleted from the event chain
+ for a contact, see notes
+ notes : Returning non zero from your hook will NOT stop the deletion,
+ but it will as usual stop other hooks being called
+ }
+ ME_DB_EVENT_DELETED = 'DB/Event/Deleted';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Called when a new contact has been added to the database,
+ HCONTACT contains a handle to the new contact.
+ }
+ ME_DB_CONTACT_ADDED = 'DB/Contact/Added';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ lParam : 0
+ Affect : Called when a contact is about to be deleted
+ Returns: Returning nonzero from your hook will not stop the deletion
+ but it will stop the other hooks from being called
+ }
+ ME_DB_CONTACT_DELETED = 'DB/Contact/Deleted';
+ {
+ wParam : HCONTACT
+ Affect : Calleed when a contact has one of it's settings changed
+ hContact is a valid handle to the contact that has changed,
+ see notes.
+ notes : this event will be triggered many times rapidly when alot of values
+ are set.
+ Modules that hook this should be aware of this fact and quickly
+ return if they are not interested in the value that has changed.
+ Careful not to get into infinite loops with this event,
+ The TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING pointer is the same one as the
+ original service all, so don't change any of it's fields
+ }
+ ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED = 'DB/Contact/SettingChanged';