path: root/plugins/ShlExt/shlext.dpr
diff options
authorAlexey Kulakov <>2012-06-29 06:56:07 +0000
committerAlexey Kulakov <>2012-06-29 06:56:07 +0000
commita2795725f5afc756a405a85c192bdd53b967999d (patch)
tree08548adc194d0c2a960120a342bac02208c3e23f /plugins/ShlExt/shlext.dpr
parentaf7e438cfe8ce85e1da234318ed1584e89d952cc (diff)
Added my Miranda API pascal version
Changed ShlExt to my API compilation (32 bit FPC now only) git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ShlExt/shlext.dpr')
1 files changed, 407 insertions, 375 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ShlExt/shlext.dpr b/plugins/ShlExt/shlext.dpr
index eb772e98a8..2c8c3f0c2d 100644
--- a/plugins/ShlExt/shlext.dpr
+++ b/plugins/ShlExt/shlext.dpr
@@ -1,379 +1,411 @@
- {$MODE Delphi}
- {$ASMMODE intel}
- {$IMAGEBASE $49ac0000}
- {$IMAGEBASE $49ac0000} // this is ignored with FPC, must be set via the command line
-library shlext;
- Windows, shlcom, shlipc, m_globaldefs;
- // use the registry to store the COM information needed by the shell
- function DllRegisterServer: HResult; stdcall;
- var
- szData: PChar;
- hRegKey: HKEY;
- begin
- Result := S_OK;
- {$ELSE}
- // progID
- szData := 'shlext ( - shell context menu support for Miranda v0.3.0.0+';
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'miranda.shlext', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData)) then
- begin
- // CLSID related to ProgID
- szData := '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}';
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'miranda.shlext\CLSID', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData)) then
- begin
- // CLSID link back to progID
- szData := 'miranda.shlext';
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData)) then
- begin
- // CLSID link back to ProgID under \ProgID again?
- szData := 'miranda.shlext';
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}\ProgID', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData)) then
- begin
- GetMem(szData, MAX_PATH);
- GetModuleFileName(hInstance, szData, MAX_PATH-1);
- Result := RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}\InprocServer32', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData));
- FreeMem(szData);
- if Result = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- // have to add threading model
- szData := 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}\InprocServer32';
- Result := RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szData, 0, nil, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, nil, hRegKey, nil);
- if Result = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- szData := 'Apartment';
- RegSetValueEx(hRegKey, 'ThreadingModel', 0, REG_SZ, PByte(szData), Length(szData)+1);
- RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
- // write which file types to show under
- szData := '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}';
- // note that *\ should use AllFilesystemObjects for 4.71+
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, '*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\miranda.shlext', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData)) then
- begin
- // don't support directories
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\miranda.shlext', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData)) then
- begin
- Result := S_OK;
- // have to add to the approved list under NT/2000/XP with {CLSID}="<description>"
- szData := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved';
- Result := RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szData, 0, nil, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, nil, hRegKey, nil);
- if Result = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- szData := 'shlext ( - context menu support for Miranda v0.3.0.0+';
- RegSetValueEx(hRegKey, '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}', 0, REG_SZ, PByte(szData), Length(szData)+1);
- RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
- end; //if
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- end else Result := E_FAIL;
- //
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- function DllUnregisterServer: HResult; stdcall;
- begin
- Result := RemoveCOMRegistryEntries();
- end;
- // - miranda section ----
- {$include}
- {$include}
- {$include}
- {$include}
- {$include}
- {$include}
- {$include}
- COMREG_UNKNOWN = $00000000;
- COMREG_OK = $00000001;
- COMREG_APPROVED = $00000002;
- function IsCOMRegistered: Integer;
- var
- hRegKey: HKEY;
- lpType: Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- // these arent the BEST checks in the world
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'miranda.shlext', 0, KEY_READ, hRegKey) then
- begin
- Result := Result or COMREG_OK;
- RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
- end; //if
- lpType := REG_SZ;
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved', 0, KEY_READ, hRegKey) then
- begin
- if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}', nil, @lpType, nil, nil) then
- begin
- Result := Result or COMREG_APPROVED;
- end; //if
- RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
- end; // if
- end;
- procedure AutoSize(hwnd: THandle);
- var
- szBuf: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- DC: HDC;
- tS: TSize;
- i: Integer;
- hFont, hOldFont: THandle;
- begin
- DC := GetDC(hwnd);
- hFont := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
- hOldFont := SelectObject(DC, hFont);
- i := GetWindowText(hwnd, szBuf, MAX_PATH);
- GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, szBuf, i, tS);
- SelectObject(DC, hOldFont);
- DeleteObject(hFont);
- ReleaseDC(hwnd, DC);
- SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, + 10,, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
- end;
- function OptDialogProc(hwndDlg: THandle; wMsg: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): BOOL; stdcall;
- // don't wanna bring in CommCtrl just for a few constants
- const
- WM_INITDIALOG = $0110;
- WM_COMMAND = $0111;
- WM_USER = $0400;
- WM_NOTIFY = $004E;
- {$ENDIF}
- { propsheet notifications/msessages }
- //PSN_APPLY = (-200) - 2;
- { button styles }
- BCM_SETSHIELD = ({BCM_FIRST}$1600 + $000C);
- { hotkey }
- // bring in the IDC's and storage key names
- {$define SHL_IDC}
- {$define SHL_KEYS}
- {$include}
- {$undef SHL_KEYS}
- {$undef SHL_IDC}
- const
- COM_OKSTR: array[Boolean] of PChar = (
- 'Problem, registration missing/deleted.',
- 'Successfully created shell registration.'
- );
- COM_APPROVEDSTR: array[Boolean] of PChar = (
- 'Not Approved',
- 'Approved'
- );
- var
- comReg: Integer;
- iCheck: Integer;
- szBuf: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
- begin
- Result := wMsg = WM_INITDIALOG;
- case wMsg of
+{$MODE Delphi}
+{$ASMMODE intel}
+{$IMAGEBASE $49ac0000}
+{$IMAGEBASE $49ac0000} // this is ignored with FPC, must be set via the command line
+library shlext;
+ Windows, shlcom, shlipc, m_api;
+// use the registry to store the COM information needed by the shell
+function DllRegisterServer: HResult; stdcall;
+ szData: PChar;
+ hRegKey: HKEY;
+ Result := S_OK;
+ // progID
+ szData := 'shlext ( - shell context menu support for Miranda v0.3.0.0+';
+ if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'miranda.shlext', REG_SZ, szData,
+ Length(szData)) then
+ begin
+ // CLSID related to ProgID
+ szData := '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}';
+ if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'miranda.shlext\CLSID', REG_SZ, szData,
+ Length(szData)) then
+ begin
+ // CLSID link back to progID
+ szData := 'miranda.shlext';
+ 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData)) then
+ begin
+ // CLSID link back to ProgID under \ProgID again?
+ szData := 'miranda.shlext';
+ 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}\ProgID', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData))
+ then
+ begin
+ GetMem(szData, MAX_PATH);
+ GetModuleFileName(hInstance, szData, MAX_PATH - 1);
+ Result := RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
+ 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}\InprocServer32', REG_SZ, szData,
+ Length(szData));
+ FreeMem(szData);
+ if Result = ERROR_SUCCESS then
+ begin
+ // have to add threading model
+ szData := 'CLSID\{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}\InprocServer32';
+ Result := RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szData, 0, nil, 0,
+ KEY_SET_VALUE or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, nil, hRegKey, nil);
+ if Result = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- {* FP 2.2.2 seems to have a bug, 'Code' is supposed to be signed
- but isn't signed, so when comparing -202 (=PSN_APPLY) It doesn't work
- so here, -202 is converted into hex, what you are looking at is the
- code == PSN_APPLY check. *}
- if $FFFFFF36 = pNMHDR(lParam)^.code then
+ szData := 'Apartment';
+ RegSetValueEx(hRegKey, 'ThreadingModel', 0, REG_SZ, PByte(szData),
+ Length(szData) + 1);
+ RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
+ // write which file types to show under
+ szData := '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}';
+ // note that *\ should use AllFilesystemObjects for 4.71+
+ '*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\miranda.shlext', REG_SZ, szData, Length(szData))
+ then
+ begin
+ // don't support directories
+ 'Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\miranda.shlext', REG_SZ, szData,
+ Length(szData)) then
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseGroups, IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_USEGROUPS));
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseCListSetting, IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS));
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoProfile, IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_NOPROF));
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseHITContacts, IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWFULL));
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseHIT2Contacts, IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWINVISIBLES));
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoIcons, IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_USEOWNERDRAW));
- DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoOffline, IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_HIDEOFFLINE));
- end; //if
- end;
- begin
- TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
- comReg := IsCOMRegistered();
- FillChar(szBuf, MAX_PATH, 0);
- lstrcat(szBuf, Translate(COM_OKSTR[comReg and COMREG_OK = COMREG_OK]));
- lstrcat(szBuf, ' (');
- lstrcat(szBuf, Translate(COM_APPROVEDSTR[comReg and COMREG_APPROVED = COMREG_APPROVED]));
- lstrcat(szBuf, ')');
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STATUS), szBuf);
- // auto size the static windows to fit their text
- // they're rendering in a font not selected into the DC.
- AutoSize(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CAPMENUS));
- AutoSize(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CAPSTATUS));
- AutoSize(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CAPSHLSTATUS));
- // show all the options
- iCheck := DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseGroups, BST_UNCHECKED);
- CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_USEGROUPS, iCheck);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS), iCheck = BST_CHECKED);
- CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseCListSetting, BST_UNCHECKED));
- CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_NOPROF, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoProfile, BST_UNCHECKED));
- CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWFULL, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseHITContacts, BST_UNCHECKED));
- CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWINVISIBLES, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseHIT2Contacts, BST_UNCHECKED));
- CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_USEOWNERDRAW, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoIcons, BST_UNCHECKED));
- CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_HIDEOFFLINE, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoOffline, BST_UNCHECKED));
- // give the Remove button a Vista icon
- SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_REMOVE), BCM_SETSHIELD, 0, 1);
- end;
- begin
- // don't send the changed message if remove is clicked
- if LOWORD(wParam) <> IDC_REMOVE then
- begin
- SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0);
- end; //if
- case LOWORD(wParam) of
- begin
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS), BST_CHECKED = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_USEGROUPS));
- end; //if
- begin
- if IDYES = MessageBox(0, Translate('Are you sure? this will remove all the settings stored in your database and all registry entries created for shlext to work with Explorer'), Translate('Disable/Remove shlext'), MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) then
- begin
- cgs.szModule := SHLExt_Name;
- cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseGroups;
- CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
- cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseCListSetting;
- CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
- cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseHITContacts;
- CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
- cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseHIT2Contacts;
- CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
- cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_ShowNoProfile;
- CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
- cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_ShowNoIcons;
- CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
- cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_ShowNoOffline;
- CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
- (* remove from Explorer *)
- //DllUnregisterServer();
- CheckUnregisterServer();
- (* show all the settings have gone... *)
- SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0);
- end; //if
- end; //if
- end; //case
- // LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_*
- end;{outercase}
- end; //case
- end;
- function InitialiseOptionPages(wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): int; cdecl;
- const
- IDD_SHLOPTS = 101;
- var
- begin
- Result := 0;
- FillChar(optDialog, sizeof(TOPTIONSDIALOGPAGE), 0);
- optDialog.cbSize := sizeof(TOPTIONSDIALOGPAGE);
- optDialog.flags := ODPF_BOLDGROUPS;
- optDialog.groupPosition := 0;
- optDialog.pszGroup := 'Plugins';
- optDialog.position := -1066;
- optDialog.pszTitle := Translate('Shell context menus');
- optDialog.pszTemplate := MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SHLOPTS);
- {$ifdef VER140}
- optDialog.hInstance := HInstance;
- {$else}
- optDialog.hInstance := System.hInstance;
- {$endif}
- optDialog.pfnDlgProc := @OptDialogProc;
- PluginLink^.CallService(MS_OPT_ADDPAGE, wParam, Integer(@optDialog));
- end;
- function MirandaPluginInfoEx(mirandaVersion: DWORD): PPLUGININFOEX; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- { only support v0.3.0.0+ }
- if PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(0,3,0,0) > MirandaVersion then Exit;
- { fill in plugininfo }
- PLUGININFOEX.shortName := 'Shell context menus for transfers';
- {$ifdef FPC}
- PLUGININFOEX.description := 'Click ''n'' send support from Explorer/Common dialogs/Desktop, Right click on a file/folder to be presented with all your Miranda contact lists and then select the profile/contact you want to send to. Built on ' + {$I %DATE%} + ' at ' + {$I %TIME%} + ' with FPC ' + {$I %FPCVERSION%};
- {$else}
- PLUGININFOEX.description := '';
- {$endif}
- := 'egoDust';
- PLUGININFOEX.authorEmail := '';
- PLUGININFOEX.copyright := '(c) 2009 Sam Kothari (egoDust)';
- PLUGININFOEX.homePage := '';
- PLUGININFOEX.isTransient := 0;
- PLUGININFOEX.replacesDefaultModule := 0;
- { This UUID is fetched twice }
- CopyMemory(@PLUGININFOEX.uuid, @CLSID_ISHLCOM, sizeof(TMUUID));
- { return info }
- Result := @PLUGININFOEX;
- end;
- function MirandaPluginInterfaces: PMUUID; cdecl;
- const
- ifaces: array[0..1] of TMUUID =
- (
- // same as CLSID_ISHLCOM
- (a: $72013a26; b: $a94c; c: $11d6; d: ($85,$40,$a5,$e6,$29,$32,$71,$1d) ),
- (a: 0; b: 0; c: 0; d:(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) )
- );
- begin
- Result := @ifaces;
- end;
- function Load(link: PPLUGINLINK): int; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- PLUGINLINK := Pointer(link);
- InvokeThreadServer;
- PluginLink^.HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, InitialiseOptionPages);
- DllRegisterServer();
- CheckRegisterServer();
- //DisableThreadLibraryCalls(System.hInstance);
- end;
- function Unload: int; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- end;
- {$R shldlgs.res}
- exports
- MirandaPluginInfoEx, MirandaPluginInterfaces, Load, Unload;
- exports
- DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer;
+ Result := S_OK;
+ // have to add to the approved list under NT/2000/XP with {CLSID}="<description>"
+ szData := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved';
+ Result := RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szData, 0, nil, 0,
+ KEY_SET_VALUE or KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, nil, hRegKey, nil);
+ if Result = ERROR_SUCCESS then
+ begin
+ szData := 'shlext ( - context menu support for Miranda v0.3.0.0+';
+ RegSetValueEx(hRegKey, '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}', 0, REG_SZ,
+ PByte(szData), Length(szData) + 1);
+ RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
+ end; // if
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := E_FAIL;
+ //
+function DllUnregisterServer: HResult; stdcall;
+ Result := RemoveCOMRegistryEntries();
+// - miranda section ----
+ COMREG_UNKNOWN = $00000000;
+ COMREG_OK = $00000001;
+ COMREG_APPROVED = $00000002;
+function IsCOMRegistered: Integer;
+ hRegKey: HKEY;
+ lpType: Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ // these arent the BEST checks in the world
+ if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'miranda.shlext', 0, KEY_READ, hRegKey)
+ then
+ begin
+ Result := Result or COMREG_OK;
+ RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
+ end; // if
+ lpType := REG_SZ;
+ 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved', 0, KEY_READ, hRegKey)
+ then
+ begin
+ if ERROR_SUCCESS = RegQueryValueEx(hRegKey, '{72013A26-A94C-11d6-8540-A5E62932711D}', nil,
+ @lpType, nil, nil) then
+ begin
+ Result := Result or COMREG_APPROVED;
+ end; // if
+ RegCloseKey(hRegKey);
+ end; // if
+procedure AutoSize(hwnd: THandle);
+ szBuf: array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ DC: HDC;
+ tS: TSize;
+ i: Integer;
+ hFont, hOldFont: THandle;
+ DC := GetDC(hwnd);
+ hFont := GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
+ hOldFont := SelectObject(DC, hFont);
+ i := GetWindowText(hwnd, szBuf, MAX_PATH);
+ GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, szBuf, i, tS);
+ SelectObject(DC, hOldFont);
+ DeleteObject(hFont);
+ ReleaseDC(hwnd, DC);
+ SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, + 10,, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_FRAMECHANGED);
+function OptDialogProc(hwndDlg: THandle; wMsg: Integer; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam)
+ : BOOL; stdcall;
+// don't wanna bring in CommCtrl just for a few constants
+ WM_INITDIALOG = $0110;
+ WM_COMMAND = $0111;
+ WM_USER = $0400;
+ WM_NOTIFY = $004E;
+ { propsheet notifications/msessages }
+ // PSN_APPLY = (-200) - 2;
+ { button styles }
+ BCM_SETSHIELD = ( { BCM_FIRST } $1600 + $000C);
+ { hotkey }
+ // bring in the IDC's and storage key names
+ COM_OKSTR: array [Boolean] of PChar = ('Problem, registration missing/deleted.',
+ 'Successfully created shell registration.');
+ COM_APPROVEDSTR: array [Boolean] of PChar = ('Not Approved', 'Approved');
+ comReg: Integer;
+ iCheck: Integer;
+ szBuf: array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char;
+ Result := wMsg = WM_INITDIALOG;
+ case wMsg of
+ begin
+ { * FP 2.2.2 seems to have a bug, 'Code' is supposed to be signed
+ but isn't signed, so when comparing -202 (=PSN_APPLY) It doesn't work
+ so here, -202 is converted into hex, what you are looking at is the
+ code == PSN_APPLY check. * }
+ if $FFFFFF36 = pNMHDR(lParam)^.code then
+ begin
+ DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseGroups,
+ IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_USEGROUPS));
+ DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseCListSetting,
+ IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS));
+ DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoProfile,
+ IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_NOPROF));
+ DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseHITContacts,
+ IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWFULL));
+ DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseHIT2Contacts,
+ IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWINVISIBLES));
+ DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoIcons,
+ IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_USEOWNERDRAW));
+ DBWriteContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_ShowNoOffline,
+ IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_HIDEOFFLINE));
+ end; // if
+ end;
+ begin
+ TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
+ comReg := IsCOMRegistered();
+ FillChar(szBuf, MAX_PATH, 0);
+ lstrcat(szBuf, Translate(COM_OKSTR[comReg and COMREG_OK = COMREG_OK]));
+ lstrcat(szBuf, ' (');
+ lstrcat(szBuf, Translate(COM_APPROVEDSTR[comReg and
+ lstrcat(szBuf, ')');
+ SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STATUS), szBuf);
+ // auto size the static windows to fit their text
+ // they're rendering in a font not selected into the DC.
+ AutoSize(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CAPMENUS));
+ AutoSize(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CAPSTATUS));
+ AutoSize(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CAPSHLSTATUS));
+ // show all the options
+ iCheck := DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name, SHLExt_UseGroups, BST_UNCHECKED);
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_USEGROUPS, iCheck);
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS), iCheck = BST_CHECKED);
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name,
+ SHLExt_UseCListSetting, BST_UNCHECKED));
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_NOPROF, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name,
+ SHLExt_ShowNoProfile, BST_UNCHECKED));
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWFULL, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name,
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_SHOWINVISIBLES, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name,
+ SHLExt_UseHIT2Contacts, BST_UNCHECKED));
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_USEOWNERDRAW, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name,
+ SHLExt_ShowNoIcons, BST_UNCHECKED));
+ CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_HIDEOFFLINE, DBGetContactSettingByte(0, SHLExt_Name,
+ SHLExt_ShowNoOffline, BST_UNCHECKED));
+ // give the Remove button a Vista icon
+ SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_REMOVE), BCM_SETSHIELD, 0, 1);
+ end;
+ begin
+ // don't send the changed message if remove is clicked
+ if LOWORD(wParam) <> IDC_REMOVE then
+ begin
+ SendMessage(GetParent(hwndDlg), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0);
+ end; // if
+ case LOWORD(wParam) of
+ begin
+ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CLISTGROUPS),
+ BST_CHECKED = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_USEGROUPS));
+ end; // if
+ begin
+ if IDYES = MessageBox(0,
+ Translate(
+ 'Are you sure? this will remove all the settings stored in your database and all registry entries created for shlext to work with Explorer'),
+ Translate('Disable/Remove shlext'), MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) then
+ begin
+ cgs.szModule := SHLExt_Name;
+ cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseGroups;
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
+ cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseCListSetting;
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
+ cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseHITContacts;
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
+ cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_UseHIT2Contacts;
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
+ cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_ShowNoProfile;
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
+ cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_ShowNoIcons;
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
+ cgs.szSetting := SHLExt_ShowNoOffline;
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETESETTING, 0, Integer(@cgs));
+ (* remove from Explorer *)
+ // DllUnregisterServer();
+ CheckUnregisterServer();
+ (* show all the settings have gone... *)
+ SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_INITDIALOG, 0, 0);
+ end; // if
+ end; // if
+ end; // case
+ // LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_*
+ end; { outercase }
+ end; // case
+function InitialiseOptionPages(wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): int; cdecl;
+ IDD_SHLOPTS = 101;
+ Result := 0;
+ FillChar(optDialog, sizeof(TOPTIONSDIALOGPAGE), 0);
+ optDialog.cbSize := sizeof(TOPTIONSDIALOGPAGE);
+ optDialog.flags := ODPF_BOLDGROUPS;
+ optDialog.groupPosition := 0;
+ optDialog.szGroup.a := 'Plugins';
+ optDialog.position := -1066;
+ optDialog.szTitle.a := Translate('Shell context menus');
+ optDialog.pszTemplate := MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SHLOPTS);
+{$IFDEF VER140}
+ optDialog.hInstance := hInstance;
+ optDialog.hInstance := System.hInstance;
+ optDialog.pfnDlgProc := @OptDialogProc;
+ CallService(MS_OPT_ADDPAGE, wParam, Integer(@optDialog));
+function MirandaPluginInfoEx(mirandaVersion: DWORD): PPLUGININFOEX; cdecl;
+ Result := nil;
+ { only support v0.3.0.0+ }
+ if PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(0, 3, 0, 0) > mirandaVersion then
+ Exit;
+ { fill in plugininfo }
+ PLUGININFOEX.shortName := 'Shell context menus for transfers';
+ PLUGININFOEX.version := PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(2, 0, 1, 2);
+ PLUGININFOEX.description :=
+ 'Click ''n'' send support from Explorer/Common dialogs/Desktop, Right click on a file/folder to be presented with all your Miranda contact lists and then select the profile/contact you want to send to. Built on ' +
+ {$I %DATE%} +' at ' + {$I %TIME%} +' with FPC ' + {$I %FPCVERSION%};
+ PLUGININFOEX.description := '';
+ := 'egoDust';
+ PLUGININFOEX.authorEmail := '';
+ PLUGININFOEX.copyright := '(c) 2009 Sam Kothari (egoDust)';
+ PLUGININFOEX.homePage := '';
+ PLUGININFOEX.flags := 0;
+ PLUGININFOEX.replacesDefaultModule := 0;
+ { This UUID is fetched twice }
+ CopyMemory(@PLUGININFOEX.uuid, @CLSID_ISHLCOM, sizeof(TMUUID));
+ { return info }
+ Result := @PLUGININFOEX;
+function Load(): int; cdecl;
+ Result := 0;
+ InvokeThreadServer;
+ HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, InitialiseOptionPages);
+ DllRegisterServer();
+ CheckRegisterServer();
+ // DisableThreadLibraryCalls(System.hInstance);
+function Unload: int; cdecl;
+ Result := 0;
+{$R shldlgs.res}
+ MirandaPluginInfoEx, Load, Unload;
+ DllGetClassObject, DllCanUnloadNow, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer;