path: root/plugins/SmartAutoReplier/wtl/atlddx.h
diff options
authorRobert Pösel <>2013-10-29 22:15:21 +0000
committerRobert Pösel <>2013-10-29 22:15:21 +0000
commit345930435561acd026c9356f01065e7ee0e92101 (patch)
treec4f3f67bbd0bba4181ca9e09d02a8d2304110b3e /plugins/SmartAutoReplier/wtl/atlddx.h
parenta88eaa5da5d02cd33b6725fb47c5f0dbb6a7d090 (diff)
Adopted SmartAutoReplier plugin
First compilable version. git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/SmartAutoReplier/wtl/atlddx.h')
1 files changed, 679 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/SmartAutoReplier/wtl/atlddx.h b/plugins/SmartAutoReplier/wtl/atlddx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecaf0adb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/SmartAutoReplier/wtl/atlddx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+// Windows Template Library - WTL version 8.1
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// This file is a part of the Windows Template Library.
+// The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
+// Common Public License 1.0 (
+// which can be found in the file CPL.TXT at the root of this distribution.
+// By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
+// the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or
+// any other, from this software.
+#ifndef __ATLDDX_H__
+#define __ATLDDX_H__
+#pragma once
+#ifndef __ATLAPP_H__
+ #error atlddx.h requires atlapp.h to be included first
+#if defined(_ATL_USE_DDX_FLOAT) && defined(_ATL_MIN_CRT)
+ #error Cannot use floating point DDX with _ATL_MIN_CRT defined
+#endif // defined(_ATL_USE_DDX_FLOAT) && defined(_ATL_MIN_CRT)
+ #include <float.h>
+#endif // _ATL_USE_DDX_FLOAT
+// Classes in this file:
+// CWinDataExchange<T>
+namespace WTL
+// Constants
+#define DDX_SAVE TRUE
+// DDX map macros
+#define BEGIN_DDX_MAP(thisClass) \
+ BOOL DoDataExchange(BOOL bSaveAndValidate = FALSE, UINT nCtlID = (UINT)-1) \
+ { \
+ bSaveAndValidate; \
+ nCtlID;
+#define DDX_TEXT(nID, var) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Text(nID, var, sizeof(var), bSaveAndValidate)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_TEXT_LEN(nID, var, len) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Text(nID, var, sizeof(var), bSaveAndValidate, TRUE, len)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_INT(nID, var) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Int(nID, var, TRUE, bSaveAndValidate)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_INT_RANGE(nID, var, min, max) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Int(nID, var, TRUE, bSaveAndValidate, TRUE, min, max)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_UINT(nID, var) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Int(nID, var, FALSE, bSaveAndValidate)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_UINT_RANGE(nID, var, min, max) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Int(nID, var, FALSE, bSaveAndValidate, TRUE, min, max)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_FLOAT(nID, var) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Float(nID, var, bSaveAndValidate)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_FLOAT_RANGE(nID, var, min, max) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Float(nID, var, bSaveAndValidate, TRUE, min, max)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_FLOAT_P(nID, var, precision) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Float(nID, var, bSaveAndValidate, FALSE, 0, 0, precision)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#define DDX_FLOAT_P_RANGE(nID, var, min, max, precision) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ { \
+ if(!DDX_Float(nID, var, bSaveAndValidate, TRUE, min, max, precision)) \
+ return FALSE; \
+ }
+#endif // _ATL_USE_DDX_FLOAT
+#define DDX_CONTROL(nID, obj) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ DDX_Control(nID, obj, bSaveAndValidate);
+#define DDX_CONTROL_HANDLE(nID, obj) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ DDX_Control_Handle(nID, obj, bSaveAndValidate);
+#define DDX_CHECK(nID, var) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ DDX_Check(nID, var, bSaveAndValidate);
+#define DDX_RADIO(nID, var) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ DDX_Radio(nID, var, bSaveAndValidate);
+#define END_DDX_MAP() \
+ return TRUE; \
+ }
+// DDX support for Tab, Combo, ListBox and ListView selection index
+// Note: Specialized versions require atlctrls.h to be included first
+#define DDX_INDEX(CtrlClass, nID, var) \
+ if(nCtlID == (UINT)-1 || nCtlID == nID) \
+ DDX_Index<CtrlClass>(nID, var, bSaveAndValidate);
+#ifdef __ATLCTRLS_H__
+ #define DDX_TAB_INDEX(nID, var) DDX_INDEX(WTL::CTabCtrl, nID, var)
+ #define DDX_COMBO_INDEX(nID, var) DDX_INDEX(WTL::CComboBox, nID, var)
+ #define DDX_LISTBOX_INDEX(nID, var) DDX_INDEX(WTL::CListBox, nID, var)
+ #define DDX_LISTVIEW_INDEX(nID, var) DDX_INDEX(WTL::CListViewCtrl, nID, var)
+#endif // __ATLCTRLS_H__
+// CWinDataExchange - provides support for DDX
+template <class T>
+class CWinDataExchange
+// Data exchange method - override in your derived class
+ BOOL DoDataExchange(BOOL /*bSaveAndValidate*/ = FALSE, UINT /*nCtlID*/ = (UINT)-1)
+ {
+ // this one should never be called, override it in
+ // your derived class by implementing DDX map
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+// Helpers for validation error reporting
+ enum _XDataType
+ {
+ ddxDataNull = 0,
+ ddxDataText = 1,
+ ddxDataInt = 2,
+ ddxDataFloat = 3,
+ ddxDataDouble = 4
+ };
+ struct _XTextData
+ {
+ int nLength;
+ int nMaxLength;
+ };
+ struct _XIntData
+ {
+ long nVal;
+ long nMin;
+ long nMax;
+ };
+ struct _XFloatData
+ {
+ double nVal;
+ double nMin;
+ double nMax;
+ };
+ struct _XData
+ {
+ _XDataType nDataType;
+ union
+ {
+ _XTextData textData;
+ _XIntData intData;
+ _XFloatData floatData;
+ };
+ };
+// Text exchange
+ BOOL DDX_Text(UINT nID, LPTSTR lpstrText, int cbSize, BOOL bSave, BOOL bValidate = FALSE, int nLength = 0)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ HWND hWndCtrl = pT->GetDlgItem(nID);
+ int nRetLen = ::GetWindowText(hWndCtrl, lpstrText, cbSize / sizeof(TCHAR));
+ if(nRetLen < ::GetWindowTextLength(hWndCtrl))
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(!bValidate || lstrlen(lpstrText) <= nLength);
+ bSuccess = pT->SetDlgItemText(nID, lpstrText);
+ }
+ if(!bSuccess)
+ {
+ pT->OnDataExchangeError(nID, bSave);
+ }
+ else if(bSave && bValidate) // validation
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nLength > 0);
+ if(lstrlen(lpstrText) > nLength)
+ {
+ _XData data = { ddxDataText };
+ data.textData.nLength = lstrlen(lpstrText);
+ data.textData.nMaxLength = nLength;
+ pT->OnDataValidateError(nID, bSave, data);
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+ BOOL DDX_Text(UINT nID, BSTR& bstrText, int /*cbSize*/, BOOL bSave, BOOL bValidate = FALSE, int nLength = 0)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ bSuccess = pT->GetDlgItemText(nID, bstrText);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LPTSTR lpstrText = OLE2T(bstrText);
+ ATLASSERT(!bValidate || lstrlen(lpstrText) <= nLength);
+ bSuccess = pT->SetDlgItemText(nID, lpstrText);
+ }
+ if(!bSuccess)
+ {
+ pT->OnDataExchangeError(nID, bSave);
+ }
+ else if(bSave && bValidate) // validation
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nLength > 0);
+ if((int)::SysStringLen(bstrText) > nLength)
+ {
+ _XData data = { ddxDataText };
+ data.textData.nLength = (int)::SysStringLen(bstrText);
+ data.textData.nMaxLength = nLength;
+ pT->OnDataValidateError(nID, bSave, data);
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+ BOOL DDX_Text(UINT nID, ATL::CComBSTR& bstrText, int /*cbSize*/, BOOL bSave, BOOL bValidate = FALSE, int nLength = 0)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ bSuccess = pT->GetDlgItemText(nID, (BSTR&)bstrText);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LPTSTR lpstrText = OLE2T(bstrText);
+ ATLASSERT(!bValidate || lstrlen(lpstrText) <= nLength);
+ bSuccess = pT->SetDlgItemText(nID, lpstrText);
+ }
+ if(!bSuccess)
+ {
+ pT->OnDataExchangeError(nID, bSave);
+ }
+ else if(bSave && bValidate) // validation
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nLength > 0);
+ if((int)bstrText.Length() > nLength)
+ {
+ _XData data = { ddxDataText };
+ data.textData.nLength = (int)bstrText.Length();
+ data.textData.nMaxLength = nLength;
+ pT->OnDataValidateError(nID, bSave, data);
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+#if defined(_WTL_USE_CSTRING) || defined(__ATLSTR_H__)
+ BOOL DDX_Text(UINT nID, _CSTRING_NS::CString& strText, int /*cbSize*/, BOOL bSave, BOOL bValidate = FALSE, int nLength = 0)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ HWND hWndCtrl = pT->GetDlgItem(nID);
+ int nLen = ::GetWindowTextLength(hWndCtrl);
+ int nRetLen = -1;
+ LPTSTR lpstr = strText.GetBufferSetLength(nLen);
+ if(lpstr != NULL)
+ {
+ nRetLen = ::GetWindowText(hWndCtrl, lpstr, nLen + 1);
+ strText.ReleaseBuffer();
+ }
+ if(nRetLen < nLen)
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bSuccess = pT->SetDlgItemText(nID, strText);
+ }
+ if(!bSuccess)
+ {
+ pT->OnDataExchangeError(nID, bSave);
+ }
+ else if(bSave && bValidate) // validation
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nLength > 0);
+ if(strText.GetLength() > nLength)
+ {
+ _XData data = { ddxDataText };
+ data.textData.nLength = strText.GetLength();
+ data.textData.nMaxLength = nLength;
+ pT->OnDataValidateError(nID, bSave, data);
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+#endif // defined(_WTL_USE_CSTRING) || defined(__ATLSTR_H__)
+// Numeric exchange
+ template <class Type>
+ BOOL DDX_Int(UINT nID, Type& nVal, BOOL bSigned, BOOL bSave, BOOL bValidate = FALSE, Type nMin = 0, Type nMax = 0)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ nVal = (Type)pT->GetDlgItemInt(nID, &bSuccess, bSigned);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(!bValidate || nVal >= nMin && nVal <= nMax);
+ bSuccess = pT->SetDlgItemInt(nID, nVal, bSigned);
+ }
+ if(!bSuccess)
+ {
+ pT->OnDataExchangeError(nID, bSave);
+ }
+ else if(bSave && bValidate) // validation
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nMin != nMax);
+ if(nVal < nMin || nVal > nMax)
+ {
+ _XData data = { ddxDataInt };
+ data.intData.nVal = (long)nVal;
+ data.intData.nMin = (long)nMin;
+ data.intData.nMax = (long)nMax;
+ pT->OnDataValidateError(nID, bSave, data);
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+// Float exchange
+ static BOOL _AtlSimpleFloatParse(LPCTSTR lpszText, double& d)
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(lpszText != NULL);
+ while (*lpszText == _T(' ') || *lpszText == _T('\t'))
+ lpszText++;
+ TCHAR chFirst = lpszText[0];
+ d = _tcstod(lpszText, (LPTSTR*)&lpszText);
+ if (d == 0.0 && chFirst != _T('0'))
+ return FALSE; // could not convert
+ while (*lpszText == _T(' ') || *lpszText == _T('\t'))
+ lpszText++;
+ if (*lpszText != _T('\0'))
+ return FALSE; // not terminated properly
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ BOOL DDX_Float(UINT nID, float& nVal, BOOL bSave, BOOL bValidate = FALSE, float nMin = 0.F, float nMax = 0.F, int nPrecision = FLT_DIG)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ const int cchBuff = 32;
+ TCHAR szBuff[cchBuff] = { 0 };
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ pT->GetDlgItemText(nID, szBuff, cchBuff);
+ double d = 0;
+ if(_AtlSimpleFloatParse(szBuff, d))
+ nVal = (float)d;
+ else
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(!bValidate || nVal >= nMin && nVal <= nMax);
+ SecureHelper::sprintf_x(szBuff, cchBuff, _T("%.*g"), nPrecision, nVal);
+ bSuccess = pT->SetDlgItemText(nID, szBuff);
+ }
+ if(!bSuccess)
+ {
+ pT->OnDataExchangeError(nID, bSave);
+ }
+ else if(bSave && bValidate) // validation
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nMin != nMax);
+ if(nVal < nMin || nVal > nMax)
+ {
+ _XData data = { ddxDataFloat };
+ data.floatData.nVal = (double)nVal;
+ data.floatData.nMin = (double)nMin;
+ data.floatData.nMax = (double)nMax;
+ pT->OnDataValidateError(nID, bSave, data);
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+ BOOL DDX_Float(UINT nID, double& nVal, BOOL bSave, BOOL bValidate = FALSE, double nMin = 0., double nMax = 0., int nPrecision = DBL_DIG)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
+ const int cchBuff = 32;
+ TCHAR szBuff[cchBuff] = { 0 };
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ pT->GetDlgItemText(nID, szBuff, cchBuff);
+ double d = 0;
+ if(_AtlSimpleFloatParse(szBuff, d))
+ nVal = d;
+ else
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(!bValidate || nVal >= nMin && nVal <= nMax);
+ SecureHelper::sprintf_x(szBuff, cchBuff, _T("%.*g"), nPrecision, nVal);
+ bSuccess = pT->SetDlgItemText(nID, szBuff);
+ }
+ if(!bSuccess)
+ {
+ pT->OnDataExchangeError(nID, bSave);
+ }
+ else if(bSave && bValidate) // validation
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nMin != nMax);
+ if(nVal < nMin || nVal > nMax)
+ {
+ _XData data = { ddxDataFloat };
+ data.floatData.nVal = nVal;
+ data.floatData.nMin = nMin;
+ data.floatData.nMax = nMax;
+ pT->OnDataValidateError(nID, bSave, data);
+ bSuccess = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return bSuccess;
+ }
+#endif // _ATL_USE_DDX_FLOAT
+// Full control subclassing (for CWindowImpl derived controls)
+ template <class TControl>
+ void DDX_Control(UINT nID, TControl& ctrl, BOOL bSave)
+ {
+ if(!bSave && ctrl.m_hWnd == NULL)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ ctrl.SubclassWindow(pT->GetDlgItem(nID));
+ }
+ }
+// Simple control attaching (for HWND wrapper controls)
+ template <class TControl>
+ void DDX_Control_Handle(UINT nID, TControl& ctrl, BOOL bSave)
+ {
+ if(!bSave && ctrl.m_hWnd == NULL)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ ctrl = pT->GetDlgItem(nID);
+ }
+ }
+// Control state
+ void DDX_Check(UINT nID, int& nValue, BOOL bSave)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ HWND hWndCtrl = pT->GetDlgItem(nID);
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ nValue = (int)::SendMessage(hWndCtrl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0L);
+ ATLASSERT(nValue >= 0 && nValue <= 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(nValue < 0 || nValue > 2)
+ {
+ ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("ATL: Warning - dialog data checkbox value (%d) out of range.\n"), nValue);
+ nValue = 0; // default to off
+ }
+ ::SendMessage(hWndCtrl, BM_SETCHECK, nValue, 0L);
+ }
+ }
+ // variant that supports bool (checked/not-checked, no intermediate state)
+ void DDX_Check(UINT nID, bool& bCheck, BOOL bSave)
+ {
+ int nValue = bCheck ? 1 : 0;
+ DDX_Check(nID, nValue, bSave);
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ if(nValue == 2)
+ ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("ATL: Warning - checkbox state (%d) out of supported range.\n"), nValue);
+ bCheck = (nValue == 1);
+ }
+ }
+ void DDX_Radio(UINT nID, int& nValue, BOOL bSave)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ HWND hWndCtrl = pT->GetDlgItem(nID);
+ ATLASSERT(hWndCtrl != NULL);
+ // must be first in a group of auto radio buttons
+ ATLASSERT(::GetWindowLong(hWndCtrl, GWL_STYLE) & WS_GROUP);
+ if(bSave)
+ nValue = -1; // value if none found
+ // walk all children in group
+ int nButton = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if(::SendMessage(hWndCtrl, WM_GETDLGCODE, 0, 0L) & DLGC_RADIOBUTTON)
+ {
+ // control in group is a radio button
+ if(bSave)
+ {
+ if(::SendMessage(hWndCtrl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0L) != 0)
+ {
+ ATLASSERT(nValue == -1); // only set once
+ nValue = nButton;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // select button
+ ::SendMessage(hWndCtrl, BM_SETCHECK, (nButton == nValue), 0L);
+ }
+ nButton++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ATLTRACE2(atlTraceUI, 0, _T("ATL: Warning - skipping non-radio button in group.\n"));
+ }
+ hWndCtrl = ::GetWindow(hWndCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT);
+ }
+ while (hWndCtrl != NULL && !(GetWindowLong(hWndCtrl, GWL_STYLE) & WS_GROUP));
+ }
+// DDX support for Tab, Combo, ListBox and ListView selection index
+ template <class TCtrl>
+ INT _getSel(TCtrl& tCtrl)
+ {
+ return tCtrl.GetCurSel();
+ }
+ template <class TCtrl>
+ void _setSel(TCtrl& tCtrl, INT iSel)
+ {
+ if(iSel < 0)
+ tCtrl.SetCurSel(-1);
+ else
+ tCtrl.SetCurSel(iSel);
+ }
+#ifdef __ATLCTRLS_H__
+ // ListViewCtrl specialization
+ template <>
+ INT _getSel(WTL::CListViewCtrl& tCtrl)
+ {
+ return tCtrl.GetSelectedIndex();
+ }
+ template <>
+ void _setSel(WTL::CListViewCtrl& tCtrl, INT iSel)
+ {
+ if(iSel < 0)
+ tCtrl.SelectItem(-1);
+ else
+ tCtrl.SelectItem(iSel);
+ }
+#endif // __ATLCTRLS_H__
+ template <class TCtrl>
+ void DDX_Index(UINT nID, INT& nVal, BOOL bSave)
+ {
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ TCtrl ctrl(pT->GetDlgItem(nID));
+ if(bSave)
+ nVal = _getSel(ctrl);
+ else
+ _setSel(ctrl, nVal);
+ }
+// Overrideables
+ void OnDataExchangeError(UINT nCtrlID, BOOL /*bSave*/)
+ {
+ // Override to display an error message
+ ::MessageBeep((UINT)-1);
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ ::SetFocus(pT->GetDlgItem(nCtrlID));
+ }
+ void OnDataValidateError(UINT nCtrlID, BOOL /*bSave*/, _XData& /*data*/)
+ {
+ // Override to display an error message
+ ::MessageBeep((UINT)-1);
+ T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
+ ::SetFocus(pT->GetDlgItem(nCtrlID));
+ }
+}; // namespace WTL
+#endif // __ATLDDX_H__