path: root/plugins/StopSpamMod/src/init.cpp
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-30 06:48:44 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-07-30 06:48:44 +0000
commit8df61eefd63a9816aa25e3b567a82e74f5acc3d0 (patch)
treed1b2b7b957b40c20f386c105bb9036760b1c0081 /plugins/StopSpamMod/src/init.cpp
parent234db3e6d7e9f285054f92233b9406efd684eaa3 (diff)
New_GPG unchecked in full solution (boost), StopSpamMod - folder renamed
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/StopSpamMod/src/init.cpp')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/StopSpamMod/src/init.cpp b/plugins/StopSpamMod/src/init.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8bccf59052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/StopSpamMod/src/init.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+/* Copyright (C) Miklashevsky Roman, sss, elzor
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "headers.h"
+BOOL gbDosServiceExist = 0;
+BOOL gbVarsServiceExist = 0;
+DWORD gbMaxQuestCount = 5;
+BOOL gbInfTalkProtection = 0;
+BOOL gbAddPermanent = 0;
+BOOL gbHandleAuthReq = 1;
+BOOL gbSpecialGroup = 0;
+BOOL gbHideContacts = 1;
+BOOL gbIgnoreContacts = 0;
+BOOL gbExclude = 1;
+BOOL gbDelExcluded = 0;
+BOOL gbDelAllTempory = 0;
+BOOL gbHistoryLog = 0;
+BOOL gbDosServiceIntegration = 0;
+BOOL gbCaseInsensitive = 0;
+BOOL gbRegexMatch = 0;
+BOOL gbInvisDisable = 0;
+BOOL gbIgnoreURL = 1;
+BOOL gbLogToFile=0;
+BOOL gbAutoAuth=0;
+BOOL gbAutoAddToServerList=0;
+BOOL gbAutoReqAuth=1;
+BOOL gbMathExpression = 0;
+HANDLE hStopSpamLogDirH=0;
+tstring gbSpammersGroup = _T("Spammers");
+tstring gbAutoAuthGroup = _T("NotSpammers");
+tstring gbQuestion;
+tstring gbAnswer;
+tstring gbCongratulation;
+std::wstring gbAuthRepl;
+extern char * pluginDescription;
+extern TCHAR const * defQuestion;
+extern int RemoveTmp(WPARAM,LPARAM);
+// returns plugin's extended information
+// {553811EE-DEB6-48b8-8902-A8A00C1FD679}
+#define MIID_STOPSPAM { 0x553811ee, 0xdeb6, 0x48b8, { 0x89, 0x2, 0xa8, 0xa0, 0xc, 0x1f, 0xd6, 0x79 } }
+PLUGININFOEX pluginInfoEx = {
+ 0,
+ PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(0, 0, 2, 0),
+ pluginDescription,
+ "Roman Miklashevsky, sss, Elzor",
+ "",
+ "© 2004-2012 Roman Miklashevsky, A. Petkevich, Kosh&chka, sss, Elzor",
+ "",
+char *date()
+ static char d[11];
+ char *tmp = __DATE__, m[4], mn[3] = "01";
+ m[0]=tmp[0];
+ m[1]=tmp[1];
+ m[2]=tmp[2];
+ if(strstr(m,"Jan"))
+ strcpy(mn,"01");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Feb"))
+ strcpy(mn,"02");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Mar"))
+ strcpy(mn,"03");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Apr"))
+ strcpy(mn,"04");
+ else if(strstr(m,"May"))
+ strcpy(mn,"05");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Jun"))
+ strcpy(mn,"06");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Jul"))
+ strcpy(mn,"07");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Aug"))
+ strcpy(mn,"08");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Sep"))
+ strcpy(mn,"09");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Oct"))
+ strcpy(mn,"10");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Nov"))
+ strcpy(mn,"11");
+ else if(strstr(m,"Dec"))
+ strcpy(mn,"12");
+ d[0]=tmp[7];
+ d[1]=tmp[8];
+ d[2]=tmp[9];
+ d[3]=tmp[10];
+ d[4]='.';
+ d[5]=mn[0];
+ d[6]=mn[1];
+ d[7]='.';
+ if (tmp[4] == ' ')
+ d[8] = '0';
+ else
+ d[8]=tmp[4];
+ d[9]=tmp[5];
+ return d;
+extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD mirandaVersion)
+ if ( mirandaVersion < PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION( 0, 7, 0, 1 ))
+ return NULL;
+ {
+ static char plugname[52];
+ strcpy(plugname, pluginName" mod [");
+ strcat(plugname, date());
+ strcat(plugname, " ");
+ strcat(plugname, __TIME__);
+ strcat(plugname, "]");
+ pluginInfoEx.shortName = plugname;
+ }
+ return &pluginInfoEx;
+extern tstring DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(HANDLE hContact, char const * szModule, char const * szSetting, tstring errorValue);
+void InitVars()
+ gbDosServiceIntegration = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "DOSIntegration", 0);
+ gbSpammersGroup = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "SpammersGroup", _T("Spammers"));
+ gbAnswer = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "answer", _T("nospam"));
+ gbCongratulation = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "congratulation", _T("Congratulations! You just passed human/robot test. Now you can write me a message."));
+ gbInfTalkProtection = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "infTalkProtection", 0);
+ gbAddPermanent = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "addPermanent", 0);
+ gbMaxQuestCount = DBGetContactSettingDword(NULL, pluginName, "maxQuestCount", 5);
+ gbHandleAuthReq = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "handleAuthReq", 1);
+ gbQuestion = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "question", defQuestion);
+ gbAnswer = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "answer", _T("nospam"));
+ gbCongratulation = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "congratulation", _T("Congratulations! You just passed human/robot test. Now you can write me a message."));
+ gbAuthRepl = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "authrepl", _T("StopSpam: send a message and reply to a anti-spam bot question."));
+ gbSpecialGroup = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "SpecialGroup", 0);
+ gbHideContacts = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "HideContacts", 0);
+ gbIgnoreContacts = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "IgnoreContacts", 0);
+ gbExclude = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "ExcludeContacts", 1);
+ gbDelExcluded = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "DelExcluded", 0);
+ gbDelAllTempory = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "DelAllTempory", 0);
+ gbCaseInsensitive = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "CaseInsensitive", 0);
+ gbRegexMatch = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "RegexMatch", 0);
+ gbInvisDisable = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "DisableInInvis", 0);
+ gbIgnoreURL = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "IgnoreURL", 0);
+ gbAutoAuthGroup = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "AutoAuthGroup", _T("Not Spammers"));
+ gbAutoAuth=DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "AutoAuth", 0);
+ gbAutoAddToServerList=DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "AutoAddToServerList", 0);
+ gbAutoReqAuth=DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "AutoReqAuth", 0);
+ gbLogToFile=DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "LogSpamToFile", 0);
+ gbHistoryLog = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "HistoryLog", 0);
+ gbMathExpression = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, pluginName, "MathExpression", 0);
+static int OnSystemModulesLoaded(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+/* if (ServiceExists(MS_DOS_SERVICE))
+ gbDosServiceExist = TRUE; */
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING))
+ gbVarsServiceExist = TRUE;
+ InitVars();
+ void CleanThread();
+ if(gbDelAllTempory || gbDelExcluded)
+ boost::thread *thr = new boost::thread(&CleanThread);
+ // Folders plugin support
+ if (ServiceExists(MS_FOLDERS_REGISTER_PATH))
+ {
+ hStopSpamLogDirH = (HANDLE) FoldersRegisterCustomPath("StopSpam", "StopSpam Logs",
+ }
+ return 0;
+HANDLE hEventFilter = 0, hOptInitialise = 0, hSettingChanged = 0;
+BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,DWORD fdwReason,LPVOID lpvReserved)
+ /*if(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == fdwReason)
+ hInst=hinstDLL;
+ return TRUE;*/
+ hInst = hinstDLL;
+ return TRUE;
+// returns plugin's interfaces information
+static const MUUID interfaces[] = { MIID_STOPSPAM, MIID_LAST };
+extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID* MirandaPluginInterfaces(void)
+ return interfaces;
+int hLangpack = 0;
+extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load()
+ mir_getLP(&pluginInfoEx);
+ CreateServiceFunction("/RemoveTmp", (MIRANDASERVICE)RemoveTmp);
+ HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnSystemModulesLoaded);
+ ZeroMemory(&mi,sizeof(mi));
+ mi.cbSize=sizeof(mi);
+ mi.position=-0x7FFFFFFF;
+ mi.flags=0;
+ mi.hIcon=LoadSkinnedIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA);
+ mi.pszName="Remove Temporary Contacts";
+ mi.pszService="/RemoveTmp";
+ Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi);
+ miranda::EventHooker::HookAll();
+ return 0;
+extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Unload(void)
+ miranda::EventHooker::UnhookAll();
+ return 0;