diff options
author | Alexey Kulakov <panda75@bk.ru> | 2014-01-15 21:18:15 +0000 |
committer | Alexey Kulakov <panda75@bk.ru> | 2014-01-15 21:18:15 +0000 |
commit | 56dbdaf5d7855632eeea4cfe820531bc24b09ee0 (patch) | |
tree | 172487e562256c6d7d366bd2cae1f3b86d9e91f4 /plugins/Utils.pas/old/hotkeys.pas | |
parent | 8182b383ff777c41459278bd517e4370c42fd78a (diff) |
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@7671 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Utils.pas/old/hotkeys.pas')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/Utils.pas/old/hotkeys.pas | 574 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 574 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Utils.pas/old/hotkeys.pas b/plugins/Utils.pas/old/hotkeys.pas deleted file mode 100644 index 32f6e201e5..0000000000 --- a/plugins/Utils.pas/old/hotkeys.pas +++ /dev/null @@ -1,574 +0,0 @@ -{Hotkey and timer related functions}
-unit hotkeys;
-uses windows;
- AWKHotKeyProc = function(hotkey:integer):integer;
-function AddProc(aproc:AWKHotKeyProc;ahotkey:integer;global:bool=false):integer; overload;
-function AddProc(ahotkey:integer;wnd:HWND;aproc:AWKHotKeyProc ):integer; overload;
-function AddProc(ahotkey:integer;wnd:HWND;msg:uint_ptr ):integer; overload;
-function DelProc(hotkey:integer ):integer; overload;
-function DelProc(hotkey:integer;wnd:HWND):integer; overload;
-procedure InitHotKeys;
-procedure FreeHotKeys;
-uses messages;
- CurThread:THANDLE;
- vkCode :dword;
- scanCode :dword;
- flags :dword;
- time :dword;
- dwExtraInfo:dword;
- end;
-// const from commctrl module;
- HOTKEYF_ALT = $04;
- HOTKEYF_EXT = $08;
- hkAssigned = 1;
- hkGlobal = 2;
- hkMessage = 4;
- kbHook:THANDLE=0;
- hiddenwindow:HWND=0;
- modifiers:dword=0;
- PageStep = 10;
- PHKRec = ^THKRec;
- THKRec = record
- proc :AWKHotKeyProc; // procedure
- flags :integer; // options
- handle:THANDLE; // thread or window?
- atom :TATOM; // hotkey id
- hotkey:integer; // hotkey
- end;
- PHKRecs = ^THKRecs;
- THKRecs = array [0..15] of THKRec;
- NumRecs:integer=0;
- MaxRecs:integer=10;
- hkRecs:pHKRecs=nil;
-//----- simpler version of 'common' function -----
- HexDigitChr: array [0..15] of AnsiChar = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',
- '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
-function IntToHex(dst:PAnsiChar;Value:cardinal):PAnsiChar;
- Digits:integer;
- dst[8]:=#0;
- Digits:=8;
- repeat
- Dec(Digits);
- dst[Digits]:=HexDigitChr[Value and $F];
- Value:=Value shr 4;
- until Digits=0;
- result:=dst;
-//----- utils -----
-function GetAtom(hotkey:dword):dword;
- HKPrefix = 'awk_';
- p:array [0..15] of AnsiChar;
- lstrcpya(p,HKPrefix);
- IntToHex(p+Length(HKPrefix),hotkey);
- result:=GlobalAddAtomA(p);
-function HotKeyDlgToHook(w:cardinal):cardinal; register;
- movzx ecx,al
- xor al,al
- test ah,HOTKEYF_ALT
- je @L1
- or al,MOD_ALT
- je @L2
- je @L3
- or al,MOD_SHIFT
- test ah,HOTKEYF_EXT
- je @L4
- or al,MOD_WIN
- mov ch,al
- mov eax,ecx
- result:=w and $FF;
- if (w and (HOTKEYF_ALT shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (MOD_ALT shl 8);
- if (w and (HOTKEYF_CONTROL shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (MOD_CONTROL shl 8);
- if (w and (HOTKEYF_SHIFT shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (MOD_SHIFT shl 8);
- if (w and (HOTKEYF_EXT shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (MOD_WIN shl 8);
-function HotKeyHookToDlg(w:cardinal):cardinal; register;
- movzx ecx,al
- xor al,al
- test ah,MOD_ALT
- je @L1
- test ah,MOD_CONTROL
- je @L2
- test ah,MOD_SHIFT
- je @L3
- test ah,MOD_WIN
- je @L4
- mov ch,al
- mov eax,ecx
- result:=w and $FF;
- if (w and (MOD_ALT shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (HOTKEYF_ALT shl 8);
- if (w and (MOD_CONTROL shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (HOTKEYF_CONTROL shl 8);
- if (w and (MOD_SHIFT shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (HOTKEYF_SHIFT shl 8);
- if (w and (MOD_WIN shl 8))<>0 then result:=result or (HOTKEYF_EXT shl 8);
-//----- Hook -----
-function FindHotkey(keycode:integer;local:boolean):pointer;
- i:integer;
- p:pHKRec;
- i:=NumRecs;
- p:=pointer(HKRecs);
- while i>0 do
- begin
- dec(i);
- with p^ do
- begin
- if (flags and hkAssigned)<>0 then
- begin
- if (local xor ((flags and hkGlobal)<>0)) then
- begin
- if hotkey=keycode then
- begin
- if handle<>0 then
- begin
- if GetFocus=handle then
- begin
- if (flags and hkMessage)<>0 then
- begin
- PostMessage(handle,wparam(@proc),keycode,0);
- result:=pointer(-1);
- end
- else
- result:=@proc;
- exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- result:=@proc;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- result:=nil;
-function wmKeyboard_hook(code:integer;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):longint; stdcall;
- key:dword;
- proc:pointer;
- if (code=HC_ACTION) and
- (lParam>0) and (LoWord(lParam)=1) then
- begin
- key:=0;
- if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT ) and $8000)<>0 then key:=key or (MOD_SHIFT shl 8);
- if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) and $8000)<>0 then key:=key or (MOD_CONTROL shl 8);
- if (GetKeyState(VK_MENU ) and $8000)<>0 then key:=key or (MOD_ALT shl 8);
- if (GetKeyState(VK_LWIN ) and $8000)<>0 then key:=key or (MOD_WIN shl 8);
- if (GetKeyState(VK_RWIN ) and $8000)<>0 then key:=key or (MOD_WIN shl 8);
-// if (GetKeyState(VK_APPS) and $8000)<>0 then
-// if (GetKeyState(VK_SLEEP) and $8000)<>0 then
- key:=key or (cardinal(wParam) and $FF);
- proc:=FindHotkey(key,true);
- if proc<>nil then
- begin
- if proc<>pointer(-1) then
- PostMessageA(hiddenwindow,WM_MYMESSAGE,key,windows.lparam(proc));
- result:=1;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- result:=CallNextHookEx(KbHook,code,wParam,lParam);
-function wmKeyboardLL_hook(code:integer;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):integer; stdcall;
- lastkey:dword=0;
- mask:dword;
- key:dword;
- proc:pointer;
- if code=HC_ACTION then
- begin
- case PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(lParam)^.vkCode of
- VK_RMENU: mask:=MOD_ALT shl 8;
- VK_RWIN: mask:=MOD_WIN shl 8;
- VK_RSHIFT: mask:=MOD_SHIFT shl 8;
- else
- if (PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(lParam)^.flags and 128)=0 then
- begin
- // local only
-// maybe process will better choice?
- if //(lastkey=0) and
- (CurThread=GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow,nil)) then
- begin
- key:=PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(lParam)^.vkCode or modifiers;
- proc:=FindHotkey(key,true);
- if proc<>nil then
- begin
- lastkey:=PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(lParam)^.vkCode;
- if proc<>pointer(-1) then
- PostMessageA(hiddenwindow,WM_MYMESSAGE,key,windows.lparam(proc));
- result:=1;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end
- else if (lastkey<>0) and (lastkey=PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(lParam)^.vkCode) then
- begin
- lastkey:=0;
- result :=1;
- exit;
- end;
- mask:=0;
- end;
- if mask<>0 then
- begin
- if (PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT(lParam)^.flags and 128)=0 then
- modifiers:=modifiers or mask
- else
- modifiers:=modifiers and not mask;
- end
- end;
- result:=CallNextHookEx(KbHook,code,wParam,lParam);
-function HiddenWindProc(wnd:HWnd;msg:UINT;wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):lresult; stdcall;
- key:dword;
- if Msg=WM_HOTKEY then
- begin
- key:=(lParam shr 16)+((lParam and $FF) shl 8);
- result:=lresult(FindHotKey(key,false));
- if result<>0 then
- begin
- result:=AWKHotKeyProc(result)(HotkeyHookToDlg(key));
- exit;
- end;
- end
- else if Msg=WM_MYMESSAGE then
- begin
- result:=AWKHotKeyProc(lParam)(HotkeyHookToDlg(wParam));
- exit;
- end;
- result:=DefWindowProcA(wnd,msg,wparam,lparam);
-procedure DestroyHiddenWindow;
- if hiddenwindow<>0 then
- begin
- DestroyWindow(hiddenwindow);
- hiddenwindow:=0;
- end;
-procedure CreateHiddenWindow;
- wnd:HWND;
- if hiddenwindow=0 then
- begin
- wnd:=CreateWindowExA(0,'STATIC',nil,0,
- 1,1,1,1,HWND_MESSAGE,0,hInstance,nil);
- if wnd<>0 then
- begin
- SetWindowLongPtrA(wnd,GWL_WNDPROC,LONG_PTR(@HiddenWindProc));
- hiddenwindow:=wnd;
- end
- end
-//----- interface -----
-function CheckTable(ahotkey:integer;global:bool):integer;
- tmp:pHKRecs;
- i:integer;
- p:pHKRec;
- if HKRecs=nil then
- begin
- MaxRecs:=PageStep;
- GetMem (HKRecs ,MaxRecs*SizeOf(THKRec));
- FillChar(HKRecs^,MaxRecs*SizeOf(THKRec),0);
- NumRecs:=0;
- end;
- // search existing
- i:=0;
- p:=pointer(HKRecs);
- while i<NumRecs do
- begin
- if (p^.flags and hkAssigned)<>0 then
- begin
- if (p^.hotkey=ahotkey) and
- (((p^.flags and hkGlobal)<>0) xor not global) then
- break;
- end;
- inc(p);
- inc(i);
- end;
- //search empty
- if i=NumRecs then
- begin
- i:=0;
- p:=pointer(HKRecs);
- while i<NumRecs do
- begin
- if (p^.flags and hkAssigned)=0 then
- break;
- inc(p);
- inc(i);
- end;
- end;
- if i=NumRecs then // allocate if not found
- begin
- if NumRecs=MaxRecs then
- begin
- inc(MaxRecs,PageStep);
- GetMem (tmp ,MaxRecs*SizeOf(THKRec));
- FillChar(tmp^,MaxRecs*SizeOf(THKRec),0);
- move(HKRecs^,tmp^,NumRecs*SizeOf(THKRec));
- FreeMem(HKRecs);
- HKRecs:=tmp;
- end;
- inc(NumRecs);
- end;
- if global then
- HKRecs^[i].flags:=hkAssigned or hkGlobal
- else
- HKRecs^[i].flags:=hkAssigned;
- HKRecs^[i].hotkey:=HotKeyDlgToHook(ahotkey);
- result:=i;
-function AddProc(aproc:AWKHotKeyProc;ahotkey:integer;global:bool=false):integer;
- result:=1;
- if @aproc=nil then exit;
- with HKRecs^[CheckTable(ahotkey,global)] do
- begin
- proc :=aproc;
- handle:=0;
- if global then
- begin
- atom:=GetAtom(hotkey);
- if not RegisterHotKey(hiddenwindow,atom,((hotkey and $FF00) shr 8),(hotkey and $FF)) then
- result:=0;
- end;
- end;
-// search needed
-function AddProcWin(ahotkey:integer;wnd:HWND):integer;
- result:=CheckTable(ahotkey,false);
- with HKRecs^[result] do
- begin
- handle:=wnd;
- end;
-function AddProc(ahotkey:integer;wnd:HWND;aproc:AWKHotKeyProc):integer;
- if @aproc=nil then
- begin
- result:=0;
- exit;
- end;
- result:=AddProcWin(ahotkey,wnd);
- if result<0 then
- result:=0
- else
- begin
- HKRecs^[result].proc:=@aproc;
- end;
-function AddProc(ahotkey:integer;wnd:HWND;msg:uint_ptr):integer;
- result:=AddProcWin(ahotkey,wnd);
- if result<0 then
- result:=0
- else
- begin
- HKRecs^[result].flags:=HKRecs^[result].flags or hkMessage;
- HKRecs^[result].proc:=pointer(msg);
- end;
-function DelProc(hotkey:integer):integer;
- i:integer;
- p:pHKRec;
- hotkey:=HotKeyDlgToHook(hotkey); //!!
- p:=pointer(HKRecs);
- i:=NumRecs;
- while i>0 do
- begin
- dec(i);
- if ((p^.flags and hkAssigned)<>0) and (p^.handle=0) then
- if p^.hotkey=hotkey then
- begin
- if (p^.flags and hkGlobal)<>0 then
- begin
- UnregisterHotKey(hiddenwindow,p^.atom);
- GlobalDeleteAtom(p^.atom);
- end;
- p^.flags:=p^.flags and not hkAssigned;
- result:=i;
- exit;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- result:=0;
-function DelProc(hotkey:integer;wnd:HWND):integer;
- i:integer;
- p:pHKRec;
- hotkey:=HotKeyDlgToHook(hotkey); //!!
- p:=pointer(HKRecs);
- i:=NumRecs;
- while i>0 do
- begin
- dec(i);
- if (p^.flags and hkAssigned)<>0 then
- if (p^.handle=wnd) {and ((p^.flags and hkGlobal)=0)} then
- begin
- if (hotkey=0) or (hotkey=p^.hotkey) then
- begin
- p^.flags:=p^.flags and not hkAssigned;
- result:=i;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- result:=0;
-procedure InitHotKeys;
- MaxRecs:=10;
- GetMem(HKRecs,SizeOf(THKRec)*MaxRecs);
- FillChar(HKRecs^,SizeOf(THKRec)*MaxRecs,0);
- NumRecs:=0;
- CreateHiddenWindow;
- kbhook:=SetWindowsHookExA(WH_KEYBOARD_LL,@wmKeyboardLL_hook,hInstance,0);
- if KbHook=0 then
- KbHook:=SetWindowsHookExA(WH_KEYBOARD,@wmKeyboard_hook,0,GetCurrentThreadId);
-procedure FreeHotKeys;
- i:integer;
- p:pHKRec;
- i:=NumRecs;
- p:=pointer(HKRecs);
- while i>0 do
- begin
- dec(i);
- if (p^.flags and (hkAssigned or hkGlobal))=(hkAssigned or hkGlobal) then
- begin
- UnregisterHotKey(hiddenwindow,p^.atom);
- GlobalDeleteAtom(p^.atom);
- end;
- inc(p);
- end;
- DestroyHiddenWindow;
- if kbhook<>0 then
- UnhookWindowsHookEx(kbhook);
- FreeMem(HKRecs);
- HKRecs:=nil;
- MaxRecs:=0;
- NumRecs:=0;
- CurThread:=GetCurrentThreadId();
\ No newline at end of file |