diff options
author | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2012-07-24 12:45:18 +0000 |
committer | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2012-07-24 12:45:18 +0000 |
commit | 0cda0baab21d4d4bf40c9459f6f5a7e49aa92492 (patch) | |
tree | c1244d2f42e6d1728a81a18bd0fbd091904bf20c /plugins/VersionInfo/utils.cpp | |
parent | 171e81205e357e0d54283a63997ed58ff97d54a9 (diff) |
VersionInfo, W7UI, WhoUsesMyFiles, YAPP, ZeroNotification: changed folder structure
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@1161 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/VersionInfo/utils.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | plugins/VersionInfo/utils.cpp | 526 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 526 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/VersionInfo/utils.cpp b/plugins/VersionInfo/utils.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 9be552c8cc..0000000000 --- a/plugins/VersionInfo/utils.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,526 +0,0 @@ -/*
-Version information plugin for Miranda IM
-Copyright © 2002-2006 Luca Santarelli, Cristian Libotean
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-#define STRICT
-#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
-#include "common.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-My usual MessageBoxes :-)
-void MB(const TCHAR* message)
- if (verbose) MessageBox(NULL, message, _T("VersionInfo"), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
-void Log(const TCHAR* message)
- if (ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT)) {
- POPUPDATAT pu = {0};
- pu.lchIcon = hiVIIcon;
- _tcsncpy(pu.lptzContactName, TranslateT("Version Information"), MAX_CONTACTNAME);
- _tcsncpy(pu.lptzText, message, MAX_SECONDLINE);
- PUAddPopUpT(&pu);
- }
- else MessageBox(NULL, message, _T("VersionInfo"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
-int SplitStringInfo(const TCHAR *szWholeText, TCHAR *szStartText, TCHAR *szEndText)
- const TCHAR *pos = _tcschr(szWholeText, '|');
- if (pos) {
- size_t index = pos - szWholeText;
- lstrcpyn(szStartText, szWholeText, (int)index);
- szStartText[index] = '\0';
- StrTrim(szStartText, _T(" "));
- lstrcpyn(szEndText, pos + 1, (int)_tcslen(pos)); //copies the \0 as well ... :)
- StrTrim(szEndText, _T(" "));
- }
- else szStartText[0] = szEndText[0] = '\0';
- return 0;
-int GetStringFromDatabase(char *szSettingName, TCHAR *szError, TCHAR *szResult, size_t size)
- DBVARIANT dbv = {0};
- int res = 1;
- size_t len;
- if ( DBGetContactSettingTString(NULL, ModuleName, szSettingName, &dbv) == 0) {
- res = 0;
- size_t tmp = _tcslen(dbv.ptszVal);
- len = (tmp < size - 1) ? tmp : size - 1;
- _tcsncpy(szResult, dbv.ptszVal, len);
- szResult[len] = '\0';
- mir_free(dbv.ptszVal);
- }
- else {
- res = 1;
- size_t tmp = _tcslen(szError);
- len = (tmp < size - 1) ? tmp : size - 1;
- _tcsncpy(szResult, szError, len);
- szResult[len] = '\0';
- }
- return res;
-TCHAR *RelativePathToAbsolute(TCHAR *szRelative, TCHAR *szAbsolute, size_t size)
- if (size < MAX_PATH) {
- TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; //new path should be at least MAX_PATH chars
- CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTET, (WPARAM) szRelative, (LPARAM) buffer);
- _tcsncpy(szAbsolute, buffer, size);
- }
- else CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTET, (WPARAM) szRelative, (LPARAM) szAbsolute);
- return szAbsolute;
-TCHAR *AbsolutePathToRelative(TCHAR *szAbsolute, TCHAR *szRelative, size_t size)
- if (size < MAX_PATH) {
- TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
- CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTORELATIVET, (WPARAM) szAbsolute, (LPARAM) szRelative);
- _tcsncpy(szRelative, buffer, size);
- }
- else CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTORELATIVET, (WPARAM) szAbsolute, (LPARAM) szRelative);
- return szRelative;
-#define GetFacility(dwError) (HIWORD(dwError) && 0x0000111111111111)
-#define GetErrorCode(dwError) (LOWORD(dwError))
-void NotifyError(DWORD dwError, const TCHAR* szSetting, int iLine)
- TCHAR str[1024];
- mir_sntprintf(str, SIZEOF(str), TranslateT("Ok, something went wrong in the \"%s\" setting. Report back the following values:\nFacility: %X\nError code: %X\nLine number: %d"), szSetting, GetFacility(dwError), GetErrorCode(dwError), iLine);
- Log(str);
-TCHAR *StrTrim(TCHAR *szText, const TCHAR *szTrimChars)
- size_t i = _tcslen(szText) - 1;
- while (i >= 0 && _tcschr(szTrimChars, szText[i]))
- szText[i--] = '\0';
- i = 0;
- while (((unsigned int )i < _tcslen(szText)) && _tcschr(szTrimChars, szText[i]))
- i++;
- if (i) {
- size_t size = _tcslen(szText);
- size_t j;
- for (j = i; j <= size; j++) //shift the \0 as well
- szText[j - i] = szText[j];
- }
- return szText;
-bool DoesDllExist(char *dllName)
- HMODULE dllHandle;
- dllHandle = LoadLibraryExA(dllName, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES);
- if (dllHandle)
- {
- FreeLibrary(dllHandle);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-//========== From Cyreve ==========
-PLUGININFOEX *GetPluginInfo(const TCHAR *filename,HINSTANCE *hPlugin)
- TCHAR szMirandaPath[MAX_PATH], szPluginPath[MAX_PATH];
- PLUGININFOEX *(*MirandaPluginInfo)(DWORD);
- HMODULE hLoadedModule;
- DWORD mirandaVersion = CallService(MS_SYSTEM_GETVERSION,0,0);
- GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szMirandaPath, SIZEOF(szMirandaPath));
- TCHAR* str2 = _tcsrchr(szMirandaPath,'\\');
- if(str2!=NULL) *str2=0;
- hLoadedModule = GetModuleHandle(filename);
- if(hLoadedModule!=NULL) {
- *hPlugin=NULL;
- MirandaPluginInfo=(PLUGININFOEX *(*)(DWORD))GetProcAddress(hLoadedModule,"MirandaPluginInfo");
- return MirandaPluginInfo(mirandaVersion);
- }
- wsprintf(szPluginPath, _T("%s\\Plugins\\%s"), szMirandaPath, filename);
- *hPlugin=LoadLibrary(szPluginPath);
- if (*hPlugin==NULL) return NULL;
- MirandaPluginInfo=(PLUGININFOEX *(*)(DWORD))GetProcAddress(*hPlugin,"MirandaPluginInfo");
- if(MirandaPluginInfo==NULL) {FreeLibrary(*hPlugin); *hPlugin=NULL; return NULL;}
- pPlugInfo=MirandaPluginInfo(mirandaVersion);
- if(pPlugInfo==NULL) {FreeLibrary(*hPlugin); *hPlugin=NULL; return NULL;}
- if(pPlugInfo->cbSize != sizeof(PLUGININFOEX)) {FreeLibrary(*hPlugin); *hPlugin=NULL; return NULL;}
- return pPlugInfo;
-//========== from Frank Cheng (wintime98) ==========
-// I've changed something to suit VersionInfo :-)
-#include <imagehlp.h>
-void TimeStampToSysTime(DWORD Unix,SYSTEMTIME* SysTime)
- DWORDLONG FileReal,UnixReal;
- S.wYear=1970;
- S.wMonth=1;
- S.wDay=1;
- S.wHour=0;
- S.wMinute=0;
- S.wSecond=0;
- S.wMilliseconds=0;
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&S,(FILETIME*)&FileReal);
- UnixReal = Unix;
- UnixReal*=10000000;
- FileReal+=UnixReal;
- FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&FileReal,SysTime);
-void GetModuleTimeStamp(TCHAR* ptszDate, TCHAR* ptszTime)
- TCHAR tszModule[MAX_PATH];
- HANDLE mapfile,file;
- DWORD timestamp,filesize;
- LPVOID mapmem;
- SYSTEMTIME systime;
- GetModuleFileName(NULL,tszModule,SIZEOF(tszModule));
- filesize = GetFileSize(file,NULL);
- mapfile = CreateFileMapping(file, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, filesize, NULL);
- mapmem = MapViewOfFile(mapfile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
- timestamp = GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary((HINSTANCE)mapmem);
- TimeStampToSysTime(timestamp,&systime);
- GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systime, _T("HH':'mm':'ss"), ptszTime, 40 );
- GetDateFormat(EnglishLocale, 0, &systime, _T("dd' 'MMMM' 'yyyy"), ptszDate, 40);
- UnmapViewOfFile(mapmem);
- CloseHandle(mapfile);
- CloseHandle(file);
-//From Egodust or Cyreve... I don't really know.
- if(piSrc==NULL)
- return NULL;
- *pi = *piSrc;
- if (piSrc->cbSize >= sizeof(PLUGININFOEX))
- pi->uuid = piSrc->uuid;
- else
- pi->uuid = UUID_NULL;
- if (pi->author) pi->author = _strdup(pi->author);
- if (pi->authorEmail) pi->authorEmail = _strdup(pi->authorEmail);
- if (pi->copyright) pi->copyright = _strdup(pi->copyright);
- if (pi->description) pi->description = _strdup(pi->description);
- if (pi->homepage) pi->homepage = _strdup(pi->homepage);
- if (pi->shortName) pi->shortName = _strdup(pi->shortName);
- return pi;
-void FreePluginInfo(PLUGININFOEX *pi)
- if (pi->author) free(pi->author);
- if (pi->authorEmail) free(pi->authorEmail);
- if (pi->copyright) free(pi->copyright);
- if (pi->description) free(pi->description);
- if (pi->homepage) free(pi->homepage);
- if (pi->shortName) free(pi->shortName);
- free(pi);
-BOOL IsCurrentUserLocalAdministrator(void)
- BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
- DWORD dwStatus;
- DWORD dwAccessMask;
- DWORD dwAccessDesired;
- DWORD dwACLSize;
- DWORD dwStructureSize = sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET);
- PSID psidAdmin = NULL;
- HANDLE hToken = NULL;
- HANDLE hImpersonationToken = NULL;
- GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping;
- /*
- Determine if the current thread is running as a user that is a member of
- the local admins group. To do this, create a security descriptor that
- has a DACL which has an ACE that allows only local aministrators access.
- Then, call AccessCheck with the current thread's token and the security
- descriptor. It will say whether the user could access an object if it
- had that security descriptor. Note: you do not need to actually create
- the object. Just checking access against the security descriptor alone
- will be sufficient.
- */
- const DWORD ACCESS_READ = 1;
- __try
- {
- /*
- AccessCheck() requires an impersonation token. We first get a primary
- token and then create a duplicate impersonation token. The
- impersonation token is not actually assigned to the thread, but is
- used in the call to AccessCheck. Thus, this function itself never
- impersonates, but does use the identity of the thread. If the thread
- was impersonating already, this function uses that impersonation context.
- */
- if (!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_DUPLICATE|TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken))
- {
- if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_TOKEN)
- __leave;
- if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_DUPLICATE|TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken))
- __leave;
- }
- if (!DuplicateToken (hToken, SecurityImpersonation, &hImpersonationToken))
- __leave;
- /*
- Create the binary representation of the well-known SID that
- represents the local administrators group. Then create the security
- descriptor and DACL with an ACE that allows only local admins access.
- After that, perform the access check. This will determine whether
- the current user is a local admin.
- */
- if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&SystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psidAdmin))
- __leave;
- if (psdAdmin == NULL)
- __leave;
- if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(psdAdmin, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION))
- __leave;
- // Compute size needed for the ACL.
- dwACLSize = sizeof(ACL) + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid(psidAdmin) - sizeof(DWORD);
- pACL = (PACL)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwACLSize);
- if (pACL == NULL)
- __leave;
- if (!InitializeAcl(pACL, dwACLSize, ACL_REVISION2))
- __leave;
- if (!AddAccessAllowedAce(pACL, ACL_REVISION2, dwAccessMask, psidAdmin))
- __leave;
- if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(psdAdmin, TRUE, pACL, FALSE))
- __leave;
- /*
- AccessCheck validates a security descriptor somewhat; set the group
- and owner so that enough of the security descriptor is filled out to
- make AccessCheck happy.
- */
- SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(psdAdmin, psidAdmin, FALSE);
- SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(psdAdmin, psidAdmin, FALSE);
- if (!IsValidSecurityDescriptor(psdAdmin))
- __leave;
- dwAccessDesired = ACCESS_READ;
- /*
- Initialize GenericMapping structure even though you
- do not use generic rights.
- */
- GenericMapping.GenericRead = ACCESS_READ;
- GenericMapping.GenericWrite = ACCESS_WRITE;
- GenericMapping.GenericExecute = 0;
- GenericMapping.GenericAll = ACCESS_READ | ACCESS_WRITE;
- if (!AccessCheck(psdAdmin, hImpersonationToken, dwAccessDesired, &GenericMapping, &ps, &dwStructureSize, &dwStatus, &fReturn))
- {
- fReturn = FALSE;
- __leave;
- }
- }
- __finally
- {
- // Clean up.
- if (pACL) LocalFree(pACL);
- if (psdAdmin) LocalFree(psdAdmin);
- if (psidAdmin) FreeSid(psidAdmin);
- if (hImpersonationToken) CloseHandle (hImpersonationToken);
- if (hToken) CloseHandle (hToken);
- }
- return fReturn;
-BOOL GetWindowsShell(TCHAR *shellPath, size_t shSize)
- vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
- GetVersionEx(&vi);
- TCHAR szShell[1024] = {0};
- DWORD size = SIZEOF(szShell);
- if (vi.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
- {
- HKEY hKey;
- if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\IniFileMapping\\system.ini\\boot"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Shell"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szShell, &size);
- _tcslwr(szShell);
- HKEY hRootKey = ( _tcsstr(szShell, _T("sys:")) == szShell) ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
- RegCloseKey(hKey);
- _tcscpy(szShell, _T("<unknown>"));
- if (RegOpenKeyEx(hRootKey, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- size = SIZEOF(szShell);
- RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Shell"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szShell, &size);
- RegCloseKey(hKey);
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- TCHAR szSystemIniPath[2048];
- GetWindowsDirectory(szSystemIniPath, SIZEOF(szSystemIniPath));
- size_t len = lstrlen(szSystemIniPath);
- if (len > 0)
- {
- if (szSystemIniPath[len - 1] == '\\') { szSystemIniPath[--len] = '\0'; }
- _tcscat(szSystemIniPath, _T("\\system.ini"));
- GetPrivateProfileString( _T("boot"), _T("shell"), _T("<unknown>"), szShell, size, szSystemIniPath);
- }
- }
- TCHAR *pos = _tcsrchr(szShell, '\\');
- TCHAR *res = (pos) ? pos + 1 : szShell;
- _tcsncpy(shellPath, res, shSize);
- return TRUE;
-BOOL GetInternetExplorerVersion(TCHAR *ieVersion, size_t ieSize)
- HKEY hKey;
- TCHAR ieVer[1024];
- DWORD size = SIZEOF(ieVer);
- TCHAR ieBuild[64] = {0};
- _tcsncpy(ieVer, _T("<not installed>"), size);
- if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Version"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) ieVer, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- TCHAR *pos = _tcschr(ieVer, '.');
- if (pos)
- {
- pos = _tcschr(pos + 1, '.');
- if (pos) { *pos = 0; }
- _tcsncpy(ieBuild, pos + 1, SIZEOF(ieBuild));
- pos = _tcschr(ieBuild, '.');
- if (pos) { *pos = 0; }
- }
- }
- else{
- size = SIZEOF(ieVer);
- if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Build"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) ieVer, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
- TCHAR *pos = ieVer + 1;
- _tcsncpy(ieBuild, pos, SIZEOF(ieBuild));
- *pos = 0;
- pos = _tcschr(ieBuild, '.');
- if (pos) { *pos = 0; }
- }
- else{
- _tcsncpy(ieVer, _T("<unknown version>"), size);
- }
- }
- RegCloseKey(hKey);
- }
- _tcsncpy(ieVersion, ieVer, ieSize);
- if ( ieBuild[0] )
- {
- _tcsncat(ieVersion, _T("."), ieSize);
- _tcsncat(ieVersion, ieBuild, ieSize);
- }
- return TRUE;
-TCHAR *GetLanguageName(LANGID language)
- return GetLanguageName(lc);
-extern TCHAR *GetLanguageName(LCID locale)
- static TCHAR name[1024];
- GetLocaleInfo(locale, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE, name, SIZEOF(name));
- return name;
-BOOL UUIDToString(MUUID uuid, TCHAR *str, size_t len)
- if ( len < sizeof(MUUID) || !str )
- return 0;
- mir_sntprintf(str, len, _T("{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}"), uuid.a, uuid.b, uuid.c, uuid.d[0], uuid.d[1], uuid.d[2], uuid.d[3], uuid.d[4], uuid.d[5], uuid.d[6], uuid.d[7]);
- return 1;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(uuid.d); i++)
- {
- if (uuid.d[i])
- {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return ((uuid.a == 0) && (uuid.b == 0) && (uuid.c == 0));
\ No newline at end of file |