path: root/plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_flv.pas
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
commit864081102a5f252415f41950b3039a896b4ae9c5 (patch)
treec6b764651e9dd1f8f53b98eab05f16ba4a492a79 /plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_flv.pas
parentdb5149b48346c417e18add5702a9dfe7f6e28dd0 (diff)
Awkwars's plugins - welcome to our trunk
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_flv.pas')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_flv.pas b/plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_flv.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8e23f5809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/formats/fmt_flv.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+{FLV file format}
+unit fmt_FLV;
+uses wat_api;
+function ReadFLV(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl;
+uses windows,common,io,srv_format;
+ tFLVHeader = packed record
+ Signature:array [0..2] of AnsiChar; // FLV
+ Version :byte;
+ flags :byte;
+ Offset :dword; // reversed byte order
+ end;
+ tFLVStream = packed record
+ PreviousTagSize :dword;
+ TagType :byte;
+ BodyLength :array [0..2] of byte;
+ Timestamp :array [0..2] of byte;
+ TimestampExtended:byte;
+ StreamID :array [0..2] of byte;
+// Body
+ end;
+ twork = record
+ endptr:PAnsiChar;
+ Info :pSongInfo;
+ key :PAnsiChar;
+ len :cardinal;
+ end;
+// FLVTagTypes
+ FLV_AUDIO = 8;
+ FLV_VIDEO = 9;
+ FLV_META = 18;
+ BufSize = 128*1024;
+ pArr = ^tArr;
+ tArr = array [0..7] of byte;
+ transform=packed record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (txt:array [0..3] of AnsiChar);
+ 1: (num:dword);
+ end;
+ trecode=packed record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (i:int64);
+ 1: (d:double);
+ end;
+function Reverse(buf:int64;len:integer):int64;
+ i:integer;
+ result:=0;
+ for i:=0 to len-1 do
+ result:=(result shl 8)+tArr(buf)[i];
+function ProcessValue(var ptr:PAnsiChar;key:pAnsiChar;var Info:tSongInfo):integer;
+ tmp:int64;
+ i,len:integer;
+ recode:trecode;
+ code:integer;
+ codec:transform;
+ value:array [0..63] of AnsiChar;
+ result:=1;
+ code:=ord(ptr^); // type of value
+ ptr^:=#0; // finalization for key name
+ inc(ptr); // value data pointer
+ case code of // v10.1 specification
+ // Numeric, Double (8 bytes)
+ 0: begin
+ move(ptr^,tmp,8);
+ recode.i:=Reverse(tmp,8);
+ i:=trunc(recode.d);
+ if StrCmp(key,'duration' )=0 then :=i
+ else if StrCmp(key,'totalduration')=0 then :=i
+ else if StrCmp(key,'width' )=0 then Info.width :=i
+ else if StrCmp(key,'height' )=0 then Info.height:=i
+ else if StrCmp(key,'audiodatarate')=0 then Info.kbps :=i
+ else if StrCmp(key,'framerate' )=0 then Info.fps :=trunc(recode.d*100)
+ else if StrCmp(key,'audiosize' )=0 then
+ begin
+ if Info.kbps=0 then
+ Info.kbps:=trunc((recode.d*8)/(*1000))
+ end
+ else if StrCmp(key,'videocodecid')=0 then
+ begin
+ case i of
+ 2: codec.txt:='H263';
+ 3: codec.txt:='Scrn';
+ 4,5: codec.txt:='VP6 ';
+ 6: codec.txt:='Src2';
+ 7: codec.txt:='AVC ';
+ end;
+ Info.codec:=codec.num;
+ end;
+ inc(ptr,8);
+ end;
+ // Boolean, UI8
+ 1: begin
+ if StrCmp(key,'stereo')=0 then Info.channels:=ORD(ptr^)+1;
+ inc(ptr);
+ end;
+ // String
+ 2: begin
+ i:=Reverse(pWord(ptr)^,2); inc(ptr,2);
+ if StrCmp(key,'creationdate')=0 then
+ begin
+ move(ptr^,value[0],i);
+ value[i]:=#0;
+ AnsiToWide(value,Info.year);
+ end;
+ inc(ptr,i);
+ end;
+ // Object
+ 3: begin
+ repeat
+ len:=Reverse(pWord(ptr)^,2); inc(ptr,2); // key name length
+ key:=ptr; inc(ptr,len); // key name
+ result:=ProcessValue(ptr,key,Info);
+ until result<=0;
+ if result<0 then
+ result:=1;
+ end;
+ // Movie clip, reserved
+ 4: begin
+ end;
+ // NULL
+ 5: begin
+ end;
+ // Undefined
+ 6: begin
+ end;
+ // reference, UI16
+ 7: begin
+ inc(ptr,2);
+ end;
+ // ECMA array
+ 8: begin
+ i:=pdword(ptr)^; inc(ptr,4);
+ i:=Reverse(i,4);
+ while i>0 do
+ begin
+ len:=Reverse(pWord(ptr)^,2); inc(ptr,2); // key name length
+ key:=ptr; inc(ptr,len); // key name
+ result:=ProcessValue(ptr,key,Info);
+ if result=0 then break
+ else if result<0 then
+ begin
+ result:=1;
+ break;
+ end;
+ dec(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Object end marker, UI8[3]=0,0,9
+ 9: begin
+ result:=-1;
+ inc(ptr,3);
+ end;
+ 10: // array, 4 bytes - num of elements, elements
+ begin
+ i:=pdword(ptr)^; inc(ptr,4);
+ i:=Reverse(i,4);
+ while i>0 do
+ begin
+ result:=ProcessValue(ptr,nil,Info);
+ if result=0 then exit
+ else if result<0 then
+ begin
+ result:=1;
+ break;
+ end;
+ dec(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Date, Double + UI16 (UTC)
+ 11: begin
+ inc(ptr,8);
+ inc(ptr,2);
+ end;
+ // LongString, 4 bytes = len, len - string
+ 12: begin
+ i:=pdword(ptr)^; inc(ptr,4);
+ i:=Reverse(i,4);
+ inc(ptr,i);
+ end;
+ end;
+function ReadFLV(var Info:tSongInfo):boolean; cdecl;
+ codec:transform;
+ FLVHdr:tFLVHeader;
+ StrmHdr:tFLVStream;
+ i,len:integer;
+ buf,pp,p,endbuf:PAnsiChar;
+ result:=false;
+ f:=Reset(Info.mfile);
+ exit;
+ mGetMem(buf,BufSize);
+ endbuf:=buf+BlockRead(f,buf^,BufSize);
+ p:=buf;
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ move(p^,FLVHdr,SizeOf(tFLVHeader));
+ if (FLVHdr.Signature[0]='F') and (FLVHdr.Signature[1]='L') and
+ (FLVHdr.Signature[2]='V') and (FLVHdr.Version=1) then
+ begin
+ inc(p,SizeOf(tFLVHeader));
+ result:=true;
+ while (p<endbuf) and ((FLVHdr.flags and 5)<>0) do
+ begin
+ move(p^,StrmHdr,SizeOf(tFLVStream));
+ inc(p,SizeOf(tFLVStream));
+ len:=(StrmHdr.BodyLength[0] shl 16)+(StrmHdr.BodyLength[1] shl 8)+
+ StrmHdr.BodyLength[2];
+ pp:=p;
+ case StrmHdr.TagType of
+ FLV_AUDIO: begin
+ Info.channels:=(ord(p^) and 1)+1;
+ // samplesize is (S_Byte and 2) shr 1 = 8 or 16
+ case (ord(p^) and $C) shr 2 of
+ 0: Info.khz:=5;
+ 1: Info.khz:=11;
+ 2: Info.khz:=22;
+ 3: Info.khz:=44;
+ end;
+ FLVHdr.flags:=FLVHdr.flags and not 4;
+ end;
+ FLV_VIDEO: begin
+ case ord(p^) and $0F of
+ 2: codec.txt:='H263';
+ 3: codec.txt:='Scrn';
+ 4,5: codec.txt:='VP6 ';
+ 6: codec.txt:='Src2';
+ 7: codec.txt:='AVC ';
+ end;
+ Info.codec:=codec.num;
+ FLVHdr.flags:=FLVHdr.flags and not 1;
+ end;
+ FLV_META: begin
+ if (StrmHdr.TagType and $40)=0 then // not encripted
+ begin
+ if pByte(p)^=2 then // string
+ begin
+ Inc(p);
+ i:=Reverse(pWord(p)^,2); inc(p,2);
+ if StrCmp(p,'onMetaData',i)=0 then // Metadata processing start
+ begin
+ inc(p,i);
+ ProcessValue(p,nil,Info); // metadata, no need key name, our info
+ // checking for video
+ if Info.codec<>0 then
+ FLVHdr.flags:=FLVHdr.flags and not 1;
+ // checking for audio
+ if (Info.khz<>0) and (Info.channels<>0) then
+ FLVHdr.flags:=FLVHdr.flags and not 4;
+ // break; // if metainfo is enough
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ p:=pp+len;
+ end;
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(buf);
+ LocalFormatLink:twFormat;
+procedure InitLink;
+ LocalFormatLink.Next:=FormatLink;
+ LocalFormatLink.This.proc :=@ReadFLV;
+ LocalFormatLink.This.ext :='FLV';
+ LocalFormatLink.This.flags:=WAT_OPT_VIDEO;
+ FormatLink:=@LocalFormatLink;
+ InitLink;