path: root/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
commit864081102a5f252415f41950b3039a896b4ae9c5 (patch)
treec6b764651e9dd1f8f53b98eab05f16ba4a492a79 /plugins/Watrack/kolframe/
parentdb5149b48346c417e18add5702a9dfe7f6e28dd0 (diff)
Awkwars's plugins - welcome to our trunk
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/kolframe/')
1 files changed, 497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/ b/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c3034327c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/kolframe/
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+{Frame + background}
+ WS_EX_LAYERED = $00080000;
+function SetLayeredWindowAttributes(Hwnd: THandle; crKey: COLORREF; bAlpha: Byte; dwFlags: DWORD): Boolean; stdcall;
+ external user32 name 'SetLayeredWindowAttributes';
+ defFrameText = '%artist% - %title%';
+// opt_HiddenByMe:PAnsiChar = 'frame/hiddenbyme';
+ opt_ShowCtrls :PAnsiChar = 'frame/showcontrols';
+ opt_FrmUsePic :PAnsiChar = 'frame/frmusepic';
+ opt_FrmUseCvr :PAnsiChar = 'frame/frmusecover';
+ opt_FrmBkColor:PAnsiChar = 'frame/frmbkcolor';
+ opt_FrmBkPic :PAnsiChar = 'frame/frmbkpic';
+ opt_FrmBkMode :PAnsiChar = 'frame/frmbkmode';
+ opt_FrmAlpha :PAnsiChar = 'frame/frmalpha';
+ opt_HideFrameM:PAnsiChar = 'frame/hideframem';
+ opt_HideFrameP:PAnsiChar = 'frame/hideframep';
+ opt_FrmTimer :PAnsiChar = 'frame/frametimer';
+ opt_PadLeft :PAnsiChar = 'frame/paddingleft';
+ opt_PadTop :PAnsiChar = 'frame/paddingtop';
+ opt_PadRight :PAnsiChar = 'frame/paddingright';
+ opt_PadBottom :PAnsiChar = 'frame/paddingbottom';
+ opt_Manual :PAnsiChar = 'frame/manualplacement';
+procedure TWATFrame.ResetFrame;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if D.Trackbar <>nil then ResetTrackbar(D.Trackbar);
+ if D.TextBlock<>nil then D.TextBlock.BlockText:=nil;
+// frame back to default
+ RefreshPicture(nil);
+procedure FrameTimerProc(wnd:HWND;uMsg:uint;idEvent:uint_ptr;dwTime:dword); stdcall;
+ psi:pSongInfo;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=FrameCtrl.CustomData;
+ if IsFrameHidden(D.FrameId) then
+ begin
+ if not D.wasHidden then
+ begin
+ D.wasHidden:=true;
+ D.TextBlock.UpdateTime:=0;
+ end;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else if D.wasHidden and (D.TextBlock.UpdateTime=0) then
+ begin
+ D.wasHidden:=false;
+ if (D.ShowControls and scText)<>0 then
+ D.TextBlock.UpdateTime:=DBReadWord(0,PluginShort,opt_TxtTimer,10);
+ end;
+ if D.Trackbar<>nil then
+ begin
+ begin
+ SetTrackBarPosition(D.Trackbar,(psi^.time*1000) div D.UpdInterval)
+ end;
+ end;
+ UpdateTextBlock(D,false); // false - check for %percent%/%time%
+ FrameCtrl.Update;
+procedure TWATFrame.AdjustFrame;
+ h:integer;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if D.ManualPlacement then
+ begin
+ if D.Trackbar <>nil then D.Trackbar .Anchor(false,false,false,false);
+ if D.TextBlock<>nil then D.TextBlock.Anchor(false,false,false,false);
+ DesignerLoadSettings;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ h:=Height; // or need to get FRAME height
+ if D.Trackbar<>nil then
+ begin
+ D.Trackbar.SetSize(Width-16,18);
+ dec(h,D.Trackbar.Height);
+ D.Trackbar.SetPosition(8,h);
+ D.Trackbar.Anchor(true,false,true,true);
+ end;
+ if (D.ShowControls and scButtons)<>0 then
+ begin
+ AdjustButtons(h-16-BtnGap);
+ dec(h,16+2*BtnGap);
+ end;
+ if D.TextBlock<>nil then
+ begin
+ D.TextBlock.Top :=awkTextPad;
+ D.TextBlock.Height:=h-D.TextBlock.Top;
+ D.TextBlock.Anchor(true,true,true,true);
+ end;
+procedure TWATFrame.SaveSettings;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ DBWriteByte (0,PluginShort,opt_Manual ,ord(D.ManualPlacement));
+ DBWriteByte (0,PluginShort,opt_HideFrameM,ord(D.HideNoMusic));
+ DBWriteByte (0,PluginShort,opt_HideFrameP,ord(D.HideNoPlayer));
+ DBWriteByte (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmUsePic ,ord(D.UseBkPicture));
+ DBWriteByte (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmUseCvr ,ord(D.UseCover));
+ DBWriteDWord (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmBkColor,D.BkColor);
+ DBWriteWord (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmBkMode ,D.BkMode);
+ DBWriteDWord (0,PluginShort,opt_ShowCtrls ,D.ShowControls);
+ DBWriteByte (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmAlpha ,D.FrmAlpha);
+ DBWriteWord (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmTimer ,D.UpdInterval);
+ DBWriteWord (0,PluginShort,opt_PadLeft ,D.padding.left);
+ DBWriteWord (0,PluginShort,opt_PadTop ,;
+ DBWriteWord (0,PluginShort,opt_PadRight ,D.padding.right);
+ DBWriteWord (0,PluginShort,opt_PadBottom ,D.padding.bottom);
+ DBWriteString(0,PluginShort,opt_FrmBkPic ,D.BkDefFile);
+ CheckControls;
+ AdjustFrame;
+ RefreshPicture;
+ InvalidateRect(FrameCtrl.GetWindowHandle,nil,true);
+ FrameCtrl.Update;
+ if D.UpdTimer<>0 then // FrameWnd MUST be present
+ begin
+ KillTimer(0,D.UpdTimer);
+ D.UpdTimer:=0;
+ end;
+ if D.UpdInterval>0 then
+ begin
+ D.UpdTimer:=SetTimer(0,0,D.UpdInterval,@FrameTimerProc);
+ end;
+procedure TWATFrame.LoadSettings;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ D.ManualPlacement:=DBReadByte (0,PluginShort,opt_Manual ,0)<>0;
+ D.HideNoMusic :=DBReadByte (0,PluginShort,opt_HideFrameM,0)<>0;
+ D.HideNoPlayer :=DBReadByte (0,PluginShort,opt_HideFrameP,0)<>0;
+ D.UseBkPicture :=DBReadByte (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmUsePic ,0)<>0;
+ D.UseCover :=DBReadByte (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmUseCvr ,0)<>0;
+ D.BkColor :=DBReadDWord(0,PluginShort,opt_FrmBkColor,$00E0E0E0);
+ D.BkMode :=DBReadWord (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmBkMode ,frbkCenter);
+ D.ShowControls :=DBReadDWord(0,PluginShort,opt_ShowCtrls ,scAll);
+ D.FrmAlpha :=DBReadByte (0,PluginShort,opt_FrmAlpha ,255);
+ D.UpdInterval:=DBReadWord(0,PluginShort,opt_FrmTimer,200);
+ if D.UpdInterval<100 then
+ D.UpdInterval:=D.UpdInterval*1000;
+ D.padding.left :=DBReadWord(0,PluginShort,opt_PadLeft ,0);
+ :=DBReadWord(0,PluginShort,opt_PadTop ,0);
+ D.padding.right :=DBReadWord(0,PluginShort,opt_PadRight ,0);
+ D.padding.bottom:=DBReadWord(0,PluginShort,opt_PadBottom,0);
+ D.BkDefFile:=DBReadString(0,PluginShort,opt_FrmBkPic,nil);
+ //!!!! saving NOT in TextBlock
+ D.Template:=DBReadUnicode(0,PluginShort,opt_FrameText,DefFrameText);
+procedure TWATFrame.SetAlpha(value:integer);
+ LWA_COLORKEY = $00000001;
+ LWA_ALPHA = $00000002;
+ wnd:HWND;
+ x:cardinal;
+ if IsFrameFloated(PWATFrameData(CustomData).FrameId) then
+ begin
+ wnd:=GetParent(FrameCtrl.GetWindowHandle);
+ x:=GetWindowLongW(wnd,GWL_EXSTYLE);
+ if value<>255 then
+ begin
+ if (x and WS_EX_LAYERED)=0 then
+ SetWindowLongW(wnd,GWL_EXSTYLE,x or WS_EX_LAYERED);
+ SetLayeredWindowAttributes(wnd,0,value,LWA_ALPHA);
+ end
+ else if (x and WS_EX_LAYERED)<>0 then
+ SetWindowLongW(wnd,GWL_EXSTYLE,x and not WS_EX_LAYERED);
+ end;
+procedure TWATFrame.FrameResize(Sender: PObj);
+ tmpBmp:HBITMAP;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if D.BkDC<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmpBmp:=GetCurrentObject(D.BkDC,OBJ_BITMAP);
+ DeleteDC(D.BkDC);
+ D.BkDC:=0;
+ DeleteObject(tmpBmp);
+ end;
+ AdjustFrame;
+procedure BkTimerProc(wnd:HWND;uMsg:uint;idEvent:uint_ptr;dwTime:dword); stdcall;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=FrameCtrl.CustomData;
+ KillTimer(0,D.BkTimer);
+ D.BkTimer:=0;
+ DeleteObject(D.BkBitmap);
+ D.BkBitmap:=0;
+procedure TWATFrame.RefreshPicture(cover:PAnsiChar=nil);
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if D.BkBitmap<>0 then
+ BkTimerProc(0,0,0,0); // remove old picture
+ FrameResize(nil); // clear frame bitmap buffer
+ if D.UseBkPicture then
+ D.BkBitmap:=LoadBkPicture(cover,true,D.BkDefFile);
+ if D.BkBitmap=HBITMAP(-1) then // same file
+ D.BkBitmap:=0;
+ Update;
+procedure TWATFrame.Paint(Sender: PControl; DC: HDC);
+ rc: TRect;
+ br:HBRUSH;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ GetClientRect(Sender.Handle,rc);
+ if D.UseBkPicture then
+ begin
+ if D.BkDC=0 then
+ begin
+ if D.BkBitmap=0 then
+ begin
+ if (D.BkFile<>nil) and (D.BkFile^<>#0) then
+ D.BkBitmap:=CallService(MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAP,0,dword(D.BkFile));
+ end;
+ if D.BkBitmap<>0 then
+ begin
+ PreparePicture(dc,rc);
+ D.BkTimer:=SetTimer(0,0,10000,@BkTimerProc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if D.BkDC<>0 then
+ begin
+ BitBlt(dc,rc.left,,rc.right-rc.left,,
+ D.BkDC,rc.left,,SRCCOPY);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ InflateRect(rc,1,1);
+ br:=CreateSolidBrush(D.BkColor);
+ FillRect(dc,rc,br);
+ DeleteObject(br);
+// JUST LOAD picture, no matter, which transforms
+// Backname = from settings, Covername = from data (higher priority)
+// -1 - same file, 0 - can't load, other - new bitmap
+function TWATFrame.LoadBkPicture(CoverFName:PAnsiChar;check:boolean=false;
+ BackFName:PAnsiChar=nil):integer;
+ tmpstr:PAnsiChar;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ result:=0;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ // check the same file, ie only 'next pic'
+ if (CoverFName<>nil) and (CoverFName^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ if check and (StrCmp(CoverFName,D.BkFile)=0) then
+ begin
+ result:=-1;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ result:=CallService(MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAP,0,dword(CoverFName));
+ if result<>0 then
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(D.BkFile);
+ StrDup(D.BkFile,CoverFName);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (BackFName<>nil) and (BackFName^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ tmpstr:=ParseVarString(BackFName);
+ if (tmpstr<>nil) and (tmpstr^<>#0) then
+ begin
+ if (not check) or (StrCmp(tmpstr,D.BkFile)<>0) then
+ begin
+ result:=CallService(MS_UTILS_LOADBITMAP,0,dword(tmpstr));
+ if result<>0 then
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(D.BkFile);
+ StrDup(D.BkFile,tmpstr);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=-1;
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(tmpstr);
+ end;
+procedure TWATFrame.ClearBitmapData;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ tmpBmp:HBITMAP;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if D.BkTimer<>0 then
+ begin
+ KillTimer(0,D.BkTimer);
+ D.BkTimer:=0;
+ end;
+ if D.BkDC<>0 then
+ begin
+ tmpBmp:=GetCurrentObject(D.BkDC,OBJ_BITMAP);
+ DeleteDC(D.BkDC);
+ D.BkDC:=0;
+ DeleteObject(tmpBmp);
+ end;
+ if D.BkBitmap<>0 then
+ begin
+ DeleteObject(D.BkBitmap);
+ D.BkBitmap:=0;
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(D.BkFile);
+procedure TWATFrame.MyDestroy(sender:PObj);
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if D.UpdTimer<>0 then
+ begin
+ KillTimer(0,D.UpdTimer);
+ D.UpdTimer:=0;
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(D.Template);
+ mFreeMem(D.BkDefFile);
+ ClearBitmapData;
+ if D.Designer<>nil then
+ begin
+ D.Designer.Free;
+ D.Designer:=nil;
+ end;
+procedure TWATFrame.RefreshAllFrameIcons;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if (D.ShowControls and scButtons)<>0 then RefreshButtonIcons;
+ if D.Trackbar<>nil then RefreshTrackbarIcons(D.Trackbar);
+procedure TWATFrame.CheckControls;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ psi:pSongInfo;
+ D:=CustomData;
+ if (D.ShowControls and scTrackBar)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if D.Trackbar=nil then
+ begin
+ RegisterButtonIcons;
+ D.Trackbar:=MakeNewTrackbar(@self);
+ // for case when TB creating after track start (fastest way)
+ // can use (CallService(MS_WAT_GETMUSICINFO,WAT_INF_CHANGES,dword(@psi))<>WAT_PLS_NOTFOUND)
+ psi:=pointer(CallService(MS_WAT_RETURNGLOBAL,WAT_INF_UNICODE,1));
+ TrackbarSetRange(D.Trackbar,D.UpdInterval,psi^.total);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if D.Trackbar<>nil then
+ begin
+ D.Trackbar.Free;
+ D.Trackbar:=nil;
+ end;
+ if (D.ShowControls and scButtons)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if D.btnarray[0]=nil then
+ begin
+ if RegisterButtonIcons then
+ MakeNewButtonGroup;
+ end
+ end
+ else if D.btnarray[0]<>nil then
+ FreeButtons;
+ if (D.ShowControls and scText)<>0 then
+ begin
+ if D.TextBlock=nil then
+ begin
+ D.TextBlock:=MakeTextBlock(@self,D.BkColor);
+ end;
+ if (D.ShowControls and scText)<>0 then
+ D.TextBlock.UpdateTime:=DBReadWord(0,PluginShort,opt_TxtTimer,10);
+ end
+ else if D.TextBlock<>nil then
+ begin
+ D.TextBlock.Free;
+ D.TextBlock:=nil;
+ end;
+ if D.UseBkPicture then
+ begin
+ D.BkBitmap:=LoadBkPicture(nil,true,D.BkDefFile);
+ if D.BkBitmap=HBITMAP(-1) then
+ D.BkBitmap:=0;
+ end
+ else
+ ClearBitmapData;
+function CreateFrameWindow(parent:HWND):THANDLE;
+ D:PWATFrameData;
+ result:=0;
+ FrameCtrl:=PWATFrame(NewAlienPanel(parent,esNone));
+ if FrameCtrl<>nil then
+ begin
+ GetMem (D ,SizeOf(TWATFrameData));
+ FillChar(D^,SizeOf(TWATFrameData),0); // clear all including buttons
+ with FrameCtrl^ do
+ begin
+ CustomData:=D;
+ LoadSettings;
+ result:=GetWindowHandle;
+ CheckControls;
+ MinWidth :=80;
+ MinHeight:=30;
+ OnPaint :=FrameCtrl.Paint;
+ OnResize :=FrameCtrl.FrameResize;
+// OnMouseDown :=TOnMouse(MakeMethod(nil, @MouseDown));
+ OnMouseDblClk:=FrameCtrl.CreateDesigner;
+ end;
+ FrameCtrl.OnDestroy:=FrameCtrl.MyDestroy;
+// theoretically, must get Resize here.... or after
+// FrameCtrl.AdjustFrame;
+ end;