path: root/plugins/Watrack/srv_format.pas
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
commit864081102a5f252415f41950b3039a896b4ae9c5 (patch)
treec6b764651e9dd1f8f53b98eab05f16ba4a492a79 /plugins/Watrack/srv_format.pas
parentdb5149b48346c417e18add5702a9dfe7f6e28dd0 (diff)
Awkwars's plugins - welcome to our trunk
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/srv_format.pas')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/srv_format.pas b/plugins/Watrack/srv_format.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa892bb7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/srv_format.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+{format service}
+unit srv_format;
+uses windows,wat_api;
+procedure DefFillFormatList (hwndList:hwnd);
+procedure DefCheckFormatList(hwndList:hwnd);
+function ProcessFormatLink:integer;
+function GetFileFormatInfo(var dst:tSongInfo):integer;
+function CheckExt(fname:pWideChar):integer;
+function DeleteKnownExt(src:pWideChar):pWideChar;
+function KnownFileType(fname:PWideChar):boolean;
+function isContainer(fname:PWideChar):boolean;
+function ServiceFormat(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):integer;cdecl;
+procedure RegisterFormat(ext:PAnsiChar;proc:tReadFormatProc;flags:dword=0);
+procedure ClearFormats;
+ MusEnumProc = function(param:PAnsiChar;lParam:LPARAM):bool;stdcall;
+function EnumFormats(param:MusEnumProc;lParam:LPARAM):bool;
+ pwFormat = ^twFormat;
+ twFormat = record
+ This:tMusicFormat;
+ Next:pwFormat;
+ end;
+ FormatLink:pwFormat=nil;
+ CommCtrl,common;
+ pFmtArray = ^tFmtArray;
+ tFmtArray = array [0..10] of tMusicFormat;
+ StartSize = 32;
+ Step = 8;
+ fmtLink:pFmtArray=nil;
+ FmtNum:integer=0;
+ FmtMax:integer=0;
+function ProcessFormatLink:integer;
+ ptr:pwFormat;
+ result:=0;
+ ptr:=FormatLink;
+ while ptr<>nil do
+ begin
+ RegisterFormat(@ptr.This.ext,ptr.This.proc,ptr.This.flags);
+ inc(result);
+ ptr:=ptr^.Next;
+ end;
+function EnumFormats(param:MusEnumProc;lParam:LPARAM):bool;
+ tmp:pFmtArray;
+ i,j:integer;
+ s:array [0..8] of AnsiChar;
+ if (FmtNum>0) and (@param<>nil) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(tmp,FmtNum*SizeOf(tMusicFormat));
+ move(fmtLink^,tmp^,FmtNum*SizeOf(tMusicFormat));
+ i:=0;
+ j:=FmtNum;
+ s[8]:=#0;
+ repeat
+ move(tmp^[i].ext,s,8);
+ if not param(s,lParam) then break;
+ inc(i);
+ until i=j;
+ FreeMem(tmp);
+ result:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=false;
+function FindFormat(ext:PAnsiChar):integer;
+ i:integer;
+ ss:array [0..7] of AnsiChar;
+ i:=0;
+ int64(ss):=0;
+ StrCopy(ss,ext,7);
+ while i<FmtNum do
+ begin
+ if int64(fmtLink^[i].ext)=int64(ss) then
+ begin
+ result:=i;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+procedure DefFillFormatList(hwndList:hwnd);
+ item:LV_ITEMA;
+ lvc:LV_COLUMN;
+ newItem:integer;
+ i:integer;
+ p:pMusicFormat;
+ FillChar(item,SizeOf(item),0);
+ FillChar(lvc,SizeOf(lvc),0);
+ ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(hwndList, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES);
+ lvc.mask:=LVCF_FMT;
+ lvc.fmt :={LVCFMT_IMAGE or} LVCFMT_LEFT;
+ ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList,0,lvc);
+ item.mask:=LVIF_TEXT or LVIF_PARAM;
+ item.iItem:=1000;
+ i:=0;
+ while i<FmtNum do
+ begin
+ p:=@fmtLink^[i];
+ item.pszText:=@p^.ext;
+ item.lParam := p^.flags;
+ newItem:=SendMessageA(hwndList,LVM_INSERTITEMA,0,LPARAM(@item));
+ if newItem>=0 then
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and WAT_OPT_DISABLED)=0 then
+ ListView_SetCheckState(hwndList,newItem,TRUE);
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwndList,0,LVSCW_AUTOSIZE);
+procedure DefCheckFormatList(hwndList:hwnd);
+ i,j,k:integer;
+ item:LV_ITEMA;
+ szTemp:array [0..109] of AnsiChar;
+ p:pMusicFormat;
+ FillChar(item,SizeOf(item),0);
+ item.mask:=LVIF_TEXT;
+ item.pszText:=@szTemp;
+ item.cchTextMax:=100;
+ k:=ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList)-1;
+ for i:=0 to k do
+ begin
+ item.iItem:=i;
+ SendMessageA(hwndList,LVM_GETITEMA,0,LPARAM(@item));
+ j:=FindFormat(item.pszText);
+ if j<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then // always?
+ begin
+ p:=@fmtLink^[j];
+ if ListView_GetCheckState(hwndList,i)=0 then
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags or WAT_OPT_DISABLED
+ else
+ p^.flags:=p^.flags and not WAT_OPT_DISABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+function DeleteKnownExt(src:pWideChar):pWideChar;
+ s :array [0..7] of WideChar;
+ ss:array [0..7] of AnsiChar;
+ i,j:integer;
+ GetExt(src,s);
+ if s[0]<>#0 then
+ begin
+ int64(ss):=0;
+ i:=0;
+ while (s[i]<>#0) and (i<8) do
+ begin
+ ss[i]:=AnsiChar(s[i]);
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ j:=0;
+ while j<FmtNum do
+ begin
+ if int64(fmtLink^[j].ext)=int64(ss) then
+ begin
+ i:=StrLenW(s);
+ src[integer(StrLenW(src))-i-1]:=#0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result:=src;
+function KnownFileType(fname:PWideChar):boolean;
+ i:integer;
+ s :array [0..7] of WideChar;
+ ss:array [0..7] of AnsiChar;
+ result:=false;
+ if (fname=nil) or (fname^=#0) then
+ exit;
+ GetExt(fname,s);
+ int64(ss):=0;
+ if s[0]<>#0 then
+ begin
+ i:=0;
+ while (s[i]<>#0) and (i<8) do
+ begin
+ ss[i]:=AnsiChar(s[i]);
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ i:=0;
+ while i<FmtNum do
+ begin
+ if (int64(fmtLink^[i].ext)=int64(ss)) then
+ begin
+ if ((fmtLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_DISABLED)=0) then
+ result:=true;
+ break;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+function isContainer(fname:PWideChar):boolean;
+ if CheckExt(fname)=WAT_RES_OK then
+ begin
+ result:=(fmtLink^[0].flags and WAT_OPT_CONTAINER)<>0;
+ end
+ else
+ result:=false;
+function GetFileFormatInfo(var dst:tSongInfo):integer;
+ result:=CheckExt(dst.mfile);
+ if result=WAT_RES_OK then
+ begin
+ fmtLink^[0].proc(dst);
+ end;
+function CheckExt(fname:pWideChar):integer;
+ i:integer;
+ tmp:tMusicFormat;
+ ls:array [0..7] of WideChar;
+ ss:array [0..7] of AnsiChar;
+ GetExt(fname,ls);
+ i:=0;
+ int64(ss):=0;
+ while (ls[i]<>#0) and (i<8) do
+ begin
+ ss[i]:=AnsiChar(ls[i]);
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ i:=0;
+ while i<FmtNum do
+ begin
+ if (int64(fmtLink^[i].ext)=int64(ss)) then
+ begin
+ if ((fmtLink^[i].flags and WAT_OPT_DISABLED)=0) then
+ begin
+ if i>0 then
+ begin
+ tmp:=fmtLink^[i];
+ move(fmtLink^[0],fmtLink^[1],SizeOf(tMusicFormat)*i);
+ fmtLink^[0]:=tmp;
+ end;
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+function ServiceFormat(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):integer;cdecl;
+ p:integer;
+ nl:pFmtArray;
+ if LoWord(wParam)<>WAT_ACT_REGISTER then
+ p:=FindFormat(PAnsiChar(lParam))
+ else
+ p:=0;
+ case LoWord(wParam) of
+ if @pMusicFormat(lParam)^.proc=nil then
+ exit;
+ p:=FindFormat(pMusicFormat(lParam)^.ext);
+ if (p=WAT_RES_NOTFOUND) or ((wParam and WAT_ACT_REPLACE)<>0) then
+ begin
+ if (p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND) and ((fmtLink^[p].flags and WAT_OPT_ONLYONE)<>0) then
+ exit;
+ if FmtNum=FmtMax then // expand array when append
+ begin
+ if FmtMax=0 then
+ FmtMax:=StartSize
+ else
+ inc(FmtMax,Step);
+ GetMem(nl,FmtMax*SizeOf(tMusicFormat));
+ if fmtLink<>nil then
+ begin
+ move(fmtLink^,nl^,FmtNum*SizeOf(tMusicFormat));
+ FreeMem(fmtLink);
+ end;
+ fmtLink:=nl;
+ end;
+ if p=WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ p:=FmtNum;
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ inc(FmtNum);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=int_ptr(@fmtLink^[p].proc);
+ move(pMusicFormat(lParam)^,fmtLink^[p],SizeOf(tMusicFormat));// fill
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ dec(FmtNum);
+ if p<FmtNum then // last
+ Move(fmtLink^[p+1],fmtLink^[p],SizeOf(tMusicFormat)*(FmtNum-p));
+ result:=WAT_RES_OK;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ fmtLink^[p].flags:=fmtLink^[p].flags or WAT_OPT_DISABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ fmtLink^[p].flags:=fmtLink^[p].flags and not WAT_OPT_DISABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if p<>WAT_RES_NOTFOUND then
+ begin
+ if (fmtLink^[p].flags and WAT_OPT_DISABLED)<>0 then
+ else
+ result:=WAT_RES_ENABLED;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure RegisterFormat(ext:PAnsiChar;proc:tReadFormatProc;flags:dword=0);
+ tmp:tMusicFormat;
+ FillChar(tmp,SizeOf(tMusicFormat),0);
+ StrCopy (tmp.ext,ext,7);
+ tmp.proc:=proc;
+ tmp.flags:=flags;
+ ServiceFormat(WAT_ACT_REGISTER,LPARAM(@tmp));
+procedure ClearFormats;
+ if FmtNum>0 then
+ FreeMem(fmtLink);