path: root/plugins/Watrack/stat/statlog.pas
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
commit864081102a5f252415f41950b3039a896b4ae9c5 (patch)
treec6b764651e9dd1f8f53b98eab05f16ba4a492a79 /plugins/Watrack/stat/statlog.pas
parentdb5149b48346c417e18add5702a9dfe7f6e28dd0 (diff)
Awkwars's plugins - welcome to our trunk
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/stat/statlog.pas')
1 files changed, 650 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/stat/statlog.pas b/plugins/Watrack/stat/statlog.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50af34508d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/stat/statlog.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+unit StatLog;
+{$Resource stat.res}
+uses windows,messages,shellapi,commctrl
+ ,wrapper,io,wat_api,common,global,m_api,dbsettings,mirutils;
+ pStatCell = ^tStatCell;
+ tStatCell = record
+ Count :integer;
+ AltCount :integer;
+ LastTime :dword;
+ Length :integer;
+ Artist :PAnsiChar;
+ Title :PAnsiChar;
+ MFile :PAnsiChar;
+ Album :PAnsiChar;
+ next :pStatCell; // only for fill
+ end;
+ pCells = ^tCells;
+ tCells = record
+ Count:integer;
+ Cells:array [0..1] of pStatCell
+ end;
+ IcoBtnReport:PAnsiChar='WATrack_Report';
+ DelimChar = '|';
+ buflen = 2048;
+ Lock:boolean=false;
+procedure err(str:PWideChar);
+ MessageBoxW(0,TranslateW(str),TranslateW('Music Statistic'),MB_OK);
+function OnlyPath(dst,src:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar;
+ i:integer;
+ i:=StrLen(src)-1;
+ while (i>0) and (src[i]<>'\') do dec(i);
+ StrCopy(dst,src,i);
+ result:=dst;
+function PackTime(aTime:TSYSTEMTIME):dword;
+ with aTime do
+ result:=wSecond+
+ (wMinute shl 06)+
+ (wHour shl 12)+
+ (wDay shl 17)+
+ (wMonth shl 22)+
+ (((wYear-2000) and $3F) shl 26);
+procedure UnPackTime(aTime:dword;var MyTime:TSYSTEMTIME);
+ with MyTime do
+ begin
+ wYear :=(aTime shr 26)+2000;
+ wMonth :=(aTime shr 22) and $0F;
+ wDay :=(aTime shr 17) and $1F;
+ wHour :=(aTime shr 12) and $1F;
+ wMinute:=(aTime shr 6 ) and $3F;
+ wSecond:=aTime and $3F;
+ end;
+function ShowTime(buf:PAnsiChar;aTime:dword):PAnsiChar;
+ UnPackTime(aTime,MyTime);
+ with MyTime do
+ begin
+ IntToStr(buf ,wDay ,2);
+ IntToStr(buf+3 ,wMonth ,2);
+ IntToStr(buf+6 ,wYear ,2);
+ IntToStr(buf+9 ,wHour ,2);
+ IntToStr(buf+12,wMinute,2);
+ IntToStr(buf+15,wSecond,2);
+ end;
+ buf[2] :='.'; buf[5] :='.'; buf[8] :=' ';
+ buf[11]:=':'; buf[14]:=':'; buf[17]:=#0;
+ result:=buf;
+function AppendStr(src:PAnsiChar;var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; overload;
+ dst^:=DelimChar; inc(dst);
+ while src^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ dst^:=src^;
+ inc(dst);
+ inc(src);
+ end;
+ result:=dst;
+function AppendStr(src:PWideChar;var dst:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; overload;
+ p,lp:PAnsiChar;
+ dst^:=DelimChar; inc(dst);
+ lp:=WideToUTF8(src,p);
+ while lp^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ dst^:=lp^;
+ inc(dst);
+ inc(lp);
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(p);
+ result:=dst;
+procedure AppendStat(fname:PAnsiChar;si:pSongInfo);
+ buf:array [0..buflen-1] of char;
+ lp:PAnsiChar;
+ if Lock then
+ exit;
+ if (si^.artist=NIL) and (si^.title=NIL) and
+ (si^.album =NIL) and (si^.mfile=NIL) then
+ exit;
+ f:=Append(fname);
+// if dword(f)=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then f:=Rewrite(fname);
+ FillChar(buf,SizeOf(buf),0);
+ lp:=@buf;
+ buf[0]:='1'; buf[1]:=DelimChar; inc(lp,2); // Count
+ GetLocalTime(MyTime);
+ IntToStr(lp,PackTime(MyTime),9);
+ inc(lp,9);
+ lp^:=DelimChar;
+ inc(lp);
+ IntToStr(lp,si^.total); while lp^<>#0 do inc(lp);
+ AppendStr(si^.artist,lp);
+ AppendStr(si^.title ,lp);
+ AppendStr(si^.mfile ,lp);
+ AppendStr(si^.album ,lp);
+ lp^:=#$0D; inc(lp); lp^:=#$0A;
+ BlockWrite(f,buf,lp-PAnsiChar(@buf)+1);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+procedure OutputStat(fname:PAnsiChar;aCells:pCells);
+ buf:array [0..2047] of char;
+ lp:PAnsiChar;
+ i:integer;
+ f:=Rewrite(fname);
+ exit;
+ for i:=0 to aCells^.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ lp:=@buf;
+ with aCells^.Cells[i]^ do
+ begin
+ IntToStr(buf,Count); while lp^<>#0 do inc(lp);
+ lp^:=DelimChar; inc(lp);
+ IntToStr(lp,LastTime,9); inc(lp,9);
+ lp^:=DelimChar; inc(lp);
+ IntToStr(lp,Length); while lp^<>#0 do inc(lp);
+ AppendStr(Artist,lp);
+ AppendStr(Title ,lp);
+ AppendStr(MFile ,lp);
+ AppendStr(Album ,lp);
+ lp^:=#$0D; inc(lp); lp^:=#$0A;
+ BlockWrite(f,buf,lp-PAnsiChar(@buf)+1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(f);
+function CutStr(var src:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar;
+ result:=src;
+ while (src^<>DelimChar) and (src^>=' ') do inc(src);
+ src^:=#0;
+ inc(src);
+procedure ClearStatCells(aCells:pCells);
+ with aCells^ do
+ while Count>0 do
+ begin
+ dec(Count);
+ mFreeMem(Cells[Count]);
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(aCells);
+function FillCell(src:PAnsiChar):pStatCell;
+ Cell:pStatCell;
+ mGetMem(Cell,SizeOf(tStatCell));
+ FillChar(Cell^,SizeOf(tStatCell),0);
+ Cell^.Count :=StrToInt(src);
+ while src^<>DelimChar do inc(src); inc(src);
+ Cell^.LastTime:=StrToInt(src);
+ while src^<>DelimChar do inc(src); inc(src);
+ Cell^.Length :=StrToInt(src);
+ while src^<>DelimChar do inc(src); inc(src);
+ Cell^.Artist:=CutStr(src);
+ Cell^.Title :=CutStr(src);
+ Cell^.MFile :=CutStr(src);
+ Cell^.Album :=CutStr(src);
+ result:=Cell;
+function Compare(C1,C2:pStatCell; SortType:integer):integer;
+ ls,ls1:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+ case SortType of
+ stArtist: begin
+ result:=lstrcmpia(C1^.Artist,C2^.Artist);
+ if result=0 then
+ result:=lstrcmpia(C1^.Title,C2^.Title);
+ if result=0 then
+ result:=lstrcmpia(C1^.Album,C2^.Album);
+ end;
+ stAlbum: result:=lstrcmpia(C1^.Album,C2^.Album);
+ stPath : result:=lstrcmpia(OnlyPath(ls,C1^.MFile),OnlyPath(ls1,C2^.MFile));
+ stDate : result:=C2^.LastTime-C1^.LastTime;
+ stCount : result:=C2^.Count-C1^.Count;
+ stLength : result:=C2^.Length-C1^.Length;
+ stAltCount: result:=C2^.AltCount-C1.AltCount;
+ else
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+function SwapProc(var Root:pCells;First,Second:integer):integer;
+ p:pStatCell;
+ p:=Root^.Cells[First];
+ Root^.Cells[First]:=Root^.Cells[Second];
+ Root^.Cells[Second]:=p;
+ result:=0;
+procedure Resort(var Root:pCells;sort:integer;adirection:integer=smDirect);
+ function CompareProc(First,Second:integer):integer;
+ begin
+ result:=Compare(Root^.cells[First],Root^.cells[Second],sort);
+ if direction=smReverse then
+ result:=-result;
+ end;
+ i,j,gap:longint;
+ gap:=Root^.Count shr 1;
+ while gap>0 do
+ begin
+ for i:=gap to Root^.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ j:=i-gap;
+ while (j>=0) and (CompareProc(j,UInt(j+gap))>0) do
+ begin
+ SwapProc(Root,j,UInt(j+gap));
+ dec(j,gap);
+ end;
+ end;
+ gap:=gap shr 1;
+ end;
+// now pack doubles
+function BuildTree(fname:PAnsiChar;var buffer:PAnsiChar):pCells;
+ i,cnt:integer;
+ FirstCell,CurCell,Cell:pStatCell;
+ lRec:TWin32FindDataA;//WIN32_FIND_DATAA;
+ p,p1,p2:PAnsiChar;
+ ls,buf:PAnsiChar;
+ arr:pCells;
+ result:=nil;
+ buffer:=nil;
+ h:=FindFirstFileA(fname,lRec);
+ exit;
+ i:=lRec.nFileSizeLow;
+ FindClose(h);
+ if i<22 then
+ Exit;
+ f:=Reset(fname);
+ exit;
+ mGetMem(buffer,i+1);
+ p:=buffer;
+ BlockRead(f,p^,i);
+ CloseHandle(f);
+ p1:=p;
+ p2:=p+i;
+ FirstCell:=nil;
+ mGetMem(buf,buflen);
+ buf^:=#0;
+ cnt:=0;
+ while p<p2 do
+ begin
+ while p^<>#$0D do inc(p);
+ i:=p-p1;
+ p^:=#0;
+ if i>=20 then //min log template + min fname [d:\.e]
+ begin
+ ls:=p1;
+// skip duplicates one-by-one
+ while ls^<>DelimChar do inc(ls); inc(ls); // Count
+ while ls^<>DelimChar do inc(ls); inc(ls); // time
+ while ls^<>DelimChar do inc(ls); inc(ls); // length
+ if StrCmp(buf,ls)<>0 then
+ begin
+ inc(cnt);
+ StrCopy(buf,ls);
+ Cell:=FillCell(p1);
+ if FirstCell=nil then
+ begin
+ FirstCell:=Cell;
+ CurCell :=FirstCell;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ CurCell^.next:=Cell;
+ CurCell:=Cell;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(p,2); p1:=p;
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(buf);
+ // Fill array
+ if cnt>0 then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(arr,SizeOf(integer)+cnt*SizeOf(pStatCell));
+ arr^.Count:=cnt;
+ CurCell:=FirstCell;
+ i:=0;
+ while CurCell<>nil do
+ begin
+ arr^.Cells[i]:=CurCell;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ result:=arr;
+ // sort & pack
+ Resort(arr,stArtist);
+ i:=1;
+ Cell:=arr^.Cells[0];
+ while i<arr^.Count do
+ begin
+ with arr^.Cells[i]^ do
+ if (lstrcmpia(Cell^.Artist,Artist)=0) and
+ (lstrcmpia(Cell^.Title,Title)=0) and
+ (lstrcmpia(Cell^.Album,Album)=0) then
+ begin
+ if Cell^.LastTime<LastTime then
+ Cell^.LastTime:=LastTime;
+ inc(Cell^.Count,Count);
+ dec(arr^.Count);
+ if i<arr^.Count then
+ move(arr^.Cells[i+1],arr^.Cells[i],SizeOf(pStatCell)*(arr^.Count-i));
+ continue;
+ end
+ else
+ Cell:=arr^.Cells[i];
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure SortFile(fname:PAnsiChar;mode:integer;adirection:integer);
+ Root:pCells;
+ buf:PAnsiChar;
+ buf1:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+ Lock:=true;
+ ConvertFileName(fname,buf1);
+// CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE,dword(fname),dword(@buf1));
+ Root:=BuildTree(buf1,buf);
+ if Root<>nil then
+ begin
+ if (mode<>stArtist) or (adirection<>smDirect) then
+ Resort(Root,mode,adirection);
+ OutputStat(buf1,Root);
+ ClearStatCells(Root);
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(buf);
+ Lock:=false;
+// --------------- service functions -----------------
+function ThAddToLog(param:pdword):dword; stdcall;
+ result:=0;
+procedure ThPackLog(param:pdword); cdecl;
+ SortFile(StatName,SortMode,Direction);
+function ThMakeReport(param:pdword):dword; stdcall;
+ result:=0;
+function AddToLog(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):integer;cdecl;
+ fname:PAnsiChar;
+ log:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+ result:=0;
+ if (StatName=nil) or (StatName[0]=#0) then
+ exit;
+ if wParam=0 then
+ fname:=StatName
+ else
+ fname:=PAnsiChar(wParam);
+ ConvertFileName(fname,log);
+// CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE,dword(fname),dword(@log));
+ AppendStat(log,pSongInfo(lParam));
+function PackLog(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):integer;cdecl;
+ result:=0;
+ CloseHandle(mir_forkthread(@ThPackLog,nil));
+function MakeReport(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):integer;cdecl;
+ report,log,template:array [0..511] of AnsiChar;
+ l,r:PAnsiChar;
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ if (wParam<>0) and (wParam<>MenuReportPos) then
+ l:=PAnsiChar(wParam)
+ else
+ l:=TmplName;
+ if PAnsiChar(lParam)<>nil then r:=PAnsiChar(lParam) else r:=ReportName;
+ if (r=nil) or (r^=#0) then
+ err('Report file name not defined')
+ else if (StatName=nil) or (StatName^=#0) then
+ err('Log file name not defined')
+ else
+ begin
+ ConvertFileName(r,report);
+ ConvertFileName(l,template);
+ ConvertFileName(StatName,log);
+// CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE,dword(r),dword(@report));
+// CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE,dword(l),dword(@template));
+// CallService(MS_UTILS_PATHTOABSOLUTE,dword(StatName),dword(@log));
+ if DoAddExt=BST_CHECKED then
+ ChangeExt(report,'htm');
+ if StatOut(report,log,template) then
+ begin
+ if RunReport=BST_CHECKED then
+ begin
+ ShellExecuteA(0,nil{'open'},report,nil,nil,SW_SHOWNORMAL);
+ end;
+ result:=1;
+ end
+ else
+ err('Oops, something wrong!');
+ end;
+function NewPlStatus(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ flag:integer;
+ mi:tClistMenuItem;
+ CurTime:dword;
+ result:=0;
+ case wParam of
+ if (StatName<>nil) and (StatName[0]<>#0) then
+ begin
+ AppendStat(StatName,pSongInfo(lParam));
+ if AutoSort>0 then
+ begin
+ CurTime:=GetCurrentTime;
+ if (CurTime-LastSort)>=(86400*AutoSort) then
+ begin
+ SortFile(StatName,SortMode,Direction); //PackLog(0,0);
+ LastSort:=CurTime;
+ DBWriteDWord(0,PluginShort,opt_LastSort,LastSort);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ case lParam of
+ 0: flag:=0;
+ 2: flag:=CMIF_GRAYED;
+ else // like 1
+ exit
+ end;
+ FillChar(mi,sizeof(mi),0);
+ mi.cbSize:=sizeof(mi);
+ mi.flags :=CMIM_FLAGS+flag;
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM,hMenuReport,tlparam(@mi));
+ end;
+ end;
+function IconChanged(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl;
+ mi:TCListMenuItem;
+ result:=0;
+ FillChar(mi,SizeOf(mi),0);
+ mi.cbSize:=sizeof(mi);
+ mi.flags :=CMIM_ICON;
+ mi.hIcon :=CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON,0,tlparam(IcoBtnReport));
+ CallService(MS_CLIST_MODIFYMENUITEM,hMenuReport,tlparam(@mi));
+// ------------ base interface functions -------------
+function InitProc(aGetStatus:boolean=false):integer;
+ mi:TCListMenuItem;
+ if aGetStatus then
+ begin
+ if GetModStatus=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ SetModStatus(1);
+ result:=1;
+ hPackLog :=CreateServiceFunction(MS_WAT_PACKLOG ,@PackLog);
+ hMakeReport:=CreateServiceFunction(MS_WAT_MAKEREPORT,@MakeReport);
+ hAddToLog :=CreateServiceFunction(MS_WAT_ADDTOLOG ,@AddToLog);
+ loadstat;
+ FillChar(sid,SizeOf(TSKINICONDESC),0);
+ sid.cbSize:=SizeOf(TSKINICONDESC);
+ sid.szSection.a:='WATrack';
+ sid.hDefaultIcon :=LoadImage(hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(BTN_REPORT),IMAGE_ICON,16,16,0);
+ sid.pszName :=IcoBtnReport;
+ sid.szDescription.a:='Create Report';
+ Skin_AddIcon(@sid);
+ DestroyIcon(sid.hDefaultIcon);
+ sic:=HookEvent(ME_SKIN2_ICONSCHANGED,@IconChanged);
+ FillChar(mi, sizeof(mi), 0);
+ mi.cbSize :=sizeof(mi);
+ mi.flags :=0;
+ mi.szPopupName.a:=PluginShort;
+ mi.hIcon :=CallService(MS_SKIN2_GETICON,0,tlparam(IcoBtnReport));
+ mi.szName.a :='Create WATrack report';
+ mi.pszService :=MS_WAT_MAKEREPORT;
+ mi.popupPosition:=MenuReportPos;
+ hMenuReport :=Menu_AddMainMenuItem(@mi);
+ plStatusHook:=HookEvent(ME_WAT_NEWSTATUS,@NewPlStatus);
+procedure DeInitProc(aSetDisable:boolean);
+ if aSetDisable then
+ SetModStatus(0);
+ UnhookEvent(plStatusHook);
+ UnhookEvent(sic);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hPackLog);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hMakeReport);
+ DestroyServiceFunction(hAddToLog);
+ FreeStat;
+function AddOptionsPage(var tmpl:pAnsiChar;var proc:pointer;var name:PAnsiChar):integer;
+ tmpl:='STATS';
+ proc:=@DlgProcOptions;
+ name:='Statistics';
+ result:=0;
+ Stat:twModule;
+procedure Init;
+ Stat.Next :=ModuleLink;
+ Stat.Init :=@InitProc;
+ Stat.DeInit :=@DeInitProc;
+ Stat.AddOption :=@AddOptionsPage;
+ Stat.ModuleName:='Statistic';
+ ModuleLink :=@Stat;
+ Init;