path: root/plugins/Watrack/status/tmpl.pas
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-08 18:43:29 +0000
commit864081102a5f252415f41950b3039a896b4ae9c5 (patch)
treec6b764651e9dd1f8f53b98eab05f16ba4a492a79 /plugins/Watrack/status/tmpl.pas
parentdb5149b48346c417e18add5702a9dfe7f6e28dd0 (diff)
Awkwars's plugins - welcome to our trunk
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/Watrack/status/tmpl.pas')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/Watrack/status/tmpl.pas b/plugins/Watrack/status/tmpl.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4adcd20bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/Watrack/status/tmpl.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+unit Tmpl;
+// ----- main data -----
+ tTemplateType = (
+ tmpl_pm ,tmpl_chat,
+ tmpl_xtitle,tmpl_xtext,
+ tmpl_stext ,
+ tmpl_tunes);
+ tmpl_first = tmpl_pm;
+ tmpl_last = tmpl_tunes;
+ TMPL_PARENT = $4000;
+procedure CreateTemplates;
+procedure FreeTemplates;
+procedure SaveTemplates;
+function SetTemplateActive(active:boolean;aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):boolean;
+function IsTemplateActive(aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):boolean;
+function GetTemplateStr(aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):PWideChar;
+function SetTemplateStr(aStr:PWideChar;aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):integer;
+function GetMacros(TmplType:tTemplateType;proto:integer):pWideChar;
+uses common, m_api, windows, dbsettings, mirutils, protocols,wat_api,global;
+ dubtmpl = $4000;
+ DefaultTemplate = 0;
+ NumStatus = 10;
+ pStrTemplate = ^tStrTemplate;
+ tStrTemplate = array [0..NumStatus-1,tTemplateType] of SmallInt;
+ pMyString = ^tMyString;
+ tMyString = record
+ count:cardinal; // link count
+ text :pWideChar;
+ end;
+ pMyStrArray = ^tMyStrArray;
+ tMyStrArray = array [1..1000] of tMyString;
+ tTmpl = integer;
+ pStrTemplates = ^tStrTemplates;
+ tStrTemplates = array [0..100] of tStrTemplate;
+ NumTemplates:cardinal=0;
+ StrTemplates:pStrTemplates=nil;
+ strings:pMyStrArray;
+ NumString:cardinal;
+ defTemplate = 'I am listening to %artist% - "%title%"';
+ defChannelText = '/me listening to %artist% - "%title%"';
+ defStatusTitle = 'Now listening to';
+ defStatusText = '%artist% - %title%';
+ defAltTemplate = 'I am listening to %artist% - %title%?iflonger(%album%,0, (from "%album%"),)';
+ defAltChannelText = '/me listening to %artist% - %title%?iflonger(%album%,0, (from "%album%"),)';
+// ----- procedures -----
+function AddString(var newstr:PWideChar):cardinal;
+ i:cardinal;
+ tmp:pMyStrArray;
+ for i:=1 to NumString do // search in table
+ begin
+ if StrCmpW(newstr,strings^[i].text)=0 then
+ begin
+ result:=i;
+ mFreeMem(newstr);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(NumString);
+ mGetMem(tmp,SizeOf(tMyString)*NumString);
+ move(strings^,tmp^,SizeOf(tMyString)*(NumString-1));
+ mFreeMem(strings);
+ strings:=tmp;
+ tmp^[NumString].count:=0;
+ tmp^[NumString].text:=newstr;
+ result:=NumString;
+procedure PackStrings;
+ i,j:integer;
+ OldNumString:cardinal;
+ lTmplType:tTemplateType;
+ lProtoStatus:cardinal;
+ tmp:pMyStrArray;
+ NumProto:integer;
+ tmpl:pStrTemplate;
+ // clear counters
+ for i:=1 to NumString do
+ strings^[i].count:=0;
+ // counts strings
+ NumProto:=GetNumProto;
+ for i:=0 to NumProto do
+ begin
+ tmpl:=@StrTemplates^[i];
+ for lProtoStatus:=0 to NumStatus-1 do
+ for lTmplType:=tmpl_first to tmpl_last do
+ begin
+ j:=tmpl^[lProtoStatus,lTmplType];
+ if j>0 then
+ inc(strings^[j].count);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // delete strings
+ i:=1;
+ OldNumString:=NumString;
+ if DisablePlugin=dsEnabled then
+ DisablePlugin:=dsTemporary;
+ while Cardinal(i)<=NumString do
+ begin
+ if strings^[i].count=0 then
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(strings^[i].text);
+ if cardinal(i)<NumString then
+ begin
+ // shift strings
+ move(strings^[i+1],strings^[i],SizeOf(tMyString)*(NumString-cardinal(i)));
+ // shift protos
+ for j:=0 to NumProto do
+ begin
+ tmpl:=@StrTemplates^[j];
+ for lProtoStatus:=0 to NumStatus-1 do
+ for lTmplType:=tmpl_first to tmpl_last do
+ begin
+ if tmpl^[lProtoStatus,lTmplType]>i then
+ dec(tmpl^[lProtoStatus,lTmplType]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ dec(NumString);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ if OldNumString<>NumString then
+ begin
+ mGetMem(tmp,SizeOf(tMyString)*NumString);
+ move(strings^,tmp^,SizeOf(tMyString)*NumString);
+ mFreeMem(strings);
+ strings:=tmp;
+ end;
+// if DisablePlugin<0 then
+// SetTitle;
+ if DisablePlugin<>dsPermanent then
+ DisablePlugin:=dsEnabled;
+function SetTemplateActive(active:boolean;aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):boolean;
+ res:smallint;
+ if proto>NumTemplates then
+ proto:=0;
+ res:=ABS(StrTemplates^[proto][ProtoStatus,aType]);
+ if not active then res:=-res;
+ StrTemplates^[proto][ProtoStatus,aType]:=res;
+ result:=res>0;
+function IsTemplateActive(aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):boolean;
+ if proto>NumTemplates then
+ proto:=0;
+ result:=StrTemplates^[proto][ProtoStatus,aType]>0;
+function GetTmplString(num:integer):pWideChar;
+ if (num>0) and (Cardinal(num)<=NumString) then
+ result:=strings^[num].text
+ else
+ result:=nil;
+function GetTemplateStr(aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):PWideChar;
+ i:smallint;
+ if proto>NumTemplates then
+ proto:=0;
+ i:=abs(StrTemplates^[proto ][ProtoStatus,aType]);
+ if i=smallint(dubtmpl) then begin i:=abs(StrTemplates^[proto ][0 ,aType]);
+ if i=smallint(dubtmpl) then begin i:=abs(StrTemplates^[DefaultTemplate][ProtoStatus,aType]);
+ if i=smallint(dubtmpl) then i:=abs(StrTemplates^[DefaultTemplate][0 ,aType]); end; end;
+ if i=smallint(dubtmpl) then
+ i:=0;
+ result:=GetTmplString(ABS(i)); //normalize
+function SetTemplateStr(aStr:PWideChar;aType:tTemplateType;proto:cardinal=0;
+ ProtoStatus:integer=0):integer;
+ tmpl:pStrTemplate;
+ tmp,tmp1:smallint;
+ tmpl:=@StrTemplates^[proto];
+ if (aStr=nil) or (aStr^=#0) then
+ result:=0
+ else
+ result:=AddString(aStr);
+ tmp1:=result;
+ tmp:=tmpl^[0,aType];
+ if tmp1=tmp then
+ tmp1:=smallint(dubtmpl)
+ else if tmp=smallint(dubtmpl) then
+ begin
+ if tmp1=tmpl^[0,aType] then
+ tmp1:=smallint(dubtmpl);
+ end;
+ tmpl^[ProtoStatus,aType]:=tmp1;
+procedure CreateTemplates;
+ i:integer;
+ NumTemplates:=GetNumProto;
+ // Size in bytes
+ i:=SizeOf(tStrTemplate)*(NumTemplates+1);
+ mGetMem(StrTemplates,i);
+ // size in words
+ FillWord(StrTemplates^,i div 2,dubtmpl);
+ LoadTemplates;
+procedure FreeTemplates;
+ mFreeMem(StrTemplates);
+ while NumString>0 do
+ begin
+ mFreeMem(strings^[NumString].text);
+ dec(NumString);
+ end;
+ mFreeMem(strings);
+function GetMacros(TmplType:tTemplateType;proto:integer):pWideChar;
+ r:PWideChar;
+ status:integer;
+ if proto=0 then
+ r:=GetTemplateStr(TmplType,0,0)
+ else
+ begin
+ status:=GetProtoStatusNum(proto);
+ if IsTemplateActive(TmplType,proto,status) then
+ r:=GetTemplateStr(TmplType,proto,status)
+ else
+ begin
+ result:=pWideChar(-1);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if r=nil then
+ result:=nil
+ else
+ result:=pWideChar(CallService(MS_WAT_REPLACETEXT,0,lparam(r)));