path: root/plugins/weather/weather_ini.c
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-05-17 19:29:36 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-05-17 19:29:36 +0000
commit7cb1e7723dbf8a6a83abe8dbbcf2f0d70eb3ccbe (patch)
tree15f49c7cd1ec7551ebfde6b1351a5f105cef9fbf /plugins/weather/weather_ini.c
parent36354e2f10625685d54e9b05fec9f59e2b3f0fa9 (diff)
removed Release & Debug configs Part 2
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/weather/weather_ini.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 628 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/weather/weather_ini.c b/plugins/weather/weather_ini.c
deleted file mode 100644
index eba127bdaf..0000000000
--- a/plugins/weather/weather_ini.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-Weather Protocol plugin for Miranda IM
-Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Boris Krasnovskiy All Rights Reserved
-Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Calvin Che
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
-of the License.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program. If not, see <>.
-This file contain the source related to loading the reading the
-weather ini files and store them into memory. Also containing
-code for unloading and getting weather data from the ini settings.
-#include "weather.h"
-HWND hWndSetup;
-//============ DATA LIST (LINKED LIST) ============
-// add an item into weather service data list
-// Data = the service data to be added to the list
-void WIListAdd(WIDATA Data)
- WIDATALIST *newItem;
- // create a new datalist item and point to the data
- newItem = (WIDATALIST*)mir_alloc(sizeof(WIDATALIST));
- newItem->Data = Data;
- // add to the linked list
- newItem->next = NULL;
- if (WITail == NULL) WIHead = newItem;
- else WITail->next = newItem;
- WITail = newItem;
-// get the service data (from loaded ini file) by internal name
-// pszServ = internal name for the service
-// return value = the matching WIDATA struct for pszServ, NULL if no match found
-WIDATA* GetWIData(char *pszServ)
- WIDATALIST *Item = WIHead;
- // loop through the list to find matching internal name
- while (Item != NULL)
- {
- // if internal name found, return the data
- if (strcmp(Item->Data.InternalName, pszServ) == 0) return &Item->Data;
- Item = Item->next;
- }
- // return NULL when no match found
- return NULL;
-// remove all service data from memory
-void DestroyWIList(void)
- // free the list one by one
- while (WIHead != NULL)
- {
- WIDATALIST *wi = WIHead;
- WIHead = wi->next;
- FreeWIData(&wi->Data); // free the data struct
- mir_free(wi);
- }
- // make sure the entire list is clear
- WITail = NULL;
-//============ DATA ITEM LIST (LINKED LIST) ============
-// add a new update item into the current list
-void WIItemListAdd(WIDATAITEM *DataItem, WIDATA *Data)
- newItem = (WIDATAITEMLIST*)mir_alloc(sizeof(WIDATAITEMLIST));
- newItem->Item = *DataItem;
- newItem->Next = NULL;
- if (Data->UpdateData == NULL) Data->UpdateData = newItem;
- else Data->UpdateDataTail->Next = newItem;
- Data->UpdateDataTail = newItem;
-// reset the data item by using empty string
-// Item = the item to set
-// name = the string to store in the "name" field
-void ResetDataItem(WIDATAITEM *Item, const char *name)
- char str[] = "ID Search - Station Name";
- Item->Name = mir_alloc(sizeof(str));
- strcpy(Item->Name, str);
- Item->Start = "";
- Item->End = "";
- Item->Unit = "";
- Item->Url = "";
- Item->Break = "";
- Item->Type = 0;
-// free the data item by using empty string
-// Item = the item to free
-void FreeDataItem(WIDATAITEM *Item)
- wfree(&Item->Name);
- wfree(&Item->Start);
- wfree(&Item->End);
- wfree(&Item->Unit);
- wfree(&Item->Url);
- wfree(&Item->Break);
-//============ Condition Icon List ============
-// initiate icon assignmet list
-void WICondListInit(WICONDLIST *List)
- List->Tail = NULL;
- List->Head = NULL;
-// add a new update item into the current list
-void WICondListAdd(char *str, WICONDLIST *List)
- WICONDITEM *newItem;
- newItem = (WICONDITEM*)mir_alloc(sizeof(WICONDITEM));
- CharLowerBuff(str, (DWORD)strlen(str));
- wSetData(&newItem->Item, str);
- newItem->Next = NULL;
- if (List->Tail == NULL) List->Head = newItem;
- else List->Tail->Next = newItem;
- List->Tail = newItem;
-// check if the condition string matched for the assignment
-BOOL IsContainedInCondList(const char *pszStr, WICONDLIST *List)
- WICONDITEM *Item = List->Head;
- // loop through the list to find matching internal name
- while (Item != NULL)
- {
- // if internal name found, return true indicating that the data is found
- if (strstr(pszStr, Item->Item)) return TRUE;
- Item = Item->Next;
- }
- // return false when no match found
- return FALSE;
-// free the memory for icon assignment list
-void DestroyCondList(WICONDLIST *List)
- temp = List->Head;
- // free the list one by one
- while (temp != NULL)
- {
- List->Head = temp->Next;
- wfree(&temp->Item); // free the data struct
- mir_free(temp);
- temp = List->Head;
- }
- // make sure the entire list is clear
- List->Tail = NULL;
-//============ LOADING INI FILES ============
-// load the weather update data form INI files
-BOOL LoadWIData(BOOL dial)
- HANDLE hFind;
- char szSearchPath[MAX_PATH], FileName[MAX_PATH], *chop;
- WIDATA Data;
- // make sure that the current service data list is empty
- WITail = NULL;
- WIHead = WITail;
- // find all *.ini file in the plugin\weather directory
- GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szSearchPath, sizeof(szSearchPath));
- chop = strrchr(szSearchPath, '\\');
- *chop = '\0';
- strcat(szSearchPath,"\\Plugins\\Weather\\*.ini");
- strcpy(FileName, szSearchPath);
- hFind = FindFirstFile(szSearchPath, &fd);
- // load the content of the ini file into memory
- {
- do
- {
- chop = strrchr(FileName, '\\');
- chop[1] = '\0';
- strcat(FileName, fd.cFileName);
- if (_stricmp(fd.cFileName, "SAMPLE_INI.INI"))
- {
- LoadStationData(FileName, fd.cFileName, &Data);
- if (Data.Enabled) WIListAdd(Data);
- }
- // look through the entire "plugins\weather" directory
- }
- while(FindNextFile(hFind, &fd));
- FindClose(hFind);
- }
- if (WIHead == NULL)
- {
- // no ini found, display an error message box.
- if (dial)
- hWndSetup = CreateDialog(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_SETUP), NULL, DlgProcSetup);
- else
- MessageBox(NULL,
- Translate("No update data file is found. Please check your Plugins\\Weather directory."),
- Translate("Weather Protocol"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
-// load the station data from a file
-// pszFile = the file name + path for the ini file to be loaded
-// pszShortFile = the file name of the ini file, but not including the path
-// Data = the struct to load the ini content to, and return to previous function
-void LoadStationData(char *pszFile, char *pszShortFile, WIDATA *Data)
- FILE *pfile;
- int i;
- char Line[4096], *Group, *Temp;
- char *ValName, *Value;
- static const char *statusStr[10] =
- {
- "FOG",
- "SNOW",
- "RAIN",
- "SUNNY",
- "N/A"
- };
- // clean up old stuff
- ZeroMemory(Data, sizeof(Data));
- Data->Enabled = FALSE;
- // open the ini file
- pfile = _fsopen(pszFile, "rt", _SH_DENYWR);
- if (pfile != NULL)
- {
- fgets(Line, sizeof(Line), pfile);
- TrimString(Line);
- // make sure it is a valid weather protocol ini file
- if (!strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data]"))
- Data->InternalVer = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.1]"))
- Data->InternalVer = 2;
- else if (!strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.1a]"))
- Data->InternalVer = 3;
- else if (!strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.2]"))
- Data->InternalVer = 4;
- else if (!strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.3]"))
- Data->InternalVer = 5;
- else if (!strcmp(Line, "[Weather 0.3.x Update Data 1.4]"))
- Data->InternalVer = 6;
- else
- {
- wsprintf(Line, Translate("Invalid ini format for: %s"), pszFile);
- MessageBox(NULL, Line, Translate("Weather Protocol"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
- fclose(pfile);
- return;
- }
- // initialize all data fields
- Group = "";
- Data->DisplayName = "";
- Data->InternalName = "";
- Data->Description = "";
- Data->Author = "";
- Data->Version = "";
- Data->DefaultURL = "";
- Data->DefaultMap = "";
- Data->UpdateURL = "";
- Data->UpdateURL2 = "";
- Data->UpdateURL3 = "";
- Data->UpdateURL4 = "";
- Data->Cookie = "";
- Data->IDSearch.SearchURL = "";
- Data->IDSearch.NotFoundStr = "";
- Data->NameSearch.SearchURL = "";
- Data->NameSearch.NotFoundStr = "";
- Data->NameSearch.SingleStr = "";
- Data->NameSearch.Single.First = "";
- Data->NameSearch.Multiple.First = "";
- Data->IDSearch.Available = FALSE;
- Data->NameSearch.Single.Available = FALSE;
- Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Available = FALSE;
- wSetData(&Data->FileName, pszFile);
- wSetData(&Data->ShortFileName, pszShortFile);
- ResetDataItem(&Data->IDSearch.Name, "ID Search - Station Name");
- ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name, "Name Search Single Result - Station Name");
- ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID, "Name Search Single Result - Station ID");
- ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name, "Name Search Multiple Result - Station Name");
- ResetDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID, "Name Search Multiple Result - Station ID");
- DataItem.Name = "";
- DataItem.Start = "";
- DataItem.End = "";
- DataItem.Unit = "";
- DataItem.Url = "";
- DataItem.Break = "";
- DataItem.Type = 0;
- Temp = "";
- // initialize the linked list for update items
- Data->UpdateDataCount = 0;
- Data->MemUsed = sizeof(WIDATA) + sizeof(WIDATALIST) + strlen(pszShortFile) + strlen(pszFile) + 20;
- Data->UpdateData = NULL;
- Data->UpdateDataTail = NULL;
- // initialize the icon assignment list
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) WICondListInit(&Data->CondList[i]);
- while (!feof(pfile))
- {
- // determine current tag
- if (fgets(Line, sizeof(Line), pfile) == NULL) break;
- TrimString(Line);
- // if the line is a group header/footer
- if (Line[0] == '[')
- {
- char *chop = strchr(Line+1,']');
- if (chop == NULL) continue;
- if (Line[1] != '/') // if it is not a footer (for old ini)
- {
- // save the group name
- Temp = (char *)mir_alloc(strlen(Line)+10);
- strncpy(Temp, Line+1, chop-Line-1);
- Temp[chop-Line-1] = 0;
- wfree(&Group);
- wSetData(&Group, Temp);
- // see if it is a update item, if it is, add a new item to the linked list
- // if (_stricmp(Group, "HEADER") && _stricmp(Group, "DEFAULT") && _stricmp(Group, "ID SEARCH") &&
- // strcmpi(Group, "NAME SEARCH"))
- // wSetData(&DataItem.Name, Group);
- if (_stricmp(Group, "HEADER") && _stricmp(Group, "DEFAULT") && _stricmp(Group, "ID SEARCH") &&
- _stricmp(Group, "NAME SEARCH") && _stricmp(Group, "ICONS"))
- {
- wSetData(&DataItem.Name, Temp);
- DataItem.Type = WID_NORMAL;
- WIItemListAdd(&DataItem, Data);
- Data->UpdateDataCount++;
- }
- mir_free(Temp);
- }
- else
- {
- wfree(&Group);
- wSetData(&Group, "");
- }
- }
- // ignore comments and all lines without an '='
- Value = strstr(Line, "=");
- if (Value == NULL) continue;
- // get the string before '=' (ValName) and after '=' (Value)
- ValName = (char *)mir_alloc(strlen(Line)+1);
- strncpy(ValName, Line, Value-Line);
- ValName[Value-Line] = 0;
- Value++;
- ConvertBackslashes(Value);
- // store the value for each string
- if (!_stricmp(Group, "HEADER"))
- {
- if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NAME")) wSetData(&Data->DisplayName, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "INTERNAL NAME")) wSetData(&Data->InternalName, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "DESCRIPTION")) wSetData(&Data->Description, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "AUTHOR")) wSetData(&Data->Author, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "VERSION")) wSetData(&Data->Version, Value);
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(Group, "DEFAULT")) {
- if (!_stricmp(ValName, "DEFAULT URL")) wSetData(&Data->DefaultURL, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "DEFAULT MAP")) wSetData(&Data->DefaultMap, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL2")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL2, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL3")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL3, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UPDATE URL4")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateURL4, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "COOKIE")) wSetData(&Data->Cookie, Value);
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(Group, "ID SEARCH"))
- {
- if (!_stricmp(ValName, "AVAILABLE"))
- {
- if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) Data->IDSearch.Available = TRUE;
- else Data->IDSearch.Available = FALSE;
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SEARCH URL")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.SearchURL, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NOT FOUND STR")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.NotFoundStr, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NAME START")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.Name.Start, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NAME END")) wSetData(&Data->IDSearch.Name.End, Value);
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(Group, "NAME SEARCH"))
- {
- if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE RESULT"))
- {
- if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) Data->NameSearch.Single.Available = TRUE;
- else Data->NameSearch.Single.Available = FALSE;
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULTIPLE RESULT"))
- {
- if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE")) Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Available = TRUE;
- else Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Available = FALSE;
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SEARCH URL")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.SearchURL, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "NOT FOUND STR")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.NotFoundStr, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE RESULT STR")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.SingleStr, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE FIRST")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.First, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE NAME START"))wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name.Start, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE NAME END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name.End, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE ID START")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID.Start, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SINGLE ID END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID.End, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT FIRST")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.First, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT NAME START")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name.Start, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT NAME END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name.End, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT ID START")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID.Start, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "MULT ID END")) wSetData(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID.End, Value);
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(Group, "ICONS"))
- {
- for (i=0; i<10; i++)
- {
- if (!_stricmp(ValName, statusStr[i]))
- {
- WICondListAdd(Value, &Data->CondList[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (Data->UpdateDataCount != 0)
- {
- if (!_stricmp(ValName, "START")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Start, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SOURCE")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Start, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "END")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.End, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "UNIT")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Unit, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "URL")) wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Url, Value);
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "HIDDEN"))
- {
- if (!_stricmp(Value, "TRUE"))
- {
- char *nm = Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Name;
- size_t len = strlen(nm) + 1;
- Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Name = nm = mir_realloc(nm, len + 3);
- memmove(nm + 1, nm, len);
- *nm = '#';
- }
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "SET DATA"))
- {
- Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Type = WID_SET;
- wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.End, Value);
- }
- else if (!_stricmp(ValName, "BREAK DATA"))
- {
- Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Type = WID_BREAK;
- wSetData(&Data->UpdateDataTail->Item.Break, Value);
- }
- }
- // recalculate memory used
- Data->MemUsed += (strlen(Value) + 10);
- wfree(&ValName);
- }
- // calcualate memory used for the ini and close the file
- Data->MemUsed += sizeof(WIDATAITEMLIST)*Data->UpdateDataCount;
- Data->Enabled = TRUE; // enable the service
- fclose(pfile);
- wfree(&Group);
- }
-//============ FREE WIDATA ITEM FROM MEMORY ============
-// free the WIDATA struct from memory
-// Data = the struct to be freed
-void FreeWIData(WIDATA *Data)
- int i;
- // free update items linked list first
- WItem = Data->UpdateData;
- while (WItem != NULL)
- {
- Data->UpdateData = WItem->Next;
- FreeDataItem(&WItem->Item);
- mir_free(WItem);
- WItem = Data->UpdateData;
- }
- // free the strings in the rest of the struct
- wfree(&Data->DisplayName);
- wfree(&Data->InternalName);
- wfree(&Data->Description);
- wfree(&Data->Author);
- wfree(&Data->Version);
- wfree(&Data->DefaultURL);
- wfree(&Data->DefaultMap);
- wfree(&Data->UpdateURL);
- wfree(&Data->UpdateURL2);
- wfree(&Data->UpdateURL3);
- wfree(&Data->UpdateURL4);
- wfree(&Data->Cookie);
- wfree(&Data->IDSearch.SearchURL);
- wfree(&Data->IDSearch.NotFoundStr);
- FreeDataItem(&Data->IDSearch.Name);
- wfree(&Data->NameSearch.SearchURL);
- wfree(&Data->NameSearch.NotFoundStr);
- wfree(&Data->NameSearch.SingleStr);
- wfree(&Data->NameSearch.Single.First);
- FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.Name);
- FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Single.ID);
- wfree(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.First);
- FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.Name);
- FreeDataItem(&Data->NameSearch.Multiple.ID);
- wfree(&Data->ShortFileName);
- wfree(&Data->FileName);
- for (i=0; i<10; i++) DestroyCondList(&Data->CondList[i]);
-//============ WEATHER INI SETUP DIALOG ============
-INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcSetup(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- switch (msg)
- {
- TranslateDialogDefault(hwndDlg);
- // make the buttons flat
- SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STEP1), BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0);
- SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STEP2), BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0);
- SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STEP3), BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0);
- SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STEP4), BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0);
- // set icons
- SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)LoadIconEx("main", TRUE));
- SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)LoadIconEx("main", FALSE));
- WindowList_Add(hWindowList, hwndDlg, NULL);
- ShowWindow(hwndDlg, SW_SHOW);
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch(LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- case IDC_STEP1:
- // update current data
- CallService(MS_UTILS_OPENURL, opt.NewBrowserWin,
- (WPARAM)"");
- break;
- case IDC_STEP2:
- {
- char szPath[1024], *chop;
- GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szPath, sizeof(szPath));
- chop = strrchr(szPath, '\\');
- *chop = '\0';
- strcat(szPath,"\\Plugins\\weather\\");
- _mkdir(szPath);
- ShellExecute((HWND)lParam, "open", szPath, "", "", SW_SHOW);
- break;
- }
- case IDC_STEP3:
- if (LoadWIData(FALSE))
- MessageBox(NULL, Translate("All update data has been reloaded."),
- Translate("Weather Protocol"), MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION);
- break;
- case IDC_STEP4:
- WeatherAdd(0, 0);
- case IDCANCEL:
- // close the info window
- DestroyWindow(hwndDlg);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- DestroyWindow(hwndDlg);
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- ReleaseIconEx((HICON)SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 0));
- ReleaseIconEx((HICON)SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0));
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;