path: root/plugins
diff options
authoraunsane <>2018-07-29 22:59:30 +0300
committeraunsane <>2018-07-29 23:00:42 +0300
commitd11ddc8ef4b7f55c53abb735bca00e4192533579 (patch)
tree97f3aa2770fc4a10a024b505ed845d954aea4e97 /plugins
parentc085ec9744d1012627970e8590939ce661042380 (diff)
- added script table headers - added some logic functions to variables parser
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
7 files changed, 184 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MirLua/res/resource.rc b/plugins/MirLua/res/resource.rc
index 3c6008c4ff..1efb61e7a4 100644
--- a/plugins/MirLua/res/resource.rc
+++ b/plugins/MirLua/res/resource.rc
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 0, 0, 0x1
PUSHBUTTON "Reload all",IDC_RELOAD,220,207,76,14
GROUPBOX "Scripts",IDC_STATIC,7,54,296,173
CONTROL "Popup on script error",IDC_POPUPONERROR,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,14,17,282,10
diff --git a/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.cpp b/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.cpp
index 517cff243b..24dea9ec58 100644
--- a/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.cpp
@@ -154,27 +154,22 @@ wchar_t* CMLuaEnvironment::Error()
return error;
-wchar_t* CMLuaEnvironment::Call()
+int CMLuaEnvironment::Call()
- luaM_pcall(L, 0, 1);
- wchar_t *result = mir_utf8decodeW(lua_tostring(L, -1));
- lua_pop(L, 1);
- return result;
+ return lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0);
-wchar_t* CMLuaEnvironment::Eval(const wchar_t *script)
+int CMLuaEnvironment::Eval(const wchar_t *script)
- if (luaL_loadstring(L, T2Utf(script)))
- return Error();
+ if (int res = luaL_loadstring(L, T2Utf(script)))
+ return res;
return Call();
-wchar_t* CMLuaEnvironment::Exec(const wchar_t *path)
+int CMLuaEnvironment::Exec(const wchar_t *path)
- if (luaL_loadfile(L, T2Utf(path)))
- return Error();
+ if (int res = luaL_loadfile(L, T2Utf(path)))
+ return res;
return Call();
diff --git a/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.h b/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.h
index 52b42e7722..4693376ebe 100644
--- a/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.h
+++ b/plugins/MirLua/src/environment.h
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public:
HANDLE CreateServiceFunction(const char *name, int ref);
void DestroyServiceFunction(HANDLE hService);
- wchar_t* Call();
- wchar_t* Eval(const wchar_t *script);
- wchar_t* Exec(const wchar_t *path);
+ int Call();
+ int Eval(const wchar_t *script);
+ int Exec(const wchar_t *path);
diff --git a/plugins/MirLua/src/options.cpp b/plugins/MirLua/src/options.cpp
index bfdacc6e6a..83a8b9d7c8 100644
--- a/plugins/MirLua/src/options.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MirLua/src/options.cpp
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ bool CMLuaOptionsMain::OnInitDialog()
wchar_t header[MAX_PATH + 100];
mir_snwprintf(header, L"%s (%s)", TranslateT("Common scripts"), relativeScriptDir);
- m_scriptsList.AddColumn(0, L"Script", 370);
- m_scriptsList.AddColumn(1, nullptr, 32 - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
- m_scriptsList.AddColumn(2, nullptr, 32 - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
- m_scriptsList.AddColumn(3, nullptr, 32 - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
+ m_scriptsList.AddColumn(0, L"Script", 346);
+ m_scriptsList.AddColumn(1, nullptr, 34 - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
+ m_scriptsList.AddColumn(2, nullptr, 36 - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
+ m_scriptsList.AddColumn(3, nullptr, 36 - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
@@ -216,7 +216,9 @@ void CMLuaEvaluateOptions::OnEvaluate(CCtrlBase*)
ptrW script(m_script.GetText());
CMLuaEnvironment env(L);
- m_result.SetText(env.Eval(script));
+ env.Eval(script);
+ m_result.SetText(ptrW(mir_utf8decodeW(lua_tostring(L, -1))));
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
diff --git a/plugins/MirLua/src/plugin.cpp b/plugins/MirLua/src/plugin.cpp
index bf2c47ced4..ceefe7d7b0 100644
--- a/plugins/MirLua/src/plugin.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MirLua/src/plugin.cpp
@@ -172,7 +172,9 @@ INT_PTR CMPlugin::Call(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
lua_pushcfunction(L, mlua_call);
CMLuaEnvironment env(L);
- wchar_t *result = env.Call();
+ env.Call();
+ wchar_t *result = mir_utf8decodeW(lua_tostring(L, -1));
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
return (INT_PTR)result;
@@ -183,7 +185,9 @@ INT_PTR CMPlugin::Eval(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
const wchar_t *script = (const wchar_t*)lParam;
CMLuaEnvironment env(L);
- wchar_t *result = env.Eval(script);
+ env.Eval(script);
+ wchar_t *result = mir_utf8decodeW(lua_tostring(L, -1));
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
return (INT_PTR)result;
@@ -194,7 +198,9 @@ INT_PTR CMPlugin::Exec(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
const wchar_t *path = (const wchar_t*)lParam;
CMLuaEnvironment env(L);
- wchar_t *result = env.Exec(path);
+ env.Exec(path);
+ wchar_t *result = mir_utf8decodeW(lua_tostring(L, -1));
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
return (INT_PTR)result;
diff --git a/plugins/MirLua/src/utils.cpp b/plugins/MirLua/src/utils.cpp
index cc75303af7..d4a4578cd9 100644
--- a/plugins/MirLua/src/utils.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MirLua/src/utils.cpp
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ int luaM_getenv(lua_State *L)
bool luaM_toboolean(lua_State *L, int idx)
- if (lua_isnumber(L, idx))
- return lua_tonumber(L, idx) > 0;
+ if (lua_isinteger(L, idx))
+ return lua_tointeger(L, idx) > 0;
return lua_toboolean(L, idx) > 0;
diff --git a/plugins/MirLua/src/variables_loader.cpp b/plugins/MirLua/src/variables_loader.cpp
index 4fdd5975b2..b6a71d5f9f 100644
--- a/plugins/MirLua/src/variables_loader.cpp
+++ b/plugins/MirLua/src/variables_loader.cpp
@@ -6,13 +6,66 @@ CMLuaVariablesLoader::CMLuaVariablesLoader(lua_State *L) : L(L)
-static int mlua__add(lua_State *L)
+static int mlua__and(lua_State *L)
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs < 1)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
int res = 0;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
+ bool res = luaM_toboolean(L, i);
+ if (res == false) {
+ lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
+ return 1;
+static int mlua__equal(lua_State *L)
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 2)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = atoi(luaL_checkstring(L, 1));
+ int y = atoi(luaL_checkstring(L, 2));
+ lua_pushboolean(L, x == y);
+ return 1;
+static int mlua__if(lua_State *L)
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 3)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = luaM_toboolean(L, 1);
+ const char *res = x
+ ? luaL_checkstring(L, 2)
+ : luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, res);
+ return 1;
+static int mlua__add(lua_State *L)
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs < 1)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int res = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= nargs; i++)
- res += luaL_optinteger(L, i, 0);
+ res += luaL_checkinteger(L, i);
lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", res);
@@ -21,8 +74,12 @@ static int mlua__add(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__div(lua_State *L)
- int x = luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 0);
- int y = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 2)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+ int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", x - y);
@@ -31,8 +88,12 @@ static int mlua__div(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__hex(lua_State *L)
- int x = luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 0);
- int pad = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 2)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+ int pad = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
CMStringA format(FORMAT, "0x%%0%dx", pad);
CMStringA value(FORMAT, format, x);
@@ -43,9 +104,11 @@ static int mlua__hex(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__max(lua_State *L)
- int res = 0;
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs < 1)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int res = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
int val = luaL_optinteger(L, i, INT_MIN);
if (val > res)
@@ -59,9 +122,12 @@ static int mlua__max(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__min(lua_State *L)
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs < 1)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
int res = 0;
- int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
for (int i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
int val = luaL_optinteger(L, i, INT_MAX);
if (val < res)
@@ -75,8 +141,12 @@ static int mlua__min(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__mod(lua_State *L)
- int x = luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 0);
- int y = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 2)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+ int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", x % y);
@@ -85,8 +155,12 @@ static int mlua__mod(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__mul(lua_State *L)
- int x = luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 0);
- int y = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 2)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+ int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", x * y);
@@ -95,9 +169,13 @@ static int mlua__mul(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__muldiv(lua_State *L)
- int x = luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 0);
- int y = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
- int z = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, 0);
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 3)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+ int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
+ int z = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
lua_pushfstring(L, "%d", (x * y) / z);
@@ -106,8 +184,12 @@ static int mlua__muldiv(lua_State *L)
static int mlua__num(lua_State *L)
- int x = luaL_optinteger(L, 1, 0);
- int pad = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
+ int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
+ if (nargs != 2)
+ luaL_error(L, "bad count of arguments");
+ int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+ int pad = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
CMStringA format(FORMAT, "%%0%dx", pad);
CMStringA value(FORMAT, format, x);
@@ -123,14 +205,43 @@ static int mlua__rand(lua_State *L)
return 1;
+static luaL_Reg varsApi[] =
+ // logic
+ { "_vand", mlua__and },
+ { "_vequal", mlua__equal },
+ { "_vif", mlua__if },
+ // math
+ { "_vadd", mlua__add },
+ { "_vdiv", mlua__div },
+ { "_vhex", mlua__hex },
+ { "_vmax", mlua__max },
+ { "_vmin", mlua__min },
+ { "_vmod", mlua__mod },
+ { "_vmul", mlua__mul },
+ { "_vmuldiv", mlua__muldiv },
+ { "_vnum", mlua__num },
+ { "_vrand", mlua__rand }
static wchar_t* translate(lua_State *L, const wchar_t *format, const wchar_t* /*extra*/, MCONTACT /*hContact*/ = NULL)
- std::wregex regex(L"\\?([a-z_0-9]+)\\(");
- std::wstring query = std::regex_replace(format, regex, L"_v$1(");
+ // this should quote string params but is not work yet
+ std::wregex regex(L"(?<=\\(|,)`?([^0-9][a-z_0-9 ]+)`?(?=,|\\))");
+ std::wstring query = std::regex_replace(format, regex, L"'$1'");
+ regex = L"\\?([a-z_0-9]+)\\(";
+ query = std::regex_replace(query, regex, L"_v$1(");
query.insert(0, L"return ");
+ wchar_t *result = nullptr;
CMLuaEnvironment env(L);
- wchar_t *result = env.Eval(query.c_str());
+ if (env.Eval(query.c_str()) == LUA_OK)
+ result = mir_utf8decodeW(lua_tostring(L, -1));
+ else
+ result = mir_wstrdup(format);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
return result;
@@ -150,7 +261,7 @@ static int mlua_vars(lua_State *L)
-INT_PTR FormatString(void *obj, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
+static INT_PTR FormatString(void *obj, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
lua_State *L = (lua_State*)obj;
@@ -169,6 +280,22 @@ INT_PTR FormatString(void *obj, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM)
return (INT_PTR)result.detach();
+static int CompareTokens(const TOKENREGISTER *p1, const TOKENREGISTER *p2)
+ return mir_wstrcmpi(p1->szTokenString.w, p2->szTokenString.w);
+LIST<TOKENREGISTER> tokens(10, CompareTokens);
+static INT_PTR RegisterToken(void *obj, WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
+ lua_State *L = (lua_State*)obj;
+ if (tr == nullptr || tr->szTokenString.w == nullptr || tr->cbSize <= 0)
+ return -1;
void CMLuaVariablesLoader::LoadVariables()
@@ -176,22 +303,15 @@ void CMLuaVariablesLoader::LoadVariables()
if (ServiceExists(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING))
- // CreateServiceFunctionObj(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING, FormatString, L);
+ //CreateServiceFunctionObj(MS_VARS_FORMATSTRING, FormatString, L);
+ //CreateServiceFunctionObj(MS_VARS_REGISTERTOKEN, RegisterToken, L);
Log("Loading variables functions");
lua_register(L, "vars", mlua_vars);
- // math
- lua_register(L, "_vadd", mlua__add);
- lua_register(L, "_vdiv", mlua__div);
- lua_register(L, "_vhex", mlua__hex);
- lua_register(L, "_vmax", mlua__max);
- lua_register(L, "_vmin", mlua__min);
- lua_register(L, "_vmod", mlua__mod);
- lua_register(L, "_vmul", mlua__mul);
- lua_register(L, "_vmuldiv", mlua__muldiv);
- lua_register(L, "_vnum", mlua__num);
- lua_register(L, "_vrand", mlua__rand);
+ lua_pushglobaltable(L);
+ luaL_setfuncs(L, varsApi, 0);
void CMLuaVariablesLoader::Load(lua_State *L)