path: root/protocols/IcqOscarJ/src/icq_proto.cpp
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-12 14:53:57 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2012-10-12 14:53:57 +0000
commit3b55a62fdcb1f8222de3c2c8fbed530792c419a0 (patch)
tree5b2f628e847f61bb3e16f95ecaed6e187963362f /protocols/IcqOscarJ/src/icq_proto.cpp
parent1f9c986d82657f965462d289bf94aa012cf026fc (diff)
GTalkExt, ICQ, IRC, Jabber: folders restructurization
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/IcqOscarJ/src/icq_proto.cpp')
1 files changed, 2375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/IcqOscarJ/src/icq_proto.cpp b/protocols/IcqOscarJ/src/icq_proto.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1490fac2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/IcqOscarJ/src/icq_proto.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2375 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------80
+// ICQ plugin for Miranda Instant Messenger
+// ________________________________________
+// Copyright © 2000-2001 Richard Hughes, Roland Rabien, Tristan Van de Vreede
+// Copyright © 2001-2002 Jon Keating, Richard Hughes
+// Copyright © 2002-2004 Martin Öberg, Sam Kothari, Robert Rainwater
+// Copyright © 2004-2010 Joe Kucera, George Hazan
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Protocol Interface Implementation
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "icqoscar.h"
+#include "m_icolib.h"
+extern PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo;
+extern HANDLE hExtraXStatus;
+#pragma warning(disable:4355)
+static int CompareConns(const directconnect* p1, const directconnect* p2)
+ if (p1 < p2)
+ return -1;
+ return (p1 == p2) ? 0 : 1;
+static int CompareCookies( const icq_cookie_info* p1, const icq_cookie_info* p2 )
+ if ( p1->dwCookie < p2->dwCookie )
+ return -1;
+ return ( p1->dwCookie == p2->dwCookie ) ? 0 : 1;
+static int CompareFT( const filetransfer* p1, const filetransfer* p2 )
+ if ( p1->dwCookie < p2->dwCookie )
+ return -1;
+ return ( p1->dwCookie == p2->dwCookie ) ? 0 : 1;
+static int CompareContactsCache(const icq_contacts_cache *p1, const icq_contacts_cache *p2)
+ if (p1->dwUin < p2->dwUin)
+ return -1;
+ if (p1->dwUin > p2->dwUin)
+ return 1;
+ return stricmpnull(p1->szUid, p2->szUid);
+CIcqProto::CIcqProto( const char* aProtoName, const TCHAR* aUserName ) :
+cookies(10, CompareCookies),
+directConns(10, CompareConns),
+expectedFileRecvs(10, CompareFT),
+contactsCache(10, CompareContactsCache),
+cheekySearchId( -1 )
+ m_iVersion = 2;
+ m_iStatus = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE;
+ m_tszUserName = mir_tstrdup( aUserName );
+ m_szModuleName = mir_strdup( aProtoName );
+ m_szProtoName = mir_strdup( aProtoName );
+ _strlwr( m_szProtoName );
+ m_szProtoName[0] = toupper( m_szProtoName[0] );
+ NetLog_Server( "Setting protocol/module name to '%s/%s'", m_szProtoName, m_szModuleName );
+ oftMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ // Initialize direct connections
+ directConnListMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ expectedFileRecvMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ // Initialize server lists
+ servlistMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ servlistQueueMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ HookProtoEvent(ME_CLIST_GROUPCHANGE, &CIcqProto::ServListCListGroupChange);
+ // Initialize status message struct
+ ZeroMemory(&m_modeMsgs, sizeof(icq_mode_messages));
+ m_modeMsgsMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ connectionHandleMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ localSeqMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ m_modeMsgsEvent = CreateProtoEvent(ME_ICQ_STATUSMSGREQ);
+ hxstatuschanged = CreateProtoEvent(ME_ICQ_CUSTOMSTATUS_CHANGED);
+ hxstatusiconchanged = CreateProtoEvent(ME_ICQ_CUSTOMSTATUS_EXTRAICON_CHANGED);
+ // Initialize cookies
+ cookieMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ wCookieSeq = 2;
+ // Initialize rates
+ m_ratesMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ // Initialize avatars
+ m_avatarsMutex = new icq_critical_section();
+ // Initialize temporary DB settings
+ CreateResidentSetting("Status"); // NOTE: XStatus cannot be temporary
+ CreateResidentSetting("TemporaryVisible");
+ CreateResidentSetting("TickTS");
+ CreateResidentSetting("IdleTS");
+ CreateResidentSetting("AwayTS");
+ CreateResidentSetting("LogonTS");
+ CreateResidentSetting("DCStatus");
+ CreateResidentSetting("CapBuf"); //capabilities bufer
+ CreateResidentSetting(DBSETTING_STATUS_NOTE_TIME);
+ CreateResidentSetting(DBSETTING_STATUS_MOOD);
+ // Setup services
+ CreateProtoService(PS_CREATEACCMGRUI, &CIcqProto::OnCreateAccMgrUI );
+ CreateProtoService(MS_ICQ_SENDSMS, &CIcqProto::SendSms);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_SET_NICKNAME, &CIcqProto::SetNickName);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_GETMYAWAYMSG, &CIcqProto::GetMyAwayMsg);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_GETINFOSETTING, &CIcqProto::GetInfoSetting);
+ CreateProtoService(PSS_ADDED, &CIcqProto::SendYouWereAdded);
+ // Session password API
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_SETPASSWORD, &CIcqProto::SetPassword);
+ // ChangeInfo API
+ CreateProtoService(PS_CHANGEINFOEX, &CIcqProto::ChangeInfoEx);
+ // Avatar API
+ CreateProtoService(PS_GETAVATARINFOT, &CIcqProto::GetAvatarInfo);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_GETAVATARCAPS, &CIcqProto::GetAvatarCaps);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_GETMYAVATART, &CIcqProto::GetMyAvatar);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_SETMYAVATART, &CIcqProto::SetMyAvatar);
+ // Custom Status API
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_SETCUSTOMSTATUS, &CIcqProto::SetXStatus);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_GETCUSTOMSTATUS, &CIcqProto::GetXStatus);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_SETCUSTOMSTATUSEX, &CIcqProto::SetXStatusEx);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_GETCUSTOMSTATUSEX, &CIcqProto::GetXStatusEx);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_GETCUSTOMSTATUSICON, &CIcqProto::GetXStatusIcon);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_REQUESTCUSTOMSTATUS, &CIcqProto::RequestXStatusDetails);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_GETADVANCEDSTATUSICON, &CIcqProto::RequestAdvStatusIconIdx);
+ CreateProtoService(MS_ICQ_ADDSERVCONTACT, &CIcqProto::AddServerContact);
+ CreateProtoService(MS_REQ_AUTH, &CIcqProto::RequestAuthorization);
+ CreateProtoService(MS_GRANT_AUTH, &CIcqProto::GrantAuthorization);
+ CreateProtoService(MS_REVOKE_AUTH, &CIcqProto::RevokeAuthorization);
+ CreateProtoService(MS_XSTATUS_SHOWDETAILS, &CIcqProto::ShowXStatusDetails);
+ // Custom caps
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_ADDCAPABILITY, &CIcqProto::IcqAddCapability);
+ CreateProtoService(PS_ICQ_CHECKCAPABILITY, &CIcqProto::IcqCheckCapability);
+ HookProtoEvent(ME_SKIN2_ICONSCHANGED, &CIcqProto::OnReloadIcons);
+ {
+ // Initialize IconLib icons
+ char szSectionName[MAX_PATH], *szAccountName = tchar_to_utf8(m_tszUserName);
+ null_snprintf(szSectionName, sizeof(szSectionName), "Protocols/%s/Accounts", ICQ_PROTOCOL_NAME);
+ GetModuleFileName(hInst, lib, MAX_PATH);
+ m_hIconProtocol = IconLibDefine(szAccountName, szSectionName, m_szModuleName, "main", lib, -IDI_ICQ);
+ SAFE_FREE(&szAccountName);
+ }
+ // Reset a bunch of session specific settings
+ UpdateGlobalSettings();
+ ResetSettingsOnLoad();
+ // Initialize Contacts Cache
+ InitContactsCache();
+ // Startup Auto Info-Update thread
+ icq_InitInfoUpdate();
+ // Init extra statuses
+ InitXStatusIcons();
+ HookProtoEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDSTATUSMENU, &CIcqProto::OnPreBuildStatusMenu);
+ // Register netlib users
+ NETLIBUSER nlu = {0};
+ TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH + 64];
+ null_snprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s server connection"), m_tszUserName);
+ nlu.cbSize = sizeof(nlu);
+ nlu.ptszDescriptiveName = szBuffer;
+ nlu.szSettingsModule = m_szModuleName;
+ nlu.szHttpGatewayHello = "";
+ nlu.szHttpGatewayUserAgent = "Mozilla/4.08 [en] (WinNT; U ;Nav)";
+ nlu.pfnHttpGatewayInit = icq_httpGatewayInit;
+ nlu.pfnHttpGatewayBegin = icq_httpGatewayBegin;
+ nlu.pfnHttpGatewayWrapSend = icq_httpGatewayWrapSend;
+ nlu.pfnHttpGatewayUnwrapRecv = icq_httpGatewayUnwrapRecv;
+ m_hServerNetlibUser = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_NETLIB_REGISTERUSER, 0, (LPARAM)&nlu);
+ char szP2PModuleName[MAX_PATH];
+ null_snprintf(szP2PModuleName, SIZEOF(szP2PModuleName), "%sP2P", m_szModuleName);
+ null_snprintf(szBuffer, SIZEOF(szBuffer), TranslateT("%s client-to-client connections"), m_tszUserName);
+ nlu.ptszDescriptiveName = szBuffer;
+ nlu.szSettingsModule = szP2PModuleName;
+ nlu.minIncomingPorts = 1;
+ m_hDirectNetlibUser = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_NETLIB_REGISTERUSER, 0, (LPARAM)&nlu);
+ // Register custom database events
+ DBEVENTTYPEDESCR eventType = {0};
+ eventType.module = m_szModuleName;
+ eventType.descr = "Missed message notifications";
+ eventType.flags = DETF_HISTORY | DETF_MSGWINDOW;
+ // for now keep default "message" icon
+ CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_REGISTERTYPE, 0, (LPARAM)&eventType);
+ // Protocol instance is ready
+ NetLog_Server("%s: Protocol instance '%s' created.", ICQ_PROTOCOL_NAME, m_szModuleName);
+ m_bXStatusEnabled = 10; // block clist changing
+ m_bMoodsEnabled = 10;
+ // Serv-list update board clean-up
+ FlushServerIDs();
+ /// TODO: make sure server-list handler thread is not running
+ /// TODO: save state of server-list update board to DB
+ servlistPendingFlushOperations();
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&servlistQueueList);
+ // Finalize avatars
+ /// TODO: cleanup remaining avatar requests
+ SAFE_DELETE(&m_avatarsMutex);
+ // NetLib clean-up
+ NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&m_hDirectNetlibUser);
+ NetLib_SafeCloseHandle(&m_hServerNetlibUser);
+ // Destroy hookable events
+ if (m_modeMsgsEvent)
+ DestroyHookableEvent(m_modeMsgsEvent);
+ if (hxstatuschanged)
+ DestroyHookableEvent(hxstatuschanged);
+ if (hxstatusiconchanged)
+ DestroyHookableEvent(hxstatusiconchanged);
+ // Clean-up remaining protocol instance members
+ cookies.destroy();
+ UninitContactsCache();
+ CustomCapList.clear();
+ SAFE_DELETE(&m_ratesMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&servlistMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&servlistQueueMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&m_modeMsgsMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&localSeqMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&connectionHandleMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&oftMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&directConnListMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&expectedFileRecvMutex);
+ SAFE_DELETE(&cookieMutex);
+ SAFE_FREE(&m_modeMsgs.szOnline);
+ SAFE_FREE(&m_modeMsgs.szAway);
+ SAFE_FREE(&m_modeMsgs.szNa);
+ SAFE_FREE(&m_modeMsgs.szOccupied);
+ SAFE_FREE(&m_modeMsgs.szDnd);
+ SAFE_FREE(&m_modeMsgs.szFfc);
+ // Remove account icons
+ UninitXStatusIcons();
+ IconLibRemove(&m_hIconProtocol);
+ NetLog_Server("%s: Protocol instance '%s' destroyed.", ICQ_PROTOCOL_NAME, m_szModuleName);
+ mir_free( m_szProtoName );
+ mir_free( m_szModuleName );
+ mir_free( m_tszUserName );
+// OnModulesLoadedEx - performs hook registration
+int CIcqProto::OnModulesLoaded( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
+ char pszP2PName[MAX_PATH];
+ char pszGroupsName[MAX_PATH];
+ char pszSrvGroupsName[MAX_PATH];
+ char* modules[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
+ null_snprintf(pszP2PName, SIZEOF(pszP2PName), "%sP2P", m_szModuleName);
+ null_snprintf(pszGroupsName, SIZEOF(pszGroupsName), "%sGroups", m_szModuleName);
+ null_snprintf(pszSrvGroupsName, SIZEOF(pszSrvGroupsName), "%sSrvGroups", m_szModuleName);
+ modules[0] = m_szModuleName;
+ modules[1] = pszP2PName;
+ modules[2] = pszGroupsName;
+ modules[3] = pszSrvGroupsName;
+ CallService("DBEditorpp/RegisterModule",(WPARAM)modules,(LPARAM)4);
+ HookProtoEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, &CIcqProto::OnOptionsInit);
+ HookProtoEvent(ME_USERINFO_INITIALISE, &CIcqProto::OnUserInfoInit);
+ HookProtoEvent(ME_IDLE_CHANGED, &CIcqProto::OnIdleChanged);
+ InitAvatars();
+ // Init extra optional modules
+ InitPopUps();
+ InitXStatusItems(FALSE);
+ if (hExtraXStatus == NULL)
+ {
+ if (HookProtoEvent(ME_CLIST_EXTRA_LIST_REBUILD, &CIcqProto::CListMW_ExtraIconsRebuild))
+ { // note if the Hook was successful (e.g. clist_nicer creates them too late)
+ HookProtoEvent(ME_CLIST_EXTRA_IMAGE_APPLY, &CIcqProto::CListMW_ExtraIconsApply);
+ bXStatusExtraIconsReady = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HANDLE hContact = FindFirstContact();
+ while (hContact != NULL)
+ {
+ DWORD bXStatus = getContactXStatus(hContact);
+ if (bXStatus > 0)
+ setContactExtraIcon(hContact, bXStatus);
+ hContact = FindNextContact(hContact);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int CIcqProto::OnPreShutdown(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam)
+ // signal info update thread to stop
+ icq_InfoUpdateCleanup();
+ // Make sure all connections are closed
+ CloseContactDirectConns(NULL);
+ return 0;
+// PS_AddToList - adds a contact to the contact list
+HANDLE CIcqProto::AddToList( int flags, PROTOSEARCHRESULT* psr )
+ if (psr)
+ {
+ if (psr->cbSize == sizeof(ICQSEARCHRESULT))
+ {
+ if (isr->uin)
+ return AddToListByUIN(isr->uin, flags);
+ else
+ { // aim contact
+ char szUid[MAX_PATH];
+ if (isr->hdr.flags & PSR_UNICODE)
+ unicode_to_ansi_static((WCHAR*)isr->, szUid, MAX_PATH);
+ else
+ null_strcpy(szUid, (char*)isr->, MAX_PATH);
+ if (szUid[0] == 0) return 0;
+ return AddToListByUID(szUid, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char szUid[MAX_PATH];
+ if (psr->flags & PSR_UNICODE)
+ unicode_to_ansi_static((WCHAR*)psr->id, szUid, MAX_PATH);
+ else
+ null_strcpy(szUid, (char*)psr->id, MAX_PATH);
+ if (szUid[0] == 0) return 0;
+ if (IsStringUIN(szUid))
+ return AddToListByUIN(atoi(szUid), flags);
+ else
+ return AddToListByUID(szUid, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::AddToListByEvent( int flags, int iContact, HANDLE hDbEvent )
+ DWORD uin = 0;
+ uid_str uid = {0};
+ DBEVENTINFO dbei = {0};
+ dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei);
+ if ((dbei.cbBlob = CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GETBLOBSIZE, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, 0)) == -1)
+ return 0;
+ dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)_alloca(dbei.cbBlob + 1);
+ dbei.pBlob[dbei.cbBlob] = '\0';
+ if (CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_GET, (WPARAM)hDbEvent, (LPARAM)&dbei))
+ return 0; // failed to get event
+ if (strcmpnull(dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName))
+ return 0; // this event is not ours
+ switch(dbei.eventType) {
+ {
+ char *pbOffset = (char*)dbei.pBlob;
+ char *pbEnd = pbOffset + dbei.cbBlob;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= iContact; i++) {
+ pbOffset += strlennull(pbOffset) + 1; // Nick
+ if (pbOffset >= pbEnd) break;
+ if (i == iContact)
+ { // we found the contact, get uid
+ if (IsStringUIN((char*)pbOffset))
+ uin = atoi((char*)pbOffset);
+ else
+ {
+ uin = 0;
+ strcpy(uid, (char*)pbOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ pbOffset += strlennull(pbOffset) + 1; // Uin
+ if (pbOffset >= pbEnd) break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if ( getContactUid( DbGetAuthEventContact(&dbei), &uin, &uid))
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (uin != 0)
+ return AddToListByUIN(uin, flags); // Success
+ // add aim contact
+ if (strlennull(uid))
+ return AddToListByUID(uid, flags); // Success
+ return NULL; // Failure
+// PS_AuthAllow - processes the successful authorization
+int CIcqProto::Authorize( HANDLE hDbEvent )
+ if (icqOnline() && hDbEvent)
+ {
+ HANDLE hContact = HContactFromAuthEvent( hDbEvent );
+ if (hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ return 1;
+ DWORD uin;
+ uid_str uid;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &uin, &uid))
+ return 1;
+ icq_sendAuthResponseServ(uin, uid, 1, _T(""));
+ deleteSetting(hContact, "Grant");
+ return 0; // Success
+ }
+ return 1; // Failure
+// PS_AuthDeny - handles the unsuccessful authorization
+int CIcqProto::AuthDeny( HANDLE hDbEvent, const TCHAR* szReason )
+ if (icqOnline() && hDbEvent)
+ {
+ HANDLE hContact = HContactFromAuthEvent(hDbEvent);
+ if (hContact == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ return 1;
+ DWORD uin;
+ uid_str uid;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &uin, &uid))
+ return 1;
+ icq_sendAuthResponseServ(uin, uid, 0, szReason);
+ if (DBGetContactSettingByte(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0))
+ CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0);
+ return 0; // Success
+ }
+ return 1; // Failure
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::AuthRecv( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* pre )
+ setContactHidden( hContact, 0 );
+ ICQAddRecvEvent( NULL, EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST, pre, pre->lParam, (PBYTE)pre->szMessage, 0 );
+ return 0;
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::AuthRequest( HANDLE hContact, const TCHAR* szMessage )
+ if ( !icqOnline())
+ return 1;
+ if (hContact)
+ {
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUid;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid))
+ return 1; // Invalid contact
+ if (dwUin)
+ {
+ char *utf = tchar_to_utf8(szMessage);
+ icq_sendAuthReqServ(dwUin, szUid, utf);
+ SAFE_FREE(&utf);
+ return 0; // Success
+ }
+ }
+ return 1; // Failure
+// ChangeInfo
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::ChangeInfo( int iInfoType, void* pInfoData )
+ return NULL;
+// PS_FileAllow - starts a file transfer
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::FileAllow( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR* szPath )
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUid;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid))
+ return 0; // Invalid contact
+ if (icqOnline() && hContact && szPath && hTransfer)
+ { // approve old fashioned file transfer
+ basic_filetransfer *ft = (basic_filetransfer *)hTransfer;
+ if (!IsValidFileTransfer(ft))
+ return 0; // Invalid transfer
+ if (dwUin && ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_ICQ)
+ {
+ filetransfer *ft = (filetransfer *)hTransfer;
+ ft->szSavePath = tchar_to_utf8(szPath);
+ {
+ icq_lock l(expectedFileRecvMutex);
+ expectedFileRecvs.insert(ft);
+ }
+ // Was request received thru DC and have we a open DC, send through that
+ if (ft->bDC && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ icq_sendFileAcceptDirect(hContact, ft);
+ else
+ icq_sendFileAcceptServ(dwUin, ft, 0);
+ return hTransfer; // Success
+ }
+ else if (ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_OSCAR)
+ { // approve oscar file transfer
+ return oftFileAllow(hContact, hTransfer, szPath);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+// PS_FileCancel - cancels a file transfer
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::FileCancel( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer )
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUid;
+ if ( getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid))
+ return 1; // Invalid contact
+ if (hContact && hTransfer)
+ {
+ basic_filetransfer *ft = (basic_filetransfer *)hTransfer;
+ if (!IsValidFileTransfer(ft))
+ return 1; // Invalid transfer
+ if (dwUin && ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_ICQ)
+ { // cancel old fashioned file transfer
+ filetransfer * ft = (filetransfer*)hTransfer;
+ icq_CancelFileTransfer(hContact, ft);
+ return 0; // Success
+ }
+ else if (ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_OSCAR)
+ { // cancel oscar file transfer
+ return oftFileCancel(hContact, hTransfer);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1; // Failure
+// PS_FileDeny - denies a file transfer
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::FileDeny( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hTransfer, const TCHAR* szReason )
+ int nReturnValue = 1;
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUid;
+ basic_filetransfer *ft = (basic_filetransfer*)hTransfer;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid))
+ return 1; // Invalid contact
+ if (icqOnline() && hTransfer && hContact)
+ {
+ if (!IsValidFileTransfer(hTransfer))
+ return 1; // Invalid transfer
+ if (dwUin && ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_ICQ)
+ { // deny old fashioned file transfer
+ filetransfer *ft = (filetransfer*)hTransfer;
+ char *szReasonUtf = tchar_to_utf8(szReason);
+ // Was request received thru DC and have we a open DC, send through that
+ if (ft->bDC && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ icq_sendFileDenyDirect(hContact, ft, szReasonUtf);
+ else
+ icq_sendFileDenyServ(dwUin, ft, szReasonUtf, 0);
+ SAFE_FREE(&szReasonUtf);
+ nReturnValue = 0; // Success
+ }
+ else if (ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_OSCAR)
+ { // deny oscar file transfer
+ return oftFileDeny(hContact, hTransfer, szReason);
+ }
+ }
+ // Release possible orphan structure
+ SafeReleaseFileTransfer((void**)&ft);
+ return nReturnValue;
+// PS_FileResume - processes file renaming etc
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::FileResume( HANDLE hTransfer, int* action, const TCHAR** szFilename )
+ if (icqOnline() && hTransfer)
+ {
+ basic_filetransfer *ft = (basic_filetransfer *)hTransfer;
+ if (!IsValidFileTransfer(ft))
+ return 1; // Invalid transfer
+ if (ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_ICQ)
+ {
+ char *szFileNameUtf = tchar_to_utf8(*szFilename);
+ icq_sendFileResume((filetransfer *)hTransfer, *action, szFileNameUtf);
+ SAFE_FREE(&szFileNameUtf);
+ }
+ else if (ft->ft_magic == FT_MAGIC_OSCAR)
+ {
+ oftFileResume((oscar_filetransfer *)hTransfer, *action, *szFilename);
+ }
+ else
+ return 1; // Failure
+ return 0; // Success
+ }
+ return 1; // Failure
+// GetCaps - return protocol capabilities bits
+DWORD_PTR __cdecl CIcqProto::GetCaps( int type, HANDLE hContact )
+ DWORD_PTR nReturn = 0;
+ switch ( type ) {
+ case PFLAGNUM_1:
+ if (!m_bAimEnabled)
+ if (m_bSsiEnabled && getSettingByte(NULL, "ServerAddRemove", DEFAULT_SS_ADDSERVER))
+ nReturn |= PF1_SERVERCLIST;
+ break;
+ case PFLAGNUM_2:
+ if (m_bAimEnabled)
+ nReturn |= PF2_ONTHEPHONE;
+ break;
+ case PFLAGNUM_3:
+ break;
+ case PFLAGNUM_4:
+ if (m_bAvatarsEnabled)
+ nReturn |= PF4_AVATARS;
+#ifdef DBG_CAPMTN
+ break;
+ case PFLAGNUM_5:
+ nReturn = PF2_FREECHAT;
+ if (m_bAimEnabled)
+ nReturn |= PF2_ONTHEPHONE;
+ break;
+ nReturn = (DWORD_PTR)Translate("User ID");
+ break;
+ break;
+ if ( hContact )
+ { // determine per contact
+ BYTE bClientId = getSettingByte(hContact, "ClientID", CLID_GENERIC);
+ if (bClientId == CLID_MIRANDA)
+ {
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_CONTACTS) && getContactStatus(hContact) != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
+ nReturn = 0x100; // limited only by packet size
+ else
+ }
+ else if (bClientId == CLID_ICQ6)
+ {
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_CONTACTS))
+ nReturn = 1; // crapy ICQ6 cannot handle multiple contacts in the transfer
+ else
+ nReturn = 0; // this version does not support contacts transfer at all
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ else // return generic limit
+ break;
+ }
+ return nReturn;
+// GetIcon - loads an icon for the contact list
+HICON __cdecl CIcqProto::GetIcon( int iconIndex )
+ if (LOWORD(iconIndex) == PLI_PROTOCOL)
+ {
+ if (iconIndex & PLIF_ICOLIBHANDLE)
+ return (HICON)m_hIconProtocol->Handle();
+ bool big = (iconIndex & PLIF_SMALL) == 0;
+ HICON hIcon = m_hIconProtocol->GetIcon(big);
+ if (iconIndex & PLIF_ICOLIB)
+ return hIcon;
+ hIcon = CopyIcon(hIcon);
+ m_hIconProtocol->ReleaseIcon(big);
+ return hIcon;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// GetInfo - retrieves a contact info
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::GetInfo(HANDLE hContact, int infoType)
+ if (icqOnline())
+ {
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUid;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid))
+ return 1; // Invalid contact
+ DWORD dwCookie;
+ if (dwUin)
+ dwCookie = icq_sendGetInfoServ(hContact, dwUin, (infoType & SGIF_ONOPEN) != 0);
+ else // TODO: this needs something better
+ dwCookie = icq_sendGetAimProfileServ(hContact, szUid);
+ return (dwCookie) ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ return 1; // Failure
+// SearchBasic - searches the contact by UID
+void CIcqProto::CheekySearchThread( void* )
+ char szUin[UINMAXLEN];
+ isr.hdr.cbSize = sizeof(isr);
+ if (cheekySearchUin)
+ {
+ _itoa(cheekySearchUin, szUin, 10);
+ = (FNAMECHAR*)szUin;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ = (FNAMECHAR*)cheekySearchUid;
+ }
+ isr.uin = cheekySearchUin;
+ cheekySearchId = -1;
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::SearchBasic( const PROTOCHAR *pszSearch )
+ if (strlennull(pszSearch) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ char pszUIN[255];
+ int nHandle = 0;
+ int i, j;
+ if (!m_bAimEnabled)
+ {
+ for (i=j=0; (i<strlennull(pszSearch)) && (j<255); i++)
+ { // we take only numbers
+ if ((pszSearch[i]>=0x30) && (pszSearch[i]<=0x39))
+ {
+ pszUIN[j] = pszSearch[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=j=0; (i<strlennull(pszSearch)) && (j<255); i++)
+ { // we remove spaces and slashes
+ if ((pszSearch[i]!=0x20) && (pszSearch[i]!='-'))
+ {
+ if (pszSearch[i] >= 0x80) continue;
+ pszUIN[j] = pszSearch[i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pszUIN[j] = 0;
+ if (strlennull(pszUIN))
+ {
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ if (IsStringUIN(pszUIN))
+ dwUin = atoi(pszUIN);
+ else
+ dwUin = 0;
+ // Cheeky instant UIN search
+ if (!dwUin || GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&0x8000)
+ {
+ cheekySearchId = GenerateCookie(0);
+ cheekySearchUin = dwUin;
+ cheekySearchUid = null_strdup(pszUIN);
+ ForkThread(&CIcqProto::CheekySearchThread, 0); // The caller needs to get this return value before the results
+ nHandle = cheekySearchId;
+ }
+ else if (icqOnline())
+ {
+ nHandle = SearchByUin(dwUin);
+ }
+ // Success
+ return (HANDLE)nHandle;
+ }
+ // Failure
+ return 0;
+// SearchByEmail - searches the contact by its e-mail
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::SearchByEmail( const PROTOCHAR *email )
+ if (email && icqOnline() && strlennull(email) > 0)
+ {
+ DWORD dwSearchId, dwSecId;
+ char *szEmail = tchar_to_ansi(email);
+ // Success
+ dwSearchId = SearchByMail(szEmail);
+ if (m_bAimEnabled)
+ dwSecId = icq_searchAimByEmail(szEmail, dwSearchId);
+ else
+ dwSecId = 0;
+ SAFE_FREE(&szEmail);
+ if (dwSearchId)
+ return ( HANDLE )dwSearchId;
+ else
+ return ( HANDLE )dwSecId;
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+// PS_SearchByName - searches the contact by its first or last name, or by a nickname
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::SearchByName(const PROTOCHAR *nick, const PROTOCHAR *firstName, const PROTOCHAR *lastName)
+ if (icqOnline())
+ {
+ if (nick || firstName || lastName)
+ {
+ char *nickUtf = tchar_to_utf8(nick);
+ char *firstNameUtf = tchar_to_utf8(firstName);
+ char *lastNameUtf = tchar_to_utf8(lastName);
+ // Success
+ HANDLE dwCookie = (HANDLE)SearchByNames(nickUtf, firstNameUtf, lastNameUtf, 0);
+ SAFE_FREE(&nickUtf);
+ SAFE_FREE(&firstNameUtf);
+ SAFE_FREE(&lastNameUtf);
+ return dwCookie;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+HWND __cdecl CIcqProto::CreateExtendedSearchUI( HWND parent )
+ if (parent && hInst)
+ return CreateDialog(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ICQADVANCEDSEARCH), parent, AdvancedSearchDlgProc);
+ return NULL; // Failure
+HWND __cdecl CIcqProto::SearchAdvanced( HWND hwndDlg )
+ if (icqOnline() && IsWindow(hwndDlg))
+ {
+ int nDataLen;
+ BYTE* bySearchData;
+ if (bySearchData = createAdvancedSearchStructure(hwndDlg, &nDataLen))
+ {
+ int result = icq_sendAdvancedSearchServ(bySearchData, nDataLen);
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&bySearchData);
+ return ( HWND )result; // Success
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL; // Failure
+// RecvContacts
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::RecvContacts( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* pre )
+ ICQSEARCHRESULT **isrList = (ICQSEARCHRESULT**)pre->szMessage;
+ int i;
+ DWORD cbBlob = 0;
+ DWORD flags = 0;
+ if (pre->flags & PREF_UTF || pre->flags & PREF_UNICODE)
+ flags |= DBEF_UTF;
+ for (i = 0; i < pre->lParam; i++)
+ {
+ if (pre->flags & PREF_UNICODE)
+ cbBlob += get_utf8_size((WCHAR*)isrList[i]->hdr.nick) + 2;
+ else
+ cbBlob += strlennull((char*)isrList[i]->hdr.nick) + 2; // both trailing zeros
+ if (isrList[i]->uin)
+ cbBlob += getUINLen(isrList[i]->uin);
+ else if (pre->flags & PREF_UNICODE)
+ cbBlob += strlennull((WCHAR*)isrList[i]->;
+ else
+ cbBlob += strlennull((char*)isrList[i]->;
+ }
+ PBYTE pBlob = (PBYTE)_alloca(cbBlob), pCurBlob;
+ for (i = 0, pCurBlob = pBlob; i < pre->lParam; i++)
+ {
+ if (pre->flags & PREF_UNICODE)
+ make_utf8_string_static((WCHAR*)isrList[i]->hdr.nick, (char*)pCurBlob, cbBlob - (pCurBlob - pBlob));
+ else
+ strcpy((char*)pCurBlob, (char*)isrList[i]->hdr.nick);
+ pCurBlob += strlennull((char*)pCurBlob) + 1;
+ if (isrList[i]->uin)
+ {
+ char szUin[UINMAXLEN];
+ _itoa(isrList[i]->uin, szUin, 10);
+ strcpy((char*)pCurBlob, szUin);
+ }
+ else
+ { // aim contact
+ if (pre->flags & PREF_UNICODE)
+ unicode_to_ansi_static((WCHAR*)isrList[i]->, (char*)pCurBlob, cbBlob - (pCurBlob - pBlob));
+ else
+ strcpy((char*)pCurBlob, (char*)isrList[i]->;
+ }
+ pCurBlob += strlennull((char*)pCurBlob) + 1;
+ }
+ ICQAddRecvEvent(hContact, EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS, pre, cbBlob, pBlob, flags);
+ return 0;
+// RecvFile
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::RecvFile( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVFILET* evt )
+ return Proto_RecvFile(hContact, evt);
+// RecvMsg
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::RecvMsg( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* pre )
+ DWORD cbBlob;
+ DWORD flags = 0;
+ cbBlob = strlennull(pre->szMessage) + 1;
+ // process utf-8 encoded messages
+ if ((pre->flags & PREF_UTF) && !IsUSASCII(pre->szMessage, strlennull(pre->szMessage)))
+ flags |= DBEF_UTF;
+ // process unicode ucs-2 messages
+ if ((pre->flags & PREF_UNICODE) && !IsUnicodeAscii((WCHAR*)(pre->szMessage+cbBlob), strlennull((WCHAR*)(pre->szMessage+cbBlob))))
+ cbBlob *= (sizeof(WCHAR)+1);
+ ICQAddRecvEvent(hContact, EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE, pre, cbBlob, (PBYTE)pre->szMessage, flags);
+ // stop contact from typing - some clients do not sent stop notify
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_TYPING))
+ return 0;
+// RecvUrl
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::RecvUrl( HANDLE hContact, PROTORECVEVENT* )
+ return 1;
+// SendContacts
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::SendContacts( HANDLE hContact, int flags, int nContacts, HANDLE* hContactsList )
+ if (hContact && hContactsList)
+ {
+ int i;
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUid;
+ WORD wRecipientStatus;
+ DWORD dwCookie;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid))
+ { // Invalid contact
+ return ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "The receiver has an invalid user ID.");
+ }
+ wRecipientStatus = getContactStatus(hContact);
+ // Failures
+ if (!icqOnline())
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "You cannot send messages when you are offline.");
+ }
+ else if (!hContactsList || (nContacts < 1) || (nContacts > MAX_CONTACTSSEND))
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "Bad data (internal error #1)");
+ }
+ // OK
+ else
+ {
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_CONTACTS) && wRecipientStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
+ { // Use the new format if possible
+ int nDataLen, nNamesLen;
+ struct icq_contactsend_s* contacts = NULL;
+ // Format the data part and the names part
+ // This is kinda messy, but there is no simple way to do it. First
+ // we need to calculate the length of the packet.
+ contacts = (struct icq_contactsend_s*)_alloca(sizeof(struct icq_contactsend_s)*nContacts);
+ ZeroMemory(contacts, sizeof(struct icq_contactsend_s)*nContacts);
+ {
+ nDataLen = 0; nNamesLen = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nContacts; i++)
+ {
+ uid_str szContactUid;
+ if (!IsICQContact(hContactsList[i]))
+ break; // Abort if a non icq contact is found
+ if (getContactUid(hContactsList[i], &contacts[i].uin, &szContactUid))
+ break; // Abort if invalid contact
+ contacts[i].uid = contacts[i].uin?NULL:null_strdup(szContactUid);
+ contacts[i].szNick = NickFromHandleUtf(hContactsList[i]);
+ nDataLen += getUIDLen(contacts[i].uin, contacts[i].uid) + 4;
+ nNamesLen += strlennull(contacts[i].szNick) + 8;
+ }
+ if (i == nContacts)
+ {
+ icq_packet mData, mNames;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ NetLog_Server("Sending contacts to %s.", strUID(dwUin, szUid));
+ // Do not calculate the exact size of the data packet - only the maximal size (easier)
+ // Sumarize size of group information
+ // - we do not utilize the full power of the protocol and send all contacts with group "General"
+ // just like ICQ6 does
+ nDataLen += 9;
+ nNamesLen += 9;
+ // Create data structures
+ mData.wPlace = 0;
+ mData.pData = (LPBYTE)SAFE_MALLOC(nDataLen);
+ mData.wLen = nDataLen;
+ mNames.wPlace = 0;
+ mNames.pData = (LPBYTE)SAFE_MALLOC(nNamesLen);
+ // pack Group Name
+ packWord(&mData, 7);
+ packBuffer(&mData, (LPBYTE)"General", 7);
+ packWord(&mNames, 7);
+ packBuffer(&mNames, (LPBYTE)"General", 7);
+ // all contacts in one group
+ packWord(&mData, (WORD)nContacts);
+ packWord(&mNames, (WORD)nContacts);
+ for (i = 0; i < nContacts; i++)
+ {
+ uid_str szContactUid;
+ WORD wLen;
+ if (contacts[i].uin)
+ strUID(contacts[i].uin, szContactUid);
+ else
+ strcpy(szContactUid, contacts[i].uid);
+ // prepare UID
+ wLen = strlennull(szContactUid);
+ packWord(&mData, wLen);
+ packBuffer(&mData, (LPBYTE)szContactUid, wLen);
+ // prepare Nick
+ wLen = strlennull(contacts[i].szNick);
+ packWord(&mNames, (WORD)(wLen + 4));
+ packTLV(&mNames, 0x01, wLen, (LPBYTE)contacts[i].szNick);
+ }
+ // Cleanup temporary list
+ for(i = 0; i < nContacts; i++)
+ {
+ SAFE_FREE(&contacts[i].szNick);
+ SAFE_FREE(&contacts[i].uid);
+ }
+ // Rate check
+ { // rate is too high, the message will not go thru...
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&mData.pData);
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&mNames.pData);
+ return ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "The message could not be delivered. You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.");
+ }
+ // Set up the ack type
+ cookie_message_data *pCookieData = CreateMessageCookieData(MTYPE_CONTACTS, hContact, dwUin, FALSE);
+ // AIM clients do not send acknowledgement
+ if (!dwUin && pCookieData->nAckType == ACKTYPE_CLIENT)
+ pCookieData->nAckType = ACKTYPE_SERVER;
+ // Send the message
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel2Contacts(dwUin, szUid, hContact, (char*)mData.pData, mData.wPlace, (char*)mNames.pData, mNames.wPlace, pCookieData);
+ // This will stop the message dialog from waiting for the real message delivery ack
+ if (pCookieData->nAckType == ACKTYPE_NONE)
+ {
+ // We need to free this here since we will never see the real ack
+ // The actual cookie value will still have to be returned to the message dialog though
+ ReleaseCookie(dwCookie);
+ }
+ // Release our buffers
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&mData.pData);
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&mNames.pData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "Bad data (internal error #2)");
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < nContacts; i++)
+ {
+ SAFE_FREE(&contacts[i].szNick);
+ SAFE_FREE(&contacts[i].uid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dwUin)
+ { // old format is only understood by ICQ clients
+ int nBodyLength;
+ char szContactUin[UINMAXLEN];
+ char szCount[17];
+ struct icq_contactsend_s* contacts = NULL;
+ uid_str szContactUid;
+ // Format the body
+ // This is kinda messy, but there is no simple way to do it. First
+ // we need to calculate the length of the packet.
+ contacts = (struct icq_contactsend_s*)_alloca(sizeof(struct icq_contactsend_s)*nContacts);
+ ZeroMemory(contacts, sizeof(struct icq_contactsend_s)*nContacts);
+ {
+ nBodyLength = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < nContacts; i++)
+ {
+ if (!IsICQContact(hContactsList[i]))
+ break; // Abort if a non icq contact is found
+ if (getContactUid(hContactsList[i], &contacts[i].uin, &szContactUid))
+ break; // Abort if invalid contact
+ contacts[i].uid = contacts[i].uin?NULL:null_strdup(szContactUid);
+ contacts[i].szNick = NickFromHandle(hContactsList[i]);
+ // Compute this contact's length
+ nBodyLength += getUIDLen(contacts[i].uin, contacts[i].uid) + 1;
+ nBodyLength += strlennull(contacts[i].szNick) + 1;
+ }
+ if (i == nContacts)
+ {
+ char* pBody;
+ char* pBuffer;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ NetLog_Server("Sending contacts to %d.", dwUin);
+ // Compute count record's length
+ _itoa(nContacts, szCount, 10);
+ nBodyLength += strlennull(szCount) + 1;
+ // Finally we need to copy the contact data into the packet body
+ pBuffer = pBody = (char *)SAFE_MALLOC(nBodyLength);
+ null_strcpy(pBuffer, szCount, nBodyLength - 1);
+ pBuffer += strlennull(pBuffer);
+ *pBuffer++ = (char)0xFE;
+ for (i = 0; i < nContacts; i++)
+ {
+ if (contacts[i].uin)
+ {
+ _itoa(contacts[i].uin, szContactUin, 10);
+ strcpy(pBuffer, szContactUin);
+ }
+ else
+ strcpy(pBuffer, contacts[i].uid);
+ pBuffer += strlennull(pBuffer);
+ *pBuffer++ = (char)0xFE;
+ strcpy(pBuffer, contacts[i].szNick);
+ pBuffer += strlennull(pBuffer);
+ *pBuffer++ = (char)0xFE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nContacts; i++)
+ { // release memory
+ SAFE_FREE(&contacts[i].szNick);
+ SAFE_FREE(&contacts[i].uid);
+ }
+ // Set up the ack type
+ cookie_message_data *pCookieData = CreateMessageCookieData(MTYPE_CONTACTS, hContact, dwUin, TRUE);
+ if (m_bDCMsgEnabled && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ {
+ int iRes = icq_SendDirectMessage(hContact, pBody, nBodyLength, 1, pCookieData, NULL);
+ if (iRes)
+ {
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pBody);
+ return iRes; // we succeded, return
+ }
+ }
+ // Rate check
+ { // rate is too high, the message will not go thru...
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData);
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pBody);
+ return ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "The message could not be delivered. You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.");
+ }
+ // Select channel and send
+ if (!CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_SRV_RELAY) || wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
+ {
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel4Message(dwUin, hContact, MTYPE_CONTACTS, (WORD)nBodyLength, pBody, pCookieData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WORD wPriority;
+ if (wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)
+ wPriority = 0x0001;
+ else
+ wPriority = 0x0021;
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel2Message(dwUin, hContact, pBody, nBodyLength, wPriority, pCookieData, NULL);
+ }
+ // This will stop the message dialog from waiting for the real message delivery ack
+ if (pCookieData->nAckType == ACKTYPE_NONE)
+ {
+ // We need to free this here since we will never see the real ack
+ // The actual cookie value will still have to be returned to the message dialog though
+ ReleaseCookie(dwCookie);
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pBody);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "Bad data (internal error #2)");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_CONTACTS, "The reciever does not support receiving of contacts.");
+ }
+ }
+ return dwCookie;
+ }
+ // Exit with Failure
+ return 0;
+// SendFile - sends a file
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::SendFile( HANDLE hContact, const TCHAR* szDescription, TCHAR** ppszFiles )
+ if ( !icqOnline())
+ return 0;
+ if (hContact && szDescription && ppszFiles)
+ {
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUid;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUid))
+ return 0; // Invalid contact
+ if (getContactStatus(hContact) != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
+ {
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_OSCAR_FILE))
+ return oftInitTransfer(hContact, dwUin, szUid, (LPCTSTR*)ppszFiles, szDescription);
+ if (dwUin)
+ {
+ WORD wClientVersion = getSettingWord(hContact, "Version", 7);
+ if (wClientVersion < 7)
+ NetLog_Server("IcqSendFile() can't send to version %u", wClientVersion);
+ else
+ {
+ int i;
+ filetransfer* ft;
+ struct _stat statbuf;
+ // Initialize filetransfer struct
+ ft = CreateFileTransfer(hContact, dwUin, (wClientVersion == 7) ? 7: 8);
+ for (ft->dwFileCount = 0; ppszFiles[ft->dwFileCount]; ft->dwFileCount++);
+ ft->pszFiles = (char **)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(char *) * ft->dwFileCount);
+ ft->dwTotalSize = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)ft->dwFileCount; i++)
+ {
+ ft->pszFiles[i] = (ppszFiles[i]) ? tchar_to_utf8(ppszFiles[i]) : NULL;
+ if (_tstat(ppszFiles[i], &statbuf))
+ NetLog_Server("IcqSendFile() was passed invalid filename(s)");
+ else
+ ft->dwTotalSize += statbuf.st_size;
+ }
+ ft->szDescription = tchar_to_utf8(szDescription);
+ ft->dwTransferSpeed = 100;
+ ft->sending = 1;
+ ft->fileId = -1;
+ ft->iCurrentFile = 0;
+ ft->dwCookie = AllocateCookie(CKT_FILE, 0, hContact, ft);
+ ft->hConnection = NULL;
+ // Send file transfer request
+ {
+ char szFiles[64], tmp[64];
+ char *pszFiles;
+ NetLog_Server("Init file send");
+ if (ft->dwFileCount == 1)
+ {
+ pszFiles = strchr(ft->pszFiles[0], '\\');
+ if (pszFiles)
+ pszFiles++;
+ else
+ pszFiles = ft->pszFiles[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ null_snprintf(szFiles, SIZEOF(szFiles), ICQTranslateUtfStatic("%d Files", tmp, SIZEOF(tmp)), ft->dwFileCount);
+ pszFiles = szFiles;
+ }
+ // Send packet
+ {
+ if (ft->nVersion == 7)
+ {
+ if (m_bDCMsgEnabled && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ {
+ int iRes = icq_sendFileSendDirectv7(ft, pszFiles);
+ if (iRes) return ft; // Success
+ }
+ NetLog_Server("Sending v%u file transfer request through server", 7);
+ icq_sendFileSendServv7(ft, pszFiles);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_bDCMsgEnabled && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ {
+ int iRes = icq_sendFileSendDirectv8(ft, pszFiles);
+ if (iRes) return ft; // Success
+ }
+ NetLog_Server("Sending v%u file transfer request through server", 8);
+ icq_sendFileSendServv8(ft, pszFiles, ACKTYPE_NONE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ft; // Success
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+// PS_SendMessage - sends a message
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::SendMsg( HANDLE hContact, int flags, const char* pszSrc )
+ if (hContact && pszSrc)
+ {
+ DWORD dwCookie;
+ char* puszText = NULL;
+ int bNeedFreeU = 0;
+ cookie_message_data *pCookieData = NULL;
+ // Invalid contact
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUID;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUID))
+ return ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, "The receiver has an invalid user ID.");
+ if (flags & PREF_UNICODE)
+ {
+ puszText = make_utf8_string((WCHAR*)(pszSrc + strlennull(pszSrc) + 1)); // get the UTF-16 part
+ bNeedFreeU = 1;
+ }
+ else if (flags & PREF_UTF)
+ puszText = (char*)pszSrc;
+ else
+ {
+ puszText = (char*)ansi_to_utf8(pszSrc);
+ bNeedFreeU = 1;
+ }
+ WORD wRecipientStatus = getContactStatus(hContact);
+ BOOL plain_ascii = IsUSASCII(puszText, strlennull(puszText));
+ BOOL oldAnsi = plain_ascii || !m_bUtfEnabled ||
+ (!(flags & (PREF_UTF | PREF_UNICODE)) && m_bUtfEnabled == 1) ||
+ !CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_UTF) ||
+ !getSettingByte(hContact, "UnicodeSend", 1);
+ if (m_bTempVisListEnabled && m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE)
+ makeContactTemporaryVisible(hContact); // make us temporarily visible to contact
+ // Failure scenarios
+ if (!icqOnline())
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, "You cannot send messages when you are offline.");
+ }
+ else if ((wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) && (strlennull(puszText) > 4096))
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, "Messages to offline contacts must be shorter than 4096 characters.");
+ }
+ // Looks OK
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ NetLog_Server("Send %smessage - Message cap is %u", puszText ? "unicode " : "", CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_SRV_RELAY));
+ NetLog_Server("Send %smessage - Contact status is %u", puszText ? "unicode " : "", wRecipientStatus);
+ if (dwUin && m_bDCMsgEnabled && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ { // send thru direct
+ char *dc_msg = puszText;
+ char *dc_cap = plain_ascii ? NULL : CAP_UTF8MSGS;
+ char *szUserAnsi = NULL;
+ if (!plain_ascii && oldAnsi)
+ {
+ szUserAnsi = ConvertMsgToUserSpecificAnsi(hContact, puszText);
+ if (szUserAnsi)
+ {
+ dc_msg = szUserAnsi;
+ dc_cap = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set up the ack type
+ pCookieData = CreateMessageCookieData(MTYPE_PLAIN, hContact, dwUin, TRUE);
+ pCookieData->nAckType = ACKTYPE_CLIENT;
+ dwCookie = icq_SendDirectMessage(hContact, dc_msg, strlennull(dc_msg), 1, pCookieData, dc_cap);
+ SAFE_FREE(&szUserAnsi);
+ if (dwCookie)
+ { // free the buffers if alloced
+ if (bNeedFreeU) SAFE_FREE(&puszText);
+ return dwCookie; // we succeded, return
+ }
+ // on failure, fallback to send thru server
+ }
+ if (!dwUin || !CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_SRV_RELAY) ||
+ wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE ||
+ getSettingByte(hContact, "OnlyServerAcks", getSettingByte(NULL, "OnlyServerAcks", DEFAULT_ONLYSERVERACKS)) ||
+ !getSettingByte(hContact, "SlowSend", getSettingByte(NULL, "SlowSend", DEFAULT_SLOWSEND)))
+ {
+ /// TODO: add support for RTL & user customizable font
+ {
+ char *mng = MangleXml(puszText, strlennull(puszText));
+ int len = strlennull(mng);
+ mng = (char*)SAFE_REALLOC(mng, len + 28);
+ memmove(mng + 12, mng, len + 1);
+ memcpy(mng, "<HTML><BODY>", 12);
+ strcat(mng, "</BODY></HTML>");
+ if (bNeedFreeU) SAFE_FREE(&puszText);
+ puszText = mng;
+ bNeedFreeU = 1;
+ }
+ WCHAR *pwszText = plain_ascii ? NULL : make_unicode_string(puszText);
+ if ((plain_ascii ? strlennull(puszText) : strlennull(pwszText) * sizeof(WCHAR)) > MAX_MESSAGESNACSIZE)
+ { // max length check // TLV(2) is currently limited to 0xA00 bytes in online mode
+ // only limit to not get disconnected, all other will be handled by error 0x0A
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, "The message could not be delivered, it is too long.");
+ // free the buffers if alloced
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pwszText);
+ if (bNeedFreeU) SAFE_FREE(&puszText);
+ return dwCookie;
+ }
+ // Rate check
+ { // rate is too high, the message will not go thru...
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, "The message could not be delivered. You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.");
+ // free the buffers if alloced
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pwszText);
+ if (bNeedFreeU) SAFE_FREE(&puszText);
+ return dwCookie;
+ }
+ pCookieData = CreateMessageCookieData(MTYPE_PLAIN, hContact, dwUin, FALSE);
+ if (plain_ascii)
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel1Message(dwUin, szUID, hContact, puszText, pCookieData);
+ else
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel1MessageW(dwUin, szUID, hContact, pwszText, pCookieData);
+ // free the unicode message
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pwszText);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WORD wPriority;
+ char *srv_msg = puszText;
+ char *srv_cap = plain_ascii ? NULL : CAP_UTF8MSGS;
+ char *szUserAnsi = NULL;
+ if (!plain_ascii && oldAnsi)
+ {
+ szUserAnsi = ConvertMsgToUserSpecificAnsi(hContact, puszText);
+ if (szUserAnsi)
+ {
+ srv_msg = szUserAnsi;
+ srv_cap = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)
+ wPriority = 0x0001;
+ else
+ wPriority = 0x0021;
+ if (strlennull(srv_msg) + (!oldAnsi ? 144 : 102) > MAX_MESSAGESNACSIZE)
+ { // max length check
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, "The message could not be delivered, it is too long.");
+ SAFE_FREE(&szUserAnsi);
+ // free the buffers if alloced
+ if (bNeedFreeU) SAFE_FREE(&puszText);
+ return dwCookie;
+ }
+ // Rate check
+ { // rate is too high, the message will not go thru...
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, "The message could not be delivered. You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.");
+ SAFE_FREE(&szUserAnsi);
+ // free the buffers if alloced
+ if (bNeedFreeU) SAFE_FREE(&puszText);
+ return dwCookie;
+ }
+ pCookieData = CreateMessageCookieData(MTYPE_PLAIN, hContact, dwUin, TRUE);
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel2Message(dwUin, hContact, srv_msg, strlennull(srv_msg), wPriority, pCookieData, srv_cap);
+ SAFE_FREE(&szUserAnsi);
+ }
+ // This will stop the message dialog from waiting for the real message delivery ack
+ if (pCookieData && pCookieData->nAckType == ACKTYPE_NONE)
+ {
+ // We need to free this here since we will never see the real ack
+ // The actual cookie value will still have to be returned to the message dialog though
+ ReleaseCookie(dwCookie);
+ }
+ }
+ // free the buffers if alloced
+ if (bNeedFreeU) SAFE_FREE(&puszText);
+ return dwCookie; // Success
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+// SendUrl
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::SendUrl( HANDLE hContact, int flags, const char* url )
+ if (hContact && url)
+ {
+ DWORD dwCookie;
+ WORD wRecipientStatus;
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, NULL))
+ { // Invalid contact
+ return ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_URL, "The receiver has an invalid user ID.");
+ }
+ wRecipientStatus = getContactStatus(hContact);
+ // Failure
+ if (!icqOnline())
+ {
+ dwCookie = ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_URL, "You cannot send messages when you are offline.");
+ }
+ // Looks OK
+ else
+ {
+ char* szDesc;
+ char* szBody;
+ int nBodyLen;
+ int nDescLen;
+ int nUrlLen;
+ // Set up the ack type
+ cookie_message_data *pCookieData = CreateMessageCookieData(MTYPE_URL, hContact, dwUin, TRUE);
+ // Format the body
+ nUrlLen = strlennull(url);
+ szDesc = (char *)url + nUrlLen + 1;
+ nDescLen = strlennull(szDesc);
+ nBodyLen = nUrlLen + nDescLen + 2;
+ szBody = (char *)_alloca(nBodyLen);
+ strcpy(szBody, szDesc);
+ szBody[nDescLen] = (char)0xFE; // Separator
+ strcpy(szBody + nDescLen + 1, url);
+ if (m_bDCMsgEnabled && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ {
+ int iRes = icq_SendDirectMessage(hContact, szBody, nBodyLen, 1, pCookieData, NULL);
+ if (iRes) return iRes; // we succeded, return
+ }
+ // Rate check
+ { // rate is too high, the message will not go thru...
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pCookieData);
+ return ReportGenericSendError(hContact, ACKTYPE_URL, "The message could not be delivered. You are sending too fast. Wait a while and try again.");
+ }
+ // Select channel and send
+ if (!CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_SRV_RELAY) ||
+ wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
+ {
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel4Message(dwUin, hContact, MTYPE_URL,
+ (WORD)nBodyLen, szBody, pCookieData);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WORD wPriority;
+ if (wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || wRecipientStatus == ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)
+ wPriority = 0x0001;
+ else
+ wPriority = 0x0021;
+ dwCookie = icq_SendChannel2Message(dwUin, hContact, szBody, nBodyLen, wPriority, pCookieData, NULL);
+ }
+ // This will stop the message dialog from waiting for the real message delivery ack
+ if (pCookieData->nAckType == ACKTYPE_NONE)
+ {
+ SendProtoAck(hContact, dwCookie, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, ACKTYPE_URL, NULL);
+ // We need to free this here since we will never see the real ack
+ // The actual cookie value will still have to be returned to the message dialog though
+ ReleaseCookie(dwCookie);
+ }
+ }
+ return dwCookie; // Success
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+// PS_SetApparentMode - sets the visibility status
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::SetApparentMode( HANDLE hContact, int mode )
+ DWORD uin;
+ uid_str uid;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &uin, &uid))
+ return 1; // Invalid contact
+ if (hContact)
+ {
+ // Only 3 modes are supported
+ if (mode == 0 || mode == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || mode == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
+ {
+ int oldMode = getSettingWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", 0);
+ // Don't send redundant updates
+ if (mode != oldMode)
+ {
+ setSettingWord(hContact, "ApparentMode", (WORD)mode);
+ // Not being online is only an error when in SS mode. This is not handled
+ // yet so we just ignore this for now.
+ if (icqOnline())
+ {
+ if (oldMode != 0)
+ { // Remove from old list
+ if (oldMode == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && getSettingWord(hContact, DBSETTING_SERVLIST_IGNORE, 0))
+ { // Need to remove Ignore item as well
+ icq_removeServerPrivacyItem(hContact, uin, uid, getSettingWord(hContact, DBSETTING_SERVLIST_IGNORE, 0), SSI_ITEM_IGNORE);
+ setSettingWord(hContact, DBSETTING_SERVLIST_IGNORE, 0);
+ }
+ icq_sendChangeVisInvis(hContact, uin, uid, oldMode==ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, 0);
+ }
+ if (mode != 0)
+ { // Add to new list
+ if (mode==ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && getSettingWord(hContact, DBSETTING_SERVLIST_IGNORE, 0))
+ return 0; // Success: offline by ignore item
+ icq_sendChangeVisInvis(hContact, uin, uid, mode==ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0; // Success
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1; // Failure
+// PrepareStatusNote - returns correct status note for given status
+char* CIcqProto::PrepareStatusNote(int nStatus)
+ char *szStatusNote = NULL;
+ BYTE bXStatus = getContactXStatus(NULL);
+ // use custom status message as status note
+ if (bXStatus)
+ szStatusNote = getSettingStringUtf(NULL, DBSETTING_XSTATUS_MSG, "");
+ if (!szStatusNote || !szStatusNote[0])
+ { // get standard status message (no custom status defined)
+ icq_lock l(m_modeMsgsMutex);
+ char **pszStatusNote = MirandaStatusToAwayMsg(nStatus);
+ if (pszStatusNote)
+ szStatusNote = null_strdup(*pszStatusNote);
+ }
+ if (!szStatusNote)
+ // nothing available set empty status note
+ szStatusNote = null_strdup("");
+ return szStatusNote;
+// PS_SetStatus - sets the protocol status
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::SetStatus(int iNewStatus)
+ int nNewStatus = MirandaStatusToSupported(iNewStatus);
+ // check if netlib handles are ready
+ if (!m_hServerNetlibUser)
+ return 0;
+ if (m_bTempVisListEnabled && icqOnline()) // remove temporary visible users
+ if (nNewStatus == m_iStatus)
+ return 0;
+ // clear custom status on status change
+ if (getSettingByte(NULL, "XStatusReset", DEFAULT_XSTATUS_RESET))
+ setXStatusEx(0, 0);
+ // New status is OFFLINE
+ if (nNewStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)
+ { // for quick logoff
+ if (icqOnline())
+ { // set offline status note (otherwise the old will remain)
+ char *szOfflineNote = PrepareStatusNote(nNewStatus);
+ // Create unnamed event to wait until the status note change process is completed
+ m_hNotifyNameInfoEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ int bNoteChanged = SetStatusNote(szOfflineNote, 0, FALSE);
+ SAFE_FREE(&szOfflineNote);
+ // Note was changed, wait until the process is over
+ if (bNoteChanged)
+ ICQWaitForSingleObject(m_hNotifyNameInfoEvent, 4000, TRUE);
+ // Release the event
+ CloseHandle(m_hNotifyNameInfoEvent);
+ m_hNotifyNameInfoEvent = NULL;
+ }
+ m_iDesiredStatus = nNewStatus;
+ if (hServerConn)
+ { // Connected, Send disconnect packet
+ icq_sendCloseConnection();
+ icq_serverDisconnect(FALSE);
+ SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
+ NetLog_Server("Logged off.");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (m_iStatus) {
+ // We are offline and need to connect
+ {
+ // Update user connection settings
+ UpdateGlobalSettings();
+ // Read UIN from database
+ m_dwLocalUIN = getContactUin(NULL);
+ if (m_dwLocalUIN == 0)
+ {
+ SetCurrentStatus(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE);
+ icq_LogMessage(LOG_FATAL, LPGEN("You have not entered a ICQ number.\nConfigure this in Options->Network->ICQ and try again."));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Set status to 'Connecting'
+ m_iDesiredStatus = nNewStatus;
+ // Read password from database
+ char *pszPwd = GetUserPassword(FALSE);
+ if (pszPwd)
+ icq_login(pszPwd);
+ else
+ RequestPassword();
+ break;
+ }
+ // We are connecting... We only need to change the going online status
+ m_iDesiredStatus = nNewStatus;
+ break;
+ // We are already connected so we should just change status
+ default:
+ SetCurrentStatus(nNewStatus);
+ char *szStatusNote = PrepareStatusNote(nNewStatus);
+ //! This is a bit tricky, we do trigger status note change thread and then
+ // change the status note right away (this spares one packet) - so SetStatusNote()
+ // will only change User Details Directory
+ SetStatusNote(szStatusNote, 6000, FALSE);
+ if (m_iStatus == ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE)
+ {
+ if (m_bSsiEnabled)
+ updateServVisibilityCode(3);
+ icq_setstatus(MirandaStatusToIcq(m_iStatus), szStatusNote);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ icq_setstatus(MirandaStatusToIcq(m_iStatus), szStatusNote);
+ if (m_bSsiEnabled)
+ updateServVisibilityCode(4);
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(&szStatusNote);
+ if (m_bAimEnabled)
+ {
+ icq_lock l(m_modeMsgsMutex);
+ char ** pszStatusNote = MirandaStatusToAwayMsg(m_iStatus);
+ if (pszStatusNote)
+ icq_sendSetAimAwayMsgServ(*pszStatusNote);
+ else // clear the away message
+ icq_sendSetAimAwayMsgServ(NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+// GetAwayMsgThread - return a contact's status message
+struct status_message_thread_data
+ HANDLE hContact;
+ char *szMessage;
+ HANDLE hProcess;
+void __cdecl CIcqProto::GetAwayMsgThread( void *pStatusData )
+ status_message_thread_data *pThreadData = (status_message_thread_data*)pStatusData;
+ if (pThreadData) {
+ // wait a little
+ Sleep(100);
+ setStatusMsgVar(pThreadData->hContact, pThreadData->szMessage, false);
+ TCHAR *tszMsg = mir_utf8decodeT(pThreadData->szMessage);
+ BroadcastAck(pThreadData->hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, pThreadData->hProcess, (LPARAM)tszMsg);
+ mir_free(tszMsg);
+ SAFE_FREE(&pThreadData->szMessage);
+ SAFE_FREE((void**)&pThreadData);
+ }
+// PS_GetAwayMsg - returns a contact's away message
+HANDLE __cdecl CIcqProto::GetAwayMsg( HANDLE hContact )
+ DWORD dwUin;
+ uid_str szUID;
+ if (getContactUid(hContact, &dwUin, &szUID))
+ return 0; // Invalid contact
+ if (!dwUin || !CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_STATUS_MESSAGES))
+ { // No individual status messages, check if the contact has Status Note, if yes give it
+ char *szStatusNote = getSettingStringUtf(hContact, DBSETTING_STATUS_NOTE, NULL);
+ if (strlennull(szStatusNote) > 0)
+ { // Give Status Note
+ status_message_thread_data *pThreadData = (status_message_thread_data*)SAFE_MALLOC(sizeof(status_message_thread_data));
+ pThreadData->hContact = hContact;
+ pThreadData->szMessage = szStatusNote;
+ pThreadData->hProcess = (HANDLE)GenerateCookie(0);
+ ForkThread(&CIcqProto::GetAwayMsgThread, pThreadData);
+ return pThreadData->hProcess;
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(&szStatusNote);
+ }
+ if (!icqOnline())
+ return 0;
+ WORD wStatus = getContactStatus(hContact);
+ if (dwUin)
+ {
+ int wMessageType = 0;
+ switch(wStatus)
+ {
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_STATUS_MESSAGES))
+ wMessageType = MTYPE_AUTOONLINE;
+ break;
+ wMessageType = MTYPE_AUTOAWAY;
+ break;
+ case ID_STATUS_NA:
+ wMessageType = MTYPE_AUTONA;
+ break;
+ wMessageType = MTYPE_AUTOBUSY;
+ break;
+ wMessageType = MTYPE_AUTODND;
+ break;
+ wMessageType = MTYPE_AUTOFFC;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (wMessageType)
+ {
+ if (m_bDCMsgEnabled && IsDirectConnectionOpen(hContact, DIRECTCONN_STANDARD, 0))
+ {
+ int iRes = icq_sendGetAwayMsgDirect(hContact, wMessageType);
+ if (iRes) return (HANDLE)iRes; // we succeded, return
+ }
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_STATUS_MESSAGES))
+ return (HANDLE)icq_sendGetAwayMsgServExt(hContact, dwUin, szUID, wMessageType,
+ (WORD)(getSettingWord(hContact, "Version", 0)==9?9:ICQ_VERSION)); // Success
+ else
+ return (HANDLE)icq_sendGetAwayMsgServ(hContact, dwUin, wMessageType,
+ (WORD)(getSettingWord(hContact, "Version", 0)==9?9:ICQ_VERSION)); // Success
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { // AIM contact
+ if (wStatus == ID_STATUS_AWAY)
+ return (HANDLE)icq_sendGetAimAwayMsgServ(hContact, szUID, MTYPE_AUTOAWAY);
+ }
+ return 0; // Failure
+// PSR_AWAYMSG - processes received status mode message
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::RecvAwayMsg( HANDLE hContact, int statusMode, PROTORECVEVENT* evt )
+ if (evt->flags & PREF_UTF) {
+ setStatusMsgVar(hContact, evt->szMessage, false);
+ TCHAR* pszMsg = mir_utf8decodeT(evt->szMessage);
+ BroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)evt->lParam, (LPARAM)pszMsg);
+ mir_free(pszMsg);
+ }
+ else {
+ setStatusMsgVar(hContact, evt->szMessage, true);
+ BroadcastAck(hContact, ACKTYPE_AWAYMSG, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)evt->lParam, (LPARAM)(TCHAR*)_A2T(evt->szMessage));
+ }
+ return 0;
+// PSS_AWAYMSG - send status mode message (individual mode)
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::SendAwayMsg( HANDLE hContact, HANDLE hProcess, const char* msg )
+ return 1;
+// PS_SetAwayMsg - sets the away status message
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::SetAwayMsg(int status, const TCHAR* msg)
+ icq_lock l(m_modeMsgsMutex);
+ char **ppszMsg = MirandaStatusToAwayMsg(MirandaStatusToSupported(status));
+ if (!ppszMsg)
+ return 1; // Failure
+ // Prepare UTF-8 status message
+ char *szNewUtf = tchar_to_utf8(msg);
+ if (strcmpnull(szNewUtf, *ppszMsg))
+ {
+ // Free old message
+ SAFE_FREE(ppszMsg);
+ // Set new message
+ *ppszMsg = szNewUtf;
+ szNewUtf = NULL;
+ if ((m_iStatus == status) && icqOnline())
+ { // update current status note
+ char *szNote = *ppszMsg ? *ppszMsg : "";
+ BYTE bXStatus = getContactXStatus(NULL);
+ if (!bXStatus)
+ SetStatusNote(szNote, 1000, FALSE);
+ if (m_bAimEnabled)
+ icq_sendSetAimAwayMsgServ(*ppszMsg);
+ }
+ }
+ SAFE_FREE(&szNewUtf);
+ return 0; // Success
+// GetMyAwayMsg - obtain the current away message
+INT_PTR CIcqProto::GetMyAwayMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ icq_lock l(m_modeMsgsMutex);
+ char **ppszMsg = MirandaStatusToAwayMsg(wParam ? wParam : m_iStatus);
+ if (!ppszMsg || !*ppszMsg)
+ return 0;
+ int nMsgLen = strlennull(*ppszMsg) + 1;
+ if (lParam & SGMA_UNICODE)
+ {
+ WCHAR *szMsg = (WCHAR*)_alloca(nMsgLen * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ make_unicode_string_static(*ppszMsg, szMsg, nMsgLen);
+ return (INT_PTR)mir_wstrdup(szMsg);
+ }
+ else
+ { // convert to ansi
+ char *szMsg = (char*)_alloca(nMsgLen);
+ if (utf8_decode_static(*ppszMsg, szMsg, nMsgLen))
+ return (INT_PTR)mir_strdup(szMsg);
+ }
+ return 0;
+// PS_UserIsTyping - sends a UTN notification
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::UserIsTyping( HANDLE hContact, int type )
+ if (hContact && icqOnline())
+ {
+ if (CheckContactCapabilities(hContact, CAPF_TYPING))
+ {
+ switch (type) {
+ sendTypingNotification(hContact, MTN_BEGUN);
+ return 0;
+ sendTypingNotification(hContact, MTN_FINISHED);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// OnEvent - maintain protocol events
+int __cdecl CIcqProto::OnEvent(PROTOEVENTTYPE eventType, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ switch( eventType ) {
+ return OnModulesLoaded(0, 0);
+ return OnPreShutdown(0, 0);
+ return OnOptionsInit(wParam, lParam);
+ {
+ char szDbSetting[MAX_PATH];
+ null_snprintf(szDbSetting, sizeof(szDbSetting), "%sP2P", m_szModuleName);
+ CallService(MS_DB_MODULE_DELETE, 0, (LPARAM)szDbSetting);
+ null_snprintf(szDbSetting, sizeof(szDbSetting), "%sSrvGroups", m_szModuleName);
+ CallService(MS_DB_MODULE_DELETE, 0, (LPARAM)szDbSetting);
+ null_snprintf(szDbSetting, sizeof(szDbSetting), "%sGroups", m_szModuleName);
+ CallService(MS_DB_MODULE_DELETE, 0, (LPARAM)szDbSetting);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ServListDbContactDeleted(wParam, lParam);
+ return ServListDbSettingChanged(wParam, lParam);
+ }
+ return 1;