diff options
author | Kirill Volinsky <mataes2007@gmail.com> | 2012-10-13 08:54:34 +0000 |
committer | Kirill Volinsky <mataes2007@gmail.com> | 2012-10-13 08:54:34 +0000 |
commit | de6eb3e4bc30eff928dc932c03812ede3077926a (patch) | |
tree | 966a57948af890b1c47699e5ec0db23a26a7add9 /protocols/MRA/src/MraRTFMsg.cpp | |
parent | 870d3d99c22c77a94a352ad292ed67e8eb81edf0 (diff) |
MRA: folders restructurization
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@1900 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/MRA/src/MraRTFMsg.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | protocols/MRA/src/MraRTFMsg.cpp | 259 |
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/MRA/src/MraRTFMsg.cpp b/protocols/MRA/src/MraRTFMsg.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9866e44a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/protocols/MRA/src/MraRTFMsg.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +#include "Mra.h"
+#include "MraRTFMsg.h"
+#define RTF_COLORTBLCOLOURS "\\red255\\green0\\blue0;\\red0\\green255\\blue0;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green0\\blue255;\\red255\\green255\\blue0;\\red0\\green255\\blue255;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;\\red255\\green255\\blue255;"
+static const LPSTR lpszColours[COLORTABLE_COUNT] =
+ "red",
+ "green",
+ "blue",
+ "magenta",
+ "yellow",
+ "cyan",
+ "black",
+ "white"
+#define CRLF "\r\n"
+#define PAR "\\par "
+#define BB_COLOR_TAG "[color="
+#define SYMBOLS_COUNT 19
+static const LPSTR lpszSimbols[SYMBOLS_COUNT] =
+ "\r\n",
+ "\\",
+ "{",
+ "}",
+ "[b]",
+ "[/b]",
+ "[u]",
+ "[/u]",
+ "[i]",
+ "[/i]",
+ "[/color]",
+ "[color = red]",
+ "[color = green]",
+ "[color = blue]",
+ "[color = magenta]",
+ "[color = yellow]",
+ "[color = cyan]",
+ "[color = black]",
+ "[color = white]",
+static const size_t dwcSimbolsCount[SYMBOLS_COUNT] =
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 3,
+ 4,
+ 8,
+ 11,
+ 13,
+ 12,
+ 15,
+ 14,
+ 12,
+ 13,
+ 13,
+static const LPSTR lpszRTFTags[SYMBOLS_COUNT] =
+ "\\par",
+ "\\\\",
+ "\\{",
+ "\\}",
+ "{\\b ",
+ "}",
+ "{\\ul ",
+ "}",
+ "{\\i ",
+ "}",
+ "}",
+ "{\\cf2 ",
+ "{\\cf3 ",
+ "{\\cf4 ",
+ "{\\cf5 ",
+ "{\\cf6 ",
+ "{\\cf7 ",
+ "{\\cf8 ",
+ "{\\cf9 ",
+static const size_t dwcRTFTagsCount[SYMBOLS_COUNT] =
+ 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 1, 5, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
+DWORD MraTextToRTFData(LPSTR lpszMessage, size_t dwMessageSize, LPSTR lpszMessageConverted, size_t dwMessageConvertedBuffSize, size_t *pdwMessageConvertedSize);
+BOOL MraIsMessageFlashAnimation(LPCWSTR lpwszMessage, size_t dwMessageSize)
+ dwMessageSize *= sizeof(WCHAR);
+ LPWSTR lpwszFound = (LPWSTR)MemoryFind(0, lpwszMessage, dwMessageSize, L"<SMILE>id = flas", 28);
+ if (lpwszFound)
+ if (MemoryFind(((lpwszFound-lpwszMessage)+32), lpwszMessage, dwMessageSize, L"'</SMILE>", 18))
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+DWORD MraTextToRTFData(LPSTR lpszMessage, size_t dwMessageSize, LPSTR lpszMessageConverted, size_t dwMessageConvertedBuffSize, size_t *pdwMessageConvertedSize)
+ if (lpszMessage && dwMessageSize && lpszMessageConverted && dwMessageConvertedBuffSize) {
+ BYTE tm, bCurByte;
+ LPSTR lpszMessageConvertedCur, lpszMessageConvertedMax;
+ size_t i;
+ lpszMessageConvertedCur = lpszMessageConverted;
+ lpszMessageConvertedMax = (lpszMessageConverted+dwMessageConvertedBuffSize);
+ for (i = 0; i < dwMessageSize && lpszMessageConvertedMax-lpszMessageConvertedCur > 3; i++) {
+ *((WORD*)lpszMessageConvertedCur) = *((WORD*)"\\'");
+ bCurByte = (*((BYTE*)lpszMessage+i));
+ tm = (bCurByte>>4)&0xf;
+ lpszMessageConvertedCur[2] = (tm>9)? ('a'+tm-10):('0'+tm);
+ tm = bCurByte&0xf;
+ lpszMessageConvertedCur[3] = (tm>9)? ('a'+tm-10):('0'+tm);
+ lpszMessageConvertedCur += 4;
+ (*((BYTE*)lpszMessageConvertedCur)) = 0;
+ }
+ if (pdwMessageConvertedSize)
+ *pdwMessageConvertedSize = lpszMessageConvertedCur - lpszMessageConverted;
+ return NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (pdwMessageConvertedSize)
+ *pdwMessageConvertedSize = 0;
+DWORD MraSymbolsToRTFTags(DWORD dwFlags, LPSTR lpszMessage, size_t dwMessageSize, LPSTR lpszMessageConverted, size_t dwMessageConvertedBuffSize, size_t *pdwMessageConvertedSize)
+ DWORD dwRetErrorCode = NO_ERROR;
+ LPSTR lpszFounded[SYMBOLS_COUNT], lpszMessageConvertedCur, lpszMessageCur, lpszMessageCurPrev, lpszMessageConvertedMax;
+ size_t i, dwFirstFoundIndex = 0, dwFoundCount = 0, dwMemPartToCopy;
+ lpszMessageCurPrev = lpszMessage;
+ lpszMessageConvertedCur = lpszMessageConverted;
+ lpszMessageConvertedMax = (lpszMessageConverted+dwMessageConvertedBuffSize);
+ for (i = 0; i < SYMBOLS_COUNT; i++) { // loking for first time
+ lpszFounded[i] = (LPSTR)MemoryFind((lpszMessageCurPrev-lpszMessage), lpszMessage, dwMessageSize, lpszSimbols[i], dwcSimbolsCount[i]);
+ if (lpszFounded[i]) dwFoundCount++;
+ }
+ while (dwFoundCount) {
+ for (i = 0;i<SYMBOLS_COUNT;i++)
+ if (lpszFounded[i] && (lpszFounded[i]<lpszFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex] || lpszFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex] == NULL))
+ dwFirstFoundIndex = i;
+ if (lpszFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex]) { // found
+ dwMemPartToCopy = (lpszFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex]-lpszMessageCurPrev);
+ if (lpszMessageConvertedMax > (lpszMessageConvertedCur+(dwMemPartToCopy+dwcRTFTagsCount[dwFirstFoundIndex]))) {
+ MraTextToRTFData(lpszMessageCurPrev, dwMemPartToCopy, lpszMessageConvertedCur, (lpszMessageConvertedMax-lpszMessageConvertedCur), &i);lpszMessageConvertedCur += i;
+ memmove(lpszMessageConvertedCur, lpszRTFTags[dwFirstFoundIndex], dwcRTFTagsCount[dwFirstFoundIndex]);lpszMessageConvertedCur += dwcRTFTagsCount[dwFirstFoundIndex];
+ lpszMessageCurPrev = (lpszFounded[dwFirstFoundIndex]+dwcSimbolsCount[dwFirstFoundIndex]);
+ for (i = 0;i<SYMBOLS_COUNT;i++) { // looking for the next time
+ if (lpszFounded[i] && lpszFounded[i] < lpszMessageCurPrev) {
+ dwFoundCount--;// вычитаем тут, чтобы учесть схожие смайлы: "):-(" и ":-("
+ lpszFounded[i] = (LPSTR)MemoryFind((lpszMessageCurPrev-lpszMessage), lpszMessage, dwMessageSize, lpszSimbols[i], dwcSimbolsCount[i]);
+ if (lpszFounded[i]) dwFoundCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ DebugBreak();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lpszMessageCur = (lpszMessage+dwMessageSize);
+ MraTextToRTFData(lpszMessageCurPrev, (lpszMessageCur-lpszMessageCurPrev), lpszMessageConvertedCur, (lpszMessageConvertedMax-lpszMessageConvertedCur), &i);lpszMessageConvertedCur += i;
+ *((WORD*)lpszMessageConvertedCur) = 0;
+ if (pdwMessageConvertedSize)
+ *pdwMessageConvertedSize = lpszMessageConvertedCur - lpszMessageConverted;
+ return(dwRetErrorCode);
+DWORD CMraProto::MraConvertToRTFW(LPCWSTR lpwszMessage, size_t dwMessageSize, LPSTR lpszMessageRTF, size_t dwMessageRTFBuffSize, size_t *pdwMessageRTFSize)
+ if (!lpwszMessage || !lpszMessageRTF)
+ if ((dwMessageSize+1024) > dwMessageRTFBuffSize) {
+ if (pdwMessageRTFSize)
+ *pdwMessageRTFSize = dwMessageSize;
+ }
+ mir_ptr<CHAR> lpszMessage((LPSTR)mir_calloc(dwMessageSize+32));
+ if (!lpszMessage)
+ return GetLastError();
+ LPSTR lpszMessageRTFCur = lpszMessageRTF;
+ size_t dwtm;
+ DWORD dwRTFFontColour, dwFontSize;
+ LOGFONT lf = {0};
+ WideCharToMultiByte(MRA_CODE_PAGE, 0, lpwszMessage, dwMessageSize, lpszMessage, (dwMessageSize+32), NULL, NULL);
+ dwRTFFontColour = mraGetDword(NULL, "RTFFontColour", MRA_DEFAULT_RTF_FONT_COLOUR);
+ if ( !mraGetContactSettingBlob(NULL, "RTFFont", &lf, sizeof(LOGFONT), NULL)) {
+ HDC hDC = GetDC(NULL);// kegl
+ lf.lfHeight = -MulDiv(MRA_DEFAULT_RTF_FONT_SIZE, GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
+ ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
+ }
+ dwFontSize = ((-lf.lfHeight)+(((-lf.lfHeight)+4)/8));
+ lpszMessageRTFCur += mir_snprintf(lpszMessageRTFCur, (dwMessageRTFBuffSize-((size_t)lpszMessageRTFCur-(size_t)lpszMessageRTF)), "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1251\\deff0\\deflang1049{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset%lu %s;}}\r\n", lf.lfCharSet, lf.lfFaceName);
+ if (MemoryFind(0, lpszMessage, dwMessageSize, BB_COLOR_TAG, (sizeof(BB_COLOR_TAG)-1)))
+ lpszMessageRTFCur += mir_snprintf(lpszMessageRTFCur, (dwMessageRTFBuffSize-((size_t)lpszMessageRTFCur-(size_t)lpszMessageRTF)), "{\\colortbl;\\red%lu\\green%lu\\blue%lu;%s}\r\n", (*((RGBTRIPLE*)&dwRTFFontColour)).rgbtBlue, (*((RGBTRIPLE*)&dwRTFFontColour)).rgbtGreen, (*((RGBTRIPLE*)&dwRTFFontColour)).rgbtRed, RTF_COLORTBLCOLOURS);
+ else
+ lpszMessageRTFCur += mir_snprintf(lpszMessageRTFCur, (dwMessageRTFBuffSize-((size_t)lpszMessageRTFCur-(size_t)lpszMessageRTF)), "{\\colortbl;\\red%lu\\green%lu\\blue%lu;}\r\n", (*((RGBTRIPLE*)&dwRTFFontColour)).rgbtBlue, (*((RGBTRIPLE*)&dwRTFFontColour)).rgbtGreen, (*((RGBTRIPLE*)&dwRTFFontColour)).rgbtRed);
+ LPSTR lpszNotfink = "",
+ lpszBold = ((lf.lfWeight == FW_BOLD)? "\\b1":lpszNotfink),
+ lpszItalic = (lf.lfItalic? "\\i1":lpszNotfink),
+ lpszUnderline = (lf.lfUnderline? "\\ul1":lpszNotfink),
+ lpszStrikeOut = (lf.lfStrikeOut? "\\strike1":lpszNotfink);
+ lpszMessageRTFCur += mir_snprintf(lpszMessageRTFCur, (dwMessageRTFBuffSize-((size_t)lpszMessageRTFCur-(size_t)lpszMessageRTF)), "\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\f0\\fs%lu%s%s%s%s", dwFontSize, lpszBold, lpszItalic, lpszUnderline, lpszStrikeOut);
+ if ( !MraSymbolsToRTFTags(0, lpszMessage, dwMessageSize, lpszMessageRTFCur, (dwMessageRTFBuffSize-(lpszMessageRTFCur-lpszMessageRTF)), &dwtm)) {
+ lpszMessageRTFCur += dwtm;
+ if ((lpszMessageRTF+dwMessageRTFBuffSize) >= (lpszMessageRTFCur+sizeof(PAR)+sizeof(CRLF)+2)) {
+ memmove(lpszMessageRTFCur, PAR, sizeof(PAR));lpszMessageRTFCur += (sizeof(PAR)-1);
+ memmove(lpszMessageRTFCur, CRLF, sizeof(CRLF));lpszMessageRTFCur += (sizeof(CRLF)-1);
+ memmove(lpszMessageRTFCur, "}", 2);lpszMessageRTFCur += 2;
+ if (pdwMessageRTFSize) (*pdwMessageRTFSize) = (lpszMessageRTFCur-lpszMessageRTF);
+ DebugPrintCRLFA(lpszMessageRTF);
+ return NO_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (pdwMessageRTFSize) *pdwMessageRTFSize = dwMessageRTFBuffSize+1024;
+ }
+ return 0;