path: root/protocols/Skype/src/skype_profile.cpp
diff options
authorVadim Dashevskiy <>2014-09-05 12:08:52 +0000
committerVadim Dashevskiy <>2014-09-05 12:08:52 +0000
commitf82091b2af907fb1d120c305da75c57b09cb0e7b (patch)
treef76f25019d39f634696021d2d391669fec633f9c /protocols/Skype/src/skype_profile.cpp
parent387bba529b2a8878a6c66661c09fc02622fe32ea (diff)
SkypeKit based Skype plugin is moved to deprecated and will be deleted from Plugins folder by PluginUpdater
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/Skype/src/skype_profile.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Skype/src/skype_profile.cpp b/protocols/Skype/src/skype_profile.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a6686303d..0000000000
--- a/protocols/Skype/src/skype_profile.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-#include "skype.h"
-#include <sstream>
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileAvatar(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- uint newTS = obj->GetUintProp(/* *::P_AVATAR_TIMESTAMP */ 182);
- //if (!newTS) return; //uncomment when skypekit will be work correctly
- DWORD oldTS = this->getDword(hContact, "AvatarTS", 0);
- ptrW path( this->GetContactAvatarFilePath(hContact));
- bool isAvatarFileExists = CSkypeProto::FileExists(path);
- if (newTS > oldTS || !isAvatarFileExists)
- {
- SEBinary data = obj->GetBinProp(/* *::P_AVATAR_IMAGE */ 37);
- if (data.size() > 0)
- {
- FILE *fp = ::_wfopen(path, L"wb");
- if (fp)
- {
- ::fwrite(, sizeof(char), data.size(), fp);
- ::fclose(fp);
- this->setDword(hContact, "AvatarTS", newTS);
- if (hContact)
- {
- PROTO_AVATAR_INFORMATIONW pai = { sizeof(pai) };
- pai.format = PA_FORMAT_JPEG;
- pai.hContact = hContact;
- ::wcscpy(pai.filename, path);
- this->SendBroadcast(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)&pai, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- BYTE digest[16];
- ::mir_md5_hash((BYTE*), (int)data.size(), digest);
- ::db_set_blob(hContact, this->m_szModuleName, "AvatarHash", digest, 16);
- ::CallService(MS_AV_SETMYAVATART, (WPARAM)m_szModuleName, (LPARAM)path);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (isAvatarFileExists)
- {
- ::_wremove(path);
- this->SendBroadcast(hContact, ACKTYPE_AVATAR, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, NULL, 0);
- }
- }
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileAboutText(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW aboutText(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_ABOUT */ 18)));
- if ( !::wcslen(aboutText))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "About");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "About", aboutText);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileBirthday(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- uint data = obj->GetUintProp(/* *::P_BIRTHDAY */ 7);
- if (data > 0)
- {
- TCHAR date[20];
- _itot_s(data, date, 10);
- INT day, month, year;
- _stscanf(date, _T("%04d%02d%02d"), &year, &month, &day);
- SYSTEMTIME sToday = {0};
- GetLocalTime(&sToday);
- if (sToday.wYear > year) return;
- else if(sToday.wYear == year && sToday.wMonth > month) return;
- else if(sToday.wYear == year && sToday.wMonth == month && sToday.wDay >= day) return;
- this->setByte(hContact, "BirthDay", day);
- this->setByte(hContact, "BirthMonth", month);
- this->setWord(hContact, "BirthYear", year);
- int nAge = sToday.wYear - year;
- if (sToday.wMonth < month || (sToday.wMonth == month && sToday.wDay < day))
- nAge--;
- if (nAge)
- this->setWord(hContact, "Age", (WORD)nAge );
- }
- else
- {
- this->delSetting(hContact, "BirthDay");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "BirthMonth");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "BirthYear");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Age");
- }
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileCity(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW city(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_CITY */ 12)));
- if ( !::wcslen(city))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "City");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "City", city);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileCountry(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- char *country;
- ptrA isocode(::mir_strdup(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_COUNTRY */ 10)));
- if ( !::strlen(isocode))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Country");
- else
- {
- country = (char *)CallService(MS_UTILS_GETCOUNTRYBYISOCODE, (WPARAM)isocode, 0);
- this->setTString(hContact, "Country", _A2T(country));
- }
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileEmails(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW emails(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_EMAILS */ 16)));
- if (::wcscmp(emails, L"") == 0)
- {
- this->delSetting(hContact, "e-mail0");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "e-mail1");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "e-mail2");
- }
- else
- {
- StringList emls = emails;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < emls.size(); i++)
- {
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "e-mail" << i;
- std::string key = ss.str();
- this->setTString(hContact, key.c_str(), emls[i]);
- }
- }
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileFullName(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW fullname(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_FULLNAME */ 5)));
- if ( !::wcslen(fullname))
- {
- this->delSetting(hContact, "FirstName");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "LastName");
- }
- else
- {
- StringList names = fullname;
- this->setTString(hContact, "FirstName", names[0]);
- if (names.size() > 1)
- this->setTString(hContact, "LastName", names[1]);
- }
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileGender(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- uint data = obj->GetUintProp(/* *::P_GENDER */ 8);
- if (data)
- this->setByte(hContact, "Gender", (BYTE)(data == 1 ? 'M' : 'F'));
- else
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Gender");
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileHomepage(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW homepage(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_HOMEPAGE */ 17)));
- if (::wcscmp(homepage, L"") == 0)
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Homepage");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "Homepage", homepage);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileLanguages(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW isocodes(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_LANGUAGES */ 9)));
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Language1");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Language2");
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Language3");
- StringList langs = isocodes;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < langs.size(); i++)
- {
- if (CSkypeProto::languages.count(langs[i]))
- {
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "Language" << i + 1;
- std::string key = ss.str();
- std::wstring val = CSkypeProto::languages[langs[i]];
- this->setTString(hContact, key.c_str(), val.c_str());
- }
- }
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileMobilePhone(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW phone(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_PHONE_MOBILE */ 15)));
- if ( !::wcslen(phone))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Cellular");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "Cellular", phone);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileNick(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW nick;
- if (hContact)
- {
- CContact *contact = (CContact *)obj;
- nick = ::mir_utf8decodeW(contact->GetNick());
- }
- else
- nick = ::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(Account::P_FULLNAME));
- if ( !::wcslen(nick))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Nick");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "Nick", nick);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfilePhone(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW phone(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_PHONE_MOBILE */ 13)));
- if ( !::wcslen(phone))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "Phone");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "Phone", phone);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileOfficePhone(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW phone(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_PHONE_OFFICE */ 14)));
- if ( !::wcslen(phone))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "CompanyPhone");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "CompanyPhone", phone);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileState(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW state(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_PROVINCE */ 11)));
- if ( !::wcslen(state))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "State");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "State", state);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileStatusMessage(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- ptrW statusMessage(::mir_utf8decodeW(obj->GetStrProp(/* *::P_MOOD_TEXT */ 26)));
- if ( !::wcslen(statusMessage))
- this->delSetting(hContact, "XStatusMsg");
- else
- this->setTString(hContact, "XStatusMsg", statusMessage);
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfileTimezone(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- LONG data = obj->GetUintProp(/* *::P_TIMEZONE */ 27);
- if (data > 0)
- {
- LONG diffmin = (data - 24*3600) / 60;
- wchar_t sign[2];
- if (diffmin < 0)
- ::wcscpy(sign, L"-");
- else
- ::wcscpy(sign, L"+");
- uint hours = ::abs((int)(diffmin / 60));
- uint mins = ::abs((int)(diffmin % 60));
- wchar_t timeshift[7];
- ::mir_sntprintf(timeshift, SIZEOF(timeshift), _T("%s%d:%02d"), sign, hours, mins);
- wchar_t *szMin = wcschr(timeshift, ':');
- int nTz = ::_wtoi(timeshift) * -2;
- nTz += (nTz < 0 ? -1 : 1) * (szMin ? _ttoi( szMin + 1 ) / 30 : 0);
- this->setByte(hContact, "Timezone", (signed char)nTz);
- }
- else this->delSetting(hContact, "Timezone");
-void CSkypeProto::UpdateProfile(SEObject *obj, MCONTACT hContact)
- this->debugLogW(L"Updating profile for %p", hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileAvatar(obj, hContact);
- uint newTS = hContact ? obj->GetUintProp(Contact::P_PROFILE_TIMESTAMP) : obj->GetUintProp(Account::P_PROFILE_TIMESTAMP);
- this->UpdateProfileAboutText(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileBirthday(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileCity(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileCountry(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileEmails(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileFullName(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileGender(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileHomepage(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileLanguages(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileMobilePhone(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileNick(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfilePhone(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileOfficePhone(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileState(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileStatusMessage(obj, hContact);
- this->UpdateProfileTimezone(obj, hContact);
- if (hContact)
- {
- ContactRef ref(obj->getOID());
- this->UpdateContactClient(hContact, ref);
- this->UpdateContactLastEventDate(hContact, ref);
- this->UpdateContactOnlineSinceTime(hContact, ref);
- }
- this->setDword(hContact, "ProfileTS", newTS);
-} \ No newline at end of file