diff options
author | Robert Pösel <robyer@seznam.cz> | 2013-10-29 08:47:48 +0000 |
committer | Robert Pösel <robyer@seznam.cz> | 2013-10-29 08:47:48 +0000 |
commit | 50421b7809c47bd95c59b4a5627e2f89c8bccfa5 (patch) | |
tree | 323784b1c0bb7c86e5df509aab310fa1404680ef /protocols/SkypeClassic/docs/changelog.txt | |
parent | 8604516498f9135ac1c4379488228d84e69a89ab (diff) |
SkypeClassic: Folders structure and project cleanup
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@6668 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/SkypeClassic/docs/changelog.txt')
-rw-r--r-- | protocols/SkypeClassic/docs/changelog.txt | 330 |
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/SkypeClassic/docs/changelog.txt b/protocols/SkypeClassic/docs/changelog.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60526b1116 --- /dev/null +++ b/protocols/SkypeClassic/docs/changelog.txt @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +NOTES
+ You have to manually disable popup of messages in SKYPE, as there is
+ currently no function in the API to do this
+ Got to File/Options/Instant messages and disable the checkboxes there
+ Currently a real mess. At least I splitted it up a bit now.
+ But hey, it kinda works... ;)
+ - ! "NA" and "Free for chat" status are available again; NA is supported by skype and Free for chat
+ uses skypes "Skype Me" status; better leave it that way
+ ! changes to the mood message of a contact were only visible after a status change
+ ! plugin was crashing when status changed to offline and a proxy is used
+ - ! menu item "Hang up (Skype)" was show on none skype contacts
+ ! fixed serveral bugs in skype startup (including starting skype twice)
+ ! show connecting state correctly
+ ! hangup while ringing caused a state where contact isnt callable anymore
+ * removed "NA" and "Free for chat" status
+ - + Added option to suppress summary chat message after call is finished (jls17)
+ ! Fix hangup causes a dial command if opponent hangs up a little bit earlier (jls17)
+ ! removed empty chat message on incoming call
+ ! empty mood message is send to skype correctly
+ - + Added a trick to identify skype 3 version (fingerprint)
+ - + Added option to enter user name and password. (Patch by NN)
+ - + Support for new core service: get avatar caps
+ + Option to show/hide default avatar for contacts
+ + Hide Skype Avatar page in user details if >= #27
+ - + Voice service support in normall calls - no support for SkypeOut yet (pescuma)
+ ! Made options dialog a little bit smaller, removed frame and set bold frame for popups (pescuma)
+ + Add more status to manage for away message
+ - ! Fix the load for pre 0.7.0 #17 build
+ * Patch by pescuma for avatar.
+ - ! Avoid empty message from myself on first message received.
+ + Add the Get user avatar interface
+ * Change the get user info thread
+ * code cleanup
+ + Support for miranda 0.8
+ ! Correct use of folder plugin (using "avatar cache folder"\SKYPE).
+ - ! When settings skype offline, first set proto off then contacts.
+ * move the broadcast of status change out of if statement in status change.
+ * Set contacts ofline on plugin load (avoid skype contact to be online if starts skype is not checked)
+ ! Fix the use of datapath for portable skype
+ * Allow to choose no splash - no tray - minimized even if start skype with miranda is not checked.
+ ! Fix bug with timestamp in irc
+ - * Use unicode nick, status message, city and country in skype profile.
+ ! Fix for sending status change when offline
+ * Do not send message to skype if not attached (avoid trying to connect to api at startup)
+ ! Fix crash on recieving message with groupchat checked.
+ - + Try to identify if chat message comes from a group chat or not
+ + Add a option to flag group chat message as read if not using chat.dll for group chat.
+ ! Fix the check of message type (group chat or normal)
+ - ! Fix for flags of event and metacontact (thanks SJE)
+ * Next step to custom popup support (in popup option page)
+ ! Fix infinite for error popup
+ - ! Improvemnt of the Action message support.
+ ! Fix empty message on first chat with a contact.
+ - + First step to Action Message support ( /me )
+ + Updater support for File Listing.
+ + First step to a custom popup for call notification.
+ - + Add an option to enable/disable the timezone patch
+ - ! Try to fix the bug (set skype offline when closing miranda)
+ - * Improved portable skype integration
+ - * Try to fix the start using custom command line
+ + Close skype using custom command line too
+ - + Add a way to use a custom command line to start skype.
+ - ! patch from markcs about timezones.
+ ! shutdown patch by sje
+ - * Change options dialog (use tabsrmm uxtheme)
+ - ! Wrong db entry name for cellular (cellucar)
+ + Set mirver using is video capabale to identify skype 2.0 user
+ - * Options page redesigned
+ * Work around to force refresh of avatar in MyDetail (w8 the avatar change service)
+ * Change Skype protocol to Skype in options->Network
+ * Free buffer in status message retrieve
+ * First step to a details info page.
+ - * Some minor bugfixes
+ * Severe bugfix: Message sending routine worked incorrectly (no errors were shown
+ even if there were sending-errors)
+ * Removed PingPong - thread in favour of WM_TIMER
+ * Fixed critical section unlocking in skypeapi.c. In certain cases, critical sections
+ were not left correctly.
+ * Fixed a bug that caused Miranda to crash on exit with Newstatusnotify plugin
+ (thanks to TioDuke for reporting)
+ * Hopefully fixed the nasty bug that caused Miranda to lockup on exit.
+ - * Split service and options in two new cpp file.
+ * Put the default attemps number to 10
+ - * Add avatar support for own user only (no api to ge contacts avatar)
+ * Add set status message.
+ * Add Get status message for contact where viewing contact details
+ * Change icons (thanks to Faith Healer)
+ * Updater support (BETA ONLY)
+ * DBeEditor known module support
+ * Mods to avoid warning in VC++ 8
+ * Implement the MyDetail requested services
+ - * HOTFIX - Double File-Transfer icon removed. Please note that you can't send files
+ via drag & drop, because of the nature of Skype API - Skype wants to open its own
+ "File/Open" dialog, so I cannot supply a path to the file to be sent, therefore I
+ had to add a seperate File-sending function rather than using Miranda's function.
+ - * Startup of Skype in a seperate thread was not solved properly. Now it should really
+ start in background
+ * The hack for the statusmode-bug is optional in the settings and is turned off
+ per default. (Thx to Eddie Hung for reporting problems and help)
+ * Added an ugly hack for the Skype-API offline bug (grr.. )
+ * Nickname is now set correctly. To cleanup the existing Nicks, please go to
+ the options page an push the "Cleanup Nicknames" button.
+ This will clean out entries where the Nick was set to the Skype handle
+ * Fixed a bug in the message sending routine that caused errors in communication
+ (missed messages in Skype that were not fetched..)
+ * Added "Hold call" feature while calling
+ * Added support for conference calls (if a second user is calling while you
+ are in a conversation, you can now choose whether to block the call or let
+ the user join you in a conference with the existing caller or to put the
+ other caller on hold)
+ * Fixed a bug in the code for adding users that were just searched via the
+ Skype search-window but never have been in contact list.
+ * Fixed some bugs (memleak, nick error, ..) in the Search-Routine for
+ Skype-contacts. (thx to Deadman for reporting)
+ * Fixed a bug with unknown SKYPE_IN contacts
+ * Added file-sending capability (requires new Skype-version)
+ * Did a litte code-cleanup
+ * Adding / Removing contacts can now be done via the Miranda standard-dialogs if
+ you use the newest Skype-Version
+ * With the new Skype-version you are able to handle Authorisation-Requests via Miranda
+ now.
+ - * Fixed a severe memory-allocation bug in utf8-encoded messages that caused random
+ crashes (oops :-O) - Thanks to Ary Dvoretz for reporting.
+ * Bug in SkypeStatusMode-Bug fix from last release fixed (protocol stayed offline)
+ * Now onlinestatus for SkypeOut-Contacts is configurable
+ * Made Menu-Options translatable
+ * Added support for calling SkypeOut-Phonenumbers. You can now dial a PSTN-Number
+ by calling "Do a SkypeOut call" in the main menu (or top toolbar if the
+ toptoolbar plugin is installed) and entering a number or
+ by right-clicking on a non-Skype contact and selecting "Call using SkypeOut",
+ if there is a phone-Number entry in the User's-Details.
+ This, of course, is only working if you have SkypeOut privilege
+ - * Fixed a crash on Miranda-exit when error occured on Skype-Protocol start
+ * Fixed Bug #0000006: Now user is asked if he wants to enable the Protocol
+ for the current profile, if he starts with a new profile.
+ * Fixed Bug #0000002: Now interfacing with Skype is really stopped on going
+ offline if the option is enabled. (PingPong-thread killed)
+ - This also applies on closing Skype
+ * Fixed a memory leak in MsgFetchThread that appeared in the last version because
+ of the groupchat-implementation (free() within wrong if clause, ooops ;)
+ * Fixed Bug #0000005: When there is a msg from a user that is not on Skype's contact
+ list, the user is now added PALF_TEMPORARY and disappears again on next Miranda-start
+ * Implemented a fix for Skype API's statusmode bug reported by Markus Mützel:
+ If you change the online status while Skype is still connecting, Skype changes to
+ the FIRST state that it was requested to change to, after going online, instead of
+ the LAST state. However the bug was not reproducable for me.
+ * Fixed broken popup-support (I hope)
+ * CHANGE of behaviour (inspired by Bug #0000007):
+ If you turn off "Start Skype with Miranda", the plugin wouldn't search for a
+ running Skype instance anymore.
+ * Now when going online and Skype is not launched, Skype will be launched via a
+ seperate thread (in background) so that Miranda isn't blocked while Skype is loading
+ * Options Dlg. should now be translateable too.
+ -
+ * Miranda crash on exit if Skype was not found installed should be
+ fixed by now.
+ * Implemented compatibility layer for Skype API Protocol V3 and above.
+ * Removed some useless code introduced in
+ * Added some fixes made by TioDuke (thank you!)
+ - Using your own Nick instead of your Skype-Handle in conversations
+ - LastName 3rd token & above are not ignored any more
+ - Status modes "On the phone" and "out to lunch" are mapped now
+ * Fixed a bug that caused "Skype API not available" messages under high load.
+ (thanks to Romeo28 for testing!)
+ * Fixed a bug that caused Message sending thread to wait forever if sending
+ a message times out (causing dead threads)
+ * Skype contact list should be synced now when Skype-Status changes.
+ (thx to Markus Mützel for Bugreport)
+ * Implemented a garbage collector that removes old messages from queue
+ in order to prevent possible memory exhaustion
+ * Added option to disable all modal Error-message dialog boxes (as people
+ keep telling me that they are annoyed by them)
+ * Added langpack support for error messages
+ * Added option to increase the time the protocol is waiting for Skype
+ * Added groupchat functions. WARNING: For testing purposes only!
+ Currently there is a memleak which I cannot find, but even worse,
+ Skype API doesn't seem to support sending to a groupchat, inviting etc.
+ So this is currently only experimental! When you send to a groupchat you
+ currently send single messages to every user seperately. Skype staff
+ didn't answer my question about sending to groupchats so far, so it
+ depends on them when this feature will be available for real use.
+ - A few minor fixes:
+ * Logging off users shouldn't flood the StatusNotify-Plugin now.
+ * Popup-plugin can be enabled/disabled in the options dlg.
+ * Implemented support for SkypeOut contacts (they caused crashes)
+ * Now using Nick instead of Skype-Handle as Contact list name on
+ adding new users, if it is available.
+ - Bugfixing because of strange Skype API behaviour:
+ * Adding of contacts that are just searched, but not added in Skype
+ should be prevented now.
+ * Version number correct again.
+ - Only minor bugfixes:
+ * The gender in user-details is now saved correctly to the DB
+ (thanks to LeON for the hint!)
+ * The Apply-Button should now be disabled in the options DLG by default
+ (thanks to sje for the bug report)
+ * Contactlist should be reinitialized after a SYNC-Problem now.
+ * Bug with usernames that contain commas should be fixed
+ * Protocol messages are now shown as popups if Popup-plugin is installed
+ - * Hopefully recovery after sync problem works a bit better now
+ (Sync-Problem Messages are no longer shown)
+ * Now you can hang up a call directly from a contact's context menu
+ * Now implemented support for using Skype over a network. You can use
+ the included skypeproxy service to in/output Skype API messages
+ on a socket and can connect to it with the plugin.
+ So you can, for example, launch the skypeproxy service on your
+ Windows-server (eeek! :P) and control Skype from your workstation
+ using Miranda. (requested feature by foosmate)
+ * Now you can accept incoming calls via Miranda (or hang them up)
+ * The status mode bug (clist status menu was not updated properly)
+ should be fixed by now.
+ * The logfile in the dbeug-build should now always be written to the
+ Miranda directory.
+ - * Fixed bug with error when starting Skype with Miranda ("Wheee...")
+ * As Skype seems to use new, UNDOCUMENTED Message types (I think it's
+ a severe Skype-API bug) I adapted the plugin so that it works
+ with new API now. This fixes the problem of not being able to receive
+ messages in new Skype versions.
+ Skype now sends "MESSAGE TYPE SAID" instead of "MESSAGE TYPE TEXT",
+ the bug has been reported to Skype forum.
+ (http://forum.skype.com/viewtopic.php?t=15435)
+ * Fixed a memory leak in Message-receiving routine
+ * Added UTF8-support for Contact properties (does this fix something?)
+ * Fixed a memory leak in Startup-routine
+ * Finally renamed Plugin from SKYPE_PROTOCOL to SKYPE internally.
+ Hopefully it will upgrade your existing DB seamlessly.
+ * Now all threads should be sync with Miranda as I'm using the pthread-
+ functions "borrowed" from Yahoo protocol.
+ - * Now there is support for the "Occupied" mode, which is mapped to DND
+ This is useful for users who do a global statusmodechange so that Skype
+ gets to "Occupied" state instead of staying online.
+ * Now the protocol doesn't disable itself when you chose to not start
+ Skype on startup, instead it stays offline and starts Skype when you
+ try to go online.
+ - * Fixed a bug that caused a lockup on Plugin startup (when a Window was not
+ reacting to the HWND_BROADCAST) (thx to Cool Blue)
+ * Fixed a bug in the Startup-procedure..
+ * Now Skype doesn't go offline when you close Miranda (thx to Egodust)
+ * Now it should really work unter WIN98 (thx to TioDuke for testing)
+ * Implemented feature for Shutting down Skype on going offline and
+ restarting Skype on changing to online mode again, as many people requested.
+ - * Added feature requests from kreisquadratur:
+ * Option to disable Skype-Menuitems
+ * Fixed bug with Apply-Button
+ * Using a nicer Skype-Icon now
+ * Now using Skype-Timestamp for messages
+ * Implementing importing history from skype (see contextmenu of contact)
+ * Fixed bug with processing first message of MESSAGES - List
+ * Found out, that RegisterClass() doesn't work for UNICODE-Programs on
+ non-UNICODE win98, therefore return-value check for RegisterClass removed
+ * Fixed a bug that caused a "We got a Sync problem :("
+ - * Fixed a bug that caused the plugin to crash with bigger contact lists
+ (Skype API was flooded on startup)
+ - * Missed messages are fetched now
+ * User details work now
+ * More verbose error msgs now (to help Win98 user debugging his problem)
+ * Added option for starting skype with miranda and shutting down
+ Skype when closing miranda.
+ * You can now chose the command line options to pass to Skype on startup
+ * Hopefully the bug with multiple Call - Entries per user is fixed now
+ * Protocol name is now "Skype", not "Skype_protocol" - Remember this
+ when updating, so DELETE skype_protocol.dll first!!
+ * Secured Message Queue with a Mutex
+ * Fixed a Message-receiving bug that could cause delays in message-processing
+ * Adding a Contact in Skype now also adds it to Miranda immediately
+ (Deleting should also work, but doesn't because of a Skype API bug)
+ * Added searching for contacts, but this feature seems to be quite useless,
+ as Skype API doesn't support adding contacts, so you still have to add
+ your contacts in the Skype program, sorry
+ In order to do this comfortably, I added a Miranda Menu-Item for adding
+ Skype-contacts.
+ - * I hope it's thread-safe now
+ * Changing the Online-Status should work correctly now
+ * Fixed "We got a sync problem :(" bug - big thx to Azzie
+ * Now starts Skype more in the background as proposed by Kreisquadratur
+ * Implemented PING-PONG with Skype to detect if Connection to Skype API
+ was lost
+ * Launching of Skype by Miranda improved