path: root/protocols/Telegram/tdlib/td/test/tdclient.cpp
diff options
authoraunsane <>2018-04-27 21:33:17 +0300
committeraunsane <>2018-04-27 21:33:17 +0300
commite1ec72eab6d00b3ba38e5932bc88920f103b6e4a (patch)
tree999de2725a83e30fbbf6576200525d4ef0c5fe38 /protocols/Telegram/tdlib/td/test/tdclient.cpp
parentb9ce1d4d98525490ca1a38e2d9fd4f3369adb3e0 (diff)
Telegram: initial commit
- tdlib moved to telegram dir
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/Telegram/tdlib/td/test/tdclient.cpp')
1 files changed, 837 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Telegram/tdlib/td/test/tdclient.cpp b/protocols/Telegram/tdlib/td/test/tdclient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7cef0fcbc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/protocols/Telegram/tdlib/td/test/tdclient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,837 @@
+// Copyright Aliaksei Levin (, Arseny Smirnov ( 2014-2018
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include "data.h"
+#include "td/actor/PromiseFuture.h"
+#include "td/telegram/ClientActor.h"
+#include "td/telegram/td_api.h"
+#include "td/utils/base64.h"
+#include "td/utils/BufferedFd.h"
+#include "td/utils/filesystem.h"
+#include "td/utils/format.h"
+#include "td/utils/logging.h"
+#include "td/utils/misc.h"
+#include "td/utils/port/FileFd.h"
+#include "td/utils/port/path.h"
+#include "td/utils/Random.h"
+#include "td/utils/Slice.h"
+#include "td/utils/Status.h"
+#include "td/utils/tests.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <functional>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
+namespace td {
+template <class T>
+static void check_td_error(T &result) {
+ CHECK(result->get_id() != td_api::error::ID) << to_string(result);
+static void rmrf(CSlice path) {
+ td::walk_path(path, [](CSlice path, bool is_dir) {
+ if (is_dir) {
+ td::rmdir(path).ignore();
+ } else {
+ td::unlink(path).ignore();
+ }
+ });
+class TestClient : public Actor {
+ public:
+ explicit TestClient(string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {
+ }
+ struct Update {
+ uint64 id;
+ tl_object_ptr<td_api::Object> object;
+ Update(uint64 id, tl_object_ptr<td_api::Object> object) : id(id), object(std::move(object)) {
+ }
+ };
+ class Listener {
+ public:
+ Listener() = default;
+ Listener(const Listener &) = delete;
+ Listener &operator=(const Listener &) = delete;
+ Listener(Listener &&) = delete;
+ Listener &operator=(Listener &&) = delete;
+ virtual ~Listener() = default;
+ virtual void start_listen(TestClient *client) {
+ }
+ virtual void stop_listen() {
+ }
+ virtual void on_update(std::shared_ptr<Update> update) = 0;
+ };
+ void close(Promise<> close_promise) {
+ close_promise_ = std::move(close_promise);
+ td_.reset();
+ }
+ unique_ptr<TdCallback> make_td_callback() {
+ class TdCallbackImpl : public TdCallback {
+ public:
+ explicit TdCallbackImpl(ActorId<TestClient> client) : client_(client) {
+ }
+ void on_result(uint64 id, tl_object_ptr<td_api::Object> result) override {
+ send_closure(client_, &TestClient::on_result, id, std::move(result));
+ }
+ void on_error(uint64 id, tl_object_ptr<td_api::error> error) override {
+ send_closure(client_, &TestClient::on_error, id, std::move(error));
+ }
+ void on_closed() override {
+ send_closure(client_, &TestClient::on_closed);
+ }
+ private:
+ ActorId<TestClient> client_;
+ };
+ return make_unique<TdCallbackImpl>(actor_id(this));
+ }
+ void add_listener(std::unique_ptr<Listener> listener) {
+ auto *ptr = listener.get();
+ listeners_.push_back(std::move(listener));
+ ptr->start_listen(this);
+ }
+ void remove_listener(Listener *listener) {
+ pending_remove_.push_back(listener);
+ }
+ void do_pending_remove_listeners() {
+ for (auto listener : pending_remove_) {
+ do_remove_listener(listener);
+ }
+ pending_remove_.clear();
+ }
+ void do_remove_listener(Listener *listener) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < listeners_.size(); i++) {
+ if (listeners_[i].get() == listener) {
+ listener->stop_listen();
+ listeners_.erase(listeners_.begin() + i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void on_result(uint64 id, tl_object_ptr<td_api::Object> result) {
+ on_update(std::make_shared<Update>(id, std::move(result)));
+ }
+ void on_error(uint64 id, tl_object_ptr<td_api::error> error) {
+ on_update(std::make_shared<Update>(id, std::move(error)));
+ }
+ void on_update(std::shared_ptr<Update> update) {
+ for (auto &listener : listeners_) {
+ listener->on_update(update);
+ }
+ do_pending_remove_listeners();
+ }
+ void on_closed() {
+ stop();
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ rmrf(name_);
+ set_context(std::make_shared<td::ActorContext>());
+ set_tag(name_);
+ td_ = create_actor<ClientActor>("Td-proxy", make_td_callback());
+ }
+ ActorOwn<ClientActor> td_;
+ string name_;
+ private:
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Listener>> listeners_;
+ std::vector<Listener *> pending_remove_;
+ Promise<> close_promise_;
+class Task : public TestClient::Listener {
+ public:
+ void on_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) override {
+ auto it = sent_queries_.find(update->id);
+ if (it != sent_queries_.end()) {
+ it->second(std::move(update->object));
+ sent_queries_.erase(it);
+ }
+ process_update(update);
+ }
+ void start_listen(TestClient *client) override {
+ client_ = client;
+ start_up();
+ }
+ virtual void process_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) {
+ }
+ template <class F>
+ void send_query(tl_object_ptr<td_api::Function> function, F callback) {
+ auto id = current_query_id_++;
+ sent_queries_[id] = std::forward<F>(callback);
+ send_closure(client_->td_, &ClientActor::request, id, std::move(function));
+ }
+ protected:
+ std::map<uint64, std::function<void(tl_object_ptr<td_api::Object>)>> sent_queries_;
+ TestClient *client_;
+ uint64 current_query_id_ = 1;
+ virtual void start_up() {
+ }
+ void stop() {
+ client_->remove_listener(this);
+ }
+class DoAuthentication : public Task {
+ public:
+ DoAuthentication(string name, string phone, string code, Promise<> promise)
+ : name_(std::move(name)), phone_(std::move(phone)), code_(std::move(code)), promise_(std::move(promise)) {
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::getAuthorizationState>(),
+ [this](auto res) { this->process_authorization_state(std::move(res)); });
+ }
+ void process_authorization_state(tl_object_ptr<td_api::Object> authorization_state) {
+ start_flag_ = true;
+ tl_object_ptr<td_api::Function> function;
+ switch (authorization_state->get_id()) {
+ case td_api::authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey::ID:
+ function = make_tl_object<td_api::checkDatabaseEncryptionKey>();
+ break;
+ case td_api::authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber::ID:
+ function = make_tl_object<td_api::setAuthenticationPhoneNumber>(phone_, false, true);
+ break;
+ case td_api::authorizationStateWaitCode::ID:
+ function = make_tl_object<td_api::checkAuthenticationCode>(code_, name_, "");
+ break;
+ case td_api::authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters::ID: {
+ auto parameters = td_api::make_object<td_api::tdlibParameters>();
+ parameters->use_test_dc_ = true;
+ parameters->database_directory_ = name_ + TD_DIR_SLASH;
+ parameters->use_message_database_ = true;
+ parameters->use_secret_chats_ = true;
+ parameters->api_id_ = 94575;
+ parameters->api_hash_ = "a3406de8d171bb422bb6ddf3bbd800e2";
+ parameters->system_language_code_ = "en";
+ parameters->device_model_ = "Desktop";
+ parameters->system_version_ = "Unknown";
+ parameters->application_version_ = "tdclient-test";
+ parameters->ignore_file_names_ = false;
+ parameters->enable_storage_optimizer_ = true;
+ function = td_api::make_object<td_api::setTdlibParameters>(std::move(parameters));
+ break;
+ }
+ case td_api::authorizationStateReady::ID:
+ on_authorization_ready();
+ return;
+ default:
+ CHECK(false) << "Unexpected authorization state " << to_string(authorization_state);
+ }
+ send_query(std::move(function), [this](auto res) { CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::ok::ID) << to_string(res); });
+ }
+ void on_authorization_ready() {
+ stop();
+ }
+ private:
+ string name_;
+ string phone_;
+ string code_;
+ Promise<> promise_;
+ bool start_flag_{false};
+ void process_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) override {
+ if (!start_flag_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!update->object) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateAuthorizationState::ID) {
+ auto o = std::move(update->object);
+ process_authorization_state(std::move(static_cast<td_api::updateAuthorizationState &>(*o).authorization_state_));
+ }
+ }
+class SetUsername : public Task {
+ public:
+ SetUsername(string username, Promise<> promise) : username_(std::move(username)), promise_(std::move(promise)) {
+ }
+ private:
+ string username_;
+ Promise<> promise_;
+ int32 self_id_;
+ string tag_;
+ void start_up() override {
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::getMe>(), [this](auto res) { this->process_me_user(std::move(res)); });
+ }
+ void process_me_user(tl_object_ptr<td_api::Object> res) {
+ CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::user::ID);
+ auto user = move_tl_object_as<td_api::user>(res);
+ self_id_ = user->id_;
+ if (user->username_ != username_) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "SET USERNAME: " << username_;
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::setUsername>(username_), [this](auto res) {
+ CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::ok::ID);
+ this->send_self_message();
+ });
+ } else {
+ send_self_message();
+ }
+ }
+ void send_self_message() {
+ tag_ = PSTRING() << format::as_hex(Random::secure_int64());
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::createPrivateChat>(self_id_, false), [this](auto res) {
+ CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::chat::ID);
+ auto chat = move_tl_object_as<td_api::chat>(res);
+ this->send_query(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::sendMessage>(
+ chat->id_, 0, false, false, nullptr,
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputMessageText>(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::formattedText>(PSTRING() << tag_ << " INIT", Auto()), false, false)),
+ [](auto res) {});
+ });
+ }
+ void process_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) override {
+ if (!update->object) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateMessageSendSucceeded::ID) {
+ auto updateNewMessage = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateMessageSendSucceeded>(update->object);
+ auto &message = updateNewMessage->message_;
+ if (message->content_->get_id() == td_api::messageText::ID) {
+ auto messageText = move_tl_object_as<td_api::messageText>(message->content_);
+ auto text = messageText->text_->text_;
+ if (text.substr(0, tag_.size()) == tag_) {
+ return stop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class CheckTestA : public Task {
+ public:
+ CheckTestA(string tag, Promise<> promise) : tag_(std::move(tag)), promise_(std::move(promise)) {
+ }
+ private:
+ string tag_;
+ Promise<> promise_;
+ string previous_text_;
+ int cnt_ = 20;
+ void process_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) override {
+ if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateNewMessage::ID) {
+ auto updateNewMessage = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateNewMessage>(update->object);
+ auto &message = updateNewMessage->message_;
+ if (message->content_->get_id() == td_api::messageText::ID) {
+ auto messageText = move_tl_object_as<td_api::messageText>(message->content_);
+ auto text = messageText->text_->text_;
+ if (text.substr(0, tag_.size()) == tag_) {
+ CHECK(text > previous_text_) << tag("now", text) << tag("previous", previous_text_);
+ previous_text_ = text;
+ cnt_--;
+ LOG(INFO) << "GOT " << tag("text", text) << tag("left", cnt_);
+ if (cnt_ == 0) {
+ return stop();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class TestA : public Task {
+ public:
+ TestA(string tag, string username) : tag_(std::move(tag)), username_(std::move(username)) {
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::searchPublicChat>(username_), [this](auto res) {
+ CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::chat::ID);
+ auto chat = move_tl_object_as<td_api::chat>(res);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+ this->send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::sendMessage>(
+ chat->id_, 0, false, false, nullptr,
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputMessageText>(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::formattedText>(PSTRING() << tag_ << " " << (1000 + i), Auto()),
+ false, false)),
+ [&](auto res) { this->stop(); });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private:
+ string tag_;
+ string username_;
+class TestSecretChat : public Task {
+ public:
+ TestSecretChat(string tag, string username) : tag_(std::move(tag)), username_(std::move(username)) {
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ auto f = [this](auto res) {
+ CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::chat::ID);
+ auto chat = move_tl_object_as<td_api::chat>(res);
+ this->chat_id_ = chat->id_;
+ this->secret_chat_id_ = move_tl_object_as<td_api::chatTypeSecret>(chat->type_)->secret_chat_id_;
+ };
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::searchPublicChat>(username_), [this, f = std::move(f)](auto res) mutable {
+ CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::chat::ID);
+ auto chat = move_tl_object_as<td_api::chat>(res);
+ CHECK(chat->type_->get_id() == td_api::chatTypePrivate::ID);
+ auto info = move_tl_object_as<td_api::chatTypePrivate>(chat->type_);
+ this->send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::createNewSecretChat>(info->user_id_), std::move(f));
+ });
+ }
+ void process_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) override {
+ if (!update->object) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateSecretChat::ID) {
+ auto update_secret_chat = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateSecretChat>(update->object);
+ if (update_secret_chat->secret_chat_->id_ != secret_chat_id_ ||
+ update_secret_chat->secret_chat_->state_->get_id() != td_api::secretChatStateReady::ID) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::sendMessage>(
+ chat_id_, 0, false, false, nullptr,
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputMessageText>(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::formattedText>(PSTRING() << tag_ << " " << (1000 + i), Auto()), false,
+ false)),
+ [](auto res) {});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ string tag_;
+ string username_;
+ int64 secret_chat_id_ = 0;
+ int64 chat_id_ = 0;
+class TestFileGenerated : public Task {
+ public:
+ TestFileGenerated(string tag, string username) : tag_(std::move(tag)), username_(std::move(username)) {
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ }
+ void process_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) override {
+ if (!update->object) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateNewMessage::ID) {
+ auto updateNewMessage = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateNewMessage>(update->object);
+ auto &message = updateNewMessage->message_;
+ chat_id_ = message->chat_id_;
+ if (message->content_->get_id() == td_api::messageText::ID) {
+ auto messageText = move_tl_object_as<td_api::messageText>(message->content_);
+ auto text = messageText->text_->text_;
+ if (text.substr(0, tag_.size()) == tag_) {
+ if (text.substr(tag_.size() + 1) == "ONE_FILE") {
+ return one_file();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateFileGenerationStart::ID) {
+ auto info = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateFileGenerationStart>(update->object);
+ generate_file(info->generation_id_, info->original_path_, info->destination_path_, info->conversion_);
+ } else if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateFile::ID) {
+ auto file = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateFile>(update->object);
+ LOG(INFO) << to_string(file);
+ }
+ }
+ void one_file() {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Start ONE_FILE test";
+ string file_path = string("test_documents") + TD_DIR_SLASH + "a.txt";
+ mkpath(file_path).ensure();
+ auto raw_file =
+ FileFd::open(file_path, FileFd::Flags::Create | FileFd::Flags::Truncate | FileFd::Flags::Write).move_as_ok();
+ auto file = BufferedFd<FileFd>(std::move(raw_file));
+ for (int i = 1; i < 100000; i++) {
+ file.write(PSLICE() << i << "\n").ensure();
+ }
+ file.flush_write().ensure(); // important
+ file.close();
+ this->send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::sendMessage>(
+ chat_id_, 0, false, false, nullptr,
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputMessageDocument>(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputFileGenerated>(file_path, "square", 0),
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputThumbnail>(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputFileGenerated>(file_path, "thumbnail", 0), 0, 0),
+ make_tl_object<td_api::formattedText>(tag_, Auto()))),
+ [](auto res) { check_td_error(res); });
+ this->send_query(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::sendMessage>(chat_id_, 0, false, false, nullptr,
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputMessageDocument>(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputFileGenerated>(file_path, "square", 0),
+ nullptr, make_tl_object<td_api::formattedText>(tag_, Auto()))),
+ [](auto res) { check_td_error(res); });
+ }
+ friend class GenerateFile;
+ class GenerateFile : public Actor {
+ public:
+ GenerateFile(Task *parent, int64 id, string original_path, string destination_path, string conversion)
+ : parent_(parent)
+ , id_(id)
+ , original_path_(std::move(original_path))
+ , destination_path_(std::move(destination_path))
+ , conversion_(std::move(conversion)) {
+ }
+ private:
+ Task *parent_;
+ int64 id_;
+ string original_path_;
+ string destination_path_;
+ string conversion_;
+ FILE *from = nullptr;
+ FILE *to = nullptr;
+ void start_up() override {
+ from = std::fopen(original_path_.c_str(), "rb");
+ CHECK(from);
+ to = std::fopen(destination_path_.c_str(), "wb");
+ CHECK(to);
+ yield();
+ }
+ void loop() override {
+ int cnt = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ uint32 x;
+ auto r = std::fscanf(from, "%u", &x);
+ if (r != 1) {
+ return stop();
+ }
+ std::fprintf(to, "%u\n", x * x);
+ if (++cnt >= 10000) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ auto ready = std::ftell(to);
+ LOG(ERROR) << "READY: " << ready;
+ parent_->send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::setFileGenerationProgress>(
+ id_, 1039823 /*yeah, exact size of this file*/, narrow_cast<int32>(ready)),
+ [](auto result) { check_td_error(result); });
+ set_timeout_in(0.02);
+ }
+ void tear_down() override {
+ std::fclose(from);
+ std::fclose(to);
+ parent_->send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::finishFileGeneration>(id_, nullptr),
+ [](auto result) { check_td_error(result); });
+ }
+ };
+ void generate_file(int64 id, string original_path, string destination_path, string conversion) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Generate file " << tag("id", id) << tag("original_path", original_path)
+ << tag("destination_path", destination_path) << tag("conversion", conversion);
+ if (conversion == "square") {
+ create_actor<GenerateFile>("GenerateFile", this, id, original_path, destination_path, conversion).release();
+ } else if (conversion == "thumbnail") {
+ write_file(destination_path, base64url_decode(Slice(thumbnail, thumbnail_size)).ok()).ensure();
+ this->send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::finishFileGeneration>(id, nullptr),
+ [](auto result) { check_td_error(result); });
+ } else {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "unknown " << tag("conversion", conversion);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ string tag_;
+ string username_;
+ int64 chat_id_ = 0;
+class CheckTestC : public Task {
+ public:
+ CheckTestC(string username, string tag, Promise<> promise)
+ : username_(std::move(username)), tag_(std::move(tag)), promise_(std::move(promise)) {
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::searchPublicChat>(username_), [this](auto res) {
+ CHECK(res->get_id() == td_api::chat::ID);
+ auto chat = move_tl_object_as<td_api::chat>(res);
+ chat_id_ = chat->id_;
+ this->one_file();
+ });
+ }
+ private:
+ string username_;
+ string tag_;
+ Promise<> promise_;
+ int64 chat_id_;
+ void one_file() {
+ this->send_query(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::sendMessage>(
+ chat_id_, 0, false, false, nullptr,
+ make_tl_object<td_api::inputMessageText>(
+ make_tl_object<td_api::formattedText>(PSTRING() << tag_ << " ONE_FILE", Auto()), false, false)),
+ [](auto res) { check_td_error(res); });
+ }
+ void process_update(std::shared_ptr<TestClient::Update> update) override {
+ if (!update->object) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateNewMessage::ID) {
+ auto updateNewMessage = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateNewMessage>(update->object);
+ auto &message = updateNewMessage->message_;
+ if (message->content_->get_id() == td_api::messageDocument::ID) {
+ auto messageDocument = move_tl_object_as<td_api::messageDocument>(message->content_);
+ auto text = messageDocument->caption_->text_;
+ if (text.substr(0, tag_.size()) == tag_) {
+ file_id_to_check_ = messageDocument->document_->document_->id_;
+ LOG(ERROR) << "GOT FILE " << to_string(messageDocument->document_->document_);
+ this->send_query(make_tl_object<td_api::downloadFile>(file_id_to_check_, 1),
+ [](auto res) { check_td_error(res); });
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (update->object->get_id() == td_api::updateFile::ID) {
+ auto updateFile = move_tl_object_as<td_api::updateFile>(update->object);
+ if (updateFile->file_->id_ == file_id_to_check_ && (updateFile->file_->local_->is_downloading_completed_)) {
+ check_file(updateFile->file_->local_->path_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void check_file(CSlice path) {
+ FILE *from = std::fopen(path.c_str(), "rb");
+ CHECK(from);
+ uint32 x;
+ uint32 y = 1;
+ while (std::fscanf(from, "%u", &x) == 1) {
+ CHECK(x == y * y);
+ y++;
+ }
+ std::fclose(from);
+ stop();
+ }
+ int32 file_id_to_check_ = 0;
+class LoginTestActor : public Actor {
+ public:
+ explicit LoginTestActor(Status *status) : status_(status) {
+ *status_ = Status::OK();
+ }
+ private:
+ Status *status_;
+ ActorOwn<TestClient> alice_;
+ ActorOwn<TestClient> bob_;
+ string alice_phone_ = "9996636437";
+ string bob_phone_ = "9996636438";
+ string alice_username_ = "alice_" + alice_phone_;
+ string bob_username_ = "bob_" + bob_phone_;
+ string stage_name_;
+ void begin_stage(string stage_name, double timeout) {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Begin stage '" << stage_name << "'";
+ stage_name_ = std::move(stage_name);
+ set_timeout_in(timeout);
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ begin_stage("Logging in", 160);
+ alice_ = create_actor<TestClient>("AliceClient", "alice");
+ bob_ = create_actor<TestClient>("BobClient", "bob");
+ send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<DoAuthentication>(
+ "alice", alice_phone_, "33333",
+ PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::start_up_fence_dec))));
+ send_closure(bob_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<DoAuthentication>(
+ "bob", bob_phone_, "33333",
+ PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::start_up_fence_dec))));
+ }
+ int start_up_fence_ = 3;
+ void start_up_fence_dec() {
+ --start_up_fence_;
+ if (start_up_fence_ == 0) {
+ init();
+ } else if (start_up_fence_ == 1) {
+ return init();
+ class WaitActor : public Actor {
+ public:
+ WaitActor(double timeout, Promise<> promise) : timeout_(timeout), promise_(std::move(promise)) {
+ }
+ void start_up() override {
+ set_timeout_in(timeout_);
+ }
+ void timeout_expired() override {
+ stop();
+ }
+ private:
+ double timeout_;
+ Promise<> promise_;
+ };
+ create_actor<WaitActor>("WaitActor", 2,
+ PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::start_up_fence_dec)))
+ .release();
+ }
+ }
+ void init() {
+ send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<SetUsername>(
+ alice_username_, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::init_fence_dec))));
+ send_closure(bob_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<SetUsername>(
+ bob_username_, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::init_fence_dec))));
+ }
+ int init_fence_ = 2;
+ void init_fence_dec() {
+ if (--init_fence_ == 0) {
+ test_a();
+ }
+ }
+ int32 test_a_fence_ = 2;
+ void test_a_fence() {
+ if (--test_a_fence_ == 0) {
+ test_b();
+ }
+ }
+ void test_a() {
+ begin_stage("Ready to create chats", 80);
+ string alice_tag = PSTRING() << format::as_hex(Random::secure_int64());
+ string bob_tag = PSTRING() << format::as_hex(Random::secure_int64());
+ send_closure(bob_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<CheckTestA>(
+ alice_tag, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::test_a_fence))));
+ send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<CheckTestA>(
+ bob_tag, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::test_a_fence))));
+ send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::add_listener, std::make_unique<TestA>(alice_tag, bob_username_));
+ send_closure(bob_, &TestClient::add_listener, std::make_unique<TestA>(bob_tag, alice_username_));
+ // send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::add_listener, std::make_unique<TestChat>(bob_username_));
+ }
+ void timeout_expired() override {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Timeout expired in stage '" << stage_name_ << "'";
+ }
+ int32 test_b_fence_ = 1;
+ void test_b_fence() {
+ if (--test_b_fence_ == 0) {
+ test_c();
+ }
+ }
+ int32 test_c_fence_ = 1;
+ void test_c_fence() {
+ if (--test_c_fence_ == 0) {
+ finish();
+ }
+ }
+ void test_b() {
+ begin_stage("Create secret chat", 40);
+ string tag = PSTRING() << format::as_hex(Random::secure_int64());
+ send_closure(
+ bob_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<CheckTestA>(tag, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::test_b_fence))));
+ send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::add_listener, std::make_unique<TestSecretChat>(tag, bob_username_));
+ }
+ void test_c() {
+ begin_stage("Send generated file", 240);
+ string tag = PSTRING() << format::as_hex(Random::secure_int64());
+ send_closure(bob_, &TestClient::add_listener,
+ std::make_unique<CheckTestC>(
+ alice_username_, tag, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::test_c_fence))));
+ send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::add_listener, std::make_unique<TestFileGenerated>(tag, bob_username_));
+ }
+ int32 finish_fence_ = 2;
+ void finish_fence() {
+ finish_fence_--;
+ if (finish_fence_ == 0) {
+ Scheduler::instance()->finish();
+ stop();
+ }
+ }
+ void finish() {
+ send_closure(alice_, &TestClient::close, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::finish_fence)));
+ send_closure(bob_, &TestClient::close, PromiseCreator::event(self_closure(this, &LoginTestActor::finish_fence)));
+ }
+class Tdclient_login : public td::Test {
+ public:
+ using Test::Test;
+ bool step() final {
+ if (!is_inited_) {
+ sched_.init(4);
+ sched_.create_actor_unsafe<LoginTestActor>(0, "LoginTestActor", &result_).release();
+ sched_.start();
+ is_inited_ = true;
+ }
+ bool ret = sched_.run_main(10);
+ if (ret) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ sched_.finish();
+ if (result_.is_error()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << result_;
+ }
+ ASSERT_TRUE(result_.is_ok());
+ return false;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool is_inited_ = false;
+ ConcurrentScheduler sched_;
+ Status result_;
+Tdclient_login Tdclient_login("Tdclient_login");
+}; // namespace td