diff options
author | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2015-09-07 20:48:58 +0000 |
committer | Vadim Dashevskiy <watcherhd@gmail.com> | 2015-09-07 20:48:58 +0000 |
commit | 9fa74ab4f864a651f22a107818baee2cc55fca10 (patch) | |
tree | cdd81260553c3d9a2b5b064ae7588492aba6aa66 /protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_game.cpp | |
parent | ddc02f70444aa7a4a8b407ddaa069ddb0d0d4985 (diff) |
xfire moved to deprecated pt. 1
git-svn-id: http://svn.miranda-ng.org/main/trunk@15300 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_game.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_game.cpp | 435 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_game.cpp b/protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_game.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 7e641883b0..0000000000 --- a/protocols/Xfire/src/Xfire_game.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,435 +0,0 @@ -#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "Xfire_game.h"
-#include "pwd_dlg.h" //passwort eingabe dlg
-//prüft nach, ob das game das nötige extragameargs im launcherstring hat
-BOOL Xfire_game::haveExtraGameArgs()
- //kein launcher stirng, dann abbruch
- if (!m_launchparams)
- return FALSE;
- //wenn platzhalter vorhanden, dann TRUE zurück
- if (inString(m_launchparams, "%UA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS%"))
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-//startes das spiel
-BOOL Xfire_game::start_game(char*ip, unsigned int port, char*)
- //launchparam prüfen ob gefüllt?
- if (m_launchparams == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- //ist launchparam großgenug für eibne urlprüfung?
- if (mir_strlen(m_launchparams) > 5) {
- //launchparams ne url? dann openurl funktion von miranda verwenden
- if (m_launchparams[0] == 'h'&&
- m_launchparams[1] == 't'&&
- m_launchparams[2] == 't'&&
- m_launchparams[3] == 'p'&&
- m_launchparams[4] == ':') {
- Utils_OpenUrl(m_launchparams);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- //spiel hat netwerkparameter?
- int networksize = 0;
- char* mynetworkparams = NULL;
- if (m_networkparams) {
- if (ip) {
- char portstr[6] = "";
- int pwsize = 255;
- //größe des netzwerparams berechnen
- if (m_pwparams)
- pwsize += mir_strlen(m_pwparams);
- mynetworkparams = new char[mir_strlen(m_networkparams) + pwsize];
- strcpy_s(mynetworkparams, mir_strlen(m_networkparams) + pwsize, m_networkparams);
- //port begrenzen
- port = port % 65535;
- //port in string wandeln
- mir_snprintf(portstr, "%d", port);
- str_replace(mynetworkparams, "%UA_GAME_HOST_NAME%", ip);
- str_replace(mynetworkparams, "%UA_GAME_HOST_PORT%", portstr);
- //passwort dialog, nur wenn SHIFT gehalten wird beim join, da sonst immer gefragt wird
- if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) && m_pwparams) {
- char password[256] = ""; //passwort maximal 255 zeichen
- if (ShowPwdDlg(password)) {
- char* mypwargs = new char[pwsize];
- //speicher frei?
- if (mypwargs != NULL) {
- strcpy_s(mypwargs, pwsize, m_pwparams);
- str_replace(mypwargs, "%UA_GAME_HOST_PASSWORD%", password);
- str_replace(mynetworkparams, "%UA_LAUNCHER_PASSWORD_ARGS%", mypwargs);
- delete[] mypwargs;
- }
- else
- str_replace(mynetworkparams, "%UA_LAUNCHER_PASSWORD_ARGS%", "");
- }
- else {
- str_replace(mynetworkparams, "%UA_LAUNCHER_PASSWORD_ARGS%", "");
- }
- }
- else
- str_replace(mynetworkparams, "%UA_LAUNCHER_PASSWORD_ARGS%", "");
- //bestimmte felder erstmal leer ersetzen
- str_replace(mynetworkparams, "%UA_LAUNCHER_RCON_ARGS%", "");
- }
- if (mynetworkparams)
- networksize = mir_strlen(mynetworkparams) + mir_strlen(m_networkparams);
- }
- //extra parameter
- int extraparamssize = 0;
- if (m_extraparams) {
- extraparamssize = mir_strlen(m_extraparams);
- }
- //temporäres array anlegen
- char*temp = NULL;
- temp = new char[mir_strlen(m_launchparams) + networksize + extraparamssize + 1];
- if (temp == NULL) {
- //wenn nwparams gesetzt, leeren
- if (mynetworkparams)
- delete[] mynetworkparams;
- return FALSE;
- }
- //launcherstring ins temporäre array
- strcpy_s(temp, mir_strlen(m_launchparams) + 1, m_launchparams);
- //netzwerkparameter ?
- if (mynetworkparams) {
- str_replace(temp, "%UA_LAUNCHER_NETWORK_ARGS%", mynetworkparams);
- delete[] mynetworkparams;
- }
- else
- str_replace(temp, "%UA_LAUNCHER_NETWORK_ARGS%", "");
- if (m_extraparams)
- str_replace(temp, "%UA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS%", m_extraparams);
- else
- str_replace(temp, "%UA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS%", "");
- //auf createprocess umgebaut
- STARTUPINFOA si = { sizeof(si) };
- // MessageBoxA(NULL,temp,temp,0);
- //starten
- if (CreateProcessA(0, temp, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, GetLaunchPath(temp), &si, &pi) == 0) {
- //schlug fehl, dann runas methode verwenden
- char*exe = strrchr(temp, '\\');
- if (exe == 0) {
- delete[] temp;
- return FALSE;
- }
- *exe = 0;
- exe++;
- char*params = strchr(exe, '.');
- if (params != 0) {
- params = strchr(params, ' ');
- if (params != 0) {
- *params = 0;
- params++;
- }
- }
- sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei);
- sei.hwnd = NULL;
- sei.lpVerb = "runas";
- sei.lpFile = exe;
- sei.lpParameters = params;
- sei.lpDirectory = temp;
- sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
- ShellExecuteExA(&sei);
- }
- delete[] temp;
- return TRUE;
-//prüft den übergebenen pfad, ob es dem spiel vergleichbar
-BOOL Xfire_game::checkpath(PROCESSENTRY32* processInfo)
- //gibts net, weg mit dir
- if (m_path == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- //versuche ein processhandle des speils zubekommen
- HANDLE op = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, processInfo->th32ProcessID);
- if (op) {
- //varaibele wohin der pfad eingelesen wird
- TCHAR fpath[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
- //lese den pfad des spiels aus
- GetModuleFileNameEx(op, NULL, fpath, _countof(fpath));
- //8.3 pfade umwandeln, nur wenn sich eine tilde im string befindet
- if (_tcschr(fpath, '~'))
- GetLongPathName(fpath, fpath, _countof(fpath));
- //alles in kelinbuchstaben umwandeln
- strtolowerT(fpath);
- if (wildcmp(_A2T(m_path), fpath))
- //if (mir_strcmp(m_path,fpath)==0)
- {
- //pfad stimmt überein, commandline prüfen
- if (checkCommandLine(op, m_mustcontain, m_notcontain)) {
- //handle zuamachen
- CloseHandle(op);
- //positive antwort an die gamedetection
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- else //prüfe den multipfad
- {
- int size = m_mpath.size();
- for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- if (mir_tstrcmpi(_A2T(m_mpath.at(j)), fpath) == 0) {
- //pfad stimmt überein, commandline prüfen
- if (checkCommandLine(op, m_mustcontain, m_notcontain)) {
- //handle zumachen
- CloseHandle(op);
- //positive antwort an die gamedetection
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //is nich das game, handle zumachen
- CloseHandle(op);
- }
- else //if (m_mustcontain==NULL&&m_notcontain==NULL) //spiele die was bestimmtes im pfad benötigen skippen
- {
- char *exename = strrchr(m_path, '\\') + 1;
- if ((INT_PTR)exename == 0x1)
- return FALSE;
- //vergleich die exenamen
- if (_stricmp(exename, _T2A(processInfo->szExeFile)) == 0)
- return TRUE;
- //anderen pfade des games noch durchprüfen
- int size = m_mpath.size();
- for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- //mhn keien exe, nächsten pfad prüfen
- exename = strrchr(m_mpath.at(j), '\\') + 1;
- if ((INT_PTR)exename == 0x1)
- continue;
- //exe vergleichen
- if (_stricmp(exename, _T2A(processInfo->szExeFile)) == 0) //positive antwort an die gamedetection
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- //keine übereinstimmung
- return FALSE;
-//icondaten setzen
-void Xfire_game::setIcon(HICON hicon, HANDLE handle)
- m_hicon = hicon;
- m_iconhandl = handle;
-//liest gamewerte aus der db
-void Xfire_game::readFromDB(unsigned dbid)
- //lese alle string werte aus der db und befülle die passenden variablen damit
- this->readStringfromDB("gamepath", dbid, &m_path);
- //8.3 fix, prüfe auf ~ pfad, wenn ja pfad var umwalnd in longname
- if (m_path) {
- BOOL found = FALSE;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mir_strlen(m_path); i++) {
- if (m_path[i] == '~') {
- found = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- //gefunden? dann stirng wandeln und in pfad speichern
- if (found) {
- char ctemp[MAX_PATH] = "";
- strcpy_s(ctemp, MAX_PATH, m_path);
- GetLongPathNameA(ctemp, ctemp, sizeof(ctemp));
- this->strtolower(ctemp);
- setString(ctemp, &m_path);
- }
- }
- readStringfromDB("gamelaunch", dbid, &m_launchparams);
- readStringfromDB("gamenetargs", dbid, &m_networkparams);
- readStringfromDB("gamepwargs", dbid, &m_pwparams);
- readStringfromDB("gameuserargs", dbid, &m_userparams);
- readStringfromDB("gamecmdline", dbid, &m_mustcontain);
- readStringfromDB("gamencmdline", dbid, &m_notcontain);
- //alle sonstigen werte
- m_id = this->readWordfromDB("gameid", dbid);
- m_send_gameid = this->readWordfromDB("gamesendid", dbid);
- if (m_send_gameid == 0)
- m_send_gameid = m_id;
- m_setstatusmsg = this->readWordfromDB("gamesetsmsg", dbid, 0);
- m_custom = this->readBytefromDB("gamecustom", dbid, 0);
- m_skip = this->readBytefromDB("gameskip", m_id, 0);
- m_notinstartmenu = this->readBytefromDB("notinstartmenu", m_id, 0);
- m_noicqstatus = this->readBytefromDB("gamenostatus", m_id, 0);
- readStringfromDB("gameextraparams", m_id, &m_extraparams);
- readStringfromDB("customgamename", m_id, &m_customgamename);
- this->readUtf8StringfromDB("statusmsg", m_id, &m_statusmsg);
- //mehrere pfade
- int size = this->readWordfromDB("gamemulti", dbid, 0);
- for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- char* tpath = NULL;
- this->readStringfromDB("gamepath", dbid, j, &tpath);
- if (tpath) {
- m_mpath.push_back(tpath);
- }
- }
- //spielname auslesen, wird später für die sortierung gebraucht
- setNameandIcon();
-//läd spielnamen aus, sowie icon
-void Xfire_game::setNameandIcon()
- if (m_customgamename) {
- setString(m_customgamename, &m_name);
- }
- else {
- //std::string game=GetGame(m_id,0,&m_iconhandl,&m_hicon,TRUE);
- //zielbuffer für den namen
- char buf[XFIRE_MAXSIZEOFGAMENAME] = "Unknown Game";
- //name des spiels auslesen
- this->getGamename(m_id, buf, XFIRE_MAXSIZEOFGAMENAME);
- //namen setzen
- setString(buf, &m_name);
- }
-//liest gamewerte aus der db
-void Xfire_game::writeToDB(unsigned dbid)
- //alle stringwerte schreiben
- writeStringtoDB("gamepath", dbid, m_path);
- writeStringtoDB("gamelaunch", dbid, m_launchparams);
- writeStringtoDB("gamenetargs", dbid, m_networkparams);
- writeStringtoDB("gamepwargs", dbid, m_pwparams);
- writeStringtoDB("gameuserargs", dbid, m_userparams);
- writeStringtoDB("gamecmdline", dbid, m_mustcontain);
- writeStringtoDB("gamencmdline", dbid, m_notcontain);
- //alle sonstigen werte
- this->writeWordtoDB("gameid", dbid, m_id);
- if (m_send_gameid != 0 && m_send_gameid != m_id) this->writeWordtoDB("gamesendid", dbid, m_send_gameid);
- if (m_setstatusmsg != 0) writeWordtoDB("gamesetsmsg", dbid, m_setstatusmsg);
- if (m_custom != 0) writeBytetoDB("gamecustom", dbid, m_custom);
- //wenn gesetzt, dann eintrag machen
- if (m_skip != 0)
- writeBytetoDB("gameskip", m_id, m_skip);
- else //wenn nicht eintrag aus db löschen
- removeDBEntry("gameskip", m_id);
- if (m_notinstartmenu != 0)
- writeBytetoDB("notinstartmenu", m_id, m_notinstartmenu);
- else //wenn nicht eintrag aus db löschen
- removeDBEntry("notinstartmenu", m_id);
- if (m_noicqstatus != 0)
- writeBytetoDB("gamenostatus", m_id, m_noicqstatus);
- else //wenn nicht eintrag aus db löschen
- removeDBEntry("gamenostatus", m_id);
- if (m_extraparams != 0)
- writeStringtoDB("gameextraparams", m_id, m_extraparams);
- else //wenn nicht eintrag aus db löschen
- removeDBEntry("gameextraparams", m_id);
- if (m_customgamename != 0)
- writeStringtoDB("customgamename", m_id, m_customgamename);
- else //wenn nicht eintrag aus db löschen
- removeDBEntry("customgamename", m_id);
- if (m_statusmsg != 0)
- this->writeUtf8StringtoDB("statusmsg", m_id, m_statusmsg);
- else //wenn nicht eintrag aus db löschen
- removeDBEntry("statusmsg", m_id);
- // mehrere pfade
- int size = m_mpath.size();
- if (size > 0) {
- this->writeWordtoDB("gamemulti", dbid, m_mpath.size());
- for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- writeStringtoDB("gamepath", dbid, j, m_mpath.at(j));
- }
- }
- // sendid 0 dann standard id reinladen
- if (m_send_gameid == 0)
- m_send_gameid = m_id;
-// erzeugt ein menüpunkt
-void Xfire_game::createMenuitem(unsigned int pos, int dbid)
- char servicefunction[100];
- mir_strcpy(servicefunction, protocolname);
- mir_strcat(servicefunction, "StartGame%d");
- if (dbid < 0)
- dbid = pos;
- CMenuItem mi;
- mi.root = Menu_CreateRoot(MO_MAIN, LPGENT("Start game"), 500084000);
- mir_snprintf(m_temp, servicefunction, m_id);
- //wenn die servicefunktion schon exisitert vernichten, hehe
- if (ServiceExists(m_temp))
- DestroyServiceFunction(m_temp);
- CreateServiceFunctionParam(m_temp, StartGame, m_id);
- mi.pszService = m_temp;
- mi.position = 500090002 + pos;
- mi.hIcolibItem = m_hicon ? m_hicon : LoadIcon(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_OP));
- mi.name.a = menuitemtext(m_name);
- m_menuhandle = Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi);
- //menu aktualisieren ob hidden
- this->refreshMenuitem();
-//entfernt menüpunkt
-void Xfire_game::remoteMenuitem()
- if (m_menuhandle != NULL) {
- Menu_RemoveItem(m_menuhandle);
- m_menuhandle = NULL;
- }
-//aktualisiert menüpunkt ob hidden
-void Xfire_game::refreshMenuitem()
- if (m_menuhandle != NULL)
- Menu_ShowItem(m_menuhandle, !m_notinstartmenu);
\ No newline at end of file |