path: root/src/modules
diff options
authorGeorge Hazan <>2012-06-23 17:15:01 +0000
committerGeorge Hazan <>2012-06-23 17:15:01 +0000
commit240b769d44fe6c50cabbf311f8e9fb1fae7cd80e (patch)
treefb464ca81e54b3133a475b19fd4cdf811b789fad /src/modules
parent7a0f39abf558c7dde715a87d9356d92275d5d34e (diff)
libjson interface added to the core
git-svn-id: 1316c22d-e87f-b044-9b9b-93d7a3e3ba9c
Diffstat (limited to 'src/modules')
24 files changed, 5744 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONChildren.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONChildren.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..371c19880a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONChildren.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "JSONChildren.h"
+#include "JSONNode.h"
+void jsonChildren::inc(void){
+ if (mysize == mycapacity){ //it's full
+ if (!mycapacity){ //the array hasn't been created yet
+ JSON_ASSERT(!array, JSON_TEXT("Expanding a 0 capacity array, but not null"));
+ array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(1);
+ mycapacity = 1;
+ #else
+ array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(8); //8 seems average for JSON, and it's only 64 bytes
+ mycapacity = 8;
+ #endif
+ } else {
+ mycapacity += 1; //increment the size of the array
+ #else
+ mycapacity <<= 1; //double the size of the array
+ #endif
+ array = json_realloc<JSONNode*>(array, mycapacity);
+ }
+ }
+void jsonChildren::inc(json_index_t amount){
+ if (!amount) return;
+ if (mysize + amount >= mycapacity){ //it's full
+ if (!mycapacity){ //the array hasn't been created yet
+ JSON_ASSERT(!array, JSON_TEXT("Expanding a 0 capacity array, but not null"));
+ array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(amount);
+ mycapacity = amount;
+ #else
+ array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(amount > 8 ? amount : 8); //8 seems average for JSON, and it's only 64 bytes
+ mycapacity = amount > 8 ? amount : 8;
+ #endif
+ } else {
+ mycapacity = mysize + amount; //increment the size of the array
+ #else
+ while(mysize + amount > mycapacity){
+ mycapacity <<= 1; //double the size of the array
+ }
+ #endif
+ array = json_realloc<JSONNode*>(array, mycapacity);
+ }
+ }
+//actually deletes everything within the vector, this is safe to do on an empty or even a null array
+void jsonChildren::deleteAll(void){
+ json_foreach((*this), runner){
+ JSON_ASSERT(*runner, JSON_TEXT("a null pointer within the children"));
+ JSONNode::deleteJSONNode(*runner); //this is why I can't do forward declaration
+ }
+void jsonChildren::doerase(JSONNode ** position, json_index_t number){
+ JSON_ASSERT(array, JSON_TEXT("erasing something from a null array 2"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(position >= array, JSON_TEXT("position is beneath the start of the array 2"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(position + number <= array + mysize, JSON_TEXT("erasing out of bounds 2"));
+ if (position + number >= array + mysize){
+ mysize = (json_index_t)(position - array);
+ JSON_ASSERT((long long)position - (long long)array >= 0, JSON_TEXT("doing negative allocation"));
+ #endif
+ } else {
+ memmove(position, position + number, (mysize - (position - array) - number) * sizeof(JSONNode *));
+ mysize -= number;
+ }
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONChildren.h b/src/modules/json/JSONChildren.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7a38bb9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONChildren.h
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+#include "JSONMemory.h"
+#include "JSONDebug.h" //for JSON_ASSERT macro
+#define json_foreach(children, iterator)\
+ JSONNode ** iterator = children.begin();\
+ for(JSONNode ** iterator##_end = children.end(); iterator != iterator##_end; ++iterator)
+ This class is essentially a vector that has been heavily optimized for the specific purpose
+ of holding JSONNode children. It acts the same way as a vector, it has a automatically
+ expanding array. On destruction, this container automatically destroys everything contained
+ in it as well, so that you libJSON doesn't have to do that.
+ T is JSONNode*, I can't define it that way directly because JSONNode uses this container, and because
+ the container deletes the children automatically, forward declaration can't be used
+ */
+class JSONNode; //forward declaration
+class jsonChildren {
+ //starts completely empty and the array is not allocated
+ jsonChildren(void) : array(0), mysize(0), mycapacity(0) { }
+ //deletes the array and everything that is contained within it (using delete)
+ ~jsonChildren(void){
+ if (array){ //the following function calls are safe, but take more time than a check here
+ deleteAll();
+ libjson_free<JSONNode*>(array);
+ }
+ }
+ //increase the size of the array
+ void inc(json_index_t amount);
+ void inc(void);
+ //Adds something to the vector, doubling the array if necessary
+ void push_back(JSONNode * item){
+ inc();
+ array[mysize++] = item;
+ }
+ //Adds something to the front of the vector, doubling the array if necessary
+ void push_front(JSONNode * item){
+ inc();
+ memmove(array + 1, array, mysize++ * sizeof(JSONNode *));
+ array[0] = item;
+ }
+ //gets an item out of the vector by it's position
+ inline JSONNode * operator[] (json_index_t position) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(position < mysize, JSON_TEXT("Using [] out of bounds"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(position < mycapacity, JSON_TEXT("Using [] out of bounds"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(array, JSON_TEXT("Array is null"));
+ return array[position];
+ }
+ //returns the allocated capacity, but keep in mind that some might not be valid
+ inline json_index_t capacity() const {
+ return mycapacity;
+ }
+ //returns the number of valid objects within the vector
+ inline json_index_t size() const {
+ return mysize;
+ }
+ //tests whether or not the vector is empty
+ inline bool empty() const {
+ return mysize == 0;
+ }
+ //clears (and deletes) everything from the vector and sets it's size to 0
+ inline void clear() {
+ if (array){ //don't bother clearing anything if there is nothing in it
+ JSON_ASSERT(mycapacity != 0, JSON_TEXT("mycapacity is not zero, but array is null"));
+ deleteAll();
+ mysize = 0;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT(mysize == 0, JSON_TEXT("mysize is not zero after clear"));
+ }
+ //returns the beginning of the array
+ inline JSONNode ** begin(void) const {
+ return array;
+ }
+ //returns the end of the array
+ inline JSONNode ** end(void) const {
+ return array + mysize;
+ }
+ //makes sure that even after shirnking and expanding, the iterator is in same relative position
+ struct iteratorKeeper {
+ public:
+ iteratorKeeper(jsonChildren * pthis, JSONNode ** & position) :
+ myRelativeOffset((json_index_t)(position - pthis -> array)),
+ #else
+ iteratorKeeper(jsonChildren * pthis, JSONNode ** & position, bool reverse = false) :
+ myRelativeOffset(reverse ? (json_index_t)(pthis -> array + (size_t)pthis -> mysize - position) : (json_index_t)(position - pthis -> array)),
+ myReverse(reverse),
+ #endif
+ myChildren(pthis),
+ myPos(position){}
+ ~iteratorKeeper(void){
+ myPos = myChildren -> array + myRelativeOffset;
+ #else
+ if (myReverse){
+ myPos = myChildren -> array + myChildren -> mysize - myRelativeOffset;
+ } else {
+ myPos = myChildren -> array + myRelativeOffset;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ private:
+ iteratorKeeper(const iteratorKeeper &);
+ iteratorKeeper & operator = (const iteratorKeeper &);
+ jsonChildren * myChildren;
+ JSONNode ** & myPos;
+ json_index_t myRelativeOffset;
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ bool myReverse BITS(1);
+ #endif
+ };
+ //This function DOES NOT delete the item it points to
+ inline void erase(JSONNode ** & position){
+ JSON_ASSERT(array, JSON_TEXT("erasing something from a null array 1"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(position >= array, JSON_TEXT("position is beneath the start of the array 1"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(position <= array + mysize, JSON_TEXT("erasing out of bounds 1"));
+ memmove(position, position + 1, (mysize-- - (position - array) - 1) * sizeof(JSONNode *));
+ iteratorKeeper ik(this, position);
+ shrink();
+ }
+ //This function DOES NOT delete the item it points to
+ inline void erase(JSONNode ** & position, json_index_t number){
+ doerase(position, number);
+ iteratorKeeper ik(this, position);
+ shrink();
+ }
+ //This function DOES NOT delete the item it points to
+ inline void erase(JSONNode ** position, json_index_t number, JSONNode ** & starter){
+ doerase(position, number);
+ iteratorKeeper ik(this, starter);
+ shrink();
+ }
+ void insert(JSONNode ** & position, JSONNode * item){
+ #else
+ void insert(JSONNode ** & position, JSONNode * item, bool reverse = false){
+ #endif
+ //position isnt relative to array because of realloc
+ JSON_ASSERT(position >= array, JSON_TEXT("position is beneath the start of the array insert 1"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(position <= array + mysize, JSON_TEXT("position is above the end of the array insert 1"));
+ {
+ iteratorKeeper ik(this, position);
+ #else
+ iteratorKeeper ik(this, position, reverse);
+ #endif
+ inc();
+ }
+ memmove(position + 1, position, (mysize++ - (position - array)) * sizeof(JSONNode *));
+ *position = item;
+ }
+ void insert(JSONNode ** & position, JSONNode ** items, json_index_t num){
+ JSON_ASSERT(position >= array, JSON_TEXT("position is beneath the start of the array insert 2"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(position <= array + mysize, JSON_TEXT("position is above the end of the array insert 2"));
+ {
+ iteratorKeeper ik(this, position);
+ inc(num);
+ }
+ const size_t ptrs = ((JSONNode **)(array + mysize)) - position;
+ memmove(position + num, position, ptrs * sizeof(JSONNode *));
+ memcpy(position, items, num * sizeof(JSONNode *));
+ mysize += num;
+ }
+ inline void reserve(json_index_t amount){
+ JSON_ASSERT(!array, JSON_TEXT("reserve is not meant to expand a preexisting array"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(!mycapacity, JSON_TEXT("reservec is not meant to expand a preexisting array"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(!mysize, JSON_TEXT("reserves is not meant to expand a preexisting array"));
+ array = json_malloc<JSONNode*>(mycapacity = amount);
+ }
+ inline void reserve2(json_index_t amount){
+ if (array){
+ if (mycapacity < amount) inc(amount - mycapacity);
+ } else {
+ reserve(amount);
+ }
+ }
+ //shrinks the array to only as large as it needs to be to hold everything within it
+ inline void shrink() {
+ if (mysize == 0){ //size is zero, we should completely free the array
+ libjson_free<JSONNode*>(array); //free does checks for a null pointer, so don't bother checking
+ array = 0;
+ } else { //need to shrink it, using realloc
+ JSON_ASSERT(array, JSON_TEXT("shrinking a null array that is not size 0"));
+ array = json_realloc<JSONNode*>(array, mysize);
+ #endif
+ }
+ mycapacity = mysize;
+ }
+ //to make sure it's not copyable
+ jsonChildren(const jsonChildren &);
+ jsonChildren & operator = (const jsonChildren &);
+ void deleteAll(void); //implemented in JSONNode.cpp
+ void doerase(JSONNode ** position, json_index_t number);
+ JSONNode ** array; //the expandable array
+ json_index_t mysize; //the number of valid items
+ json_index_t mycapacity; //the number of possible items
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONDebug.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONDebug.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e13c11a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONDebug.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "libJSON.h"
+#include "m_json.h"
+#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #include <iostream> //need std::cerr
+ //otherwise, use a callback to tell the end user what happened
+ json_error_callback_t ErrorCallback = 0;
+ void JSONDebug::register_callback(json_error_callback_t callback){
+ ErrorCallback = callback;
+ }
+//Something went wrong or an assert failed
+void JSONDebug::_JSON_FAIL(const json_string & msg){
+ #ifdef JSON_STDERROR //no callback, just use stderror
+ #ifndef JSON_UNICODE
+ std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
+ #else
+ std::cerr << std::string(msg.begin(), msg.end()) << std::endl;
+ #endif
+ #else
+ if (ErrorCallback){ //only do anything if the callback is registered
+ ErrorCallback(msg.c_str());
+ #else
+ ErrorCallback(msg);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #endif
+//asserts that condition is true, more useful than cassert because it lets you keep going
+void JSONDebug::_JSON_ASSERT(bool condition, const json_string & msg){
+ if (!condition){
+ _JSON_FAIL(msg);
+ }
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONDebug.h b/src/modules/json/JSONDebug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d4c89fbaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONDebug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#ifndef JSON_DEBUG_H
+#define JSON_DEBUG_H
+#include "JSONDefs.h"
+#include "JSONOptions.h"
+ #define JSON_PRIVATE
+ #define JSON_PRIVATE private:
+#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ #define JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(condition, msg, code)\
+ {\
+ if (!(condition)) {\
+ JSON_FAIL(msg);\
+ code\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define JSON_FAIL_SAFE(msg, code)\
+ {\
+ JSON_FAIL(msg);\
+ code\
+ }
+ #else
+ #define JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(condition, msg, code) JSON_ASSERT(condition, msg)
+ #define JSON_FAIL_SAFE(msg, code) JSON_FAIL(msg)
+ #endif
+ class JSONDebug {
+ public:
+ static void register_callback(json_error_callback_t callback);
+ #endif
+ static void _JSON_FAIL(const json_string & msg);
+ static void _JSON_ASSERT(bool condition, const json_string & msg);
+ };
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ #define JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(condition, msg, code)\
+ {\
+ if (!(condition)) {\
+ code\
+ }\
+ }
+ #define JSON_FAIL_SAFE(msg, code)\
+ {\
+ code\
+ }
+ #else
+ #define JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(condition, msg, code)
+ #define JSON_FAIL_SAFE(msg, code)
+ #endif
+ #define JSON_ASSERT(condition, msg)
+ #define JSON_FAIL(msg)
+static const json_string EMPTY_STRING;
+static const std::string EMPTY_STRING2;
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONDefs.h b/src/modules/json/JSONDefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..678d059400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONDefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#ifndef JSONDEFS_H
+#define JSONDEFS_H
+ Defines all of the types of functions and various other definitions
+ that are used in C applications, this is very useful if dynamically loading
+ the library instead of linking.
+#include "JSONOptions.h"
+#define JSON_NULL '\0'
+#define JSON_STRING '\1'
+#define JSON_NUMBER '\2'
+#define JSON_BOOL '\3'
+#define JSON_ARRAY '\4'
+#define JSON_NODE '\5'
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ #include <string>
+ #error, You can not use unicode under ISO Strict C++
+ #endif
+ #define json_char wchar_t
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ #include <cwchar> //need wide characters
+ typedef std::wstring json_string;
+ #else
+ #include <wchar.h> //need wide characters
+ #endif
+ #define JSON_TEXT(s) L ## s
+ #define json_strlen wcslen
+ #define json_strcmp wcscmp
+ #define json_char char
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ typedef std::string json_string;
+ #endif
+ #define JSON_TEXT(s) s
+ #define json_strlen strlen
+ #define json_strcmp strcmp
+ #define BITS(x) :x //tells the compiler how many bits to use for a field
+ typedef float json_number;
+ #define BITS(x)
+ typedef double json_number;
+#if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ typedef void (*json_error_callback_t)(const json_char *);
+ #else
+ typedef void (*json_error_callback_t)(const json_string &);
+ #endif
+ typedef JSON_INDEX_TYPE json_index_t;
+ typedef unsigned int json_index_t;
+typedef void (*json_mutex_callback_t)(void *);
+typedef void (*json_free_t)(void *);
+ typedef void * (*json_malloc_t)(size_t);
+ typedef void * (*json_realloc_t)(void *, size_t);
+ #define JSONNODE void //so that JSONNODE* is void*
+ typedef void * (*json_malloc_t)(unsigned long);
+ typedef void * (*json_realloc_t)(void *, unsigned long);
+#endif //JSONDEFS_H
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONIterators.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONIterators.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edb8ff7618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONIterators.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "JSONNode.h"
+ #define JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE(x) JSON_ASSERT(internal -> refcount == 1, json_string(JSON_TEXT(x)) + JSON_TEXT(" in non single reference"))
+ #else
+ #define JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE(x) (void)0
+ #endif
+ #define JSON_MUTEX_COPY2 ,internal -> mylock
+ #else
+ #define JSON_MUTEX_COPY2
+ #endif
+JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::find(const json_string & name_t){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("finding a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at(name_t)) {
+ return ptr_to_json_iterator(res);
+ }
+ return end();
+ JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::find_nocase(const json_string & name_t){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("finding a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at_nocase(name_t)) {
+ return ptr_to_json_iterator(res);
+ }
+ return end();
+ }
+JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::erase(json_iterator pos){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE("erase 1");
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos < end(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of range"), return end(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= begin(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of range"), return begin(););
+ deleteJSONNode(*(json_iterator_ptr(pos)));
+ internal -> Children.erase(json_iterator_ptr(pos));
+ return (empty()) ? end() : pos;
+JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::erase(json_iterator _start, const json_iterator & _end){
+ if (_start == _end) return _start;
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE("erase 3");
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_start <= end(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of lo range"), return end(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_end <= end(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of hi range"), return end(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_start >= begin(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of lo range"), return begin(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_end >= begin(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of hi range"), return begin(););
+ for (JSONNode ** pos = json_iterator_ptr(_start); pos < json_iterator_ptr(_end); ++pos){
+ deleteJSONNode(*pos);
+ }
+ internal -> Children.erase(json_iterator_ptr(_start), json_iterator_ptr(_end) - json_iterator_ptr(_start));
+ return (empty()) ? end() : _start;
+JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::insert(json_iterator pos, JSONNode * x){
+JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::insert(json_iterator pos, const JSONNode & x){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE("insert 1");
+ if (json_iterator_ptr(pos) >= internal -> Children.end()) {
+ internal -> push_back(x);
+ return end() - 1;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= begin(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of lo range"), return begin(););
+ internal -> Children.insert(json_iterator_ptr(pos), x);
+ #else
+ internal -> Children.insert(json_iterator_ptr(pos), newJSONNode(x));
+ #endif
+ return pos;
+JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::insertFFF(json_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos <= end(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of high range"), return end(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= begin(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of low range"), return begin(););
+ const size_t num = _end - _start;
+ json_auto<JSONNode *> mem(num);
+ JSONNode ** runner = mem.ptr;
+ for (JSONNode ** po = _start; po < _end; ++po){
+ *runner++ = newJSONNode(*(*po) JSON_MUTEX_COPY2);
+ }
+ internal -> Children.insert(json_iterator_ptr(pos), mem.ptr, num);
+ return pos;
+ JSONNode::const_iterator JSONNode::find(const json_string & name_t) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("finding a non-iteratable node"));
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at(name_t)) {
+ return JSONNode::const_iterator(res);
+ }
+ return JSONNode::const_iterator(internal -> end());
+ }
+ JSONNode::const_iterator JSONNode::find_nocase(const json_string & name_t) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("finding a non-iteratable node"));
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at_nocase(name_t)) {
+ return JSONNode::const_iterator(res);
+ }
+ return JSONNode::const_iterator(internal -> end());
+ }
+ #endif
+ JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::erase(reverse_iterator pos){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE("erase 2");
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos < rend(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of range"), return rend(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= rbegin(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of range"), return rbegin(););
+ deleteJSONNode(*(;
+ internal -> Children.erase(;
+ return (empty()) ? rend() : pos + 1;
+ }
+ JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::erase(reverse_iterator _start, const reverse_iterator & _end){
+ if (_start == _end) return _start;
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE("erase 4");
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_start <= rend(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of lo range"), return rend(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_end <= rend(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of hi range"), return rend(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_start >= rbegin(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of lo range"), return rbegin(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_end >= rbegin(), JSON_TEXT("erase out of hi range"), return rbegin(););
+ for (JSONNode ** pos =; pos >; --pos){
+ deleteJSONNode(*pos);
+ }
+ const size_t num = -;
+ internal -> Children.erase( + 1, num,;
+ return (empty()) ? rend() : _start + num;
+ }
+ JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::insert(reverse_iterator pos, const JSONNode & x){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_UNIQUE("insert 1");
+ if ( < internal -> Children.begin()) {
+ internal -> push_front(x);
+ return rend() - 1;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= rbegin(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of range"), return rbegin(););
+ internal -> Children.insert(, newJSONNode(x), true);
+ return pos;
+ }
+ JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::insertRFF(reverse_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos <= rend(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of range"), return rend(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= rbegin(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of range"), return rbegin(););
+ const size_t num = _end - _start;
+ json_auto<JSONNode *> mem(num);
+ JSONNode ** runner = mem.ptr + num;
+ for (JSONNode ** po = _start; po < _end; ++po){ //fill it backwards
+ *(--runner) = newJSONNode(*(*po) JSON_MUTEX_COPY2);
+ }
+ internal -> Children.insert(, mem.ptr, num);
+ return pos - num + 1;
+ }
+ JSONNode::iterator JSONNode::insertFRR(json_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos <= end(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of range"), return end(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= begin(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of range"), return begin(););
+ const size_t num = _start - _end;
+ json_auto<JSONNode *> mem(num);
+ JSONNode ** runner = mem.ptr;
+ for (JSONNode ** po = _start; po > _end; --po){
+ *runner++ = newJSONNode(*(*po) JSON_MUTEX_COPY2);
+ }
+ internal -> Children.insert(, mem.ptr, num);
+ return pos;
+ }
+ JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::insertRRR(reverse_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("erasing a non-iteratable node"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos <= rend(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of range"), return rend(););
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos >= rbegin(), JSON_TEXT("insert out of range"), return rbegin(););
+ const size_t num = _start - _end;
+ json_auto<JSONNode *> mem(num);
+ JSONNode ** runner = mem.ptr;
+ for (JSONNode ** po = _start; po > _end; --po){
+ *runner++ = newJSONNode(*(*po) JSON_MUTEX_COPY2);
+ }
+ internal -> Children.insert(, mem.ptr, num);
+ return pos - num + 1;
+ }
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONMemory.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONMemory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd9cd045a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONMemory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "JSONMemory.h"
+#include "JSONNode.h"
+ void auto_expand::purge(void){
+ for(std::map<void *, void *>::iterator i = mymap.begin(), en = mymap.end(); i != en; ++i){
+ #if defined(JSON_DEBUG) || defined(JSON_SAFE)
+ void * temp = (void*)i -> first; //because its pass by reference
+ libjson_free<void>(temp);
+ #else
+ libjson_free<void>((void*)i -> first);
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ void auto_expand_node::purge(void){
+ for(std::map<void *, JSONNode *>::iterator i = mymap.begin(), en = mymap.end(); i != en; ++i){
+ JSONNode::deleteJSONNode((JSONNode *)i -> second);
+ }
+ }
+json_malloc_t mymalloc = 0;
+json_realloc_t myrealloc = 0;
+json_free_t myfree = 0;
+void * JSONMemory::json_malloc(size_t siz){
+ if (mymalloc){
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG //in debug mode, see if the malloc was successful
+ void * result = mymalloc(siz);
+ JSON_ASSERT(result, JSON_TEXT("out of memory"));
+ return result;
+ #else
+ return mymalloc(siz);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG //in debug mode, see if the malloc was successful
+ void * result = malloc(siz);
+ JSON_ASSERT(result, JSON_TEXT("out of memory"));
+ return result;
+ #else
+ return malloc(siz);
+ #endif
+void * JSONMemory::json_realloc(void * ptr, size_t siz){
+ if (myrealloc){
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG //in debug mode, see if the malloc was successful
+ void * result = myrealloc(ptr, siz);
+ JSON_ASSERT(result, JSON_TEXT("out of memory"));
+ return result;
+ #else
+ return myrealloc(ptr, siz);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG //in debug mode, see if the malloc was successful
+ void * result = realloc(ptr, siz);
+ JSON_ASSERT(result, JSON_TEXT("out of memory"));
+ return result;
+ #else
+ return realloc(ptr, siz);
+ #endif
+void JSONMemory::json_free(void * ptr){
+ if (myfree){
+ myfree(ptr);
+ } else {
+ free(ptr);
+ }
+void JSONMemory::registerMemoryCallbacks(json_malloc_t mal, json_realloc_t real, json_free_t fre){
+ mymalloc = mal;
+ myrealloc = real;
+ myfree = fre;
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONMemory.h b/src/modules/json/JSONMemory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c04c45eff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONMemory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#ifndef JSON_MEMORY_H
+#define JSON_MEMORY_H
+#include <cstdlib> //for malloc, realloc, and free
+#include <cstring> //for memmove
+#include "JSONOptions.h"
+#include "JSONDebug.h"
+#if defined(JSON_DEBUG) || defined(JSON_SAFE)
+ class JSONMemory {
+ public:
+ static void * json_malloc(size_t siz);
+ static void * json_realloc(void * ptr, size_t siz);
+ static void json_free(void * ptr);
+ static void registerMemoryCallbacks(json_malloc_t mal, json_realloc_t real, json_free_t fre);
+ };
+ template <typename T> static inline T * json_malloc(size_t count){
+ return (T *)JSONMemory::json_malloc(sizeof(T) * count);
+ }
+ template <typename T> static inline T * json_realloc(T * ptr, size_t count){
+ return (T *)JSONMemory::json_realloc(ptr, sizeof(T) * count);
+ }
+ template <typename T> static inline void libjson_free(T * JSON_FREE_PASSTYPE ptr){
+ JSONMemory::json_free(ptr);
+ #if defined(JSON_DEBUG) || defined(JSON_SAFE) //in debug or safe mode, set the pointer to 0 so that it can't be used again
+ ptr = 0;
+ #endif
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline T * json_malloc(size_t count){
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG //in debug mode, see if the malloc was successful
+ void * result = malloc(count * sizeof(T));
+ JSON_ASSERT(result, JSON_TEXT("out of memory"));
+ memset(result, '\0', count * sizeof(T));
+ #endif
+ return (T *)result;
+ #else
+ return (T *)malloc(count * sizeof(T));
+ #endif
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline void libjson_free(T * JSON_FREE_PASSTYPE ptr){
+ free(ptr);
+ #if defined(JSON_DEBUG) || defined(JSON_SAFE) //in debug or safe mode, set the pointer to 0 so that it can't be used again
+ ptr = 0;
+ #endif
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline T * json_realloc(T * ptr, size_t count){
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG //in debug mode, check the results of realloc to be sure it was successful
+ void * result = realloc(ptr, count * sizeof(T));
+ JSON_ASSERT(result, JSON_TEXT("out of memory"));
+ memset(result, '\0', count * sizeof(T));
+ #endif
+ return (T *)result;
+ #else
+ return (T *)realloc(ptr, count * sizeof(T));
+ #endif
+ }
+ #include <map>
+ class JSONNode;
+ struct auto_expand {
+ auto_expand(void) : mymap() {}
+ ~auto_expand(void){ purge(); }
+ void purge(void);
+ inline void clear(void){ purge(); mymap.clear(); }
+ inline void * insert(void * ptr){ mymap[ptr] = ptr; return ptr; }
+ inline void remove(void * ptr){
+ std::map<void *, void *>::iterator i = mymap.find(ptr);
+ JSON_ASSERT(i != mymap.end(), JSON_TEXT("Removing a non-managed item"));
+ mymap.erase(i);
+ }
+ std::map<void *, void *> mymap;
+ };
+ struct auto_expand_node {
+ auto_expand_node(void) : mymap() {}
+ ~auto_expand_node(void){ purge(); }
+ void purge(void);
+ inline void clear(void){ purge(); mymap.clear(); }
+ inline JSONNode * insert(JSONNode * ptr){ mymap[ptr] = ptr; return ptr; }
+ inline void remove(void * ptr){
+ std::map<void *, JSONNode *>::iterator i = mymap.find(ptr);
+ if(i != mymap.end()) mymap.erase(i);
+ }
+ std::map<void *, JSONNode *> mymap;
+ };
+//The C++ way, use an self-deleting pointer and let the optimizer decide when it gets destroyed
+template <typename T>
+class json_auto {
+ public:
+ json_auto(void) : ptr(0){}
+ json_auto(size_t count) : ptr(json_malloc<T>(count)) {}
+ ~json_auto(void){
+ libjson_free<T>(ptr);
+ }
+ void set(T * p){
+ ptr = p;
+ }
+ T * ptr;
+ private:
+ json_auto(const json_auto &);
+ json_auto & operator =(const json_auto &);
+//Clears a string, if required, frees the memory
+static inline void clearString(json_string & str){
+ json_string().swap(str);
+ #else
+ str.clear();
+ #endif
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONNode.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d2a046f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "JSONNode.h"
+ int allocCount = 0;
+ int deallocCount = 0;
+ int internalAllocCount = 0;
+ int internalDeallocCount = 0;
+ int JSONNode::getNodeAllocationCount(void){ return allocCount; }
+ int JSONNode::getNodeDeallocationCount(void){ return deallocCount; }
+ int JSONNode::getInternalAllocationCount(void){ return internalAllocCount; }
+ int JSONNode::getInternalDeallocationCount(void){ return internalDeallocCount; }
+ void JSONNode::incAllocCount(void){ ++allocCount; }
+ void JSONNode::decAllocCount(void){ ++deallocCount; }
+ void JSONNode::incinternalAllocCount(void){ ++internalAllocCount; }
+ void JSONNode::decinternalAllocCount(void){ ++internalDeallocCount; }
+#define IMPLEMENT_CTOR(type)\
+ JSONNode::JSONNode(const json_string & name_t, type value_t) : internal(internalJSONNode::newInternal()) {\
+ internal -> Set(value_t);\
+ internal -> setname(name_t);\
+ incAllocCount();\
+ }
+ JSONNode::JSONNode(const json_string & name_t, const json_char * value_t) : internal(internalJSONNode::newInternal()) {
+ internal -> Set(json_string(value_t));
+ internal -> setname(name_t);
+ incAllocCount();
+ }
+JSONNode JSONNode::as_node(void) const {
+ if (type() == JSON_NODE){
+ return *this;
+ } else if (type() == JSON_ARRAY){
+ JSONNode res = duplicate();
+ res.internal -> _type = JSON_NODE;
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (internal -> mylock){
+ JSONNode res = JSONNode(JSON_NODE);
+ res.set_mutex(internal -> mylock);
+ return res;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return JSONNode(JSON_NODE);
+JSONNode JSONNode::as_array(void) const {
+ if (type() == JSON_ARRAY){
+ return *this;
+ } else if (type() == JSON_NODE){
+ JSONNode res = duplicate();
+ res.internal -> _type = JSON_ARRAY;
+ json_foreach(res.internal -> Children, runner){
+ (*runner) -> set_name(JSON_TEXT(""));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (internal -> mylock){
+ JSONNode res = JSONNode(JSON_ARRAY);
+ res.set_mutex(internal -> mylock);
+ return res;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return JSONNode(JSON_ARRAY);
+void JSONNode::cast(char newtype){
+ if (newtype == type()) return;
+ switch(newtype){
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ nullify();
+ return;
+ *this = as_string();
+ return;
+ *this = as_float();
+ return;
+ case JSON_BOOL:
+ *this = as_bool();
+ return;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ *this = as_array();
+ return;
+ case JSON_NODE:
+ *this = as_node();
+ return;
+ }
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("cast to unknown type"));
+//different just to supress the warning
+void JSONNode::merge(JSONNode & other){
+void JSONNode::merge(JSONNode &) {
+ if (internal == other.internal) return;
+ JSON_ASSERT(*this == other, JSON_TEXT("merging two nodes that aren't equal"));
+ if (internal -> refcount < other.internal -> refcount){
+ *this = other;
+ } else {
+ other = *this;
+ }
+ #endif
+ void JSONNode::merge(JSONNode * other){
+ if (internal == other -> internal) return;
+ *other = *this;
+ }
+ //different just to supress the warning
+ void JSONNode::merge(unsigned int num, ...) {
+ void JSONNode::merge(unsigned int, ...) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, num);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i){
+ merge(va_arg(args, JSONNode*));
+ }
+ va_end(args);
+ #endif
+JSONNode JSONNode::duplicate(void) const {
+ JSONNode mycopy(*this);
+ JSON_ASSERT(internal == mycopy.internal, JSON_TEXT("copy ctor failed to ref count correctly"));
+ mycopy.makeUniqueInternal();
+ #endif
+ JSON_ASSERT(internal != mycopy.internal, JSON_TEXT("makeUniqueInternal failed"));
+ return mycopy;
+JSONNode & JSONNode::at(json_index_t pos){
+ if (pos >= internal -> size()) {
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("at() out of bounds"));
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ }
+ return (*this)[pos];
+const JSONNode & JSONNode::at(json_index_t pos) const {
+ if (pos >= internal -> size()) {
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("at() const out of bounds"));
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ }
+ return (*this)[pos];
+JSONNode & JSONNode::operator[](json_index_t pos){
+ JSON_ASSERT(pos < internal -> size(), JSON_TEXT("[] out of bounds"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ return *(internal -> at(pos));
+const JSONNode & JSONNode::operator[](json_index_t pos) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(pos < internal -> size(), JSON_TEXT("[] const out of bounds"));
+ return *(internal -> at(pos));
+JSONNode & JSONNode::at(const json_string & name_t){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("at a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at(name_t)) {
+ return *(*res);
+ }
+ JSON_FAIL(json_string(JSON_TEXT("at could not find child by name: ")) + name_t);
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+const JSONNode & JSONNode::at(const json_string & name_t) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("at a non-iteratable node"));
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at(name_t)) {
+ return *(*res);
+ }
+ JSON_FAIL(json_string(JSON_TEXT("at const could not find child by name: ")) + name_t);
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ JSONNode & JSONNode::at_nocase(const json_string & name_t){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("at a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at_nocase(name_t)) {
+ return *(*res);
+ }
+ JSON_FAIL(json_string(JSON_TEXT("at_nocase could not find child by name: ")) + name_t);
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ }
+ const JSONNode & JSONNode::at_nocase(const json_string & name_t) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("at a non-iteratable node"));
+ if (JSONNode ** res = internal -> at_nocase(name_t)) {
+ return *(*res);
+ }
+ JSON_FAIL(json_string(JSON_TEXT("at_nocase const could not find child by name: ")) + name_t);
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ }
+ struct auto_delete {
+ public:
+ auto_delete(JSONNode * node) : mynode(node){};
+ ~auto_delete(void){ JSONNode::deleteJSONNode(mynode); };
+ JSONNode * mynode;
+ private:
+ auto_delete(const auto_delete &);
+ auto_delete & operator = (const auto_delete &);
+ };
+JSONNode JSON_PTR_LIB JSONNode::pop_back(json_index_t pos){
+ if (pos >= internal -> size()) {
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("pop_back out of bounds"));
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ }
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ return internal -> pop_back(pos);
+ #else
+ auto_delete temp(internal -> pop_back(pos));
+ return *temp.mynode;
+ #endif
+JSONNode JSON_PTR_LIB JSONNode::pop_back(const json_string & name_t){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("popping a non-iteratable node"));
+ return internal -> pop_back(name_t);
+ #else
+ if (JSONNode * res = internal -> pop_back(name_t)) {
+ auto_delete temp(res);
+ return *(temp.mynode);
+ }
+ JSON_FAIL(json_string(JSON_TEXT("pop_back const could not find child by name: ")) + name_t);
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ #endif
+ JSONNode JSON_PTR_LIB JSONNode::pop_back_nocase(const json_string & name_t){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("popping a non-iteratable node"));
+ return internal -> pop_back_nocase(name_t);
+ #else
+ if (JSONNode * res = internal -> pop_back_nocase(name_t)) {
+ auto_delete temp(res);
+ return *(temp.mynode);
+ }
+ JSON_FAIL(json_string(JSON_TEXT("pop_back_nocase could not find child by name: ")) + name_t);
+ throw std::out_of_range(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ #endif
+ }
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONNode.h b/src/modules/json/JSONNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36ebcd6145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,923 @@
+#ifndef JSONNODE_H
+#define JSONNODE_H
+#include "JSONDefs.h" //for string type
+#include "internalJSONNode.h" //internal structure for json value
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cstdarg> //for the ... parameter
+ #include "JSON_Base64.h"
+ #define makeUniqueInternal() (void)0
+#define JSON_CHECK_INTERNAL() JSON_ASSERT(internal, JSON_TEXT("no internal"))
+ #define JSON_MUTEX_COPY_DECL ,void * parentMutex
+ #define JSON_MUTEX_COPY_DECL2 ,void * parentMutex = 0
+ #define JSON_PTR_LIB *
+ #define JSON_NEW(x) JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(x)
+ #define DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES(foo)\
+ foo(long);\
+ foo(json_number);\
+ foo(bool);\
+ foo(const json_string &);
+ foo(long) const;\
+ foo(json_number) const;\
+ foo(bool) const;\
+ foo(const json_string &) const;\
+ foo(const JSONNode &) const;
+ foo(long)\
+ foo(json_number)
+ #define JSON_PTR_LIB
+ #define JSON_NEW(x) x
+ #define DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES(foo)\
+ foo(char); foo(unsigned char);\
+ foo(short); foo(unsigned short);\
+ foo(int); foo(unsigned int);\
+ foo(long); foo(unsigned long);\
+ foo(float); foo(double);\
+ foo(bool);\
+ foo(const json_string &);\
+ foo(const json_char *);
+ foo(char) const; foo(unsigned char) const;\
+ foo(short) const; foo(unsigned short) const;\
+ foo(int) const; foo(unsigned int) const;\
+ foo(long) const; foo(unsigned long) const;\
+ foo(float) const; foo(double) const;\
+ foo(bool) const;\
+ foo(const json_string &) const;\
+ foo(const JSONNode &) const;\
+ foo(const json_char *) const;
+ foo(char) foo(unsigned char)\
+ foo(short) foo(unsigned short)\
+ foo(int) foo(unsigned int)\
+ foo(long) foo(unsigned long)\
+ foo(float) foo(double)
+ foo(const json_string &)\
+ foo(bool)
+ This class is mostly just a wrapper class around internalJSONNode, this class keeps
+ the reference count and handles copy on write and such. This class is also responsible
+ for argument checking and throwing exceptions if needed.
+class JSONNode {
+ explicit JSONNode(char mytype = JSON_NODE);
+ #define DECLARE_CTOR(type) JSONNode(const json_string & name_t, type value_t)
+ JSONNode(const JSONNode & orig);
+ ~JSONNode(void);
+ json_index_t size(void) const;
+ bool empty(void) const;
+ void clear(void);
+ unsigned char type(void) const;
+ json_string name(void) const;
+ void set_name(const json_string & newname);
+ void set_comment(const json_string & comment);
+ json_string get_comment(void) const;
+ #endif
+ void preparse(void);
+ #endif
+ #ifndef JSON_SAFE
+ #error JSON_VALIDATE also requires JSON_SAFE
+ #endif
+ bool validate(void);
+ #endif
+ json_string as_string(void) const;
+ long as_int(void) const;
+ json_number as_float(void) const;
+ bool as_bool(void) const;
+ JSONNode as_node(void) const;
+ JSONNode as_array(void) const;
+ #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ std::string as_binary(void) const;
+ void set_binary(const unsigned char * bin, json_index_t bytes);
+ #endif
+ JSONNode & at(json_index_t pos);
+ const JSONNode & at(json_index_t pos) const;
+ JSONNode & operator[](json_index_t pos);
+ const JSONNode & operator[](json_index_t pos) const;
+ JSONNode & at(const json_string & name_t);
+ const JSONNode & at(const json_string & name_t) const;
+ JSONNode & at_nocase(const json_string & name_t);
+ const JSONNode & at_nocase(const json_string & name_t) const;
+ #endif
+ JSONNode & operator[](const json_string & name_t);
+ const JSONNode & operator[](const json_string & name_t) const;
+ void push_back(JSONNode * node);
+ #else
+ void push_back(const JSONNode & node);
+ #endif
+ void reserve(json_index_t size);
+ JSONNode JSON_PTR_LIB pop_back(json_index_t pos);
+ JSONNode JSON_PTR_LIB pop_back(const json_string & name_t);
+ JSONNode JSON_PTR_LIB pop_back_nocase(const json_string & name_t);
+ #endif
+ DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES(JSONNode & operator =)
+ JSONNode & operator = (const JSONNode &);
+ DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES_CONST(bool operator ==)
+ DECLARE_FOR_ALL_TYPES_CONST(bool operator !=)
+ void nullify(void);
+ void swap(JSONNode & other);
+ void merge(JSONNode & other);
+ void merge(unsigned int num, ...);
+ JSONNode duplicate(void) const;
+ void cast(char newtype);
+ //iterator
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ #define json_iterator_ptr(iter)
+ #define ptr_to_json_iterator(iter) json_iterator(iter)
+ struct iterator {
+ inline iterator& operator ++(void){ ++it; return *this; }
+ inline iterator& operator --(void){ --it; return *this; }
+ inline iterator& operator +=(long i){ it += i; return *this; }
+ inline iterator& operator -=(long i){ it -= i; return *this; }
+ inline iterator operator ++(int){
+ iterator result(*this);
+ ++it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline iterator operator --(int){
+ iterator result(*this);
+ --it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline iterator operator +(long i) const {
+ iterator result(*this);
+ += i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline iterator operator -(long i) const {
+ iterator result(*this);
+ -= i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return *it[pos]; };
+ inline JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return *(*it); }
+ inline bool operator == (const iterator & other) const { return it ==; }
+ inline bool operator != (const iterator & other) const { return it !=; }
+ inline bool operator > (const iterator & other) const { return it >; }
+ inline bool operator >= (const iterator & other) const { return it >=; }
+ inline bool operator < (const iterator & other) const { return it <; }
+ inline bool operator <= (const iterator & other) const { return it <=; }
+ inline iterator & operator = (const iterator & orig){ it =; return *this; }
+ iterator (const iterator & orig) : it( {}
+ private:
+ JSONNode ** it;
+ iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
+ friend class JSONNode;
+ };
+ typedef iterator json_iterator;
+ struct const_iterator {
+ inline const_iterator& operator ++(void){ ++it; return *this; }
+ inline const_iterator& operator --(void){ --it; return *this; }
+ inline const_iterator& operator +=(long i){ it += i; return *this; }
+ inline const_iterator& operator -=(long i){ it -= i; return *this; }
+ inline const_iterator operator ++(int){
+ const_iterator result(*this);
+ ++it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline const_iterator operator --(int){
+ const_iterator result(*this);
+ --it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline const_iterator operator +(long i) const {
+ const_iterator result(*this);
+ += i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline const_iterator operator -(long i) const {
+ const_iterator result(*this);
+ -= i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline const JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*it[pos]); };
+ inline const JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*(*it)); }
+ inline bool operator == (const const_iterator & other) const { return it ==; }
+ inline bool operator != (const const_iterator & other) const { return it !=; }
+ inline bool operator > (const const_iterator & other) const { return it >; }
+ inline bool operator >= (const const_iterator & other) const { return it >=; }
+ inline bool operator < (const const_iterator & other) const { return it <; }
+ inline bool operator <= (const const_iterator & other) const { return it <=; }
+ inline const_iterator & operator =(const const_iterator & orig){ it =; return *this; }
+ const_iterator (const const_iterator & orig) : it( {}
+ private:
+ JSONNode ** it;
+ const_iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
+ friend class JSONNode;
+ };
+ const_iterator begin(void) const;
+ const_iterator end(void) const;
+ struct reverse_iterator {
+ inline reverse_iterator& operator ++(void){ --it; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_iterator& operator --(void){ ++it; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_iterator& operator +=(long i){ it -= i; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_iterator& operator -=(long i){ it += i; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_iterator operator ++(int){
+ reverse_iterator result(*this);
+ --it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline reverse_iterator operator --(int){
+ reverse_iterator result(*this);
+ ++it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline reverse_iterator operator +(long i) const {
+ reverse_iterator result(*this);
+ -= i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline reverse_iterator operator -(long i) const {
+ reverse_iterator result(*this);
+ += i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return *it[pos]; };
+ inline JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return *(*it); }
+ inline bool operator == (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it ==; }
+ inline bool operator != (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it !=; }
+ inline bool operator < (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it >; }
+ inline bool operator <= (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it >=; }
+ inline bool operator > (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it <; }
+ inline bool operator >= (const reverse_iterator & other) const { return it <=; }
+ inline reverse_iterator & operator = (const reverse_iterator & orig){ it =; return *this; }
+ reverse_iterator (const reverse_iterator & orig) : it( {}
+ private:
+ JSONNode ** it;
+ reverse_iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
+ friend class JSONNode;
+ };
+ reverse_iterator rbegin(void);
+ reverse_iterator rend(void);
+ struct reverse_const_iterator {
+ inline reverse_const_iterator& operator ++(void){ --it; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator& operator --(void){ ++it; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator& operator +=(long i){ it -= i; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator& operator -=(long i){ it += i; return *this; }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator operator ++(int){
+ reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
+ --it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator operator --(int){
+ reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
+ ++it;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator operator +(long i) const {
+ reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
+ -= i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator operator -(long i) const {
+ reverse_const_iterator result(*this);
+ += i;
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline const JSONNode& operator [](size_t pos) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*it[pos]); };
+ inline const JSONNode& operator *(void) const { return const_cast<const JSONNode&>(*(*it)); }
+ inline bool operator == (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it ==; }
+ inline bool operator != (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it !=; }
+ inline bool operator < (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it >; }
+ inline bool operator <= (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it >=; }
+ inline bool operator > (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it <; }
+ inline bool operator >= (const reverse_const_iterator & other) const { return it <=; }
+ inline reverse_const_iterator & operator = (const reverse_const_iterator & orig){ it =; return *this; }
+ reverse_const_iterator (const reverse_const_iterator & orig) : it( {}
+ private:
+ JSONNode ** it;
+ reverse_const_iterator(JSONNode ** starter) : it(starter) {}
+ friend class JSONNode;
+ };
+ reverse_const_iterator rbegin(void) const;
+ reverse_const_iterator rend(void) const;
+ const_iterator find(const json_string & name_t) const;
+ const_iterator find_nocase(const json_string & name_t) const;
+ #endif
+ reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator pos);
+ reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator start, const reverse_iterator & end);
+ iterator insert(iterator pos, const JSONNode & x);
+ reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const JSONNode & x);
+ iterator insert(iterator pos, const reverse_iterator & _start, const reverse_iterator & _end);
+ reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const iterator & _start, const iterator & _end);
+ reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const reverse_iterator & _start, const reverse_iterator & _end);
+ json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, const const_iterator & _start, const const_iterator & _end);
+ reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const const_iterator & _start, const const_iterator & _end);
+ json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, const reverse_const_iterator & _start, const reverse_const_iterator & _end);
+ reverse_iterator insert(reverse_iterator pos, const reverse_const_iterator & _start, const reverse_const_iterator & _end);
+ #else
+ typedef JSONNode** json_iterator;
+ #define json_iterator_ptr(iter) iter
+ #define ptr_to_json_iterator(iter) iter
+ json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, JSONNode * x);
+ #endif
+ json_iterator begin(void);
+ json_iterator end(void);
+ json_iterator find(const json_string & name_t);
+ json_iterator find_nocase(const json_string & name_t);
+ #endif
+ json_iterator erase(json_iterator pos);
+ json_iterator erase(json_iterator start, const json_iterator & end);
+ json_iterator insert(json_iterator pos, const json_iterator & _start, const json_iterator & _end);
+ #endif
+ static void register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, void * manager_lock);
+ static void register_mutex_destructor(json_mutex_callback_t destroy);
+ #endif
+ static void set_global_mutex(void * mutex);
+ void set_mutex(void * mutex);
+ void lock(int thread);
+ void unlock(int thread);
+ struct auto_lock {
+ public:
+ auto_lock(JSONNode & node, int thread) : mynode(&node), mythread(thread){
+ mynode -> lock(mythread);
+ }
+ auto_lock(JSONNode * node, int thread) : mynode(node), mythread(thread){
+ mynode -> lock(mythread);
+ }
+ ~auto_lock(void){
+ mynode -> unlock(mythread);
+ }
+ private:
+ auto_lock & operator = (const auto_lock &);
+ auto_lock(const auto_lock &);
+ JSONNode * mynode;
+ int mythread;
+ };
+ static void * getThisLock(JSONNode * pthis);
+ #endif
+ static int getNodeAllocationCount(void);
+ static int getNodeDeallocationCount(void);
+ static int getInternalAllocationCount(void);
+ static int getInternalDeallocationCount(void);
+ static void incAllocCount(void);
+ static void decAllocCount(void);
+ static void incinternalAllocCount(void);
+ static void decinternalAllocCount(void);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_WRITER
+ json_string write(void);
+ json_string write_formatted(void);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ JSONNode dump(void) const;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ static void deleteJSONNode(JSONNode * ptr);
+ static JSONNode * newJSONNode_Shallow(const JSONNode & orig);
+ static JSONNode * newJSONNode(const JSONNode & orig JSON_MUTEX_COPY_DECL2);
+ static JSONNode * newJSONNode(internalJSONNode * internal_t);
+ //used by JSONWorker
+ JSONNode(const json_string & unparsed) : internal(internalJSONNode::newInternal(unparsed)) { //root, specialized because it can only be array or node
+ incAllocCount();
+ }
+ JSONNode(internalJSONNode * internal_t) : internal(internal_t){ //do not increment anything, this is only used in one case and it's already taken care of
+ incAllocCount();
+ }
+ JSONNode(bool, JSONNode & orig);
+ void decRef(void); //decrements internal's counter, deletes it if needed
+ void makeUniqueInternal(void); //makes internal it's own
+ void merge(JSONNode * other);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ JSONNode dump(size_t & totalmemory);
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ json_iterator insertFRR(json_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);
+ reverse_iterator insertRRR(reverse_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);
+ reverse_iterator insertRFF(reverse_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);
+ #endif
+ json_iterator insertFFF(json_iterator pos, JSONNode ** const _start, JSONNode ** const _end);
+ #endif
+ mutable internalJSONNode * internal;
+ friend class JSONWorker;
+ friend class internalJSONNode;
+ Implementations are here to keep the class declaration cleaner. They can't be placed in a different
+ file because they are inlined.
+inline JSONNode::JSONNode(char mytype) : internal(internalJSONNode::newInternal(mytype)) {
+ JSON_ASSERT((mytype == JSON_NULL) ||
+ (mytype == JSON_STRING) ||
+ (mytype == JSON_NUMBER) ||
+ (mytype == JSON_BOOL) ||
+ (mytype == JSON_ARRAY) ||
+ (mytype == JSON_NODE), JSON_TEXT("Not a proper JSON type"));
+ incAllocCount();
+inline JSONNode::JSONNode(const JSONNode & orig): internal(orig.internal -> incRef()) {
+ incAllocCount();
+//this allows a temp node to simply transfer its contents, even with ref counting off
+inline JSONNode::JSONNode(bool, JSONNode & orig): internal(orig.internal){
+ orig.internal = 0;
+ incAllocCount();
+inline JSONNode::~JSONNode(void){
+ if (internal) decRef();
+ decAllocCount();
+inline json_index_t JSONNode::size(void) const {
+ return internal -> size();
+inline bool JSONNode::empty(void) const {
+ return internal -> empty();
+inline void JSONNode::clear(void){
+ if (!empty()) {
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ internal -> Children.clear();
+ }
+inline unsigned char JSONNode::type(void) const {
+ return internal -> type();
+inline json_string JSONNode::name(void) const {
+ return internal -> name();
+inline void JSONNode::set_name(const json_string & newname){
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ internal -> setname(newname);
+ inline void JSONNode::set_comment(const json_string & newname){
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ internal -> setcomment(newname);
+ }
+ inline json_string JSONNode::get_comment(void) const {
+ return internal -> getcomment();
+ }
+inline json_string JSONNode::as_string(void) const {
+ return internal -> as_string();
+inline long JSONNode::as_int(void) const {
+ return internal -> as_int();
+inline json_number JSONNode::as_float(void) const {
+ return internal -> as_float();
+inline bool JSONNode::as_bool(void) const {
+ return internal -> as_bool();
+ inline void JSONNode::set_binary(const unsigned char * bin, json_index_t bytes){
+ *this = JSONBase64::json_encode64(bin, bytes);
+ }
+ inline std::string JSONNode::as_binary(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(type() == JSON_STRING, JSON_TEXT("using as_binary for a non-string type"), return EMPTY_STRING2;);
+ return JSONBase64::json_decode64(as_string());
+ }
+inline JSONNode & JSONNode::operator[](const json_string & name_t){
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ return *(*(internal -> at(name_t)));
+inline const JSONNode & JSONNode::operator[](const json_string & name_t) const {
+ return *(*(internal -> at(name_t)));
+inline void JSONNode::push_back(JSONNode * child){
+inline void JSONNode::push_back(const JSONNode & child){
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ internal -> push_back(child);
+inline void JSONNode::reserve(json_index_t size){
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ internal -> reserve(size);
+inline JSONNode & JSONNode::operator = (const JSONNode & orig){
+ if (internal == orig.internal) return *this; //don't want it accidentally deleting itself
+ #endif
+ decRef(); //dereference my current one
+ internal = orig.internal -> incRef(); //increase reference of original
+ return *this;
+ inline JSONNode & JSONNode::operator = (const json_char * val){
+ *this = json_string(val);
+ return *this;
+ }
+#define NODE_SET_TYPED(type)\
+ inline JSONNode & JSONNode::operator = (type val){\
+ makeUniqueInternal();\
+ internal -> Set(val);\
+ return *this;\
+ }
+ This section is the equality operators
+#define NODE_CHECK_EQUALITY(type)\
+ inline bool JSONNode::operator == (type val) const {\
+ return internal -> IsEqualToNum<type>(val);\
+ }
+inline bool JSONNode::operator == (const json_string & val) const {
+ return internal -> IsEqualTo(val);
+ inline bool JSONNode::operator == (const json_char * val) const {
+ return *this == json_string(val);
+ }
+inline bool JSONNode::operator == (bool val) const {
+ return internal -> IsEqualTo(val);
+inline bool JSONNode::operator == (const JSONNode & val) const {
+ return internal -> IsEqualTo(val.internal);
+ This section is the inequality operators
+ inline bool JSONNode::operator != (type val) const {\
+ return !(*this == val);\
+ }
+ NODE_CHECK_INEQUALITY(const json_char * )
+inline void JSONNode::nullify(void){
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ internal -> Nullify();
+inline void JSONNode::swap(JSONNode & other){
+ internalJSONNode * temp = other.internal;
+ other.internal = internal;
+ internal = temp;
+inline void JSONNode::decRef(void){ //decrements internal's counter, deletes it if needed
+ internal -> decRef();
+ if (internal -> hasNoReferences()) {
+ internalJSONNode::deleteInternal(internal);
+ }
+ #else
+ internalJSONNode::deleteInternal(internal);
+ #endif
+ inline void JSONNode::makeUniqueInternal() { //makes internal it's own
+ internal = internal -> makeUnique(); //might return itself or a new one that's exactly the same
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::begin(void){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ return json_iterator(internal -> begin());
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::end(void){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ return json_iterator(internal -> end());
+ }
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ inline JSONNode::const_iterator JSONNode::begin(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ return JSONNode::const_iterator(internal -> begin());
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::const_iterator JSONNode::end(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ return JSONNode::const_iterator(internal -> end());
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::rbegin(void){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ return JSONNode::reverse_iterator(internal -> end() - 1);
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::rend(void){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ return JSONNode::reverse_iterator(internal -> begin() - 1);
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_const_iterator JSONNode::rbegin(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ return JSONNode::reverse_const_iterator(internal -> end() - 1);
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_const_iterator JSONNode::rend(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("iterating a non-iteratable node"));
+ return JSONNode::reverse_const_iterator(internal -> begin() - 1);
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::iterator JSONNode::insert(json_iterator pos, const const_iterator & _start, const const_iterator & _end){
+ return insertFFF(pos,,;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::insert(reverse_iterator pos, const const_iterator & _start, const const_iterator & _end){
+ return insertRFF(pos,,;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::insert(reverse_iterator pos, const iterator & _start, const iterator & _end){
+ return insertRFF(pos,,;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::insert(reverse_iterator pos, const reverse_const_iterator & _start, const reverse_const_iterator & _end){
+ return insertRRR(pos,,;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::reverse_iterator JSONNode::insert(reverse_iterator pos, const reverse_iterator & _start, const reverse_iterator & _end){
+ return insertRRR(pos,,;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::iterator JSONNode::insert(json_iterator pos, const reverse_const_iterator & _start, const reverse_const_iterator & _end){
+ return insertFRR(pos,,;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode::iterator JSONNode::insert(iterator pos, const reverse_iterator & _start, const reverse_iterator & _end){
+ return insertFRR(pos,,;
+ }
+ #endif
+ inline JSONNode::json_iterator JSONNode::insert(json_iterator pos, const json_iterator & _start, const json_iterator & _end){
+ return insertFFF(pos, json_iterator_ptr(_start), json_iterator_ptr(_end));
+ }
+ inline json_string JSONNode::write(void){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("Writing a non-writable node"), return JSON_TEXT(""););
+ return internal -> Write(0xFFFFFFFF, true);
+ }
+ inline json_string JSONNode::write_formatted(void){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("Writing a non-writable node"), return JSON_TEXT(""););
+ return internal -> Write(0, true);
+ }
+ inline void JSONNode::preparse(void){
+ internal -> preparse();
+ }
+ inline bool JSONNode::validate(void){
+ if (type() == JSON_NULL) return false;
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("Validating non root node"), return false;);
+ internal -> Fetch(); //will nullify it if it's bad
+ #endif
+ if (type() == JSON_NULL) return false;
+ return internal -> validate();
+ }
+#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ inline JSONNode JSONNode::dump(void) const {
+ JSONNode dumpage(JSON_NODE);
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("this"), (long)this)));
+ size_t total = 0;
+ JSONNode node = internal -> Dump(total);
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("total bytes used"), total)));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("bytes used"), sizeof(JSONNode))));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(node));
+ return dumpage;
+ }
+ inline JSONNode JSONNode::dump(size_t & totalmemory){
+ JSONNode dumpage(JSON_NODE);
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("this"), (long)this)));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("bytes used"), sizeof(JSONNode))));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(internal -> Dump(totalmemory)));
+ return dumpage;
+ }
+ #endif
+inline void JSONNode::deleteJSONNode(JSONNode * ptr){
+ ptr -> ~JSONNode();
+ libjson_free<JSONNode>(ptr);
+ #else
+ delete ptr;
+ #endif
+inline JSONNode * _newJSONNode(const JSONNode & orig){
+ return new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(orig);
+ #else
+ return new JSONNode(orig);
+ #endif
+inline JSONNode * JSONNode::newJSONNode(const JSONNode & orig JSON_MUTEX_COPY_DECL){
+ if (parentMutex){
+ JSONNode * temp = _newJSONNode(orig);
+ temp -> set_mutex(parentMutex);
+ return temp;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return _newJSONNode(orig);
+inline JSONNode * JSONNode::newJSONNode(internalJSONNode * internal_t){
+ return new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(internal_t);
+ #else
+ return new JSONNode(internal_t);
+ #endif
+inline JSONNode * JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(const JSONNode & orig){
+ return new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(true, const_cast<JSONNode &>(orig));
+ #else
+ return new JSONNode(true, const_cast<JSONNode &>(orig));
+ #endif
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONNode_Mutex.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONNode_Mutex.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2adb694ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONNode_Mutex.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include <m_json.h>
+#include "libJSON.h"
+json_mutex_callback_t json_lock_callback = 0;
+json_mutex_callback_t json_unlock_callback = 0;
+void * global_mutex = 0;
+void * manager_mutex = 0;
+struct AutoLock {
+ AutoLock(void){
+ json_lock_callback(manager_mutex);
+ }
+ ~AutoLock(void){
+ json_unlock_callback(manager_mutex);
+ }
+#include <map>
+ json_mutex_callback_t json_destroy = 0;
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int> mutex_manager;
+ //make sure that the global mutex is taken care of too
+ struct auto_global {
+ auto_global(void){}
+ ~auto_global(void){
+ if (global_mutex){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(json_destroy, JSON_TEXT("No json_destroy in mutex managed mode"), return;);
+ json_destroy(global_mutex);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ auto_global cleanupGlobal;
+void JSONNode::register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, void * manager_lock){
+ json_lock_callback = lock;
+ json_unlock_callback = unlock;
+ manager_mutex = manager_lock;
+void JSONNode::set_global_mutex(void * mutex){
+ global_mutex = mutex;
+void JSONNode::set_mutex(void * mutex){
+ makeUniqueInternal();
+ internal -> _set_mutex(mutex);
+std::map<int, std::map<void *, unsigned int> > threadlocks;
+void * JSONNode::getThisLock(JSONNode * pthis){
+ if (pthis -> internal -> mylock){
+ return pthis -> internal -> mylock;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(global_mutex, JSON_TEXT("No global_mutex"), return 0;);
+ return global_mutex;
+void JSONNode::lock(int thread){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(json_lock_callback, JSON_TEXT("No locking callback"), return;);
+ AutoLock lockControl;
+ //first, figure out what needs to be locked
+ void * thislock = getThisLock(this);
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ if (!thislock) return;
+ #endif
+ //make sure that the same thread isn't locking it more than once (possible due to complex ref counting)
+ std::map<int, std::map<void *, unsigned int> >::iterator it = threadlocks.find(thread);
+ if (it == threadlocks.end()) {
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int> newthread;
+ newthread[thislock] = 1;
+ threadlocks.insert(std::pair<int, std::map<void *, unsigned int> >(thread, newthread));
+ } else { //this thread already has some things locked, check if the current mutex is
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int> & newthread = it -> second;
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int>::iterator locker = newthread.find(thislock);
+ if (locker == newthread.end()) { //current mutex is not locked, set it to locked
+ newthread.insert(std::pair<void *, unsigned int>(thislock, 1));
+ } else { //it's already locked, don't relock it
+ ++(locker -> second);
+ return; //don't try to relock, it will deadlock the program
+ }
+ }
+ //if I need to, lock it
+ json_lock_callback(thislock);
+void JSONNode::unlock(int thread){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(json_unlock_callback, JSON_TEXT("No unlocking callback"), return;);
+ AutoLock lockControl;
+ //first, figure out what needs to be locked
+ void * thislock = getThisLock(this);
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ if (!thislock) return;
+ #endif
+ //get it out of the map
+ std::map<int, std::map<void *, unsigned int> >::iterator it = threadlocks.find(thread);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(it != threadlocks.end(), JSON_TEXT("thread unlocking something it didn't lock"), return;);
+ //get the mutex out of the thread
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int> & newthread = it -> second;
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int>::iterator locker = newthread.find(thislock);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(locker != newthread.end(), JSON_TEXT("thread unlocking mutex it didn't lock"), return;);
+ //unlock it
+ if (--(locker -> second)) return; //other nodes is this same thread still have a lock on it
+ //if I need to, unlock it
+ newthread.erase(locker);
+ json_unlock_callback(thislock);
+ void JSONNode::register_mutex_destructor(json_mutex_callback_t destroy){
+ json_destroy = destroy;
+ }
+void internalJSONNode::_set_mutex(void * mutex, bool unset){
+ if (unset) _unset_mutex(); //for reference counting
+ mylock = mutex;
+ if (mutex){
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int>::iterator it = mutex_manager.find(mutex);
+ if (it == mutex_manager.end()) {
+ mutex_manager.insert(std::pair<void *, unsigned int>(mutex, 1));
+ } else {
+ ++it -> second;
+ }
+ #endif
+ json_foreach(Children, myrunner){
+ (*myrunner) -> set_mutex(mutex);
+ }
+ }
+void internalJSONNode::_unset_mutex(void){
+ if (mylock){
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int>::iterator it = mutex_manager.find(mylock);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(it != mutex_manager.end(), JSON_TEXT("Mutex not managed"), return;);
+ --it -> second;
+ if (it -> second == 0){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(json_destroy, JSON_TEXT("You didn't register a destructor for mutexes"), return;);
+ mutex_manager.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ JSONNode internalJSONNode::DumpMutex(void) const {
+ JSONNode mut(JSON_NODE);
+ mut.set_name(JSON_TEXT("mylock"));
+ if (mylock){
+ mut.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("this"), (long)mylock)));
+ std::map<void *, unsigned int>::iterator it = mutex_manager.find(mylock);
+ if (it == mutex_manager.end()) {
+ mut.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("references"), JSON_TEXT("error"))));
+ } else {
+ mut.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("references"), it -> second)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ mut = (long)mylock;
+ }
+ #else
+ mut = (long)mylock;
+ #endif
+ return mut;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #error You can not have JSON_MUTEX_MANAGE on without JSON_MUTEX_CALLBACKS
+ #endif
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONOptions.h b/src/modules/json/JSONOptions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c5bb8168f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONOptions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#define snprintf _snprintf
+ * This file holds all of the compiling options for easy access and so
+ * that you don't have to remember them, or look them up all the time
+ */
+ * JSON_LIBRARY must be declared if libjson is compiled as a static or dynamic
+ * library. This exposes a C-style interface, but none of the inner workings of libjson
+ */
+ * JSON_DEBUG is used to perform extra error checking. Because libjson usually
+ * does on the fly parsing, validation is impossible, so this option will allow
+ * you to register an error callback so that you can record what is going wrong
+ * before the library crashes. This option does not protect from these errors,
+ * it simply tells you about them, which is nice for debugging, but not preferable
+ * for release candidates
+ */
+//#define JSON_DEBUG
+ * JSON_SAFE performs similarly to JSON_DEBUG, except this option does protect
+ * from the errors that it encounters. This option is recommended for those who
+ * feel it's possible for their program to encounter invalid json.
+ */
+#define JSON_SAFE
+ * JSON_STDERROR routes error messages to cerr instead of a callback, this
+ * option hides the callback registering function. This will usually display
+ * messages in the console
+ */
+//#define JSON_STDERROR
+ * JSON_PREPARSE causes all parsing to be done immediately. By default, libjson
+ * parses nodes on the fly as they are needed, this makes parsing much faster if
+ * your program gets a lot of information that it doesn't need. An example of
+ * this would be a client application communicating with a server if the server
+ * returns things like last modified date and other things that you don't use.
+ */
+//#define JSON_PREPARSE
+ * JSON_LESS_MEMORY will force libjson to let go of memory as quickly as it can
+ * this is recommended for software that has to run on less than optimal machines.
+ * It will cut libjson's memory usage by about 20%, but also run slightly slower.
+ * It's recommended that you also compile using the -Os option, as this will also
+ * reduce the size of the library
+ */
+ * JSON_UNICODE tells libjson to use wstrings instead of regular strings, this
+ * means that libjson supports the full array of unicode characters, but also takes
+ * much more memory and processing power.
+ */
+//#define JSON_UNICODE
+ * JSON_REF_COUNT causes libjson to reference count JSONNodes, which makes copying
+ * and passing them around much faster. It is recommended that this stay on for
+ * most uses
+ */
+ * JSON_BINARY is used to support binary, which is base64 encoded and decoded by libjson,
+ * if this option is not turned on, no base64 support is included
+ */
+//#define JSON_BINARY
+ * JSON_MEMORY_CALLBACKS exposes functions to register callbacks for allocating, resizing,
+ * and freeing memory. Because libjson is designed for costomizability, it is feasible
+ * that some users would like to further add speed by having the library utilize a memory
+ * pool. With this option turned on, the default behavior is still done internally unless
+ * a callback is registered. So you can have this option on and mot use it.
+ */
+ * JSON_MEMORY_MANAGE is used to create functionality to automatically track and clean
+ * up memory that has been allocated by the user. This includes strings, binary data, and
+ * nodes. It also exposes bulk delete functions.
+ */
+ * JSON_MUTEX_CALLBACKS exposes functions to register callbacks to lock and unlock
+ * mutexs and functions to lock and unlock JSONNodes and all of it's children. This
+ * does not prevent other threads from accessing the node, but will prevent them from
+ * locking it. It is much easier for the end programmer to allow libjson to manage
+ * your mutexs because of reference counting and manipulating trees, libjson automatically
+ * tracks mutex controls for you, so you only ever lock what you need to
+ */
+ * JSON_MUTEX_MANAGE lets you set mutexes and forget them, libjson will not only keep
+ * track of the mutex, but also keep a count of how many nodes are using it, and delete
+ * it when there are no more references
+ */
+ * JSON_ISO_STRICT turns off all code that uses non-standard C++. This removes all
+ * references to long long and long double as well as a few others
+ */
+//#define JSON_ISO_STRICT
+ * JSON_ITERATORS turns on all of libjson's iterating functionality. This would usually
+ * only be turned off while compiling for use with C
+ */
+ * JSON_WRITER turns on libjson's writing capabilties. Without this libjson can only
+ * read and parse json, this allows it to write back out
+ */
+#define JSON_WRITER
+ * JSON_NEWLINE affects how libjson writes. If this option is turned on, libjson
+ * will use whatever it's defined as for the newline signifier, otherwise, it will use
+ * standard unix \n.
+ */
+//#define JSON_NEWLINE "\r\n" //\r\n is standard for most windows and dos programs
+ * JSON_COMMENTS tells libjson to store and write comments. libjson always supports
+ * parsing json that has comments in it as it simply ignores them, but with this option
+ * it keeps the comments and allows you to insert further comments
+ */
+//#define JSON_COMMENTS
+ * JSON_INDENT affects how libjson writes. If this option is turned on, libjson
+ * will use \t to indent formatted json, otherwise it will use the number of characters
+ * that you specify. If this is not turned on, then it will use the tab (\t) character
+ */
+//#define JSON_INDENT " "
+ * JSON_WRITE_BASH_COMMENTS will cause libjson to write all comments in bash (#) style
+ * if this option is not turned on, then it will use C-style comments. Bash comments are
+ * all single line
+ */
+ * JSON_WRITE_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENTS will cause libjson to write all comments in using //
+ * notation, or (#) if that option is on. Some parsers do not support multiline C comments
+ * although, this option is not needed for bash comments, as they are all single line anyway
+ */
+ * JSON_VALIDATE turns on validation features of libjson. This option requires JSON_SAFE
+ */
+//#define JSON_VALIDATE
+ * JSON_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FUNCTIONS turns on funtions for finding child nodes in a case-
+ * insenititve way
+ */
+ * JSON_UNIT_TEST is used to maintain and debug the libjson. It makes all private
+ * members and functions public so that tests can do checks of the inner workings
+ * of libjson. This should not be turned on by end users.
+ */
+//#define JSON_UNIT_TEST
+ * JSON_INDEX_TYPE allows you th change the size type for the children functions. If this
+ * option is not used then unsigned int is used. This option is useful for cutting down
+ * on memory, or using huge numbers of child nodes (over 4 billion)
+ */
+//#define JSON_INDEX_TYPE unsigned int
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONWorker.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONWorker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c99cd38ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONWorker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "JSONWorker.h"
+JSONNode JSONWorker::validate(const json_string & json){
+ JSONNode res = parse(json);
+ if (!res.validate()) {
+ throw std::invalid_argument(EMPTY_STRING2);
+ }
+ return JSONNode(true, res); //forces it to simply return the original interal, even with ref counting off
+JSONNode JSONWorker::parse(const json_string & json){
+ json_auto<json_char> s;
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ json_char lastchar;
+ s.set(RemoveWhiteSpace(json, lastchar));
+ #else
+ s.set(RemoveWhiteSpace(json));
+ #endif
+ json_char firstchar = s.ptr[0];
+ json_string _comment;
+ json_char * runner = s.ptr;
+ if (firstchar == '\5') { //multiple comments will be consolidated into one
+ newcomment:
+ while(*(++runner) != '\5') {
+ JSON_ASSERT(*runner, JSON_TEXT("Removing white space failed"));
+ _comment += *runner;
+ }
+ firstchar = *(++runner); //step past the trailing tag
+ if (firstchar == '\5') {
+ _comment += '\n';
+ goto newcomment;
+ }
+ }
+ #else
+ const json_char firstchar = s.ptr[0];
+ #endif
+ switch (firstchar){
+ case '{':
+ case '[':
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ if (firstchar == '[') {
+ if (lastchar != ']') {
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Missing final ]"));
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (lastchar != '}') {
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Missing final }"));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ JSONNode foo(runner);
+ foo.set_comment(_comment);
+ return JSONNode(true, foo); //forces it to simply return the original interal, even with ref counting off
+ #else
+ return JSONNode(s.ptr);
+ #endif
+ }
+ throw std::invalid_argument(EMPTY_STRING2);
+#define QUOTECASE()\
+ case JSON_TEXT('\"'):\
+ while (*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('\"')) {\
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p, JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a quotation"), return json_string::npos;);\
+ }\
+ break;
+#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #define NULLCASE(error)\
+ case JSON_TEXT('\0'):\
+ JSON_FAIL_SAFE(error, return json_string::npos;);\
+ break;
+ #define NULLCASE(error)
+#define BRACKET(left, right)\
+ case left: {\
+ size_t brac = 1;\
+ while (brac){\
+ switch (*(++p)) {\
+ case right:\
+ --brac;\
+ break;\
+ case left:\
+ ++brac;\
+ break;\
+ NULLCASE(JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a bracket"))\
+ }\
+ }\
+ break;}\
+ case right:\
+ return json_string::npos;
+size_t JSONWorker::FindNextRelevant(json_char ch, const json_string & value_t, const size_t pos){
+ const json_char * start = value_t.c_str();
+ const json_char * p = start + pos; //start at the correct offset
+ do {
+ if (*p == ch) return p - start;
+ switch (*p){
+ }
+ } while(*(++p));
+ return json_string::npos;
+ #define COMMENT_DELIMITER() *runner++ = '\5'
+ #define AND_RUNNER ,runner
+ inline void SingleLineComment(const json_char * & p, json_char * & runner){
+ while((*(++p)) && (*p != JSON_TEXT('\n'))) {
+ *runner++ = *p;
+ }
+ }
+ #define COMMENT_DELIMITER() (void)0
+ #define AND_RUNNER
+inline void SingleLineComment(const json_char * & p){
+ while((*(++p)) && (*p != JSON_TEXT('\n')));
+#if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ json_char * JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpace(const json_string & value_t, json_char & last){
+ json_char * JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpace(const json_string & value_t){
+ json_char * result;
+ json_char * runner = result = json_malloc<json_char>(value_t.length() + 1); //dealing with raw memory is faster than adding to a json_string
+ JSON_ASSERT(result, JSON_TEXT("Out of memory"));
+ const json_char * p = value_t.c_str();
+ while(*p){
+ switch(*p){
+ case JSON_TEXT(' '): //defined as white space
+ case JSON_TEXT('\t'): //defined as white space
+ case JSON_TEXT('\n'): //defined as white space
+ case JSON_TEXT('\r'): //defined as white space
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('/'): //a C comment
+ if (*(++p) == JSON_TEXT('*')) { //a multiline comment
+ while ((*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('*')) || (*(p + 1) != JSON_TEXT('/'))) {
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p, JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a multiline quote"), COMMENT_DELIMITER(); goto endofloop;);
+ *runner++ = *p;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ break;
+ }
+ //Should be a single line C comment, so let it fall through to use the bash comment stripper
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p == JSON_TEXT('/'), JSON_TEXT("stray / character, not quoted, or a comment"), goto endofloop;);
+ case JSON_TEXT('#'): //a bash comment
+ SingleLineComment(p AND_RUNNER);
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\"'): //a quote
+ *runner++ = JSON_TEXT('\"');
+ while(*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('\"')) { //find the end of the quotation, as white space is preserved within it
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p, JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a quotation"), goto endofloop;);
+ switch(*p){
+ case JSON_TEXT('\\'):
+ *runner++ = JSON_TEXT('\\');
+ *runner++ = (*++p == JSON_TEXT('\"')) ? JSON_TEXT('\1') : *p; //an escaped quote will reak havoc will all of my searching functions, so change it into an illegal character in JSON for convertion later on
+ break;
+ default:
+ *runner++ = *p;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //no break, let it fall through so that the trailing quote gets added
+ default:
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((unsigned json_char)*p >= 32, JSON_TEXT("Invalid JSON character detected (lo)"), goto endofloop;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((unsigned json_char)*p <= 126, JSON_TEXT("Invalid JSON character detected (hi)"), goto endofloop;);
+ *runner++ = *p;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ endofloop:
+ #endif
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ last = *(runner - 1);
+ #endif
+ *runner = JSON_TEXT('\0');
+ return result;
+ }
+json_string JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpaceAndComments(const json_string & value_t){
+ json_string result;
+ result.reserve(value_t.length());
+ const json_char * p = value_t.c_str();
+ while(*p){
+ switch(*p){
+ case JSON_TEXT(' '): //defined as white space
+ case JSON_TEXT('\t'): //defined as white space
+ case JSON_TEXT('\n'): //defined as white space
+ case JSON_TEXT('\r'): //defined as white space
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('/'): //a C comment
+ if (*(++p) == JSON_TEXT('*')) { //a multiline comment
+ while ((*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('*')) || (*(p + 1) != JSON_TEXT('/'))) {
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p, JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a multiline quote"), goto endofloop;);
+ }
+ ++p;
+ break;
+ }
+ //Should be a single line C comment, so let it fall through to use the bash comment stripper
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(*p == JSON_TEXT('/'), JSON_TEXT("stray / character, not quoted, or a comment"), goto endofloop;);
+ case JSON_TEXT('#'): //a bash comment
+ SingleLineComment(p);
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\"'): //a quote
+ result += JSON_TEXT('\"');
+ while(*(++p) != JSON_TEXT('\"')) { //find the end of the quotation, as white space is preserved within it
+ JSON_ASSERT(*p, JSON_TEXT("Null terminator inside of a quotation"));
+ switch(*p){
+ case JSON_TEXT('\\'):
+ result += JSON_TEXT('\\');
+ result += (*++p == JSON_TEXT('\"')) ? JSON_TEXT('\1') : *p; //an escaped quote will reak havoc will all of my searching functions, so change it into an illegal character in JSON for convertion later on
+ break;
+ default:
+ result += *p;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //no break, let it fall through so that the trailing quote gets added
+ default:
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((unsigned json_char)*p >= 32, JSON_TEXT("Invalid JSON character detected (lo)"), goto endofloop;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE((unsigned json_char)*p <= 126, JSON_TEXT("Invalid JSON character detected (hi)"), goto endofloop;);
+ result += *p;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ endofloop:
+ #endif
+ return result;
+ These three functions analyze json_string literals and convert them into std::strings
+ This includes dealing with special characters and utf characters
+ */
+ inline unsigned json_char SurrogatePair(const unsigned json_char hi, const unsigned json_char lo){
+ JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4, JSON_TEXT("size of unsigned int is not 32-bit"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned json_char) == 4, JSON_TEXT("size of json_char is not 32-bit"));
+ return (((hi << 10) & 0x1FFC00) + 0x10000) | lo & 0x3FF;
+ }
+ json_string JSONWorker::UTF(const json_char * & pos){
+ json_string result;
+ unsigned json_char first = UTF8(pos);
+ if ((*(pos + 1) == '\\') && (*(pos + 2) == 'u')) {
+ pos += 2;
+ unsigned json_char second = UTF8(pos);
+ //surrogate pair, not two characters
+ if ((first > 0xD800) && (first < 0xDBFF) && (second > 0xDC00) && (second < 0xDFFF)) {
+ result += SurrogatePair(first, second);
+ } else {
+ result += first;
+ result += second;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result += first;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT(!result.empty(), JSON_TEXT("missing case, somehow UTF returned empty"));
+ return result;
+ }
+unsigned json_char JSONWorker::UTF8(const json_char * & pos){
+ ++pos;
+ unsigned json_char temp = Hex(pos) << 8;
+ ++pos;
+ return temp | Hex(pos);
+ #else
+ JSON_ASSERT(*(pos + 1) == JSON_TEXT('0'), JSON_TEXT("wide utf character (hihi)"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(*(pos + 2) == JSON_TEXT('0'), JSON_TEXT("wide utf character (hilo)"));
+ pos += 3;
+ return Hex(pos);
+ #endif
+static char szU8Buffer[10];
+json_char* JSONWorker::UTF8_2(const json_char * & pos){
+ ++pos;
+ unsigned json_char temp = Hex(pos) << 8;
+ ++pos;
+ *szU8Buffer= temp | Hex(pos);
+ szU8Buffer[1]=0;
+ return szU8Buffer;
+ #else
+ union {
+ unsigned short uChar;
+ unsigned char uByte[2];
+ };
+ pos++;
+ strncpy(szU8Buffer+5,pos,4);
+ szU8Buffer[9]=0;
+ uChar=strtoul(szU8Buffer+5,NULL,16);
+ if (uChar<0x80) {
+ szU8Buffer[0]=uChar;
+ szU8Buffer[1]=0;
+ } else if (uChar<0x7ff) {
+ szU8Buffer[0]=0xc0+(uByte[1]<<2)+(uByte[0]>>6);
+ szU8Buffer[1]=0x80+(uByte[0]&0x3f);
+ szU8Buffer[2]=0;
+ } else {
+ szU8Buffer[0]=0xe0+(uByte[1]>>4);
+ szU8Buffer[1]=0x80+((uByte[1]&0x0f)<<2)+(uByte[0]>>6);
+ szU8Buffer[2]=0x80+(uByte[0]&0x3f);
+ szU8Buffer[3]=0;
+ }
+ pos += 3;
+ return szU8Buffer;
+ #endif
+json_char JSONWorker::Hex(const json_char * & pos){
+ /*
+ takes the numeric value of the next two characters and convert them
+ \u0058 becomes 0x58
+ In case of \u, it's SpecialChar's responsibility to move past the first two chars
+ as this method is also used for \x
+ */
+ //First character
+ unsigned json_char hi = *pos++ - 48;
+ if (hi > 48){ //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to pull them down a little
+ hi -= 39;
+ } else if (hi > 9){ //neither do a-f
+ hi -= 7;
+ }
+ //second character
+ unsigned json_char lo = *pos - 48;
+ if (lo > 48){ //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to pull them down a little
+ lo -= 39;
+ } else if (lo > 9){ //neither do a-f
+ lo -= 7;
+ }
+ //combine them
+ return (json_char)((hi << 4) | lo);
+inline json_char FromOctal(const json_char * & str){
+ JSON_ASSERT(json_strlen(str) > 3, JSON_TEXT("Octal will go out of bounds"));
+ const unsigned json_char top = ((unsigned json_char)(*(str++) - 48));
+ const unsigned json_char middle = (unsigned json_char)(*(str++) - 48);
+ const unsigned json_char bottom = (unsigned json_char)(*str - 48);
+ return (json_char)((top << 6) | (middle << 3) | bottom);
+void JSONWorker::SpecialChar(const json_char * & pos, json_string & res){
+ /*
+ Since JSON uses forward slash escaping for special characters within strings, I have to
+ convert these escaped characters into C characters
+ */
+ switch(*pos){
+ case JSON_TEXT('\1'): //quote character (altered by RemoveWhiteSpace)
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\"');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('t'): //tab character
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\t');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('n'): //newline character
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\n');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('r'): //return character
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\r');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\\'): //backslash
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\\');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('/'): //forward slash
+ res += JSON_TEXT('/');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('b'): //backspace
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\b');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('f'): //formfeed
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\f');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('v'): //vertical tab
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\v');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\''): //apostrophe
+ res += JSON_TEXT('\'');
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('x'): //hexidecimal ascii code
+ res += Hex(++pos);
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('u'): //utf character
+ res += UTF(pos);
+ #else
+ //res += UTF8(pos);
+ res.append(UTF8_2(pos));
+ #endif
+ break;
+ //octal encoding
+ case JSON_TEXT('1'):
+ case JSON_TEXT('2'):
+ case JSON_TEXT('3'):
+ case JSON_TEXT('4'):
+ case JSON_TEXT('5'):
+ case JSON_TEXT('6'):
+ case JSON_TEXT('7'):
+ case JSON_TEXT('0'):
+ res += FromOctal(pos);
+ break;
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ default:
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Unsupported escaped character"));
+ #endif
+ }
+ inline void doflag(const internalJSONNode * flag, bool which, bool x){
+ if (which){
+ flag -> _name_encoded = x;
+ } else {
+ flag -> _string_encoded = x;
+ }
+ }
+ json_string JSONWorker::FixString(const json_string & value_t, const internalJSONNode * flag, bool which){
+ #define setflag(x) doflag(flag, which, x)
+ json_string JSONWorker::FixString(const json_string & value_t, bool & flag){
+ #define setflag(x) flag = x
+ /*
+ Do things like unescaping
+ */
+ setflag(false);
+ json_string res;
+ res.reserve(value_t.length()); //since it goes one character at a time, want to reserve it first so that it doens't have to reallocating
+ const json_char * p = value_t.c_str();
+ while(*p){
+ switch (*p){
+ case JSON_TEXT('\\'):
+ setflag(true);
+ SpecialChar(++p, res);
+ break;
+ default:
+ res += *p;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ return res;
+ json_string JSONWorker::toSurrogatePair(unsigned json_char C){
+ JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned int) == 4, JSON_TEXT("size of unsigned int is not 32-bit"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned short) == 2, JSON_TEXT("size of unsigned short is not 16-bit"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(sizeof(unsigned json_char) == 4, JSON_TEXT("json_char is not 32-bit"));
+ //Compute the high surrogate
+ const unsigned int U = (C >> 16) & 31;
+ unsigned short HiSurrogate = 0xD800 | (((unsigned short)U - 1) << 6) | ((unsigned short)C) >> 10;
+ //compute the low surrogate
+ unsigned short LoSurrogate = (unsigned short) (0xDC00 | ((unsigned short)C) & 1023);
+ json_string res;
+ res += toUTF8(HiSurrogate);
+ res += toUTF8(LoSurrogate);
+ return res;
+ }
+json_string JSONWorker::toUTF8(unsigned json_char p){
+ if (p > 0xFFFF) return toSurrogatePair(p);
+ #endif
+ json_string res(JSON_TEXT("\\u"));
+ unsigned json_char hihi = ((p & 0xF000) >> 12) + 48;
+ if (hihi > 57) hihi += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those
+ unsigned json_char hilo = ((p & 0x0F00) >> 8) + 48;
+ if (hilo > 57) hilo += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those
+ res += hihi;
+ res += hilo;
+ unsigned json_char hi = ((p & 0x00F0) >> 4) + 48;
+ #else
+ res += JSON_TEXT("00");
+ unsigned json_char hi = (p >> 4) + 48;
+ #endif
+ //convert the character to be escaped into two digits between 0 and 15
+ if (hi > 57) hi += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those
+ unsigned json_char lo = (p & 0x000F) + 48;
+ if (lo > 57) lo += 7; //A-F don't immediately follow 0-9, so have to further adjust those
+ res += hi;
+ res += lo;
+ return res;
+json_string JSONWorker::UnfixString(const json_string & value_t, bool flag){
+ if (!flag) return value_t;
+ /*
+ Re-escapes a json_string so that it can be written out into a JSON file
+ */
+ json_string res;
+ res.reserve(value_t.length()); //since it goes one character at a time, want to reserve it first so that it doens't have to reallocating
+ const json_char * p = value_t.c_str();
+ while(*p){
+ switch(*p){
+ case JSON_TEXT('\"'): //quote character
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\\"");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\t'): //tab character
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\t");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\n'): //newline character
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\n");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\r'): //return character
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\r");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\\'): //backslash
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\\\");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('/'): //forward slash
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\/");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\b'): //backspace
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\b");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\f'): //formfeed
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\f");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\v'): //vertical tab
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\v");
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('\''): //apostrophe
+ res += JSON_TEXT("\\\'");
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*if (((unsigned json_char)(*p) < 32) || ((unsigned json_char)(*p) > 126)) {
+ //res += toUTF8((unsigned json_char)(*p));
+ } else*/ {
+ res += *p;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ return res;
+//Create a childnode
+ #define ARRAY_PARAM bool array //Just to supress warnings
+ #define ARRAY_PARAM bool
+inline void JSONWorker::NewNode(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & name, const json_string & value, ARRAY_PARAM){
+ const json_char * runner = (array) ? value.c_str() : name.c_str();
+ json_string _comment;
+ if (*runner == '\5') { //multiple comments will be consolidated into one
+ newcomment:
+ while(*(++runner) != '\5') {
+ JSON_ASSERT(*runner, JSON_TEXT("Removing white space failed"));
+ _comment += *runner;
+ }
+ if (*(++runner) == '\5') { //step past the trailing tag
+ _comment += '\n';
+ goto newcomment;
+ }
+ }
+ internalJSONNode * myinternal;
+ if (array){
+ myinternal = internalJSONNode::newInternal(name, runner);
+ } else {
+ myinternal = internalJSONNode::newInternal(++runner, value);
+ }
+ JSONNode * child = JSONNode::newJSONNode(myinternal);
+ child -> set_comment(_comment);
+ const_cast<internalJSONNode*>(parent) -> Children.push_back(child); //attach it to the parent node
+ #else
+ const_cast<internalJSONNode*>(parent) -> Children.push_back(JSONNode::newJSONNode(internalJSONNode::newInternal(name.c_str() + 1, value))); //attach it to the parent node
+ #endif
+//Create a subarray
+void JSONWorker::DoArray(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & value_t){
+ /*
+ This takes an array and creates nodes out of them
+ */
+ JSON_ASSERT(!value_t.empty(), JSON_TEXT("DoArray is empty"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t[0] == JSON_TEXT('['), JSON_TEXT("DoArray is not an array"), parent -> Nullify(); return;);
+ const size_t len = value_t.length();
+ if (len <= 2) return; // just a [] (blank array)
+ //Not sure what's in the array, so we have to use commas
+ size_t starting = 1; //ignore the [
+ size_t ending = FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, 1);
+ while (ending != json_string::npos){
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ json_string newValue = value_t.substr(starting, ending - starting);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(':'), newValue, 0) == json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Key/Value pairs are not allowed in arrays"), parent -> Nullify(); return;);
+ NewNode(parent, JSON_TEXT(""), newValue, true);
+ #else
+ NewNode(parent, JSON_TEXT(""), value_t.substr(starting, ending - starting), true);
+ #endif
+ starting = ending + 1;
+ ending = FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, starting);
+ }
+ //since the last one will not find the comma, we have to add it here, but ignore the final ]
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ json_string newValue = value_t.substr(starting, len - starting - 1);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(':'), newValue, 0) == json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Key/Value pairs are not allowed in arrays"), parent -> Nullify(); return;);
+ NewNode(parent, JSON_TEXT(""), newValue, true);
+ #else
+ NewNode(parent, JSON_TEXT(""), value_t.substr(starting, len - starting - 1), true);
+ #endif
+//Create all child nodes
+void JSONWorker::DoNode(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & value_t){
+ /*
+ This take a node and creates its members and such
+ */
+ JSON_ASSERT(!value_t.empty(), JSON_TEXT("DoNode is empty"));
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t[0] == JSON_TEXT('{'), JSON_TEXT("DoNode is not an node"), parent -> Nullify(); return;);
+ const size_t len = value_t.length();
+ if (len <= 2) return; // just a {} (blank node)
+ size_t name_starting = 1; //ignore the {
+ size_t name_ending = FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(':'), value_t, 1); //find where the name ends
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name_ending != json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Missing :"), parent -> Nullify(); return;);
+ json_string name = value_t.substr(name_starting, name_ending - 2); //pull the name out
+ size_t value_ending = FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, name_ending); //find the end of the value
+ while (value_ending != json_string::npos){
+ NewNode(parent, name, value_t.substr(name_ending + 1, value_ending - name_ending - 1), false);
+ name_starting = value_ending + 1;
+ name_ending = FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(':'), value_t, name_starting);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name_ending != json_string::npos, JSON_TEXT("Missing :"), parent -> Nullify(); return;);
+ name = value_t.substr(name_starting, name_ending - name_starting - 1);
+ value_ending = FindNextRelevant(JSON_TEXT(','), value_t, name_ending);
+ }
+ //since the last one will not find the comma, we have to add it here
+ NewNode(parent, name, value_t.substr(name_ending + 1, len - name_ending - 2), false);
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONWorker.h b/src/modules/json/JSONWorker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..373660743c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONWorker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#ifndef JSON_WORKER_H
+#define JSON_WORKER_H
+#include "JSONNode.h"
+class JSONWorker {
+ static JSONNode parse(const json_string & json);
+ static JSONNode validate(const json_string & json);
+ #endif
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ static json_char * RemoveWhiteSpace(const json_string & value_t, json_char & last);
+ #else
+ static json_char * RemoveWhiteSpace(const json_string & value_t);
+ #endif
+ static json_string RemoveWhiteSpaceAndComments(const json_string & value_t);
+ static void DoArray(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & value_t);
+ static void DoNode(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & value_t);
+ #define NAME_ENCODED this, true
+ #define STRING_ENCODED this, false
+ static json_string FixString(const json_string & value_t, const internalJSONNode * flag, bool which);
+ #else
+ #define NAME_ENCODED _name_encoded
+ #define STRING_ENCODED _string_encoded
+ static json_string FixString(const json_string & value_t, bool & flag);
+ #endif
+ static json_string UnfixString(const json_string & value_t, bool flag);
+ static json_char Hex(const json_char * & pos);
+ static unsigned json_char UTF8(const json_char * & pos);
+ static json_char* UTF8_2(const json_char * & pos);
+ static json_string toUTF8(unsigned json_char p);
+ static json_string UTF(const json_char * & pos);
+ static json_string toSurrogatePair(unsigned json_char pos);
+ #endif
+ static void SpecialChar(const json_char * & pos, json_string & res);
+ static size_t FindNextRelevant(json_char ch, const json_string & value_t, const size_t pos);
+ static void NewNode(const internalJSONNode * parent, const json_string & name, const json_string & value, bool array);
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSONWriter.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSONWriter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f23798502b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSONWriter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "JSONNode.h"
+#include "JSONWorker.h"
+const static json_string WRITER_EMPTY;
+ const static json_string NEW_LINE(JSON_TEXT("\n"));
+ const static json_string NEW_LINE(JSON_TEXT(JSON_NEWLINE));
+ const static json_string INDENT(JSON_TEXT(JSON_INDENT));
+ inline json_string makeIndent(unsigned int amount){
+ if (amount == 0xFFFFFFFF) return WRITER_EMPTY;
+ json_string result;
+ result.reserve(amount);
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < amount; ++i){
+ result += INDENT;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ inline json_string makeIndent(unsigned int amount){
+ if (amount == 0xFFFFFFFF) return WRITER_EMPTY;
+ return json_string(amount, JSON_TEXT('\t'));
+ }
+json_string internalJSONNode::WriteName(bool formatted, bool arrayChild) const {
+ if (arrayChild){
+ return WRITER_EMPTY ;
+ } else {
+ return JSON_TEXT("\"") + JSONWorker::UnfixString(_name, _name_encoded) + ((formatted) ? JSON_TEXT("\" : ") : JSON_TEXT("\":"));
+ }
+json_string internalJSONNode::WriteChildren(unsigned int indent){
+ //Iterate through the children and write them
+ if (Children.empty()) return WRITER_EMPTY;
+ json_string indent_plus_one;
+ json_string indent_this;
+ json_string res;
+ //handle whether or not it's formatted JSON
+ if (indent != 0xFFFFFFFF){ //it's formatted, make the indentation strings
+ indent_this = NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent);
+ indent_plus_one = NEW_LINE + makeIndent(++indent);
+ }
+ //else it's not formatted, leave the indentation strings empty
+ const size_t size_minus_one = Children.size() - 1;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ json_foreach(Children, it){
+ res += indent_plus_one + (*it) -> internal -> Write(indent, type() == JSON_ARRAY);
+ if (i < size_minus_one) res += JSON_TEXT(","); //the last one does not get a comma, but all of the others do
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return res + indent_this;
+ const static json_string SINGLELINE(JSON_TEXT("#"));
+ #else
+ const static json_string SINGLELINE(JSON_TEXT("//"));
+ #endif
+ json_string internalJSONNode::WriteComment(unsigned int indent) const {
+ if (indent == 0xFFFFFFFF) return WRITER_EMPTY;
+ if (_comment.empty()) return WRITER_EMPTY;
+ size_t pos = _comment.find(JSON_TEXT('\n'));
+ if (pos == json_string::npos){ //Single line comment
+ return NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent) + SINGLELINE + _comment + NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent);
+ }
+ /*
+ Multiline comments
+ */
+ json_string result(NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent));
+ #else
+ json_string result(NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent) + JSON_TEXT("/*") + NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent + 1));
+ #endif
+ size_t old = 0;
+ while(pos != json_string::npos){
+ if (pos && _comment[pos - 1] == JSON_TEXT('\r')) --pos;
+ result += SINGLELINE;
+ #endif
+ result += _comment.substr(old, pos - old) + NEW_LINE;
+ result += makeIndent(indent);
+ #else
+ result += makeIndent(indent + 1);
+ #endif
+ old = (_comment[pos] == JSON_TEXT('\r')) ? pos + 2 : pos + 1;
+ pos = _comment.find(JSON_TEXT('\n'), old);
+ }
+ result += SINGLELINE;
+ #endif
+ result += _comment.substr(old, pos - old) + NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent);
+ return result;
+ #else
+ return result + JSON_TEXT("*/") + NEW_LINE + makeIndent(indent);
+ #endif
+ }
+ json_string internalJSONNode::WriteComment(unsigned int) const {
+ return WRITER_EMPTY;
+ }
+json_string internalJSONNode::Write(unsigned int indent, bool arrayChild){
+ const bool formatted = indent != 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ if (!(formatted || fetched)) { //It's not formatted or fetched, just do a raw dump
+ return WriteComment(indent) + WriteName(false, arrayChild) + _string;
+ }
+ #endif
+ //It's either formatted or fetched
+ switch (type()) {
+ case JSON_NODE: //got members, write the members
+ Fetch();
+ return WriteComment(indent) + WriteName(formatted, arrayChild) + JSON_TEXT("{") + WriteChildren(indent) + JSON_TEXT("}");
+ case JSON_ARRAY: //write out the child nodes int he array
+ Fetch();
+ return WriteComment(indent) + WriteName(formatted, arrayChild) + JSON_TEXT("[") + WriteChildren(indent) + JSON_TEXT("]");
+ case JSON_NUMBER: //write out a literal, without quotes
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ case JSON_BOOL:
+ return WriteComment(indent) + WriteName(formatted, arrayChild) + _string;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(type() == JSON_STRING, JSON_TEXT("Writing an unknown JSON node type"), return JSON_TEXT(""););
+ //If it go here, then it's a json_string
+ if (fetched) return WriteComment(indent) + WriteName(formatted, arrayChild) + JSON_TEXT("\"") + JSONWorker::UnfixString(_string, _string_encoded) + JSON_TEXT("\""); //It's already been fetched, meaning that it's unescaped
+ return WriteComment(indent) + WriteName(formatted, arrayChild) + _string; //it hasn't yet been fetched, so it's already unescaped, just do a dump
+ #else
+ return WriteComment(indent) + WriteName(formatted, arrayChild) + JSON_TEXT("\"") + JSONWorker::UnfixString(_string, _string_encoded) + JSON_TEXT("\"");
+ #endif
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSON_Base64.cpp b/src/modules/json/JSON_Base64.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4759b112bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSON_Base64.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "JSON_Base64.h"
+#include "JSONDefs.h"
+#ifdef JSON_BINARY //if this is not needed, don't waste space compiling it
+static const json_char * chars64 = JSON_TEXT("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/");
+ static std::string BASE64_EMPTY_STRING;
+json_string JSONBase64::json_encode64(const unsigned char * binary, size_t bytes){
+ size_t misaligned = bytes % 3;
+ size_t aligned = (bytes - misaligned) / 3; //divide by three once and inc is faster than add 3 each time
+ json_string result;
+ result.reserve((size_t)(((float)bytes) * 1.37f) + 4);
+ //do all of the ones that are 3 byte aligned
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < aligned; ++i){
+ result += chars64[(binary[0] & 0xFC) >> 2];
+ result += chars64[((binary[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((binary[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
+ result += chars64[((binary[1] & 0x0F) << 2) + ((binary[2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
+ result += chars64[binary[2] & 0x3F];
+ binary += 3;
+ }
+ if (misaligned){
+ //copy the rest into a temporary buffer
+ unsigned char temp[3];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < misaligned; ++i){
+ temp[i] = *binary++;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = (unsigned int)misaligned; i < 3; ++i){
+ temp[i] = '\0';
+ }
+ //now do the final three bytes
+ result += chars64[(temp[0] & 0xFC) >> 2];
+ result += chars64[((temp[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((temp[1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
+ if (misaligned == 2){
+ result += chars64[((temp[1] & 0x0F) << 2) + ((temp[2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
+ result += JSON_TEXT('=');
+ } else {
+ result += JSON_TEXT("==");
+ }
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT((size_t)(((float)bytes) * 1.37f) + 4 >= result.length(), JSON_TEXT("Didn't reserve enough space for a one-time go"));
+ return result;
+inline json_char toBinary(json_char c){
+ if (c == JSON_TEXT('+')) {
+ return JSON_TEXT('>');
+ } else if (c == JSON_TEXT('/')) {
+ return JSON_TEXT('?');
+ } else if (c < JSON_TEXT(':')) {
+ return c + JSON_TEXT('\x04');
+ } else if (c < JSON_TEXT('[')) {
+ return c - JSON_TEXT('\x41');
+ }
+ return c - 71;
+ Must be a std::string because it's binary, and chars must be 1 byte
+ */
+std::string JSONBase64::json_decode64(const json_string & encoded){
+ const size_t length = encoded.length();
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ size_t pos = encoded.find_first_not_of(chars64);
+ if (pos != json_string::npos){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(encoded[pos] == JSON_TEXT('='), JSON_TEXT("Not Base64"), return BASE64_EMPTY_STRING;);
+ if (pos != length - 1){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(pos == length - 2, JSON_TEXT("Not Base64"), return BASE64_EMPTY_STRING;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(encoded[pos + 1] == JSON_TEXT('='), JSON_TEXT("Not Base64"), return BASE64_EMPTY_STRING;);
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ const json_char * runner = encoded.c_str();
+ size_t aligned = length / 4; //don't do the last ones as they might be = padding
+ std::string result;
+ if (aligned){
+ --aligned;
+ result.reserve((size_t)((float)length / 1.37) + 1);
+ //first do the ones that can not have any padding
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aligned; ++i){
+ const json_char second = toBinary(runner[1]);
+ const json_char third = toBinary(runner[2]);
+ result += (toBinary(runner[0]) << 2) + ((second & 0x30) >> 4);
+ result += ((second & 0xf) << 4) + ((third & 0x3c) >> 2);
+ result += ((third & 0x3) << 6) + toBinary(runner[3]);
+ runner += 4;
+ }
+ //now do the ones that might have padding, the first two characters can not be padding, so do them quickly
+ const char second = toBinary(runner[1]);
+ result += (toBinary(runner[0]) << 2) + ((second & 0x30) >> 4);
+ if (runner[2] != '=') { //not two = pads
+ const char third = toBinary(runner[2]);
+ result += ((second & 0xf) << 4) + ((third & 0x3c) >> 2);
+ if (runner[3] != '=') { //no padding
+ result += ((third & 0x3) << 6) + toBinary(runner[3]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/modules/json/JSON_Base64.h b/src/modules/json/JSON_Base64.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e2d76baa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/JSON_Base64.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef JSON_BASE64_H
+#define JSON_BASE64_H
+#include "JSONDebug.h"
+#ifdef JSON_BINARY //if this is not needed, don't waste space compiling it
+class JSONBase64 {
+ static json_string json_encode64(const unsigned char * binary, size_t bytes);
+ static std::string json_decode64(const json_string & encoded);
diff --git a/src/modules/json/NumberToString.h b/src/modules/json/NumberToString.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5e93d4302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/NumberToString.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#include "JSONDebug.h"
+#include "JSONMemory.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+static unsigned int getlen(unsigned int size){
+ switch (size){
+ case 1:
+ return 5; //3 digits for the number, plus null terminator and negation
+ case 2:
+ return 7; //5 digits for the number, plus null terminator and negation
+ case 4:
+ return 12; //10 digits for the number, plus null terminator and negation
+ case 8:
+ return 22; //20 digits for the number, plus null terminator and negation
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT(size == 16, JSON_TEXT("template is not recognized 2^x in size"));
+ return 41; //39 digits for the number, plus null terminator and negation
+class NumberToString {
+ template<typename T>
+ static json_string _itoa(T val, unsigned int size){
+ long value = (long)val;
+ const unsigned int digits = getlen(size);
+ json_auto<json_char> result(digits);
+ result.ptr[digits - 1] = JSON_TEXT('\0'); //null terminator
+ json_char * runner = &result.ptr[digits - 2];
+ bool negative;
+ //first thing, check if it's negative, if so, make it positive
+ if (value < 0){
+ value = -value;
+ negative = true;
+ } else {
+ negative = false;
+ }
+ //create the string
+ do {
+ *runner-- = (json_char)(value % 10) + JSON_TEXT('0');
+ } while(value /= 10);
+ //if it's negative, add the negation
+ json_string res;
+ if (negative){
+ *runner = JSON_TEXT('-');
+ res = runner;
+ } else {
+ res = runner + 1;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ template<typename T>
+ static json_string _uitoa(T val, unsigned int size){
+ unsigned long value = val;
+ const unsigned int digits = getlen(size) - 1; //minus one because no '-' char
+ json_auto<json_char> result(digits);
+ result.ptr[digits - 1] = JSON_TEXT('\0'); //null terminator
+ json_char * runner = &result.ptr[digits - 2];
+ //create the string
+ do {
+ *runner-- = (json_char)(value % 10) + JSON_TEXT('0');
+ } while(value /= 10);
+ json_string res = runner + 1;
+ return res;
+ }
+ #endif
+ template<typename T>
+ static json_string _ftoa(T value){
+ json_char result[64];
+ swprintf(result, 63, L"%f", value);
+ #else
+ snprintf(result, 63, "%f", value);
+ #endif
+ //strip the trailing zeros
+ for(json_char * pos = &result[0]; *pos; ++pos){
+ if (*pos == '.') { //only care about after the decimal
+ for(json_char * runner = pos + 1; *runner; ++runner){
+ if (*runner != JSON_TEXT('0')) pos = runner + 1;
+ }
+ *pos = JSON_TEXT('\0');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static inline bool areEqual(const json_number & one, const json_number & two){
+ const json_number temp = one - two;
+ return (temp > 0.0) ? temp < 0.00001 : temp > -0.00001;
+ }
diff --git a/src/modules/json/internalJSONNode.cpp b/src/modules/json/internalJSONNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26e203b284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/internalJSONNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include <m_json.h>
+#include "libJSON.h"
+#include "internalJSONNode.h"
+#include "NumberToString.h" //So that I can convert numbers into strings
+#include "JSONNode.h" //To fill in the foreward declaration
+#include "JSONWorker.h" //For fetching and parsing and such
+ The point of these constants is for faster assigning, if I
+ were to constantly assign to a string literal, there would be
+ lots of copies, but since strings are copy on write, this assignment
+ is much faster
+static const json_string CONST_TRUE(JSON_TEXT("true"));
+static const json_string CONST_FALSE(JSON_TEXT("false"));
+static const json_string CONST_NULL(JSON_TEXT("null"));
+ void internalJSONNode::incinternalAllocCount(void){ JSONNode::incinternalAllocCount(); }
+ void internalJSONNode::decinternalAllocCount(void){ JSONNode::decinternalAllocCount(); }
+internalJSONNode::internalJSONNode(const internalJSONNode & orig) :
+ _type(orig._type), _name(orig._name), _name_encoded(orig._name_encoded), Children(),
+ _string(orig._string), _string_encoded(orig._string_encoded), _value(orig._value)
+ initializeRefCount(1)
+ initializeFetch(orig.fetched)
+ initializeMutex(0)
+ initializeComment(orig._comment)
+ initializeValid(orig.isValid){
+ incinternalAllocCount();
+ _set_mutex(orig.mylock, false);
+ #endif
+ if (!orig.Children.empty()) {
+ Children.reserve(orig.Children.size());
+ json_foreach(orig.Children, myrunner){
+ Children.push_back(JSONNode::newJSONNode((*myrunner) -> duplicate()));
+ }
+ }
+ #define SetFetchedFalseOrDo(code) code
+ #define SetFetchedFalseOrDo(code) SetFetched(false)
+ #define NOTVALID false
+ #define NOTVALID
+//this one is specialized because the root can only be array or node
+internalJSONNode::internalJSONNode(const json_string & unparsed) : _type(), _name(),_name_encoded(false), _string(unparsed), _string_encoded(), _value(), Children()
+ initializeMutex(0)
+ initializeRefCount(1)
+ initializeFetch(false)
+ initializeComment(0)
+ initializeValid(0){
+ incinternalAllocCount();
+ switch (unparsed[0]) {
+ case JSON_TEXT('{'): //node
+ _type = JSON_NODE;
+ FetchNode();
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('['): //array
+ _type = JSON_ARRAY;
+ FetchArray();
+ #endif
+ break;
+ default:
+ JSON_FAIL_SAFE(JSON_TEXT("root not starting with either { or ["), Nullify(NOTVALID););
+ break;
+ }
+internalJSONNode::internalJSONNode(const json_string & name_t, const json_string & value_t) : _type(), _name_encoded(), _name(JSONWorker::FixString(name_t, NAME_ENCODED)), _string(), _string_encoded(), _value(), Children()
+ initializeMutex(0)
+ initializeRefCount(1)
+ initializeFetch(0)
+ initializeComment(0)
+ initializeValid(0){
+ incinternalAllocCount();
+ if (value_t.empty()) {
+ _type = JSON_NULL;
+ isValid = true;
+ #endif
+ SetFetched(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ _string = value_t;
+ const json_char firstchar = value_t[0];
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ const json_char lastchar = value_t[value_t.length() - 1];
+ #endif
+ switch (firstchar){
+ case JSON_TEXT('\"'): //a json_string literal, still escaped and with leading and trailing quotes
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(lastchar == JSON_TEXT('\"'), JSON_TEXT("Unterminated quote"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _type = JSON_STRING;
+ SetFetchedFalseOrDo(FetchString());
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('{'): //a child node, or set of children
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(lastchar == JSON_TEXT('}'), JSON_TEXT("Missing }"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _type = JSON_NODE;
+ SetFetchedFalseOrDo(FetchNode());
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('['): //an array
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(lastchar == JSON_TEXT(']'), JSON_TEXT("Missing ]"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _type = JSON_ARRAY;
+ SetFetchedFalseOrDo(FetchArray());
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('t'):
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t == JSON_TEXT("true"), json_string(json_string(JSON_TEXT("unknown JSON literal: ")) + value_t).c_str(), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _value._bool = true;
+ _type = JSON_BOOL;
+ SetFetched(true);
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('f'):
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t == JSON_TEXT("false"), json_string(json_string(JSON_TEXT("unknown JSON literal: ")) + value_t).c_str(), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _value._bool = false;
+ _type = JSON_BOOL;
+ SetFetched(true);
+ break;
+ case JSON_TEXT('n'):
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t == JSON_TEXT("null"), json_string(json_string(JSON_TEXT("unknown JSON literal: ")) + value_t).c_str(), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _type = JSON_NULL;
+ SetFetched(true);
+ isValid = true;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ default:
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value_t.find_first_not_of(JSON_TEXT("0123456789.e+-")) == json_string::npos, json_string(json_string(JSON_TEXT("unknown JSON literal: ")) + value_t).c_str(), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _type = JSON_NUMBER;
+ SetFetchedFalseOrDo(FetchNumber());
+ break;
+ }
+ decinternalAllocCount();
+ _unset_mutex();
+ #endif
+ //DO NOT delete the children! It automatically gets removed
+void internalJSONNode::FetchString(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(!_string.empty(), JSON_TEXT("JSON json_string type is empty?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_string[0] == JSON_TEXT('\"'), JSON_TEXT("JSON json_string type doesn't start with a quotation?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_string[_string.length() - 1] == JSON_TEXT('\"'), JSON_TEXT("JSON json_string type doesn't end with a quotation?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ _string = JSONWorker::FixString(_string.substr(1, _string.length() - 2), STRING_ENCODED);
+void internalJSONNode::FetchNode(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(!_string.empty(), JSON_TEXT("JSON node type is empty?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_string[0] == JSON_TEXT('{'), JSON_TEXT("JSON node type doesn't start with a bracket?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_string[_string.length() - 1] == JSON_TEXT('}'), JSON_TEXT("JSON node type doesn't end with a bracket?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSONWorker::DoNode(this, _string);
+ clearString(_string);
+void internalJSONNode::FetchArray(void) const {
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(!_string.empty(), JSON_TEXT("JSON node type is empty?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_string[0] == JSON_TEXT('['), JSON_TEXT("JSON node type doesn't start with a square bracket?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(_string[_string.length() - 1] == JSON_TEXT(']'), JSON_TEXT("JSON node type doesn't end with a square bracket?"), Nullify(NOTVALID); return;);
+ JSONWorker::DoArray(this, _string);
+ clearString(_string);
+void internalJSONNode::FetchNumber(void) const {
+ {
+ const size_t len = _string.length();
+ json_auto<char> temp(len + 1);
+ wcstombs(temp.ptr, _string.c_str(), len);
+ temp.ptr[len] = '\0';
+ _value._number = (json_number)atof(temp.ptr);
+ }
+ #else
+ _value._number = (json_number)atof(_string.c_str());
+ #endif
+ void internalJSONNode::Fetch(void) const {
+ if (fetched) return;
+ switch (type()) {
+ FetchString();
+ break;
+ case JSON_NODE:
+ FetchNode();
+ break;
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ FetchArray();
+ break;
+ FetchNumber();
+ break;
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG || defined JSON_SAFE
+ default:
+ JSON_FAIL(JSON_TEXT("Fetching an unknown type"));
+ Nullify(NOTVALID);
+ #endif
+ }
+ fetched = true;
+ }
+void internalJSONNode::Set(const json_string & val){
+ _type = JSON_STRING;
+ _string = val;
+ _string_encoded = true;
+ SetFetched(true);
+ void internalJSONNode::Set(long val){
+ _type = JSON_NUMBER;
+ _value._number = (json_number)val;
+ _string = NumberToString::_itoa<long>(val, sizeof(long));
+ SetFetched(true);
+ }
+ void internalJSONNode::Set(json_number val){
+ _type = JSON_NUMBER;
+ _value._number = val;
+ _string = NumberToString::_ftoa<json_number>(val);
+ SetFetched(true);
+ }
+ #define SET(converter, type)\
+ void internalJSONNode::Set(type val){\
+ _type = JSON_NUMBER;\
+ _value._number = (json_number)val;\
+ _string = NumberToString::converter<type>(val, sizeof(type));\
+ SetFetched(true);\
+ }
+ #define SET_INTEGER(type) SET(_itoa, type) SET(_uitoa, unsigned type)
+ #define SET_FLOAT(type) \
+ void internalJSONNode::Set(type val){\
+ _type = JSON_NUMBER;\
+ _value._number = (json_number)val;\
+ _string = NumberToString::_ftoa<type>(val);\
+ SetFetched(true);\
+ }
+ SET_INTEGER(short)
+ SET_INTEGER(long long)
+ #endif
+ SET_FLOAT(float)
+ SET_FLOAT(double)
+void internalJSONNode::Set(bool val){
+ _type = JSON_BOOL;
+ _value._bool = val;
+ _string = val ? CONST_TRUE : CONST_FALSE;
+ SetFetched(true);
+bool internalJSONNode::IsEqualTo(const internalJSONNode * val) const {
+ if (this == val) return true; //reference counting the same internal object, so they must be equal
+ #endif
+ if (type() != val -> type()) return false; //aren't even same type
+ if (_name != val -> _name) return false; //names aren't the same
+ if (type() == JSON_NULL) return true; //both null, can't be different
+ Fetch();
+ val -> Fetch();
+ #endif
+ switch (type()) {
+ return val -> _string == _string;
+ return NumberToString::areEqual(val -> _value._number, _value._number);
+ case JSON_BOOL:
+ return val -> _value._bool == _value._bool;
+ };
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NODE || type() == JSON_ARRAY, JSON_TEXT("Checking for equality, not sure what type"));
+ if (Children.size() != val -> Children.size()) return false; //if they arne't he same size then they certainly aren't equal
+ //make sure each children is the same
+ JSONNode ** valrunner = val -> Children.begin();
+ json_foreach(Children, myrunner){
+ JSON_ASSERT(*myrunner, JSON_TEXT("a null pointer within the children"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(*valrunner, JSON_TEXT("a null pointer within the children"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(valrunner != val -> Children.end(), JSON_TEXT("at the end of other one's children, but they're the same size?"));
+ if (**myrunner != **valrunner) return false;
+ ++valrunner;
+ }
+ return true;
+void internalJSONNode::Nullify(bool validation) const {
+ isValid = validation;
+void internalJSONNode::Nullify(void) const {
+ _type = JSON_NULL;
+ _string = CONST_NULL;
+ SetFetched(true);
+ #define JSON_MUTEX_COPY ,mylock
+void internalJSONNode::push_back(JSONNode * node){
+void internalJSONNode::push_back(const JSONNode & node){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_ARRAY || type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("pushing back to something that is not an array or object"));
+ if (mylock) node -> set_mutex(mylock);
+ #endif
+ Children.push_back(node);
+ #else
+ Children.push_back(JSONNode::newJSONNode(node JSON_MUTEX_COPY));
+ #endif
+void internalJSONNode::push_front(const JSONNode & node){
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_ARRAY || type() == JSON_NODE, JSON_TEXT("pushing front to something that is not an array or object"));
+ Children.push_front(JSONNode::newJSONNode(node JSON_MUTEX_COPY));
+JSONNode * internalJSONNode::pop_back(json_index_t pos){
+ JSONNode * result = Children[pos];
+ JSONNode ** temp = Children.begin() + pos;
+ Children.erase(temp);
+ return result;
+JSONNode * internalJSONNode::pop_back(const json_string & name_t){
+ if (JSONNode ** res = at(name_t)) {
+ JSONNode * result = *res;
+ Children.erase(res);
+ return result;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ JSONNode * internalJSONNode::pop_back_nocase(const json_string & name_t){
+ if (JSONNode ** res = at_nocase(name_t)) {
+ JSONNode * result = *res;
+ Children.erase(res);
+ return result;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+JSONNode ** internalJSONNode::at(const json_string & name_t){
+ Fetch();
+ json_foreach(Children, myrunner){
+ JSON_ASSERT(*myrunner, JSON_TEXT("a null pointer within the children"));
+ if ((*myrunner) -> name() == name_t) return myrunner;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ bool internalJSONNode::AreEqualNoCase(const json_char * ch_one, const json_char * ch_two){
+ while (*ch_one){ //only need to check one, if the other one terminates early, the check will cause it to fail
+ const json_char c_one = *ch_one;
+ const json_char c_two = *ch_two;
+ if (c_one != c_two){
+ if ((c_two > 64) && (c_two < 91)) { //A - Z
+ if (c_one != (json_char)(c_two + 32)) return false;
+ } else if ((c_two > 96) && (c_two < 123)) { //a - z
+ if (c_one != (json_char)(c_two - 32)) return false;
+ } else { //not a letter, so return false
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ++ch_one;
+ ++ch_two;
+ }
+ return *ch_two == '\0'; //this one has to be null terminated too, or else json_string two is longer, hence, not equal
+ }
+ JSONNode ** internalJSONNode::at_nocase(const json_string & name_t){
+ Fetch();
+ json_foreach(Children, myrunner){
+ JSON_ASSERT(*myrunner, JSON_TEXT("a null pointer within the children"));
+ if (AreEqualNoCase((*myrunner) -> name().c_str(), name_t.c_str())) return myrunner;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void internalJSONNode::preparse(void){
+ Fetch();
+ json_foreach(Children, myrunner){
+ (*myrunner) -> preparse();
+ }
+ }
+ bool internalJSONNode::validate(void){
+ json_foreach(Children, myrunner){
+ if ((*myrunner) -> type() != JSON_NULL){
+ (*myrunner) -> internal -> Fetch();
+ #endif
+ if ((*myrunner) -> type() == JSON_NULL) return false;
+ } else if (!((*myrunner) -> internal -> isValid)) {
+ JSON_FAIL(_name + JSON_TEXT(" is null and not valid"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ json_foreach(Children, runner){
+ if (!((*runner) -> internal -> validate())) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ JSONNode internalJSONNode::Dump(size_t & totalbytes) const {
+ JSONNode dumpage(JSON_NODE);
+ dumpage.set_name(JSON_TEXT("internalJSONNode"));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("this"), (long)this)));
+ size_t memory = sizeof(internalJSONNode);
+ memory += _name.capacity() * sizeof(json_char);
+ memory += _string.capacity() * sizeof(json_char);
+ memory += Children.capacity() * sizeof(JSONNode*);
+ memory += _comment.capacity() * sizeof(json_char);
+ #endif
+ totalbytes += memory;
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("bytes used"), memory)));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("refcount"), refcount)));
+ #endif
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(DumpMutex()));
+ #endif
+ #define DUMPCASE(ty)\
+ case ty:\
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("_type"), JSON_TEXT(#ty))));\
+ break;
+ switch(type()) {
+ default:
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("_type"), JSON_TEXT("Unknown"))));
+ }
+ JSONNode str(JSON_NODE);
+ str.set_name(JSON_TEXT("_name"));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(json_string(JSON_TEXT("value")), _name)));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("length"), _name.length())));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("capactiy"), _name.capacity())));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("_name_encoded"), _type & 0x10)));
+ #else
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("_name_encoded"), _name_encoded)));
+ #endif
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(str));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("_string_encoded"), _string_encoded)));
+ str.clear();
+ str.set_name(JSON_TEXT("_string"));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(json_string(JSON_TEXT("value")), _string)));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("length"), _string.length())));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("capactiy"), _string.capacity())));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(str));
+ JSONNode unio(JSON_NODE);
+ unio.set_name(JSON_TEXT("_value"));
+ unio.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("_bool"), _value._bool)));
+ unio.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("_number"), _value._number)));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(unio));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("fetched"), fetched)));
+ #endif
+ str.clear();
+ str.set_name(JSON_TEXT("_comment"));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("value"), _comment)));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("length"), _comment.length())));
+ str.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("capactiy"), _comment.capacity())));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(str));
+ #endif
+ JSONNode arra(JSON_NODE);
+ arra.set_name(JSON_TEXT("Children"));
+ arra.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("size"), Children.size())));
+ arra.push_back(JSON_NEW(JSONNode(JSON_TEXT("capacity"), Children.capacity())));
+ JSONNode chil(JSON_ARRAY);
+ chil.set_name(JSON_TEXT("array"));
+ json_foreach(Children, it){
+ chil.push_back(JSON_NEW((*it) -> dump(totalbytes)));
+ }
+ arra.push_back(JSON_NEW(chil));
+ dumpage.push_back(JSON_NEW(arra));
+ return dumpage;
+ }
+ #endif
diff --git a/src/modules/json/internalJSONNode.h b/src/modules/json/internalJSONNode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9f9de983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/internalJSONNode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+#include "JSONDebug.h"
+#include "JSONChildren.h"
+#include "JSONMemory.h"
+#ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #include <climits> //to check int value
+ This class is the work horse of libJSON, it handles all of the
+ functinality of JSONNode. This object is reference counted for
+ speed and memory reasons.
+ If JSON_REF_COUNT is not on, this internal structure still has an important
+ purpose, as it can be passed around by JSONNoders that are flagged as temporary
+class JSONNode; //forward declaration
+ #define DECL_SET_INTEGER(type) void Set(type); void Set(unsigned type);
+ #define initializeMutex(x) ,mylock(x)
+ #define initializeMutex(x)
+ #define SetFetched(b) (void)0
+ #define Fetch() (void)0
+ #define initializeFetch(x)
+ #define initializeFetch(x) ,fetched(x)
+ #define initializeRefCount(x) ,refcount(x)
+ #define initializeRefCount(x)
+ #define initializeComment(x) ,_comment(x)
+ #define initializeComment(x)
+ #define incAllocCount() (void)0
+ #define decAllocCount() (void)0
+ #define incinternalAllocCount() (void)0
+ #define decinternalAllocCount() (void)0
+ #define initializeValid(x) ,isValid(x)
+ #define initializeValid(x)
+class internalJSONNode {
+ internalJSONNode(char mytype = JSON_NULL);
+ internalJSONNode(const json_string & unparsed);
+ internalJSONNode(const json_string & name_t, const json_string & value_t);
+ internalJSONNode(const internalJSONNode & orig);
+ internalJSONNode & operator = (const internalJSONNode &);
+ ~internalJSONNode(void);
+ static internalJSONNode * newInternal(char mytype = JSON_NULL);
+ static internalJSONNode * newInternal(const json_string & unparsed);
+ static internalJSONNode * newInternal(const json_string & name_t, const json_string & value_t);
+ static internalJSONNode * newInternal(const internalJSONNode & orig); //not copyable, only by this class
+ static void deleteInternal(internalJSONNode * ptr);
+ json_index_t size(void) const;
+ bool empty(void) const;
+ unsigned char type(void) const;
+ json_string name(void) const;
+ void setname(const json_string & newname);
+ void setcomment(const json_string & comment);
+ json_string getcomment(void) const;
+ #endif
+ json_string as_string(void) const;
+ long as_int(void) const;
+ json_number as_float(void) const;
+ bool as_bool(void) const;
+ void preparse(void);
+ #endif
+ void push_back(JSONNode * node);
+ #else
+ void push_back(const JSONNode & node);
+ #endif
+ void reserve(json_index_t size);
+ void push_front(const JSONNode & node);
+ JSONNode * pop_back(json_index_t pos);
+ JSONNode * pop_back(const json_string & name_t);
+ JSONNode * pop_back_nocase(const json_string & name_t);
+ #endif
+ JSONNode * at(json_index_t pos);
+ //These return ** because pop_back needs them
+ JSONNode ** at(const json_string & name_t);
+ JSONNode ** at_nocase(const json_string & name_t);
+ #endif
+ void Set(const json_string & val);
+ void Set(json_number val);
+ void Set(long val);
+ #else
+ DECL_SET_INTEGER(long long)
+ #endif
+ void Set(float val);
+ void Set(double val);
+ #endif
+ void Set(bool val);
+ bool IsEqualTo(const json_string & val)const ;
+ bool IsEqualTo(bool val) const;
+ bool IsEqualTo(const internalJSONNode * val) const;
+ template<typename T>
+ bool IsEqualToNum(T val) const;
+ internalJSONNode * incRef(void);
+ void decRef(void);
+ bool hasNoReferences(void);
+ #endif
+ internalJSONNode * makeUnique(void);
+ JSONNode ** begin(void) const;
+ JSONNode ** end(void) const;
+ size_t refcount BITS(20);
+ #endif
+ bool Fetched(void) const;
+ void * mylock;
+ void _set_mutex(void * mutex, bool unset = true);
+ void _unset_mutex(void);
+ #endif
+ static void incinternalAllocCount(void);
+ static void decinternalAllocCount(void);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_WRITER
+ json_string WriteName(bool formatted, bool arrayChild) const;
+ json_string WriteChildren(unsigned int indent);
+ json_string WriteComment(unsigned int indent) const;
+ json_string Write(unsigned int indent, bool arrayChild);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_DEBUG
+ #ifndef JSON_LIBRARY
+ JSONNode Dump(size_t & totalmemory) const;
+ JSONNode DumpMutex(void) const;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ //json parts
+ mutable unsigned char _type BITS(3);
+ mutable bool _name_encoded BITS(1); //must be above name due to initialization list order
+ json_string _name;
+ mutable json_string _string; //these are both mutable because the string can change when it's fetched
+ mutable bool _string_encoded BITS(1);
+ //the value of the json
+ union value_union_t {
+ bool _bool;
+ json_number _number;
+ };
+ mutable value_union_t _value; //internal structure changes depending on type
+ jsonChildren Children; //container that holds all of my children
+ mutable bool isValid BITS(1); //this does not need to be initialized, it's only used if it's null
+ void Nullify(bool validation = true) const;
+ bool validate(void);
+ #else
+ void Nullify(void) const;
+ #endif
+ //Fetching and such
+ mutable bool fetched BITS(1);
+ void SetFetched(bool val) const;
+ void Fetch(void) const; //it's const because it doesn't change the VALUE of the function
+ #endif
+ json_string _comment;
+ #endif
+ void FetchString(void) const;
+ void FetchNode(void) const;
+ void FetchArray(void) const;
+ void FetchNumber(void) const;
+ static bool AreEqualNoCase(const json_char * ch_one, const json_char * ch_two);
+ #endif
+inline internalJSONNode::internalJSONNode(char mytype) : _type(mytype), Children(), _name(), _name_encoded(), _string(), _string_encoded(), _value()
+ initializeMutex(0)
+ initializeRefCount(1)
+ initializeFetch(true)
+ initializeComment(0)
+ initializeValid(true){
+ incinternalAllocCount();
+inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::incRef(void){
+ ++refcount;
+ return this;
+ #else
+ return makeUnique();
+ #endif
+inline json_index_t internalJSONNode::size(void) const {
+ Fetch();
+ return Children.size();
+inline bool internalJSONNode::empty(void) const {
+ if (type() != JSON_NODE && type() != JSON_ARRAY) return true;
+ Fetch();
+ return Children.empty();
+inline unsigned char internalJSONNode::type(void) const {
+ return _type & 0xF;
+ #else
+ return _type;
+ #endif
+inline json_string internalJSONNode::name(void) const {
+ return _name;
+inline void internalJSONNode::setname(const json_string & newname){
+ _name = newname;
+ _type |= 0x10;
+ #else
+ _name_encoded = true;
+ #endif
+ inline void internalJSONNode::setcomment(const json_string & comment){
+ _comment = comment;
+ }
+ inline json_string internalJSONNode::getcomment(void) const {
+ return _comment;
+ }
+inline json_string internalJSONNode::as_string(void) const {
+ Fetch();
+ return _string;
+inline long internalJSONNode::as_int(void) const {
+ Fetch();
+ switch(type()) {
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ return 0;
+ case JSON_BOOL:
+ return _value._bool ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NUMBER, JSON_TEXT("as_int returning undefined results"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(_value._number > LONG_MIN, _string + JSON_TEXT(" is outside the lower range of long"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(_value._number < LONG_MAX, _string + JSON_TEXT(" is outside the upper range of long"));
+ JSON_ASSERT(_value._number == (json_number)((int)_value._number), json_string(JSON_TEXT("as_int will truncate ")) + _string);
+ return (int)_value._number;
+inline json_number internalJSONNode::as_float(void) const {
+ Fetch();
+ switch(type()) {
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ return (json_number)0.0;
+ case JSON_BOOL:
+ return (json_number)(_value._bool ? 1.0 : 0.0);
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_NUMBER, JSON_TEXT("as_float returning undefined results"));
+ return _value._number;
+inline bool internalJSONNode::as_bool(void) const {
+ Fetch();
+ switch(type()) {
+ return _value._number != 0.0f;
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ return false;
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT(type() == JSON_BOOL, JSON_TEXT("as_bool returning undefined results"));
+ return _value._bool;
+inline bool internalJSONNode::IsEqualTo(const json_string & val) const {
+ if (type() != JSON_STRING) return false;
+ Fetch();
+ return val == _string;
+inline bool internalJSONNode::IsEqualTo(bool val) const {
+ if (type() != JSON_BOOL) return false;
+ Fetch();
+ return val == _value._bool;
+template<typename T>
+inline bool internalJSONNode::IsEqualToNum(T val) const {
+ if (type() != JSON_NUMBER) return false;
+ Fetch();
+ return (json_number)val == _value._number;
+ inline void internalJSONNode::decRef(void){
+ JSON_ASSERT(refcount != 0, JSON_TEXT("decRef on a 0 refcount internal"));
+ --refcount;
+ }
+ inline bool internalJSONNode::hasNoReferences(void){
+ return refcount == 0;
+ }
+inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::makeUnique(void){
+ if (refcount > 1){
+ decRef();
+ return newInternal(*this);
+ }
+ JSON_ASSERT(refcount == 1, JSON_TEXT("makeUnique on a 0 refcount internal"));
+ return this;
+ #else
+ return newInternal(*this);
+ #endif
+ inline void internalJSONNode::SetFetched(bool val) const {
+ fetched = val;
+ }
+inline bool internalJSONNode::Fetched(void) const {
+ return fetched;
+ #else
+ return true;
+ #endif
+inline JSONNode ** internalJSONNode::begin(void) const {
+ Fetch();
+ return Children.begin();
+inline JSONNode ** internalJSONNode::end(void) const {
+ Fetch();
+ return Children.end();
+inline JSONNode * internalJSONNode::at(json_index_t pos){
+ Fetch();
+ return Children[pos];
+inline void internalJSONNode::reserve(json_index_t size){
+ Fetch();
+ Children.reserve2(size);
+ These functions are to allow allocation to be completely controlled by the callbacks
+inline void internalJSONNode::deleteInternal(internalJSONNode * ptr){
+ ptr -> ~internalJSONNode();
+ libjson_free<internalJSONNode>(ptr);
+ #else
+ delete ptr;
+ #endif
+inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(char mytype){
+ return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(mytype);
+ #else
+ return new internalJSONNode(mytype);
+ #endif
+inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(const json_string & unparsed){
+ return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(unparsed);
+ #else
+ return new internalJSONNode(unparsed);
+ #endif
+inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(const json_string & name_t, const json_string & value_t){
+ return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(name_t, value_t);
+ #else
+ return new internalJSONNode(name_t, value_t);
+ #endif
+inline internalJSONNode * internalJSONNode::newInternal(const internalJSONNode & orig){
+ return new(json_malloc<internalJSONNode>(1)) internalJSONNode(orig);
+ #else
+ return new internalJSONNode(orig);
+ #endif
diff --git a/src/modules/json/json.cpp b/src/modules/json/json.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee71ee4ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/json.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include <m_json.h>
+#include "libJSON.h"
+// Interface function
+INT_PTR GetInterface(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ memset(lpJSI,0,sizeof(JSONSERVICEINTERFACE));
+#define SETJSI(x) lpJSI->##x=json_##x
+ SETJSI(free);
+ lpJSI->delete_=json_delete;
+ SETJSI(free_all);
+ SETJSI(delete_all);
+ SETJSI(parse);
+ SETJSI(strip_white_space);
+ SETJSI(validate);
+ SETJSI(new_a);
+ SETJSI(new_i);
+ SETJSI(new_f);
+ SETJSI(new_b);
+ lpJSI->new_=json_new;
+ SETJSI(copy);
+ SETJSI(duplicate);
+ SETJSI(set_a);
+ SETJSI(set_i);
+ SETJSI(set_f);
+ SETJSI(set_b);
+ SETJSI(set_n);
+ SETJSI(type);
+ SETJSI(size);
+ SETJSI(empty);
+ SETJSI(name);
+ SETJSI(get_comment);
+ SETJSI(as_string);
+ SETJSI(as_int);
+ SETJSI(as_float);
+ SETJSI(as_bool);
+ SETJSI(as_node);
+ SETJSI(as_array);
+ #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ SETJSI(as_binary);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_WRITER
+ SETJSI(write);
+ SETJSI(write_formatted);
+ #endif
+ SETJSI(set_name);
+ SETJSI(set_comment);
+ #endif
+ SETJSI(clear);
+ SETJSI(nullify);
+ SETJSI(swap);
+ SETJSI(merge);
+ SETJSI(preparse);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ SETJSI(set_binary);
+ #endif
+ SETJSI(cast);
+ //children access
+ SETJSI(reserve);
+ SETJSI(at);
+ SETJSI(get);
+ SETJSI(get_nocase);
+ SETJSI(pop_back_nocase);
+ #endif
+ SETJSI(push_back);
+ SETJSI(pop_back_at);
+ SETJSI(pop_back);
+ SETJSI(find);
+ SETJSI(find_nocase);
+ #endif
+ SETJSI(erase);
+ SETJSI(erase_multi);
+ SETJSI(insert);
+ SETJSI(insert_multi);
+ //iterator functions
+ SETJSI(begin);
+ SETJSI(end);
+ #endif
+ SETJSI(equal);
+ return 0;
+int InitJson()
+ CreateServiceFunction(MS_JSON_GETINTERFACE,GetInterface);
+ json_register_memory_callbacks((json_malloc_t)mir_alloc,(json_realloc_t)mir_realloc,(json_free_t)mir_free);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/modules/json/libJSON.cpp b/src/modules/json/libJSON.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a27461f275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/libJSON.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+Miranda IM: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*
+Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project,
+all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people
+listed in contributors.txt.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "..\..\core\commonheaders.h"
+#include "libJSON.h"
+ This is the implementation of the C interface to libJSON
+ This file may be included in any C++ application, but it will
+ be completely ignored if JSON_LIBRARY isn't defined. The
+ only reason JSON_LIBRARY should be defined is when compiling libJSON
+ as a library
+ #include "JSONNode.h"
+ #include "JSONWorker.h"
+ #include <stdexcept> //some methods throw exceptions
+ auto_expand StringHandler;
+ auto_expand_node NodeHandler;
+ #define MANAGER_INSERT(x) NodeHandler.insert(x)
+ #else
+ #define MANAGER_INSERT(x) x
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ static const json_char * EMPTY_CSTRING = JSON_TEXT("");
+ #endif
+ inline json_char * toCString(const json_string & str){
+ const size_t len((str.length() + 1) * sizeof(json_char));
+ return (json_char *)StringHandler.insert(memcpy(json_malloc<json_char>(len), str.c_str(), len));
+ #else
+ return (json_char *)memcpy(json_malloc<json_char>(len), str.c_str(), len);
+ #endif
+ }
+ /*
+ stuff that's in namespace libJSON
+ */
+ void json_free(void * str){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(str, JSON_TEXT("freeing null ptr"), return;);
+ StringHandler.remove(str);
+ #endif
+ libjson_free<void>(str);
+ }
+ void json_delete(JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("deleting null ptr"), return;);
+ NodeHandler.remove(node);
+ #endif
+ JSONNode::deleteJSONNode((JSONNode *)node);
+ }
+ void json_free_all(void){
+ StringHandler.clear();
+ }
+ void json_delete_all(void){
+ NodeHandler.clear();
+ }
+ #endif
+ JSONNODE * json_parse(const json_char * json){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(json, JSON_TEXT("null ptr to json_parse"), return 0;);
+ try {
+ //use this constructor to simply copy reference instead of copying the temp
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(JSONWorker::parse(json)));
+ } catch (std::invalid_argument){}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ json_char * json_strip_white_space(const json_char * json){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(json, JSON_TEXT("null ptr to json_strip_white_space"), return 0;);
+ return toCString(JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpaceAndComments(json));
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_validate(const json_char * json){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(json, JSON_TEXT("null ptr to json_validate"), return 0;);
+ try {
+ //use this constructor to simply copy reference instead of copying the temp
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(JSONWorker::validate(json)));
+ } catch (std::invalid_argument){}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG && !defined JSON_STDERROR
+ //When libjson errors, a callback allows the user to know what went wrong
+ void json_register_debug_callback(json_error_callback_t callback){
+ JSONDebug::register_callback(callback);
+ }
+ #endif
+ void json_register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, json_mutex_callback_t destroy, void * manager_lock){
+ JSONNode::register_mutex_callbacks(lock, unlock, manager_lock);
+ JSONNode::register_mutex_destructor(destroy);
+ }
+ #else
+ void json_register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, void * manager_lock){
+ JSONNode::register_mutex_callbacks(lock, unlock, manager_lock);
+ }
+ #endif
+ void json_set_global_mutex(void * mutex){
+ JSONNode::set_global_mutex(mutex);
+ }
+ void json_set_mutex(JSONNODE * node, void * mutex){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_mutex"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> set_mutex(mutex);
+ }
+ void json_lock(JSONNODE * node, int threadid){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_lock"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> lock(threadid);
+ }
+ void json_unlock(JSONNODE * node, int threadid){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_unlock"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> unlock(threadid);
+ }
+ #endif
+ void json_register_memory_callbacks(json_malloc_t mal, json_realloc_t real, json_free_t fre){
+ JSONMemory::registerMemoryCallbacks(mal, real, fre);
+ }
+ #endif
+ /*
+ stuff that's in class JSONNode
+ */
+ //ctors
+ JSONNODE * json_new_a(const json_char * name, const json_char * value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_new_a"), name = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value, JSON_TEXT("null value to json_new_a"), value = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(name, json_string(value)));
+ #else
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new JSONNode(name, json_string(value)));
+ #endif
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_new_i(const json_char * name, long value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_new_i"), name = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(name, value));
+ #else
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new JSONNode(name, value));
+ #endif
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_new_f(const json_char * name, json_number value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_new_f"), name = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(name, value));
+ #else
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new JSONNode(name, value));
+ #endif
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_new_b(const json_char * name, int value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_new_b"), name = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(name, (bool)value));
+ #else
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new JSONNode(name, (bool)value));
+ #endif
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_new(char type){
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(type));
+ #else
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new JSONNode(type));
+ #endif
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_copy(const JSONNODE * orig){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(orig, JSON_TEXT("null orig to json_copy"), return 0;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new(json_malloc<JSONNode>(1)) JSONNode(*((JSONNode*)orig)));
+ #else
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(new JSONNode(*((JSONNode*)orig)));
+ #endif
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_duplicate(const JSONNODE * orig){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(orig, JSON_TEXT("null orig to json_duplicate"), return 0;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(((JSONNode*)orig) -> duplicate()));
+ }
+ //assignment
+ void json_set_a(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_a"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(value, JSON_TEXT("null value to json_set_a"), value = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ *((JSONNode*)node) = json_string(value);
+ }
+ void json_set_i(JSONNODE * node, long value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_i"), return;);
+ *((JSONNode*)node) = value;
+ }
+ void json_set_f(JSONNODE * node, json_number value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_f"), return;);
+ *((JSONNode*)node) = value;
+ }
+ void json_set_b(JSONNODE * node, int value){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_b"), return;);
+ *((JSONNode*)node) = (bool)value;
+ }
+ void json_set_n(JSONNODE * node, const JSONNODE * orig){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_n"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(orig, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_n"), return;);
+ *((JSONNode*)node) = *((JSONNode*)orig);
+ }
+ //inspectors
+ char json_type(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_type"), return JSON_NULL;);
+ return ((JSONNode*)node) -> type();
+ }
+ json_index_t json_size(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_size"), return 0;);
+ return ((JSONNode*)node) -> size();
+ }
+ int json_empty(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_empty"), return true;);
+ return (int)(((JSONNode*)node) -> empty());
+ }
+ json_char * json_name(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_name"), return toCString(EMPTY_CSTRING););
+ return toCString(((JSONNode*)node) -> name());
+ }
+ json_char * json_get_comment(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_get_comment"), return toCString(EMPTY_CSTRING););
+ return toCString(((JSONNode*)node) -> get_comment());
+ }
+ #endif
+ json_char * json_as_string(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_as_string"), return toCString(EMPTY_CSTRING););
+ return toCString(((JSONNode*)node) -> as_string());
+ }
+ long json_as_int(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_as_int"), return 0;);
+ return ((JSONNode*)node) -> as_int();
+ }
+ json_number json_as_float(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_as_float"), return 0.0;);
+ return ((JSONNode*)node) -> as_float();
+ }
+ int json_as_bool(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_as_bool"), return false;);
+ return (int)(((JSONNode*)node) -> as_bool());
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_as_node(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_as_node"), return 0;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(((JSONNode*)node) -> as_node()));
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_as_array(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_as_array"), return 0;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(JSONNode::newJSONNode_Shallow(((JSONNode*)node) -> as_array()));
+ }
+ #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ void * json_as_binary(const JSONNODE * node, unsigned long * size){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_as_binary"), if (size){*size = 0;} return 0;);
+ const std::string result = ((JSONNode*)node) -> as_binary();
+ const size_t len = result.length();
+ if (size) *size = len;
+ #ifdef JSON_SAFE
+ if (result.empty()) return 0;
+ #endif
+ return StringHandler.insert(memcpy(json_malloc<char>(len),, len));
+ #else
+ return memcpy(json_malloc<char>(len),, len);
+ #endif
+ }
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_WRITER
+ json_char * json_write(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_write"), return toCString(EMPTY_CSTRING););
+ return toCString(((JSONNode*)node) -> write());
+ }
+ json_char * json_write_formatted(const JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_write_formatted"), return toCString(EMPTY_CSTRING););
+ return toCString(((JSONNode*)node) -> write_formatted());
+ }
+ #endif
+ //modifiers
+ void json_set_name(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_name"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_set_name"), name = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> set_name(name);
+ }
+ void json_set_comment(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * comment){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_set_comment"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(comment, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_set_comment"), comment = EMPTY_CSTRING;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> set_comment(comment);
+ }
+ #endif
+ void json_clear(JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_clear"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> clear();
+ }
+ void json_nullify(JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_nullify"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> nullify();
+ }
+ void json_swap(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_swap"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node2, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_swap"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> swap(*(JSONNode*)node2);
+ }
+ void json_merge(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_merge"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node2, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_merge"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> merge(*(JSONNode*)node2);
+ }
+ void json_preparse(JSONNODE * node){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_preparse"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> preparse();
+ }
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ void json_set_binary(JSONNODE * node, const void * data, unsigned long length){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_swap"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(data, JSON_TEXT("null data to json_set_binary"), *((JSONNode*)node) = EMPTY_CSTRING; return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> set_binary((unsigned char *)data, length);
+ }
+ #endif
+ void json_cast(JSONNODE * node, char type){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_cast"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> cast(type);
+ }
+ //children access
+ void json_reserve(JSONNODE * node, json_index_t siz){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_reserve"), return;);
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> reserve(siz);
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_at(JSONNODE * node, unsigned int pos){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_at"), return 0;);
+ try {
+ return &((JSONNode*)node) -> at(pos);
+ } catch (std::out_of_range){}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_get(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_get"), return 0;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_get. Did you mean to use json_at?"), return 0;);
+ try {
+ return &((JSONNode*)node) -> at(name);
+ } catch (std::out_of_range){}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_get_nocase(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_at_nocase"), return 0;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_at_nocase"), return 0;);
+ try {
+ return &((JSONNode*)node) -> at_nocase(name);
+ } catch (std::out_of_range){}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_pop_back_nocase(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_pop_back_nocase"), return 0;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_pop_back_nocase"), return 0;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(((JSONNode*)node) -> pop_back_nocase(name));
+ }
+ #endif
+ void json_push_back(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_push_back"), return;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node2, JSON_TEXT("null node2 to json_push_back"), return;);
+ NodeHandler.remove(node2);
+ #endif
+ ((JSONNode*)node) -> push_back((JSONNode*)node2);
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_pop_back_at(JSONNODE * node, unsigned int pos){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_pop_back_i"), return 0;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(((JSONNode*)node) -> pop_back(pos));
+ }
+ JSONNODE * json_pop_back(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_pop_back"), return 0;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(name, JSON_TEXT("null name to json_pop_back. Did you mean to use json_pop_back_at?"), return 0;);
+ return MANAGER_INSERT(((JSONNode*)node) -> pop_back(name));
+ }
+ JSONNODE_ITERATOR json_find(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name){
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> find(name));
+ }
+ JSONNODE_ITERATOR json_find_nocase(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name){
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> find_nocase(name));
+ }
+ #endif
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> erase((JSONNode**)it));
+ }
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> erase((JSONNode**)start, (JSONNode**)end));
+ }
+ NodeHandler.remove(node2);
+ #endif
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> insert((JSONNode**)it, (JSONNode*)node2));
+ }
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> insert((JSONNode**)it, (JSONNode**)start, (JSONNode**)end));
+ }
+ //iterator functions
+ JSONNODE_ITERATOR json_begin(JSONNODE * node){
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> begin());
+ }
+ return (JSONNODE_ITERATOR)(((JSONNode*)node) -> end());
+ }
+ #endif
+ //comparison
+ int json_equal(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2){
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node, JSON_TEXT("null node to json_equal"), return false;);
+ JSON_ASSERT_SAFE(node2, JSON_TEXT("null node2 to json_equal"), return false;);
+ return (int)(*((JSONNode*)node) == *((JSONNode*)node2));
+ }
+#endif //JSON_LIBRARY
diff --git a/src/modules/json/libJSON.h b/src/modules/json/libJSON.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e60fd502a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modules/json/libJSON.h
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#ifndef LIBJSON_H
+#define LIBJSON_H
+#include "JSONDefs.h" //for typedefs of functions, strings, and nodes
+#ifdef _STATIC
+#define LIBJSON_DLL
+#define LIBJSON_DLL _declspec(dllexport)
+#define LIBJSON_DLL _declspec(dllimport)
+ This is the C interface to libJSON.
+ This file also declares various things that are needed for
+ C++ programming
+#ifdef JSON_LIBRARY //compiling the library, hide the interface
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ #include "JSONNode.h"
+ #endif
+ extern "C" {
+ #endif
+ /*
+ stuff that's in namespace libJSON
+ */
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_free(void * str);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_delete(JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_free_all(void);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_delete_all(void);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_parse(const json_char * json);
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_char * json_strip_white_space(const json_char * json);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_validate(const json_char * json);
+ #endif
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG && !defined JSON_STDERROR
+ //When libjson errors, a callback allows the user to know what went wrong
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_register_debug_callback(json_error_callback_t callback);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, json_mutex_callback_t destroy, void * manager_lock);
+ #else
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, void * manager_lock);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_global_mutex(void * mutex);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_mutex(JSONNODE * node, void * mutex);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_lock(JSONNODE * node, int threadid);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_unlock(JSONNODE * node, int threadid);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_register_memory_callbacks(json_malloc_t mal, json_realloc_t real, json_free_t fre);
+ #endif
+ /*
+ stuff that's in class JSONNode
+ */
+ //ctors
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_new_a(const json_char * name, const json_char * value);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_new_i(const json_char * name, long value);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_new_f(const json_char * name, json_number value);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_new_b(const json_char * name, int value); //because C bools are ints and C++ will implicitly cast it
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_new(char type);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_copy(const JSONNODE * orig);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_duplicate(const JSONNODE * orig);
+ //assignment
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_a(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * value);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_i(JSONNODE * node, long value);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_f(JSONNODE * node, json_number value);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_b(JSONNODE * node, int value); //because C bools are ints ane C++ will implicit
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_n(JSONNODE * node, const JSONNODE * orig);
+ //inspectors
+ LIBJSON_DLL char json_type(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_index_t json_size(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL int json_empty(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_char * json_name(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_char * json_get_comment(const JSONNODE * node);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_char * json_as_string(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL long json_as_int(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_number json_as_float(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL int json_as_bool(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_as_node(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_as_array(const JSONNODE * node);
+ #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ LIBJSON_DLL void * json_as_binary(const JSONNODE * node, unsigned long * size);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_WRITER
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_char * json_write(const JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL json_char * json_write_formatted(const JSONNODE * node);
+ #endif
+ //modifiers
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_name(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_comment(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * comment);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_clear(JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_nullify(JSONNODE * node);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_swap(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_merge(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_preparse(JSONNODE * node);
+ #endif
+ #ifdef JSON_BINARY
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_set_binary(JSONNODE * node, const void * data, unsigned long length);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_cast(JSONNODE * node, char type);
+ //children access
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_reserve(JSONNODE * node, json_index_t siz);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_at(JSONNODE * node, json_index_t pos);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_get(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_get_nocase(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_pop_back_nocase(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name);
+ #endif
+ LIBJSON_DLL void json_push_back(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_pop_back_at(JSONNODE * node, json_index_t pos);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE * json_pop_back(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE_ITERATOR json_find(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name);
+ LIBJSON_DLL JSONNODE_ITERATOR json_find_nocase(JSONNODE * node, const json_char * name);
+ #endif
+ //iterator functions
+ #endif
+ //comparison
+ LIBJSON_DLL int json_equal(JSONNODE * node, JSONNODE * node2);
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+ #ifndef __cplusplus
+ #error Using the non-library requires C++
+ #endif
+ #include "JSONNode.h" //not used in this file, but libJSON.h should be the only file required to use it embedded
+ #include "JSONWorker.h"
+ #include <stdexcept> //some methods throw exceptions
+ namespace libJSON {
+ //if json is invalid, it throws a std::invalid_argument exception
+ inline static JSONNode parse(const json_string & json){
+ return JSONWorker::parse(json);
+ }
+ //useful if you have json that you don't want to parse, just want to strip to cut down on space
+ inline static json_string strip_white_space(const json_string & json){
+ return JSONWorker::RemoveWhiteSpaceAndComments(json);
+ }
+ //if json is invalid, it throws a std::invalid_argument exception (differs from parse because this checks the entire tree)
+ inline static JSONNode validate(const json_string & json){
+ return JSONWorker::validate(json);
+ }
+ #endif
+ //When libjson errors, a callback allows the user to know what went wrong
+ #if defined JSON_DEBUG && !defined JSON_STDERROR
+ inline static void register_debug_callback(json_error_callback_t callback){
+ JSONDebug::register_callback(callback);
+ }
+ #endif
+ inline static void register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, json_mutex_callback_t destroy, void * manager_lock){
+ JSONNode::register_mutex_callbacks(lock, unlock, manager_lock);
+ JSONNode::register_mutex_destructor(destroy);
+ }
+ #else
+ inline static void register_mutex_callbacks(json_mutex_callback_t lock, json_mutex_callback_t unlock, void * manager_lock){
+ JSONNode::register_mutex_callbacks(lock, unlock, manager_lock);
+ }
+ #endif
+ inline static void set_global_mutex(void * mutex){
+ JSONNode::set_global_mutex(mutex);
+ }
+ #endif
+ inline static void register_memory_callbacks(json_malloc_t mal, json_realloc_t real, json_free_t fre){
+ JSONMemory::registerMemoryCallbacks(mal, real, fre);
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+#endif //JSON_LIBRARY
+#endif //LIBJSON_H
diff --git a/src/modules/utils/utils.cpp b/src/modules/utils/utils.cpp
index 96b69de775..c9c1e3a65e 100644
--- a/src/modules/utils/utils.cpp
+++ b/src/modules/utils/utils.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ int InitWindowList(void);
void FreeWindowList(void);
int InitHyperlink(void);
int InitColourPicker(void);
+int InitJson(void);
int InitBitmapFilter(void);
void InitXmlApi(void);
void InitTimeZones(void);
@@ -572,6 +573,7 @@ int LoadUtilsModule(void)
+ InitJson();
return 0;